<?xmlversion='1.0' encoding='utf-8'?>version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <!DOCTYPE rfc SYSTEM"rfc2629.dtd" [ <!ENTITY RFC2119 SYSTEM "https://xml2rfc.ietf.org/public/rfc/bibxml/reference.RFC.2119.xml"> <!ENTITY RFC5083 SYSTEM "https://xml2rfc.ietf.org/public/rfc/bibxml/reference.RFC.5083.xml"> <!ENTITY RFC5652 SYSTEM "https://xml2rfc.ietf.org/public/rfc/bibxml/reference.RFC.5652.xml"> <!ENTITY RFC5912 SYSTEM "https://xml2rfc.ietf.org/public/rfc/bibxml/reference.RFC.5912.xml"> <!ENTITY RFC6268 SYSTEM "https://xml2rfc.ietf.org/public/rfc/bibxml/reference.RFC.6268.xml"> <!ENTITY RFC8126 SYSTEM "https://xml2rfc.ietf.org/public/rfc/bibxml/reference.RFC.8126.xml"> <!ENTITY RFC8174 SYSTEM "https://xml2rfc.ietf.org/public/rfc/bibxml/reference.RFC.8174.xml"> <!ENTITY RFC2631 SYSTEM "https://xml2rfc.ietf.org/public/rfc/bibxml/reference.RFC.2631.xml"> <!ENTITY RFC4086 SYSTEM "https://xml2rfc.ietf.org/public/rfc/bibxml/reference.RFC.4086.xml"> <!ENTITY RFC5280 SYSTEM "https://xml2rfc.ietf.org/public/rfc/bibxml/reference.RFC.5280.xml"> <!ENTITY RFC5753 SYSTEM "https://xml2rfc.ietf.org/public/rfc/bibxml/reference.RFC.5753.xml"> <!ENTITY RFC5869 SYSTEM "https://xml2rfc.ietf.org/public/rfc/bibxml/reference.RFC.5869.xml"> <!ENTITY RFC8017 SYSTEM "https://xml2rfc.ietf.org/public/rfc/bibxml/reference.RFC.8017.xml"> <!ENTITY RFC8619 SYSTEM "https://xml2rfc.ietf.org/public/rfc/bibxml/reference.RFC.8619.xml"> ]>"rfc2629-xhtml.ent"> <rfc xmlns:xi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XInclude" submissionType="IETF" docName="draft-ietf-lamps-cms-mix-with-psk-07" number="8696" category="std"ipr="trust200902">consensus="true" ipr="trust200902" obsoletes="" updates="" xml:lang="en" sortRefs="true" symRefs="true" tocInclude="true" version="3"> <!-- xml2rfc v2v3 conversion 2.33.0 --> <!-- Generated by id2xml 1.5.0 on 2019-10-08T19:51:53Z --><?rfc compact="yes"?> <?rfc text-list-symbols="-o*+"?> <?rfc subcompact="no"?> <?rfc sortrefs="no"?> <?rfc symrefs="yes"?> <?rfc strict="yes"?> <?rfc toc="yes"?><front> <title abbrev="UsingPre-Shared Key (PSK)PSK in theCrypto">UsingCMS">Using Pre-Shared Key (PSK) in the Cryptographic Message Syntax (CMS)</title> <seriesInfo name="RFC" value="8696"/> <author fullname="Russ Housley" initials="R." surname="Housley"> <organization abbrev="Vigil Security">Vigil Security, LLC</organization><address><postal><street>516<address> <postal> <street>516 Dranesville Road</street><street>Herndon, VA 20170</street> <street>USA</street><city>Herndon</city> <region>VA</region> <code>20170</code> <country>United States of America</country> </postal> <email>housley@vigilsec.com</email> </address> </author> <datemonth="October"month="December" year="2019"/><abstract><t><abstract> <t> The invention of a large-scale quantum computer would pose a serious challenge for the cryptographic algorithms that are widely deployed today. The Cryptographic Message Syntax (CMS) supports key transport and key agreement algorithms that could be broken by the invention of such a quantum computer. By storing communications that are protected with the CMS today, someone could decrypt them in the future when a large-scale quantum computer becomes available. Once quantum-secure key management algorithms are available, the CMS will be extended to support the newalgorithms,algorithms if the existing syntax does not accommodate them.In the near-term, thisThis document describes a mechanism to protect today's communication from the future invention of a large-scale quantum computer by mixing the output of key transport and key agreement algorithms with a pre-shared key.</t> </abstract> </front> <middle> <sectiontitle="Introduction" anchor="sect-1"><t>anchor="sect-1" numbered="true" toc="default"> <name>Introduction</name> <t> The invention of a large-scale quantum computer would pose a serious challenge for the cryptographic algorithms that are widely deployed today <xreftarget="S1994"/>.target="S1994" format="default"/>. It is an open question whether or not it is feasible to build a large-scale quantumcomputer, andcomputer and, if so, when that might happen <xreftarget="NAS2019"/>.target="NAS2019" format="default"/>. However, if such a quantum computer is invented, many of the cryptographic algorithms and the security protocols that use them would become vulnerable.</t> <t> The Cryptographic Message Syntax (CMS) <xreftarget="RFC5652"/><xref target="RFC5083"/>target="RFC5652" format="default"/><xref target="RFC5083" format="default"/> supports key transport and key agreement algorithms that could be broken by the invention of a large-scale quantum computer <xreftarget="C2PQ"/>.target="I-D.hoffman-c2pq" format="default"/>. These algorithms include RSA <xreftarget="RFC8017"/>,target="RFC8017" format="default"/>, Diffie-Hellman <xreftarget="RFC2631"/>,target="RFC2631" format="default"/>, and Elliptic Curve Diffie-Hellman (ECDH) <xreftarget="RFC5753"/>.target="RFC5753" format="default"/>. As a result, an adversary that stores CMS-protected communicationstoday,today could decrypt those communications in the future when a large-scale quantum computer becomes available.</t> <t> Once quantum-secure key management algorithms are available, the CMS will be extended to supportthem,them if the existing syntax does not already accommodate the new algorithms.</t> <t> In thenear-term,near term, this document describes a mechanism to protect today's communication from the future invention of a large-scale quantum computer by mixing the output of existing key transport and key agreement algorithms with a pre-shared key (PSK). Secure communication can be achieved today by mixing a strong PSK with the output of an existing key transport algorithm, like RSA <xreftarget="RFC8017"/>,target="RFC8017" format="default"/>, or an existing key agreement algorithm, like Diffie-Hellman <xreftarget="RFC2631"/>target="RFC2631" format="default"/> or Elliptic Curve Diffie-Hellman (ECDH) <xreftarget="RFC5753"/>.target="RFC5753" format="default"/>. A security solution that is believed to be quantum resistant can be achieved by using a PSK with sufficient entropy along with aquantum resistantquantum-resistant key derivation function (KDF), likeHKDFan HMAC-based key derivation function (HKDF) <xreftarget="RFC5869"/>,target="RFC5869" format="default"/>, and aquantum resistantquantum-resistant encryption algorithm, like 256-bit AES <xreftarget="AES"/>.target="AES" format="default"/>. In this way, today's CMS-protected communication can be resistant to an attacker with a large-scale quantum computer.</t> <t> In addition, there may be other reasons for including a strong PSK besides protection against the future invention of a large-scale quantum computer. For example, there is always the possibility of a cryptoanalytic breakthrough on one or moreof theclassicpublic-key algorithm,public key algorithms, and there are longstanding concerns about undisclosed trapdoors in Diffie-Hellman parameters <xreftarget="FGHT2016"/>.target="FGHT2016" format="default"/>. Inclusion of a strong PSK as part of the overall key managementofferoffers additional protection against these concerns.</t> <t> Note that the CMS also supports key management techniques based on symmetric key-encryption keys and passwords, but they are not discussed in this document because they are already quantum resistant. The symmetric key-encryption key technique is quantum resistant when used with an adequate key size. The password technique is quantum resistant when used with a quantum-resistant key derivation function and a sufficiently large password.</t> <sectiontitle="Terminology" anchor="sect-1.1"><t>anchor="sect-1.1" numbered="true" toc="default"> <name>Terminology</name> <t> The key words"MUST", "MUST NOT", "REQUIRED", "SHALL", "SHALL NOT", "SHOULD", "SHOULD NOT", "RECOMMENDED", "NOT RECOMMENDED", "MAY","<bcp14>MUST</bcp14>", "<bcp14>MUST NOT</bcp14>", "<bcp14>REQUIRED</bcp14>", "<bcp14>SHALL</bcp14>", "<bcp14>SHALL NOT</bcp14>", "<bcp14>SHOULD</bcp14>", "<bcp14>SHOULD NOT</bcp14>", "<bcp14>RECOMMENDED</bcp14>", "<bcp14>NOT RECOMMENDED</bcp14>", "<bcp14>MAY</bcp14>", and"OPTIONAL""<bcp14>OPTIONAL</bcp14>" in this document are to be interpreted as described inBCP 14BCP 14 <xref target="RFC2119"/> <xref target="RFC8174"/> when, and only when, they appear in all capitals, as shownhere.</t>here. </t> </section> <sectiontitle="ASN.1" anchor="sect-1.2"><t>anchor="sect-1.2" numbered="true" toc="default"> <name>ASN.1</name> <t> CMS values are generated using ASN.1 <xreftarget="X680"/>,target="X680" format="default"/>, which uses the Basic Encoding Rules (BER) and the Distinguished Encoding Rules (DER) <xreftarget="X690"/>.</t>target="X690" format="default"/>.</t> </section> <sectiontitle="Version Numbers" anchor="sect-1.3"><t>anchor="sect-1.3" numbered="true" toc="default"> <name>Version Numbers</name> <t> The major data structures include a version number as the first item in the data structure. The version number is intended to avoid ASN.1 decode errors. Some implementations do not check the version number prior to attempting adecode, and thendecode; then, if a decode error occurs, the version number is checked as part of theerror handlingerror-handling routine. This is a reasonable approach; it places error processing outside of the fast path. This approach is also forgiving when an incorrect version number is used by the sender.</t> <t> Whenever the structure is updated, a higher version number will be assigned. However, to ensure maximum interoperability, the higher version number is only used when the new syntax feature is employed. That is, the lowest version number that supports the generated syntax is used.</t> </section> </section> <sectiontitle="Overview" anchor="sect-2"><t>anchor="sect-2" numbered="true" toc="default"> <name>Overview</name> <t> The CMS enveloped-data content type <xreftarget="RFC5652"/>target="RFC5652" format="default"/> and the CMS authenticated-enveloped-data content type <xreftarget="RFC5083"/>target="RFC5083" format="default"/> support both key transport and key agreementpublic-keypublic key algorithms to establish the key used to encrypt the content. No restrictions are imposed on the key transport or key agreementpublic-keypublic key algorithms, which means that any key transport or key agreement algorithm can be used, including algorithms that are specified in the future. In both cases, the sender randomly generates the content-encryption key, and then all recipients obtain that key. All recipients use thesender- generatedsender-generated symmetric content-encryption key for decryption.</t> <t> This specification defines two quantum-resistant ways to establish a symmetric key-encryption key, which is used to encrypt thesender- generatedsender-generated content-encryption key. In both cases, the PSK is used as one of the inputs to a key-derivation function to create aquantum- resistantquantum-resistant key-encryption key. The PSKMUST<bcp14>MUST</bcp14> be distributed to the sender and all of the recipients by some out-of-band means that does not make it vulnerable to the future invention of a large-scale quantum computer, and an identifierMUST<bcp14>MUST</bcp14> be assigned to the PSK. It is best if each PSK has a unique identifier; however, if a recipient has more than one PSK with the same identifier, the recipient can try each of them in turn. A PSK is expected to be used with many messages, with a lifetime of weeks or months.</t> <t> The content-encryption key or content-authenticated-encryption key isquantum-resistant,quantum resistant, and the sender establishes it using these steps:</t><t><list style="hanging" hangIndent="3"> <t hangText="When<t>When using a key transportalgorithm:"> <list style="numbers"> <t>Thealgorithm:</t> <ol spacing="normal" type="1"> <li>The content-encryption key or thecontent-authenticated- encryptioncontent-authenticated-encryption key, calledCEK,"CEK", is generated atrandom.</t> <t>Therandom.</li> <li>The key-derivation key, calledKDK,"KDK", is generated atrandom.</t> <t>Forrandom.</li> <li>For each recipient, the KDK is encrypted in the recipient's public key, then thekey derivation function (KDF)KDF is used to mix thepre-shared key (PSK)PSK and the KDK to produce thekey- encryptionkey-encryption key, calledKEK.</t> <t>The"KEK".</li> <li>The KEK is used to encrypt theCEK.</t> </list> </t> <t hangText="WhenCEK.</li> </ol> <t>When using a key agreementalgorithm:"> <list style="numbers"> <t>Thealgorithm:</t> <ol spacing="normal" type="1"> <li>The content-encryption key or thecontent-authenticated- encryptioncontent-authenticated-encryption key, calledCEK,"CEK", is generated atrandom.</t> <t>Forrandom.</li> <li>For each recipient, a pairwise key-encryption key, calledKEK1,"KEK1", is established using the recipient's public key and the sender's private key. Note that KEK1 will be used as akey- derivation key.</t> <t>Forkey-derivation key.</li> <li>For each recipient, thekey derivation function (KDF)KDF is used to mix thepre-shared key (PSK)PSK and the pairwise KEK1, and the result is calledKEK2.</t> <t>For"KEK2".</li> <li>For each recipient, the pairwise KEK2 is used to encrypt theCEK.</t> </list> </t> </list> </t>CEK.</li> </ol> <t> As specified inSection 6.2.5 of<xreftarget="RFC5652"/>,target="RFC5652" sectionFormat="of" section="6.2.5"/>, recipient information for additional key management techniquesareis represented in the OtherRecipientInfo type. Two key management techniques are specified in this document, and they are each identified by a unique ASN.1 object identifier.</t> <t> The first key management technique, calledkeyTransPSK, see"keyTransPSK" (see <xreftarget="sect-3"/>,target="sect-3" format="default"/>), uses a key transport algorithm to transfer thekey- derivationkey-derivation key from the sender to the recipient, and then thekey- derivationkey-derivation key is mixed with the PSK using a KDF. The output of the KDF is the key-encryption key, which is used for the encryption of the content-encryption key or content-authenticated-encryption key.</t> <t> The second key management technique, calledkeyAgreePSK, see"keyAgreePSK" (see <xreftarget="sect-4"/>,target="sect-4" format="default"/>), uses a key agreement algorithm to establish a pairwise key-encryptionkey, whichkey. This pairwise key-encryption key is then mixed with the PSK using a KDF to produce a second pairwise key-encryption key, which is then used to encrypt the content-encryption key orcontent-authenticated- encryptioncontent-authenticated-encryption key.</t> </section> <sectiontitle="keyTransPSK" anchor="sect-3"><t>anchor="sect-3" numbered="true" toc="default"> <name>keyTransPSK</name> <t> Per-recipient information using keyTransPSK is represented in the KeyTransPSKRecipientInfo type, which is indicated by theid-ori- keyTransPSKid-ori-keyTransPSK object identifier. Each instance of KeyTransPSKRecipientInfo establishes the content-encryption key or content-authenticated-encryption key for one or more recipients that have access to the same PSK.</t> <t>The id-ori-keyTransPSK object identifier is:</t><figure><artwork><![CDATA[<sourcecode name="" type="asn.1"><![CDATA[ id-ori OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { iso(1) member-body(2) us(840) rsadsi(113549) pkcs(1) pkcs-9(9) smime(16)TBD113 } id-ori-keyTransPSK OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { id-ori 1 }]]></artwork> </figure>]]></sourcecode> <t>The KeyTransPSKRecipientInfo type is:</t><figure><artwork><![CDATA[<sourcecode name="" type="asn.1"><![CDATA[ KeyTransPSKRecipientInfo ::= SEQUENCE { version CMSVersion, -- always set to 0 pskid PreSharedKeyIdentifier, kdfAlgorithm KeyDerivationAlgorithmIdentifier, keyEncryptionAlgorithm KeyEncryptionAlgorithmIdentifier, ktris KeyTransRecipientInfos, encryptedKey EncryptedKey } PreSharedKeyIdentifier ::= OCTET STRING KeyTransRecipientInfos ::= SEQUENCE OF KeyTransRecipientInfo]]></artwork> </figure>]]></sourcecode> <t>The fields of the KeyTransPSKRecipientInfo type have the following meanings:</t><t><list hangIndent="3" style="hanging"><t><ul> <li> version is the syntax version number. The versionMUST<bcp14>MUST</bcp14> be 0. The CMSVersion type is described inSection 10.2.5 of<xreftarget="RFC5652"/>.</t> </list> </t> <t><list hangIndent="3" style="hanging"><t>target="RFC5652" sectionFormat="of" section="10.2.5"/>.</li> <li> pskid is the identifier of the PSK used by the sender. The identifier is an OCTET STRING, and it need not be humanreadable.</t> </list> </t> <t><list hangIndent="3" style="hanging"><t>readable.</li> <li> kdfAlgorithm identifies the key-derivationalgorithm,algorithm and any associatedparameters,parameters used by the sender to mix thekey- derivationkey-derivation key and the PSK to generate the key-encryption key. The KeyDerivationAlgorithmIdentifier is described inSection 10.1.6 of<xreftarget="RFC5652"/>.</t> </list> </t> <t><list hangIndent="3" style="hanging"><t>target="RFC5652" sectionFormat="of" section="10.1.6"/>.</li> <li> keyEncryptionAlgorithm identifies a key-encryption algorithm used to encrypt the content-encryption key. The KeyEncryptionAlgorithmIdentifier is described inSection 10.1.3 of<xreftarget="RFC5652"/>.</t> </list> </t> <t><list hangIndent="3" style="hanging"><t>target="RFC5652" sectionFormat="of" section="10.1.3"/>.</li> <li> ktris contains one KeyTransRecipientInfo type for each recipient; it uses a key transport algorithm to establish the key-derivation key. That is, the encryptedKey field of KeyTransRecipientInfo contains the key-derivation key instead of the content-encryption key. KeyTransRecipientInfo is described inSection 6.2.1 of<xreftarget="RFC5652"/>.</t> </list> </t> <t><list hangIndent="3" style="hanging"><t>target="RFC5652" sectionFormat="of" section="6.2.1"/>.</li> <li> encryptedKey is the result of encrypting the content-encryption key or the content-authenticated-encryption key with thekey- encryptionkey-encryption key. EncryptedKey is an OCTETSTRING.</t> </list> </t>STRING.</li> </ul> </section> <sectiontitle="keyAgreePSK" anchor="sect-4"><t>anchor="sect-4" numbered="true" toc="default"> <name>keyAgreePSK</name> <t> Per-recipient information using keyAgreePSK is represented in the KeyAgreePSKRecipientInfo type, which is indicated by theid-ori- keyAgreePSKid-ori-keyAgreePSK object identifier. Each instance of KeyAgreePSKRecipientInfo establishes the content-encryption key or content-authenticated-encryption key for one or more recipients that have access to the same PSK.</t> <t>The id-ori-keyAgreePSK object identifier is:</t><figure><artwork><![CDATA[<sourcecode name="" type="asn.1"><![CDATA[ id-ori-keyAgreePSK OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { id-ori 2 } The KeyAgreePSKRecipientInfo type is: KeyAgreePSKRecipientInfo ::= SEQUENCE { version CMSVersion, -- always set to 0 pskid PreSharedKeyIdentifier, originator [0] EXPLICIT OriginatorIdentifierOrKey, ukm [1] EXPLICIT UserKeyingMaterial OPTIONAL, kdfAlgorithm KeyDerivationAlgorithmIdentifier, keyEncryptionAlgorithm KeyEncryptionAlgorithmIdentifier, recipientEncryptedKeys RecipientEncryptedKeys }]]></artwork> </figure>]]></sourcecode> <t> The fields of the KeyAgreePSKRecipientInfo type have the following meanings:</t><t><list hangIndent="3" style="hanging"><t><ul> <li> version is the syntax version number. The versionMUST<bcp14>MUST</bcp14> be 0. The CMSVersion type is described inSection 10.2.5 of<xreftarget="RFC5652"/>.</t> </list> </t> <t><list hangIndent="3" style="hanging"><t>target="RFC5652" format="default" section="10.2.5" sectionFormat="of"/>.</li> <li> pskid is the identifier of the PSK used by the sender. The identifier is an OCTET STRING, and it need not be humanreadable.</t> </list> </t> <t><list hangIndent="3" style="hanging"><t>readable.</li> <li> originator is a CHOICE with three alternatives specifying the sender's key agreement public key. ImplementationsMUST<bcp14>MUST</bcp14> support all three alternatives for specifying the sender's public key. The sender uses their own private key and the recipient's public key to generate a pairwise key-encryption key. Akey derivation function (KDF)KDF is used to mix the PSK and the pairwisekey- encryptionkey-encryption key to produce a second key-encryption key. The OriginatorIdentifierOrKey type is described inSection 6.2.2 of<xreftarget="RFC5652"/>.</t> </list> </t> <t><list hangIndent="3" style="hanging"><t>target="RFC5652" sectionFormat="of" section="6.2.2"/>.</li> <li> ukm is optional. With some key agreement algorithms, the sender provides a User Keying Material (UKM) to ensure that a different key is generated each time the same two parties generate a pairwise key. ImplementationsMUST<bcp14>MUST</bcp14> accept a KeyAgreePSKRecipientInfo SEQUENCE that includes a ukm field. Implementations that do not support key agreement algorithms that make use of UKMsMUST<bcp14>MUST</bcp14> gracefully handle the presence of UKMs. The UserKeyingMaterial type is described inSection 10.2.6 of<xreftarget="RFC5652"/>.</t> </list> </t> <t><list hangIndent="3" style="hanging"><t>target="RFC5652" sectionFormat="of" section="10.2.6" />.</li> <li> kdfAlgorithm identifies the key-derivationalgorithm,algorithm and any associatedparameters,parameters used by the sender to mix the pairwisekey- encryptionkey-encryption key and the PSK to produce a second key-encryption key of the same length as the first one. The KeyDerivationAlgorithmIdentifier is described inSection 10.1.6 of<xreftarget="RFC5652"/>.</t> </list> </t> <t><list hangIndent="3" style="hanging"><t>target="RFC5652" sectionFormat="of" section="10.1.6"/>.</li> <li> keyEncryptionAlgorithm identifies a key-encryption algorithm used to encrypt the content-encryption key or thecontent- authenticated-encryptioncontent-authenticated-encryption key. The KeyEncryptionAlgorithmIdentifier type is described inSection 10.1.3 of<xreftarget="RFC5652"/>.</t> </list> </t> <t><list hangIndent="3" style="hanging"><t>target="RFC5652" sectionFormat="of" section="10.1.3"/>.</li> <li> recipientEncryptedKeys includes a recipient identifier and encrypted key for one or more recipients. The KeyAgreeRecipientIdentifier is a CHOICE with two alternatives specifying the recipient's certificate, and thereby the recipient's public key, that was used by the sender to generate a pairwise key-encryption key. The encryptedKey is the result of encrypting the content-encryption key or thecontent- authenticated-encryptioncontent-authenticated-encryption key with the second pairwisekey- encryptionkey-encryption key. EncryptedKey is an OCTET STRING. The RecipientEncryptedKeys type is defined inSection 6.2.2 of<xreftarget="RFC5652"/>.</t> </list> </t>target="RFC5652" sectionFormat="of" section="6.2.2" />.</li> </ul> </section> <sectiontitle="Key Derivation" anchor="sect-5"><t>anchor="sect-5" numbered="true" toc="default"> <name>Key Derivation</name> <t> Manykey derivation functions (KDFs)KDFs internally employ a one-way hash function. When this is the case, the hash function that is used is indirectly indicated by the KeyDerivationAlgorithmIdentifier. HKDF <xreftarget="RFC5869"/>target="RFC5869" format="default"/> is one example of a KDF that makes use of a hash function.</t> <t> Other KDFs internally employ an encryption algorithm. When this is the case, the encryption that is used is indirectly indicated by the KeyDerivationAlgorithmIdentifier. For example, AES-128-CMAC can be used for randomness extraction in a KDF as described in <xreftarget="NIST2018"/>.</t>target="NIST2018" format="default"/>.</t> <t> A KDF has several input values. This section describes the conventions for using the KDF to compute the key-encryption key for KeyTransPSKRecipientInfo and KeyAgreePSKRecipientInfo. For simplicity, the terminology used in the HKDF<xref target="RFC5869"/>specification <xref target="RFC5869" format="default"/> is used here.</t> <t>The KDF inputs are:</t><t> <list style="hanging" hangIndent="3"> <t>IKM<ul> <li>IKM is the input keying material; it is the symmetric secret input to the KDF. For KeyTransPSKRecipientInfo, it is thekey- derivationkey-derivation key. For KeyAgreePSKRecipientInfo, it is the pairwise key-encryption key produced by the key agreementalgorithm.</t> </list> </t> <t> <list style="hanging" hangIndent="3"> <t>algorithm.</li> <li> salt is an optional non-secret random value. Many KDFs do not require a salt, and the KeyDerivationAlgorithmIdentifier assignments for HKDF <xreftarget="RFC8619"/>target="RFC8619" format="default"/> do not offer a parameter for a salt. If a particular KDF requires a salt, then the salt value is provided as a parameter of theKeyDerivationAlgorithmIdentifier.</t> </list> </t> <t> <list style="hanging" hangIndent="3"> <t>LKeyDerivationAlgorithmIdentifier.</li> <li>L is the length of output keying material in octets; the value depends on the key-encryption algorithm that will be used. The algorithm is identified by the KeyEncryptionAlgorithmIdentifier. In addition, the OBJECT IDENTIFIER portion of the KeyEncryptionAlgorithmIdentifier is included in the next input value, calledinfo.</t> </list> </t> <t> <list style="hanging" hangIndent="3"> <t>info"info".</li> <li>info is optional context and application specific information. TheDER-encodingDER encoding of CMSORIforPSKOtherInfo is used as the info value, and the PSK is included in this structure. Note that EXPLICIT tagging is used in the ASN.1 module that defines this structure. For KeyTransPSKRecipientInfo, the ENUMERATED value of 5 is used. For KeyAgreePSKRecipientInfo, the ENUMERATED value of 10 is used. CMSORIforPSKOtherInfo is defined by the following ASN.1 structure:</t> </list> </t> <figure><artwork><![CDATA[</li> </ul> <sourcecode name="" type="asn.1"><![CDATA[ CMSORIforPSKOtherInfo ::= SEQUENCE { psk OCTET STRING, keyMgmtAlgType ENUMERATED { keyTrans (5), keyAgree (10) }, keyEncryptionAlgorithm KeyEncryptionAlgorithmIdentifier, pskLength INTEGER (1..MAX), kdkLength INTEGER (1..MAX) }]]></artwork> </figure>]]></sourcecode> <t>The fields of type CMSORIforPSKOtherInfo have the following meanings:</t><t><list hangIndent="3" style="hanging"><t><ul> <li> psk is an OCTET STRING; it contains thePSK.</t> </list> </t> <t><list hangIndent="3" style="hanging"><t>PSK.</li> <li> keyMgmtAlgType is either set to 5 or 10. For KeyTransPSKRecipientInfo, the ENUMERATED value of 5 is used. For KeyAgreePSKRecipientInfo, the ENUMERATED value of 10 isused.</t> </list> </t> <t><list hangIndent="3" style="hanging"><t>used.</li> <li> keyEncryptionAlgorithm is the KeyEncryptionAlgorithmIdentifier, which identifies the algorithm and provides algorithm parameters, ifany.</t> </list> </t> <t><list hangIndent="3" style="hanging"><t>any.</li> <li> pskLength is a positive integer; it contains the length of the PSK inoctets.</t> </list> </t> <t><list hangIndent="3" style="hanging"><t>octets.</li> <li> kdkLength is a positive integer; it contains the length of the key-derivation key in octets. For KeyTransPSKRecipientInfo, the key-derivation key is generated by the sender. For KeyAgreePSKRecipientInfo, the key-derivation key is the pairwise key-encryption key produced by the key agreementalgorithm.</t> </list> </t>algorithm.</li> </ul> <t>The KDF output is:</t><t><list hangIndent="3" style="hanging"><t><ul> <li> OKM is the output keying material, which is exactly L octets. The OKM is the key-encryption key that is used to encrypt thecontent- encryptioncontent-encryption key or the content-authenticated-encryptionkey.</t> </list> </t>key.</li> </ul> <t> An acceptable KDFMUST<bcp14>MUST</bcp14> accept IKM, L, and info inputs;andan acceptable KDFMAY<bcp14>MAY</bcp14> also accept salt and other inputs. All of these inputsMUST<bcp14>MUST</bcp14> influence the output of the KDF. If the KDF requires a salt or other inputs, then those inputsMUST<bcp14>MUST</bcp14> be provided as parameters of the KeyDerivationAlgorithmIdentifier.</t> </section> <sectiontitle="ASN.1 Module" anchor="sect-6"><t>anchor="sect-6" numbered="true" toc="default"> <name>ASN.1 Module</name> <t> This section contains the ASN.1 module for the two key management techniques defined in this document. This module imports types from other ASN.1 modules that are defined in <xreftarget="RFC5912"/>target="RFC5912" format="default"/> and <xreftarget="RFC6268"/>.</t> <figure><artwork><![CDATA[ <CODE BEGINS>target="RFC6268" format="default"/>.</t> <sourcecode name="" type="asn.1" markers="true"><![CDATA[ CMSORIforPSK-2019 { iso(1) member-body(2) us(840) rsadsi(113549) pkcs(1) pkcs-9(9) smime(16) modules(0)id-mod-cms-ori-psk-2019(TBD0)id-mod-cms-ori-psk-2019(69) } DEFINITIONS EXPLICIT TAGS ::= BEGIN -- EXPORTS All IMPORTS AlgorithmIdentifier{}, KEY-DERIVATION FROM AlgorithmInformation-2009 -- [RFC5912] { iso(1) identified-organization(3) dod(6) internet(1) security(5) mechanisms(5) pkix(7) id-mod(0) id-mod-algorithmInformation-02(58) } OTHER-RECIPIENT, OtherRecipientInfo, CMSVersion, KeyTransRecipientInfo, OriginatorIdentifierOrKey, UserKeyingMaterial, RecipientEncryptedKeys, EncryptedKey, KeyDerivationAlgorithmIdentifier, KeyEncryptionAlgorithmIdentifier FROM CryptographicMessageSyntax-2010 -- [RFC6268] { iso(1) member-body(2) us(840) rsadsi(113549) pkcs(1) pkcs-9(9) smime(16) modules(0) id-mod-cms-2009(58) } ; -- -- OtherRecipientInfo Types (ori-) -- SupportedOtherRecipInfo OTHER-RECIPIENT ::= { ori-keyTransPSK | ori-keyAgreePSK, ... } -- -- Key Transport with Pre-Shared Key -- ori-keyTransPSK OTHER-RECIPIENT ::= { KeyTransPSKRecipientInfo IDENTIFIED BY id-ori-keyTransPSK } id-ori OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { iso(1) member-body(2) us(840) rsadsi(113549) pkcs(1) pkcs-9(9) smime(16)TBD113 } id-ori-keyTransPSK OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { id-ori 1 } KeyTransPSKRecipientInfo ::= SEQUENCE { version CMSVersion, -- always set to 0 pskid PreSharedKeyIdentifier, kdfAlgorithm KeyDerivationAlgorithmIdentifier, keyEncryptionAlgorithm KeyEncryptionAlgorithmIdentifier, ktris KeyTransRecipientInfos, encryptedKey EncryptedKey } PreSharedKeyIdentifier ::= OCTET STRING KeyTransRecipientInfos ::= SEQUENCE OF KeyTransRecipientInfo -- -- Key Agreement with Pre-Shared Key -- ori-keyAgreePSK OTHER-RECIPIENT ::= { KeyAgreePSKRecipientInfo IDENTIFIED BY id-ori-keyAgreePSK } id-ori-keyAgreePSK OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { id-ori 2 } KeyAgreePSKRecipientInfo ::= SEQUENCE { version CMSVersion, -- always set to 0 pskid PreSharedKeyIdentifier, originator [0] EXPLICIT OriginatorIdentifierOrKey, ukm [1] EXPLICIT UserKeyingMaterial OPTIONAL, kdfAlgorithm KeyDerivationAlgorithmIdentifier, keyEncryptionAlgorithm KeyEncryptionAlgorithmIdentifier, recipientEncryptedKeys RecipientEncryptedKeys } -- -- Structure to provide 'info' input to the KDF, -- including the Pre-Shared Key -- CMSORIforPSKOtherInfo ::= SEQUENCE { psk OCTET STRING, keyMgmtAlgType ENUMERATED { keyTrans (5), keyAgree (10) }, keyEncryptionAlgorithm KeyEncryptionAlgorithmIdentifier, pskLength INTEGER (1..MAX), kdkLength INTEGER (1..MAX) } END<CODE ENDS> ]]></artwork> </figure>]]></sourcecode> </section> <sectiontitle="Security Considerations" anchor="sect-7"><t>anchor="sect-7" numbered="true" toc="default"> <name>Security Considerations</name> <t> The security considerationsinrelated to the CMS enveloped-data content type in <xreftarget="RFC5652"/>target="RFC5652" format="default"/> and the security considerations related to the CMS authenticated-enveloped-data content type in <xreftarget="RFC5083"/>target="RFC5083" format="default"/> continue to apply.</t> <t> Implementations of the key derivation function must compute the entire result,whichwhich, in thisspecificationspecification, is a key-encryption key, before outputting any portion of the result. The resultingkey- encryptionkey-encryption key must be protected. Compromise of the key-encryption key may result in the disclosure of all content-encryption keys or content-authenticated-encryption keys that were protected with that keyingmaterial, whichmaterial; this, inturnturn, may result in the disclosure of the content. Note that there are two key-encryption keys when a PSK with a key agreement algorithm is used, with similarconsequenceconsequences for the compromise of either one of these keys.</t> <t> Implementations must protect thepre-shared key (PSK),PSK, key transport private key,theagreement private key, andthekey-derivation key. Compromise of the PSK will make the encrypted content vulnerable to the future invention of a large-scale quantum computer. Compromise of the PSK and either the key transport private key or the agreement private key may result in the disclosure of all contents protected with that combination of keying material. Compromise of the PSK and the key-derivation key may result in the disclosure of all contents protected with that combination of keying material.</t> <t> A large-scale quantum computer will essentially negate the security provided by the key transport algorithm or the key agreement algorithm, which means that the attacker with a large-scale quantum computer can discover the key-derivation key. Inadditionaddition, alarge- scalelarge-scale quantum computer effectively cuts the security provided by a symmetric key algorithm in half. Therefore, the PSK needs at least 256 bits of entropy to provide 128 bits of security. To match that same level of security, the key derivation function needs to bequantum-resistantquantum resistant and produce a key-encryption key that is at least 256 bits in length. Similarly, the content-encryption key or content-authenticated-encryption key needs to be at least 256 bits in length.</t> <t> When using a PSK with a key transport or a key agreement algorithm, a key-encryption key is produced to encrypt the content-encryption key or content-authenticated-encryption key. If the key-encryption algorithm is different than the algorithm used to protect the content, then the effective security is determined by the weaker of the two algorithms. If, for example, content is encrypted with 256-bitAES,AES and the key is wrapped with 128-bit AES,thenthen, atmostmost, 128 bits of protectionisare provided. Implementers must ensure that the key-encryption algorithm is as strong or stronger than the content-encryption algorithm or content-authenticated-encryption algorithm.</t> <t> The selection of the key-derivation function imposes an upper bound on the strength of the resulting key-encryption key. The strength of the selected key-derivation function should be at least as strong as the key-encryption algorithm that is selected. NIST SP 800-56C Revision 1 <xreftarget="NIST2018"/>target="NIST2018" format="default"/> offers advice on the security strength of several popular key-derivation functions.</t> <t> Implementers should not mix quantum-resistant key management algorithms with their non-quantum-resistant counterparts. For example, the same content should not be protected with KeyTransRecipientInfo and KeyTransPSKRecipientInfo. Likewise, the same content should not be protected with KeyAgreeRecipientInfo and KeyAgreePSKRecipientInfo. Doing so would make the content vulnerable to the future invention of a large-scale quantum computer.</t> <t> Implementers should not send the same content in different messages, one using a quantum-resistant key management algorithm and the other using a non-quantum-resistant key management algorithm, even if the content-encryption key is generated independently. Doing so may allow an eavesdropper to correlate the messages, making the content vulnerable to the future invention of a large-scale quantum computer.</t> <t> This specification does not require that PSKisbe known only by the sender and recipients. The PSK may be known to a group. Since confidentiality depends on the key transport or key agreement algorithm, knowledge of the PSK by other parties does notenableinherently enable eavesdropping. However, group members can record the traffic of othermembers,members and then decrypt it if they ever gain access to a large-scale quantum computer. Also, when many parties know the PSK, there are many opportunities for theft of the PSK by an attacker. Once an attacker has the PSK, they can decrypt stored traffic if they ever gain access to a large-scale quantum computer in the same manner as a legitimate group member.</t> <t> Sound cryptographic key hygiene is to use a key for one and only one purpose. Use of the recipient's public key for both the traditional CMS and the PSK-mixing variation specified in this document would be a violation of this principle; however, there is no known way for an attacker to take advantage of this situation. That said, an application should enforce separation whenever possible. For example, a purpose identifier for use in the X.509 extended key usage certificate extension <xreftarget="RFC5280"/>target="RFC5280" format="default"/> could be identified in the future to indicate that a public key should only be used in conjunction witha PSK,oronly without.</t>without a PSK.</t> <t> Implementations must randomly generate key-derivation keys as well asthecontent-encryption keys or content-authenticated-encryption keys. Also, the generation of public/private key pairs for the key transport and key agreement algorithms rely onarandom numbers. The use of inadequatepseudo-randompseudorandom number generators (PRNGs) to generate cryptographic keys can result in little or no security. An attacker may find it much easier to reproduce the PRNG environment that produced the keys, searching the resulting small set of possibilities, rather thanbrute forcebrute-force searching the whole key space. The generation of quality random numbers is difficult. <xreftarget="RFC4086"/>target="RFC4086" format="default"/> offers important guidance in this area.</t> <t> Implementers should be aware that cryptographic algorithms become weaker with time. As new cryptanalysis techniques are developed and computing performance improves, the work factor to break a particular cryptographic algorithm will be reduced. Therefore, cryptographic algorithm implementations should be modular, allowing new algorithms to be readily inserted. That is, implementers should be prepared for the set of supported algorithms to change over time.</t> <t> The security properties provided by the mechanisms specified in this document can be validated using formal methods. A ProVerif proof in <xreftarget="H2019"/>target="H2019" format="default"/> shows that an attacker with a large-scale quantum computer that is capable of breaking the Diffie-Hellman key agreement algorithm cannot disrupt the delivery of the content-encryption key to the recipient and that the attacker cannot learn the content-encryption key from the protocol exchange.</t> </section> <sectiontitle="Privacy Considerations" anchor="sect-8"><t>anchor="sect-8" numbered="true" toc="default"> <name>Privacy Considerations</name> <t> An observer can see which parties are using each PSK simply by watching the PSK key identifiers. However, the addition of these key identifiersisdoes not reallymakingweaken the privacyworse.situation. When key transport is used, the RecipientIdentifier is always present, and it clearly identifies each recipient to an observer. When key agreement is used, either the IssuerAndSerialNumber or the RecipientKeyIdentifier is always present, and these clearly identify each recipient.</t> </section> <sectiontitle="IANA Considerations" anchor="sect-9"><t>anchor="sect-9" numbered="true" toc="default"> <name>IANA Considerations</name> <t> One object identifier for the ASN.1 module in <xreftarget="sect-6"/>target="sect-6" format="default"/> was assigned in theSMI"SMI Security for S/MIME ModuleIdentifiers (1.2.840.113549. (1.2.840.113549." registry <xreftarget="IANA-MOD"/> registry:</t> <figure><artwork><![CDATA[target="IANA" format="default"/>:</t> <sourcecode name="" type="asn.1"><![CDATA[ id-mod-cms-ori-psk-2019 OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { iso(1) member-body(2) us(840) rsadsi(113549) pkcs(1) pkcs-9(9) smime(16) mod(0)TBD069 }]]></artwork> </figure>]]></sourcecode> <t> One newregistry was created for Other Recipient Info Identifiers withinentry has been added in theSMI"SMI Security for S/MIME Mail Security(1.2.840.113549.1.9.16)(1.2.840.113549.1.9.16)" registry <xreftarget="IANA-SMIME"/> registry:</t> <figure><artwork><![CDATA[target="IANA" format="default"/>:</t> <sourcecode name="" type="asn.1"><![CDATA[ id-ori OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { iso(1) member-body(2) us(840) rsadsi(113549) pkcs(1) pkcs-9(9) smime(16)TBD113 }]]></artwork> </figure>]]></sourcecode> <t>A new registry titled "SMI Security for S/MIME Other Recipient Info Identifiers (1.2.840.113549." has been created. </t> <t> Updates to the new registry are to be made according to the Specification Required policy as defined in <xreftarget="RFC8126"/>.target="RFC8126" format="default"/>. The expert is expected to ensure that any new values identifyadditionsadditional RecipientInfo structures for use with the CMS. Object identifiers for other purposes should not be assigned in this arc.</t> <t> Two assignments were made in the newSMI"SMI Security for S/MIME Other Recipient Info Identifiers(1.2.840.113549.1.9.16.TBD1) <xref target="IANA-ORI"/>(1.2.840.113549." registry <xref target="IANA" format="default"/> with references to this document:</t><figure><artwork><![CDATA[<sourcecode name="" type="asn.1"><![CDATA[ id-ori-keyTransPSK OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { iso(1) member-body(2) us(840) rsadsi(113549) pkcs(1) pkcs-9(9) smime(16)id-ori(TBD1)id-ori(13) 1 } id-ori-keyAgreePSK OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { iso(1) member-body(2) us(840) rsadsi(113549) pkcs(1) pkcs-9(9) smime(16)id-ori(TBD1)id-ori(13) 2 }]]></artwork> </figure>]]></sourcecode> </section> </middle> <back><references title="Normative References"> &RFC2119; &RFC5083; &RFC5652; &RFC5912; &RFC6268; &RFC8126; &RFC8174;<displayreference target="I-D.hoffman-c2pq" to="C2PQ"/> <references> <name>References</name> <references> <name>Normative References</name> <xi:include href="https://xml2rfc.ietf.org/public/rfc/bibxml/reference.RFC.2119.xml"/> <xi:include href="https://xml2rfc.ietf.org/public/rfc/bibxml/reference.RFC.5083.xml"/> <xi:include href="https://xml2rfc.ietf.org/public/rfc/bibxml/reference.RFC.5652.xml"/> <xi:include href="https://xml2rfc.ietf.org/public/rfc/bibxml/reference.RFC.5912.xml"/> <xi:include href="https://xml2rfc.ietf.org/public/rfc/bibxml/reference.RFC.6268.xml"/> <xi:include href="https://xml2rfc.ietf.org/public/rfc/bibxml/reference.RFC.8126.xml"/> <xi:include href="https://xml2rfc.ietf.org/public/rfc/bibxml/reference.RFC.8174.xml"/> <referenceanchor="X680"><front>anchor="X680"> <front> <title>Information technology -- Abstract Syntax Notation One (ASN.1): Specification of basic notation</title> <seriesInfo name="ITU-T" value="Recommendation X.680"/> <author> <organization>ITU-T</organization> </author> <date month="August" year="2015"/> </front><seriesInfo name="ITU-T" value="Recommendation X.680"/></reference> <referenceanchor="X690"><front>anchor="X690"> <front> <title>Information technology -- ASN.1 encoding rules: Specification of Basic Encoding Rules (BER), Canonical Encoding Rules (CER) and Distinguished Encoding Rules (DER)</title> <seriesInfo name="ITU-T" value="Recommendation X.690"/> <author> <organization>ITU-T</organization> </author> <date month="August" year="2015"/> </front><seriesInfo name="ITU-T" value="Recommendation X.690"/></reference> </references><references title="Informative References"><references> <name>Informative References</name> <referenceanchor="AES"><front> <title>FIPS Pub 197: Advancedanchor="AES"> <front> <title>Advanced Encryption Standard (AES)</title> <seriesInfo name="NIST PUB" value="197"/> <seriesInfo name="DOI" value="10.6028/NIST.FIPS.197"/> <author> <organization>National Institute of Standards and Technology</organization> </author> <datemonth="26" year="November 2001"/>month="November" year="2001"/> </front> </reference> <!-- <referenceanchor='C2PQ'> <front> <title>The Transition from Classical to Post-Quantum Cryptography</title> <author initials='P' surname='Hoffman' fullname='Paul Hoffman'> <organization /> </author> <date month='May' day='21' year='2019' /> <abstract><t>Quantum computing is the study of computers that use quantum features in calculatio ns. For over 20 years, it has been known that if very large, specialized quantum computers coul d be built, they could have a devastating effect on asymmetric classical cryptographic algorithm s such as RSA and elliptic curve signatures and key exchange, as well as (but in smaller scale) on symmetric cryptographic algorithms such as block ciphers, MACs, and hash functions. There ha s already been a great deal of study on how to create algorithms that will resist large, special ized quantum computers, but so far, the properties of those algorithms make them onerous to adopt before they are needed. Small quantum computers are being built today, but it is still far fr om clear when large, specialized quantum computers will be built that can recover private or sec ret keys in classical algorithms at the key sizes commonly used today. It is important to be ab le to predict when large, specialized quantum computers usable for cryptanalysis will be possibl e so that organization can change to post-quantum cryptographic algorithms well before they are needed. This document describes quantum computing, how it might be used to attack classical cry ptographic algorithms, and possibly how to predict when large, specialized quantum computers wil l become feasible.</t></abstract> </front> <seriesInfo name='Work in Progress,' value='draft-hoffman-c2pq-05' /> </reference>anchor="I-D.hoffman-c2pq">; I-D Exists --> <xi:include href="https://www.rfc-editor.org/refs/bibxml3/reference.I-D.hoffman-c2pq.xml"/> <reference anchor="FGHT2016"target="https://eprint.iacr.org/2016/961.pdf"><front>target="https://eprint.iacr.org/2016/961.pdf"> <front> <title>A kilobit hidden SNFS discrete logarithm computation</title> <seriesInfo name="Cryptology ePrint Archive Report" value="2016/961"/> <author fullname="J. Fried" initials="J."surname="Fried"> </author>surname="Fried"/> <author fullname="P. Gaudry" initials="P."surname="Gaudry"> </author>surname="Gaudry"/> <author fullname="N. Heninger" initials="N."surname="Heninger"> </author>surname="Heninger"/> <author fullname="E. Thome" initials="E."surname="Thome"> </author>surname="Thome"/> <dateyear="2016"/>year="2016" month="October"/> </front><seriesInfo name="Cryptology" value="ePrint Archive Report 2016/961"/></reference> <reference anchor="H2019"target="https://mailarchive.ietf.org/arch/msg/spasm/_6d_4jp3sOprAnbU2fp_yp_-6-k"><front> <title>Re:target="https://mailarchive.ietf.org/arch/msg/spasm/_6d_4jp3sOprAnbU2fp_yp_-6-k"> <front> <title>Subject: [lamps] WG Last Call for draft-ietf-lamps-cms-mix-with-psk"</title> <author fullname="J. Hammell" initials="J."surname="Hammell"> </author>surname="Hammell"/> <date month="May" year="2019"/> </front> <refcontent> message to the IETF mailing list</refcontent> </reference> <referenceanchor="IANA-MOD" target="https://www.iana.org/assignments/smi-numbers/smi-numbers.xhtml#security-smime-0"><front> <title>IANA-MOD</title> <author> </author> <date/> </front> </reference> <reference anchor="IANA-SMIME" target="https://www.iana.org/assignments/smi-numbers/smi-numbers.xhtml#security-smime"><front> <title>IANA-SMIME</title> <author> </author> <date/> </front> </reference> <reference anchor="IANA-ORI" target="https://www.iana.org/assignments/smi-numbers/smi-numbers.xhtml#security-smime-TBD1"><front> <title>IANA-ORI</title> <author> </author>anchor="IANA" target="https://www.iana.org/assignments/smi-numbers"> <front> <title>Structure of Management Information (SMI) Numbers (MIB Module Registrations)</title> <author><organization>IANA</organization></author> <date/> </front> </reference> <referenceanchor="NAS2019"><front>anchor="NAS2019"> <front> <title>Quantum Computing: Progress and Prospects</title> <seriesInfo name="DOI" value="10.17226/25196"/> <author> <organization>National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine</organization> </author> <date year="2019"/> </front><seriesInfo name="The" value="National Academies Press DOI 10.17226/25196"/></reference> <reference anchor="NIST2018"target="https://nvlpubs.nist.gov/nistpubs/SpecialPublications/NIST.SP.800-56Cr1.pdf"><front>target="https://nvlpubs.nist.gov/nistpubs/SpecialPublications/NIST.SP.800-56Cr1.pdf"> <front> <title>Recommendation for Key-Derivation Methods in Key-Establishment Schemes</title> <seriesInfo name="NIST Special Publication" value="800-56C Revision 1"/> <author fullname="E. Barker" initials="E."surname="Barker"> </author>surname="Barker"/> <author fullname="L. Chen" initials="L."surname="Chen"> </author>surname="Chen"/> <author fullname="R. Davis" initials="R."surname="Davis"> </author>surname="Davis"/> <date month="April" year="2018"/> </front><seriesInfo name="NIST" value="Special Publication 800-56C Rev. 1"/></reference> <referenceanchor="S1994"><front>anchor="S1994"> <front> <title>Algorithms for Quantum Computation: Discrete Logarithms and Factoring</title> <author fullname="P. Shor" initials="P."surname="Shor"> </author>surname="Shor"/> <dateyear="1994"/>year="1994" month="November"/> </front><seriesInfo name="Proceedings" value="of<refcontent>Proceedings of the 35th Annual Symposium on Foundations of ComputerScienceScience, pp.124-134"/>124-134"</refcontent> </reference>&RFC2631; &RFC4086; &RFC5280; &RFC5753; &RFC5869; &RFC8017; &RFC8619;<xi:include href="https://xml2rfc.ietf.org/public/rfc/bibxml/reference.RFC.2631.xml"/> <xi:include href="https://xml2rfc.ietf.org/public/rfc/bibxml/reference.RFC.4086.xml"/> <xi:include href="https://xml2rfc.ietf.org/public/rfc/bibxml/reference.RFC.5280.xml"/> <xi:include href="https://xml2rfc.ietf.org/public/rfc/bibxml/reference.RFC.5753.xml"/> <xi:include href="https://xml2rfc.ietf.org/public/rfc/bibxml/reference.RFC.5869.xml"/> <xi:include href="https://xml2rfc.ietf.org/public/rfc/bibxml/reference.RFC.8017.xml"/> <xi:include href="https://xml2rfc.ietf.org/public/rfc/bibxml/reference.RFC.8619.xml"/> </references> </references> <sectiontitle="Keyanchor="sect-a" numbered="true" toc="default"> <name>Key Transport with PSKExample" anchor="sect-a"><t>Example</name> <t> This example shows the establishment of an AES-256 content-encryption key using:</t><t><list style="symbols" hangIndent="3"> <t>a<ul spacing="normal"> <li>a pre-shared key of 256bits;</t> <t>keybits;</li> <li>key transport using RSA PKCS#1 v1.5 with a 3072-bitkey;</t> <t>keykey;</li> <li>key derivation using HKDF with SHA-384;and</t> <t>keyand</li> <li>key wrap usingAES-256-KEYWRAP.</t> </list> </t>AES-256-KEYWRAP.</li> </ul> <t> In real-world use, the originator would encrypt the key-derivation key in their own RSA public key as well as the recipient's public key. This is omitted in an attempt to simplify the example.</t> <sectiontitle="Originatoranchor="sect-a.1" numbered="true" toc="default"> <name>Originator ProcessingExample" anchor="sect-a.1">Example</name> <t> The pre-shared key known to Alice and Bob, inhexadecimal:</t> <figure><artwork>hexadecimal, is:</t> <sourcecode type="test-vectors"><![CDATA[ c244cdd11a0d1f39d9b61282770244fb0f6befb91ab7f96cb05213365cf95b15</artwork></figure>]]></sourcecode> <t> The identifier assigned to the pre-shared key is:</t><figure><artwork><sourcecode type="test-vectors"><![CDATA[ ptf-kmc:13614122112</artwork></figure>]]></sourcecode> <t>Alice obtains Bob's public key:</t><figure><artwork><![CDATA[<sourcecode type="test-vectors"><![CDATA[ -----BEGIN PUBLIC KEY----- MIIBojANBgkqhkiG9w0BAQEFAAOCAY8AMIIBigKCAYEA3ocW14cxncPJ47fnEjBZ AyfC2lqapL3ET4jvV6C7gGeVrRQxWPDwl+cFYBBR2ej3j3/0ecDmu+XuVi2+s5JH Keeza+itfuhsz3yifgeEpeK8T+SusHhn20/NBLhYKbh3kiAcCgQ56dpDrDvDcLqq vS3jg/VO+OPnZbofoHOOevt8Q/roahJe1PlIyQ4udWB8zZezJ4mLLfbOA9YVaYXx 2AHHZJevo3nmRnlgJXo6mE00E/6qkhjDHKSMdl2WG6mO9TCDZc9qY3cAJDU6Ir0v SH7qUl8/vN13y4UOFkn8hM4kmZ6bJqbZt5NbjHtY4uQ0VMW3RyESzhrO02mrp39a uLNnH3EXdXaV1tk75H3qC7zJaeGWMJyQfOE3YfEGRKn8fxubji716D8UecAxAzFy FL6m1JiOyV5acAiOpxN14qRYZdHnXOM9DqGIGpoeY1UuD4Mo05osOqOUpBJHA9fS whSZG7VNf+vgNWTLNYSYLI04KiMdulnvU6ds+QPz+KKtAgMBAAE= -----END PUBLIC KEY-----]]></artwork> </figure>]]></sourcecode> <t> Bob's RSA public key has the following key identifier: </t><figure><artwork><sourcecode type="test-vectors"><![CDATA[ 9eeb67c9b95a74d44d2f16396680e801b5cba49c</artwork></figure>]]></sourcecode> <t> Alice randomly generates a content-encryption key: </t><figure><artwork><sourcecode type="test-vectors"><![CDATA[ c8adc30f4a3e20ac420caa76a68f5787c02ab42afea20d19672fd963a5338e83</artwork></figure>]]></sourcecode> <t> Alice randomly generates a key-derivation key: </t><figure><artwork><sourcecode type="test-vectors"><![CDATA[ df85af9e3cebffde6e9b9d24263db31114d0a8e33a0d50e05eb64578ccde81eb</artwork></figure>]]></sourcecode> <t> Alice encrypts the key-derivation key in Bob's public key: </t><figure><artwork><![CDATA[ 4e6200431ed95e0e28f7288dba56d4b90e75959e068884664c43368f3d978f3d 8179e5837e3c27bf8dc1f6e2827b9ede969be77417516de07d90e37c560add01 48deb0c9178088ccb72c068d8a9076b6a5e7ecc9093e30fdeaecc9e138d80626 74fcf685f3082b910839551cd8741beedeee6e87c08ff84f03ba87118730cdf7 667002316f1a29a6cc596c7ddf95a51e398927d1916bf27929945de080fc7c80 6af6281aed6492acffa4ef1b4f53e67fca9a417db2350a2277d586ee3cabefd3 b4a44f04d3c6803d54fe9a7159210dabedda9a94f310d303331da51c0218d92a 2efb003792259195a9fd4cc403af613fdf1a6265ea70bf702fd1c6f734264c9a 59196e8e8fd657fa028e272ef741eb7711fd5b3f4ea7da9c33df66bf487da710 1c9bbfddaf1c073900a3ea99da513d8aa32605db07dc1c47504cab30c9304a85 d87377f603ec3df4056ddcf3d756fb7ed98254421a4ae151f17ad4e28c5ea077 63358dfb1ef5f73435f337b21a38c1a3fa697a530dd97e462f6b5fb2052a2d53 ]]></artwork> </figure><sourcecode type="test-vectors"><![CDATA[ 52693f12140c91dea2b44c0b7936f6be46de8a7bfab072bcb6ecfd56b06a9f65 1bd4669d336aef7b449e5cd9b151893b7c7a3b8e364394840b0a5434cbf10e1b 5670aefd074faf380665d204fb95153543346f36c2125dba6f4d23d2bc61434b 5e36ff72b3eafe57c6cf7f74924c309f174b0b8753554b58ed33a8848d707a98 c0c2b1ddcfd09e31fe213ca0a48dd157bd7d842e85cc76f77710d58efeaa0525 c651bcd1410fb47534ecabaf5ab7daabed809d4b97220caf6d4929c5fb684f7b b8692e6e70332ff9b3f7c11d6cac51d4a35593173d48f80ca843b89789d625e7 997ad7d674d25a2a7d165a5f39b3cb6358e937bdb02ac8a524ac93113cedd9ad c68263025c0bb0997d716e58d4d7b69739bf591f3e71c7678dc0df96f3df9e8a a5738f4f9ce21489f300e040891b20b2ab6d9051b3c2e68efa2fa9799a706878 d5f462018c021d6669ed649f9acdf78476810198bfb8bd41ffedc585eafa957e ea1d3625e4bed376e7ae49718aee2f575c401a26a29941d8da5b7ee9aca36471 ]]></sourcecode> <t> Alice produces a 256-bit key-encryption key with HKDF using SHA-384; the secret value is the key-derivation key; and the 'info' is theDER- encodedDER-encoded CMSORIforPSKOtherInfo structure with the following values: </t><figure><artwork><![CDATA[<sourcecode type="test-vectors"><![CDATA[ 0 56: SEQUENCE { 2 32: OCTET STRING : C2 44 CD D1 1A 0D 1F 39 D9 B6 12 82 77 02 44 FB : 0F 6B EF B9 1A B7 F9 6C B0 52 13 36 5C F9 5B 15 36 1: ENUMERATED 5 39 11: SEQUENCE { 41 9: OBJECT IDENTIFIER aes256-wrap: { 2(2 16 840 1 101 3 4 145 }45) : } 52 1: INTEGER 32 55 1: INTEGER 32 : }]]></artwork> </figure>]]></sourcecode> <t> The DER encoding of CMSORIforPSKOtherInfo produces 58 octets:</t><figure><artwork><sourcecode type="test-vectors"> <![CDATA[ 30380420c244cdd11a0d1f39d9b61282770244fb0f6befb91ab7f96cb0521336 5cf95b150a0105300b060960864801650304012d020120020120</artwork></figure>]]></sourcecode> <t>The HKDF output is 256 bits:</t><figure><artwork> a14d87451dfd11d83cd54ffe2bd38c49a2adfed3ac49f1d3e62bbdc64ae43b32 </artwork></figure><sourcecode type="test-vectors"> <![CDATA[ f319e9cebb35f1c6a7a9709b8760b9d0d3e30e16c5b2b69347e9f00ca540a232 ]]></sourcecode> <t> Alice uses AES-KEY-WRAP to encrypt the 256-bit content-encryption key with the key-encryption key:</t><figure><artwork> ae4ea1d99e78fcdcea12d9f10d991ac71502939ee0c30ebdcc97dd1fc5ba3566 c83d0dd5d1b4faa5 </artwork></figure><sourcecode type="test-vectors"> <![CDATA[ ea0947250fa66cd525595e52a69aaade88efcf1b0f108abe291060391b1cdf59 07f36b4067e45342 ]]></sourcecode> <t>Alice encrypts the content using AES-256-GCM with the content-encryption key. The 12-octet nonce used is:</t><figure><artwork><sourcecode type="test-vectors"> <![CDATA[ cafebabefacedbaddecaf888</artwork></figure>]]></sourcecode> <t>The content plaintext is:</t><figure><artwork><sourcecode type="test-vectors"> <![CDATA[ 48656c6c6f2c20776f726c6421</artwork></figure>]]></sourcecode> <t>The resulting ciphertext is:</t><figure><artwork><sourcecode type="test-vectors"> <![CDATA[ 9af2d16f21547fcefed9b3ef2d</artwork></figure>]]></sourcecode> <t>The resulting 12-octet authentication tag is:</t><figure><artwork><sourcecode type="test-vectors"> <![CDATA[ a0e5925cc184e0172463c44c</artwork></figure>]]></sourcecode> </section> <sectiontitle="ContentInfoanchor="sect-a.2" numbered="true" toc="default"> <name>ContentInfo andAuthEnvelopedData" anchor="sect-a.2"><t>AuthEnvelopedData</name> <t> Alice encodes the AuthEnvelopedData and theContentInfo,ContentInfo and sends the result to Bob. The resulting structure is:</t><figure><artwork><![CDATA[<sourcecode type="test-vectors"><![CDATA[ 0 650: SEQUENCE { 4 11: OBJECT IDENTIFIERauthEnvelopedData:{ 1authEnvelopedData (1 2 840 113549 1 9 16 123 }23) 17 633: [0] { 21 629: SEQUENCE { 25 1: INTEGER 0 28 551: SET { 32 547: [4] { 36 11: OBJECT IDENTIFIER** Placeholder **:{ 1keyTransPSK (1 2 840 113549 1 9 16TBD 1 }13 1) 49 530: SEQUENCE { 53 1: INTEGER 0 56 19: OCTET STRING 'ptf-kmc:13614122112' 77 13: SEQUENCE { 79 11: OBJECT IDENTIFIER** Placeholder **:{ 1hkdf-with-sha384 (1 2 840 113549 1 9 16 3TBD }29) : } 92 11: SEQUENCE { 94 9: OBJECT IDENTIFIERaes256-wrap:{ 2aes256-wrap (2 16 840 1 101 3 4 145 }45) : } 105 432: SEQUENCE { 109 428: SEQUENCE { 113 1: INTEGER 2 116 20: [0] : 9E EB 67 C9 B9 5A 74 D4 4D 2F 16 39 66 80 E8 01 : B5 CB A4 9C 138 13: SEQUENCE { 140 9: OBJECT IDENTIFIERrsaEncryption:{ 1rsaEncryption (1 2 840 113549 1 11 }1) 151 0: NULL : } 153 384: OCTET STRING :18 09 D6 23 17 DF 2D 09 55 57 3B FE 75 95 EB 6A : 3D 57 84 6C52 69C1 49 0B F1 11 1A BB 403F 12 14 0CD8 B591 DE A2 B4 4C 0B 79 36 F6 BE :26 5F D3 62 4B E2 D8 E4 CA46 DE 8A 7B FA B0 72 BC B6 EC FD 56 B0 6A12 36 CA 38 E39F 65 :A0 7D AA E0 5F A1 E3 BC 59 F3 AD A8 8D 95 A1 6B1B D4 66 9D 33 6A EF 7B 44 9E 5C D9 B1 51 89 3B :06 85 20 93 C7 C5 C0 05 62 ED DF 02 1D FE 687C: 18 A1 3A AB AA 59 92 30 6A7A 3B 8E 36 43 94 84 0B 0A 54 34 CB F1 0E 1B92 73 D5 01 C6 5B: 56 70 AE FD1E BB A9 B9 D2 7F 48 49 7F 3C07 4F3C 13 E3 2BAF 38 06 65 D2 04 FB 95 15 35 :2A 19 F1 7A CD43 34 6F 36 C2 12 5D BA 6F 4D 23 D2 BC56 28 EF 7F CA 4F 69 6B 7E 9261 43 4B :66 22 0D 13 B7 23 AD 41 9E5E98 2A 80 B7 6C 77 :36 FF9B 76 B1 04 BA 30 6D 4B 4D F9 2572 B3 EA FE 57E0C6 CF 7F0E : 95 9A 43 6D 14 D5 72 3F AA 8F 66 35 40 D0 E3 7174 92 4C 30 9F : 17 4B7F 20 9D0B 87 53 55 4B 58 ED67 EA3379 CD ABA8 8416 72 07 D2 : AC8D3A DA 12 43 B7 2F 3A70 7A 98 : C0 C2 B1 DD CF91 3E F1 D9 58 20D0 9E 31 FE 21 3C A0 A4 8D D1 57 :6D F2 9C 09 E1 EC D2 0B 82 BE 5D 69BD 7D 84 2E 85 CC 76 F7 776F10 D5 8E FEF7AA 05 25 :EB F6 31 C0 D9C6 51 BC D1 41 0F B4 75 34 EC AB AF 5A B715 BF D0 24 F3 05 1F FF 48 76DA AB : ED 80 9D 4B 97 22 0C AF 6D 49 29 C5 FB 68 4F 7B : B8 69 2E 6E 70 33 2F F9 B3 F7 C1 1D736C AC 51 D4 : A3 55 93 1719 2C 38 C6 D5 86 BD 67 82 2D B2 61 AA3D 48 F8 0C A8 43 B8 97 89 D6 25 E7 :08 C7 E499 7A D7 D6 74 D2 5A 2A 7D 16 5A 5F 39 B3 CB 63 : 58 E9 3734 D1 2D E0 51 32 15 4ABD B0 2A C8 A5 24 AC6B 2B 2893 11 3C ED D9 AD :5B CD FA 7C 65 89 2F A2C6 82 63DB AB 64 88 43 CC 6602 5C 0B B0 99 7D 71 6E 58 D4 D7 B6 97 :27 84 29 AC 15 5F 3B 9E 5B39 BF 59 1F 3E 71 C7 67 8D C0 DF99 AE96 F3 DF 9E 8A : A5 73 8F 4F 9C E2 14 89 F3 00 E0 40 89 1B 20 B2BC:19 6C 17 A1 99 A5 CF F7 80 32 11 88 F1 9DAB 6D 90 51 B36FC2 E6 8E FA 2F A9 79 9A 70 68 78 :4B 16 5F 3F 03 F7 D2 04 3D DE 5F 30D5 F4 62 01 8C 02 1D 66 69 ED 64 9F 9A CD8B BB 3A : 38 DA 9D EC 16 6C 36 4F 8B 7E 99 AA 99 FB 42 D6F7 84 :1A76 81 01 98 BF B8 BD 41 FF3CED C5 85D7 A2 30 74 2C D3 AA F7 18 2AEA FA 95 7E : EA 1D 36 253CE4 BE D3 76 E7 AE 49 71 8A EE 2F 57 :B5 02 C4 17 62 21 97 F1 E9 81 83 D0 4E BF5C 40 1A 26 A2 99 41 D8 DA 5B5D7E E9 AC A3 64 71 : } : } 541 40: OCTET STRING :AE 4E A1 D9 9E 78 FC DCEA12 D9 F1 0D 99 1A C709 47 25 0F A6 6C D5 25 59 5E 52 A6 9A AA DE :15 02 93 9E E0 C3 0E BD CC 97 DD 1F C5 BA 35 6688 EF CF 1B 0F 10 8A BE 29 10 60 39 1B 1C DF 59 :C8 3D 0D D5 D1 B4 FA A507 F3 6B 40 67 E4 53 42 : } : } : } 583 55: SEQUENCE { 585 9: OBJECT IDENTIFIER data{ 1(1 2 840 113549 1 71 }1) 596 27: SEQUENCE { 598 9: OBJECT IDENTIFIERaes256-GCM:{ 2aes256-GCM (2 16 840 1 101 3 4 146 }46) 609 14: SEQUENCE { 611 12: OCTET STRING : CA FE BA BE FA CE DB AD DE CA F8 88 : } : } 625 13: [0] : 9A F2 D1 6F 21 54 7F CE FE D9 B3 EF 2D : } 640 12: OCTET STRING A0 E5 92 5C C1 84 E0 17 24 63 C4 4C : } : } : }]]></artwork> </figure>]]></sourcecode> </section> <sectiontitle="Recipientanchor="sect-a.3" numbered="true" toc="default"> <name>Recipient ProcessingExample" anchor="sect-a.3">Example</name> <t>Bob's privatekey:</t> <figure><artwork><![CDATA[key is:</t> <sourcecode type="test-vectors"><![CDATA[ -----BEGIN RSA PRIVATE KEY----- MIIG5AIBAAKCAYEA3ocW14cxncPJ47fnEjBZAyfC2lqapL3ET4jvV6C7gGeVrRQx WPDwl+cFYBBR2ej3j3/0ecDmu+XuVi2+s5JHKeeza+itfuhsz3yifgeEpeK8T+Su sHhn20/NBLhYKbh3kiAcCgQ56dpDrDvDcLqqvS3jg/VO+OPnZbofoHOOevt8Q/ro ahJe1PlIyQ4udWB8zZezJ4mLLfbOA9YVaYXx2AHHZJevo3nmRnlgJXo6mE00E/6q khjDHKSMdl2WG6mO9TCDZc9qY3cAJDU6Ir0vSH7qUl8/vN13y4UOFkn8hM4kmZ6b JqbZt5NbjHtY4uQ0VMW3RyESzhrO02mrp39auLNnH3EXdXaV1tk75H3qC7zJaeGW MJyQfOE3YfEGRKn8fxubji716D8UecAxAzFyFL6m1JiOyV5acAiOpxN14qRYZdHn XOM9DqGIGpoeY1UuD4Mo05osOqOUpBJHA9fSwhSZG7VNf+vgNWTLNYSYLI04KiMd ulnvU6ds+QPz+KKtAgMBAAECggGATFfkSkUjjJCjLvDk4aScpSx6+Rakf2hrdS3x jwqhyUfAXgTTeUQQBs1HVtHCgxQd+qlXYn3/qu8TeZVwG4NPztyi/Z5yB1wOGJEV 3k8N/ytul6pJFFn6p48VM01bUdTrkMJbXERe6g/rr6dBQeeItCaOK7N5SIJH3Oqh 9xYuB5tH4rquCdYLmt17Tx8CaVqU9qPY3vOdQEOwIjjMV8uQUR8rHSO9KkSj8AGs Lq9kcuPpvgJc2oqMRcNePS2WVh8xPFktRLLRazgLP8STHAtjT6SlJ2UzkUqfDHGK q/BoXxBDu6L1VDwdnIS5HXtL54ElcXWsoOyKF8/ilmhRUIUWRZFmlS1ok8IC5IgX UdL9rJVZFTRLyAwmcCEvRM1asbBrhyEyshSOuN5nHJi2WVJ+wSHijeKl1qeLlpMk HrdIYBq4Nz7/zXmiQphpAy+yQeanhP8O4O6C8e7RwKdpxe44su4Z8fEgA5yQx0u7 8yR1EhGKydX5bhBLR5Cm1VM7rT2BAoHBAP/+e5gZLNf/ECtEBZjeiJ0VshszOoUq haUQPA+9Bx9pytsoKm5oQhB7QDaxAvrn8/FUW2aAkaXsaj9F+/q30AYSQtExai9J fdKKook3oimN8/yNRsKmhfjGOj8hd4+GjX0qoMSBCEVdT+bAjjry8wgQrqReuZnu oXU85dmb3jvv0uIczIKvTIeyjXE5afjQIJLmZFXsBm09BG87Ia5EFUKly96BOMJh /QWEzuYYXDqOFfzQtkAefXNFW21Kz4Hw2QKBwQDeiGh4lxCGTjECvG7fauMGlu+q DSdYyMHif6t6mx57eS16EjvOrlXKItYhIyzW8Kw0rf/CSB2j8ig1GkMLTOgrGIJ1 0322o50FOr5oOmZPueeR4pOyAP0fgQ8DD1L3JBpY68/8MhYbsizVrR+Ar4jM0f96 W2bF5Xj3h+fQTDMkx6VrCCQ6miRmBUzH+ZPs5n/lYOzAYrqiKOanaiHy4mjRvlsy mjZ6z5CG8sISqcLQ/k3Qli5pOY/v0rdBjgwAW/UCgcEAqGVYGjKdXCzuDvf9EpV4 mpTWB6yIV2ckaPOn/tZi5BgsmEPwvZYZt0vMbu28Px7sSpkqUuBKbzJ4pcy8uC3I SuYiTAhMiHS4rxIBX3BYXSuDD2RD4vG1+XM0h6jVRHXHh0nOXdVfgnmigPGz3jVJ B8oph/jD8O2YCk4YCTDOXPEi8Rjusxzro+whvRR+kG0gsGGcKSVNCPj1fNISEte4 gJId7O1mUAAzeDjn/VaS/PXQovEMolssPPKn9NocbKbpAoHBAJnFHJunl22W/lrr ppmPnIzjI30YVcYOA5vlqLKyGaAsnfYqP1WUNgfVhq2jRsrHx9cnHQI9Hu442PvI x+c5H30YFJ4ipE3eRRRmAUi4ghY5WgD+1hw8fqyUW7E7l5LbSbGEUVXtrkU5G64T UR91LEyMF8OPATdiV/KD4PWYkgaqRm3tVEuCVACDTQkqNsOOi3YPQcm270w6gxfQ SOEy/kdhCFexJFA8uZvmh6Cp2crczxyBilR/yCxqKOONqlFdOQKBwFbJk5eHPjJz AYueKMQESPGYCrwIqxgZGCxaqeVArHvKsEDx5whI6JWoFYVkFA8F0MyhukoEb/2x 2qB5T88Dg3EbqjTiLg3qxrWJ2OxtUo8pBP2I2wbl2NOwzcbrlYhzEZ8bJyxZu5i1 sYILC8PJ4Qzw6jS4Qpm4y1WHz8e/ElW6VyfmljZYA7f9WMntdfeQVqCVzNTvKn6f hg6GSpJTzp4LV3ougi9nQuWXZF2wInsXkLYpsiMbL6Fz34RwohJtYA== -----END RSA PRIVATE KEY-----]]></artwork> </figure>]]></sourcecode> <t> Bob decrypts the key-derivation key with his RSA private key:</t><figure><artwork><sourcecode type="test-vectors"> <![CDATA[ df85af9e3cebffde6e9b9d24263db31114d0a8e33a0d50e05eb64578ccde81eb</artwork></figure>]]></sourcecode> <t>Bob produces a 256-bit key-encryption key with HKDF using SHA-384; the secret value is the key-derivation key; and the 'info' is the DER-encoded CMSORIforPSKOtherInfo structure with the same values as shown inA.1.<xref target="sect-a.1"/>. The HKDF output is 256 bits:</t><figure><artwork> a14d87451dfd11d83cd54ffe2bd38c49a2adfed3ac49f1d3e62bbdc64ae43b32 </artwork></figure><sourcecode type="test-vectors"><![CDATA[ f319e9cebb35f1c6a7a9709b8760b9d0d3e30e16c5b2b69347e9f00ca540a232 ]]></sourcecode> <t>Bob uses AES-KEY-WRAP to decrypt the content-encryption key with the key-encryption key; the content-encryption key is:</t><figure><artwork><sourcecode type="test-vectors"><![CDATA[ c8adc30f4a3e20ac420caa76a68f5787c02ab42afea20d19672fd963a5338e83</artwork></figure>]]></sourcecode> <t>Bob decrypts the content using AES-256-GCM with the content-encryptionkey,key and checks the received authentication tag. The 12-octet nonce used is:</t><figure><artwork><sourcecode type="test-vectors"> <![CDATA[ cafebabefacedbaddecaf888</artwork></figure>]]></sourcecode> <t>The 12-octet authentication tag is: </t><figure><artwork><sourcecode type="test-vectors"> <![CDATA[ a0e5925cc184e0172463c44c</artwork></figure>]]></sourcecode> <t>The received ciphertext content is:</t><figure><artwork><sourcecode type="test-vectors"> <![CDATA[ 9af2d16f21547fcefed9b3ef2d</artwork></figure>]]></sourcecode> <t>The resulting plaintext content is:</t><figure><artwork><sourcecode type="test-vectors"> <![CDATA[ 48656c6c6f2c20776f726c6421</artwork></figure>]]></sourcecode> </section> </section> <sectiontitle="Keyanchor="sect-b" numbered="true" toc="default"> <name>Key Agreement with PSKExample" anchor="sect-b"><t>Example</name> <t> This example shows the establishment of an AES-256 content-encryption key using:</t><t><list style="symbols" hangIndent="3"> <t>a<ul spacing="normal"> <li>a pre-shared key of 256bits;</t> <t>keybits;</li> <li>key agreement using ECDH on curve P-384 and X9.63 KDF withSHA-384;</t> <t>keySHA-384;</li> <li>key derivation using HKDF with SHA-384;and</t> <t>keyand</li> <li>key wrap usingAES-256-KEYWRAP.</t> </list> </t>AES-256-KEYWRAP.</li> </ul> <t> In real-world use, the originator would treat themselves as an additional recipient by performing key agreement with their own static public key and the ephemeral private key generated for this message. This is omitted in an attempt to simplify the example.</t> <sectiontitle="Originatoranchor="sect-b.1" numbered="true" toc="default"> <name>Originator ProcessingExample" anchor="sect-b.1">Example</name> <t> The pre-shared key known to Alice and Bob, inhexadecimal:</t> <figure><artwork>hexadecimal, is:</t> <sourcecode type="test-vectors"><![CDATA[ 4aa53cbf500850dd583a5d9821605c6fa228fb5917f87c1c078660214e2d83e4</artwork></figure>]]></sourcecode> <t>The identifier assigned to the pre-shared key is:</t><figure><artwork><sourcecode type="test-vectors"><![CDATA[ ptf-kmc:216840110121</artwork></figure>]]></sourcecode> <t>Alice randomly generates a content-encryption key:</t><figure><artwork><sourcecode type="test-vectors"><![CDATA[ 937b1219a64d57ad81c05cc86075e86017848c824d4e85800c731c5b7b091033</artwork></figure>]]></sourcecode> <t>Alice obtains Bob's static ECDH public key:</t><figure><artwork><![CDATA[<sourcecode type="test-vectors"><![CDATA[ -----BEGIN PUBLIC KEY----- MHYwEAYHKoZIzj0CAQYFK4EEACIDYgAEScGPBO9nmUwGrgbGEoFY9HR/bCo0WyeY /dePQVrwZmwN2yMJmO2d1kWCvLTz8U7atinxyIRe9CV54yau1KWU/wbkhPDnzuSM YkcpxMGo32z3JetEloW5aFOja13vv/W5 -----END PUBLIC KEY-----]]></artwork> </figure>]]></sourcecode> <t>It has a key identifier of:</t><figure><artwork><sourcecode type="test-vectors"><![CDATA[ e8218b98b8b7d86b5e9ebdc8aeb8c4ecdc05c529</artwork></figure>]]></sourcecode> <t> Alice generates an ephemeral ECDH key pair on the same curve:</t><figure><artwork><![CDATA[<sourcecode type="test-vectors"><![CDATA[ -----BEGIN EC PRIVATE KEY----- MIGkAgEBBDCMiWLG44ik+L8cYVvJrQdLcFA+PwlgRF+Wt1Ab25qUh8OB7OePWjxp /b8P6IOuI6GgBwYFK4EEACKhZANiAAQ5G0EmJk/2ks8sXY1kzbuG3Uu3ttWwQRXA LFDJICjvYfr+yTpOQVkchm88FAh9MEkw4NKctokKNgpsqXyrT3DtOg76oIYENpPb GE5lJdjPx9sBsZQdABwlsU0Zb7P/7i8= -----END EC PRIVATE KEY-----]]></artwork> </figure>]]></sourcecode> <t>Alice computes a sharedsecret,secret calledZ,"Z" usingtheBob's static ECDH public key and her ephemeral ECDH private key; Z is: </t><figure><artwork><sourcecode type="test-vectors"><![CDATA[ 3f015ed0ff4b99523a95157bbe77e9cc0ee52fcffeb7e41eac79d1c11b6cc556 19cf8807e6d800c2de40240fe0e26adc</artwork></figure>]]></sourcecode> <t> Alice computes the pairwise key-encryption key, calledKEK1,"KEK1", from Z using the X9.63 KDF with the ECC-CMS-SharedInfo structure with the following values: </t><figure><artwork><![CDATA[<sourcecode type="test-vectors"><![CDATA[ 0 21: SEQUENCE { 2 11: SEQUENCE { 4 9: OBJECT IDENTIFIER aes256-wrap: { 2(2 16 840 1 101 3 4 145 }45) : } 15 6: [2] { 17 4: OCTET STRING 00 00 00 20 : } : }]]></artwork> </figure>]]></sourcecode> <t>The DER encoding of ECC-CMS-SharedInfo produces 23 octets:</t><figure><artwork><sourcecode type="test-vectors"><![CDATA[ 3015300b060960864801650304012da206040400000020</artwork></figure>]]></sourcecode> <t>The X9.63 KDF output is the 256-bit KEK1:</t><figure><artwork><sourcecode type="test-vectors"><![CDATA[ 27dc25ddb0b425f7a968ceada80a8f73c6ccaab115baafcce4a22a45d6b8f3da</artwork></figure>]]></sourcecode> <t>Alice produces the 256-bit KEK2 with HKDF using SHA-384; the secret value is KEK1; and the 'info' is the DER-encoded CMSORIforPSKOtherInfo structure with the following values:</t><figure><artwork><![CDATA[<sourcecode type="test-vectors"><![CDATA[ 0 56: SEQUENCE { 2 32: OCTET STRING : 4A A5 3C BF 50 08 50 DD 58 3A 5D 98 21 60 5C 6F : A2 28 FB 59 17 F8 7C 1C 07 86 60 21 4E 2D 83 E4 36 1: ENUMERATED 10 39 11: SEQUENCE { 41 9: OBJECT IDENTIFIER aes256-wrap: { 2(2 16 840 1 101 3 4 145 }45) : } 52 1: INTEGER 32 55 1: INTEGER 32 : }]]></artwork> </figure>]]></sourcecode> <t>The DER encoding of CMSORIforPSKOtherInfo produces 58 octets:</t><figure><artwork><sourcecode type="test-vectors"><![CDATA[ 303804204aa53cbf500850dd583a5d9821605c6fa228fb5917f87c1c07866021 4e2d83e40a010a300b060960864801650304012d020120020120</artwork></figure>]]></sourcecode> <t>The HKDF output is the 256-bit KEK2:</t><figure><artwork><sourcecode type="test-vectors"><![CDATA[ 7de693ee30ae22b5f8f6cd026c2164103f4e1430f1ab135dc1fb98954f9830bb</artwork></figure>]]></sourcecode> <t>Alice uses AES-KEY-WRAP to encrypt the content-encryption key with the KEK2; the wrapped key is:</t><figure><artwork><sourcecode type="test-vectors"><![CDATA[ 229fe0b45e40003e7d8244ec1b7e7ffb2c8dca16c36f5737222553a71263a92b de08866a602d63f4</artwork></figure>]]></sourcecode> <t>Alice encrypts the content using AES-256-GCM with the content-encryption key. The 12-octet nonce used is:</t><figure><artwork><sourcecode type="test-vectors"><![CDATA[ dbaddecaf888cafebabeface</artwork></figure>]]></sourcecode> <t>The plaintext is:</t><figure><artwork><sourcecode type="test-vectors"><![CDATA[ 48656c6c6f2c20776f726c6421</artwork></figure>]]></sourcecode> <t>The resulting ciphertext is:</t><figure><artwork><sourcecode type="test-vectors"><![CDATA[ fc6d6f823e3ed2d209d0c6ffcf</artwork></figure>]]></sourcecode> <t>The resulting 12-octet authentication tag is:</t><figure><artwork><sourcecode type="test-vectors"><![CDATA[ 550260c42e5b29719426c1ff</artwork></figure>]]></sourcecode> </section> <sectiontitle="ContentInfoanchor="sect-b.2" numbered="true" toc="default"> <name>ContentInfo andAuthEnvelopedData" anchor="sect-b.2"><t>AuthEnvelopedData</name> <t> Alice encodes the AuthEnvelopedData and theContentInfo,ContentInfo and sends the result to Bob. The resulting structure is:</t><figure><artwork><![CDATA[<sourcecode type="test-vectors"><![CDATA[ 0 327: SEQUENCE { 4 11: OBJECT IDENTIFIERauthEnvelopedData:{ 1authEnvelopedData (1 2 840 113549 1 9 16 123 }23) 17 310: [0] { 21 306: SEQUENCE { 25 1: INTEGER 0 28 229: SET { 31 226: [4] { 34 11: OBJECT IDENTIFIER** Placeholder **:{ 1keyAgreePSK (1 2 840 113549 1 9 16TBD 2 }13 2) 47 210: SEQUENCE { 50 1: INTEGER 0 53 20: OCTET STRING 'ptf-kmc:216840110121' 75 85: [0] { 77 83: [1] { 79 19: SEQUENCE { 81 6: OBJECT IDENTIFIER :dhSinglePass-stdDH-sha256kdf-scheme : { 1ecdhX963KDF-SHA256 (1 3 132 1 111 }1) 89 9: OBJECT IDENTIFIERaes256-wrap:{ 2aes256-wrap (2 16 840 1 101 3 4 145 }45) : } 100 60: BIT STRING, encapsulates { 103 57: OCTET STRING : 1B 41 26 26 4F F6 92 CF 2C 5D 8D 64 CD BB 86 DD : 4B B7 B6 D5 B0 41 15 C0 2C 50 C9 20 28 EF 61 FA : FE C9 3A 4E 41 59 1C 86 6F 3C 14 08 7D 30 49 30 : E0 D2 9C B6 89 0A 36 0A 6C : } : } : } 162 13: SEQUENCE { 164 11: OBJECT IDENTIFIER** Placeholder **:{ 1hkdf-with-sha384 (1 2 840 113549 1 9 16 3TBD }29) : } 177 11: SEQUENCE { 179 9: OBJECT IDENTIFIERaes256-wrap:{ 2aes256-wrap (2 16 840 1 101 3 4 145 }45) : } 190 68: SEQUENCE { 192 66: SEQUENCE { 194 22: [0] { 196 20: OCTET STRING : E8 21 8B 98 B8 B7 D8 6B 5E 9E BD C8 AE B8 C4 EC : DC 05 C5 29 : } 218 40: OCTET STRING : 22 9F E0 B4 5E 40 00 3E 7D 82 44 EC 1B 7E 7F FB : 2C 8D CA 16 C3 6F 57 37 22 25 53 A7 12 63 A9 2B : DE 08 86 6A 60 2D 63 F4 : } : } : } : } : } 260 55: SEQUENCE { 262 9: OBJECT IDENTIFIER data{ 1(1 2 840 113549 1 71 }1) 273 27: SEQUENCE { 275 9: OBJECT IDENTIFIERaes256-GCM:{ 2aes256-GCM (2 16 840 1 101 3 4 146 }46) 286 14: SEQUENCE { 288 12: OCTET STRING : DB AD DE CA F8 88 CA FE BA BE FA CE : } : } 302 13: [0] : FC 6D 6F 82 3E 3E D2 D2 09 D0 C6 FF CF : } 317 12: OCTET STRING 55 02 60 C4 2E 5B 29 71 94 26 C1 FF : } : } : }]]></artwork> </figure>]]></sourcecode> </section> <sectiontitle="Recipientanchor="sect-b.3" numbered="true" toc="default"> <name>Recipient ProcessingExample" anchor="sect-b.3">Example</name> <t> Bob obtains Alice's ephemeral ECDH public key from the message:</t><figure><artwork><![CDATA[<sourcecode type="test-vectors"><![CDATA[ -----BEGIN PUBLIC KEY----- MHYwEAYHKoZIzj0CAQYFK4EEACIDYgAEORtBJiZP9pLPLF2NZM27ht1Lt7bVsEEV wCxQySAo72H6/sk6TkFZHIZvPBQIfTBJMODSnLaJCjYKbKl8q09w7ToO+qCGBDaT 2xhOZSXYz8fbAbGUHQAcJbFNGW+z/+4v -----END PUBLIC KEY-----]]></artwork> </figure>]]></sourcecode> <t> Bob's static ECDH privatekey:</t> <figure><artwork><![CDATA[key is:</t> <sourcecode type="test-vectors"><![CDATA[ -----BEGIN EC PRIVATE KEY----- MIGkAgEBBDAnJ4hB+tTUN9X03/W0RsrYy+qcptlRSYkhaDIsQYPXfTU0ugjJEmRk NTPj4y1IRjegBwYFK4EEACKhZANiAARJwY8E72eZTAauBsYSgVj0dH9sKjRbJ5j9 149BWvBmbA3bIwmY7Z3WRYK8tPPxTtq2KfHIhF70JXnjJq7UpZT/BuSE8OfO5Ixi RynEwajfbPcl60SWhbloU6NrXe+/9bk= -----END EC PRIVATE KEY-----]]></artwork> </figure>]]></sourcecode> <t> Bob computes a sharedsecret,secret calledZ,"Z" usingtheAlice's ephemeral ECDH public key and his static ECDH private key; Z is:</t><figure><artwork><sourcecode type="test-vectors"><![CDATA[ 3f015ed0ff4b99523a95157bbe77e9cc0ee52fcffeb7e41eac79d1c11b6cc556 19cf8807e6d800c2de40240fe0e26adc</artwork></figure>]]></sourcecode> <t> Bob computes the pairwise key-encryption key,calledKEK1, from Z using the X9.63 KDF with the ECC-CMS-SharedInfo structure with the values shown inB.1.<xref target="sect-b.1"/>. The X9.63 KDF output is the 256-bit KEK1:</t><figure><artwork><sourcecode type="test-vectors"><![CDATA[ 27dc25ddb0b425f7a968ceada80a8f73c6ccaab115baafcce4a22a45d6b8f3da</artwork></figure>]]></sourcecode> <t>Bob produces the 256-bit KEK2 with HKDF using SHA-384; the secret value is KEK1; and the 'info' is the DER-encoded CMSORIforPSKOtherInfo structure with the values shown inB.1.<xref target="sect-b.1"/>. The HKDF output is the 256-bit KEK2:</t><figure><artwork><sourcecode type="test-vectors"><![CDATA[ 7de693ee30ae22b5f8f6cd026c2164103f4e1430f1ab135dc1fb98954f9830bb</artwork></figure>]]></sourcecode> <t> Bob uses AES-KEY-WRAP to decrypt the content-encryption key with the KEK2; the content-encryption key is: </t><figure><artwork><sourcecode type="test-vectors"><![CDATA[ 937b1219a64d57ad81c05cc86075e86017848c824d4e85800c731c5b7b091033</artwork></figure>]]></sourcecode> <t>Bob decrypts the content using AES-256-GCM with the content-encryptionkey,key and checks the received authentication tag. The 12-octet nonce used is:</t><figure><artwork><sourcecode type="test-vectors"><![CDATA[ dbaddecaf888cafebabeface</artwork></figure>]]></sourcecode> <t>The 12-octet authentication tag is:</t><figure><artwork><sourcecode type="test-vectors"><![CDATA[ 550260c42e5b29719426c1ff</artwork></figure>]]></sourcecode> <t>The received ciphertext content is:</t><figure><artwork><sourcecode type="test-vectors"><![CDATA[ fc6d6f823e3ed2d209d0c6ffcf</artwork></figure>]]></sourcecode> <t>The resulting plaintext content is:</t><figure><artwork><sourcecode type="test-vectors"><![CDATA[ 48656c6c6f2c20776f726c6421</artwork></figure>]]></sourcecode> </section> </section> <sectiontitle="Acknowledgements" numbered="no" anchor="acknowledgements"><t>numbered="false" anchor="acknowledgements" toc="default"> <name>Acknowledgements</name> <t> Many thanks to Roman Danyliw, Ben Kaduk, Burt Kaliski, Panos Kampanakis, Jim Schaad, Robert Sparks, Sean Turner, and Daniel Van Geest for their review and insightful comments. They have greatly improved the design, clarity, and implementation guidance.</t> </section> </back> </rfc>