
% ------------------------------------------------------------------
% ------------------------------------------------------------------

% Generic formatting commands and hooks
% ------------------------------------------------------------------

% Used in citations, bibliography and bibliography lists

% legacy - no longer needed could be removed one day when no-one is using it.

% Define namepart keys from datamodel constant list
% \namepart<namepart>  - e.g. \namepartfamily
% \namepart<namepart>i - e.g. \namepartfamilyi

% legacy aliases
% set empty defaults so we can check if they have been redefined

    {\let\@mkbibnamelastsaved\mkbibnamefamily}% not redefined by user
       Attempt to redefine deprecated '\string\mkbibnamelast'.\MessageBreak
       Please use '\string\mkbibnamefamily' instead.\MessageBreak
       Using '\string\mkbibnamefamily'}%
  % Now redefine it in case it's used
      '\string\mkbibnamelast' is deprecated.\MessageBreak
       Please use '\string\mkbibnamefamily'.\MessageBreak
       Using '\string\mkbibnamefamily'}%

    {\let\@mkbibnamefirstsaved\mkbibnamegiven}% not redefined by user
       Attempt to redefine deprecated '\string\mkbibnamefirst'.\MessageBreak
       Please use '\string\mkbibnamegiven' instead.\MessageBreak
       Using '\string\mkbibnamegiven'}%
  % Now redefine it in case it's used
      '\string\mkbibnamefirst' is deprecated.\MessageBreak
       Please use '\string\mkbibnamegiven'.\MessageBreak
       Using '\string\mkbibnamegiven'}%

    {\let\@mkbibnameaffixsaved\mkbibnamesuffix}% not redefined by user
       Attempt to redefine deprecated '\string\mkbibnameaffix'.\MessageBreak
       Please use '\string\mkbibnamesuffix' instead.\MessageBreak
       Using '\string\mkbibnamesuffix'}%
  % Now redefine it in case it's used
      '\string\mkbibnameaffix' is deprecated.\MessageBreak
       Please use '\string\mkbibnamesuffix'.\MessageBreak
       Using \string\mkbibnamesuffix}%


% Delimiters used in citations, bibliography and bibliography lists






% context-sensitive delimiters
% retain compatibility with \labelnamepunct et al.
% The seemingly redundant definitions are needed because
% hard-coded punctuation was replaced by context-sensitive
% delimiters, changes to here need to be made explicitly
% to avoid unwanted effects of redefining the global delimiter.

% This is a provisional definition for \iffinalcitedelim{<true>}{<false>}, a
% test that should expand <true> if the next non-compact citation delimiter
% is the last one in the citation list printed by \textcite or \textcites.

% Expand <true> if the citation labels in the citation list printed by \textcite
% or \textcites contains the serial comma \finalandcomma
  \ifboolexpr{ not test {\ifdefempty{\finalandsemicolon}}
    and test {\ifnumgreater{\value{textcitemaxnames}}{2}} }}

% Counters for the number of citation labels separated by non-compact delimiters
% in the citation list printed by \textcite or \textcites. Counter values should
% be managed by the citation style.

% Counters for the maximum number of names among citation labels in the citation
% list printed by \textcite or \textcites. Counter value should be managed by
% the citation style.

% Used in the bibliography and bibliography lists

% Examples of use, uncommenting these would break backwards compatibility

% Used for indexing

\newcommand*{\bibindexnamedelima}{ }
\newcommand*{\bibindexnamedelimb}{ }
\newcommand*{\bibindexnamedelimc}{ }
\newcommand*{\bibindexnamedelimd}{ }
\newcommand*{\bibindexnamedelimi}{ }
\newcommand*{\bibindexinitdelim}{ }

% \bibsetup is a generic hook controlling the (low-level) layout of
% the bibliography and bibliography lists. The default
% definition should work fine in most cases.
% There are a few other penalties and parameters that could be adjusted
% here, but we don't do that by default for backwards compatibility
% reasons.
% * \finalhyphendemerits can be set to 0 to allow hyphenation
%   in the penultimate line


% The penalties above are not specific to biblatex. These are
% low-level TeX features. \interlinepenalty is the penalty assigned
% to page breaks within a paragraph (i.e., in this case, a
% bibliography entry); \clubpenalty is an additional penalty
% assigned to page breaks after the first line of a paragraph;
% \widowpenalty is an additional penalty assigned to page breaks
% before the last line of a paragraph. Note that the value 10000
% means 'infinite' as far as TeX is concerned. Setting a penalty to
% 10000 will unconditionally suppress the respective breakpoint.
% The net effect of the above settings is as follows. Breaking a
% bibliography entry across pages is discouraged, but not suppressed
% altogether. If a bibliography entry spans less than four lines,
% TeX will always keep it on one page. If it spans four or more
% lines, it may be broken across pages, provided that there are at
% least two lines on the page before and after the break.
% These penalties should normally be used in conjunction with
% \raggedbottom. If you don't like that and remove \raggedbottom
% from the definition of \bibsetup, make sure to provide some
% stretchability between bibliography entries by setting \bibitemsep
% to a suitable value, e.g.:
% \setlength{\bibitemsep}{0.5\baselineskip plus 0.5\baselineskip}
% Using \frenchspacing in the bibliography is recommended. If you
% want more visual separation, try the package option 'block=space'.
% This will yield better results than \nonfrenchspacing.

% If \frenchspacing is removed here, it may also have to be removed
% from \blx@beglang@spacefactors, for example with
% \let\blx@beglang@spacefactors\@empty

% \citesetup is a generic hook for citations.


% Local setup for \url; see comments in url.sty for details.




% I'd have preferred \setlength here, but calc does not support
% muglue (yet?).
% https://github.com/plk/biblatex/issues/889
% See also https://tex.stackexchange.com/q/188215/
\biburlbigskip=0mu plus 3mu\relax


% The above code allows linebreaks before numbers and letters.
% This is often the only way to break DOIs. It also allows breaks
% after hyphens and adjusts \Urlmuskip to add some stretchability
% to URLs.

% The default font of the bibliography and the bibliography lists.
% We simply reset the current font to the global defaults.


% Some length registers which may be used to fine-tune the
% (high-level) layout of the bibliography.

% Default \bibhang to 1em if \parindent is 0 for some reason

% Miscellaneous facilities
% ------------------------------------------------------------------

% The counter 'abbrvpenalty' holds the penalty used in short or
% abbreviated bibliography strings. For example, a linebreak in
% expressions such as "et al." or "ed. by" is unfortunate, but should
% still be possible to prevent overfull boxes. We use TeX's
% \hyphenpenalty (normally 50) as the default value. The idea is
% making TeX treat the whole expression as if it were a single,
% hyphenatable word as far as line-breaking is concerned. If you
% dislike such linebreaks, use a higher value. If you do not mind
% them at all, set this counter to zero. If you want to suppress them
% unconditionally, set it to 10000.

% The counter 'highnamepenalty' also holds a penalty affecting the
% line-breaking of names. This penalty is inserted between smaller
% chunks of a name, for example between the first and the middle
% name. The default value is \hyphenpenalty. If you dislike such
% linebreaks, use a higher value. If you do not mind them at all,
% set this counter to zero. If you prefer the traditional BibTeX
% behavior, set it to 10000.

% The counter 'lownamepenalty' holds a penalty which affects the
% line-breaking of names. This penalty is inserted between larger
% chunks of a name, for example between the chunk consisting of all
% first names and the last name. The default value is half the
% \hyphenpenalty. If you dislike such linebreaks, use a higher
% value. If you do not mind them at all, set this counter to zero.

% Note that default values assigned to the above counters are
% deliberately very low to prevent overfull boxes. This implies that
% you will hardly notice any effect on line-breaking if the text is
% set justified. If you set these counters to 10000 to suppress the
% respective breakpoints, you will notice their effect but you may
% also be confronted with overfull boxes. Keep in mind that
% line-breaking in the bibliography is often more difficult than in
% the body text and that you can not resort to rephrasing a
% sentence. In some cases it may be preferable to set the entire
% bibliography \raggedright (by modifying \bibsetup) to prevent
% suboptimal linebreaks. In this case, even the very low default
% penalties will make a visible difference.

% File name prefixes for external abstracts and annotations

% Print acronyms in small caps if possible

% Convert HH to hh for time formatting

% ------------------------------------------------------------------
% ------------------------------------------------------------------

% Style of compressed page ranges in back references

       {Option 'backrefstyle=#1' invalid}
       {The option you have supplied is invalid.\MessageBreak
        See the biblatex manual for valid option keys
        and possible values}}}

% arXiv path/format selector
% abs    = abstract page
% ps     = PostScript version
% pdf    = PDF version
% format = format selector


% ------------------------------------------------------------------
% FIELD FORMATS (#1 is the value of the field)
% ------------------------------------------------------------------

% The fallback used by \printfield


% The default used by \citefield


% Used in citations

% label{end}year can be a localisation string to allow for "no date" etc.
\DeclareFieldFormat{labelyear}{% = the '1995' part in 'Jones 1995a'
\DeclareFieldFormat{labelendyear}{% = the '1995' part in 'Jones 1995a'
% citation commands

% multicite commands

% Used by \citeurl


% Used in the bibliography and bibliography lists

  Google Books\addcolon\space
\DeclareFieldAlias{eprint:Google Books}{eprint:googlebooks}
\DeclareFieldFormat{isbn}{\mkbibacro{ISBN}\addcolon\space #1}
\DeclareFieldFormat{isrn}{\mkbibacro{ISRN}\addcolon\space #1}
\DeclareFieldFormat{issn}{\mkbibacro{ISSN}\addcolon\space #1}
\DeclareFieldFormat{number}{#1}% number in a series
\DeclareFieldFormat[article,periodical]{number}{#1}% number of a journal
\DeclareFieldFormat{part}{.#1}% physical part of a logical volume
\DeclareFieldFormat{series}{#1}% publication series
\DeclareFieldFormat[article,periodical]{series}{% series of a journal
\DeclareFieldFormat{volume}{\bibstring{volume}~#1}% volume of a book
\DeclareFieldFormat[article,periodical]{volume}{#1}% volume of a journal

% Generic formats for \printtext and \printfield


% ------------------------------------------------------------------
% LITERAL LIST FORMATS (#1 is the current item)
% ------------------------------------------------------------------

% Formatting directives for literal lists
% ------------------------------------------------------------------


% The fallback used by \printlist


% The default used by \citelist


% Used in the bibliography











% Auxiliary macros for list formatting directives
% ------------------------------------------------------------------

       test {\ifnumless{\value{listcount}}{\value{liststop}}}
       test \ifmoreitems


    test {\ifnumequal{\value{listcount}}{\value{liststop}}}
    test \ifmoreitems



    {\ifcase\abx@pagerefstyle\relax % two
     \or % three
     \or % two+
     \or % three+
     \else % all+

% ------------------------------------------------------------------
% ------------------------------------------------------------------

% Formatting directives for name lists
% ------------------------------------------------------------------






       test {\ifdefvoid\namepartgiven}
       test {\ifdefvoid\namepartprefix}}



% Fallback used by \printnames

% Default used by \citename

% Used in some citations

% Used in the bibliography








% Auxiliary macros for name formatting directives
% ------------------------------------------------------------------



\newbibmacro*{name:last}[4]{% legacy alias
    'name:last' is deprecated, please use 'name:family'}%


\newbibmacro*{name:first-last}[4]{% legacy alias
    'name:first-last' is deprecated, please use 'name:given-family'}%


         test {\ifdefvoid{#2}}
         test {\ifdefvoid{#3}}}
\newbibmacro*{name:last-first}[4]{% legacy alias
    'name:last-first' is deprecated, please use 'name:family-given'}%


       test {\ifnumless{\value{listcount}}{\value{liststop}}}
       test \ifmorenames

      test {\ifnumequal{\value{liststop}}{1}}
      test \ifmorenames
    test {\ifnumequal{\value{liststop}}{2}}

    test {\ifnumequal{\value{listcount}}{\value{liststop}}}
    test \ifmorenames

% ------------------------------------------------------------------
% INDEX FORMATS FOR FIELDS (#1 is the value of the field)
% ------------------------------------------------------------------

% There is no need to test if a field to be indexed is empty because
% \indexfield performs this test implicitly.

% The fallback used by \indexfield


% Used in the bibliography and in citations




% Auxiliary macros for field indexing directives
% ------------------------------------------------------------------



% ------------------------------------------------------------------
% INDEX FORMATS FOR LITERAL LISTS (#1 is the current item)
% ------------------------------------------------------------------

% The fallback used by \indexlist


% ------------------------------------------------------------------
% ------------------------------------------------------------------

% Indexing directives for name lists
% ------------------------------------------------------------------

% The fallback used by \indexnames


% Used in citations


% Used in the bibliography


% Auxiliary macros for name indexing directives
% ------------------------------------------------------------------

% When generating an index entry, we need to test which parts of a
% name are actually available to prevent spurious punctuation and
% spaces.
% Note that the standard LaTeX \index command simply writes its
% argument to the .idx file without preventing expansion. This means
% that all \ifblank etc. tests are expanded on the way and will not end
% up in the index. The index package, however, prevents expansion.
% This would lead to \ifblank etc. ending up in the .idx file. To avoid
% that, we preprocess the index entry inside an \edef. We use
% \unexpanded to protect the \index command and the actual data from
% expansion. This definition will work with both index.sty and the
% standard indexing facilities.
% We also use \ifuseprefix to ensure that the name prefix is handled
% properly. \actualoperator is the so-called actual operator, as
% defined by the 'actual' specifier in the .ist file. The makeindex
% program will use the part preceeding the \actualoperator
% delimiter for sorting. The part after the delimiter is used as the
% index is printed. Note that this is not specific to biblatex, see
% the makeindex documentation for details.



% {<family name>}{<given name>}{<prefix>}{<suffix>}
    {\ifdefvoid{#3}{}{#3 }%
     \@firstofone #1% remove spurious braces
     \ifdefvoid{#4}{}{ #4}%
     \ifdefvoid{#2}{}{, #2}%
       \MakeCapital{#3} %
       \ifdefvoid{#4}{}{ #4}%
       \ifdefvoid{#2}{}{, #2}}}
    {\@firstofone #1% remove spurious braces
     \ifdefvoid{#4}{}{ #4}%
       test {\ifdefvoid{#2}}
       test {\ifdefvoid{#3}}}
     \ifdefvoid{#2}{}{ #2}%
     \ifdefvoid{#3}{}{ #3}}}

% {<control sequence>}{<control sequence>}

% Additional macros with subentries




% ------------------------------------------------------------------
% datafieldsets
% ------------------------------------------------------------------

% Some defaults for backwards compat for the biber nosort option
  \member[datatype=name, fieldtype=list]


% ------------------------------------------------------------------
% Driver sourcemaps
% ------------------------------------------------------------------

    \step[fieldset=day, null]
    \step[typesource=conference, typetarget=inproceedings]
    \step[typesource=electronic, typetarget=online]
    \step[typesource=www,        typetarget=online]
    \step[typesource=mastersthesis, typetarget=thesis, final]
    \step[fieldset=type,            fieldvalue=mathesis]
    \step[typesource=phdthesis, typetarget=thesis, final]
    \step[fieldset=type,        fieldvalue=phdthesis]
    \step[typesource=techreport, typetarget=report, final]
    \step[fieldset=type,         fieldvalue=techreport]
    \step[fieldsource=hyphenation,   fieldtarget=langid]
    \step[fieldsource=address,       fieldtarget=location]
    \step[fieldsource=school,        fieldtarget=institution]
    \step[fieldsource=annote,        fieldtarget=annotation]
    \step[fieldsource=archiveprefix, fieldtarget=eprinttype]
    \step[fieldsource=journal,       fieldtarget=journaltitle]
    \step[fieldsource=primaryclass,  fieldtarget=eprintclass]
    \step[fieldsource=key,           fieldtarget=sortkey]
    \step[fieldsource=pdf,           fieldtarget=file]

% ------------------------------------------------------------------
% ------------------------------------------------------------------






% ------------------------------------------------------------------
% ------------------------------------------------------------------


% ------------------------------------------------------------------
% ------------------------------------------------------------------

  \namepart[use=true, pre=true, strwidth=1, compound=true]{prefix}

% ------------------------------------------------------------------
% ------------------------------------------------------------------

  \namepart[use=true, base=true]{prefix}

% ------------------------------------------------------------------
% ------------------------------------------------------------------


% ------------------------------------------------------------------
% ------------------------------------------------------------------





















% ------------------------------------------------------------------
% ------------------------------------------------------------------











% ------------------------------------------------------------------
% ------------------------------------------------------------------




% ------------------------------------------------------------------
% ------------------------------------------------------------------

% ordinals


% american


% catalan and french



% spanish


% ------------------------------------------------------------------
% ------------------------------------------------------------------




\ifcase\abx@classtype\relax % article

\or % book/report

\or % scrartcl

\or % scrbook/scrreprt

\or % memoir (article)

\or % memoir (book)


% ------------------------------------------------------------------
% ------------------------------------------------------------------

























% ------------------------------------------------------------------
% ------------------------------------------------------------------



% citation commands



% multicite commands



% ------------------------------------------------------------------
% ------------------------------------------------------------------


    test \ifuseauthor
    not test {\ifnameundef{author}}

    test \ifuseauthor
    not test {\ifnameundef{author}}

    test \ifuseauthor
    not test {\ifnameundef{author}}

    test \ifuseauthor
    not test {\ifnameundef{author}}

    test \ifuseauthor
    not test {\ifnameundef{author}}
       test \ifuseeditor
       not test {\ifnameundef{editor}}

    test \ifuseauthor
    not test {\ifnameundef{author}}
       test \ifuseeditor
       not test {\ifnameundef{editor}}

    test \ifuseauthor
    not test {\ifnameundef{author}}

    test \ifuseeditor
    not test {\ifnameundef{editor}}

    test \ifuseeditor
    not test {\ifnameundef{editor}}

    test \ifusetranslator
    not test {\ifnameundef{translator}}

    test \ifusetranslator
    not test {\ifnameundef{translator}}

            test {\ifnumgreater{\value{author}}{1}}
            test {\ifandothers{author}}

         test {\ifnumgreater{\value{editor}}{1}}
         test {\ifandothers{editor}}
            test {\ifnumgreater{\value{editor}}{1}}
            test {\ifandothers{editor}}

       test {\ifnumgreater{\value{editor}}{1}}
       test {\ifandothers{editor}}
       test {\ifnumgreater{\value{editor}}{1}}
       test {\ifandothers{editor}}

      test {\ifnumgreater{\value{translator}}{1}}
      test {\ifandothers{translator}}

    test {\ifnumgreater{\value{translator}}{1}}
    test {\ifandothers{translator}}

    test \ifuseauthor
    test {\ifnameundef{author}}

















    test {\iffieldundef{title}}
    test {\iffieldundef{subtitle}}

    test {\iffieldundef{booktitle}}
    test {\iffieldundef{booksubtitle}}

    test {\iffieldundef{maintitle}}
    test {\iffieldundef{mainsubtitle}}

% The \iffieldundef{journaltitleaddon} is usually not necessary.
% We need it to ensure that a \setunit* after this macro does the right thing
% for backwards compatibility.
    test {\iffieldundef{journaltitle}}
    test {\iffieldundef{journalsubtitle}}

% Re \iffieldundef{titleaddon} see the comment about
% \iffieldundef{journaltitleaddon} above.
    test {\iffieldundef{title}}
    test {\iffieldundef{subtitle}}

    test {\iffieldundef{issuetitle}}
    test {\iffieldundef{issuesubtitle}}










       % from authortitle and authoryear
       % authoryear


      test {\ifnamesequal{author}{savedauthor}}
      test {\ifnameundef{author}}
      test {\ifnamesequal{editor}{savededitor}}
      test {\ifnameundef{editor}}

      test {\iflistsequal{publisher}{savedpublisher}}
      test {\iflistundef{publisher}}

      test {\iflistsequal{publisher}{savedpublisher}}
      test {\iflistundef{publisher}}


