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<rfc submissionType="IETF" xmlns:xi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XInclude"
     docName="draft-ietf-emu-eap-session-id-07.txt" number="8940"
     submissionType="IETF" category="std" consensus="true" updates="5247" ipr="trust200902">
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    <title abbrev="EAP Session-Id Derivation">EAP Derivation">Extensible Authentication
    Protocol (EAP) Session-Id Derivation for EAP-SIM, EAP-AKA, EAP Subscriber Identity Module
    (EAP-SIM), EAP Authentication and PEAP</title> Key Agreement (EAP-AKA), and Protected
    EAP (PEAP)</title>
    <seriesInfo name="RFC" value="8940"/>
    <author initials="A." surname="DeKok" fullname="Alan DeKok">
      <organization abbrev="FreeRADIUS">The FreeRADIUS Server Project</organization>
    <date year="2020" month="September"/>
	<abstract><t> month="October"/>
<keyword>fast reconnect</keyword>

   RFC 5247 is updated to define and clarity clarify EAP Session-Id derivation
   for multiple EAP Extensible Authentication
    Protocol (EAP) methods.  The derivation of Session-Id was not given
   for EAP-SIM EAP Subscriber Identity Module (EAP-SIM) or EAP-AKA EAP Authentication and Key Agreement (EAP-AKA) when using the fast reconnect exchange instead
   of full authentication.  The derivation of Session-Id for full
   authentication is clarified for both EAP-SIM and EAP-AKA.  The
   derivation of Session-Id for PEAP Protected EAP (PEAP) is also given.  The definition for
   PEAP follows the definition for other TLS-based EAP methods.</t>
    <section title="Introduction" anchor="sect-1"><t> anchor="sect-1" numbered="true" toc="default">
   EAP <xref target="RFC3748"/> target="RFC3748" format="default"/> Session-Id derivation has not
   been defined for EAP-SIM and EAP-AKA when using the fast reconnect exchange
   instead of full authentication.  <xref target="RFC5247"/> target="RFC5247" format="default"/>
   defines the Session-Id for these EAP methods, but that derivation is only
   applicable for the full authentication case.  The Session-Id derivation was
   not defined for EAP-AKA', but <xref target="I-D.ietf-emu-rfc5448bis"/> target="I-D.ietf-emu-rfc5448bis"
   format="default"/> now defines it, along with other updates.  As such, the
   definition for EAP-AKA' is not included here.</t>

   Further, the deriviation derivation of Session-Id for full authentication is
   clarified, as the text in <xref target="RFC5247"/> target="RFC5247" format="default"/> is ambiguousl</t>
   The IEEE has defined Fast Initial Link Setup (FILS) authentication <xref
   target="FILS" format="default"/>, which needs the EAP Session-Id in order
   for the EAP Re-authentication Protocol (ERP) <xref target="RFC6696"/> target="RFC6696"
   format="default"/> to work.  It is therefore important to address the
   existing deficiencies in the definition of EAP Session-Id.</t>
   Finally, <xref target="RFC5247"/> target="RFC5247" format="default"/> did not define
   Session-Id for PEAP <xref
   target="MS-PEAP"/>, target="MS-PEAP" format="default"/> <xref target="I-D.josefsson-pppext-eap-tls-eap"/>.
   target="I-D.josefsson-pppext-eap-tls-eap" format="default"/>. We correct
   these deficiencies here by updating <xref target="RFC5247"/> target="RFC5247"
   format="default"/> with the Session-Id derivation during fast-reconnect
   exchange for EAP-SIM and EAP-AKA; clarfying clarifying the Session-Id derivation
   during full authentication for EAP-SIM and EAP-AKA; and defining the
   Session-Id derivation for PEAP PEAP, which is the same for both full
   authentication and fast reconnect.</t>

	<section title="Requirements Language" anchor="sect-1.1"><t>
   The key words "MUST", "MUST NOT", "REQUIRED", "SHALL", "SHALL NOT",
   "OPTIONAL" in this document are to be interpreted as described in BCP 14
   <xref target="RFC2119"/> <xref target="RFC8174"/> when, and only when, they
   appear in all capitals, as shown here.</t>

    <section title="Updates anchor="sect-2" numbered="true" toc="default">
      <name>Updates to RFC 5247 5247, Appendix A" anchor="sect-2"><t> A</name>
   This section updates <xref target="RFC5247"/> Appendix A target="RFC5247" sectionFormat="comma"
   section="A"/> to define Session-Id for fast reconnect exchange for EAP-AKA and
      <section title="EAP-AKA" anchor="sect-2.1"><t> anchor="sect-2.1" numbered="true" toc="default">
   For EAP-AKA, <xref target="RFC5247"/> Appendix A target="RFC5247" sectionFormat="comma"
   section="A"/> says:</t>
  <dl newline="true">


	<t> EAP-AKA is defined in <xref target="RFC4187"/>. target="RFC4187"
      format="default"/>.  The EAP-AKA Session-Id is the concatenation of
      the EAP Type Code (0x17) with the contents of the RAND field from
      the AT_RAND attribute, followed by the contents of the AUTN field in
      the AT_AUTN attribute:</t>

	</list> attribute:


   Session-Id = 0x17 || RAND || AUTN

        <t>It should say:</t>


  <dl newline="true">
          <t>EAP-AKA is defined in <xref target="RFC4187"/>. target="RFC4187" format="default"/>.  When using full
      authentication, the EAP-AKA Session-Id is the concatenation of the EAP
      Type Code (0x17) with the contents of the RAND field from the AT_RAND
      attribute, followed by the contents of the AUTN field in the AT_AUTN



        <artwork name="" type="" align="left" alt=""><![CDATA[
   Session-Id = 0x17 || RAND || AUTN


          <t>When using fast reconnect, the EAP-AKA Session-Id is the
      	concatenation of the EAP Type Code (0x17) with the contents of the
      	NONCE_S field from the AT_NONCE_S attribute, followed by the contents
      	of the MAC field from the AT_MAC attribute from



        <artwork name="" type="" align="left" alt=""><![CDATA[
   Session-Id = 0x17 || NONCE_S || MAC
      <section title="EAP-SIM" anchor="sect-2.2"><t> anchor="sect-2.2" numbered="true" toc="default">
   Similarly for EAP-SIM, <xref target="RFC5247"/> Appendix A target="RFC5247" sectionFormat="comma"
   section="A"/> says:</t>


          <dl newline="true">
            <dt>EAP-SIM                                                                                </dt>
          <t>EAP-SIM is defined in <xref target="RFC4186"/>. target="RFC4186" format="default"/>.  The EAP-SIM
	Session-Id is the concatenation of the EAP Type Code (0x12) with the
	contents of the RAND field from the AT_RAND attribute, followed by the
	contents of the NONCE_MT field in the AT_NONCE_MT attribute:</t>



        <artwork name="" type="" align="left" alt=""><![CDATA[
   Session-Id = 0x12 || RAND || NONCE_MT
        <t>It should say:</t>



	  <dl newline="true">
              <t>EAP-SIM is defined in <xref target="RFC4186"/>. target="RFC4186" format="default"/>.
              When using full authentication, the EAP-SIM Session-Id is the
              concatenation of the EAP Type Code (0x12) with the contents of the
              RAND field from the AT_RAND attribute, followed by the contents of
              the NONCE_MT field in the AT_NONCE_MT attribute.
              RFC 4186 says that the EAP server should obtain "n" GSM
              triplets where "n=2" or "n=3".</t>

              <t>For "n=2", the Session-Id is therefore defined as</t>



        <artwork name="" type="" align="left" alt=""><![CDATA[
   Session-Id = 0x12 || RAND1 || RAND2 || NONCE_MT


        <t>which is 49 octets in length.</t>
        <t>For "n=3", the Session-Id is therefore defined as</t>



        <artwork name="" type="" align="left" alt=""><![CDATA[
   Session-Id = 0x12 || RAND1 || RAND2 || RAND3 || NONCE_MT


        <t>which is 65 octets in length.</t>

	<t>Where RAND1, RAND2

          <t>RAND1, RAND2, and RAND3 correspond to the RAND value from the
	first, second second, and third GSM triplet triplet, respectively.</t>
          <t>When using fast reconnect, the EAP-SIM Session-Id is the
	concatenation of the EAP Type Code (0x12) with the contents of the
	NONCE_S field from the AT_NONCE_S attribute, followed by the contents
	of the MAC field from the AT_MAC attribute from



        <artwork name="" type="" align="left" alt=""><![CDATA[
   Session-Id = 0x12 || NONCE_S || MAC


          <t>which is 33 octets in length.</t>

      <section title="Rationale anchor="sect-2.3" numbered="true" toc="default">
        <name>Rationale for EAP-AKA and EAP-SIM updates" anchor="sect-2.3"><t> Updates</name>
<xref target="RFC5247"/> target="RFC5247" sectionFormat="of"
   section="A"/> was supposed to define exported parameters for
   existing EAP methods in Appendix A. methods. The way Session-Id was defined for
   EAP-AKA and EAP-SIM works only for the full authentication case, i.e., it
   cannot be used when the optional fast reconnect case is used since the used
   parameters (RAND, AUTN, NONCE_MT) are not used in the fast reconnect
   case. Based on <xref target="RFC4187"/> Section 5.2, target="RFC4187" sectionFormat="comma" section="5.2"/>
   and similar text in
   <xref target="RFC4186"/> Section 5.2, target="RFC4186" sectionFormat="comma" section="5.2"/>, NONCE_S corresponds to RAND and MAC
   in EAP-Request/AKA-Reauthentication EAP-Request/AKA-Reauthentication, and EAP-Request/SIM/Reauthentication
   corresponds to AUTN. That would seem to imply that the Session-Id could be
   defined using NONCE_S and MAC instead of RAND and AUTN/NONCE_MT.</t>
   This deriviation derivation is done via a random value created by the server,
   along with a secret key and the peer's identity.  We believe that
   this deriviation derivation is secure, though no formal analysis has been done.</t>
    <section title="Session-Id anchor="sect-3" numbered="true" toc="default">
      <name>Session-Id for PEAP" anchor="sect-3"><t> PEAP</name>
   <xref target="RFC5247"/> target="RFC5247" format="default"/> did not define Session-Id for Microsoft's
   Protected EAP (PEAP).  For consistency with the EAP-TLS definition given in
   <xref target="RFC5216"/> <xref target="sect-2.3"/>, target="RFC5216" sectionFormat="comma" section="2.3"/>, we define it as:</t>

      <artwork name="" type="" align="left" alt=""><![CDATA[
   Session-Id = 0x19 || client.random || server.random
   This definition is that same for both full authentication, authentication and for fast reconnect.</t>
   This definition is already in wide-spread widespread use in all known PEAP
   Note that this definition for Session-Id only applies when TLS 1.2 or
   earlier is used.  A different derivation is defined for TLS 1.3 in
   <xref target="I-D.dekok-emu-tls-eap-types"/>.</t> target="I-D.ietf-emu-tls-eap-types" format="default"/>.</t>
    <section title="Security Considerations" anchor="sect-4"><t> anchor="sect-4" numbered="true" toc="default">
      <name>Security Considerations</name>
   This specification defines EAP Session-Ids for ERP with EAP-SIM and
   EAP-AKA.  It therefore enables ERP key hierarchy establishment using
   fast reconnect with EAP-SIM and EAP-AKA.</t>
   The Session-Id definitions given here are unique per session and
   unforgeable session, unforgeable, and unguessable by an outside party, as per the
   requirements of <xref target="RFC5247"/> Section 10.</t> target="RFC5247" sectionFormat="comma" section="10"/>.</t>
   The definitions used here have been widely deployed for years, years in
   all major EAP implementations.  However, we acknowledge that very
   little security analysis has been done for these definitions.  As a
   result, any security issues would result in serious issues for the
   Internet as a whole.	</t>
   These updates do not modify the Security Considerations security considerations outlined in
   <xref target="RFC5247"/>.</t>
    <section title="IANA Considerations" anchor="sect-5"><t>
   There are no actions for IANA.  RFC EDITOR: anchor="sect-5" numbered="true" toc="default">
      <name>IANA Considerations</name>
   This section may be
   removed before publication.</t> document has no IANA actions.</t>
	<references title="Normative References">
<displayreference target="I-D.ietf-emu-rfc5448bis" to="AKAP"/>
<displayreference target="I-D.ietf-emu-tls-eap-types" to="TLS-EAP-TYPES"/>
<displayreference target="I-D.josefsson-pppext-eap-tls-eap" to="PEAP"/>
        <name>Normative References</name>
        <xi:include href="https://xml2rfc.ietf.org/public/rfc/bibxml/reference.RFC.3748.xml"/>
        <xi:include href="https://xml2rfc.ietf.org/public/rfc/bibxml/reference.RFC.5216.xml"/>
        <xi:include href="https://xml2rfc.ietf.org/public/rfc/bibxml/reference.RFC.5247.xml"/>

        <reference anchor="FILS"><front> anchor="FILS">
            <title>IEEE Standard for Information
            technology--Telecommunications and information exchange between
            systems - Local and metropolitan area networks--Specific
            requirements - Part 11: Wireless LAN Medium Access Control (MAC)
            and Physical Layer (PHY) Specifications - Amendment 1: Fast
            Initial Link Setup</title>
            <date month="December" year="2016"/>
	  <seriesInfo name="DOI" value="10.1109/IEEESTD.2016.7792308"/>
          <seriesInfo name="IEEE" value="Std 802.11ai-2016"/>
	<references title="Informative References">
        <name>Informative References</name>
        <xi:include href="https://xml2rfc.ietf.org/public/rfc/bibxml/reference.RFC.4186.xml"/>
        <xi:include href="https://xml2rfc.ietf.org/public/rfc/bibxml/reference.RFC.4187.xml"/>
        <xi:include href="https://xml2rfc.ietf.org/public/rfc/bibxml/reference.RFC.6696.xml"/>

<xi:include href="https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/bibxml3/reference.I-D.ietf-emu-rfc5448bis.xml"/>

<xi:include href="https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/bibxml3/reference.I-D.ietf-emu-tls-eap-types.xml"/>

        <reference anchor="MS-PEAP" target="https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/openspecs/windows_protocols/ms-peap/5308642b-90c9-4cc4-beec-fb367325c0f9"><front> target="https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/openspecs/windows_protocols/ms-peap/5308642b-90c9-4cc4-beec-fb367325c0f9">
            <title>[MS-PEAP]: Protected Extensible Authentication Protocol (PEAP)</title>

<xi:include href="https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/bibxml3/reference.I-D.josefsson-pppext-eap-tls-eap.xml"/>

<reference anchor="Err5011" quote-title="false"
<title>Erratum ID 5011</title>
<author><organization>RFC Errata</organization></author>
<refcontent>RFC 5247</refcontent>

    <section title="Acknowledgments" numbered="no" anchor="acknowledgments"><figure><artwork><![CDATA[ numbered="false" anchor="acknowledgments" toc="default">
The issue corrected in this specification was first reported by Jouni
Malinen <contact
fullname="Jouni Malinen"/> in a technical errata at
https://www.rfc-editor.org/errata_search.php?rfc=5247 erratum for RFC 5247 <xref target="Err5011"/>.</t>

The text in this document follows Jouni's suggestions.