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    <title abbrev="RDAP Query Format">Registration Data Access Protocol (RDAP) Query Format</title>
    <seriesInfo name="RFC" value="9082" stream="IETF"/>
    <seriesInfo name="STD" value="95" stream="IETF"/>
    <author fullname="Scott Hollenbeck" initials="S." surname="Hollenbeck">
      <organization showOnFrontPage="true">Verisign Labs</organization>
          <street>12061 Bluemont Way</street>
          <country>United States of America</country>
    <author fullname="Andy Newton" initials="A." surname="Newton">
      <organization abbrev="AWS">Amazon abbrev="AWS" showOnFrontPage="true">Amazon Web Services, Inc.</organization>
          <street>13200 Woodland Park Road</street>
          <country>United States of America</country>
    <date month="06" year="2021"/>
    <area>Applications and Real-Time</area>
    <workgroup>REGEXT Working Group</workgroup>

    <abstract pn="section-abstract">
      <t indent="0" pn="section-abstract-1">
   This document describes uniform patterns to construct HTTP URLs that
   may be used to retrieve registration information from registries
   (including both Regional Internet Registries (RIRs) and Domain Name
   Registries (DNRs)) using "RESTful" web access patterns.  These
   uniform patterns define the query syntax for the Registration Data
   Access Protocol (RDAP). If approved, this This document obsoletes RFC 7482.</t>
      <section anchor="status-of-memo" numbered="false" removeInRFC="false" toc="exclude" pn="section-boilerplate.1">
        <name slugifiedName="name-status-of-this-memo">Status of This Memo</name>
        <t indent="0" pn="section-boilerplate.1-1">
            This is an Internet Standards Track document.
        <t indent="0" pn="section-boilerplate.1-2">
            This document is a product of the Internet Engineering Task Force
            (IETF).  It represents the consensus of the IETF community.  It has
            received public review and has been approved for publication by
            the Internet Engineering Steering Group (IESG).  Further
            information on Internet Standards is available in Section 2 of
            RFC 7841.
        <t indent="0" pn="section-boilerplate.1-3">
            Information about the current status of this document, any
            errata, and how to provide feedback on it may be obtained at
            <eref target="https://www.rfc-editor.org/info/rfc9082" brackets="none"/>.
      <section anchor="copyright" numbered="false" removeInRFC="false" toc="exclude" pn="section-boilerplate.2">
        <name slugifiedName="name-copyright-notice">Copyright Notice</name>
        <t indent="0" pn="section-boilerplate.2-1">
            Copyright (c) 2021 IETF Trust and the persons identified as the
            document authors. All rights reserved.
        <t indent="0" pn="section-boilerplate.2-2">
            This document is subject to BCP 78 and the IETF Trust's Legal
            Provisions Relating to IETF Documents
            (<eref target="https://trustee.ietf.org/license-info" brackets="none"/>) in effect on the date of
            publication of this document. Please review these documents
            carefully, as they describe your rights and restrictions with
            respect to this document. Code Components extracted from this
            document must include Simplified BSD License text as described in
            Section 4.e of the Trust Legal Provisions and are provided without
            warranty as described in the Simplified BSD License.
      <section anchor="toc" numbered="false" removeInRFC="false" toc="exclude" pn="section-toc.1">
        <name slugifiedName="name-table-of-contents">Table of Contents</name>
        <ul bare="true" empty="true" indent="2" spacing="compact" pn="section-toc.1-1">
          <li pn="section-toc.1-1.1">
            <t indent="0" keepWithNext="true" pn="section-toc.1-1.1.1"><xref derivedContent="1" format="counter" sectionFormat="of" target="section-1"/>.  <xref derivedContent="" format="title" sectionFormat="of" target="name-introduction">Introduction</xref></t>
          <li pn="section-toc.1-1.2">
            <t indent="0" keepWithNext="true" pn="section-toc.1-1.2.1"><xref derivedContent="2" format="counter" sectionFormat="of" target="section-2"/>.  <xref derivedContent="" format="title" sectionFormat="of" target="name-conventions-used-in-this-do">Conventions Used in This Document</xref></t>
            <ul bare="true" empty="true" indent="2" spacing="compact" pn="section-toc.1-1.2.2">
              <li pn="section-toc.1-">
                <t indent="0" keepWithNext="true" pn="section-toc.1-"><xref derivedContent="2.1" format="counter" sectionFormat="of" target="section-2.1"/>.  <xref derivedContent="" format="title" sectionFormat="of" target="name-acronyms-and-abbreviations">Acronyms and Abbreviations</xref></t>
          <li pn="section-toc.1-1.3">
            <t indent="0" pn="section-toc.1-1.3.1"><xref derivedContent="3" format="counter" sectionFormat="of" target="section-3"/>.  <xref derivedContent="" format="title" sectionFormat="of" target="name-path-segment-specification">Path Segment Specification</xref></t>
            <ul bare="true" empty="true" indent="2" spacing="compact" pn="section-toc.1-1.3.2">
              <li pn="section-toc.1-">
                <t indent="0" pn="section-toc.1-"><xref derivedContent="3.1" format="counter" sectionFormat="of" target="section-3.1"/>.  <xref derivedContent="" format="title" sectionFormat="of" target="name-lookup-path-segment-specifi">Lookup Path Segment Specification</xref></t>
                <ul bare="true" empty="true" indent="2" spacing="compact" pn="section-toc.1-">
                  <li pn="section-toc.1-">
                    <t indent="0" pn="section-toc.1-"><xref derivedContent="3.1.1" format="counter" sectionFormat="of" target="section-3.1.1"/>.  <xref derivedContent="" format="title" sectionFormat="of" target="name-ip-network-path-segment-spe">IP Network Path Segment Specification</xref></t>
                  <li pn="section-toc.1-">
                    <t indent="0" pn="section-toc.1-"><xref derivedContent="3.1.2" format="counter" sectionFormat="of" target="section-3.1.2"/>.  <xref derivedContent="" format="title" sectionFormat="of" target="name-autonomous-system-path-segm">Autonomous System Path Segment Specification</xref></t>
                  <li pn="section-toc.1-">
                    <t indent="0" pn="section-toc.1-"><xref derivedContent="3.1.3" format="counter" sectionFormat="of" target="section-3.1.3"/>.  <xref derivedContent="" format="title" sectionFormat="of" target="name-domain-path-segment-specifi">Domain Path Segment Specification</xref></t>
                  <li pn="section-toc.1-">
                    <t indent="0" pn="section-toc.1-"><xref derivedContent="3.1.4" format="counter" sectionFormat="of" target="section-3.1.4"/>.  <xref derivedContent="" format="title" sectionFormat="of" target="name-nameserver-path-segment-spe">Nameserver Path Segment Specification</xref></t>
                  <li pn="section-toc.1-">
                    <t indent="0" pn="section-toc.1-"><xref derivedContent="3.1.5" format="counter" sectionFormat="of" target="section-3.1.5"/>.  <xref derivedContent="" format="title" sectionFormat="of" target="name-entity-path-segment-specifi">Entity Path Segment Specification</xref></t>
                  <li pn="section-toc.1-">
                    <t indent="0" pn="section-toc.1-"><xref derivedContent="3.1.6" format="counter" sectionFormat="of" target="section-3.1.6"/>.  <xref derivedContent="" format="title" sectionFormat="of" target="name-help-path-segment-specifica">Help Path Segment Specification</xref></t>
              <li pn="section-toc.1-">
                <t indent="0" pn="section-toc.1-"><xref derivedContent="3.2" format="counter" sectionFormat="of" target="section-3.2"/>.  <xref derivedContent="" format="title" sectionFormat="of" target="name-search-path-segment-specifi">Search Path Segment Specification</xref></t>
                <ul bare="true" empty="true" indent="2" spacing="compact" pn="section-toc.1-">
                  <li pn="section-toc.1-">
                    <t indent="0" pn="section-toc.1-"><xref derivedContent="3.2.1" format="counter" sectionFormat="of" target="section-3.2.1"/>.  <xref derivedContent="" format="title" sectionFormat="of" target="name-domain-search">Domain Search</xref></t>
                  <li pn="section-toc.1-">
                    <t indent="0" pn="section-toc.1-"><xref derivedContent="3.2.2" format="counter" sectionFormat="of" target="section-3.2.2"/>.  <xref derivedContent="" format="title" sectionFormat="of" target="name-nameserver-search">Nameserver Search</xref></t>
                  <li pn="section-toc.1-">
                    <t indent="0" pn="section-toc.1-"><xref derivedContent="3.2.3" format="counter" sectionFormat="of" target="section-3.2.3"/>.  <xref derivedContent="" format="title" sectionFormat="of" target="name-entity-search">Entity Search</xref></t>
          <li pn="section-toc.1-1.4">
            <t indent="0" pn="section-toc.1-1.4.1"><xref derivedContent="4" format="counter" sectionFormat="of" target="section-4"/>.  <xref derivedContent="" format="title" sectionFormat="of" target="name-query-processing">Query Processing</xref></t>
            <ul bare="true" empty="true" indent="2" spacing="compact" pn="section-toc.1-1.4.2">
              <li pn="section-toc.1-">
                <t indent="0" pn="section-toc.1-"><xref derivedContent="4.1" format="counter" sectionFormat="of" target="section-4.1"/>.  <xref derivedContent="" format="title" sectionFormat="of" target="name-partial-string-searching">Partial String Searching</xref></t>
              <li pn="section-toc.1-">
                <t indent="0" pn="section-toc.1-"><xref derivedContent="4.2" format="counter" sectionFormat="of" target="section-4.2"/>.  <xref derivedContent="" format="title" sectionFormat="of" target="name-associated-records">Associated Records</xref></t>
          <li pn="section-toc.1-1.5">
            <t indent="0" pn="section-toc.1-1.5.1"><xref derivedContent="5" format="counter" sectionFormat="of" target="section-5"/>.  <xref derivedContent="" format="title" sectionFormat="of" target="name-extensibility">Extensibility</xref></t>
          <li pn="section-toc.1-1.6">
            <t indent="0" pn="section-toc.1-1.6.1"><xref derivedContent="6" format="counter" sectionFormat="of" target="section-6"/>.  <xref derivedContent="" format="title" sectionFormat="of" target="name-internationalization-consid">Internationalization Considerations</xref></t>
            <ul bare="true" empty="true" indent="2" spacing="compact" pn="section-toc.1-1.6.2">
              <li pn="section-toc.1-">
                <t indent="0" pn="section-toc.1-"><xref derivedContent="6.1" format="counter" sectionFormat="of" target="section-6.1"/>.  <xref derivedContent="" format="title" sectionFormat="of" target="name-character-encoding-consider">Character Encoding Considerations</xref></t>
          <li pn="section-toc.1-1.7">
            <t indent="0" pn="section-toc.1-1.7.1"><xref derivedContent="7" format="counter" sectionFormat="of" target="section-7"/>.  <xref derivedContent="" format="title" sectionFormat="of" target="name-iana-considerations">IANA Considerations</xref></t>
          <li pn="section-toc.1-1.8">
            <t indent="0" pn="section-toc.1-1.8.1"><xref derivedContent="8" format="counter" sectionFormat="of" target="section-8"/>.  <xref derivedContent="" format="title" sectionFormat="of" target="name-security-considerations">Security Considerations</xref></t>
          <li pn="section-toc.1-1.9">
            <t indent="0" pn="section-toc.1-1.9.1"><xref derivedContent="9" format="counter" sectionFormat="of" target="section-9"/>.  <xref derivedContent="" format="title" sectionFormat="of" target="name-references">References</xref></t>
            <ul bare="true" empty="true" indent="2" spacing="compact" pn="section-toc.1-1.9.2">
              <li pn="section-toc.1-">
                <t indent="0" pn="section-toc.1-"><xref derivedContent="9.1" format="counter" sectionFormat="of" target="section-9.1"/>.  <xref derivedContent="" format="title" sectionFormat="of" target="name-normative-references">Normative References</xref></t>
              <li pn="section-toc.1-">
                <t indent="0" pn="section-toc.1-"><xref derivedContent="9.2" format="counter" sectionFormat="of" target="section-9.2"/>.  <xref derivedContent="" format="title" sectionFormat="of" target="name-informative-references">Informative References</xref></t>
          <li pn="section-toc.1-1.10">
            <t indent="0" pn="section-toc.1-1.10.1"><xref derivedContent="Appendix A" format="default" sectionFormat="of" target="section-appendix.a"/>.  <xref derivedContent="" format="title" sectionFormat="of" target="name-changes-from-rfc-7482">Changes from RFC 7482</xref></t>
          <li pn="section-toc.1-1.11">
            <t indent="0" pn="section-toc.1-1.11.1"><xref derivedContent="" format="none" sectionFormat="of" target="section-appendix.b"/><xref derivedContent="" format="title" sectionFormat="of" target="name-acknowledgments">Acknowledgments</xref></t>
          <li pn="section-toc.1-1.12">
            <t indent="0" pn="section-toc.1-1.12.1"><xref derivedContent="" format="none" sectionFormat="of" target="section-appendix.c"/><xref derivedContent="" format="title" sectionFormat="of" target="name-authors-addresses">Authors' Addresses</xref></t>
    <section title="Introduction" anchor="sect-1"><t> anchor="sect-1" numbered="true" toc="include" removeInRFC="false" pn="section-1">
      <name slugifiedName="name-introduction">Introduction</name>
      <t indent="0" pn="section-1-1">
   This document describes a specification for querying registration
   data using a RESTful web service and uniform query patterns.  The
   service is implemented using the Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP)
   <xref target="RFC7230"/> target="RFC7230" format="default" sectionFormat="of" derivedContent="RFC7230"/> and the conventions described in <xref target="RFC7480"/>. target="RFC7480" format="default" sectionFormat="of" derivedContent="RFC7480"/>.  These uniform
   patterns define the query syntax for the Registration Data Access
   Protocol (RDAP). If approved, this This document obsoletes RFC 7482.</t>

      <t indent="0" pn="section-1-2">
   The protocol described in this specification is intended to address
   deficiencies with the WHOIS protocol <xref target="RFC3912"/> target="RFC3912" format="default" sectionFormat="of" derivedContent="RFC3912"/> that have been
   identified over time, including:</t>

	<t><list style="symbols"><t>lack
      <ul spacing="normal" bare="false" empty="false" indent="3" pn="section-1-3">
        <li pn="section-1-3.1">lack of standardized command structures;</t>

	<t>lack structures;</li>
        <li pn="section-1-3.2">lack of standardized output and error structures;</t>

	<t>lack structures;</li>
        <li pn="section-1-3.3">lack of support for internationalization and localization; and</t>

	<t>lack and</li>
        <li pn="section-1-3.4">lack of support for user identification, authentication, and
      access control.</t>


	<t> control.</li>
      <t indent="0" pn="section-1-4">
   The patterns described in this document purposefully do not encompass
   all of the methods employed in the WHOIS and other RESTful web
   services used by the RIRs and DNRs.  The intent of the patterns
   described here is to enable queries of:</t>

	<t><list style="symbols"><t>networks
      <ul spacing="normal" bare="false" empty="false" indent="3" pn="section-1-5">
        <li pn="section-1-5.1">networks by IP address;</t>

	<t>Autonomous address;</li>
        <li pn="section-1-5.2">Autonomous System (AS) numbers by number;</t>

	<t>reverse number;</li>
        <li pn="section-1-5.3">reverse DNS metadata by domain;</t>

	<t>nameservers domain;</li>
        <li pn="section-1-5.4">nameservers by name; and</t>

	<t>entities and</li>
        <li pn="section-1-5.5">entities (such as registrars and contacts) by identifier.</t>


	<t> identifier.</li>
      <t indent="0" pn="section-1-6">
   Server implementations are free to support only a subset of these
   features depending on local requirements.  Servers MUST <bcp14>MUST</bcp14> return an
   HTTP 501 (Not Implemented) <xref target="RFC7231"/> target="RFC7231" format="default" sectionFormat="of" derivedContent="RFC7231"/> response to inform clients of
   unsupported query types.  It is also envisioned that each registry
   will continue to maintain WHOIS and/or other RESTful web services
   specific to their needs and those of their constituencies, and the
   information retrieved through the patterns described here may
   reference such services.</t>

      <t indent="0" pn="section-1-7">
   Likewise, future IETF specifications may add additional patterns for
   additional query types.  A simple pattern namespacing scheme is
   described in <xref target="sect-5"/> target="sect-5" format="default" sectionFormat="of" derivedContent="Section 5"/> to accommodate custom extensions that will not
   interfere with the patterns defined in this document or patterns
   defined in future IETF specifications.</t>

      <t indent="0" pn="section-1-8">
   WHOIS services, in general, are read-only services.  Accordingly, URL
   <xref target="RFC3986"/> target="RFC3986" format="default" sectionFormat="of" derivedContent="RFC3986"/> patterns specified in this document are only applicable to
   the HTTP <xref target="RFC7231"/> target="RFC7231" format="default" sectionFormat="of" derivedContent="RFC7231"/> GET and HEAD methods.</t>

      <t indent="0" pn="section-1-9">
   This document does not describe the results or entities returned from
   issuing the described URLs with an HTTP GET.  The specification of
   these entities is described in <xref target="I-D.ietf-regext-rfc7483bis"/>.</t>

	<t> target="RFC9083" format="default" sectionFormat="of" derivedContent="RFC9083"/>.</t>
      <t indent="0" pn="section-1-10">
   Additionally, resource management, provisioning, and update functions
   are out of scope for this document.  Registries have various and
   divergent methods covering these functions, and it is unlikely a
   uniform approach is needed for interoperability.</t>

      <t indent="0" pn="section-1-11">
   HTTP contains mechanisms for servers to authenticate clients and for
   clients to authenticate servers (from which authorization schemes may
   be built), so such mechanisms are not described in this document.
   Policy, provisioning, and processing of authentication and
   authorization are out of scope for this document as deployments will
   have to make choices based on local criteria.  Supported
   authentication mechanisms are described in <xref target="RFC7481"/>.</t> target="RFC7481" format="default" sectionFormat="of" derivedContent="RFC7481"/>.</t>
    <section title="Conventions anchor="sect-2" numbered="true" toc="include" removeInRFC="false" pn="section-2">
      <name slugifiedName="name-conventions-used-in-this-do">Conventions Used in This Document" anchor="sect-2"><t> Document</name>
      <t indent="0" pn="section-2-1">
    The key words "MUST", "MUST NOT", "REQUIRED", "SHALL", "SHALL
      "MAY", "<bcp14>MUST</bcp14>", "<bcp14>MUST NOT</bcp14>", "<bcp14>REQUIRED</bcp14>", "<bcp14>SHALL</bcp14>", "<bcp14>SHALL NOT</bcp14>", "<bcp14>SHOULD</bcp14>", "<bcp14>SHOULD NOT</bcp14>", "<bcp14>RECOMMENDED</bcp14>", "<bcp14>NOT RECOMMENDED</bcp14>",
    "<bcp14>MAY</bcp14>", and "OPTIONAL" "<bcp14>OPTIONAL</bcp14>" in this document are to be interpreted as
    described in BCP 14 BCP 14 <xref target="RFC2119"/> <xref target="RFC8174"/> target="RFC2119" format="default" sectionFormat="of" derivedContent="RFC2119"/> <xref target="RFC8174" format="default" sectionFormat="of" derivedContent="RFC8174"/>
    when, and only when, they appear in all capitals, as shown here.</t>
      <section title="Acronyms and Abbreviations" anchor="sect-2.1"><t><list hangIndent="3" style="hanging"><t>
      IDN: anchor="sect-2.1" numbered="true" toc="include" removeInRFC="false" pn="section-2.1">
        <name slugifiedName="name-acronyms-and-abbreviations">Acronyms and Abbreviations</name>
        <dl newline="false" spacing="normal" indent="3" pn="section-2.1-1">
          <dt pn="section-2.1-1.1">IDN:</dt>
          <dd pn="section-2.1-1.2">
      Internationalized Domain Name, a fully-qualified domain name
      containing one or more labels that are intended to include one or more
      Unicode code points outside the ASCII range (cf. "domain name",
      "fully-qualified domain name" name", and "internationalized domain name" in
      RFC 8499 <xref target="RFC8499"/>).</t>


	<t><list hangIndent="3" style="hanging"><t>
      IDNA: target="RFC8499" format="default" sectionFormat="of" derivedContent="RFC8499"/>).</dd>
          <dt pn="section-2.1-1.3">IDNA:</dt>
          <dd pn="section-2.1-1.4">
      Internationalized Domain Names in Applications, a protocol for
      the handling of IDNs.  In this document, "IDNA" refers specifically to
      the version of those specifications known as "IDNA2008" <xref target="RFC5890"/>.</t>


	<t><list hangIndent="3" style="hanging"><t>
      DNR: target="RFC5890" format="default" sectionFormat="of" derivedContent="RFC5890"/>.</dd>
          <dt pn="section-2.1-1.5">DNR:</dt>
          <dd pn="section-2.1-1.6">
      Domain Name Registry or Domain Name Registrar</t>


	<t><list hangIndent="3" style="hanging"><t>
      NFC: Registrar</dd>
          <dt pn="section-2.1-1.7">NFC:</dt>
          <dd pn="section-2.1-1.8">
      Unicode Normalization Form C <xref target="Unicode-UAX15"/></t>


	<t><list hangIndent="3" style="hanging"><t>
      NFKC: target="Unicode-UAX15" format="default" sectionFormat="of" derivedContent="Unicode-UAX15"/></dd>
          <dt pn="section-2.1-1.9">NFKC:</dt>
          <dd pn="section-2.1-1.10">
      Unicode Normalization Form KC <xref target="Unicode-UAX15"/></t>


	<t><list hangIndent="3" style="hanging"><t>
      RDAP: target="Unicode-UAX15" format="default" sectionFormat="of" derivedContent="Unicode-UAX15"/></dd>
          <dt pn="section-2.1-1.11">RDAP:</dt>
          <dd pn="section-2.1-1.12">
      Registration Data Access Protocol</t>


	<t><list hangIndent="3" style="hanging"><t>
      REST: Protocol</dd>
          <dt pn="section-2.1-1.13">REST:</dt>
          <dd pn="section-2.1-1.14">
      Representational State Transfer.  The term was first
      described in a doctoral dissertation [REST].</t>


	<t><list hangIndent="3" style="hanging"><t>
      RESTful: <xref target="REST" format="default" sectionFormat="of" derivedContent="REST"/>.</dd>
          <dt pn="section-2.1-1.15">RESTful:</dt>
          <dd pn="section-2.1-1.16">
      An adjective that describes a service using HTTP and the
      principles of REST.</t>


	<t><list hangIndent="3" style="hanging"><t>
      RIR: REST.</dd>
          <dt pn="section-2.1-1.17">RIR:</dt>
          <dd pn="section-2.1-1.18">
      Regional Internet Registry</t>

	</t> Registry</dd>
    <section title="Path anchor="sect-3" numbered="true" toc="include" removeInRFC="false" pn="section-3">
      <name slugifiedName="name-path-segment-specification">Path Segment Specification" anchor="sect-3"><t> Specification</name>
      <t indent="0" pn="section-3-1">
   The base URLs used to construct RDAP queries are maintained in an
   IANA registry (the "bootstrap registry") described in <xref target="RFC7484"/>. target="RFC7484" format="default" sectionFormat="of" derivedContent="RFC7484"/>.  Queries are formed by
   retrieving an appropriate base URL from the registry and appending a
   path segment specified in either Sections 3.1 <xref target="sect-3.1" format="counter" sectionFormat="of" derivedContent="3.1"/> or 3.2. <xref target="sect-3.2" format="counter" sectionFormat="of" derivedContent="3.2"/>.  Generally, a
   registry or other service provider will provide a base URL that
   identifies the protocol, host, and port, and this will be used as a
   base URL that the complete URL is resolved against, as per Section <xref target="sect-5"/> target="RFC3986" section="5" sectionFormat="bare" format="default" derivedLink="https://rfc-editor.org/rfc/rfc3986#section-5" derivedContent="RFC3986"/>
   of RFC 3986 <xref target="RFC3986"/>. target="RFC3986" format="default" sectionFormat="of" derivedContent="RFC3986"/>.  For example, if the base URL is
   "https://example.com/rdap/", all RDAP query URLs will begin with

      <t indent="0" pn="section-3-2">
   The bootstrap registry does not contain information for query objects
   that are not part of a global namespace, including entities and help.
   A base URL for an associated object is required to construct a complete
   query. This limitation can be overcome for entities by using the practice
   described in RFC 8521 <xref target="RFC8521"/>.</t>

	<t> target="RFC8521" format="default" sectionFormat="of" derivedContent="RFC8521"/>.</t>
      <t indent="0" pn="section-3-3">
   For entities, a base URL is retrieved for the service (domain,
   address, etc.) associated with a given entity.  The query URL is
   constructed by concatenating the base URL with the entity path segment
   specified in either Sections 3.1.5 <xref target="sect-3.1.5" format="counter" sectionFormat="of" derivedContent="3.1.5"/> or 3.2.3.</t>

	<t> <xref target="sect-3.2.3" format="counter" sectionFormat="of" derivedContent="3.2.3"/>.</t>
      <t indent="0" pn="section-3-4">
   For help, a base URL is retrieved for any service (domain, address,
   etc.) for which additional information is required.  The query URL is
   constructed by concatenating the base URL with the help path segment
   specified in <xref target="sect-3.1.6"/>.</t> target="sect-3.1.6" format="default" sectionFormat="of" derivedContent="Section 3.1.6"/>.</t>
      <section title="Lookup anchor="sect-3.1" numbered="true" toc="include" removeInRFC="false" pn="section-3.1">
        <name slugifiedName="name-lookup-path-segment-specifi">Lookup Path Segment Specification" anchor="sect-3.1"><t> Specification</name>
        <t indent="0" pn="section-3.1-1">
   A simple lookup to determine if an object exists (or not) without
   returning RDAP-encoded results can be performed using the HTTP HEAD
   method as described in Section 4.1 of <xref target="RFC7480"/>.</t>

	<t> target="RFC7480" section="4.1" sectionFormat="of" format="default" derivedLink="https://rfc-editor.org/rfc/rfc7480#section-4.1" derivedContent="RFC7480"/>.</t>
        <t indent="0" pn="section-3.1-2">
   The resource type path segments for exact match lookup are:</t>

	<t><list style="symbols"><t>'ip':
        <dl spacing="normal" indent="3" newline="false" pn="section-3.1-3">
          <dt pn="section-3.1-3.1">'ip':</dt>
          <dd pn="section-3.1-3.2"> Used to identify IP networks and associated data referenced
      using either an IPv4 or IPv6 address.</t>

	<t>'autnum': address.</dd>
          <dt pn="section-3.1-3.3">'autnum':</dt>
          <dd pn="section-3.1-3.4"> Used to identify Autonomous System number registrations
      and associated data referenced using an asplain Autonomous System

          <dt pn="section-3.1-3.5">'domain':</dt>
          <dd pn="section-3.1-3.6"> Used to identify reverse DNS (RIR) or domain name (DNR)
      information and associated data referenced using a fully qualified
      domain name.</t>

	<t>'nameserver': name.</dd>
          <dt pn="section-3.1-3.7">'nameserver':</dt>
          <dd pn="section-3.1-3.8"> Used to identify a nameserver information query
      using a host name.</t>

	<t>'entity': name.</dd>
          <dt pn="section-3.1-3.9">'entity':</dt>
          <dd pn="section-3.1-3.10"> Used to identify an entity information query using a
      string identifier.</t>

	</t> identifier.</dd>
        <section title="IP anchor="sect-3.1.1" numbered="true" toc="include" removeInRFC="false" pn="section-3.1.1">
          <name slugifiedName="name-ip-network-path-segment-spe">IP Network Path Segment Specification" anchor="sect-3.1.1"><t>
   Syntax: ip/&lt;IP Specification</name>
          <dl indent="3" newline="false" spacing="normal" pn="section-3.1.1-1">
            <dt pn="section-3.1.1-1.1">Syntax:</dt>
            <dd pn="section-3.1.1-1.2">ip/&lt;IP address&gt; or ip/&lt;CIDR prefix&gt;/&lt;CIDR length&gt;</t>

	<t> length&gt;</dd>
          <t indent="0" pn="section-3.1.1-2">
   Queries for information about IP networks are of the form /ip/XXX
   or /ip/XXX/YY  where the path segment following 'ip' is either an
   IPv4 dotted decimal or IPv6 <xref target="RFC5952"/> target="RFC5952" format="default" sectionFormat="of" derivedContent="RFC5952"/> address (i.e., XXX) or an IPv4
   or IPv6 Classless Inter-domain Routing (CIDR) <xref target="RFC4632"/> target="RFC4632" format="default" sectionFormat="of" derivedContent="RFC4632"/> notation
   address block (i.e., XXX/YY).  Semantically, the simpler form using
   the address can be thought of as a CIDR block with a prefix length
   of 32 for IPv4 and a prefix length of 128 for IPv6.  A given
   specific address or CIDR may fall within multiple IP networks in a
   hierarchy of networks; therefore, this query targets the "most-specific" or smallest IP network that completely encompasses it in a
   hierarchy of IP networks.</t>

          <t indent="0" pn="section-3.1.1-3">
   The IPv4 and IPv6 address formats supported in this query are
   described in Section 3.2.2 <xref target="RFC3986" section="3.2.2" sectionFormat="bare" format="default" derivedLink="https://rfc-editor.org/rfc/rfc3986#section-3.2.2" derivedContent="RFC3986"/> of RFC 3986 <xref target="RFC3986"/> target="RFC3986" format="default" sectionFormat="of" derivedContent="RFC3986"/> as IPv4address and
   IPv6address ABNF definitions.  Any valid IPv6 text address format
   <xref target="RFC4291"/> target="RFC4291" format="default" sectionFormat="of" derivedContent="RFC4291"/> can be used.  This includes IPv6 addresses written using
   with or without compressed zeros and IPv6 addresses containing
   embedded IPv4 addresses.  The rules to write a text representation of
   an IPv6 address <xref target="RFC5952"/> target="RFC5952" format="default" sectionFormat="of" derivedContent="RFC5952"/> are RECOMMENDED. <bcp14>RECOMMENDED</bcp14>.  However, the zone_id
   <xref target="RFC4007"/> target="RFC4007" format="default" sectionFormat="of" derivedContent="RFC4007"/> is not appropriate in this context; therefore, the
   corresponding syntax extension in RFC 6874 <xref target="RFC6874"/> MUST NOT target="RFC6874" format="default" sectionFormat="of" derivedContent="RFC6874"/> <bcp14>MUST NOT</bcp14> be
   used, and servers SHOULD <bcp14>SHOULD</bcp14> ignore it.</t>

          <t indent="0" pn="section-3.1.1-4">
   For example, the following URL would be used to find information for
   the most specific network containing</t>


          <t indent="0" pn="section-3.1.1-5">https://example.com/rdap/ip/</t>
          <t indent="0" pn="section-3.1.1-6">
   The following URL would be used to find information for the most
   specific network containing</t>


          <t indent="0" pn="section-3.1.1-7">https://example.com/rdap/ip/</t>
          <t indent="0" pn="section-3.1.1-8">
   The following URL would be used to find information for the most
   specific network containing 2001:db8::</t>

          <t indent="0" pn="section-3.1.1-9">https://example.com/rdap/ip/2001:db8::</t>
        <section title="Autonomous anchor="sect-3.1.2" numbered="true" toc="include" removeInRFC="false" pn="section-3.1.2">
          <name slugifiedName="name-autonomous-system-path-segm">Autonomous System Path Segment Specification" anchor="sect-3.1.2"><t>
   Syntax: Specification</name>
          <dl indent="3" newline="false" spacing="normal" pn="section-3.1.2-1">
            <dt pn="section-3.1.2-1.1">Syntax:</dt>
            <dd pn="section-3.1.2-1.2"> autnum/&lt;autonomous system number&gt;</t>

	<t> number&gt;</dd>
          <t indent="0" pn="section-3.1.2-2">
   Queries for information regarding Autonomous System number
   registrations are of the form /autnum/XXX where XXX is an asplain
   Autonomous System number <xref target="RFC5396"/>. target="RFC5396" format="default" sectionFormat="of" derivedContent="RFC5396"/>.  In some registries, registration
   of Autonomous System numbers is done on an individual number basis,
   while other registries may register blocks of Autonomous System
   numbers.  The semantics of this query are such that if a number falls
   within a range of registered blocks, the target of the query is the
   block registration and that individual number registrations are
   considered a block of numbers with a size of 1.</t>

          <t indent="0" pn="section-3.1.2-3">
   For example, the following URL would be used to find information
   describing Autonomous System number 12 (a number within a range of
   registered blocks):</t>


          <t indent="0" pn="section-3.1.2-4">https://example.com/rdap/autnum/12</t>
          <t indent="0" pn="section-3.1.2-5">
   The following URL would be used to find information describing 4-byte
   Autonomous System number 65538:</t>

          <t indent="0" pn="section-3.1.2-6">https://example.com/rdap/autnum/65538</t>
        <section title="Domain anchor="sect-3.1.3" numbered="true" toc="include" removeInRFC="false" pn="section-3.1.3">
          <name slugifiedName="name-domain-path-segment-specifi">Domain Path Segment Specification" anchor="sect-3.1.3"><t>
   Syntax: Specification</name>
          <dl indent="3" newline="false" spacing="normal" pn="section-3.1.3-1">
            <dt pn="section-3.1.3-1.1">Syntax:</dt>
            <dd pn="section-3.1.3-1.2"> domain/&lt;domain name&gt;</t>

	<t> name&gt;</dd>
          <t indent="0" pn="section-3.1.3-2">
   Queries for domain information are of the form /domain/XXXX,
   where XXXX is a fully qualified (relative to the root) domain name
   (as specified in <xref target="RFC0952"/> target="RFC0952" format="default" sectionFormat="of" derivedContent="RFC0952"/> and <xref target="RFC1123"/>) target="RFC1123" format="default" sectionFormat="of" derivedContent="RFC1123"/>) in either the in-addr.arpa
   or ip6.arpa zones (for RIRs) or a fully qualified domain name in a
   zone administered by the server operator (for DNRs).
   Internationalized Domain Names (IDNs) represented in either A-label
   or U-label format <xref target="RFC5890"/> target="RFC5890" format="default" sectionFormat="of" derivedContent="RFC5890"/> are also valid domain names.  See
   <xref target="sect-6.1"/> target="sect-6.1" format="default" sectionFormat="of" derivedContent="Section 6.1"/> for information on character encoding for the U-label

          <t indent="0" pn="section-3.1.3-3">
   IDNs SHOULD NOT <bcp14>SHOULD NOT</bcp14> be represented as a mixture of A-labels and U-labels;
   that is, internationalized labels in an IDN SHOULD <bcp14>SHOULD</bcp14> be either all
   A-labels or all U-labels.  It is possible for an RDAP client to
   assemble a query string from multiple independent data sources.  Such
   a client might not be able to perform conversions between A-labels
   and U-labels.  An RDAP server that receives a query string with a
   mixture of A-labels and U-labels MAY <bcp14>MAY</bcp14> convert all the U-labels to
   A-labels, perform IDNA processing, and proceed with exact-match
   lookup.  In such cases, the response to be returned to the query
   source may not match the input from the query source.  Alternatively,
   the server MAY <bcp14>MAY</bcp14> refuse to process the query.</t>

          <t indent="0" pn="section-3.1.3-4">
   The server MAY <bcp14>MAY</bcp14> perform the match using either the A-label or U-label
   form.  Using one consistent form for matching every label is likely
   to be more reliable.</t>

          <t indent="0" pn="section-3.1.3-5">
   The following URL would be used to find information describing the
   zone serving the network 192.0.2/24:</t>


          <t indent="0" pn="section-3.1.3-6">https://example.com/rdap/domain/2.0.192.in-addr.arpa</t>
          <t indent="0" pn="section-3.1.3-7">
   The following URL would be used to find information describing the
   zone serving the network 2001:db8:1::/48:</t>


          <t indent="0" pn="section-3.1.3-8">https://example.com/rdap/domain/</t>
          <t indent="0" pn="section-3.1.3-9">
   The following URL would be used to find information for the
   blah.example.com domain name:</t>


          <t indent="0" pn="section-3.1.3-10">https://example.com/rdap/domain/blah.example.com</t>
          <t indent="0" pn="section-3.1.3-11">
   The following URL would be used to find information for the
   xn‑‑fo‑5ja.example IDN:</t>

          <t indent="0" pn="section-3.1.3-12">https://example.com/rdap/domain/xn--fo-5ja.example</t>
        <section title="Nameserver anchor="sect-3.1.4" numbered="true" toc="include" removeInRFC="false" pn="section-3.1.4">
          <name slugifiedName="name-nameserver-path-segment-spe">Nameserver Path Segment Specification" anchor="sect-3.1.4"><t>
   Syntax: nameserver/&lt;nameserver name&gt;</t>

	<t> Specification</name>
          <dl indent="3" newline="false" spacing="normal" pn="section-3.1.4-1">
            <dt pn="section-3.1.4-1.1">Syntax:</dt>
            <dd pn="section-3.1.4-1.2">nameserver/&lt;nameserver name&gt;</dd>
          <t indent="0" pn="section-3.1.4-2">
   The &lt;nameserver name&gt; parameter represents a fully qualified host
   name as specified in <xref target="RFC0952"/> target="RFC0952" format="default" sectionFormat="of" derivedContent="RFC0952"/> and <xref target="RFC1123"/>. target="RFC1123" format="default" sectionFormat="of" derivedContent="RFC1123"/>.  Internationalized
   names represented in either A-label or U-label format <xref target="RFC5890"/> target="RFC5890" format="default" sectionFormat="of" derivedContent="RFC5890"/> are
   also valid nameserver names.  IDN processing for nameserver names
   uses the domain name processing instructions specified in
   <xref target="sect-3.1.3"/>. target="sect-3.1.3" format="default" sectionFormat="of" derivedContent="Section 3.1.3"/>.  See <xref target="sect-6.1"/> target="sect-6.1" format="default" sectionFormat="of" derivedContent="Section 6.1"/> for information on character encoding
   for the U-label format.</t>

          <t indent="0" pn="section-3.1.4-3">
   The following URL would be used to find information for the
   ns1.example.com nameserver:</t>


          <t indent="0" pn="section-3.1.4-4">https://example.com/rdap/nameserver/ns1.example.com</t>
          <t indent="0" pn="section-3.1.4-5">
   The following URL would be used to find information for the
   ns1.xn‑‑fo-5ja.example nameserver:</t>

          <t indent="0" pn="section-3.1.4-6">https://example.com/rdap/nameserver/ns1.xn--fo-5ja.example</t>
        <section title="Entity anchor="sect-3.1.5" numbered="true" toc="include" removeInRFC="false" pn="section-3.1.5">
          <name slugifiedName="name-entity-path-segment-specifi">Entity Path Segment Specification" anchor="sect-3.1.5"><t>
   Syntax: entity/&lt;handle&gt;</t>

	<t> Specification</name>
          <dl indent="3" newline="false" spacing="normal" pn="section-3.1.5-1">
            <dt pn="section-3.1.5-1.1">Syntax:</dt>
            <dd pn="section-3.1.5-1.2">entity/&lt;handle&gt;</dd>
          <t indent="0" pn="section-3.1.5-2">
   The &lt;handle&gt; parameter represents an entity (such as a contact,
   registrant, or registrar) identifier whose syntax is specific to the
   registration provider.  For example, for some DNRs, contact
   identifiers are specified in <xref target="RFC5730"/> target="RFC5730" format="default" sectionFormat="of" derivedContent="RFC5730"/> and <xref target="RFC5733"/>.</t>

	<t> target="RFC5733" format="default" sectionFormat="of" derivedContent="RFC5733"/>.</t>
          <t indent="0" pn="section-3.1.5-3">
   The following URL would be used to find information for the entity
   associated with handle XXXX:</t>

          <t indent="0" pn="section-3.1.5-4">https://example.com/rdap/entity/XXXX</t>
        <section title="Help anchor="sect-3.1.6" numbered="true" toc="include" removeInRFC="false" pn="section-3.1.6">
          <name slugifiedName="name-help-path-segment-specifica">Help Path Segment Specification" anchor="sect-3.1.6"><t>
   Syntax: help</t>

	<t> Specification</name>
          <dl indent="3" newline="false" spacing="normal" pn="section-3.1.6-1">
            <dt pn="section-3.1.6-1.1">Syntax:</dt>
            <dd pn="section-3.1.6-1.2"> help</dd>
          <t indent="0" pn="section-3.1.6-2">
   The help path segment can be used to request helpful information
   (command syntax, terms of service, privacy policy, rate-limiting
   policy, supported authentication methods, supported extensions,
   technical support contact, etc.) from an RDAP server.  The response
   to "help" should provide basic information that a client needs to
   successfully use the service.  The following URL would be used to
   return "help" information:</t>

          <t indent="0" pn="section-3.1.6-3">https://example.com/rdap/help</t>
      <section title="Search anchor="sect-3.2" numbered="true" toc="include" removeInRFC="false" pn="section-3.2">
        <name slugifiedName="name-search-path-segment-specifi">Search Path Segment Specification" anchor="sect-3.2"><t> Specification</name>
        <t indent="0" pn="section-3.2-1">
   Pattern matching semantics are described in <xref target="sect-4.1"/>. target="sect-4.1" format="default" sectionFormat="of" derivedContent="Section 4.1"/>.  The
   resource type path segments for search are:</t>

	<t><list style="symbols"><t>'domains':
        <dl spacing="normal" indent="3" newline="false" pn="section-3.2-2">
          <dt pn="section-3.2-2.1">'domains':</dt>
          <dd pn="section-3.2-2.2"> Used to identify a domain name information search using
      a pattern to match a fully qualified domain name.</t>

	<t>'nameservers': name.</dd>
          <dt pn="section-3.2-2.3">'nameservers':</dt>
          <dd pn="section-3.2-2.4"> Used to identify a nameserver information search
      using a pattern to match a host name.</t>

	<t>'entities': name.</dd>
          <dt pn="section-3.2-2.5">'entities':</dt>
          <dd pn="section-3.2-2.6"> Used to identify an entity information search using a
      pattern to match a string identifier.</t>


	<t> identifier.</dd>
        <t indent="0" pn="section-3.2-3">
   RDAP search path segments are formed using a concatenation of the
   plural form of the object being searched for and an HTTP query
   string.  The HTTP query string is formed using a concatenation of the
   question mark character ('?', US-ASCII value 0x003F), a noun
   representing the JSON object property associated with the object
   being searched for, the equal sign character ('=', US-ASCII value
   0x003D), and the search pattern (this is in contrast to the more
   generic HTTP query string that allows multiple simultaneous parameters).
   Search pattern query processing is
   described more fully in <xref target="sect-4"/>. target="sect-4" format="default" sectionFormat="of" derivedContent="Section 4"/>. For the domain,
   nameserver, and entity objects described in this document, the
   plural object forms are "domains", "nameservers", and "entities".</t>

        <t indent="0" pn="section-3.2-4">
   Detailed results can be retrieved using the HTTP GET method and the
   path segments specified here.</t>
        <section title="Domain Search" anchor="sect-3.2.1"><t>
   Syntax: anchor="sect-3.2.1" numbered="true" toc="include" removeInRFC="false" pn="section-3.2.1">
          <name slugifiedName="name-domain-search">Domain Search</name>
          <dl indent="3" newline="false" spacing="normal" pn="section-3.2.1-1">
            <dt pn="section-3.2.1-1.1">Syntax:</dt>
            <dd pn="section-3.2.1-1.2"> domains?name=&lt;domain search pattern&gt;</t>

   Syntax: pattern&gt;</dd>
            <dt pn="section-3.2.1-1.3">Syntax:</dt>
            <dd pn="section-3.2.1-1.4"> domains?nsLdhName=&lt;nameserver search pattern&gt;</t>

   Syntax: pattern&gt;</dd>
            <dt pn="section-3.2.1-1.5">Syntax:</dt>
            <dd pn="section-3.2.1-1.6"> domains?nsIp=&lt;nameserver IP address&gt;</t>

	<t> address&gt;</dd>
          <t indent="0" pn="section-3.2.1-2">
   Searches for domain information by name are specified using this

          <t indent="0" pn="section-3.2.1-3">

          <t indent="0" pn="section-3.2.1-4">
   XXXX is a search pattern representing a domain name in "letters, digits,
   hyphen" (LDH) format <xref target="RFC5890"/>. target="RFC5890" format="default" sectionFormat="of" derivedContent="RFC5890"/>.  The following URL would be used to find
   DNR information for domain names matching the "example*.com" pattern:</t>


          <t indent="0" pn="section-3.2.1-5">https://example.com/rdap/domains?name=example*.com</t>
          <t indent="0" pn="section-3.2.1-6">
   IDNs in U-label format <xref target="RFC5890"/> target="RFC5890" format="default" sectionFormat="of" derivedContent="RFC5890"/> can also be used as search patterns
   (see <xref target="sect-4"/>). target="sect-4" format="default" sectionFormat="of" derivedContent="Section 4"/>).  Searches for these names are of the form
   /domains?name=XXXX, where XXXX is a search pattern representing a
   domain name in U-label format <xref target="RFC5890"/>. target="RFC5890" format="default" sectionFormat="of" derivedContent="RFC5890"/>.  See <xref target="sect-6.1"/> target="sect-6.1" format="default" sectionFormat="of" derivedContent="Section 6.1"/> for
   information on character encoding for the U-label format.</t>

          <t indent="0" pn="section-3.2.1-7">
   Searches for domain information by nameserver name are specified
   using this form:</t>

          <t indent="0" pn="section-3.2.1-8">

          <t indent="0" pn="section-3.2.1-9">
   YYYY is a search pattern representing a host name in "letters, digits,
   hyphen" format <xref target="RFC5890"/>. target="RFC5890" format="default" sectionFormat="of" derivedContent="RFC5890"/>.  The following URL would be used to search for
   domains delegated to nameservers matching the "ns1.example*.com"


          <t indent="0" pn="section-3.2.1-10">https://example.com/rdap/domains?nsLdhName=ns1.example*.com</t>
          <t indent="0" pn="section-3.2.1-11">
   Searches for domain information by nameserver IP address are
   specified using this form:</t>

          <t indent="0" pn="section-3.2.1-12">

          <t indent="0" pn="section-3.2.1-13">
   ZZZZ is an IPv4 <xref target="RFC1166"/> target="RFC1166" format="default" sectionFormat="of" derivedContent="RFC1166"/> or IPv6
   <xref target="RFC5952"/> target="RFC5952" format="default" sectionFormat="of" derivedContent="RFC5952"/> address.  The following URL would be used to search for
   domains that have been delegated to nameservers that resolve to the
   "" address:</t>

          <t indent="0" pn="section-3.2.1-14">https://example.com/rdap/domains?nsIp=</t>
        <section title="Nameserver Search" anchor="sect-3.2.2"><t>
   Syntax: anchor="sect-3.2.2" numbered="true" toc="include" removeInRFC="false" pn="section-3.2.2">
          <name slugifiedName="name-nameserver-search">Nameserver Search</name>
          <dl indent="3" newline="false" spacing="normal" pn="section-3.2.2-1">
            <dt pn="section-3.2.2-1.1">Syntax:</dt>
            <dd pn="section-3.2.2-1.2"> nameservers?name=&lt;nameserver search pattern&gt;</t>

   Syntax: pattern&gt;</dd>
            <dt pn="section-3.2.2-1.3">Syntax:</dt>
            <dd pn="section-3.2.2-1.4"> nameservers?ip=&lt;nameserver IP address&gt;</t>

	<t> address&gt;</dd>
          <t indent="0" pn="section-3.2.2-2">
   Searches for nameserver information by nameserver name are specified
   using this form:</t>

          <t indent="0" pn="section-3.2.2-3">

          <t indent="0" pn="section-3.2.2-4">
   XXXX is a search pattern representing a host name in "letters, digits,
   hyphen" format <xref target="RFC5890"/>. target="RFC5890" format="default" sectionFormat="of" derivedContent="RFC5890"/>.  The following URL would be used to find
   information for nameserver names matching the "ns1.example*.com"


          <t indent="0" pn="section-3.2.2-5">https://example.com/rdap/nameservers?name=ns1.example*.com</t>
          <t indent="0" pn="section-3.2.2-6">
   Internationalized nameserver names in U-label format <xref target="RFC5890"/> target="RFC5890" format="default" sectionFormat="of" derivedContent="RFC5890"/> can
   also be used as search patterns (see <xref target="sect-4"/>). target="sect-4" format="default" sectionFormat="of" derivedContent="Section 4"/>).  Searches for these
   names are of the form /nameservers?name=XXXX, where XXXX is a search
   pattern representing a nameserver name in U-label format <xref target="RFC5890"/>. target="RFC5890" format="default" sectionFormat="of" derivedContent="RFC5890"/>.
   See <xref target="sect-6.1"/> target="sect-6.1" format="default" sectionFormat="of" derivedContent="Section 6.1"/> for information on character encoding for the U-label

          <t indent="0" pn="section-3.2.2-7">
   Searches for nameserver information by nameserver IP address are
   specified using this form:</t>

          <t indent="0" pn="section-3.2.2-8">

          <t indent="0" pn="section-3.2.2-9">
   YYYY is an IPv4 <xref target="RFC1166"/> target="RFC1166" format="default" sectionFormat="of" derivedContent="RFC1166"/> or IPv6
   <xref target="RFC5952"/> target="RFC5952" format="default" sectionFormat="of" derivedContent="RFC5952"/> address.  The following URL would be used to search for
   nameserver names that resolve to the "" address:</t>

          <t indent="0" pn="section-3.2.2-10">https://example.com/rdap/nameservers?ip=</t>
        <section title="Entity Search" anchor="sect-3.2.3"><t>
   Syntax: anchor="sect-3.2.3" numbered="true" toc="include" removeInRFC="false" pn="section-3.2.3">
          <name slugifiedName="name-entity-search">Entity Search</name>
          <dl indent="3" newline="false" spacing="normal" pn="section-3.2.3-1">
            <dt pn="section-3.2.3-1.1">Syntax:</dt>
            <dd pn="section-3.2.3-1.2"> entities?fn=&lt;entity name search pattern&gt;</t>

   Syntax: pattern&gt;</dd>
            <dt pn="section-3.2.3-1.3">Syntax:</dt>
            <dd pn="section-3.2.3-1.4"> entities?handle=&lt;entity handle search pattern&gt;</t>

	<t> pattern&gt;</dd>
          <t indent="0" pn="section-3.2.3-2">
   Searches for entity information by name are specified using this

          <t indent="0" pn="section-3.2.3-3">

          <t indent="0" pn="section-3.2.3-4">
   XXXX is a search pattern representing the "fn" property of an entity
   (such as a contact, registrant, or registrar) name as described in
   Section 5.1 of
   <xref target="I-D.ietf-regext-rfc7483bis"/>. target="RFC9083" section="5.1" sectionFormat="of" format="default" derivedLink="https://rfc-editor.org/rfc/rfc9083#section-5.1" derivedContent="RFC9083"/>.  The following URL would be used to find
   information for entity names matching the "Bobby Joe*" pattern:</t>


          <t indent="0" pn="section-3.2.3-5">https://example.com/rdap/entities?fn=Bobby%20Joe*</t>
          <t indent="0" pn="section-3.2.3-6">
   Searches for entity information by handle are specified using this

          <t indent="0" pn="section-3.2.3-7">

          <t indent="0" pn="section-3.2.3-8">
   XXXX is a search pattern representing an entity (such as a contact,
   registrant, or registrar) identifier whose syntax is specific to the
   registration provider.  The following URL would be used to find
   information for entity handles matching the "CID-40*" pattern:</t>


          <t indent="0" pn="section-3.2.3-9">https://example.com/rdap/entities?handle=CID-40*</t>
          <t indent="0" pn="section-3.2.3-10">
   URLs MUST <bcp14>MUST</bcp14> be properly encoded according to the rules of <xref target="RFC3986"/>. target="RFC3986" format="default" sectionFormat="of" derivedContent="RFC3986"/>.
   In the example above, "Bobby Joe*" is encoded to "Bobby%20Joe*".</t>
    <section title="Query Processing" anchor="sect-4"><t> anchor="sect-4" numbered="true" toc="include" removeInRFC="false" pn="section-4">
      <name slugifiedName="name-query-processing">Query Processing</name>
      <t indent="0" pn="section-4-1">
   Servers indicate the success or failure of query processing by
   returning an appropriate HTTP response code to the client.  Response
   codes not specifically identified in this document are described in
   <xref target="RFC7480"/>.</t> target="RFC7480" format="default" sectionFormat="of" derivedContent="RFC7480"/>.</t>
      <section title="Partial anchor="sect-4.1" numbered="true" toc="include" removeInRFC="false" pn="section-4.1">
        <name slugifiedName="name-partial-string-searching">Partial String Searching" anchor="sect-4.1"><t> Searching</name>
        <t indent="0" pn="section-4.1-1">
   Partial string searching uses the asterisk ('*', US-ASCII value 0x2A)
   character to match zero or more trailing characters.  A character string
   representing a domain label suffix MAY <bcp14>MAY</bcp14> be concatenated to the end of the
   search pattern to limit the scope of the search.  For example, the search
   pattern "exam*" will match "example.com" and "example.net".  The search
   pattern "exam*.com" will match "example.com".  If an asterisk appears in
   a search string, any label that contains the non-asterisk characters in
   sequence plus zero or more characters in sequence in place of the asterisk
   would match. A partial string search MUST NOT <bcp14>MUST NOT</bcp14> include more than one asterisk.
   Additional pattern matching processing is beyond the scope of this specification.</t>

        <t indent="0" pn="section-4.1-2">
   If a server receives a search request but cannot process the request
   because it does not support a particular style of partial match
   searching, it SHOULD <bcp14>SHOULD</bcp14> return an HTTP 422 (Unprocessable Entity)
   <xref target="RFC4918"/> target="RFC4918" format="default" sectionFormat="of" derivedContent="RFC4918"/> response (unless another response code is
   more appropriate based on a server's policy settings) to note that search functionality
   is supported, but this particular query cannot be processed. When
   returning a 422 error, the server MAY <bcp14>MAY</bcp14> also return an error response
   body as specified in Section 6 of <xref target="I-D.ietf-regext-rfc7483bis"/> target="RFC9083" section="6" sectionFormat="of" format="default" derivedLink="https://rfc-editor.org/rfc/rfc9083#section-6" derivedContent="RFC9083"/>
   if the requested media type is one that is specified in <xref target="RFC7480"/>.</t>

	<t> target="RFC7480" format="default" sectionFormat="of" derivedContent="RFC7480"/>.</t>
        <t indent="0" pn="section-4.1-3">
   Partial matching is not feasible across combinations of Unicode
   characters because Unicode characters can be combined with each
   other.  Servers SHOULD NOT <bcp14>SHOULD NOT</bcp14> partially match combinations of Unicode
   characters where a legal combination is possible.  It should be
   noted, though, that it may not always be possible to detect cases
   where a character could have been combined with another character,
   but was not, because characters can be combined in many different

        <t indent="0" pn="section-4.1-4">
   Clients SHOULD NOT <bcp14>SHOULD NOT</bcp14> submit a partial match search of Unicode
   characters where a Unicode character may be legally combined with
   another Unicode character or characters.  Partial match searches with
   incomplete combinations of characters where a character must be
   combined with another character or characters are invalid.  Partial
   match searches with characters that may be combined with another
   character or characters are to be considered non-combined characters
   (that is, if character x may be combined with character y but
   character y is not submitted in the search string, then character x
   is a complete character and no combinations of character x are to be
      <section title="Associated Records" anchor="sect-4.2"><t> anchor="sect-4.2" numbered="true" toc="include" removeInRFC="false" pn="section-4.2">
        <name slugifiedName="name-associated-records">Associated Records</name>
        <t indent="0" pn="section-4.2-1">
   Conceptually, any query-matching record in a server's database might
   be a member of a set of related records, related in some fashion as
   defined by the server -- for example, variants of an IDN.  The entire
   set ought to be considered as candidates for inclusion when
   constructing the response.  However, the construction of the final
   response needs to be mindful of privacy and other data-releasing
   policies when assembling the RDAP response set.</t>

        <t indent="0" pn="section-4.2-2">
   Note too that due to the nature of searching, there may be a list of
   query-matching records.  Each one of those is subject to being a
   member of a set as described in the previous paragraph.  What is
   ultimately returned in a response will be the union of all the sets
   that has been filtered by whatever policies are in place.</t>

        <t indent="0" pn="section-4.2-3">
   Note that this model includes arrangements for associated names,
   including those that are linked by policy mechanisms and names bound
   together for some other purposes.  Note also that returning
   information that was not explicitly selected by an exact-match
   lookup, including additional names that match a relatively fuzzy
   search as well as lists of names that are linked together, may cause
   privacy issues.</t>

        <t indent="0" pn="section-4.2-4">
   Note that there might not be a single, static information return
   policy that applies to all clients equally.  Client identity and
   associated authorizations can be a relevant factor in determining how
   broad the response set will be for any particular query.</t>
    <section title="Extensibility" anchor="sect-5"><t> anchor="sect-5" numbered="true" toc="include" removeInRFC="false" pn="section-5">
      <name slugifiedName="name-extensibility">Extensibility</name>
      <t indent="0" pn="section-5-1">
   This document describes path segment specifications for a limited
   number of objects commonly registered in both RIRs and DNRs.  It does
   not attempt to describe path segments for all of the objects
   registered in all registries.  Custom path segments can be created
   for objects not specified here using the process described in
   Section 6 of "HTTP <xref target="RFC7480" section="6" sectionFormat="bare" format="default" derivedLink="https://rfc-editor.org/rfc/rfc7480#section-6" derivedContent="RFC7480"/> of "<xref target="RFC7480" format="title" sectionFormat="of" derivedContent="HTTP Usage in the Registration Data Access Protocol (RDAP)" (RDAP)"/>" <xref target="RFC7480"/>.</t>

	<t> target="RFC7480" format="default" sectionFormat="of" derivedContent="RFC7480"/>.</t>
      <t indent="0" pn="section-5-2">
   Custom path segments can be created by prefixing the segment with a
   unique identifier followed by an underscore character (0x5F).  For
   example, a custom entity path segment could be created by prefixing
   "entity" with "custom_", producing "custom_entity".  Servers MUST <bcp14>MUST</bcp14>
   return an appropriate failure status code for a request with an
   unrecognized path segment.</t>
    <section title="Internationalization Considerations" anchor="sect-6"><t> anchor="sect-6" numbered="true" toc="include" removeInRFC="false" pn="section-6">
      <name slugifiedName="name-internationalization-consid">Internationalization Considerations</name>
      <t indent="0" pn="section-6-1">
   There is value in supporting the ability to submit either a U-label
   (Unicode form of an IDN label) or an A-label (US-ASCII form of an IDN
   label) as a query argument to an RDAP service.  Clients capable of
   processing non-US-ASCII characters may prefer a U-label since this is
   more visually recognizable and familiar than A-label strings, but
   clients using programmatic interfaces might find it easier to submit
   and display A-labels if they are unable to input U-labels with their
   keyboard configuration.  Both query forms are acceptable.</t>

      <t indent="0" pn="section-6-2">
   Internationalized domain and nameserver names can contain character
   variants and variant labels as described in <xref target="RFC4290"/>. target="RFC4290" format="default" sectionFormat="of" derivedContent="RFC4290"/>.  Clients that
   support queries for internationalized domain and nameserver names
   <bcp14>MUST</bcp14> accept service provider responses that describe variants as
   specified in "JSON "<xref target="RFC9083" format="title" sectionFormat="of" derivedContent="JSON Responses for the Registration Data Access Protocol (RDAP)" (RDAP)"/>" <xref target="I-D.ietf-regext-rfc7483bis"/>.</t> target="RFC9083" format="default" sectionFormat="of" derivedContent="RFC9083"/>.</t>
      <section title="Character anchor="sect-6.1" numbered="true" toc="include" removeInRFC="false" pn="section-6.1">
        <name slugifiedName="name-character-encoding-consider">Character Encoding Considerations" anchor="sect-6.1"><t> Considerations</name>
        <t indent="0" pn="section-6.1-1">
   Servers can expect to receive search patterns from clients that
   contain character strings encoded in different forms supported by
   HTTP.  It is entirely possible to apply filters and normalization
   rules to search patterns prior to making character comparisons, but
   this type of processing is more typically needed to determine the
   validity of registered strings than to match patterns.</t>

        <t indent="0" pn="section-6.1-2">
   An RDAP client submitting a query string containing non-US-ASCII
   characters converts such strings into Unicode in UTF-8 encoding.  It
   then performs any local case mapping deemed necessary.  Strings are
   normalized using Normalization Form C (NFC) <xref target="Unicode-UAX15"/>; target="Unicode-UAX15" format="default" sectionFormat="of" derivedContent="Unicode-UAX15"/>; note
   that clients might not be able to do this reliably.  UTF-8 encoded
   strings are then appropriately percent-encoded <xref target="RFC3986"/> target="RFC3986" format="default" sectionFormat="of" derivedContent="RFC3986"/> in the query

        <t indent="0" pn="section-6.1-3">
   After parsing any percent-encoding, an RDAP server treats each query
   string as Unicode in UTF-8 encoding.  If a string is not valid UTF-8,
   the server can immediately stop processing the query and return an
   HTTP 400 (Bad Request) response.</t>

        <t indent="0" pn="section-6.1-4">
   When processing queries, there is a difference in handling DNS names,
   including those with putative U-labels, and everything else.  DNS
   names are treated according to the DNS matching rules as described in
   Section 3.1 <xref target="RFC1035" section="3.1" sectionFormat="bare" format="default" derivedLink="https://rfc-editor.org/rfc/rfc1035#section-3.1" derivedContent="RFC1035"/> of RFC 1035 <xref target="RFC1035"/> target="RFC1035" format="default" sectionFormat="of" derivedContent="RFC1035"/> for Non-Reserved LDH (NR-LDH)
   labels and the matching rules described in Section 5.4 <xref target="RFC5891" section="5.4" sectionFormat="bare" format="default" derivedLink="https://rfc-editor.org/rfc/rfc5891#section-5.4" derivedContent="RFC5891"/> of RFC 5891
   <xref target="RFC5891"/> target="RFC5891" format="default" sectionFormat="of" derivedContent="RFC5891"/> for U-labels.  Matching of DNS names proceeds one label at
   a time because it is possible for a combination of U-labels and
   NR-LDH labels to be found in a single domain or host name.  The
   determination of whether a label is a U-label or an NR-LDH label is
   based on whether the label contains any characters outside of the
   US-ASCII letters, digits, or hyphen (the so-called LDH rule).</t>

        <t indent="0" pn="section-6.1-5">
   For everything else, servers map fullwidth and halfwidth characters
   to their decomposition equivalents.  Servers convert strings to the
   same coded character set of the target data that is to be looked up
   or searched, and each string is normalized using the same
   normalization that was used on the target data.  In general, storage
   of strings as Unicode is RECOMMENDED. <bcp14>RECOMMENDED</bcp14>.  For the purposes of
   comparison, Normalization Form KC (NFKC) <xref target="Unicode-UAX15"/> target="Unicode-UAX15" format="default" sectionFormat="of" derivedContent="Unicode-UAX15"/> with case
   folding is used to maximize predictability and the number of matches.
   Note the use of case-folded NFKC as opposed to NFC in this case.</t>
    <section anchor="impl-status" title="Implementation Status">
      <t>NOTE: Please remove anchor="IANA-Cons" numbered="true" toc="include" removeInRFC="false" pn="section-7">
      <name slugifiedName="name-iana-considerations">IANA Considerations</name>
      <t indent="0" pn="section-7-1">This document has no IANA actions.</t>
    <section anchor="sect-7" numbered="true" toc="include" removeInRFC="false" pn="section-8">
      <name slugifiedName="name-security-considerations">Security Considerations</name>
      <t indent="0" pn="section-8-1">
   Security services for the operations specified in this section and document are
   described in "<xref target="RFC7481" format="title" sectionFormat="of" derivedContent="Security Services for the reference to RFC 7942 prior to publication Registration Data Access Protocol (RDAP)"/>" <xref target="RFC7481" format="default" sectionFormat="of" derivedContent="RFC7481"/>.</t>
      <t indent="0" pn="section-8-2">
   Search functionality typically requires more server resources (such
   as an RFC.</t>

      <t>This section records memory, CPU cycles, and network bandwidth) when compared to basic
   lookup functionality.  This increases the status risk of known implementations server resource
   exhaustion and subsequent denial of the protocol defined service due to abuse.  This risk
   can be mitigated by this specification at the time of posting of this Internet-Draft, developing and is based on a proposal implementing controls to restrict
   search functionality to identified and authorized clients.  If those
   clients behave badly, their search privileges can be suspended or
   revoked.  Rate limiting as described in RFC 7942 Section <xref target="RFC7942"/>. The description of implementations target="RFC7480" section="5.5" sectionFormat="bare" format="default" derivedLink="https://rfc-editor.org/rfc/rfc7480#section-5.5" derivedContent="RFC7480"/> of "<xref target="RFC7480" format="title" sectionFormat="of" derivedContent="HTTP Usage in this section is intended to assist the IETF in its decision processes in progressing drafts Registration Data Access Protocol (RDAP)"/>" <xref target="RFC7480" format="default" sectionFormat="of" derivedContent="RFC7480"/> can also be
   used to RFCs. Please note that control the listing rate of any individual implementation here does not imply endorsement received search requests.  Server
   operators can also reduce their risk by restricting the IETF. Furthermore, no effort has been spent amount of
   information returned in response to verify a search request.</t>
      <t indent="0" pn="section-8-3">
   Search functionality also increases the privacy risk of disclosing
   object relationships that might not otherwise be obvious.  For
   example, a search that returns IDN variants <xref target="RFC6927" format="default" sectionFormat="of" derivedContent="RFC6927"/> that do not
   explicitly match a client-provided search pattern can disclose
   information presented here about registered domain names that was supplied by IETF contributors. This is might not intended as, be otherwise
   available.  Implementers need to consider the policy and must privacy
   implications of returning information that was not explicitly
      <t indent="0" pn="section-8-4">
   Note that there might not be construed to be, a catalog of available implementations or their features. Readers are advised to note single, static information return
   policy that other implementations may exist.</t>

      <t>According applies to RFC 7942, "this will allow reviewers all clients equally.  Client identity and working groups to assign due consideration to documents that have
   associated authorizations can be a relevant factor in determining how
   broad the response set will be for any particular query.</t>
    <references pn="section-9">
      <name slugifiedName="name-references">References</name>
      <references pn="section-9.1">
        <name slugifiedName="name-normative-references">Normative References</name>
        <reference anchor="RFC0952" target="https://www.rfc-editor.org/info/rfc952" quoteTitle="true" derivedAnchor="RFC0952">
            <title>DoD Internet host table specification</title>
            <author initials="K." surname="Harrenstien" fullname="K. Harrenstien">
              <organization showOnFrontPage="true"/>
            <author initials="M.K." surname="Stahl" fullname="M.K. Stahl">
              <organization showOnFrontPage="true"/>
            <author initials="E.J." surname="Feinler" fullname="E.J. Feinler">
              <organization showOnFrontPage="true"/>
            <date year="1985" month="October"/>
              <t indent="0">This RFC is the benefit official specification of running code, which may serve as evidence the format of valuable experimentation and feedback that have made the implemented protocols more mature. It is up to Internet    Host Table.  This edition of the individual working groups specification includes minor revisions    to use this information as they see fit".</t>

      <section anchor="verisign" title="Viagenie">
        <t><list style="none">
	  <t>Responsible Organization: Viagenie</t>
	  <t>Location: RDAPBrowser (iOS and Android): https://viagenie.ca/rdapbrowser</t>
	  <t>Description: Mobile app (iOS RFC-810 which brings it up to date.</t>
          <seriesInfo name="RFC" value="952"/>
          <seriesInfo name="DOI" value="10.17487/RFC0952"/>
        <reference anchor="RFC1035" target="https://www.rfc-editor.org/info/rfc1035" quoteTitle="true" derivedAnchor="RFC1035">
            <title>Domain names - implementation and Android) implementing an RDAP client for domains, IP addresses specification</title>
            <author initials="P.V." surname="Mockapetris" fullname="P.V. Mockapetris">
              <organization showOnFrontPage="true"/>
            <date year="1987" month="November"/>
              <t indent="0">This RFC is the revised specification of the protocol and AS numbers.</t>
	  <t>Level format used in the implementation of Maturity: Production</t>
	  <t>Coverage: All except the Domain Name System.  It obsoletes RFC-883. This memo documents the details of the domain name client - server communication.</t>
          <seriesInfo name="STD" value="13"/>
          <seriesInfo name="RFC" value="1035"/>
          <seriesInfo name="DOI" value="10.17487/RFC1035"/>
        <reference anchor="RFC1123" target="https://www.rfc-editor.org/info/rfc1123" quoteTitle="true" derivedAnchor="RFC1123">
            <title>Requirements for nameserver, entity, help, Internet Hosts - Application and search path segments.</t>
	  <t>Version Compatibility: RFC 7482</t>
	  <t>Licensing: Proprietary</t>
	  <t>Implementation Experience: Quite simple and easy to deploy. Responses are much harder to parse because RDAP servers are not compliant.</t>
	  <t>Contact Information: Marc Blanchet, rdapbrowser@viagenie.ca</t>
	  <t>Date Last Updated: September 27, 2019</t>

      <section anchor="arin" title="ARIN">
        <t><list style="none">
	  <t>Responsible Organization: ARIN</t>
	  <t>Location: search.arin.net https://search.arin.net/rdap/</t>
	  <t>Description: search.arin.net is a public web page getting about 8k queries per day.</t>
	  <t>Level of Maturity: Production.</t>
	  <t>Coverage: Search.arin.net supports lookup of entities by handle, search of entities by name, lookup of domain names, lookup of ip networks, lookup of autnums.</t>
	  <t>Version Compatibility: Support</title>
            <author initials="R." surname="Braden" fullname="R. Braden" role="editor">
              <organization showOnFrontPage="true"/>
            <date year="1989" month="October"/>
              <t indent="0">This RFC 7482</t>
	  <t>Licensing: Search.arin.net is not publicly licensed.</t>
	  <t>Implementation Experience: The RDAP queries are straightforward an official specification for the most part. The vast majority of logic goes into displaying information.</t>
	  <t>Contact Information: info@arin.net</t>
	  <t>Date Last Updated: July 2019.</t>

      <section anchor="NicInfo" title="NicInfo">
        <t><list style="none">
	  <t>Responsible Organization: ARIN</t>
	  <t>Location: NicInfo https://github.com/arineng/nicinfo</t>
	  <t>Description: NicInfo Internet community.  It incorporates by reference, amends, corrects, and supplements the primary protocol standards documents relating to hosts.  [STANDARDS-TRACK]</t>
          <seriesInfo name="STD" value="3"/>
          <seriesInfo name="RFC" value="1123"/>
          <seriesInfo name="DOI" value="10.17487/RFC1123"/>
        <reference anchor="RFC1166" target="https://www.rfc-editor.org/info/rfc1166" quoteTitle="true" derivedAnchor="RFC1166">
            <title>Internet numbers</title>
            <author initials="S." surname="Kirkpatrick" fullname="S. Kirkpatrick">
              <organization showOnFrontPage="true"/>
            <author initials="M.K." surname="Stahl" fullname="M.K. Stahl">
              <organization showOnFrontPage="true"/>
            <author initials="M." surname="Recker" fullname="M. Recker">
              <organization showOnFrontPage="true"/>
            <date year="1990" month="July"/>
              <t indent="0">This memo is a command line client written status report on the network numbers and autonomous system numbers used in Ruby.</t>
	  <t>Level of Maturity: NicInfo started as a research project, but is known the Internet community.</t>
          <seriesInfo name="RFC" value="1166"/>
          <seriesInfo name="DOI" value="10.17487/RFC1166"/>
        <reference anchor="RFC2119" target="https://www.rfc-editor.org/info/rfc2119" quoteTitle="true" derivedAnchor="RFC2119">
            <title>Key words for use in RFCs to be Indicate Requirement Levels</title>
            <author initials="S." surname="Bradner" fullname="S. Bradner">
              <organization showOnFrontPage="true"/>
            <date year="1997" month="March"/>
              <t indent="0">In many standards track documents several words are used by some organizations to signify the requirements in a production capacity.</t>
	  <t>Version Compatibility: RFC 7482</t>
	  <t>Licensing: NicInfo is published under the ISC license.</t>
	  <t>Implementation Experience: The RDAP queries specification.  These words are straightforward often capitalized. This document defines these words as they should be interpreted in IETF documents.  This document specifies an Internet Best Current Practices for the most part. The vast majority of logic goes into displaying information.</t>
	  <t>Contact Information: info@arin.net</t>
	  <t>Date Last Updated: NicInfo was last updated in Feb 2018.</t>

      <section anchor="lacnic" title="LACNIC">
        <t><list style="none">
	  <t>Responsible Organization: LACNIC</t>
	  <t>Location: https://github.com/LACNIC/rdap-frontend-angular-dev</t>
	  <t>Description: The goal of this client Internet Community, and requests discussion and suggestions for improvements.</t>
          <seriesInfo name="BCP" value="14"/>
          <seriesInfo name="RFC" value="2119"/>
          <seriesInfo name="DOI" value="10.17487/RFC2119"/>
        <reference anchor="RFC3986" target="https://www.rfc-editor.org/info/rfc3986" quoteTitle="true" derivedAnchor="RFC3986">
            <title>Uniform Resource Identifier (URI): Generic Syntax</title>
            <author initials="T." surname="Berners-Lee" fullname="T. Berners-Lee">
              <organization showOnFrontPage="true"/>
            <author initials="R." surname="Fielding" fullname="R. Fielding">
              <organization showOnFrontPage="true"/>
            <author initials="L." surname="Masinter" fullname="L. Masinter">
              <organization showOnFrontPage="true"/>
            <date year="2005" month="January"/>
              <t indent="0">A Uniform Resource Identifier (URI) is to have a compact sequence of characters that identifies an RDAP client abstract or physical resource.  This specification defines the generic URI syntax and a process for resolving URI references that can might be easily embedded in web pages. The original request was relative form, along with guidelines and security considerations for the use of URIs on the Internet.  The URI syntax defines a web whois/rdap feature grammar that was is a superset of all valid URIs, allowing an implementation to replace parse the common components of a very, very old web whois that just popen'd CLI WHOIS and just copied back URI reference without knowing the output to html. We decided to implement something that could, in the future, be embedded in any web page and is not tied to our current web portal CMS. The client is implemented in Javascript and AngularJS.</t>
	  <t>Level scheme-specific requirements of Maturity: We consider the current version production quality, it has been in use in our web portal for more than a year now.</t>
	  <t>Coverage: The client implements /ip, /autnum, and /entity. The client every possible identifier.  This specification does not support searches. For these objects the implementation follows the standard closely. There may be define a few gaps, but it’s mostly aligned to generative grammar for URIs; that task is performed by the RFCs.</t>
	  <t>Version Compatibility: RFC 7482</t>
	  <t>Licensing: BSD-Style</t>
	  <t>Implementation Experience: Users individual specifications of each URI scheme.  [STANDARDS-TRACK]</t>
          <seriesInfo name="STD" value="66"/>
          <seriesInfo name="RFC" value="3986"/>
          <seriesInfo name="DOI" value="10.17487/RFC3986"/>
        <reference anchor="RFC4291" target="https://www.rfc-editor.org/info/rfc4291" quoteTitle="true" derivedAnchor="RFC4291">
            <title>IP Version 6 Addressing Architecture</title>
            <author initials="R." surname="Hinden" fullname="R. Hinden">
              <organization showOnFrontPage="true"/>
            <author initials="S." surname="Deering" fullname="S. Deering">
              <organization showOnFrontPage="true"/>
            <date year="2006" month="February"/>
              <t indent="0">This specification defines the traditional WHOIS service are a bit confused at first when they realize that an RDAP query does not necessarily return addressing architecture of the same
information and in some cases they need to "navigate" IP Version 6 (IPv6) protocol.  The document includes the RDAP tree to get data that is normally returned in a single WHOIS query. In our experience, this gap in expectations has been one IPv6 addressing model, text representations of the most significant hurdles in adoption IPv6 addresses, definition of RDAP. Our RDAP client makes this "navigation" easier as it presents results in IPv6 unicast addresses, anycast addresses, and multicast addresses, and an IPv6 node's required addresses.</t>
              <t indent="0">This document obsoletes RFC 3513, "IP Version 6 Addressing Architecture".   [STANDARDS-TRACK]</t>
          <seriesInfo name="RFC" value="4291"/>
          <seriesInfo name="DOI" value="10.17487/RFC4291"/>
        <reference anchor="RFC4632" target="https://www.rfc-editor.org/info/rfc4632" quoteTitle="true" derivedAnchor="RFC4632">
            <title>Classless Inter-domain Routing (CIDR): The Internet Address Assignment and Aggregation Plan</title>
            <author initials="V." surname="Fuller" fullname="V. Fuller">
              <organization showOnFrontPage="true"/>
            <author initials="T." surname="Li" fullname="T. Li">
              <organization showOnFrontPage="true"/>
            <date year="2006" month="August"/>
              <t indent="0">This memo discusses the form strategy for address assignment of a web page where the "next" necessary RDAP query is a click on existing 32-bit IPv4 address space with a link. On view toward conserving the plus side, address space and limiting the protocol provides all growth rate of global routing state. This document obsoletes the information needed to present this links and clicks original Classless Inter-domain Routing (CIDR) spec in RFC 1519, with changes made both to clarify the user. We have however concepts it introduced a few extensions into our RDAP responses to
get both services and, after more than twelve years, to parity in update the information presented in a single query.</t>
	  <t>Contact Information: Gerardo Rada (gerardo@lacnic.net), Carlos Martinez (carlos@lacnic.net)</t>
	  <t>Date Last Updated: Internet community on the results of deploying the technology described.  This application is currently in maintenance mode. Also, we employ a rolling release update. Latest updates are available in the git log of document specifies an Internet Best Current Practices for the repo.</t>

      <section anchor="icann" title="ICANN">
        <t><list style="none">
	  <t>Responsible Organization: Internet Corporation Community, and requests discussion and suggestions for Assigned Names improvements.</t>
          <seriesInfo name="BCP" value="122"/>
          <seriesInfo name="RFC" value="4632"/>
          <seriesInfo name="DOI" value="10.17487/RFC4632"/>
        <reference anchor="RFC4918" target="https://www.rfc-editor.org/info/rfc4918" quoteTitle="true" derivedAnchor="RFC4918">
            <title>HTTP Extensions for Web Distributed Authoring and Numbers (ICANN)</t>
	  <t>Location: Domain Name Registration Data Lookup: https://lookup.icann.org/</t>
	  <t>Description: ICANN created the Domain Name Registration Data Lookup web client as Versioning (WebDAV)</title>
            <author initials="L." surname="Dusseault" fullname="L. Dusseault" role="editor">
              <organization showOnFrontPage="true"/>
            <date year="2007" month="June"/>
              <t indent="0">Web Distributed Authoring and Versioning (WebDAV) consists of a free public service that gives users the ability to look up set of methods, headers, and display publicly available registration data related content-types ancillary to a domain name using HTTP/1.1 for the top level domain's RDAP service location listed management of resource properties, creation and management of resource collections, URL namespace manipulation, and resource locking (collision avoidance).</t>
              <t indent="0">RFC 2518 was published in the IANA bootstrap service registry for domain name space (RFC 7484), February 1999, and the sponsoring Registrar's RDAP server. This web client implementation also supports the specifications this specification obsoletes RFC 2518 with minor revisions mostly due to interoperability experience.  [STANDARDS-TRACK]</t>
          <seriesInfo name="RFC" value="4918"/>
          <seriesInfo name="DOI" value="10.17487/RFC4918"/>
        <reference anchor="RFC5396" target="https://www.rfc-editor.org/info/rfc5396" quoteTitle="true" derivedAnchor="RFC5396">
            <title>Textual Representation of Autonomous System (AS) Numbers</title>
            <author initials="G." surname="Huston" fullname="G. Huston">
              <organization showOnFrontPage="true"/>
            <author initials="G." surname="Michaelson" fullname="G. Michaelson">
              <organization showOnFrontPage="true"/>
            <date year="2008" month="December"/>
              <t indent="0">A textual representation for Autonomous System (AS) numbers is defined in as the "gTLD RDAP Profile" documents (https://www.icann.org/gtld-rdap-profile).</t>
	  <t>Level decimal value of Maturity: Production.</t>
	  <t>Coverage: the AS number.  This web client implements RFC 7482 section 3.1.3 "Domain Path Segment Specification" textual representation is to perform lookups exclusively for the domain object class.</t>
	  <t>Version Compatibility: RFC 7482</t>
	  <t>Contact Information: globalSupport@icann.org</t>
	  <t>Date Last Updated: 07-Oct-2019</t>

	<section title="IANA Considerations" anchor="IANA-Cons">
	  <t>This be used by all documents, systems, and user interfaces referring to AS numbers.  [STANDARDS-TRACK]</t>
          <seriesInfo name="RFC" value="5396"/>
          <seriesInfo name="DOI" value="10.17487/RFC5396"/>
        <reference anchor="RFC5730" target="https://www.rfc-editor.org/info/rfc5730" quoteTitle="true" derivedAnchor="RFC5730">
            <title>Extensible Provisioning Protocol (EPP)</title>
            <author initials="S." surname="Hollenbeck" fullname="S. Hollenbeck">
              <organization showOnFrontPage="true"/>
            <date year="2009" month="August"/>
              <t indent="0">This document has no actions for IANA.</t>

	<section title="Security Considerations" anchor="sect-7"><t>
   Security services describes an application-layer client-server protocol for the operations specified provisioning and management of objects stored in this document are
   described a shared central repository.  Specified in "Security Services for XML, the Registration Data Access Protocol (RDAP)" <xref target="RFC7481"/>.</t>

   Search functionality typically requires more server resources (such
   as memory, CPU cycles, protocol defines generic object management operations and network bandwidth) when compared an extensible framework that maps protocol operations to basic
   lookup functionality. objects.  This increases the risk of server resource
   exhaustion document includes a protocol specification, an object mapping template, and subsequent denial an XML media type registration.  This document obsoletes RFC 4930.  [STANDARDS-TRACK]</t>
          <seriesInfo name="STD" value="69"/>
          <seriesInfo name="RFC" value="5730"/>
          <seriesInfo name="DOI" value="10.17487/RFC5730"/>
        <reference anchor="RFC5733" target="https://www.rfc-editor.org/info/rfc5733" quoteTitle="true" derivedAnchor="RFC5733">
            <title>Extensible Provisioning Protocol (EPP) Contact Mapping</title>
            <author initials="S." surname="Hollenbeck" fullname="S. Hollenbeck">
              <organization showOnFrontPage="true"/>
            <date year="2009" month="August"/>
              <t indent="0">This document describes an Extensible Provisioning Protocol (EPP) mapping for the provisioning and management of service due individual or organizational social information identifiers (known as "contacts") stored in a shared central repository.  Specified in Extensible Markup Language (XML), the mapping defines EPP command syntax and semantics as applied to abuse. contacts.  This risk
   can be mitigated by developing document obsoletes RFC 4933.   [STANDARDS-TRACK]</t>
          <seriesInfo name="STD" value="69"/>
          <seriesInfo name="RFC" value="5733"/>
          <seriesInfo name="DOI" value="10.17487/RFC5733"/>
        <reference anchor="RFC5890" target="https://www.rfc-editor.org/info/rfc5890" quoteTitle="true" derivedAnchor="RFC5890">
            <title>Internationalized Domain Names for Applications (IDNA): Definitions and implementing controls Document Framework</title>
            <author initials="J." surname="Klensin" fullname="J. Klensin">
              <organization showOnFrontPage="true"/>
            <date year="2010" month="August"/>
              <t indent="0">This document is one of a collection that, together, describe the protocol and usage context for a revision of Internationalized Domain Names for Applications (IDNA), superseding the earlier version.  It describes the document collection and provides definitions and other material that are common to restrict
   search functionality the set.  [STANDARDS-TRACK]</t>
          <seriesInfo name="RFC" value="5890"/>
          <seriesInfo name="DOI" value="10.17487/RFC5890"/>
        <reference anchor="RFC5891" target="https://www.rfc-editor.org/info/rfc5891" quoteTitle="true" derivedAnchor="RFC5891">
            <title>Internationalized Domain Names in Applications (IDNA): Protocol</title>
            <author initials="J." surname="Klensin" fullname="J. Klensin">
              <organization showOnFrontPage="true"/>
            <date year="2010" month="August"/>
              <t indent="0">This document is the revised protocol definition for Internationalized Domain Names (IDNs).  The rationale for changes, the relationship to identified the older specification, and authorized clients.  If those
   clients behave badly, their search privileges can important terminology are provided in other documents.  This document specifies the protocol mechanism, called Internationalized Domain Names in Applications (IDNA), for registering and looking up IDNs in a way that does not require changes to the DNS itself.  IDNA is only meant for processing domain names, not free text.  [STANDARDS-TRACK]</t>
          <seriesInfo name="RFC" value="5891"/>
          <seriesInfo name="DOI" value="10.17487/RFC5891"/>
        <reference anchor="RFC5952" target="https://www.rfc-editor.org/info/rfc5952" quoteTitle="true" derivedAnchor="RFC5952">
            <title>A Recommendation for IPv6 Address Text Representation</title>
            <author initials="S." surname="Kawamura" fullname="S. Kawamura">
              <organization showOnFrontPage="true"/>
            <author initials="M." surname="Kawashima" fullname="M. Kawashima">
              <organization showOnFrontPage="true"/>
            <date year="2010" month="August"/>
              <t indent="0">As IPv6 deployment increases, there will be suspended or
   revoked.  Rate limiting as described a dramatic increase in the need to use IPv6 addresses in text.  While the IPv6 address architecture in Section 5.5 2.2 of RFC 4291 describes a flexible model for text representation of an IPv6 address, this flexibility has been causing problems for operators, system engineers, and users.  This document defines a canonical textual representation format.  It does not define a format for internal storage, such as within an application or database.  It is expected that the canonical format will be followed by humans and systems when representing IPv6 addresses as text, but all implementations must accept and be able to handle any legitimate RFC 4291 format.  [STANDARDS-TRACK]</t>
          <seriesInfo name="RFC" value="5952"/>
          <seriesInfo name="DOI" value="10.17487/RFC5952"/>
        <reference anchor="RFC7230" target="https://www.rfc-editor.org/info/rfc7230" quoteTitle="true" derivedAnchor="RFC7230">
            <title>Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP/1.1): Message Syntax and Routing</title>
            <author initials="R." surname="Fielding" fullname="R. Fielding" role="editor">
              <organization showOnFrontPage="true"/>
            <author initials="J." surname="Reschke" fullname="J. Reschke" role="editor">
              <organization showOnFrontPage="true"/>
            <date year="2014" month="June"/>
              <t indent="0">The Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP) is a stateless application-level protocol for distributed, collaborative, hypertext information systems.  This document provides an overview of HTTP architecture and its associated terminology, defines the "http" and "https" Uniform Resource Identifier (URI) schemes, defines the HTTP/1.1 message syntax and parsing requirements, and describes related security concerns for implementations.</t>
          <seriesInfo name="RFC" value="7230"/>
          <seriesInfo name="DOI" value="10.17487/RFC7230"/>
        <reference anchor="RFC7231" target="https://www.rfc-editor.org/info/rfc7231" quoteTitle="true" derivedAnchor="RFC7231">
            <title>Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP/1.1): Semantics and Content</title>
            <author initials="R." surname="Fielding" fullname="R. Fielding" role="editor">
              <organization showOnFrontPage="true"/>
            <author initials="J." surname="Reschke" fullname="J. Reschke" role="editor">
              <organization showOnFrontPage="true"/>
            <date year="2014" month="June"/>
              <t indent="0">The Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP) is a stateless \%application- level protocol for distributed, collaborative, hypertext information systems.  This document defines the semantics of HTTP/1.1 messages, as expressed by request methods, request header fields, response status codes, and response header fields, along with the payload of messages (metadata and body content) and mechanisms for content negotiation.</t>
          <seriesInfo name="RFC" value="7231"/>
          <seriesInfo name="DOI" value="10.17487/RFC7231"/>
        <reference anchor="RFC7480" target="https://www.rfc-editor.org/info/rfc7480" quoteTitle="true" derivedAnchor="RFC7480">
            <title>HTTP Usage in the Registration Data Access Protocol (RDAP)</title>
            <author initials="A." surname="Newton" fullname="A. Newton">
              <organization showOnFrontPage="true"/>
            <author initials="B." surname="Ellacott" fullname="B. Ellacott">
              <organization showOnFrontPage="true"/>
            <author initials="N." surname="Kong" fullname="N. Kong">
              <organization showOnFrontPage="true"/>
            <date year="2015" month="March"/>
              <t indent="0">This document is one of a collection that together describes the Registration Data Access Protocol (RDAP).  It describes how RDAP is transported using the Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP).  RDAP is a successor protocol to the very old WHOIS protocol.  The purpose of this document is to clarify the use of standard HTTP mechanisms for this application.</t>
          <seriesInfo name="STD" value="95"/>
          <seriesInfo name="RFC" value="7480"/>
          <seriesInfo name="DOI" value="10.17487/RFC7480"/>
        <reference anchor="RFC7481" target="https://www.rfc-editor.org/info/rfc7481" quoteTitle="true" derivedAnchor="RFC7481">
            <title>Security Services for the Registration Data Access Protocol (RDAP)</title>
            <author initials="S." surname="Hollenbeck" fullname="S. Hollenbeck">
              <organization showOnFrontPage="true"/>
            <author initials="N." surname="Kong" fullname="N. Kong">
              <organization showOnFrontPage="true"/>
            <date year="2015" month="March"/>
              <t indent="0">The Registration Data Access Protocol (RDAP) provides "RESTful" web services to retrieve registration metadata from Domain Name and Regional Internet Registries.  This document describes information security services, including access control, authentication, authorization, availability, data confidentiality, and data integrity for RDAP.</t>
          <seriesInfo name="STD" value="95"/>
          <seriesInfo name="RFC" value="7481"/>
          <seriesInfo name="DOI" value="10.17487/RFC7481"/>
        <reference anchor="RFC7484" target="https://www.rfc-editor.org/info/rfc7484" quoteTitle="true" derivedAnchor="RFC7484">
            <title>Finding the Authoritative Registration Data (RDAP) Service</title>
            <author initials="M." surname="Blanchet" fullname="M. Blanchet">
              <organization showOnFrontPage="true"/>
            <date year="2015" month="March"/>
              <t indent="0">This document specifies a method to find which Registration Data Access Protocol (RDAP) server is authoritative to answer queries for a requested scope, such as domain names, IP addresses, or Autonomous System numbers.</t>
          <seriesInfo name="RFC" value="7484"/>
          <seriesInfo name="DOI" value="10.17487/RFC7484"/>
        <reference anchor="RFC8174" target="https://www.rfc-editor.org/info/rfc8174" quoteTitle="true" derivedAnchor="RFC8174">
            <title>Ambiguity of Uppercase vs Lowercase in RFC 2119 Key Words</title>
            <author initials="B." surname="Leiba" fullname="B. Leiba">
              <organization showOnFrontPage="true"/>
            <date year="2017" month="May"/>
              <t indent="0">RFC 2119 specifies common key words that may be used in protocol  specifications.  This document aims to reduce the ambiguity by clarifying that only UPPERCASE usage of the key words have the  defined special meanings.</t>
          <seriesInfo name="BCP" value="14"/>
          <seriesInfo name="RFC" value="8174"/>
          <seriesInfo name="DOI" value="10.17487/RFC8174"/>
        <reference anchor="RFC8499" target="https://www.rfc-editor.org/info/rfc8499" quoteTitle="true" derivedAnchor="RFC8499">
            <title>DNS Terminology</title>
            <author initials="P." surname="Hoffman" fullname="P. Hoffman">
              <organization showOnFrontPage="true"/>
            <author initials="A." surname="Sullivan" fullname="A. Sullivan">
              <organization showOnFrontPage="true"/>
            <author initials="K." surname="Fujiwara" fullname="K. Fujiwara">
              <organization showOnFrontPage="true"/>
            <date year="2019" month="January"/>
              <t indent="0">The Domain Name System (DNS) is defined in literally dozens of different RFCs.  The terminology used by implementers and developers of DNS protocols, and by operators of DNS systems, has sometimes changed in the decades since the DNS was first defined.  This document gives current definitions for many of the terms used in the DNS in a single document.</t>
              <t indent="0">This document obsoletes RFC 7719 and updates RFC 2308.</t>
          <seriesInfo name="BCP" value="219"/>
          <seriesInfo name="RFC" value="8499"/>
          <seriesInfo name="DOI" value="10.17487/RFC8499"/>
        <reference anchor="RFC9083" target="https://www.rfc-editor.org/info/rfc9083" quoteTitle="true" derivedAnchor="RFC9083">
            <title>JSON Responses for the Registration Data Access Protocol (RDAP)</title>
            <author initials="S" surname="Hollenbeck" fullname="Scott Hollenbeck">
              <organization showOnFrontPage="true"/>
            <author initials="A" surname="Newton" fullname="Andrew Newton">
              <organization showOnFrontPage="true"/>
            <date month="June" year="2021"/>
          <seriesInfo name="STD" value="95"/>
          <seriesInfo name="RFC" value="9083"/>
          <seriesInfo name="DOI" value="10.17487/RFC9083"/>
        <reference anchor="Unicode-UAX15" target="https://www.unicode.org/reports/tr15/" quoteTitle="true" derivedAnchor="Unicode-UAX15">
            <title>Unicode Standard Annex #15: Unicode Normalization Forms</title>
              <organization showOnFrontPage="true">The Unicode Consortium</organization>
            <date month="September" year="2013"/>
      <references pn="section-9.2">
        <name slugifiedName="name-informative-references">Informative References</name>
        <reference anchor="REST" target="https://www.ics.uci.edu/~fielding/pubs/dissertation/fielding_dissertation.pdf" quoteTitle="true" derivedAnchor="REST">
            <title>Architectural Styles and the Design of Network-based Software Architectures</title>
            <author initials="R." surname="Fielding" fullname="Roy Fielding">
              <organization showOnFrontPage="true">University of California, Irvine</organization>
            <date year="2000"/>
          <seriesInfo name="Ph.D. Dissertation," value="University of California, Irvine"/>
        <reference anchor="RFC3912" target="https://www.rfc-editor.org/info/rfc3912" quoteTitle="true" derivedAnchor="RFC3912">
            <title>WHOIS Protocol Specification</title>
            <author initials="L." surname="Daigle" fullname="L. Daigle">
              <organization showOnFrontPage="true"/>
            <date year="2004" month="September"/>
              <t indent="0">This document updates the specification of the WHOIS protocol, thereby obsoleting RFC 954.  The update is intended to remove the material from RFC 954 that does not have to do with the on-the-wire protocol, and is no longer applicable in today's Internet.  This document does not attempt to change or update the protocol per se, or document other uses of the protocol that have come into existence since the publication of RFC 954.  [STANDARDS-TRACK]</t>
          <seriesInfo name="RFC" value="3912"/>
          <seriesInfo name="DOI" value="10.17487/RFC3912"/>
        <reference anchor="RFC4007" target="https://www.rfc-editor.org/info/rfc4007" quoteTitle="true" derivedAnchor="RFC4007">
            <title>IPv6 Scoped Address Architecture</title>
            <author initials="S." surname="Deering" fullname="S. Deering">
              <organization showOnFrontPage="true"/>
            <author initials="B." surname="Haberman" fullname="B. Haberman">
              <organization showOnFrontPage="true"/>
            <author initials="T." surname="Jinmei" fullname="T. Jinmei">
              <organization showOnFrontPage="true"/>
            <author initials="E." surname="Nordmark" fullname="E. Nordmark">
              <organization showOnFrontPage="true"/>
            <author initials="B." surname="Zill" fullname="B. Zill">
              <organization showOnFrontPage="true"/>
            <date year="2005" month="March"/>
              <t indent="0">This document specifies the architectural characteristics, expected behavior, textual representation, and usage of "HTTP Usage IPv6 addresses of different scopes.  According to a decision in the Registration Data Access Protocol (RDAP)" <xref target="RFC7480"/> can also be
   used to control IPv6 working group, this document intentionally avoids the rate syntax and usage of received search requests.  Server
   operators can also reduce their risk by restricting unicast site-local addresses.  [STANDARDS-TRACK]</t>
          <seriesInfo name="RFC" value="4007"/>
          <seriesInfo name="DOI" value="10.17487/RFC4007"/>
        <reference anchor="RFC4290" target="https://www.rfc-editor.org/info/rfc4290" quoteTitle="true" derivedAnchor="RFC4290">
            <title>Suggested Practices for Registration of Internationalized Domain Names (IDN)</title>
            <author initials="J." surname="Klensin" fullname="J. Klensin">
              <organization showOnFrontPage="true"/>
            <date year="2005" month="December"/>
              <t indent="0">This document explores the amount issues in the registration of
   information returned internationalized domain names (IDNs).  The basic IDN definition allows a very large number of possible characters in response domain names, and this richness may lead to a search request.</t>

   Search functionality also increases serious user confusion about similar-looking names.  To avoid this confusion, the privacy risk IDN registration process must impose rules that disallow some otherwise-valid name combinations. This document suggests a set of disclosing
   object relationships mechanisms that registries might not otherwise use to define and implement such rules for a broad range of languages, including adaptation of methods developed for Chinese, Japanese, and Korean domain names.  This memo provides information for the Internet community.</t>
          <seriesInfo name="RFC" value="4290"/>
          <seriesInfo name="DOI" value="10.17487/RFC4290"/>
        <reference anchor="RFC6874" target="https://www.rfc-editor.org/info/rfc6874" quoteTitle="true" derivedAnchor="RFC6874">
            <title>Representing IPv6 Zone Identifiers in Address Literals and Uniform Resource Identifiers</title>
            <author initials="B." surname="Carpenter" fullname="B. Carpenter">
              <organization showOnFrontPage="true"/>
            <author initials="S." surname="Cheshire" fullname="S. Cheshire">
              <organization showOnFrontPage="true"/>
            <author initials="R." surname="Hinden" fullname="R. Hinden">
              <organization showOnFrontPage="true"/>
            <date year="2013" month="February"/>
              <t indent="0">This document describes how the zone identifier of an IPv6 scoped address, defined as &lt;zone_id&gt; in the IPv6 Scoped Address Architecture (RFC 4007), can be obvious.  For
   example, represented in a search that returns IDN variants <xref target="RFC6927"/> literal IPv6 address and in a Uniform Resource Identifier that do not
   explicitly match includes such a client-provided search pattern can disclose
   information about registered domain literal address.  It updates the URI Generic Syntax specification (RFC 3986) accordingly.</t>
          <seriesInfo name="RFC" value="6874"/>
          <seriesInfo name="DOI" value="10.17487/RFC6874"/>
        <reference anchor="RFC6927" target="https://www.rfc-editor.org/info/rfc6927" quoteTitle="true" derivedAnchor="RFC6927">
            <title>Variants in Second-Level Names Registered in Top-Level Domains</title>
            <author initials="J." surname="Levine" fullname="J. Levine">
              <organization showOnFrontPage="true"/>
            <author initials="P." surname="Hoffman" fullname="P. Hoffman">
              <organization showOnFrontPage="true"/>
            <date year="2013" month="May"/>
              <t indent="0">Internationalized Domain Names for Applications (IDNA) provides a method to map a subset of names written in Unicode into the DNS. Because of Unicode decisions, appearance, language and writing system conventions, and historical reasons, it often has been asserted that might not be otherwise
   available.  Implementers need there is more than one way to consider the policy write what competent readers and privacy
   implications writers think of returning information that was not explicitly

   Note as the same host name; these different ways of writing are often called "variants".  (The authors note that there might not be a single, static information return
   policy are many conflicting definitions for the term "variant" in the IDNA community.)  This document surveys the approaches that applies top-level domains have taken to all clients equally.  Client identity the registration and
   associated authorizations can be provisioning of domain names that have variants.  This document is not a relevant factor in determining how
   broad product of the response set will be for IETF, does not propose any particular query.</t>



	<references title="Normative References">
	<reference anchor="Unicode-UAX15" target="https://www.unicode.org/reports/tr15/"><front>
	<title>Unicode Standard Annex #15: Unicode Normalization Forms</title>
	<organization>The Unicode Consortium</organization>

	<date month="September" year="2013"/> method to make variants work "correctly", and is not an introduction to internationalization or IDNA.</t>
          <seriesInfo name="RFC" value="6927"/>
          <seriesInfo name="DOI" value="10.17487/RFC6927"/>
	<references title="Informative References">
        <reference anchor="REST" target="https://www.ics.uci.edu/~fielding/pubs/dissertation/fielding_dissertation.pdf"> anchor="RFC8521" target="https://www.rfc-editor.org/info/rfc8521" quoteTitle="true" derivedAnchor="RFC8521">
	            <title>Architectural Styles and the Design of Network-based Software Architectures</title>
            <title>Registration Data Access Protocol (RDAP) Object Tagging</title>
            <author initials="R." surname="Fielding" fullname="Roy Fielding">
	              <organization>University of California, Irvine</organization> initials="S." surname="Hollenbeck" fullname="S. Hollenbeck">
              <organization showOnFrontPage="true"/>
            <author initials="A." surname="Newton" fullname="A. Newton">
              <organization showOnFrontPage="true"/>
            <date year="2000" />
	        <seriesInfo name="Ph.D. Dissertation," value="University of California, Irvine"/>
	<section title="Acknowledgments" numbered="no" anchor="acknowledgments"><t>
   This document is derived from original work on RIR query formats
   developed by Byron J. Ellacott of APNIC, Arturo L. Servin of LACNIC,
   Kaveh Ranjbar of year="2018" month="November"/>
              <t indent="0">The Registration Data Access Protocol (RDAP) includes a method that can be used to identify the RIPE NCC, authoritative server for processing domain name, IP address, and Andrew L. Newton of ARIN.
   Additionally, this document incorporates DNR autonomous system number queries.  The method does not describe how to identify the authoritative server for processing other RDAP query types, such as entity queries.  This limitation exists because the identifiers associated with these query formats originally
   described types are typically unstructured.  This document updates RFC 7484 by Francisco Arias and Steve Sheng of ICANN describing an operational practice that can be used to add structure to RDAP identifiers and Scott
   Hollenbeck of Verisign Labs.</t>

   The authors would like that makes it possible to acknowledge identify the following individuals authoritative server for
   their contributions to this document: Francisco Arias, Marc Blanchet,
   Ernie Dainow, Jean-Philippe Dionne, Byron J. Ellacott, Behnam
   Esfahbod, John Klensin, John Levine, Edward Lewis, Mario Loffredo, Patrick Mevzek, Mark Nottingham,
   Kaveh Ranjbar, Arturo L. Servin, Steve Sheng, Jasdip Singh, and Andrew Sullivan.</t>

	</section> additional RDAP queries.</t>
          <seriesInfo name="BCP" value="221"/>
          <seriesInfo name="RFC" value="8521"/>
          <seriesInfo name="DOI" value="10.17487/RFC8521"/>
    <section title="Changes numbered="true" anchor="changes" toc="include" removeInRFC="false" pn="section-appendix.a">
      <name slugifiedName="name-changes-from-rfc-7482">Changes from RFC 7482" numbered="no" anchor="changes"><t>
          <list style="hanging">
	    <t hangText="00:">Initial version ported from RFC 7482. Added Implementation Status section. Addressed 7482</name>
      <ul spacing="normal" bare="false" empty="false" indent="3" pn="section-appendix.a-1">
        <li pn="section-appendix.a-1.1">Addressed known errata.</t>
	    <t hangText="01:">Addressed errata.</li>
        <li pn="section-appendix.a-1.2">Addressed other reported clarifications and corrections: IDN/IDNA definition, note IDN, IDNA, and DNR definitions.
              Noted that registrars are entities,
		definition of "DNR", entities.  Added a reference to RFC 8521 to address the bootstrap registry limitation, removal of limitation.
              Removed extraneous "...", "...".  Clarified HTTP query string clarification, string, search pattern clarification, pattern, name server search clarification, search, domain label suffix suffix, and asterisk search clarification.</t>
	    <t hangText="02:">Addressed search.</li>
        <li pn="section-appendix.a-1.3">Addressed "The HTTP query string" clarification.</t>
	    <t hangText="03:">Modified co-author address.</t>
	    <t hangText="04:">Updated clarification.</li>
        <li pn="section-appendix.a-1.4">Modified coauthor address.</li>
        <li pn="section-appendix.a-1.5">Updated references to RFC 7483 to 7483bis Internet-Draft. Updated "Change Log" to "Changes from RFC 7482". Added more detail to the changes made in the -01 version.</t>
		<t hangText="05:">Added 9083.</li>
        <li pn="section-appendix.a-1.6">Added an empty IANA Considerations section to satisfy IDNits. section. Changed references to use HTTPS for targets. Split ARIN and NicInfo implementation status into two sections.</t>
		<t hangText="06:">Changed targets.</li>
        <li pn="section-appendix.a-1.7">Changed "XXXX is a search pattern representing the "FN" property of an entity (such as a contact, registrant, or registrar) name as specified in Section 5.1" to "Changed "XXXX is a search pattern representing the "fn" property of an entity (such as a contact, registrant, or registrar) name as described in Section 5.1".</t>
	    <t hangText="00:">Initial working group version. Added acknowledgments.</t>
	    <t hangText="01:">Changed 5.1".</li>
        <li pn="section-appendix.a-1.8">Added acknowledgments.</li>
        <li pn="section-appendix.a-1.9">Changed "The intent of the patterns described here are to enable queries" to "The intent of the patterns described here is to enable queries". Changed queries".</li>
        <li pn="section-appendix.a-1.10">Changed "the corresponding syntax extension in RFC 6874 [RFC6874] MUST NOT <xref target="RFC6874" format="default" sectionFormat="of" derivedContent="RFC6874"/> <bcp14>MUST NOT</bcp14> be used, and servers are to ignore it if possible" to "the corresponding syntax extension in RFC 6874 [RFC6874] MUST NOT <xref target="RFC6874" format="default" sectionFormat="of" derivedContent="RFC6874"/> <bcp14>MUST NOT</bcp14> be used, and servers SHOULD <bcp14>SHOULD</bcp14> ignore it". Changed it".</li>
        <li pn="section-appendix.a-1.11">Changed "Only a single asterisk is allowed for a partial string search" to "A partial string search MUST NOT <bcp14>MUST NOT</bcp14> include more than one asterisk". Changed asterisk".</li>
        <li pn="section-appendix.a-1.12">Changed "Clients should avoid submitting a partial match search of Unicode characters where a Unicode character may be legally combined with another Unicode character or characters" to "Clients SHOULD NOT <bcp14>SHOULD NOT</bcp14> submit a partial match search of Unicode characters where a Unicode character may be legally combined with another Unicode character or characters".</t>
	    <t hangText="02:">Changed characters".</li>
        <li pn="section-appendix.a-1.13">Changed description of nameserver IP address "search pattern" in Sections 3.2.1 <xref target="sect-3.2.1" format="counter" sectionFormat="of" derivedContent="3.2.1"/> and 3.2.2.</t>
	    <t hangText="03:">IESG <xref target="sect-3.2.2" format="counter" sectionFormat="of" derivedContent="3.2.2"/>.</li>
        <li pn="section-appendix.a-1.14">IESG review feedback: Added "obsoletes 7482" to the headers, Abstract, and Introduction.  Changed "IETF standards" to "IETF specifications" and "Therefore" to "Accordingly" in Section 1. <xref target="sect-1" format="default" sectionFormat="of" derivedContent="Section 1"/>. Updated BCP14 template. the BCP 14 boilerplate. Added definition of "bootstrap registry" and changed "concatenating ... to" to "concatenating ... with" in Section 3. <xref target="sect-3" format="default" sectionFormat="of" derivedContent="Section 3"/>.  Changed "bitmask length" to "prefix length" and "2001:db8::0" to "2001:db8::" in Section 3.1.1. <xref target="sect-3.1.1" format="default" sectionFormat="of" derivedContent="Section 3.1.1"/>.  Added "in contrast to the more generic HTTP query string that admits multiple simultaneous parameters" in Section 3.2. <xref target="sect-3.2" format="default" sectionFormat="of" derivedContent="Section 3.2"/>. Changed "0x002A" to "0x2A" in Section 4.1. <xref target="sect-4.1" format="default" sectionFormat="of" derivedContent="Section 4.1"/>. Clarified use of HTTP 422 SHOULD <bcp14>SHOULD</bcp14> in Section 4.1.</t>
	  </t> <xref target="sect-4.1" format="default" sectionFormat="of" derivedContent="Section 4.1"/>.</li>
    <section numbered="false" anchor="acknowledgments" toc="include" removeInRFC="false" pn="section-appendix.b">
      <name slugifiedName="name-acknowledgments">Acknowledgments</name>
      <t indent="0" pn="section-appendix.b-1">
   This document is derived from original work on RIR query formats
   developed by <contact fullname="Byron J. Ellacott"/> of APNIC, <contact fullname="Arturo L. Servin"/> of LACNIC,
   <contact fullname="Kaveh Ranjbar"/> of the RIPE NCC, and <contact fullname="Andrew L. Newton"/> of ARIN.
   Additionally, this document incorporates DNR query formats originally
   described by <contact fullname="Francisco Arias"/> and <contact fullname="Steve Sheng"/> of ICANN and <contact fullname="Scott Hollenbeck"/>
   of Verisign Labs.</t>
      <t indent="0" pn="section-appendix.b-2">
   The authors would like to acknowledge the following individuals for
   their contributions to this document: <contact fullname="Francisco Arias"/>, <contact fullname="Marc Blanchet"/>,
   <contact fullname="Ernie Dainow"/>, <contact fullname="Jean-Philippe Dionne"/>, <contact fullname="Byron J. Ellacott"/>,
   <contact fullname="Behnam Esfahbod"/>, <contact fullname="John Klensin"/>, <contact fullname="John Levine"/>, <contact fullname="Edward Lewis"/>, <contact fullname="Mario Loffredo"/>, <contact fullname="Patrick Mevzek"/>, <contact fullname="Mark Nottingham"/>,
   <contact fullname="Kaveh Ranjbar"/>, <contact fullname="Arturo L. Servin"/>, <contact fullname="Steve Sheng"/>, <contact fullname="Jasdip Singh"/>, and <contact fullname="Andrew Sullivan"/>.</t>
    <section anchor="authors-addresses" numbered="false" removeInRFC="false" toc="include" pn="section-appendix.c">
      <name slugifiedName="name-authors-addresses">Authors' Addresses</name>
      <author fullname="Scott Hollenbeck" initials="S." surname="Hollenbeck">
        <organization showOnFrontPage="true">Verisign Labs</organization>
            <street>12061 Bluemont Way</street>
            <country>United States of America</country>
      <author fullname="Andy Newton" initials="A." surname="Newton">
        <organization abbrev="AWS" showOnFrontPage="true">Amazon Web Services, Inc.</organization>
            <street>13200 Woodland Park Road</street>
            <country>United States of America</country>