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    <title abbrev="Extended Administrative Group">Distribution Groups">Distribution of Traffic Engineering Extended
    Administrative Groups using BGP-LS</title> Using&nbsp;the Border Gateway Protocol - Link State (BGP-LS)</title>

    <seriesInfo name="RFC" value="9104"/>
    <author fullname="Jeff Tantsura" initials="J.T." initials="J." surname="Tantsura">
      <organization>Juniper Networks</organization>
    <author fullname="Zitao Wang" initials="Z." surname="Wang">
          <extaddr>Yuhua District</extaddr>
          <street>101 Software Avenue, Yuhua District</street> Avenue</street>
    <author fullname="Qin Wu" initials="Q." surname="Wu">
          <extaddr>Yuhua District</extaddr>
          <street>101 Software Avenue, Yuhua District</street> Avenue</street>
    <author fullname="Ketan Talaulikar" initials="K." surname="Talaulikar">
      <organization>Cisco Systems</organization>
    <date year=""/> year="2021" month="August"/>
    <area>Routing Area</area>
    <workgroup>IDR Working Group</workgroup>


    <keyword>Request for Comments</keyword>


    <keyword>Inter-Domain Routing</keyword>

      <t>Administrative groups are link attributes used for traffic
   engineering.  This document defines an extension to BGP-LS the Border Gateway Protocol -
   Link State (BGP-LS) for advertisement of extended administrative groups (EAGs).</t>
    <section anchor="intro" title="Introduction"> numbered="true" toc="default">
      <t>Administrative groups (commonly referred to as "colors" or "link colors")
   are link attributes that are advertised by link state link-state protocols like IS-IS <xref target="RFC1195"/>, target="RFC1195" format="default"/>, OSPFv2 <xref target="RFC2328"/> target="RFC2328" format="default"/>, and OSPFv3 <xref target="RFC5340"/>. target="RFC5340" format="default"/>.
   The BGP-LS Border Gateway Protocol - Link State (BGP-LS) advertisement of the originally defined (non-extended) administrative groups is encoded
   using the Administrative Group (color) TLV 1088 as defined in <xref target="RFC7752"/>.</t> target="RFC7752" format="default"/>.</t>
      <t>These administrative groups are defined as a fixed-length 32-bit
      bitmask. As networks grew and more use-cases use cases were introduced, the 32-bit
      length was found to be constraining constraining, and hence extended administrative
      groups (EAG) (EAGs) were introduced in <xref target="RFC7308"/>.</t> target="RFC7308" format="default"/>.</t>
      <t>The EAG TLV (Section 2) (<xref target="advert"/>) is not a replacement for the Administrative
    Group (color) TLV; as explained in <xref target="RFC7308"/> target="RFC7308" format="default"/>, both values can coexist.
    It is out of scope for this document to specify the behavior of the
    BGP-LS consumer <xref target="RFC7752"/>. target="RFC7752" format="default"/>. </t>
      <t>This document specifies an extension to BGP-LS for advertisement of the
      extended administrative groups.</t>
      <section title="Requirements Language"> numbered="true" toc="default">
        <name>Requirements Language</name>
        <t>The key words "MUST", "MUST NOT", "REQUIRED", "SHALL", "SHALL NOT",
        "SHOULD", "SHOULD NOT", "RECOMMENDED", "NOT RECOMMENDED", "MAY", "<bcp14>MUST</bcp14>", "<bcp14>MUST NOT</bcp14>",
        "<bcp14>REQUIRED</bcp14>", "<bcp14>SHALL</bcp14>",
        "<bcp14>SHALL NOT</bcp14>", "<bcp14>SHOULD</bcp14>",
        "<bcp14>SHOULD NOT</bcp14>",
        "<bcp14>RECOMMENDED</bcp14>", "<bcp14>NOT RECOMMENDED</bcp14>",
        "<bcp14>MAY</bcp14>", and
        "OPTIONAL" "<bcp14>OPTIONAL</bcp14>" in this document
        are to be interpreted as described in BCP
        14 BCP&nbsp;14
        <xref target="RFC2119"/> <xref target="RFC8174"/> when, and only
        when, they appear in all capitals, as shown here.</t>
    <section title="Advertising anchor="advert" numbered="true" toc="default">
      <name>Advertising Extended Administrative Group Groups in BGP-LS"> BGP-LS</name>
      <t>This document defines an extension that enables BGP-LS speakers to
      signal the EAG of links in a network to a BGP-LS consumer of network
      topology such as a centralized controller. The centralized controller
      can leverage this information in traffic engineering computations and
      other use-cases. use cases. When a BGP-LS speaker is originating the topology
      learned via link-state routing protocols like OSPF or IS-IS, the EAG
      information of the links is sourced from the underlying extensions as
      defined in <xref target="RFC7308"/>.</t> target="RFC7308" format="default"/>.</t>
      <t>The EAG of a link is encoded in a new Link Attribute TLV <xref
      target="RFC7752"/> target="RFC7752" format="default"/> using the following format:</t>
      <figure anchor="link-attribute_tlv"
              title="Extended anchor="link-attribute_tlv">
        <name>Extended Administrative Group TLV Format">
        <artwork><![CDATA[ Format</name>
        <artwork name="" type="ascii-art" align="left" alt=""><![CDATA[
   0                   1                   2                   3
   0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1
  |              Type             |             Length            |
  |    Extended Administrative Group (variable)                  //

      <t>Where:<list style="symbols">
          <t>Type: 1173</t>

          <t>Length: variable
      <dl spacing="normal">

        <dt>Length:</dt><dd>variable length which that represents the total length of the value field in octets.
          The length value MUST <bcp14>MUST</bcp14> be a multiple of 4. If the length is not a multiple of 4, the TLV MUST <bcp14>MUST</bcp14> be considered malformed.</t>

          <t>Value: one malformed.</dd>
        <dt>Value:</dt><dd>one or more sets of 32-bit bitmasks that indicate the
          administrative groups (colors) that are enabled on the link when
          those specific bits are set.</t>
        </t> set.</dd>
    <section anchor="iana-consider" title="IANA Considerations">
      <t>This document requests assigning numbered="true" toc="default">
      <name>IANA Considerations</name>
      <t>IANA has assigned a code-point code point from the registry "BGP-LS Node Descriptor, Link Descriptor, Prefix Descriptor, and Attribute TLVs"
      based on table below. Early allocation for these code-points have been
      done by IANA.</t>

        <artwork align="center"><![CDATA[
| Code Point |   Description                 | IS-IS TLV/Sub-TLV |
|   1173     | Extended registry as described in the following table.</t>

<table anchor="tab-1">
      <th>Code Point</th>
      <th>IS-IS TLV/Sub-TLV</th>
      <td>Extended Administrative Group |      22/14        |

      </figure> Group</td>

    <section anchor="Manageability" title="Manageability Considerations"> numbered="true" toc="default">
      <name>Manageability Considerations</name>
      <t>The new protocol extensions introduced in this document augment the
      existing IGP topology information that is distributed via <xref
      target="RFC7752"/>. target="RFC7752" format="default"/>. Procedures and protocol extensions defined in this
      document do not affect the BGP protocol operations and management other
      than as discussed in the Manageability Considerations section Section&nbsp;<xref target="RFC7752" section="6"
sectionFormat="bare">"Manageability Considerations"</xref> of <xref target="RFC7752"/>. Specifically, the malformed attribute tests for malformed attributes, to perform
      syntactic checks as described in the Fault Management section Section&nbsp;<xref target="RFC7752" section="6.2.2"
sectionFormat="bare">"Fault Management"</xref> of <xref
      target="RFC7752"/> target="RFC7752"/>, now encompass the new BGP-LS Attribute TLV defined
      in this document. The semantic or content checking for the TLV
      specified in this document and its association with the BGP-LS NLRI Network Layer Reachability Information (NLRI)
      types or its BGP-LS Attribute is are left to the consumer of the BGP-LS
      information (e.g. (e.g., an application or a controller) and not the to BGP
      protocol.</t> itself.</t>
      <t>A consumer of the BGP-LS information retrieves this information over
      a BGP-LS session (refer Section 1 to Sections&nbsp;<xref target="RFC7752" section="1"
 sectionFormat="bare"/> and 2 <xref target="RFC7752" section="2"
 sectionFormat="bare"/> of <xref target="RFC7752"/>).</t>
    <section title="Security Considerations"> numbered="true" toc="default">
      <name>Security Considerations</name>
      <t>The procedures and protocol extensions defined in this document do not
      affect the BGP security model.  See the "Security Considerations" section of
      <xref target="RFC4271"/> target="RFC4271" format="default"/> for a discussion of BGP security.
      This document only introduces a new Attribute TLV TLV, and any syntactic
      error in it would result in the BGP-LS Attribute being discarded <xref target="RFC7752"/>. target="RFC7752" format="default"/>.
      Also, refer to <xref target="RFC4272"/> target="RFC4272" format="default"/> and <xref target="RFC6952"/> target="RFC6952" format="default"/> for analyses of security issues for BGP.
      Security considerations for acquiring and distributing BGP-LS information are discussed in <xref target="RFC7752"/>. target="RFC7752" format="default"/>.

      The TLV introduced in this document is used to propagate the EAG
      extensions defined in <xref target="RFC7308"/>. target="RFC7308" format="default"/>.
      It is assumed that the IGP instances originating this TLV will support any required security mechanisms for OSPF and IS-IS, in order to prevent any security
      issues when propagating the Sub-TLVs into BGP-LS.</t>
      <t>Security concerns for OSPF are addressed in <xref target="RFC7474"/>, target="RFC7474" format="default"/>,  <xref target="RFC4552"/> target="RFC4552" format="default"/>, and <xref target="RFC7166"/>. target="RFC7166" format="default"/>.
    Further security analysis for the OSPF protocol is done in <xref target="RFC6863"/>.</t> target="RFC6863" format="default"/>.</t>
      <t>Security considerations for IS-IS are specified by <xref target="RFC5304"/>.</t> target="RFC5304" format="default"/>.</t>
      <t>The advertisement of the link attribute information defined in this
      document presents no significant additional risk beyond that associated with the
      existing link attribute information already supported in <xref target="RFC7752"/>.</t> target="RFC7752" format="default"/>.</t>
        <name>Normative References</name>
        <xi:include href="https://xml2rfc.ietf.org/public/rfc/bibxml/reference.RFC.2119.xml"/>
        <xi:include href="https://xml2rfc.ietf.org/public/rfc/bibxml/reference.RFC.8174.xml"/>
        <xi:include href="https://xml2rfc.ietf.org/public/rfc/bibxml/reference.RFC.7308.xml"/>
        <xi:include href="https://xml2rfc.ietf.org/public/rfc/bibxml/reference.RFC.7752.xml"/>
        <name>Informative References</name>
        <xi:include href="https://xml2rfc.ietf.org/public/rfc/bibxml/reference.RFC.1195.xml"/>
        <xi:include href="https://xml2rfc.ietf.org/public/rfc/bibxml/reference.RFC.2328.xml"/>
        <xi:include href="https://xml2rfc.ietf.org/public/rfc/bibxml/reference.RFC.5340.xml"/>
        <xi:include href="https://xml2rfc.ietf.org/public/rfc/bibxml/reference.RFC.4271.xml"/>
        <xi:include href="https://xml2rfc.ietf.org/public/rfc/bibxml/reference.RFC.4272.xml"/>
        <xi:include href="https://xml2rfc.ietf.org/public/rfc/bibxml/reference.RFC.6952.xml"/>
        <xi:include href="https://xml2rfc.ietf.org/public/rfc/bibxml/reference.RFC.4552.xml"/>
        <xi:include href="https://xml2rfc.ietf.org/public/rfc/bibxml/reference.RFC.7166.xml"/>
        <xi:include href="https://xml2rfc.ietf.org/public/rfc/bibxml/reference.RFC.6863.xml"/>
        <xi:include href="https://xml2rfc.ietf.org/public/rfc/bibxml/reference.RFC.7474.xml"/>
        <xi:include href="https://xml2rfc.ietf.org/public/rfc/bibxml/reference.RFC.5304.xml"/>
    <section title="Acknowledgments"> numbered="false" toc="default">
      <t>The authors would like to thank Eric Osborne, Les Ginsberg, Tim Chown, Ben Niven-Jenkins <contact fullname="Eric Osborne"/>, <contact fullname="Les Ginsberg"/>, <contact fullname="Tim Chown"/>, <contact fullname="Ben Niven-Jenkins"/>, and Alvaro Retana <contact fullname="Alvaro Retana"/> for their reviews and valuable comments.</t>

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      <?rfc include="reference.RFC.2119"?>

      <?rfc include="reference.RFC.8174"?>

      <?rfc include="reference.RFC.7308"?>

      <?rfc include="reference.RFC.7752"?>


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      <?rfc include="reference.RFC.1195"?>

      <?rfc include="reference.RFC.2328"?>

      <?rfc include="reference.RFC.5340"?>

      <?rfc include="reference.RFC.4271"?>

      <?rfc include="reference.RFC.4272"?>

      <?rfc include="reference.RFC.6952"?>

    <?rfc include="reference.RFC.4552"?>
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    <?rfc include="reference.RFC.7474"?>

    <?rfc include="reference.RFC.5304"?>
