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  <!-- xml2rfc v2v3 conversion 3.5.0 -->
    <title abbrev="DEV URN">Uniform Resource Names for Device Identifiers</title>
    <seriesInfo name="RFC" value="9039"/>
    <author initials="J" initials="J." surname="Arkko" fullname="Jari Arkko">
    <author fullname="Cullen Jennings" initials="C." surname="Jennings">
          <street>170 West Tasman Drive</street>
          <city>San Jose</city>

          <country>United States of America</country>
        <phone>+1 408 421-9990</phone>

    <author initials="Z" initials="Z." surname="Shelby" fullname="Zach Shelby">
             Edge Impulse
             <street>Kidekuja 2</street>
          <street>3031 Tisch Way</street>
          <city>San Jose</city>
          <country>United States of America</country>
    <date month="February" year="2021" /> month="June" year="2021"/>
    <keyword>device identifier</keyword>
    <keyword>MAC address</keyword>
      <t>This document describes a new Uniform Resource Name (URN) namespace for
  hardware device identifiers. A general representation of device
  identity can be useful in many applications, such as in sensor data
  streams and storage, storage or in equipment inventories. A URN-based
  representation can be passed along in applications that
  need the information.</t>
    <section anchor="intro" title="Introduction"> numbered="true" toc="default">

      <t>This document describes a new Uniform Resource Name (URN) <xref
    target="RFC8141"/> target="RFC8141" format="default"/> namespace for hardware
    device identifiers. A general representation of device identity
    can be useful in many applications, such as in sensor data streams
    and storage
    <xref target="RFC8428"/>,
     or in equipment inventories <xref target="RFC7252"/>, target="RFC7252" format="default"/> <xref target="I-D.ietf-core-resource-directory"/>.</t> target="RFC8428" format="default"/> <xref target="I-D.ietf-core-resource-directory" format="default"/>.</t>
      <t>A URN-based representation can be passed along in applications
    that need the information. It fits particularly well for protocols
    mechanisms that are designed to carry URNs <xref
    target="RFC7230"/>, target="RFC7230" format="default"/> <xref target="RFC7540"/>, target="RFC7540" format="default"/> <xref
    target="RFC3261"/>, target="RFC3261" format="default"/> <xref target="RFC7252"/>. target="RFC7252" format="default"/>. Finally, URNs can
    also be easily carried and stored in formats such as XML <xref
    target="W3C.REC-xml-19980210"/>, target="W3C.REC-xml-19980210" format="default"/>, JSON <xref target="RFC8259"/> target="RFC8259" format="default"/>, or
    SenML <xref target="RFC8428"/>. target="RFC8428" format="default"/>.  Using URNs in these formats is
    often preferable as they are universally recognized and
    self-describing and therefore avoid the need for agreeing to agree to
    interpret an octet string as a specific form of a MAC Media Access Control (MAC) address, for
    instance. Passing URNs may consume additional bytes compared to,
    for instance, passing 4-byte binary IPv4 addresses, but the former offers
    some flexibility in return.</t>
      <t>This document defines identifier URN types for situations where no
    such convenient type already exists. For instance, <xref
    target="RFC6920"/> target="RFC6920" format="default"/> defines cryptographic identifiers, <xref
    target="RFC7254"/> target="RFC7254" format="default"/> defines International Mobile station Equipment
    Identity (IMEI) identifiers for use with 3GPP cellular systems,
    and <xref target="RFC8464"/> target="RFC8464" format="default"/> defines Mobile
    Equipment Identity (MEID) identifiers for use with 3GPP2 cellular
    systems. Those URN types should be employed when such identifiers
    are transported; this document does not redefine these identifiers in
    any way.</t>

      <t>Universally Unique IDentifier Identifier (UUID) URNs <xref
    target="RFC4122"/> target="RFC4122" format="default"/> are another alternative way for representing to represent
    device identifiers, identifiers and already support MAC addresses as one type
    of an identifier. However, UUIDs can be inconvenient in
    environments where it is important that the identifiers are be as
    simple as possible and where additional requirements on stable
    storage, real-time clocks, and identifier length can be
    prohibitive. Often, UUID-based identifiers are preferred for
    general purpose uses instead of the MAC-based device URNs defined in
    this document. The device URNs are recommended for constrained
      <t>Future device identifier types can extend the device URN
    type defined here in this document (see <xref target="iana"/>), target="iana" format="default"/>), or they can define their own URNs.</t>
      <t>Note that long-term stable unique identifiers are problematic
    for privacy reasons and should be used with care as
    described in <xref target="RFC7721"/>.</t> target="RFC7721" format="default"/>.</t>
      <t>The rest of this document is organized as follows. <xref
    target="devurn"/> target="devurn" format="default"/> defines the "DEV" URN type, and <xref
    target="subtypes"/> target="subtypes" format="default"/> defines subtypes for IEEE MAC-48, EUI-48 and
    EUI-64 addresses addresses, and 1-Wire device identifiers.  <xref
    target="ex"/> target="ex" format="default"/> gives examples. <xref target="sec"/> target="sec" format="default"/> discusses the
    security and privacy considerations of the new URN type. Finally, <xref
    target="iana"/> target="iana" format="default"/> specifies the IANA registration for the new URN
    type and sets requirements for subtype allocations within this
    <section anchor="kwd" title='Requirements language'>

    <t>The numbered="true" toc="default">
      <name>Requirements Language</name>
    The key words "MUST", "MUST NOT", "REQUIRED", "SHALL", "SHALL NOT",
    "SHOULD", "SHOULD NOT", "RECOMMENDED", "NOT RECOMMENDED", "MAY", "<bcp14>MUST</bcp14>", "<bcp14>MUST NOT</bcp14>", "<bcp14>REQUIRED</bcp14>", "<bcp14>SHALL</bcp14>", "<bcp14>SHALL
    NOT</bcp14>", "<bcp14>SHOULD</bcp14>", "<bcp14>SHOULD NOT</bcp14>", "<bcp14>RECOMMENDED</bcp14>", "<bcp14>NOT RECOMMENDED</bcp14>",
    "<bcp14>MAY</bcp14>", and
    "OPTIONAL" "<bcp14>OPTIONAL</bcp14>" in this document are to be interpreted as
    described in BCP
    14 BCP&nbsp;14 <xref target="RFC2119"/> <xref target="RFC8174"/>
    when, and only when, they appear in all capitals, as shown here.</t> here.
    <section anchor="devurn" title="DEV URN Definition">

      <t>Namespace Identifier: "dev" requested</t>

      <t>Version: 1</t>

      <t>Date: 2020-06-24</t>

      <t>Registrant: IETF numbered="true" toc="default">
      <name>DEV URN Definition</name>
      <dt>Namespace Identifier:</dt><dd>"dev"</dd>
      <dt>Registrant:</dt><dd>IETF and the CORE working group. Working Group. Should the working
      group cease to exist, discussion should be directed to the application
      Applications and Real-Time Area or general IETF discussion forums, or the IESG.</t> IESG.</dd></dl>
      <section title="Purpose">

	<t>Purpose: The numbered="true" toc="default">
        <t>The DEV URNs identify devices with device-specific
	identifiers such as network card hardware addresses. DEV URNs
	are scoped to be globally applicable (see <xref
	target="RFC8141"/> Section 6.4.1) target="RFC8141" sectionFormat="comma" section="6.4.1"/>) and, in general, enable
	systems to use these identifiers from multiple sources in an
	interoperable manner. Note that in some deployments, ensuring
	uniqueness requires care if manual or local assignment
	mechanisms are used, as discussed in <xref
	<vspace blankLines="1"/> target="assignment" format="default"/>.
	Some typical DEV URN applications include equipment
	inventories and smart object systems.<vspace blankLines="1"/> systems.
	DEV URNs can be used in various ways in applications, software
	systems, and network components, in tasks ranging from
	discovery (for instance instance, when discovering 1-Wire network
	devices or detecting MAC-addressable devices on a LAN) to
	intrusion detection systems and simple catalogues of system
	information.<vspace blankLines="1"/>
	While it is possible to implement resolution systems for specific
	applications or network locations, DEV URNs are typically not used in
	a way that requires resolution beyond direct observation of the
	relevant identifier fields in local link communication. However, it is
	often useful to be able to pass device identifier information in generic
	URN fields in databases or protocol fields, which makes the use of
	URNs for this purpose convenient.<vspace blankLines="1"/> convenient.
	The DEV URN name space namespace complements existing name spaces namespaces such as those
	involving IMEI or UUID identifiers. DEV URNs are expected to be a part
	of the IETF-provided basic URN types, covering identifiers that have
	previously not been possible to use in URNs.</t> URNs.
      <section anchor="syntax" title="Syntax">

	<t>Syntax: The numbered="true" toc="default">
        <t>The identifier is expressed in
	ASCII characters and has a hierarchical structure as

        <sourcecode name="" type="abnf"><![CDATA[
devurn = "urn:dev:" body componentpart
body = macbody / owbody / orgbody / osbody / opsbody / otherbody
macbody = %s"mac:" hexstring
owbody = %s"ow:" hexstring
orgbody = %s"org:" posnumber "-" identifier *( ":" identifier )
osbody = %s"os:" posnumber "-" serial *( ":" identifier )
opsbody = %s"ops:" posnumber "-" product "-" serial
          *( ":" identifier )
otherbody = subtype ":" identifier *( ":" identifier )
subtype = LALPHA *(DIGIT / LALPHA)
identifier = 1*devunreserved
identifiernodash = 1*devunreservednodash
product = identifiernodash
serial = identifier
componentpart = *( "_" identifier )
devunreservednodash = ALPHA / DIGIT / "."
devunreserved = devunreservednodash / "-"
hexstring = 1*(hexdigit hexdigit)
hexdigit = DIGIT / "a" / "b" / "c" / "d" / "e" / "f"
posnumber = NZDIGIT *DIGIT
ALPHA =  %x41-5A / %x61-7A
LALPHA =  %x41-5A
NZDIGIT = %x31-39
DIGIT =  %x30-39
        <t>The above syntax is represented in Augmented Backus-Naur
	Form (ABNF) form as defined in <xref target="RFC5234"/> target="RFC5234" format="default"/> and
	<xref target="RFC7405"/>. target="RFC7405" format="default"/>. The syntax also copies the DIGIT and
	ALPHA rules originally defined in <xref target="RFC5234"/>, target="RFC5234" format="default"/>,
	exactly as defined there.</t>
        <t>The device identifier namespace includes five subtypes (see
	<xref target="subtypes"/>, target="subtypes" format="default"/>), and more may be defined in the future as
	specified in <xref target="iana"/>.</t> target="iana" format="default"/>.</t>
        <t>The optional underscore-separated components at the end of
        the DEV URN depict individual aspects of a
	device. The specific strings and their semantics are up to the
	designers of the device, device but could be used to refer to
	specific interfaces or functions within the device.</t>
        <t>With the exception of the MAC-address MAC address and 1-Wire DEV URNs,
        each DEV URN may also contain optional colon-separated
        identifiers. These are provided for extensibility.</t>
        <t>There are no special character encoding rules or
	considerations for conforming with the URN syntax, syntax beyond
	those applicable for URNs in general <xref target="RFC8141"/>, target="RFC8141" format="default"/>
	or the context where these URNs are carried (e.g., inside JSON
	<xref target="RFC8259"/> target="RFC8259" format="default"/> or SenML <xref
	target="RFC8428"/>). target="RFC8428" format="default"/>). Due to the SenML RFC 8428 Section 4.5.1
	rules, rules in <xref target="RFC8428" sectionFormat="comma" section="4.5.1"/>, it is not desirable to use percent-encoding in DEV
	URNs, and the subtypes defined in this specification do not
	really benefit from percent-encoding. However, this
	specification does not deviate from the general syntax of URNs
	or their processing and normalization rules as specified in
	<xref target="RFC3986"/> target="RFC3986" format="default"/> and <xref target="RFC8141"/>.</t> target="RFC8141" format="default"/>.</t>
        <t>DEV URNs do not use r-, q-, or f-components as defined in
        <xref target="RFC8141"/>.</t> target="RFC8141" format="default"/>.</t>
        <t>Specific subtypes of DEV URNs may be validated through
	mechanisms discussed in <xref target="subtypes"/>.</t> target="subtypes" format="default"/>.</t>
        <t>The string representation of the device
	identifier URN is fully compatible with
	the URN syntax.</t>
        <section title="Character numbered="true" toc="default">
          <name>Character Case and URN-Equivalence"> URN-Equivalence</name>
          <t>The DEV URN syntax allows both upper uppercase and lower case lowercase
	characters. The URN-equivalence of the DEV URNs is defined per
	<xref target="RFC8141"/> Section 3.1, target="RFC8141" sectionFormat="comma" section="3.1"/>, i.e., two URNs are
	URN-equivalent if their assigned-name portions are
	octet-by-octet equal after applying case normalization to the
	URI scheme ("urn") and namespace identifier ("dev").
	The rest of the DEV URN is
	compared in a case sensitive case-sensitive manner. It should be noted that
	URN-equivalence matching merely quickly shows that two URNs
	are definitely the same for the purposes of caching and other
	similar uses. Two DEV URNs may still refer to the same entity, entity and may not be found to be URN-equivalent according to the RFC 8141 <xref target="RFC8141" format="default"/>
	definition. For instance, in ABNF, strings are
	case insensitive (see <xref target="RFC5234"/> Section 2.3), target="RFC5234" sectionFormat="comma" section="2.3"/>),
	and a MAC address could be represented either with uppercase
	or lowercase hexadecimal digits.</t>
          <t>Character case is not otherwise significant for the DEV URN
        subtypes defined in this document.  However, future subtypes
        might include identifiers that use encodings such as BASE64, base64,
        which encode encodes strings in a larger variety of characters, characters and
        might even encode binary data.</t>
          <t>To facilitate equivalence checks, it is RECOMMENDED <bcp14>RECOMMENDED</bcp14> that
	implementations always use lower case lowercase letters where they have
	a choice in case, unless there is a reason otherwise. (Such a
	reason might be, for instance, the use of a subtype that
	requires the use of both upper case uppercase and lower case lowercase
      <section anchor="assignment" title="Assignment">

	<t>Assignment: The numbered="true" toc="default">
        <t>The process for identifier
	assignment is dependent on the used subtype, subtype and is documented in the
	specific subsection under <xref target="subtypes"/>.</t> target="subtypes" format="default"/>.</t>
        <t>Device identifiers are generally expected to identify a
        unique device,
	barring the accidental issue of multiple devices with the same
	identifiers. In many cases, device identifiers can also be
	changed by users, users or are sometimes assigned in an algorithmic
	or local fashion. Any potential conflicts arising from such
	assignments are not something that the DEV URNs as such
	manage; they simply are there to refer to a particular
	identifier. And And, of course, a single device may (and often
        does) have multiple identifiers, e.g., identifiers associated
        with different link technologies it supports.</t>
        <t>The DEV URN type SHOULD <bcp14>SHOULD</bcp14> only be used for
	hardware-based identifiers that are expected to be
        persistent (with some limits, as discussed above).</t>
      <section title="Security and Privacy">

	<t>Security numbered="true" toc="default">
        <name>Security and Privacy: As Privacy</name>
        <t>As discussed in <xref target="sec"/>, target="sec" format="default"/>,
	care must be taken in the use of device-identifier-based
	identifiers due to their nature as long-term identifiers that
	are not normally changeable.  Leakage of these identifiers
	outside systems where their use is justified should be
      <section title="Interoperability">

	<t>Interoperability: There numbered="true" toc="default">
        <t>There are no specific interoperability
      <section title="Resolution">

	<t>Resolution: The numbered="true" toc="default">
        <t>The device identifiers are not expected to be globally
	resolvable. No identifier resolution system is expected. Systems may
	perform local matching of identifiers to previously seen identifiers
	or configured information, however.</t>
      <section title="Documentation"> numbered="true" toc="default">
        <t>See RFC NNNN (RFC Editor: Please replace NNNN by a reference to
	the RFC number of this document).</t> 9039.</t>
      <section title="Additional Information"> numbered="true" toc="default">
        <name>Additional Information</name>
        <t>See <xref target="intro"/> target="intro" format="default"/> for a discussion of related name spaces.</t> namespaces.</t>
      <section title="Revision Information">

	<t>Revision Information: This numbered="true" toc="default">
        <name>Revision Information</name>
        <t>This is the first version of this registration.</t>
    <section anchor="subtypes" title="DEV numbered="true" toc="default">
      <name>DEV URN Subtypes"> Subtypes</name>
      <section anchor="mac" title="MAC Addresses"> numbered="true" toc="default">
        <name>MAC Addresses</name>
        <t>DEV URNs of the "mac" subtype are based on the EUI-64 identifier
<xref target="IEEE.EUI64"/> target="IEEE.EUI64" format="default"/> derived from a device with a built-in
64-bit EUI-64. The EUI-64 is formed from 24 or 36 bits of organization
identifier followed by 40 or 28 bits of device-specific extension
identifier assigned by that organization.</t>
        <t>In the DEV URN "mac" subtype subtype, the hexstring is simply the full
EUI-64 identifier represented as a hexadecimal string. It is always
exactly 16 characters long.</t>
        <t>MAC-48 and EUI-48 identifiers are also supported by the same DEV
URN subtype.  To convert a MAC-48 address to an EUI-64 identifier, The
OUI the
Organizationally Unique Identifier (OUI) of the MAC-48 address (the first three octets) becomes the
organization identifier of the EUI-64 (the first three octets).  The
fourth and fifth octets of the EUI are set to the fixed value 0xffff
(hexadecimal).  The last three octets of the MAC-48 address become the
last three octets of the EUI-64. The same process is used to convert
an EUI-48 identifier, but the fixed value 0xfffe is used instead.</t>
        <t>Identifier assignment for all of these identifiers rests within the
IEEE Registration Authority.</t>
        <t>Note that where randomized MAC addresses are used, the resulting
DEV URNs cannot be expected to have uniqueness, as discussed in <xref
target="assignment"/>.</t> target="assignment" format="default"/>.</t>
      <section anchor="s1wire" title="1-Wire numbered="true" toc="default">
        <name>1-Wire Device Identifiers"> Identifiers</name>

        <t>The 1-Wire* 1-Wire system is a device communications bus system designed
by Dallas Semiconductor Corporation. (1-Wire is a registered trademark.) 1-Wire devices are identified by
a 64-bit identifier that consists of 8 bit an 8-bit family code, 48 bit a 48-bit
identifier unique within a family, and 8 bit CRC an 8-bit Cyclic Redundancy Check (CRC) code <xref

<list style="empty">
<t>*) 1-Wire is a registered trademark.</t>
</list> target="OW" format="default"/>.

        <t>In DEV URNs with the "ow" subtype subtype, the hexstring is a representation
of the full 64-bit identifier as a hexadecimal string. It is always
exactly 16 characters long. Note that the last two characters
represent the 8-bit CRC code. Implementations MAY <bcp14>MAY</bcp14> check the validity
of this code.</t>
        <t>Family code and identifier assignment for all 1-Wire devices rests
with the manufacturers.</t>
      <section anchor="org" title="Organization-Defined Identifiers"> numbered="true" toc="default">
        <name>Organization-Defined Identifiers</name>
        <t>Device identifiers that have only a meaning within an
  organization can also be used to represent vendor-specific or
  experimental identifiers or identifiers designed for use within the
  context of an organization.</t>
        <t>Organizations are identified by their Private Enterprise Number
  (PEN) <xref target="RFC2578"/>. target="RFC2578" format="default"/>. These numbers can be obtained from
  IANA. Current PEN assignments can be viewed at
  https://www.iana.org/assignments/enterprise-numbers/enterprise-numbers <eref  brackets="angle" target="https://www.iana.org/assignments/enterprise-numbers/enterprise-numbers"/>,
 and new assignments are requested at
  https://pen.iana.org/pen/PenApplication.page.</t> <eref brackets="angle" target="https://pen.iana.org/pen/PenApplication.page"/>.</t>
        <t>Note that when included in an "org" DEV URN, the number can not cannot
  be zero or have leading zeroes, as the ABNF requires the number to
  start with a non-zero digit.</t>
      <section anchor="os" title="Organization numbered="true" toc="default">
        <name>Organization Serial Numbers"> Numbers</name>
        <t>The "os" subtype specifies an organization and a serial
  number. Organizations are identified by their PEN. As with the
  organization-defined identifiers (<xref target="org"/>), target="org" format="default"/>), PEN number
  assignments are maintained by IANA, and assignments for new
  organizations can be made easily.

  <list style="empty">


          Historical note: The "os" subtype was originally been defined
      in the Open Mobile Alliance "Lightweight Machine to Machine"
      standard <xref target="LwM2M"/>, target="LwM2M" format="default"/> but has been incorporated here
      to collect all syntax syntaxes associated with DEV URNs in one place.  At
      the same time, the syntax of this subtype was changed to avoid
      the possibility of characters that are not allowed in the SenML Name
      field (see <xref target="RFC8428"/> Section 4.5.1).</t>

  </list></t> target="RFC8428" sectionFormat="comma" section="4.5.1"/>).</t>
        <t>Organization serial number DEV URNs consist of the PEN number and
  the serial number. As with other DEV URNs, for carrying additional
  information and extensibility, optional colon-separated identifiers
  and underscore-separated components may also be included. The serial
  numbers themselves are defined by the organization, and this
  specification does not specify how they are allocated.</t>
        <t>Organizations are also encouraged to select serial number formats
  that avoid the possibility for ambiguity, of ambiguity in the form of leading zeroes
  or otherwise.</t>
      <section anchor="ops" title="Organization numbered="true" toc="default">
        <name>Organization Product and Serial Numbers"> Numbers</name>
        <t>The DEV URN "ops" subtype has was originally been defined in the
  LwM2M standard, standard but has been incorporated here to collect all syntax syntaxes
  associated with DEV URNs in one place. The "ops" subtype specifies
  an organization, product class, and a serial number. Organizations
  are identified by their PEN. Again, as with the
  organization-defined identifiers (<xref target="org"/>), target="org" format="default"/>), PEN number
  assignments are maintained by IANA.

  <list style="empty">


         Historical note: As with the "os" subtype, the "ops" subtype
    was originally been defined in OMA.</t>

  </list></t> the Open Mobile Alliance "Lightweight Machine to Machine" standard <xref target="LwM2M" format="default"/>.
        <t>Organization product and serial number DEV URNs consist of the
  PEN number, product class, and the serial number. As with other DEV
  URNs, for carrying additional information and extensibility,
  optional colon-separated identifiers and underscore-separated
  components may also be included. Both the product class and serial
  numbers themselves are defined by the organization, and this
  specification does not specify how they are allocated.</t>
        <t>Organizations are also encouraged to select product and serial
  number formats that avoid possibility for ambiguity.</t>
      <section anchor="futuresubtypes" title="Future Subtypes"> numbered="true" toc="default">
        <name>Future Subtypes</name>
        <t>Additional subtypes may be defined in other, future
  specifications. See <xref target="iana"/>.</t> target="iana" format="default"/>.</t>
        <t>The DEV URN "example" subtype is reserved for use in examples. It
  has no specific requirements beyond those expressed by the ABNF in
  <xref target="syntax"/>.</t> target="syntax" format="default"/>.</t>
    <section anchor="ex" title="Examples"> numbered="true" toc="default">
      <t>The following provides some examples of DEV URNs:

    urn:dev:mac:0024beffff804ff1            # The
      <td>The MAC-48 address of
                                            # 0024be804ff1, converted
                                            # to EUI-64 format

    urn:dev:mac:0024befffe804ff1            # format</td>
     <td>                                                            urn:dev:mac:0024befffe804ff1</td>
      <td>                                                                  The EUI-48 address of
                                            # 0024be804ff1, converted
                                            # to EUI-64 format

    urn:dev:mac:acde48234567019f            # The format</td>
<td>The EUI-64 address of
                                            #                                                acde48234567019f

    urn:dev:ow:10e2073a01080063             # A
    <tr>      <td>                                                                    urn:dev:ow:10e2073a01080063</td>
<td>A 1-Wire temperature
                                            # sensor

    urn:dev:ow:264437f5000000ed_humidity    # The                                              sensor</td>
   <td>The humidity
                                            # part of a multi-sensor
                                            #                                                       device

    urn:dev:ow:264437f5000000ed_temperature # The                                                                     </td>
  <td>The temperature
                                            # part of a multi-sensor
                                            # device

    urn:dev:org:32473-foo                   # An organization-
                                            # specific device</td>
  <td>An organization-specific URN in
                                            # the RFC 5612 example
                                            # organization, 32473.

    urn:dev:os:32473-123456                 # Device organization 32473 in <xref target="RFC5612"/>

  <td>Device 123456 in
                                            # the RFC 5612 example
                                            # organization

    urn:dev:os:32473-12-34-56               # A in <xref target="RFC5612"/></td>

  <td>A serial number with
                                            # dashes in it

    urn:dev:ops:32473-Refrigerator-5002     # Refrigerator it</td>

  <td>Refrigerator serial
                                            # number 5002 in the
                                            # RFC 5612 example
                                            # organization

    urn:dev:example:new-1-2-3_comp          # An in <xref target="RFC5612"/></td>

  <td>An example of something
                                            # that is not defined today,
                                            # and is not one of the
                                            # mac, ow, os, or ops
                                            # subtypes

</t> subtypes</td>

      <t>The DEV URNs themselves can then appear in various contexts. A
simple example of this is the use of DEV URNs in SenML data.  For
example, this  This example from <xref target="RFC8428"/> target="RFC8428" format="default"/> shows a
measurement from a 1-Wire temperature gauge encoded in the JSON


      <sourcecode name="" type="json"><![CDATA[
    <section anchor="sec" title="Security Considerations"> numbered="true" toc="default">
      <name>Security Considerations</name>
      <t>On most devices, the user can display device identifiers. Depending
on circumstances, device identifiers may or may not be modified or
tampered with by the user. An implementation of the DEV URN MUST <bcp14>MUST</bcp14> preserve
such limitations and behaviors associated with the device identifiers. In particular,
a device identifier that is intended to be immutable should not become mutable
as a part of implementing the DEV URN type. More generally, nothing in
this document should be construed to override what the relevant device
specifications have already said about the identifiers.</t>
      <section anchor="priv" title="Privacy"> numbered="true" toc="default">
        <t>Other devices in the same network may or may not be able to
identify the device. For instance, on an Ethernet network, the MAC
address of a device is visible to all other devices.</t>
        <t>DEV URNs often represent long-term stable unique identifiers for
devices. Such identifiers may have privacy and security implications
because they may enable correlating information about a specific
device over a long period of time, location tracking, and device
specific device-specific vulnerability exploitation <xref target="RFC7721"/>. target="RFC7721" format="default"/>. Also, in
some systems systems, there is no easy way to change the identifier. Therefore Therefore,
these identifiers need to be used with care care, and especially special care should
be taken to avoid leaking them identifiers outside of the system that is intended
to use the identifiers.</t> them.</t>
      <section anchor="valid" title="Validity"> numbered="true" toc="default">
        <t>Information about identifiers may have significant effects in some
applications. For instance, in many sensor systems systems, the identifier
information is used for deciding how to use the data carried in a
measurement report. On In some other systems, identifiers may be used in
policy decisions.</t>
        <t>It is important that systems are be designed to take into account the
possibility of devices reporting incorrect identifiers (either
accidentally or maliciously) and the manipulation of identifiers in
communications by illegitimate entities. Integrity
protection of communications or data objects, the use of trusted
devices, and various management practices can help address these
issues. </t>

        <t>Similar to the advice from in <xref target="RFC4122"/> Section 6 also applies: target="RFC4122" sectionFormat="comma" section="6"/>:
  Do not assume that DEV URNs are hard to guess.</t>
    <section anchor="iana" title="IANA Considerations">

  <t>This document requests the registration of numbered="true" toc="default">
      <name>IANA Considerations</name>
      <t>Per this document, IANA has registered a new URN namespace
  for "DEV", "dev", as described in <xref target="devurn"/>.</t> target="devurn" format="default"/>.</t>

      <t>IANA is asked to create has created a "DEV URN Subtypes" registry. registry under "Device Identification". The initial values in this registry are as follows:

Subtype  Description                              Reference
mac      MAC Addresses                            (THIS RFC) Section 4.1
ow       1-Wire
      <td>MAC Addresses</td>
      <td>RFC 9039, <xref target="mac"/></td>
      <td>1-Wire Device Identifiers                (THIS RFC) Section 4.2
org      Organization-Defined Identifiers         (THIS RFC) Section 4.3
os       Organization Identifiers</td>
      <td>RFC 9039, <xref target="s1wire"/></td>
      <td>Organization-Defined Identifiers</td>
      <td>RFC 9039, <xref target="org"/></td>
      <td>Organization Serial Numbers              (THIS RFC) Section 4.4
ops      Organization Numbers</td>
      <td>RFC 9039, <xref target="os"/></td>
      <td>Organization Product and Serial Numbers  (THIS RFC) Section 4.5
example  Reserved for examples                    (THIS RFC) Section 4.6
  </figure></t> Numbers</td>
      <td>RFC 9039, <xref target="ops"/></td>
      <td>Reserved for examples</td>
      <td>RFC 9039, <xref target="futuresubtypes"/></td>
      <t>Additional subtypes for DEV URNs can be defined through
  Specification Required or IESG Approval <xref
  target="RFC8126"/>. target="RFC8126" format="default"/>. These allocations are appropriate when there is
  a new namespace of some type of device identifiers, identifier that is defined in
 a stable fashion and with has a publicly available specification.</t>
      <t>Note that the organization (<xref target="org"/>) target="org" format="default"/>) device
  identifiers can also be used in some cases, at least as a temporary
  measure. It is preferable, however, that long-term usage of a
  broadly employed device identifier be registered with IETF rather
  than used through the organization device identifier type.</t>

<references title="Normative References">


<displayreference target="I-D.ietf-core-resource-directory" to="CoRE-RD"/>

        <name>Normative References</name>
        <xi:include href="https://xml2rfc.ietf.org/public/rfc/bibxml/reference.RFC.2119.xml"/>
        <xi:include href="https://xml2rfc.ietf.org/public/rfc/bibxml/reference.RFC.2578.xml"/>
        <xi:include href="https://xml2rfc.ietf.org/public/rfc/bibxml/reference.RFC.3986.xml"/>
        <xi:include href="https://xml2rfc.ietf.org/public/rfc/bibxml/reference.RFC.5234.xml"/>
        <xi:include href="https://xml2rfc.ietf.org/public/rfc/bibxml/reference.RFC.8126.xml"/>
        <xi:include href="https://xml2rfc.ietf.org/public/rfc/bibxml/reference.RFC.8141.xml"/>
        <xi:include href="https://xml2rfc.ietf.org/public/rfc/bibxml/reference.RFC.8174.xml"/>

        <reference anchor="IEEE.EUI64"
<title>Guidelines For 64-bit Global for Use of Extended Unique Identifier (EUI), Organizationally Unique Identifier (EUI-64)</title> (OUI), and Company ID (CID)</title>
            <date year='unknown year' /> month="August" year="2017"/>
    <seriesInfo name="IEEE" value=" " />

        <reference anchor="OW" target="https://www.maximintegrated.com/en/design/technical-documents/tutorials/1/1796.html">
            <title>Guide to 1-Wire Communication</title>
            <date month='June' year='2008' /> month="June" year="2008"/>
    <seriesInfo name="MAXIM" value=" https://www.maximintegrated.com/en/design/technical-documents/tutorials/1/1796.html" />

<references title="Informative References">

        <name>Informative References</name>
        <xi:include href="https://xml2rfc.ietf.org/public/rfc/bibxml/reference.RFC.3261.xml"/>
        <xi:include href="https://xml2rfc.ietf.org/public/rfc/bibxml/reference.RFC.4122.xml"/>
        <xi:include href="https://xml2rfc.ietf.org/public/rfc/bibxml/reference.RFC.5612.xml"/>
        <xi:include href="https://xml2rfc.ietf.org/public/rfc/bibxml/reference.RFC.7230.xml"/>
        <xi:include href="https://xml2rfc.ietf.org/public/rfc/bibxml/reference.RFC.7540.xml"/>
        <xi:include href="https://xml2rfc.ietf.org/public/rfc/bibxml/reference.RFC.7721.xml"/>
        <xi:include href="https://xml2rfc.ietf.org/public/rfc/bibxml/reference.RFC.8259.xml"/>

        <reference anchor='W3C.REC-xml-19980210'
	     target='http://www.w3.org/TR/1998/REC-xml-19980210'> anchor="W3C.REC-xml-19980210" target="http://www.w3.org/TR/1998/REC-xml-19980210">
      <title>XML 1.0 Recommendation</title>
            <title>Extensible Markup Language (XML) 1.0</title>
            <author initials='C.' surname='Sperberg-McQueen' fullname='C. initials="C." surname="Sperberg-McQueen" fullname="C. M. Sperberg-McQueen'> Sperberg-McQueen">
            <author initials="T." surname="Bray" fullname="Tim Bray">
            <author initials="J." surname="Paoli" fullname="Jean Paoli">
            <date month="February" year="1998"/>
          <seriesInfo name="W3C" value="Recommendation"/>

       <xi:include href="https://xml2rfc.ietf.org/public/rfc/bibxml/reference.RFC.7252.xml"/>
        <xi:include href="https://xml2rfc.ietf.org/public/rfc/bibxml/reference.RFC.8428.xml"/>
        <xi:include href="https://xml2rfc.ietf.org/public/rfc/bibxml/reference.RFC.6920.xml"/>
        <xi:include href="https://xml2rfc.ietf.org/public/rfc/bibxml/reference.RFC.7254.xml"/>
        <xi:include href="https://xml2rfc.ietf.org/public/rfc/bibxml/reference.RFC.7405.xml"/>
        <xi:include href="https://xml2rfc.ietf.org/public/rfc/bibxml/reference.RFC.8464.xml"/>

<!-- [draft-ietf-core-resource-directory] MISSREF state -->
<reference anchor='I-D.ietf-core-resource-directory'>
<title>CoRE Resource Directory</title>

<author initials='C' surname='Amsüss' fullname='Christian Amsüss' role="editor">
    <organization />

<author initials='T.' surname='Bray' fullname='Tim Bray'> initials='Z' surname='Shelby' fullname='Zach Shelby'>
    <organization />

<author initials='J.' surname='Paoli' fullname='Jean Paoli'> initials='M' surname='Koster' fullname='Michael Koster'>
    <organization />

      <date month='February' day='10' year='1998' />

    <seriesInfo name='World Wide Web Consortium FirstEdition' value='REC-xml-19980210' />
    <format type='HTML' target='http://www.w3.org/TR/1998/REC-xml-19980210'

<author initials='C' surname='Bormann' fullname='Carsten Bormann'>
    <organization />

  <reference anchor='OUI'
      <title>Registration Authority</title>

<author initials="SA" surname="IEEE" fullname='IEEE-SA'> initials='P' surname='van der Stok' fullname='Peter van der Stok'>
    <organization />
<date year='2018' /> month="March" day="7" year="2021"/>


<seriesInfo name='IEEE-SA' value='webpage'/>
    <format type='HTML' target='http://standards.ieee.org/develop/regauth/oui/' name='Internet-Draft' value='draft-ietf-core-resource-directory-28' />



        <reference anchor="LwM2M"> anchor="LwM2M" target="https://www.openmobilealliance.org/release/LightweightM2M/V1_2-20190124-C/OMA-RD-LightweightM2M-V1_2-20190124-C.pdf">
            <title>OMA Lightweight Machine to Machine Requirements</title>
            <author fullname="Open Mobile Alliance"></author> Alliance"/>
            <date year='2019' month='January'/> year="2019" month="January"/>
          <seriesInfo name="OMA Standard" value="Candidate Version 1.2"/>
  <format type='HTML' target='http://www.openmobilealliance.org/wp/Overviews/lightweightm2m_overview.html' />
    <section title="Changes from Previous Versions">

  <t>Editor's note: Please remove this section before publication.</t>

  <t>Version -11 was created numbered="false" toc="default">
      <t>The authors would like to address non-blocking comments from the
  IESG review. This version made the following changes:
  <list style="symbols">
        <t>Removed space after the "%s" in the ABNF RFC 7405
        <t>Softened and clarified the recommendation regarding UUIDs
        in <xref target="intro"/>.</t>
        <t>Added a paragraph about the impacts of using randomized
        MAC addresses.</t>
        <t>Added advice regarding ease of guessing DEV URNs, in <xref target="valid"/>.</t>
        <t>Simplified thank <contact fullname="Ari Keränen"/>, <contact fullname="Stephen Farrell"/>,
  <contact fullname="Christer Holmberg"/>, <contact fullname="Peter Saint-Andre"/>, <contact fullname="Wouter Cloetens"/>, <contact fullname="Jaime
  Jimenez"/>, <contact fullname="Joseph Knapp"/>, <contact fullname="Padmakumar Subramani"/>, <contact fullname="Mert Ocak"/>, <contact fullname="Hannes
  Tschofenig"/>, <contact fullname="Jim Schaad"/>, <contact fullname="Thomas Fossati"/>, <contact fullname="Carsten Bormann"/>, <contact fullname="Marco
  Tiloca"/>, <contact fullname="Barry Leiba"/>, <contact fullname="Amanda Baber"/>, <contact fullname="Juha Hakala"/>, <contact fullname="Dale Worley"/>, <contact fullname="Warren
  Kumari"/>, <contact fullname="Benjamin Kaduk"/>, <contact fullname="Brian Weis"/>, <contact fullname="John Klensin"/>, <contact fullname="Dave Thaler"/>, <contact fullname="Russ
  Housley"/>, <contact fullname="Dan Romascanu"/>, <contact fullname="Éric Vyncke"/>, <contact fullname="Roman Danyliw"/>, and <contact fullname="Ahmad
  Muhanna"/> for their feedback and clarified the "illegitimate entities" statement in <xref target="valid"/>.</t>
        <t>Clarified the persistence statement in <xref target="assignment"/>.</t>

  <t>Version -10 made the following changes:

  <list style="symbols">
    <t>Restricted the case of "mac", "ow", etc. any subtype to lower
    case. This required the adoption of  RFC 7405 syntax interesting discussions in the
    <t>Added a reserved "example" subtype this problem
  space. We would also like to be used in examples.</t>
    <t>Clarified global applicability, particularly in cases with
    local or manual assignment mechanisms.</t>
    <t>Corrected byte/bit counts in for 1-Wire identifiers in <xref target="s1wire"/>.</t>
    <t>Clarified note prior documents that optional underscore-separated components come
    at the end of the DEV URN, not just "after the hexstring".</t>
    <t>Changed the requirement to not use percent-encoding to a preference instead of a hard rule, based focused on the needs of SenML but not wishing to break rules of RFC 8141.</t>
    <t>Added a description of tradeoffs involving using URNs instead of some more compact but more
  specific formats, in device identifiers, such as <xref target="intro"/>.</t>
    <t>Several minor corrections to the names in the ABNF.</t>
    <t>Added a reference for Base64 for clarity.</t>
    <t>Made the history of the OS and OPS subtypes a part of the permanent text, rather than an editor's note.</t>
    <t>Updated the 1-Wire reference URL.</t>
    <t>Some editorial corrections.</t>

  <t>Version -09 of the WG draft took into account IANA, SECDIR,
  Gen-ART, and OPSDIR reviews. The following changes were made:
  <list style="symbols">
    <t>Aligned the use of identifiers vs. identity terms.</t>
    <t>Added a security considerations subsection on validity of
    claimed identifiers.</t>
    <t>Focused on "care" in the RFC 7721 reference, rather than "care target="RFC7254" format="default"/> and avoidance".</t>
    <t>Renamed the "unreserved" ABNF terminal to avoid confusion with
    the general URN ABNF terminal with the same name.</t>
    <t>Removed the mistakenly included text about MEID subtype.</t>
    <t>Clarified URN syntax differences and normalization rules wrt
    the lack of percent-encoding in DEV URNs.</t>
    <t>Required PEN numbers to start with non-zero digit in the ABNF
    and changed the associated language later in the draft.</t>
    <t>Text about case-insensitivity in RFC 5234 was clarified.</t>
    <t>Text about uniqueness was clarified.</t>
    <t>Text about global scope was clarified.</t>
    <t>An example of DEV URN usage in SenML was added.</t>
    <t>Editorial changes.</t>

  <t>Version -08 of the WG draft took into account Barry Leiba's AD
  review comments. To address these comments, changes were made in
  <list style="symbols">
    <t>Further updates of the upper/lower case rules for the DEV URNs.</t>
    <t>Further updates to the ABNF.</t>
    <t>The use of HEXDIG from RFC 5234.</t>
    <t>IANA considerations for the creation of separate registry for the own parameters of DEV URNs.</t>
    <t>Editorial improvements.</t>

  <t>Version -07 of the WG draft took into account Carsten Bormann's
  feedback, primarily on character case issues and editorials.</t>

  <t>Version -06 of the WG draft took into account Marco Tiloca's
  feedback before a second WGLC, primarily on further cleanup of
  references and editorial issues.</t>

  <t>Version -05 of the WG draft made some updates based on WGLC
  input: examples for MAC-48 and EUI-48, clarification with regards to
  leading zeroes, new recommendation with the use of lower-case
  letters to avoid comparison problems, small update of the RFC 8141
  template usage, reference updates, and editorial corrections.</t>

  <t>Version -04 of the WG draft cleaned up the ABNF:

  <list style="symbols">

  <t>Parts of the ANBF now allow for use cases for the component part that were not previously
  covered: the syntax now allows the character "." to appear, and
  serial numbers can have dashes in them.</t>

  <t>The syntax was also
  extended to allow for extensibility by adding additional ":"
  separated parts for the org, op, ops, and other subtypes.</t>

  <t>The ABNF
  was changed to include directly the ALPHA and DIGIT parts imported
  from RFC 5234, instead of just having a verbal comment about
  it. (Note that the style in existing RFCs differs on this.)</t>


  <t>In addition, in -04 the MAC example was corrected to use the
  inserted value ffff instead of fffe, required by <xref
  target="mac"/>, the org example was corrected, the os: examples and
  otherbody examples were added. The IANA rules for allocating new
  subtypes was slightly relaxed in order to cover for new subtype
  cases that are brought up regularly, and often not from inside the
  IETF. Finally, the allocation of PEN numbers and the use of product
  classes and serial numbers was better explained.</t>

  <t>Version -03 of the WG draft removed some unnecessary references,
  updated some other references, removed pct-encoding to ensure the
  DEV URNs fit <xref target="RFC8428"/> Section 4.5.1 rules, and
  clarified that the original source of the "os" and "ops"

  <t>Version -02 of the WG draft folded in the "ops" and "os" branches
  of the dev:urn syntax from LwM2M, as they seemed to match well what
  already existed in this document under the "org" branch. However, as a
  part of this three changes were incorporated:

  <list style="symbols">

    <t>The syntax for the "org:" changes to use "-" rather than ":"
    between the OUI and the rest of the URN.</t>

    <t>The organizations for the "ops" and "os" branches have been
    changed to use PEN numbers rather than OUI numbers <xref
    target="OUI"/>.  The reason for this is that PEN numbers are
    allocated through a simpler and less costly process. However, this
    is a significant change to how LwM2M identifiers were specified

    <t>There were also changes to what general characters can be used
    in the otherbody branch of the ABNF.</t>


  <t>The rationale for all these changes is that it would be helpful
  for the community collect and unify syntax between the different
  uses of DEV URNs. If there is significant use of either the org:,
  os:, or ops: subtypes, then changes at this point may not be
  warranted, but otherwise unified syntax, as well as the use of PEN
  numbers would probably be beneficial. Comments on this topic are

  <t>Version -01 of the WG draft converted the draft to use the new
  URN registration template from <xref target="RFC8141"/>.</t>

  <t>Version -00 of the WG draft renamed the file name and fixed the
  ABNF to correctly use "org:" rather than "dn:".</t>

  <t>Version -05 made a change to the delimiter for parameters within
  a DEV URN. Given discussions on allowed character sets in SenML
  <xref target="RFC8428"/>, we would like to suggest that
  the "_" character be used instead of ";", to avoid the need to
  translate DEV URNs in SenML-formatted communications or
  files. However, this reverses the earlier decision to not use
  unreserved characters.  This also means that device IDs cannot use
  "_" characters, and have to employ other characters
  instead. Feedback on this decision is sought.</t>

  <t>Version -05 also introduced local or organization-specific device
  identifiers. Organizations are identified by their PEN number
  (although we considered FQDNs as a potential alternative. The
  authors belive an organization-specific device identifier type will
  make experiments and local use easier, but feedback on this point
  and the choice of PEN numbers vs. other possible organization
  identifiers would be very welcome.</t>

  <t>Version -05 also added some discussion of privacy concerns around
  long-term stable identifiers.</t>

  <t>Finally, version -05 clarified the situations when new
  allocations within the registry of possible device identifier
  subtypes is appropriate.</t>

  <t>Version -04 is a refresh, as the need and interest for this
  specification has re-emerged. And the editing author has emerged
  back to actual engineering from the depths of IETF

  <t>Version -02 introduced several changes. The biggest change is
  that with the NI URNs <xref target="RFC6920"/>, it was no longer
  necessary to define cryptographic identifiers in this
  specification. Another change was that we incorporated a more
  generic syntax for future extensions; non-hexstring identifiers can
  now also be supported, if some future device identifiers for some
  reason would, for instance, use some kind of encoding such as Base64
  <xref target="RFC4648"/>. As a part of this change, we
  also changed the component part separator character from '-' to ';'
  so that the general format of the rest of the URN can employ the
  unreserved characters <xref target="RFC3986"/>.</t>

  <t>Version -03 made several minor corrections to the ABNF as well as
  some editorial corrections.</t>


<section title="Acknowledgments">

  <t>The authors would like to thank Ari Keranen, Stephen Farrell,
  Christer Holmberg, Peter Saint-Andre, Wouter Cloetens, Jaime
  Jimenez, Joseph Knapp, Padmakumar Subramani, Mert Ocak, Hannes
  Tschofenig, Jim Schaad, Thomas Fossati, Carsten Bormann, Marco
  Tiloca, Barry Leiba, Amanda Baber, Juha Hakala, Dale Worley, Warren
  Kumari, Benjamin Kaduk, Brian Weis, John Klensin, Dave Thaler, Russ
  Housley, Dan Romascanu, Eric Vyncke, Roman Danyliw, and Ahmad
  Muhanna for feedback and interesting discussions in this problem
  space. We would also like to note prior documents that focused on
  specific device identifiers, such as <xref target="RFC7254"/> or
  <xref target="RFC8464"/>.</t> target="RFC8464" format="default"/>.</t>