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<rfc ipr="trust200902" docName="draft-ietf-suit-architecture-16" category="info"
<title abbrev="A Firmware Update Architecture for IoT">A Firmware Update Arc
hitecture for Internet of Things</title>
<author initials="B." surname="Moran" fullname="Brendan Moran">
<organization>Arm Limited</organization>
<author initials="H." surname="Tschofenig" fullname="Hannes Tschofenig">
<organization>Arm Limited</organization>
<author initials="D." surname="Brown" fullname="David Brown">
<author initials="M." surname="Meriac" fullname="Milosch Meriac">
<date year="2021" month="January" day="27"/>
<t>Vulnerabilities in Internet of Things (IoT) devices have raised
the need for a reliable and secure firmware update mechanism
suitable for devices with resource constraints. Incorporating such an
update mechanism is a fundamental requirement for fixing vulnerabilities
but it also enables other important capabilities such as updating
configuration settings
as well as adding new functionality.</t>
<t>In addition to the definition of terminology and an architecture
this document motivates the standardization of a manifest format
as a transport-agnostic means for describing and protecting firmware
<section anchor="introduction" title="Introduction">
<t>Firmware updates can help to fix security vulnerabilities, and
performing updates is an important building block in securing
IoT devices. Due to rising concerns about insecure IoT devices the Internet
Architecture Board (IAB) organized a ‘Workshop on Internet of Things
(IoT) Software Update (IOTSU)’ <xref target="RFC8240"/> to take a look at
the bigger picture. The workshop revealed a number of challenges for developers
and led to the formation of the IETF
Software Updates for Internet of Things (SUIT) working group.</t>
<t>Developing secure Internet of Things (IoT) devices is not an easy
task and supporting a firmware update solution requires skillful
engineers. Once devices are deployed, firmware updates play a
critical part in their lifecycle management, particularly when devices have a
long lifetime, or are deployed in remote or inaccessible areas where manual
intervention is cost prohibitive or otherwise difficult. Firmware updates<vspace
for IoT devices are expected to work automatically, i.e. without user
involvement. Conversely, non-IoT devices are expected to account for user
preferences and consent when scheduling updates.
Automatic updates that do not require human intervention
are key to a scalable solution for fixing software vulnerabilities.</t>
<t>Firmware updates are done not only to fix bugs, but also to add new functiona <!DOCTYPE rfc SYSTEM "rfc2629-xhtml.ent">
lity and to reconfigure
the device to work in new environments or to behave differently in
an already deployed context.</t>
<t>The manifest specification has to allow that</t>
<t><list style="symbols">
<t>The firmware image is authenticated and integrity protected.
Attempts to flash a maliciously modified firmware image or an image from
an unknown, untrusted source must be prevented. In examples this document
uses asymmetric cryptography because it is the preferred approach by
many IoT deployments. The use of symmetric credentials is also supported
and can be used by very constrained IoT devices.</t>
<t>The firmware image can be confidentiality protected so that
attempts by an adversary to recover the plaintext binary can
be mitigated or at least made more difficult. Obtaining the firmware is often on
e of
the first steps to mount an attack since it gives the adversary
valuable insights into the software libraries used, configuration
settings and generic functionality. Even though reverse
engineering the binary can be a tedious process modern reverse
engineering frameworks have made this task a lot easier.</t>
<t>Authentication and integrity protection of firmware images must be used in a
but the confidential protection of firmware is optional.</t>
<t>While the standardization work has been informed by and optimized for firmwar
update use cases of Class 1 devices (according to the device class
definitions in RFC 7228 <xref target="RFC7228"/>), there is nothing in
the architecture that restricts its use to only these constrained IoT devices.
Moreover, this architecture is not limited to managing firmware and software upd
but can also be applied to managing the delivery of arbitrary data, such
as configuration information and keys. Unlike higher end devices, like
laptops and desktop PCs, many IoT devices do not have user interfaces;
and support for unattended updates is, therefore, essential for the design
of a practical solution. Constrained IoT devices often use a
software engineering model where a developer is responsible for creating
and compiling all software running on the device into a single, monolithic
firmware image. On higher end devices application software is, on the other
hand, often downloaded separately and even obtained from developers different
to the developers of the lower level software. The details for how to obtain
those application layer software binaries then depends heavily on the platform,
programming language used and the sandbox in which the software is executed.</t>
<t>While the IETF standardization work has been focused on the
manifest format, a fully interoperable solution needs more than a standardized
manifest. For example, protocols for transferring firmware images
and manifests to the device need to be available as well as the status tracker
functionality. Devices also require a mechanism to discover the status
tracker(s) and/or firmware servers, for example using pre-configured hostnames
or DNS-SD <xref target="RFC6763"/>.
These building blocks have been developed by various organizations
under the umbrella of an IoT device management solution. The LwM2M protocol <xre
f target="LwM2M"/> is one
IoT device management protocol.</t>
<t>There are, however, several areas that (partially) fall outside the scope of
the IETF
and other standards organizations but need to be considered by firmware authors,
as well as device and network operators. Here are some of them, as highlighted d
the IOTSU workshop:</t>
<t><list style="symbols">
<t>Installing firmware updates in a robust fashion so that the
update does not break the device functionality of the environment
this device operates in. This requires proper testing and offering
recovery strategies when a firmware update is unsuccessful.</t>
<t>Making firmware updates available in a timely fashion considering the
complexity of the decision making process for updating devices,
potential re-certification requirements, the length of a supply chain
an update needs to go through before it reaches the end customer,
and the need for user consent to install updates.</t>
<t>Ensuring an energy efficient design of a battery-powered IoT device because
firmware update, particularly radio communication and writing the firmware image
to flash, is an energy-intensive task for a device.</t>
<t>Creating incentives for device operators to use a firmware update mechanism
and to
demand the integration of it from IoT device vendors.</t>
<t>Ensuring that firmware updates addressing critical flaws can be
obtained even after a product is discontinued or a vendor goes out of
<t>This document starts with a terminology followed by the description of the ar
We then explain the bootloader and how it integrates with the firmware update me
Subsequently, we offer a categorization of IoT devices in terms of their hardwar
capabilities relevant for firmware updates. Next, we talk about the manifest str
and how to use it to secure firmware updates. We conclude with a more detailed e
<section anchor="terminology" title="Conventions and Terminology">
<section anchor="terms" title="Terms">
<t>This document uses the following terms:</t>
<t><list style="symbols">
<t>Firmware Image: The firmware image, or simply the “image”, is a binary
that may contain the complete software of a device or a subset of
it. The firmware image may consist of multiple images, if
the device contains more than one microcontroller. Often
it is also a compressed archive that contains code,
configuration data, and even the entire file system. The
image may consist of a differential update for performance
reasons. <vspace blankLines='1'/>
The terms,
firmware image, firmware, and image, are used in this
document and are interchangeable. We use the term application firmware
image to differentiate it from a firmware image that
contains the bootloader. An application firmware image, as the
name indicates, contains the application program often including
all the necessary code to run it (such as protocol stacks, and
embedded operating system).</t>
<t>Manifest: The manifest contains meta-data about the firmware
image. The manifest is protected against modification and
provides information about the author.</t>
<t>Microcontroller (MCU for microcontroller unit): An MCU is a
compact integrated circuit designed for use in embedded systems.
A typical microcontroller includes a processor, memory (RAM and
flash), input/output (I/O) ports and other features connected via
some bus on a single chip. The term ’system on chip (SoC)’ is
often used interchangeably with MCU, but MCU tends to imply more
limited peripheral functions.</t>
<t>Rich Execution Environment (REE): An environment that is provided
and governed by a typical OS (e.g., Linux, Windows, Android, iOS),
potentially in conjunction with other supporting operating systems
and hypervisors; it is outside of the TEE. This environment and
applications running on it are considered un-trusted.</t>
<t>Software: Similar to firmware, but typically dynamically loaded by an
Operating System. Used interchangeably with firmware in this document.</t>
<t>System on Chip (SoC): An SoC is an integrated circuit that
contains all components of a computer, such as CPU, memory,
input/output ports, secondary storage, a bus to connect the
components, and other hardware blocks of logic.</t>
<t>Trust Anchor: A trust anchor, as defined in <xref target="RFC6024"/>, repre
an authoritative entity via a public key and associated data. The
public key is used to verify digital signatures, and the associated
data is used to constrain the types of information for which the
trust anchor is authoritative.</t>
<t>Trust Anchor Store: A trust anchor store, as defined in <xref target="RFC60
is a set of one or more trust anchors stored in a device. A device
may have more than one trust anchor store, each of which may be used
by one or more applications. A trust anchor store must resist
modification against unauthorized insertion, deletion, and modification.</t>
<t>Trusted Applications (TAs): An application component that runs in
a TEE.</t>
<t>Trusted Execution Environments (TEEs): An execution environment
that runs alongside of, but is isolated from, an REE. For more
information about TEEs see <xref target="I-D.ietf-teep-architecture"/>.</t>
</section> <rfc xmlns:xi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XInclude" ipr="trust200902" docName="draf
<section anchor="stakeholders" title="Stakeholders"> t-ietf-suit-architecture-16" number="9019" obsoletes="" updates="" submissionTyp
e="IETF" category="info" consensus="true" xml:lang="en" tocInclude="true"
sortRefs="true" symRefs="true" version="3">
<t>The following stakeholders are used in this document:</t> <front>
<title abbrev="IoT Firmware Update Architecture">A Firmware Update Architec
ture for Internet of Things</title>
<seriesInfo name="RFC" value="9019"/>
<author initials="B." surname="Moran" fullname="Brendan Moran">
<organization>Arm Limited</organization>
<author initials="H." surname="Tschofenig" fullname="Hannes Tschofenig">
<organization>Arm Limited</organization>
<author initials="D." surname="Brown" fullname="David Brown">
<author initials="M." surname="Meriac" fullname="Milosch Meriac">
<date year="2021" month="April"/>
<t><list style="symbols"> <keyword>IoT</keyword>
<t>Author: The author is the entity that creates the firmware image. <keyword>update</keyword>
There may be multiple authors involved in producing firmware running <keyword>software</keyword>
on an IoT device. <xref target="device"/> talks about those IoT device deploymen <keyword>firmware</keyword>
t cases.</t> <keyword>constrained</keyword>
<t>Device Operator: The device operator is responsible for the day-to-day oper <keyword>Secure</keyword>
ation <keyword>Boot</keyword>
of a fleet of IoT devices. Customers of IoT devices, as the owners of
IoT devices - such as enterprise customers or end users - interact
with their IoT devices indirectly through the device operator via
web or smart phone apps.</t>
<t>Network Operator: The network operator is responsible for the operation of
network to which IoT devices connect.</t>
<t>Trust Provisioning Authority (TPA): The TPA distributes
trust anchors and authorization policies to devices and various stakeholders.
The TPA may also delegate rights to stakeholders. Typically, the
Original Equipment Manufacturer (OEM) or Original Design Manufacturer
(ODM) will act as a TPA, however complex supply chains may require
a different design. In some cases, the TPA may decide to remain in
full control over the firmware update process of their products.</t>
<t>User: The end-user of a device. The user may interact with devices
via web or smart phone apps, as well as through direct user interfaces.</t>
</section> <abstract>
<section anchor="functions" title="Functions"> <t>Vulnerabilities in Internet of Things (IoT) devices have raised
the need for a reliable and secure firmware update mechanism
suitable for devices with resource constraints. Incorporating such an
update mechanism is a fundamental requirement for fixing vulnerabilities,
but it also enables other important capabilities such as updating
configuration settings
and adding new functionality.</t>
<t>In addition to the definition of terminology and an architecture,
this document provides the motivation for the standardization of a manifest for
as a transport-agnostic means for describing and protecting firmware
<section anchor="introduction" numbered="true" toc="default">
<t>Firmware updates can help to fix security vulnerabilities, and
performing updates is an important building block in securing
IoT devices. Due to rising concerns about insecure IoT devices, the Internet
Architecture Board (IAB) organized the Internet of Things Software Update (IoTS
U) Workshop <xref target="RFC8240" format="default"/> to take a look at
the bigger picture. The workshop revealed a number of challenges for developers
and led to the formation of the IETF
Software Updates for Internet of Things (SUIT) Working Group.</t>
<t>Developing secure IoT devices is not an easy
task, and supporting a firmware update solution requires skillful
engineers. Once devices are deployed, firmware updates play a
critical part in their life-cycle management, particularly when devices have a
long lifetime or are deployed in remote or inaccessible areas where manual
intervention is cost prohibitive or otherwise difficult. Firmware updates
for IoT devices are expected to work automatically, i.e., without user
involvement. Conversely, non-IoT devices are expected to account for user
preferences and consent when scheduling updates.
Automatic updates that do not require human intervention
are key to a scalable solution for fixing software vulnerabilities.</t>
<t>Firmware updates are done not only to fix bugs
but also to add new functionality and to reconfigure
the device to work in new environments or to behave differently in
an already-deployed context.</t>
<t>The manifest specification has to allow the following:</t>
<ul spacing="normal">
<li>The firmware image is authenticated and integrity protected.
Attempts to flash a maliciously modified firmware image or an image from
an unknown, untrusted source must be prevented. This document
uses asymmetric cryptography in examples because it is the preferred approach b
many IoT deployments. The use of symmetric credentials is also supported
and can be used by very constrained IoT devices.</li>
<li>The firmware image can be confidentiality protected so that
attempts by an adversary to recover the plaintext binary can
be mitigated or at least made more difficult. Obtaining the firmware is often o
ne of
the first steps to mounting an attack since it gives the adversary
valuable insights into the software libraries used, configuration
settings, and generic functionality. Even though reverse
engineering the binary can be a tedious process, modern reverse
engineering frameworks have made this task a lot easier.</li>
<t>Authentication and integrity protection of firmware images must be use
d in a deployment, but the confidential protection of firmware is optional.</t>
<t>While the standardization work has been informed by and optimized for
update use cases of Class 1 devices (according to the device class
definitions in RFC 7228 <xref target="RFC7228" format="default"/>), there is no
thing in
the architecture that restricts its use to only these constrained IoT devices.
Moreover, this architecture is not limited to managing firmware and software up
but can also be applied to managing the delivery of arbitrary data, such
as configuration information and keys. Unlike higher-end devices, like
laptops and desktop PCs, many IoT devices do not have user interfaces; therefor
support for unattended updates is essential for the design
of a practical solution. Constrained IoT devices often use a
software engineering model where a developer is responsible for creating
and compiling all software running on the device into a single, monolithic
firmware image. On higher-end devices, application software is, on the other
hand, often downloaded separately and even obtained from developers different
from the developers of the lower-level software. The details for how to obtain
those application-layer software binaries then depend heavily on the platform,
the programming language used, and the sandbox in which the software is execute
<t>While the IETF standardization work has been focused on the
manifest format, a fully interoperable solution needs more than a standardized
manifest. For example, protocols for transferring firmware images
and manifests to the device need to be available, as well as the status tracker
functionality. Devices also require a mechanism to discover the status
tracker(s) and/or firmware servers, for example, using preconfigured hostnames
or DNS-based Service Discovery (DNS-SD) <xref target="RFC6763" format="default"
These building blocks have been developed by various organizations
under the umbrella of an IoT device management solution. The Lightweight Machin
e-to-Machine (LwM2M) protocol <xref target="LwM2M" format="default"/> is one
IoT device management protocol.</t>
<t><list style="symbols"> <t>However, there are several areas that (partially) fall outside the sco
<t>(IoT) Device: A device refers to the entire IoT product, which pe of the IETF
consists of one or many MCUs, sensors and/or actuators. Many IoT and other standards organizations but need to be considered by firmware authors
devices sold today contain multiple MCUs and therefore a single as well as device and network operators. Here are some of them, as highlighted
device may need to obtain more than one firmware image and during
manifest to successfully perform an update.</t> the IoTSU workshop:</t>
<t>Status Tracker: The status tracker has a client and a server component <ul spacing="normal">
and performs three tasks: <li>Installing firmware updates in a robust fashion so that the
1) It communicates the availability of a new firmware version. This update does not break the device functionality of the environment
information will flow from the server to the client. <vspace /> in which this device operates. This requires proper testing and offering of rec
2) It conveys information about software and hardware characteristics of overy strategies when a firmware update is unsuccessful.</li>
the device. The information flow is from the client to the server. <vspace /> <li>Making firmware updates available in a timely fashion considering th
3) It can remotely trigger the firmware update process. The e
information flow is from the server to the client. <vspace blankLines='1'/> complexity of the decision-making process for updating devices,
For example, a device operator may want to read the installed firmware potential recertification requirements, the length of a supply chain
version number running on the device and information an update needs to go through before it reaches the end customer,
about available flash memory. Once an update has been triggered, the device and the need for user consent to install updates.</li>
operator may want to obtain information about the state of the firmware <li>Ensuring an energy-efficient design of a battery-powered IoT device;
update. If errors occurred, the device operator may want to a
troubleshoot problems by first obtaining diagnostic information (typically firmware update, particularly radio communication and writing the firmware imag
using a device management protocol). <vspace blankLines='1'/> e
We make no to flash, is an energy-intensive task for a device.</li>
assumptions about where the server-side component is deployed.
The deployment of status trackers is flexible: they may
be found at cloud-based servers or on-premise servers,
or they may be embedded in edge computing devices. A status tracker server c
omponent may even be
deployed on an IoT device. For example, if the IoT device contains
multiple MCUs, then the main MCU may act as a status tracker towards the
other MCUs. Such deployment is useful when updates have to be
synchronized across MCUs. <vspace blankLines='1'/>
The status tracker may be operated by any suitable stakeholder;
typically the Author, Device Operator, or Network Operator.</t>
<t>Firmware Consumer: The firmware consumer is the recipient of the
firmware image and the manifest. It is responsible for parsing
and verifying the received manifest and for storing the obtained
firmware image. The firmware consumer plays the role of the
update component on the IoT device, typically running in the
application firmware. It interacts with the firmware server and
with the status tracker client (locally).</t>
<t>Firmware Server: The firmware server stores firmware images and
manifests and distributes them to IoT devices. Some deployments
may require a store-and-forward concept, which requires storing
the firmware images/manifests on more than one entity before<vspace />
they reach the device. There is typically some interaction between the
firmware server and the status tracker and these two entities are often
physically separated on different devices for scalability reasons.</t>
<t>Bootloader: A bootloader is a piece of software that is
executed once a microcontroller has been reset. It is
responsible for deciding what code to execute.</t>
</section> <li>Creating incentives for device operators to use a firmware update me
</section> chanism and to
<section anchor="architecture" title="Architecture"> require its integration from IoT device vendors.</li>
<li>Ensuring that firmware updates addressing critical flaws can be
obtained even after a product is discontinued or a vendor goes out of
<t>More devices today than ever before are connected to the Internet, <t>This document starts with a terminology list followed by a description
which drives the need for firmware updates to be provided over the of the architecture.
Internet rather than through traditional interfaces, such as USB or We then explain the bootloader and how it integrates with the firmware update m
RS-232. Sending updates over the Internet requires the device to fetch echanism.
the new firmware image as well as the manifest.</t> Subsequently, we offer a categorization of IoT devices in terms of their hardwa
capabilities relevant for firmware updates. Next, we talk about the manifest st
and how to use it to secure firmware updates. We conclude with a more detailed
example of a message flow for distributing a firmware image to a device.</t>
<section anchor="terminology" numbered="true" toc="default">
<name>Conventions and Terminology</name>
<section anchor="terms" numbered="true" toc="default">
<t>This document uses the following terms:</t>
<dl newline="true">
<dt>Firmware Image:</dt><dd><t>The firmware image, or simply the "im
age", is a binary
that may contain the complete software of a device or a subset of
it. The firmware image may consist of multiple images if
the device contains more than one microcontroller. Often,
it is also a compressed archive that contains code,
configuration data, and even the entire file system. The
image may consist of a differential update for performance
reasons. </t>
The terms "firmware image", "firmware", and "image" are used in this
document and are interchangeable. We use the term "application firmware
image" to differentiate it from a firmware image that
contains the bootloader. An application firmware image, as the
name indicates, contains the application program often including
all the necessary code to run it (such as protocol stacks and
an embedded operating system (OS)).</t></dd>
<dt>Manifest:</dt><dd>The manifest contains metadata about the firmwar
image. The manifest is protected against modification and
provides information about the author.</dd>
<t>Hence, the following components are necessary on a device for a firmware <dt>Microcontroller:</dt><dd>A microcontroller unit (MCU) is a
update solution:</t> compact integrated circuit designed for use in embedded systems.
A typical microcontroller includes a processor, memory (RAM and
flash), input/output (I/O) ports, and other features connected via
some bus on a single chip. The term "system on chip" (SoC) is
often used interchangeably with MCU, but MCU tends to imply more
limited peripheral functions.</dd>
<dt>Rich Execution Environment (REE):</dt><dd> An environment that is
and governed by a typical OS (e.g., Linux, Windows, Android, iOS),
potentially in conjunction with other supporting operating systems
and hypervisors; it is outside of the Trusted Execution Environment (TEE). Thi
s environment and the applications running on it are considered untrusted.</dd>
<dt>Software:</dt><dd> Similar to firmware but typically dynamically l
oaded by an
OS. Used interchangeably with firmware in this document.</dd>
<dt>System on Chip (SoC):</dt><dd> An SoC is an integrated circuit tha
contains all components of a computer, such as the CPU, memory,
I/O ports, secondary storage, a bus to connect the
components, and other hardware blocks of logic.</dd>
<dt>Trust Anchor:</dt><dd> A trust anchor, as defined in RFC 6024 <xre
f target="RFC6024" format="default"/>, represents
an authoritative entity via a public key and associated data. The
public key is used to verify digital signatures, and the associated
data is used to constrain the types of information for which the
trust anchor is authoritative.</dd>
<dt>Trust Anchor Store:</dt><dd> A trust anchor store, as defined in <
xref target="RFC6024" format="default"/>,
is a set of one or more trust anchors stored in a device. A device
may have more than one trust anchor store, each of which may be used
by one or more applications. A trust anchor store must resist
modification against unauthorized insertion, deletion, and modification.</dd>
<dt>Trusted Applications (TAs):</dt><dd> An application component that
runs in
a TEE.</dd>
<dt>Trusted Execution Environments (TEEs):</dt><dd>An execution enviro
that runs alongside of, but is isolated from, an REE. For more
information about TEEs, see <xref target="I-D.ietf-teep-architecture" format="d
<section anchor="stakeholders" numbered="true" toc="default">
<t>The following stakeholders are used in this document:</t>
<dl newline="true">
<dt>Author:</dt><dd>The author is the entity that creates the firmware
There may be multiple authors involved in producing firmware running
on an IoT device. <xref target="device" format="default"/> talks about those Io
T device deployment cases.</dd>
<dt>Device Operator:</dt><dd> The device operator is responsible for t
he day-to-day operation
of a fleet of IoT devices. Customers of IoT devices, as the owners of
IoT devices (such as enterprise customers or end users), interact
with their IoT devices indirectly through the device operator via
the Web or smartphone apps.</dd>
<dt>Network Operator:</dt><dd> The network operator is responsible for
the operation of a
network to which IoT devices connect.</dd>
<dt>Trust Provisioning Authority (TPA):</dt><dd>The TPA distributes
trust anchors and authorization policies to devices and various stakeholders.
The TPA may also delegate rights to stakeholders. Typically, the
original equipment manufacturer (OEM) or original design manufacturer
(ODM) will act as a TPA; however, complex supply chains may require
a different design. In some cases, the TPA may decide to remain in
full control over the firmware update process of their products.</dd>
<dt>User:</dt><dd>The end user of a device. The user may interact with
via the Web or smartphone apps, as well as through direct user interfaces.</dd>
<section anchor="functions" numbered="true" toc="default">
<dl newline="true">
<dt>(IoT) Device:</dt><dd> A device refers to the entire IoT product,
consists of one or many MCUs, sensors, and/or actuators. Many IoT
devices sold today contain multiple MCUs; therefore, a single
device may need to obtain more than one firmware image and
manifest to successfully perform an update.</dd>
<t><list style="symbols"> <dt>Status Tracker:</dt><dd><t>The status tracker has a client and a
<t>the Internet protocol stack for firmware downloads. Because firmware images server component
are often multiple kilobytes, sometimes and performs three tasks:</t>
exceeding one hundred kilobytes, for low-end IoT devices and even <ol type="1">
several megabytes for IoT devices running full-fledged operating systems <li>It communicates the availability of a new firmware version. This
like Linux, the protocol mechanism for retrieving these images needs information will flow from the server to the client. </li>
to offer features like congestion control, flow control, fragmentation <li>It conveys information about the software and hardware character
and reassembly, and mechanisms to resume interrupted or corrupted transfers.</t> istics of
<t>the capability to write the received firmware image to the device. The information flow is from the client to the server. </li>
persistent storage (most likely flash memory).</t> <li>It can remotely trigger the firmware update process. The
<t>a manifest parser with code to verify a digital information flow is from the server to the client. </li></ol>
signature or a message authentication code.</t> <t>
<t>the ability to unpack, to decompress and/or to decrypt the For example, a device operator may want to read the installed firmware
received firmware image.</t> version number running on the device and information
<t>a status tracker.</t> about available flash memory. Once an update has been triggered, the device
</list></t> operator may want to obtain information about the state of the firmware
update. If errors occurred, the device operator may want to
troubleshoot problems by first obtaining diagnostic information (typically
using a device management protocol). </t>
We make no
assumptions about where the server-side component is deployed.
The deployment of status trackers is flexible: they may
be found at cloud-based servers or on-premise servers,
or they may be embedded in edge computing devices. A status tracker server
component may even be
deployed on an IoT device. For example, if the IoT device contains
multiple MCUs, then the main MCU may act as a status tracker towards the
other MCUs. Such deployment is useful when updates have to be
synchronized across MCUs. </t>
The status tracker may be operated by any suitable stakeholder,
typically the author, device operator, or network operator.</t>
<dt>Firmware Consumer:</dt><dd> The firmware consumer is the recipient
of the
firmware image and the manifest. It is responsible for parsing
and verifying the received manifest and for storing the obtained
firmware image. The firmware consumer plays the role of the
update component on the IoT device, typically running in the
application firmware. It interacts with the firmware server and
the status tracker client (locally).</dd>
<t>The features listed above are most likely offered by code in the application <dt>Firmware Server:</dt><dd> The firmware server stores firmware im
firmware ages and
image running manifests and distributes them to IoT devices. Some deployments
on the device rather than by the bootloader itself. Note that may require a store-and-forward concept, which requires storing
cryptographic algorithms will likely run in a trusted execution the firmware images and/or manifests on more than one entity before they reach
environment, on a separate MCU, in a hardware security module, or in a secure el the device. There is typically some interaction between the
ement firmware server and the status tracker, and these two entities are often
rather than in the same context with the application code.</t> physically separated on different devices for scalability reasons.</dd>
<dt>Bootloader:</dt><dd> A bootloader is a piece of software that is
executed once a microcontroller has been reset. It is
responsible for deciding what code to execute.</dd>
<section anchor="architecture" numbered="true" toc="default">
<t>More devices than ever before are connected to the Internet,
which drives the need for firmware updates to be provided over the
Internet rather than through traditional interfaces, such as USB or
RS-232. Sending updates over the Internet requires the device to fetch
the new firmware image as well as the manifest.</t>
<t>Hence, the following components are necessary on a device for a firmwa
update solution:</t>
<ul spacing="normal">
<t><xref target="arch-figure"/> shows the architecture where a <li>The Internet protocol stack for firmware downloads.
firmware image is created by an author, and made available to a firmware
server. For security reasons, the author will not have the permissions to
upload firmware images to the firmware server and to initiate an update directly
Instead, authors will make firmware images available to the device operators. No
te that
there may be a longer supply chain involved to pass software updates from the au
thor all
the way to the party that can then finally make a decision to deploy it with IoT
<t>As a first step in the firmware update process, the status tracker Firmware images are often multiple kilobytes, sometimes
server needs to inform the status tracker client that a new firmware exceeding one hundred kilobytes, for low-end IoT devices and can even be
update is available. This can be accomplished via polling (client-initiated), several megabytes for IoT devices running full-fledged operating systems
push notifications (server-initiated), or more complex mechanisms (such as a hyb like Linux. The protocol mechanism for retrieving these images needs
rid approach):</t> to offer features like congestion control, flow control, fragmentation
and reassembly, and mechanisms to resume interrupted or corrupted transfers.</l
<li>The capability to write the received firmware image to
persistent storage (most likely flash memory).</li>
<li>A manifest parser with code to verify a digital
signature or a message authentication code (MAC).</li>
<li>The ability to unpack, decompress, and/or decrypt the
received firmware image.</li>
<li>A status tracker.</li>
<t>The features listed above are most likely provided by code in the appl
ication firmware
image running
on the device rather than by the bootloader itself. Note that
cryptographic algorithms will likely run in a trusted execution
environment on a separate MCU in a hardware security module or in a secure elem
rather than in the same context as the application code.</t>
<t><xref target="arch-figure" format="default"/> shows the architecture w
here a
firmware image is created by an author and made available to a firmware
server. For security reasons, the author will not have the permissions to
upload firmware images to the firmware server and to initiate an update directl
Instead, authors will make firmware images available to the device operators. N
ote that
there may be a longer supply chain involved to pass software updates from the a
uthor all
the way to the authorizing party, which can then finally make a decision to dep
loy it with IoT devices.</t>
<t>As a first step in the firmware update process, the status tracker
server needs to inform the status tracker client that a new firmware
update is available. This can be accomplished via polling (client initiated),
push notifications (server initiated), or more complex mechanisms (such as a hy
brid approach):</t>
<ul spacing="normal">
<li>Client-initiated updates take the form of a status tracker client pr
checking (polling) for updates.</li>
<t><list style="symbols"> <li>With server-initiated updates, the server-side component of the stat
<t>Client-initiated updates take the form of a status tracker client proactive us tracker
checking (polling) for updates.</t>
<t>With Server-initiated updates the server-side component of the status track
learns about a new firmware version and determines which devices qualify for a learns about a new firmware version and determines which devices qualify for a
firmware update. Once the relevant devices have been selected, the firmware update. Once the relevant devices have been selected, the
status tracker informs these devices and the firmware consumers obtain those status tracker informs these devices, and the firmware consumers obtain those
images and manifests. Server-initiated updates are important because they allow a quick images and manifests. Server-initiated updates are important because they allow a quick
response time. Note that in this mode the client-side status tracker needs to be reachable by the server-side response time. Note that in this mode, the client-side status tracker needs to b e reachable by the server-side
component. This may require devices to keep reachability information on the component. This may require devices to keep reachability information on the
server-side up-to-date and state at NATs and stateful packet filtering server side up to date and the state at NATs and stateful packet filtering
firewalls alive.</t> firewalls alive.</li>
<t>Using a hybrid approach the server-side of the status tracker <li>Using a hybrid approach, the server side of the status tracker
pushes notifications of availability of an update to the client side and request pushes update availability notifications to the client side and requests that
s the firmware consumer pull the manifest and the firmware image from the
the firmware consumer to pull the manifest and the firmware image from the firmware server.</li>
firmware server.</t> </ul>
</list></t> <t>Once the device operator triggers an update via the status tracker, it
will keep
<t>Once the device operator triggers an update via the status tracker, it will k
track of the update process on the device. This allows the device operator to kn ow what track of the update process on the device. This allows the device operator to kn ow what
devices have received an update and which of them are still pending an update.</ t> devices have received an update and which of them are still pending an update.</ t>
<t>Firmware images can be conveyed to devices in a variety of ways,
<t>Firmware images can be conveyed to devices in a variety of ways, including USB, Universal Asynchronous Receiver Transmitter (UART), WiFi, Blueto
including USB, UART, WiFi, BLE, low-power WAN technologies, mesh networks and ma oth Low Energy (BLE), low-power WAN technologies, mesh networks and many more.
ny more. At the application layer,
At the application layer a variety of protocols are also available: Message Queuing Telemetry Transport (
a variety of protocols are also available: MQTT, CoAP, and HTTP are the MQTT), Constrained Application Protocol (CoAP), and HTTP are the
most popular application layer protocols used by IoT devices. This architecture most popular application-layer protocols used by IoT devices. This architecture
does not make assumptions about how the firmware images are distributed to the does not make assumptions about how the firmware images are distributed to the
devices and therefore aims to support all these technologies.</t> devices and therefore aims to support all these technologies.</t>
<t>In some cases, it may be desirable to distribute firmware images using
<t>In some cases it may be desirable to distribute firmware images using a multi a multicast
or broadcast protocol. This architecture does not make recommendations for any or broadcast protocol. This architecture does not make recommendations for any
such protocol. However, given that broadcast may be desirable for some networks, such protocol. However, given that broadcast may be desirable for some networks,
updates must cause the least disruption possible both in metadata updates must cause the least disruption possible both in the metadata
and firmware transmission. For an update to be broadcast friendly, it cannot rel and firmware transmission. For an update to be broadcast friendly, it cannot rel
y on link y on link-layer, network-layer, or transport-layer security. A solution has
layer, network layer, or transport layer security. A solution has
to rely on security protection applied to the manifest and firmware image to rely on security protection applied to the manifest and firmware image
instead. In addition, instead. In addition,
the same manifest must be deliverable to many devices, both those the same manifest must be deliverable to many devices, both those
to which it applies and those to which it does not, without a to which it applies and those to which it does not, without a
chance that the wrong device will accept the update. Considerations chance that the wrong device will accept the update. Considerations
that apply to network broadcasts apply equally to the use of that apply to network broadcasts apply equally to the use of
third-party content distribution networks for payload distribution.</t> third-party content distribution networks for payload distribution.</t>
<figure anchor="arch-figure">
<figure title="Architecture." anchor="arch-figure"><artwork><![CDATA[ <name>Architecture</name>
<artwork name="" type="" align="center" alt=""><![CDATA[
+----------+ +----------+
| | | |
| Author | | Author |
| | | |
+----------+ +----------+
Firmware + Manifest | Firmware + Manifest |
+----------------------------------+ | Firmware + +----------------------------------+ | Firmware +
| | | Manifest | | | Manifest
| ---+------- | | ---+------- |
| ---- | --|- | ---- | --|-
| //+----------+ | \\ | //+----------+ | \\
-+-- // | | | \ -+-- // | | | \
----/ | ---- |/ | Firmware |<-+ | \ ----/ | ---- |/ | Firmware |<-+ | \
// | \\ | | Server | | | \ // | \\ | | Server | | | \
/ | \ / | | + + \ / | \ / | | + + \
/ | \ / +----------+ \ / | / | \ / +----------+ \ / |
/ +--------+--------+ \ / | | / +--------+--------+ \ / | |
/ | v | \ / v | / | v | \ / v |
| | +------------+ | | | +----------------+ | | | +------------+ | | | +----------------+ |
| | | Firmware | | | Device | | | | | Firmware | | | | | Device | |
| | | Consumer | | | | | Management | | | | | Consumer | | | | | Management | |
| | +------------+ | | | | | | | | +------------+ | | | | | |
| | +------------+ | | | | +--------+ | | | | +------------+ | | | | +--------+ | |
| | | Status |<-+--------------------+-> | | | | | | | Status |<-+--------------------+-> | | | |
| | | Tracker | | | | | | Status | | | | | | Tracker | | | | | | Status | | |
| | | Client | | | | | | Tracker| | | | | | Client | | | | | | Tracker| | |
| | +------------+ | | | | | Server | | | | | +------------+ | | | | | Server | | |
| | Device | | | | +--------+ | | | | Device | | | | +--------+ | |
| +-----------------+ | \ | | / | +-----------------+ | \ | | /
\ / \ +----------------+ / \ / \ +----------------+ /
\ Network / \ / \ Network / \ /
\ Operator / \ Device Operator / \ Operator / \ Device Operator /
\\ // \ \ // \\ // \\ //
---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ----
----- ----------- ----- -----------
]]></artwork></figure> ]]></artwork>
<t>Firmware images and manifests may be conveyed as a bundle or detached. The <t>Firmware images and manifests may be conveyed as a bundle or detached.
manifest format must support both approaches.</t> manifest format must support both approaches.</t>
<t>For distribution as a bundle, the firmware image is embedded into the m
<t>For distribution as a bundle, the firmware image is embedded into the manifes anifest.
This is a useful approach for deployments where devices are not connected This is a useful approach for deployments where devices are not connected
to the Internet and cannot contact a dedicated firmware server for the firmware to the Internet and cannot contact a dedicated firmware server for the firmware
download. It is also applicable when the firmware update happens via a download. It is also applicable when the firmware update happens via USB sticks
USB sticks or short range radio technologies (such as Bluetooth Smart).</t> or short-range radio technologies (such as Bluetooth Smart).</t>
<t>Alternatively, the manifest is distributed detached from the firmware i
<t>Alternatively, the manifest is distributed detached from the firmware image. mage.
Using this approach, the firmware consumer is presented with the manifest first Using this approach, the firmware consumer is presented with the manifest first
and then needs to obtain one or more firmware images as dictated in the and then needs to obtain one or more firmware images as dictated in the
manifest.</t> manifest.</t>
<t>The pre-authorization step involves verifying whether the entity
<t>The pre-authorisation step involves verifying whether the entity
signing the manifest is indeed authorized to perform an update. signing the manifest is indeed authorized to perform an update.
The firmware consumer must also determine whether it should fetch and The firmware consumer must also determine whether it should fetch and
process a firmware image, which is referenced in a manifest.</t> process a firmware image, which is referenced in a manifest.</t>
<t>A dependency resolution phase is needed when more than one
<t>A dependency resolution phase is needed when more than one
component can be updated or when a differential update is used. component can be updated or when a differential update is used.
The necessary dependencies must be available prior to installation.</t> The necessary dependencies must be available prior to installation.</t>
<t>The download step is the process of acquiring a local copy of the
<t>The download step is the process of acquiring a local copy of the firmware image. When the download is client initiated, this means
firmware image. When the download is client-initiated, this means
that the firmware consumer chooses when a download occurs and initiates that the firmware consumer chooses when a download occurs and initiates
the download process. When a download is server-initiated, the download process. When a download is server initiated,
this means that the status tracker tells this means that the status tracker tells
the device when to download or that it initiates the transfer the device when to download or that it initiates the transfer
directly to the firmware consumer. For example, a download from an directly to the firmware consumer. For example, a download from an
HTTP/1.1-based firmware server is client-initiated. Pushing a manifest HTTP/1.1-based firmware server is client initiated. Pushing a manifest
and firmware image to the Package resource of the LwM2M and firmware image to the Package Resource of the LwM2M
Firmware Update object <xref target="LwM2M"/> is server-initiated update.</t> Firmware Update Object <xref target="LwM2M" format="default"/> is a server-initi
ated update.</t>
<t>If the firmware consumer has downloaded a new firmware image and is ready to <t>If the firmware consumer has downloaded a new firmware image and is rea
dy to
install it, to initiate the installation, it may</t> install it, to initiate the installation, it may</t>
<ul spacing="normal">
<t><list style="symbols"> <li>need to wait for a trigger from the status tracker,</li>
<t>either need to wait for a trigger from the status tracker,</t> <li>trigger the update automatically, or</li>
<t>or trigger the update automatically,</t> <li>go through a more complex decision-making process to determine
<t>or go through a more complex decision making process to determine</t> the appropriate timing for an update.</li></ul><t> Sometimes the final dec
</list></t> ision may
<t>the appropriate timing for an update. Sometimes the final decision may
require confirmation of the user of the device for safety reasons.</t> require confirmation of the user of the device for safety reasons.</t>
<t>Installation is the act of processing the payload into a format that
<t>Installation is the act of processing the payload into a format that the IoT device can recognize, and the bootloader is responsible for
the IoT device can recognize and the bootloader is responsible for
then booting from the newly installed firmware image. then booting from the newly installed firmware image.
This process is different when a bootloader is not involved. For example, This process is different when a bootloader is not involved. For example,
when an application is updated in a full-featured operating system, the when an application is updated in a full-featured OS, the
updater may halt and restart the application in isolation. updater may halt and restart the application in isolation.
Devices must not fail when a disruption, such as a power failure or network Devices must not fail when a disruption, such as a power failure or network
interruption, occurs during the update process.</t> interruption, occurs during the update process.</t>
<section anchor="invocation" numbered="true" toc="default">
<name>Invoking the Firmware</name>
</section> <t><xref target="architecture" format="default"/> describes the steps for
<section anchor="invocation" title="Invoking the Firmware"> getting the firmware image and the manifest
<t><xref target="architecture"/> describes the steps for getting the firmware im
age and the manifest
from the author to the firmware consumer on the IoT device. Once the firmware co nsumer from the author to the firmware consumer on the IoT device. Once the firmware co nsumer
has retrieved and successfully processed the manifest and the firmware image it has retrieved and successfully processed the manifest and the firmware image, it
needs needs
to invoke the new firmware image. This is managed in many different ways, depend to invoke the new firmware image. This is managed in many different ways dependi
ing ng
on the type of device, but it typically involves halting the current version of the on the type of device, but it typically involves halting the current version of the
firmware, handing control over to a firmware with a higher privilege/trust level firmware, handing over control to firmware with a higher privilege or trust leve l
(the firmware verifier), (the firmware verifier),
verifying the new firmware’s authenticity &amp; integrity, and then invoking it. verifying the new firmware's authenticity and integrity, and then invoking it.</
</t> t>
<t>In an execute-in-place microcontroller, this is often done by rebooting
<t>In an execute-in-place microcontroller, this is often done by rebooting into into a
a bootloader (simultaneously halting the application and handing over control to t
bootloader (simultaneously halting the application &amp; handing over to the hig he higher
privilege level) then executing a secure boot process (verifying and invoking privilege level) then executing a secure boot process (verifying and invoking
the new image).</t> the new image).</t>
<t>In a rich OS, this may be done by halting one or more processes and the
<t>In a rich OS, this may be done by halting one or more processes, then invokin n invoking
g new applications. In some OSes, this implicitly involves the kernel verifying
new applications. In some OSs, this implicitly involves the kernel verifying
the code signatures on the new applications.</t> the code signatures on the new applications.</t>
<t>The invocation process is security sensitive. An attacker will typicall
<t>The invocation process is security sensitive. An attacker will typically try y try to
retrieve a firmware image from the device for reverse engineering or will try to get retrieve a firmware image from the device for reverse engineering or will try to get
the firmware verifier to execute an attacker-modified firmware image. The the firmware verifier to execute an attacker-modified firmware image. Therefore,
firmware verifier will therefore have to perform security checks on the firmware verifier will have to perform security checks on the
firmware image before it can be invoked. These security checks by the firmware image before it can be invoked. These security checks by the
firmware verifier happen in addition to the security checks that took place firmware verifier happen in addition to the security checks that took place
when the firmware image and the manifest were downloaded by the firmware consume r.</t> when the firmware image and the manifest were downloaded by the firmware consume r.</t>
<t>The overlap between the firmware consumer and the firmware verifier
<t>The overlap between the firmware consumer and the firmware verifier functionality comes in two forms, namely:</t>
functionality comes in two forms, namely</t> <ul spacing="normal">
<li>A firmware verifier must verify the firmware image it boots as
<t><list style="symbols"> part of the secure boot process. Doing so requires metadata to be
<t>A firmware verifier must verify the firmware image it boots as
part of the secure boot process. Doing so requires meta-data to be
stored alongside the firmware image so that the firmware verifier can stored alongside the firmware image so that the firmware verifier can
cryptographically verify the firmware image before booting it to cryptographically verify the firmware image before booting it to
ensure it has not been tampered with or replaced. This meta-data ensure it has not been tampered with or replaced. This metadata
used by the firmware verifier may well be the same manifest obtained with the used by the firmware verifier may well be the same manifest obtained with the
firmware image during the update process.</t> firmware image during the update process.</li>
<t>An IoT device needs a recovery strategy in case the firmware <li>An IoT device needs a recovery strategy in case the firmware
update / invocation process fails. The recovery update/invocation process fails. The recovery
strategy may include storing two or more application firmware images strategy may include storing two or more application firmware images
on the device or offering the ability to invoke a recovery image to on the device or offering the ability to invoke a recovery image to
perform the firmware update process again using firmware updates over perform the firmware update process again using firmware updates over
serial, USB or even wireless connectivity like Bluetooth Smart. serial, USB, or even wireless connectivity like Bluetooth Smart.
In the latter case the firmware consumer functionality is contained in the In the latter case, the firmware consumer functionality is contained in the
recovery image and requires the necessary functionality for recovery image and requires the necessary functionality for
executing the firmware update process, including manifest parsing.</t> executing the firmware update process, including manifest parsing.</li>
</list></t> </ul>
<t>While this document assumes that the firmware verifier itself is
<t>While this document assumes that the firmware verifier itself is
distinct from the role of the firmware consumer and therefore does not distinct from the role of the firmware consumer and therefore does not
manage the firmware update process, this is not a requirement and these manage the firmware update process, this is not a requirement, and these
roles may be combined in practice.</t> roles may be combined in practice.</t>
<t>Using a bootloader as the firmware verifier requires some special
<t>Using a bootloader as the firmware verifier requires some special
considerations, particularly when the bootloader considerations, particularly when the bootloader
implements the robustness requirements identified by the IOTSU workshop <xref ta implements the robustness requirements identified by the IoTSU workshop <xref ta
rget="RFC8240"/>.</t> rget="RFC8240" format="default"/>.</t>
<section anchor="bootloader" numbered="true" toc="default">
<section anchor="bootloader" title="The Bootloader"> <name>The Bootloader</name>
<t>In most cases, the MCU must restart in order to hand over control to
<t>In most cases the MCU must restart in order to hand over control to the bootl the bootloader.
Once the MCU has initiated a restart, the bootloader determines whether a newly available Once the MCU has initiated a restart, the bootloader determines whether a newly available
firmware image should be executed. If the bootloader concludes that the newly av ailable firmware image should be executed. If the bootloader concludes that the newly av ailable
firmware image is invalid, a recovery strategy is necessary. There are only two firmware image is invalid, a recovery strategy is necessary. There are only two
approaches for recovering from an invalid firmware: either the bootloader must b approaches for recovering from invalid firmware: either the bootloader must be a
e able ble
to select a different, valid firmware, or it must be able to obtain a new, valid to select different, valid firmware or it must be able to obtain new, valid firm
firmware. ware.
Both of these approaches have implications for the architecture of the update sy stem.</t> Both of these approaches have implications for the architecture of the update sy stem.</t>
<t>Assuming the first approach, there are (at least) three firmware imag
<t>Assuming the first approach, there are (at least) three firmware images avail es available
on the device:</t> on the device:</t>
<ul spacing="normal">
<t><list style="symbols"> <li>First, the bootloader is also firmware. If a bootloader is updatab
<t>First, the bootloader is also firmware. If a bootloader is updatable then i le, then its
ts firmware image is treated like any other application firmware image.</li>
firmware image is treated like any other application firmware image.</t> <li>Second, the firmware image that has to be replaced is still availa
<t>Second, the firmware image that has to be replaced is still available on th ble on the
device as a backup in case the freshly downloaded firmware image does not device as a backup in case the freshly downloaded firmware image does not
boot or operate correctly.</t> boot or operate correctly.</li>
<t>Third, there is the newly downloaded firmware image.</t> <li>Third, there is the newly downloaded firmware image.</li>
</list></t> </ul>
<t>Therefore, the firmware consumer must know where to store the new fir
<t>Therefore, the firmware consumer must know where to store the new firmware. mware.
In some cases, this may be implicit, for example replacing the least-recently-us In some cases, this may be implicit (for example, replacing the least recently u
ed sed
firmware image. In other cases, the storage location of the new firmware must be firmware image). In other cases, the storage location of the new firmware must b
explicit, for example when a device has one or more application firmware images e
explicit, for example, when a device has one or more application firmware images
and a recovery image with limited functionality, sufficient only to perform an u pdate.</t> and a recovery image with limited functionality, sufficient only to perform an u pdate.</t>
<t>Since many low-end IoT devices do not use position-independent code,
<t>Since many low end IoT devices do not use position-independent code,
either the bootloader needs to copy the newly downloaded application firmware im age either the bootloader needs to copy the newly downloaded application firmware im age
into the location of the old application firmware image and vice versa or into the location of the old application firmware image and vice versa or
multiple versions of the firmware need to be prepared for different locations.</ t> multiple versions of the firmware need to be prepared for different locations.</ t>
<t>In general, it is assumed that the bootloader itself, or a minimal pa
<t>In general, it is assumed that the bootloader itself, or a minimal part of it rt of it,
will not be updated since a failed update of the bootloader poses a will not be updated since a failed update of the bootloader poses a
reliability risk.</t> reliability risk.</t>
<t>For a bootloader to offer a secure boot functionality, it needs to
<t>For a bootloader to offer a secure boot functionality it needs to
implement the following functionality:</t> implement the following functionality:</t>
<ul spacing="normal">
<t><list style="symbols"> <li>The bootloader needs to fetch the manifest
<t>The bootloader needs to fetch the manifest
from nonvolatile storage and parse its from nonvolatile storage and parse its
contents for subsequent cryptographic verification.</t> contents for subsequent cryptographic verification.</li>
<t>Cryptographic libraries with hash functions, digital signatures <li>Cryptographic libraries with hash functions, digital signatures
(for asymmetric crypto), message authentication codes (for symmetric (for asymmetric crypto), and message authentication codes (for symmetric
crypto) need to be accessible.</t> crypto) need to be accessible.</li>
<t>The device needs to have a trust anchor store to verify the <li>The device needs to have a trust anchor store to verify the
digital signature. (Alternatively, access to a key store for use digital signature. Alternatively, access to a key store for use
with the message authentication code.)</t> with the message authentication code may be used.</li>
<t>There must be an ability to expose boot process-related data to the applica <li>There must be an ability to expose boot-process-related data to th
tion e application
firmware (such as to the status tracker). This allows firmware (such as the status tracker). This allows
sharing information about the current firmware version, and the information sharing about the current firmware version and the
status of the firmware update process and whether errors have occurred.</t> status of the firmware update process and whether errors have occurred.</li>
<t>Produce boot measurements as part of an attestation solution. See <li>Produce boot measurements as part of an attestation solution; see
<xref target="I-D.ietf-rats-architecture"/> for more information. (optional)</t> <xref target="I-D.ietf-rats-architecture" format="default"/> for more informatio
<t>The bootloader must be able to decrypt firmware images, in case confidentia n (optional).</li>
lity protection <li>The bootloader must be able to decrypt firmware images in case con
was applied. This requires a solution for key management. (optional)</t> fidentiality protection
</list></t> was applied. This requires a solution for key management (optional).</li>
</section> </section>
</section> </section>
<section anchor="device" title="Types of IoT Devices"> <section anchor="device" numbered="true" toc="default">
<name>Types of IoT Devices</name>
<t>There are billions of MCUs used in devices today produced by a large <t>Today, there are billions of MCUs used in devices produced by a large
number of silicon manufacturers. While MCUs can vary significantly number of silicon manufacturers. While MCUs can vary significantly
in their characteristics, there are a number of similiaries allowing in their characteristics, there are a number of similarities that allow us to ca
us to categorize in groups.</t> tegorize them into groups.</t>
<t>The firmware update architecture, and the manifest format in particular
<t>The firmware update architecture, and the manifest format in particular, ,
needs to offer enough flexibility to cover these common deployment cases.</t> needs to offer enough flexibility to cover these common deployment cases.</t>
<section anchor="single-mcu" numbered="true" toc="default">
<section anchor="single-mcu" title="Single MCU"> <name>Single MCU</name>
<t>The simplest and currently most common architecture consists of
<t>The simplest, and currently most common, architecture consists of
a single MCU along with its own peripherals. These SoCs generally a single MCU along with its own peripherals. These SoCs generally
contain some amount of flash memory for code and fixed data, as contain some amount of flash memory for code and fixed data, as
well as RAM for working storage. A notable characteristic of these well as RAM for working storage. A notable characteristic of these
SoCs is that the primary code is generally execute in place (XIP). SoCs is that the primary code is generally execute in place (XIP).
Due to the non-relocatable nature of the code, the firmware image Due to the non-relocatable nature of the code, the firmware image
needs to be placed in a specific location in flash since the code needs to be placed in a specific location in flash memory since the code
cannot be executed from an arbitrary location in flash. Hence, when cannot be executed from an arbitrary location therein. Hence, when
the firmware image is updated it is necessary to swap the old and the firmware image is updated, it is necessary to swap the old and
the new image.</t> the new image.</t>
<section anchor="single-cpu-with-secure-normal-mode-partitioning" numbered
="true" toc="default">
</section> <name>Single CPU with Partitioning between Secure Mode and Normal Mode</
<section anchor="single-cpu-with-secure-normal-mode-partitioning" title="Single name>
CPU with Secure - Normal Mode Partitioning"> <t>Another configuration consists of a similar architecture to the
one previously discussed: it contains a single CPU. However, this CPU supports
<t>Another configuration consists of a similar architecture to the a security
previous, with a single CPU. However, this CPU supports a security partitioning scheme that allows memory and other system components to be divided
partitioning scheme that allows memory (in addition to other things) into secure and normal mode. There will generally be
to be divided into secure and normal mode. There will generally be two images: one for secure mode and one for normal mode. In this
two images, one for secure mode, and one for normal mode. In this
configuration, firmware upgrades will generally be done by the CPU configuration, firmware upgrades will generally be done by the CPU
in secure mode, which is able to write to both areas of the flash in secure mode, which is able to write to both areas of the flash
device. In addition, there are requirements to be able to update device. In addition, there are requirements to be able to update
either image independently, as well as to update them together either image independently as well as to update them together
atomically, as specified in the associated manifests.</t> atomically, as specified in the associated manifests.</t>
</section> <section anchor="symmetric-multiple-cpus" numbered="true" toc="default">
<section anchor="symmetric-multiple-cpus" title="Symmetric Multiple CPUs"> <name>Symmetric Multiple CPUs</name>
<t>In more complex SoCs with symmetric multiprocessing support, advanced
<t>In more complex SoCs with symmetric multi-processing support, advanced
operating systems, such as Linux, are often used. These SoCs frequently operating systems, such as Linux, are often used. These SoCs frequently
use an external storage medium, such as raw NAND flash or eMMC. Due to use an external storage medium, such as raw NAND flash or an embedded Multimedia Card (eMMC). Due to
the higher quantity of resources, these devices are often capable of the higher quantity of resources, these devices are often capable of
storing multiple copies of their firmware images and selecting the most storing multiple copies of their firmware images and selecting the most
appropriate one to boot. Many SoCs also support bootloaders that are appropriate one to boot. Many SoCs also support bootloaders that are
capable of updating the firmware image, however this is typically a last capable of updating the firmware image; however, this is typically a last
resort because it requires the device to be held in the bootloader while resort because it requires the device to be held in the bootloader while
the new firmware is downloaded and installed, which results in down-time the new firmware is downloaded and installed, which results in downtime
for the device. Firmware updates in this class of device are typically for the device. Firmware updates in this class of device are typically
not done in-place.</t> not done in place.</t>
</section> <section anchor="dual-cpu-shared-memory" numbered="true" toc="default">
<section anchor="dual-cpu-shared-memory" title="Dual CPU, shared memory"> <name>Dual CPU, Shared Memory</name>
<t>This configuration has two or more heterogeneous CPUs in a single SoC
<t>This configuration has two or more heterogeneous CPUs in a single SoC that that
share memory (flash and RAM). Generally, there will be a mechanism to prevent share memory (flash and RAM). Generally, there will be a mechanism to prevent
one CPU from unintentionally accessing memory currently allocated to the other. one CPU from unintentionally accessing memory currently allocated to the other.
Upgrades in this case will typically be done by one of the CPUs, and is Upgrades in this case will typically be done by one of the CPUs and is
similar to the single CPU with secure mode.</t> similar to the single CPU with secure mode.</t>
</section> <section anchor="dual-cpu-other-bus" numbered="true" toc="default">
<section anchor="dual-cpu-other-bus" title="Dual CPU, other bus"> <name>Dual CPU, Other Bus</name>
<t>This configuration has two or more heterogeneous CPUs, each having th
<t>This configuration has two or more heterogeneous CPUs, each having their own eir own memory.
There will be a communication channel between them, but it will be There will be a communication channel between them, but it will be
used as a peripheral, not via shared memory. In this case, each CPU used as a peripheral, not via shared memory. In this case, each CPU
will have to be responsible for its own firmware upgrade. It is will have to be responsible for its own firmware upgrade. It is
likely that one of the CPUs will be considered the primary CPU, and will likely that one of the CPUs will be considered the primary CPU and will
direct the other CPU to do the upgrade. This configuration is direct the other CPU to do the upgrade. This configuration is
commonly used to offload specific work to other CPUs. Firmware commonly used to offload specific work to other CPUs. Firmware
dependencies are similar to the other solutions above, sometimes dependencies are similar to the other solutions above: sometimes
allowing only one image to be upgraded, other times requiring several allowing only one image to be upgraded, other times requiring several
to be upgraded atomically. Because the updates are happening on to be upgraded atomically. Because the updates are happening on
multiple CPUs, upgrading the two images atomically is challenging.</t> multiple CPUs, upgrading the two images atomically is challenging.</t>
</section> </section>
</section> <section anchor="manifests" numbered="true" toc="default">
<section anchor="manifests" title="Manifests"> <name>Manifests</name>
<t>In order for a firmware consumer to apply an update, it has to make sev
<t>In order for a firmware consumer to apply an update, it has to make several d eral decisions
using manifest-provided information and data available on the device itself. For more using manifest-provided information and data available on the device itself. For more
detailed information and a longer list of information elements in the manifest c detailed information and a longer list of information elements in the manifest,
onsult the consult the
information model specification <xref target="I-D.ietf-suit-information-model"/> information model specification <xref target="I-D.ietf-suit-information-model" f
, which offers justifications ormat="default"/>, which offers justifications
for each element, and the manifest specification <xref target="I-D.ietf-suit-man for each element, and the manifest specification <xref target="I-D.ietf-suit-man
ifest"/> for details about how this ifest" format="default"/> for details about how this
information is included in the manifest.</t> information is included in the manifest.</t>
<t><xref target="manifest-info"/> provides examples of decisions to be made.</t>
<texttable title="Firmware Update Decisions." anchor="manifest-info">
<ttcol align='right'>Decision</ttcol>
<ttcol align='left'>Information Elements</ttcol>
<c>Should I trust the author of the firmware?</c>
<c>Trust anchors and authorization policies on the device</c>
<c>Has the firmware been corrupted?</c>
<c>Digital signature and MAC covering the firmware image</c>
<c>Does the firmware update apply to this device?</c>
<c>Conditions with Vendor ID, Class ID and Device ID</c>
<c>Is the update older than the active firmware?</c>
<c>Sequence number in the manifest (1)</c>
<c>When should the device apply the update?</c>
<c>Wait directive</c>
<c>How should the device apply the update?</c>
<c>Manifest commands</c>
<c>What kind of firmware binary is it?</c>
<c>Unpack algorithms to interpret a format.</c>
<c>Where should the update be obtained?</c>
<c>Dependencies on other manifests and firmware image URI in Manifest</c>
<c>Where should the firmware be stored?</c>
<c>Storage Location and Component Identifier</c>
<t>(1): A device presented with an old, but valid manifest and firmware <table anchor="manifest-info" align="center">
<name>Example Firmware Update Decisions</name>
<th align="right">Decision</th>
<th align="left">Information Elements</th>
<td align="right">Should I trust the author of the firmware?</td>
<td align="left">Trust anchors and authorization policies on the dev
<td align="right">Has the firmware been corrupted?</td>
<td align="left">Digital signature and MAC covering the firmware ima
<td align="right">Does the firmware update apply to this device?</td
<td align="left">Conditions with Vendor ID, Class ID, and Device ID<
<td align="right">Is the update older than the active firmware?</td>
<td align="left">Sequence number in the manifest (1)</td>
<td align="right">When should the device apply the update?</td>
<td align="left">Wait directive</td>
<td align="right">How should the device apply the update?</td>
<td align="left">Manifest commands</td>
<td align="right">What kind of firmware binary is it?</td>
<td align="left">Unpack algorithms to interpret a format</td>
<td align="right">Where should the update be obtained?</td>
<td align="left">Dependencies on other manifests and firmware image
URI in the manifest</td>
<td align="right">Where should the firmware be stored?</td>
<td align="left">Storage location and component identifier</td>
<dl indent="6" newline="false"><dt>(1):</dt><dd>A device presented with an
old but valid manifest and firmware
must not be tricked into installing such firmware since a must not be tricked into installing such firmware since a
vulnerability in the old firmware image may allow an attacker to vulnerability in the old firmware image may allow an attacker to
gain control of the device.</t> gain control of the device.</dd></dl>
<t>Keeping the code size and complexity of a manifest parser small is impo
<t>Keeping the code size and complexity of a manifest parsers small is important rtant
for constrained IoT devices. Since the manifest parsing code may for constrained IoT devices. Since the manifest parsing code may
also be used by the bootloader it can be part of the trusted computing base.</t> also be used by the bootloader, it can be part of the trusted computing base.</t
<t>A manifest may be used to protect not only firmware images but also <t>A manifest may be used to protect not only firmware images but also
configuration data such as network credentials or personalization data configuration data such as network credentials or personalization data
related to firmware or software. related to the firmware or software.
Personalization data demonstrates the need for confidentiality to be Personalization data demonstrates the need for confidentiality to be
maintained between two or more stakeholders that both deliver images to maintained between two or more stakeholders that deliver images to
the same device. Personalization data is used with the same device. Personalization data is used with
Trusted Execution Environments (TEEs), which TEEs, which
benefit from a protocol for managing the lifecycle of trusted benefit from a protocol for managing the life cycle of TAs running inside a TEE.
applications (TAs) running inside a TEE. TEEs may obtain TAs TEEs may obtain TAs
from different authors and those TAs may require personalization data, from different authors, and those TAs may require personalization data,
such as payment information, to be securely conveyed to the TEE. The such as payment information, to be securely conveyed to the TEE. The
TA’s author does not want to expose the TA’s code to any other stakeholder TA's author does not want to expose the TA's code to any other stakeholder
or third party. or third party.
The user does not want to expose the payment information to any other The user does not want to expose the payment information to any other
stakeholder or third party.</t> stakeholder or third party.</t>
</section> <section anchor="securing" numbered="true" toc="default">
<section anchor="securing" title="Securing Firmware Updates"> <name>Securing Firmware Updates</name>
<t>Using firmware updates to fix vulnerabilities in devices is important,
<t>Using firmware updates to fix vulnerabilities in devices is important but sec but securing this
uring this
update mechanism is equally important since security problems are update mechanism is equally important since security problems are
exacerbated by the update mechanism: update is essentially authorized exacerbated by the update mechanism. An update is essentially authorized
remote code execution, so any security problems in the update process remote code execution, so any security problems in the update process
expose that remote code execution system. Failure expose that remote code execution system. Failure
to secure the firmware update process will help attackers to take control over d to secure the firmware update process will help attackers take control of device
evices.</t> s.</t>
<t>End-to-end security mechanisms are used to protect the firmware
<t>End-to-end security mechanisms are used to protect the firmware
image and the manifest. The following assumptions are made to allow image and the manifest. The following assumptions are made to allow
the firmware consumer to verify the received firmware image and the firmware consumer to verify the received firmware image and
manifest before updating software:</t> manifest before updating the software:</t>
<ul spacing="normal">
<t><list style="symbols"> <li>Authentication ensures that the device can cryptographically identif
<t>Authentication ensures that the device can cryptographically identify y
the author(s) creating firmware images and manifests. Authenticated the author(s) creating firmware images and manifests. Authenticated
identities may be used as input to the authorization process. Not all identities may be used as input to the authorization process. Not all
entities creating and signing manifests have the same entities creating and signing manifests have the same
permissions. A device needs to determine whether the requested action permissions. A device needs to determine whether the requested action
is indeed covered by the permission of the party that signed the manifest. is indeed covered by the permission of the party that signed the manifest.
Informing the device about the permissions of the different parties Informing the device about the permissions of the different parties
also happens in an out-of-band fashion and is a duty of the also happens in an out-of-band fashion and is a duty of the
Trust Provisioning Authority.</t> Trust Provisioning Authority.</li>
<t>Integrity protection ensures that no third party can modify the manifest <li>Integrity protection ensures that no third party can modify the mani
or the firmware image. To accept an update, a device needs to verify the signatu re covering or the firmware image. To accept an update, a device needs to verify the signatu re covering
the manifest. There may be one or multiple manifests that need to be the manifest. There may be one or multiple manifests that need to be
validated, potentially signed by different parties. The device needs validated, potentially signed by different parties. The device needs
to be in possession of the trust anchors to verify those signatures. to be in possession of the trust anchors to verify those signatures.
Installing trust anchors to devices via the Trust Provisioning Authority Installing trust anchors to devices via the Trust Provisioning Authority
happens in an out-of-band fashion prior to the firmware update process.</t> happens in an out-of-band fashion prior to the firmware update process.</li>
<t>For confidentiality protection of the firmware image, it must be done in su <li>
ch a
way that the intended firmware consumer(s), other authorized parties, Confidentiality protection of the firmware image must be done in such a
and no one else can decrypt it. The information way that no one aside from the intended firmware consumer(s) and other authorize
d parties can decrypt it. The information
that is encrypted individually for each device/recipient must be done in a way t hat is that is encrypted individually for each device/recipient must be done in a way t hat is
usable with Content Distribution Networks, bulk storage, and usable with Content Distribution Networks (CDNs), bulk storage, and
broadcast protocols. For confidentiality protection of firmware images the autho broadcast protocols. For confidentiality protection of firmware images, the auth
r needs or needs
to be in possession of the certificate/public key or a pre-shared key to be in possession of the certificate/public key or a pre-shared key
of a device. The use of confidentiality protection of firmware images of a device. The use of confidentiality protection of firmware images
is optional.</t> is optional.</li>
</list></t> </ul>
<t>A manifest specification must support different cryptographic algorithms <t>A manifest specification must support different cryptographic algorithm
and algorithm extensibility. Moreover, since RSA- and ECC-based signature s
schemes may become vulnerable to quantum-accelerated key extraction in the and algorithm extensibility. Moreover, since signature
schemes based on RSA and Elliptic Curve Cryptography (ECC) may become vulnerable
to quantum-accelerated key extraction in the
future, unchangeable bootloader code in ROM is recommended to use post-quantum future, unchangeable bootloader code in ROM is recommended to use post-quantum
secure signature schemes such as hash-based signatures <xref target="RFC8778"/>. A secure signature schemes such as hash-based signatures <xref target="RFC8778" fo rmat="default"/>. A
bootloader author must carefully consider the service lifetime of their bootloader author must carefully consider the service lifetime of their
product and the time horizon for quantum-accelerated key extraction. product and the time horizon for quantum-accelerated key extraction.
The worst-case estimate, at time of writing, for the time horizon to key At the time of writing, the worst-case estimate for the time horizon to key
extraction with quantum acceleration is approximately 2030, based on extraction with quantum acceleration is approximately 2030, based on
current research <xref target="quantum-factorization"/>.</t> current research <xref target="quantum-factorization" format="default"/>.</t>
<t>When a device obtains a monolithic firmware image from a single author
<t>When a device obtains a monolithic firmware image from a single author
without any additional approval steps, the authorization flow is without any additional approval steps, the authorization flow is
relatively simple. There are, however, other cases where more complex relatively simple. However, there are other cases where more complex
policy decisions need to be made before updating a device.</t> policy decisions need to be made before updating a device.</t>
<t>In this architecture, the authorization policy is separated from
<t>In this architecture the authorization policy is separated from
the underlying communication architecture. This is accomplished the underlying communication architecture. This is accomplished
by separating the entities from their permissions. For example, by separating the entities from their permissions. For example,
an author may not have the authority to install a firmware image an author may not have the authority to install a firmware image
on a device in critical infrastructure without the authorization on a device in critical infrastructure without the authorization
of a device operator. In this case, the device may be programmed of a device operator. In this case, the device may be programmed
to reject firmware updates unless they are signed both by the to reject firmware updates unless they are signed both by the
firmware author and by the device operator.</t> firmware author and by the device operator.</t>
<t>Alternatively, a device may trust precisely one entity, which <t>Alternatively, a device may trust precisely one entity that
does all permission management and coordination. This entity does all permission management and coordination. This entity
allows the device to offload complex permissions allows the device to offload complex permissions
calculations for the device.</t> calculations for the device.</t>
</section> <section anchor="example" numbered="true" toc="default">
<section anchor="example" title="Example"> <name>Example</name>
<t><xref target="firmware-update" format="default"/> illustrates an exampl
<t><xref target="firmware-update"/> illustrates an example message flow e message flow
for distributing a firmware image to a device. The firmware for distributing a firmware image to a device. The firmware
and manifest are stored on the same firmware server and and manifest are stored on the same firmware server and
distributed in a detached manner.</t> distributed in a detached manner.</t>
<figure title="First Example Flow for a Firmware Update." anchor="firmware-updat <figure anchor="firmware-update">
e"><artwork><![CDATA[ <name>First Example Flow for a Firmware Update</name>
<artwork name="" type="" align="center" alt=""><![CDATA[
+--------+ +-----------------+ +-----------------------------+ +--------+ +-----------------+ +-----------------------------+
| | | Firmware Server | | IoT Device | | | | Firmware Server | | IoT Device |
| Author | | Status Tracker | | +------------+ +----------+ | | Author | | Status Tracker | | +------------+ +----------+ |
+--------+ | Server | | | Firmware | |Bootloader| | +--------+ | Server | | | Firmware | |Bootloader| |
| +-----------------+ | | Consumer | | | | | +-----------------+ | | Consumer | | | |
| | | +------------+ +----------+ | | | | +------------+ +----------+ |
| | | | | | | | | | | |
| | | +-----------------------+ | | | | +-----------------------+ |
| Create Firmware | | | Status Tracker Client | | | Create Firmware | | | Status Tracker Client | |
|--------------+ | | +-----------------------+ | |--------------+ | | +-----------------------+ |
skipping to change at line 932 skipping to change at line 884
| | |Complete| | | | |Complete| |
| | |------->| | | | |------->| |
| | | | | | | |
| | Firmware Update Completed | | | | Firmware Update Completed | |
| |<-----------------------------| | | |<-----------------------------| |
| | | | | | | |
| | Reboot | | | | Reboot | |
| |----------------------------->| | | |----------------------------->| |
| | | | | | | | | |
| | | | | | | | | |
| | |Reboot | | | | |Reboot |
| | | |------>| | | | |------>|
| | | | | | | | | |
| | | . | | | | . |
| | +---+----------------+--+ | | +---+----------------+--+
| | S| | | | | | S| | | |
| | E| | Verify | | | | E| | Verify | |
| | C| | Firmware | | | | C| | Firmware | |
| | U| | +--------------| | | | U| | +--------------| |
| | R| | | | | | | R| | | | |
| | E| | +------------->| | | | E| | +------------->| |
skipping to change at line 964 skipping to change at line 916
| | S| | +------------->| | | | S| | +------------->| |
| | S| | | | | | S| | | |
| | +---+----------------+--+ | | +---+----------------+--+
| | | . | | | | . |
| | | | | | | | | |
| | . | | | | . | |
| | Device running new firmware | | | | Device running new firmware | |
| |<-----------------------------| | | |<-----------------------------| |
| | . | | | | . | |
| | | | | | | |
]]></artwork></figure> ]]></artwork>
<t><xref target="firmware-update2"/> shows an exchange that starts with the <t><xref target="firmware-update2" format="default"/> shows an exchange th
at starts with the
status tracker querying the device for its current firmware version. status tracker querying the device for its current firmware version.
Later, a new firmware version becomes available and since this Later, a new firmware version becomes available, and since this
device is running an older version the status tracker server interacts device is running an older version, the status tracker server interacts
with the device to initiate an update.</t> with the device to initiate an update.</t>
<t>The manifest and the firmware are stored on different servers in this
<t>The manifest and the firmware are stored on different servers in this example. When the device processes the manifest, it learns where to
example. When the device processes the manifest it learns where to
download the new firmware version. The firmware consumer downloads download the new firmware version. The firmware consumer downloads
the firmware image with the newer version X.Y.Z after successful validation the firmware image with the newer version X.Y.Z after successful validation
of the manifest. Subsequently, a reboot is initiated and the secure of the manifest. Subsequently, a reboot is initiated, and the secure
boot process starts. Finally, the device reports the successful boot boot process starts. Finally, the device reports the successful boot
of the new firmware version.</t> of the new firmware version.</t>
<figure anchor="firmware-update2">
<figure title="Second Example Flow for a Firmware Update." anchor="firmware-upda <name>Second Example Flow for a Firmware Update</name>
te2"><artwork><![CDATA[ <artwork name="" type="" align="center" alt=""><![CDATA[
+---------+ +-----------------+ +-----------------------------+ +---------+ +-----------------+ +-----------------------------+
| Status | | Firmware Server | | +------------+ +----------+ | | Status | | Firmware Server | | +------------+ +----------+ |
| Tracker | | Status Tracker | | | Firmware | |Bootloader| | | Tracker | | Status Tracker | | | Firmware | |Bootloader| |
| Server | | Server | | | Consumer | | | | | Server | | Server | | | Consumer | | | |
+---------+ +-----------------+ | | +Status | +----------+ | +---------+ +-----------------+ | | +Status | +----------+ |
| | | | Tracker | | | | | | | Tracker | | |
| | | | Client | | | | | | | Client | | |
| | | +------------+ | | | | | +------------+ | |
| | | | IoT Device | | | | | | IoT Device | |
| | `'''''''''''''''''''''''''''' | | `''''''''''''''''''''''''''''
skipping to change at line 1048 skipping to change at line 1000
| | | __..-------..._' | | | __..-------..._'
| | ,-' `-. | | ,-' `-.
| | | Secure Boot | | | | Secure Boot |
| | `-. _/ | | `-. _/
| | |`--..._____,,.,-' | | |`--..._____,,.,-'
| | | | | | | |
| Device running firmware X.Y.Z | | | Device running firmware X.Y.Z | |
|<-------------------------------------| | |<-------------------------------------| |
| | | | | | | |
| | | | | | | |
]]></artwork></figure> ]]></artwork>
</section> </section>
<section anchor="iana-considerations" title="IANA Considerations"> <section anchor="iana-considerations" numbered="true" toc="default">
<name>IANA Considerations</name>
<t>This document does not require any actions by IANA.</t> <t>This document has no IANA actions.</t>
</section> <section anchor="security-considerations" numbered="true" toc="default">
<section anchor="security-considerations" title="Security Considerations"> <name>Security Considerations</name>
<t>This document describes the terminology, requirements, and an architect
<t>This document describes terminology, requirements and an architecture for ure for
firmware updates of IoT devices. The content of the document is thereby firmware updates of IoT devices. The content of the document is thereby
focused on improving security of IoT devices via firmware update mechanisms focused on improving the security of IoT devices via firmware update mechanisms
and informs the standardization of a manifest format.</t> and informs the standardization of a manifest format.</t>
<t>An in-depth examination of the security considerations of the
<t>An in-depth examination of the security considerations of the architecture is presented in <xref target="I-D.ietf-suit-information-model" form
architecture is presented in <xref target="I-D.ietf-suit-information-model"/>.</ at="default"/>.</t>
t> </section>
<section anchor="acknowledgements" title="Acknowledgements">
<t>We would like to thank the following persons for their feedback:</t>
<t><list style="symbols">
<t>Geraint Luff</t>
<t>Amyas Phillips</t>
<t>Dan Ros</t>
<t>Thomas Eichinger</t>
<t>Michael Richardson</t>
<t>Emmanuel Baccelli</t>
<t>Ned Smith</t>
<t>Jim Schaad</t>
<t>Carsten Bormann</t>
<t>Cullen Jennings</t>
<t>Olaf Bergmann</t>
<t>Suhas Nandakumar</t>
<t>Phillip Hallam-Baker</t>
<t>Marti Bolivar</t>
<t>Andrzej Puzdrowski</t>
<t>Markus Gueller</t>
<t>Henk Birkholz</t>
<t>Jintao Zhu</t>
<t>Takeshi Takahashi</t>
<t>Jacob Beningo</t>
<t>Kathleen Moriarty</t>
<t>Bob Briscoe</t>
<t>Roman Danyliw</t>
<t>Brian Carpenter</t>
<t>Theresa Enghardt</t>
<t>Rich Salz</t>
<t>Mohit Sethi</t>
<t>Eric Vyncke</t>
<t>Alvaro Retana</t>
<t>Barry Leiba</t>
<t>Benjamin Kaduk</t>
<t>Martin Duke</t>
<t>Robert Wilton</t>
<t>We would also like to thank the WG chairs, Russ Housley, David Waltermire, an
Dave Thaler, for their support and their reviews.</t>
</middle> </middle>
<back> <back>
<references title='Informative References'> <displayreference target="I-D.ietf-suit-information-model" to="SUIT-INFO-MODEL"/
<reference anchor="RFC8240" target='https://www.rfc-editor.org/info/rfc8240'> <displayreference target="I-D.ietf-teep-architecture" to="TEEP-ARCH"/>
<front> <displayreference target="I-D.ietf-suit-manifest" to="SUIT-MANIFEST"/>
<title>Report from the Internet of Things Software Update (IoTSU) Workshop 2016< <displayreference target="I-D.ietf-rats-architecture" to="RATS-ARCH"/>
<author initials='H.' surname='Tschofenig' fullname='H. Tschofenig'><organizatio
n /></author>
<author initials='S.' surname='Farrell' fullname='S. Farrell'><organization /></
<date year='2017' month='September' />
<abstract><t>This document provides a summary of the Internet of Things Software
Update (IoTSU) Workshop that took place at Trinity College Dublin, Ireland on t
he 13th and 14th of June, 2016. The main goal of the workshop was to foster a d
iscussion on requirements, challenges, and solutions for bringing software and f
irmware updates to IoT devices. This report summarizes the discussions and lists
recommendations to the standards community.</t><t>Note that this document is a
report on the proceedings of the workshop. The views and positions documented i
n this report are those of the workshop participants and do not necessarily refl
ect IAB views and positions.</t></abstract>
<seriesInfo name='RFC' value='8240'/>
<seriesInfo name='DOI' value='10.17487/RFC8240'/>
<reference anchor="RFC6024" target='https://www.rfc-editor.org/info/rfc6024'>
<title>Trust Anchor Management Requirements</title>
<author initials='R.' surname='Reddy' fullname='R. Reddy'><organization /></auth
<author initials='C.' surname='Wallace' fullname='C. Wallace'><organization /></
<date year='2010' month='October' />
<abstract><t>A trust anchor represents an authoritative entity via a public key
and associated data. The public key is used to verify digital signatures, and t
he associated data is used to constrain the types of information for which the t
rust anchor is authoritative. A relying party uses trust anchors to determine i
f a digitally signed object is valid by verifying a digital signature using the
trust anchor's public key, and by enforcing the constraints expressed in the ass
ociated data for the trust anchor. This document describes some of the problems
associated with the lack of a standard trust anchor management mechanism and de
fines requirements for data formats and push-based protocols designed to address
these problems. This document is not an Internet Standards Track specificatio
n; it is published for informational purposes.</t></abstract>
<seriesInfo name='RFC' value='6024'/>
<seriesInfo name='DOI' value='10.17487/RFC6024'/>
<reference anchor="RFC6763" target='https://www.rfc-editor.org/info/rfc6763'>
<title>DNS-Based Service Discovery</title>
<author initials='S.' surname='Cheshire' fullname='S. Cheshire'><organization />
<author initials='M.' surname='Krochmal' fullname='M. Krochmal'><organization />
<date year='2013' month='February' />
<abstract><t>This document specifies how DNS resource records are named and stru
ctured to facilitate service discovery. Given a type of service that a client i
s looking for, and a domain in which the client is looking for that service, thi
s mechanism allows clients to discover a list of named instances of that desired
service, using standard DNS queries. This mechanism is referred to as DNS-based
Service Discovery, or DNS-SD.</t></abstract>
<seriesInfo name='RFC' value='6763'/>
<seriesInfo name='DOI' value='10.17487/RFC6763'/>
<reference anchor="RFC7228" target='https://www.rfc-editor.org/info/rfc7228'>
<title>Terminology for Constrained-Node Networks</title>
<author initials='C.' surname='Bormann' fullname='C. Bormann'><organization /></
<author initials='M.' surname='Ersue' fullname='M. Ersue'><organization /></auth
<author initials='A.' surname='Keranen' fullname='A. Keranen'><organization /></
<date year='2014' month='May' />
<abstract><t>The Internet Protocol Suite is increasingly used on small devices w
ith severe constraints on power, memory, and processing resources, creating cons
trained-node networks. This document provides a number of basic terms that have
been useful in the standardization work for constrained-node networks.</t></abs
<seriesInfo name='RFC' value='7228'/>
<seriesInfo name='DOI' value='10.17487/RFC7228'/>
<reference anchor="RFC8778" target='https://www.rfc-editor.org/info/rfc8778'>
<title>Use of the HSS/LMS Hash-Based Signature Algorithm with CBOR Object Signin
g and Encryption (COSE)</title>
<author initials='R.' surname='Housley' fullname='R. Housley'><organization /></
<date year='2020' month='April' />
<abstract><t>This document specifies the conventions for using the Hierarchical
Signature System (HSS) / Leighton-Micali Signature (LMS) hash-based signature al
gorithm with the CBOR Object Signing and Encryption (COSE) syntax. The HSS/LMS a
lgorithm is one form of hash-based digital signature; it is described in RFC 855
<seriesInfo name='RFC' value='8778'/>
<seriesInfo name='DOI' value='10.17487/RFC8778'/>
<reference anchor="I-D.ietf-suit-information-model">
<title>An Information Model for Firmware Updates in IoT Devices</title>
<author initials='B' surname='Moran' fullname='Brendan Moran'>
<organization />
<author initials='H' surname='Tschofenig' fullname='Hannes Tschofenig'>
<organization />
<author initials='H' surname='Birkholz' fullname='Henk Birkholz'>
<organization />
<date month='October' day='28' year='2020' />
<abstract><t>Vulnerabilities with Internet of Things (IoT) devices have raised t
he need for a reliable and secure firmware update mechanism that is also suitabl
e for constrained devices. Ensuring that devices function and remain secure ove
r their service life requires such an update mechanism to fix vulnerabilities, t
o update configuration settings, as well as adding new functionality. One compo
nent of such a firmware update is a concise and machine- processable meta-data d
ocument, or manifest, that describes the firmware image(s) and offers appropriat
e protection. This document describes the information that must be present in t
he manifest.</t></abstract>
<seriesInfo name='Internet-Draft' value='draft-ietf-suit-information-model-08' /
<format type='TXT'
model-08.txt' />
<reference anchor="I-D.ietf-teep-architecture">
<title>Trusted Execution Environment Provisioning (TEEP) Architecture</title>
<author initials='M' surname='Pei' fullname='Mingliang Pei'>
<organization />
<author initials='H' surname='Tschofenig' fullname='Hannes Tschofenig'>
<organization />
<author initials='D' surname='Thaler' fullname='Dave Thaler'>
<organization />
<author initials='D' surname='Wheeler' fullname='David Wheeler'>
<organization />
<date month='November' day='2' year='2020' />
<abstract><t>A Trusted Execution Environment (TEE) is an environment that enforc
es that any code within that environment cannot be tampered with, and that any d
ata used by such code cannot be read or tampered with by any code outside that e
nvironment. This architecture document motivates the design and standardization
of a protocol for managing the lifecycle of trusted applications running inside
such a TEE.</t></abstract>
<seriesInfo name='Internet-Draft' value='draft-ietf-teep-architecture-13' />
<format type='TXT'
-13.txt' />
<reference anchor="I-D.ietf-suit-manifest">
<title>A Concise Binary Object Representation (CBOR)-based Serialization Format
for the Software Updates for Internet of Things (SUIT) Manifest</title>
<author initials='B' surname='Moran' fullname='Brendan Moran'>
<organization />
<author initials='H' surname='Tschofenig' fullname='Hannes Tschofenig'>
<organization />
<author initials='H' surname='Birkholz' fullname='Henk Birkholz'>
<organization />
<author initials='K' surname='Zandberg' fullname='Koen Zandberg'>
<organization />
<date month='December' day='8' year='2020' />
<abstract><t>This specification describes the format of a manifest. A manifest
is a bundle of metadata about code/data obtained by a recipient (chiefly the fir
mware for an IoT device), where to find the that code/data, the devices to which
it applies, and cryptographic information protecting the manifest. Software up
dates and Trusted Invocation both tend to use sequences of common operations, so
the manifest encodes those sequences of operations, rather than declaring the m
<seriesInfo name='Internet-Draft' value='draft-ietf-suit-manifest-11' />
<format type='TXT'
txt' />
<reference anchor="I-D.ietf-rats-architecture">
<title>Remote Attestation Procedures Architecture</title>
<author initials='H' surname='Birkholz' fullname='Henk Birkholz'>
<organization />
<author initials='D' surname='Thaler' fullname='Dave Thaler'>
<organization />
<author initials='M' surname='Richardson' fullname='Michael Richardson'>
<organization />
<author initials='N' surname='Smith' fullname='Ned Smith'>
<organization />
<author initials='W' surname='Pan' fullname='Wei Pan'> <references>
<organization /> <name>Informative References</name>
</author> <xi:include href="https://xml2rfc.ietf.org/public/rfc/bibxml/reference.RFC
<xi:include href="https://xml2rfc.ietf.org/public/rfc/bibxml/reference.RFC
<xi:include href="https://xml2rfc.ietf.org/public/rfc/bibxml/reference.RFC
<xi:include href="https://xml2rfc.ietf.org/public/rfc/bibxml/reference.RFC
<xi:include href="https://xml2rfc.ietf.org/public/rfc/bibxml/reference.RFC
<date month='December' day='8' year='2020' /> <xi:include href="https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/bibxml3/reference.I-D.i etf-suit-information-model.xml"/>
<abstract><t>In network protocol exchanges it is often the case that one entity requires believable evidence about the operational state of a remote peer. Such evidence is typically conveyed as claims about the peer's software and hardware platform, and is subsequently appraised in order to assess the peer's trustwort hiness. The process of generating and appraising this kind of evidence is known as remote attestation. This document describes an architecture for remote atte station procedures that generate, convey, and appraise evidence about a peer's o perational state.</t></abstract> <xi:include href="https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/bibxml3/reference.I-D.i etf-teep-architecture.xml"/>
</front> <xi:include href="https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/bibxml3/reference.I-D.i etf-suit-manifest.xml"/>
<seriesInfo name='Internet-Draft' value='draft-ietf-rats-architecture-08' /> <xi:include href="https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/bibxml3/reference.I-D.i
<format type='TXT' etf-rats-architecture.xml"/>
-08.txt' />
<reference anchor="quantum-factorization" target="https://www.nature.com/article <reference anchor="quantum-factorization" target="https://www.nature.com/a
s/s41598-018-36058-z"> rticles/s41598-018-36058-z">
<front> <front>
<title>Quantum Annealing for Prime Factorization</title> <title>Quantum Annealing for Prime Factorization</title>
<author initials="S." surname="Jiang" fullname="Shuxian Jiang"> <author initials="S." surname="Jiang" fullname="Shuxian Jiang">
<organization>Department of Computer Science, Purdue University</organizat <organization>Department of Computer Science, Purdue University</org
ion> anization>
</author> </author>
<author initials="K.A." surname="Britt" fullname="Keith A. Britt"> <author initials="K.A." surname="Britt" fullname="Keith A. Britt">
<organization>Quantum Computing Institute, Oak Ridge National Laboratory</ <organization>Quantum Computing Institute, Oak Ridge National Labora
organization> tory</organization>
</author> </author>
<author initials="A.J." surname="McCaskey" fullname="Alexander J. McCaskey"> <author initials="A.J." surname="McCaskey" fullname="Alexander J. McCa
<organization>Quantum Computing Institute, Oak Ridge National Laboratory</ skey">
organization> <organization>Quantum Computing Institute, Oak Ridge National Labora
</author> tory</organization>
<author initials="T.S." surname="Humble" fullname="Travis S. Humble"> </author>
<organization>Quantum Computing Institute, Oak Ridge National Laboratory</ <author initials="T.S." surname="Humble" fullname="Travis S. Humble">
organization> <organization>Quantum Computing Institute, Oak Ridge National Labora
</author> tory</organization>
<author initials="S." surname="Kais" fullname="Sabre Kais"> </author>
<organization>Department of Chemistry, Physics and Birck Nanotechnology Ce <author initials="S." surname="Kais" fullname="Sabre Kais">
nter, Purdue University</organization> <organization>Department of Chemistry, Physics and Birck Nanotechnol
</author> ogy Center, Purdue University</organization>
<date year="2018" month="December" day="05"/> </author>
</front> <date year="2018" month="December"/>
</reference> </front>
<reference anchor="LwM2M" target="http://www.openmobilealliance.org/release/Ligh <seriesInfo name="Scientific Reports" value="8"/>
tweightM2M/V1_0_2-20180209-A/OMA-TS-LightweightM2M-V1_0_2-20180209-A.pdf"> </reference>
<title>Lightweight Machine to Machine Technical Specification, Version 1.0.2
<author initials="." surname="OMA" fullname="Open Mobile Alliance">
<date year="2018" month="February" day="09"/>
<format type="PDF" target="http://www.openmobilealliance.org/release/Lightweig
<reference anchor="LwM2M" target="http://www.openmobilealliance.org/releas
<title>Lightweight Machine to Machine Technical Specification</title>
<organization>Open Mobile Alliance</organization>
<date year="2018" month="February"/>
<seriesInfo name="Version" value="1.0.2"/>
</references> </references>
<section anchor="acknowledgements" numbered="false" toc="default">
<t>We would like to thank the following individuals for their feedback:</t
<ul spacing="compact">
<li><t><contact fullname="Geraint Luff"/></t></li>
<li><t><contact fullname="Amyas Phillips"/></t></li>
<li><t><contact fullname="Dan Ros"/></t></li>
<li><t><contact fullname="Thomas Eichinger"/></t></li>
<li><t><contact fullname="Michael Richardson"/></t></li>
<li><t><contact fullname="Emmanuel Baccelli"/></t></li>
<li><t><contact fullname="Ned Smith"/></t></li>
<li><t><contact fullname="Jim Schaad"/></t></li>
<li><t><contact fullname="Carsten Bormann"/></t></li>
<li><t><contact fullname="Cullen Jennings"/></t></li>
<li><t><contact fullname="Olaf Bergmann"/></t></li>
<li><t><contact fullname="Suhas Nandakumar"/></t></li>
<li><t><contact fullname="Phillip Hallam-Baker"/></t></li>
<li><t><contact fullname="Marti Bolivar"/></t></li>
<li><t><contact fullname="Andrzej Puzdrowski"/></t></li>
<li><t><contact fullname="Markus Gueller"/></t></li>
<li><t><contact fullname="Henk Birkholz"/></t></li>
<li><t><contact fullname="Jintao Zhu"/></t></li>
<li><t><contact fullname="Takeshi Takahashi"/></t></li>
<li><t><contact fullname="Jacob Beningo"/></t></li>
<li><t><contact fullname="Kathleen Moriarty"/></t></li>
<li><t><contact fullname="Bob Briscoe"/></t></li>
<li><t><contact fullname="Roman Danyliw"/></t></li>
<li><t><contact fullname="Brian Carpenter"/></t></li>
<li><t><contact fullname="Theresa Enghardt"/></t></li>
<li><t><contact fullname="Rich Salz"/></t></li>
<li><t><contact fullname="Mohit Sethi"/></t></li>
<li><t><contact fullname="Éric Vyncke"/></t></li>
<li><t><contact fullname="Alvaro Retana"/></t></li>
<li><t><contact fullname="Barry Leiba"/></t></li>
<li><t><contact fullname="Benjamin Kaduk"/></t></li>
<li><t><contact fullname="Martin Duke"/></t></li>
<li><t><contact fullname="Robert Wilton"/></t></li>
<t>We would also like to thank the WG chairs, <contact fullname="Russ Hous
ley"/>, <contact fullname="David Waltermire"/>, and <contact fullname="Dave Thal
er"/> for their support and review.</t>
</back> </back>
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