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If only the current year is specified, xml2rfc will fill in the current day and month for you. If the year is not the current one, it is necessary to specify at least a month (xml2rfc assumes day="1" if not specified for the purpose of calculating the expiry date). With drafts it is normally sufficient to specify just the year. --> <!-- Meta-data Declarations -->month="November" year="2021"/> <area>ICNRG</area><workgroup>ICN Research Group</workgroup> <!-- WG name at the upperleft corner of the doc, IETF is fine for individual submissions. If this element is not present, the default is "Network Working Group", which is used by the RFC Editor as a nod to the history of the IETF. --> <keyword>Internet Draft</keyword> <!-- Keywords will be incorporated into HTML output files in a meta tag but they have no effect on text or nroff output. If you submit your draft to the RFC Editor, the keywords will be used for the search engine. --><workgroup>Information-Centric Networking</workgroup> <abstract> <t> This document provides the functionalities and design considerations for a Name Resolution Service (NRS) inICN. AnInformation-Centric Networking (ICN). The purpose of an NRS in ICN is to translate an object name into some other information such as a locator, another name, etc.for forwardingin order to forward the object request. This document is a product of the Information-Centric Networking Research Group (ICNRG). </t> </abstract> </front> <middle> <sectiontitle="Introduction">numbered="true" toc="default"> <name>Introduction</name> <t> The current Internet is based upon a host-centric networking paradigm, where hosts are identified with IP addresses and communication is possible between any pair of hosts. Thus, information in the current Internet is identified by the name of the host (or server) where the information is stored. In contrast to host-centric networking, the primary communication objects inInformation-centric networkingInformation-Centric Networking (ICN) are the named data objects(NDOs)(NDOs), and they are uniquely identified by location-independent names. Thus, ICN aims for the efficient dissemination and retrieval of NDOs at a globalscale,scale and has been identified and acknowledged as a promising technology for a future Internet architecture to overcome the limitations of the currentInternetInternet, such as scalability and mobility <xreftarget="Ahlgren"></xref>target="Ahlgren" format="default"/> <xreftarget="Xylomenos"></xref>.target="Xylomenos" format="default"/>. ICN also has emerged as a candidate architecture in theIoTInternet of Things (IoT) environment since IoT focuses on data and information <xreftarget="Baccelli"></xref>target="Baccelli" format="default"/> <xreftarget="Amadeo"></xref>target="Amadeo" format="default"/> <xreftarget="Quevedo"></xref>target="Quevedo" format="default"/> <xreftarget="Amadeo2"></xref>target="Amadeo2" format="default"/> <xreftarget="ID.Zhang2"></xref>.target="I-D.irtf-icnrg-icniot" format="default"/>. </t> <t>Since naming data independently from its current location (where it is stored) is a primary concept of ICN, how to find any NDO using a location-independent name is one of the most important design challenges in ICN. Such ICN routing may comprise three steps <xreftarget="RFC7927"></xref>:target="RFC7927" format="default"/>: </t><t> <list style="symbols"> <t>Name<ol type="(%d)" spacing="normal"> <li>Name resolution: matches/translates a content name to the locator of the content producer or source that can provide the content.</t> <t>Content</li> <li>Content request routing: routes the content request towards the content's locationeitherbased either on its name or locator.</t> <t>Content</li> <li>Content delivery: transfers the content to the requester.</t> </list> </t></li> </ol> <t> Among the three steps of ICN routing, this document investigates only the name resolutionstepstep, which translates a content name to the content locator. In addition, this document covers various possible types of name resolution in ICN such as one name to another name, name to locator, name to manifest, name to metadata, etc. </t> <t> The focus of this document is a Name Resolution Service (NRS) itself as a service or a system inICNICN, and it provides the functionalities and the design considerations for an NRS in ICN as well as the overview of the NRS approaches in ICN. On the other hand, its companion document <xreftarget="NRSarch"></xref>target="I-D.irtf-icnrg-nrsarch-considerations" format="default"/> describes considerations from the perspective of the ICN architecture and routing system when using an NRS in ICN. </t> <t> This document represents the consensus of the Information-Centric Networking Research Group (ICNRG). It has been reviewed extensively by the Research Group (RG) members who are actively involved in the research and development of the technology covered by this document. It is not an IETF product and is not a standard. </t> </section><!--<sectiontitle="Conventions and Terminology"> <t>The key words "MUST", "MUST NOT", "REQUIRED", "SHALL", "SHALL NOT", "SHOULD", "SHOULD NOT", "RECOMMENDED", "MAY", and "OPTIONAL" in this document are to be interpreted as described in <xref target="RFC2119"></xref>.</t> </section> --> <section title="Namenumbered="true" toc="default"> <name>Name Resolution Service inICN">ICN</name> <t> A Name Resolution Service (NRS) in ICN is defined as the service that provides the name resolution function for translating an object name into some other information such as a locator, another name, metadata,next hopnext-hop info, etc. that is used for forwarding the object request. In other words, an NRS is a service that can be provided by the ICN infrastructure to help a consumertoreach a specific piece of information (or named data object). The consumer provides an NRS with a persistentnamename, and the NRS returns a name or locator (or potentially multiple names and locators) that can reach a current instance of the requested object. </t> <t> The name resolution is a necessary process in ICNroutingrouting, although the name resolution either can be separated from the content request routing as an explicit process or can be integrated with the content request routing as an implicit process. The former is referred to asexplicitan "explicit name resolutionapproach,approach", and the latter is referred to asname-baseda "name-based routingapproachapproach" in this document. </t> <sectiontitle="Explicit name resolution approach">numbered="true" toc="default"> <name>Explicit Name Resolution Approach</name> <t> An NRS could take the explicit name resolution approach to return the locators of the content to the client, which will be used by the underlying network as the identifier to route the client's request to one of the producers or to a copy of the content. There are several ICN projects that use the explicit name resolutionapproachapproach, such asDONAData-Oriented Network Architecture (DONA) <xreftarget="Koponen"></xref>,target="Koponen" format="default"/>, PURSUIT <xreftarget="PURSUIT"></xref>, NetInftarget="PURSUIT" format="default"/>, Network of Information (NetInf) <xreftarget="SAIL"></xref>,target="SAIL" format="default"/>, MobilityFirst <xreftarget="MF"></xref>,target="MF" format="default"/>, IDNet <xreftarget="Jung"></xref>,target="Jung" format="default"/>, etc. In addition, the explicit name resolution approach has been allowed for 5G control planes <xreftarget="SA2-5GLAN"></xref>.target="SA2-5GLAN" format="default"/>. </t> </section> <sectiontitle="Name-based routing approach">numbered="true" toc="default"> <name>Name-Based Routing Approach</name> <t>An NRS could take the name-based routing approach, which integratesthename resolution withthecontent request message routing as inNDNNamed Data Networking / Content-Centric Networking (NDN/CCNx) <xreftarget="NDN"></xref>/CCNxtarget="NDN" format="default"/> <xreftarget="CCNx"></xref>.target="CCNx" format="default"/>. </t> <t> Inthe case thatcases where the content request also specifies the reverse path, as in NDN/CCNx, the name resolution mechanism also derives the routing path for the data. This adds a requirementonto the name resolution service to propagate the request in a way that is consistent with the subsequent data forwarding. Namely, the request must select a path for the data based upon finding a copy of thecontent,content but also properly delivering the data. </t> </section> <sectiontitle="Hybrid approach">numbered="true" toc="default"> <name>Hybrid Approach</name> <t> An NRS could also take hybrid approach. For instance, it can attempt the name-based routing approach first. If this fails at a certain router, the router can go back to the explicit name resolution approach. The hybrid NRS approach also works the other wayaroundaround: first by performing explicit name resolutionfirstto find the locators ofrouters. Androuters, thenit can carry out the name-basedby routingapproach ofthe client'srequest.request using the name-based routing approach. </t> <t> A hybrid approach would combine name resolution over a subset of routers on the path with some tunneling in between (say, across an administrative domain) so that only a few of the nodes in the ICN network perform name resolution in the name-based routing approach. </t> </section> <sectiontitle="Comparisonsnumbered="true" toc="default"> <name>Comparisons ofname resolution approaches">Name Resolution Approaches</name> <t> The following compares the explicit name resolution and the name-based routing approachesforin several aspects: </t><t> <list style="symbols"> <t>Overhead<ul spacing="normal"> <li>Overhead due to the maintenance of the content location: The content reachability is dynamic and includes new content being cached or content being expired from a cache, content producer mobility, etc. Maintaining a consistent view of the content location across the network requires some overhead that differs for the name resolution approaches. The name-based routing approach may require flooding parts of the network for update propagation. In the worst case, the name-based routing approach may flood the whole network (but mitigating techniques may be used to scope the flooding). However, the explicit name resolution approach only requires updating propagation in part of the name resolution system (which could be an overlay with a limited number of nodes).</t> <t>Resolution</li> <li>Resolution capability: The explicit name resolution approach, if designed and deployed with sufficient robustness, can offer at least weak guarantees that resolution will succeed for any content name in the network if it is registered to the name resolution overlay. In the name-based routing approach, content resolution depends on the flooding scope of the content names(i.e.(i.e., content publishing message and the resulting name-based routing tables). For example, whenacontent is cached, the router may only notifythis information toits directneighbors.neighbors of this information. Thus, only those neighboring routers can build anamed basedname-based entry for this cached content. But if the neighboring routers continue to propagate this information, the other nodes are able to direct to this cached copy as well.</t> <t>Node</li> <li>Node failure impact: Nodes involved in the explicit name resolution approach are the name resolution overlay servers(e.g. Resolution Handlers(e.g., resolution handlers in DONA), while the nodes involved in the name-based routing approach are routerswhichthat route messages based on the name-based routing tables(e.g.(e.g., NDN routers). Node failures in the explicit name resolution approach may cause some content request routing to fail even though the content is available. This problem does not exist in the name-based routing approach because other alternative paths can be discovered to bypass the failed ICN routers, given the assumption that the network is stillconnected.</t> <t>Maintainedconnected.</li> <li>Maintained databases: The storage usage for the explicit name resolution approach is different from that of the name-based routing approach. The explicit name resolution approach typically needs to maintain two databases:name to locatorname-to-locator mapping in the name resolution overlay and routing tables in the routers on the data forwarding plane. The name-based routing approach needs to maintain only the name-based routingtables.</t> </list> </t>tables.</li> </ul> <t>Additionally, some other intermediary step may be included in the nameresolution, namelyresolution -- namely, the mapping of one name to othernames,names -- in order to facilitate the retrieval of namedcontent,content by way of a manifest <xreftarget="Westphal"></xref>target="Westphal" format="default"/> <xreftarget="Mosko"></xref>.target="RFC8569" format="default"/>. The manifest is resolved using one of the two above approaches, and it may include further mapping of names to content and location. The steps for name resolution thenbecome: firstbecome the following: first, translate the manifest name into a location of a copy of themanifest; the manifestmanifest, which includes further names of the contentcomponents,components and potentially locations for thecontent. The content iscontent, thenretrievedretrieve the content by using these names and/or location, potentially resulting in additional name resolutions. </t> <t>Thus, no matter which approach is taken by an NRS in ICN, the name resolution is the essential function that shall be provided by the ICN infrastructure. </t> </section> </section> <sectiontitle="Functionalitiesnumbered="true" toc="default"> <name>Functionalities of NRS inICN">ICN</name> <t>This section presents the functionalities of an NRS in ICN. </t> <sectiontitle="Support heterogeneous name types">numbered="true" toc="default"> <name>Support Heterogeneous Name Types</name> <t> In ICN, a name is used to identify the data object and is bound to it <xreftarget="RFC7927"></xref>.target="RFC7927" format="default"/>. ICN requires uniqueness and persistency of the name of the data object to ensure the reachability of the object within a certain scope. There are heterogeneous approaches to designing ICN naming schemes <xreftarget="Bari"></xref>.target="Bari" format="default"/>. Ideally, a name can include any form of identifier, which can be flat or hierarchical,andhuman readable or non-readable. </t> <t> Although there are diverse types of naming schemes proposed in the literature, they all need to provide basic functions for identifying a data object, supporting named datalookuplookup, and routing. An NRS may combine the better aspects of different schemes. Basically, an NRS should be able to support a generic naming schema so that it can resolve any type of content name, irrespective of whether it is flat, hierarchical,attribute-basedattribute based, or anything else. </t> <t> In PURSUIT <xreftarget="PURSUIT"></xref>,target="PURSUIT" format="default"/>, names areflatflat, and the rendezvous functions are defined for an NRS, which is implemented by a set ofRendezvous Nodesrendezvous nodes (RNs), known as theRendezvous Networkrendezvous network (RENE). Thus, a name consists of a sequence of scopeIDsIDs, and a single rendezvous ID is routed by the RNs in RENE. Thus, PURSUIT decouples name resolution and data routing, where the NRS is performed by the RENE. </t> <t> In MobilityFirst <xreftarget="MF"></xref>,target="MF" format="default"/>, a namecalledknown as aGlobal"Global UniqueIDentifier (GUID)Identifier (GUID)", derived from a human-readable name via a global namingserviceservice, is a flat typed160-bits160-bit string with self-certifying properties. Thus, MobilityFirst defines a Global Name Resolution Service(GNRS)(GNRS), which resolves GUIDs to network addresses and decouples name resolution and data routing similarly to PURSUIT. </t> <t> In NetInf <xreftarget="Dannewitz"></xref>,target="Dannewitz" format="default"/>, information objects are named usingni-namingNamed Information (NI) names <xreftarget="RFC6920"></xref>,target="RFC6920" format="default"/>, which consist of an authority part and digest part (content hash). TheniNI names can be flat as the authority part is optional. Thus, the NetInf architecture also includes a Name Resolution System(NRS)(NRS), which can be used to resolveni-namesNI names to addresses in an underlying routable network layer. </t> <t> In NDN <xreftarget="NDN"></xref>target="NDN" format="default"/> and CCNx <xreftarget="CCNx"></xref>,target="CCNx" format="default"/>, names are hierarchical and may be similar to URLs. Each name component can be anything, including a human-readable string or a hash value. NDN/CCNx adopts the name-based routing approach. The NDN router forwards the request by doing the longest-match lookup in the Forwarding Information Base (FIB) based on the contentname and the request is stored in the Pending Interest Table (PIT). </t> <!-- <t> In ICN design, a name is used to identify an entity, such as named data content, a device, an application, a service. ICN requires uniqueness and persistency of the name of any entity to ensure the reachability of the entity within certain scope and with proper authentication and trust guarantees. The name does not change with the mobility and multi-home of the corresponding entity. A client can always use this name to retrieve the content from network and verify the binding of the content and the name. </t> <t>Ideally, a name can include any form of identifier, which can be flat, hierarchical, and human readable or non-readable. </t> <t>There are heterogeneous content naming schemes <xref target="ID.Zhang"></xref> <xref target="RFC1498"></xref> and name resolution approaches from different ICN architectures. For example: </t> <t> <list style="symbols"> <t>Names in DONA <xref target="Koponen"></xref> consist of the cryptographic hash of the principal's public key P and a label L uniquely identifying the information with respect to the principal. Name resolution in DONA is provided by specialized servers called Resolution Handlers (RHs). </t> <t>Content in PURSUIT <xref target="PURSUIT"></xref> is identified by a combination of a scope ID and a rendezvous ID. The scope ID represents the boundaries of a defined dissemination strategy for the content it contain. The rendezvous ID is the actual identity for a particular content. Name resolution in PURSUIT is handled by a collection of Rendezvous Nodes (RNs), which are implemented as a hierarchical Dynamic Hash Table (DHT)<xref target="Rajahalme"></xref> <xref target="Katsaros"></xref>. </t> <t>Names in NDN <xref target="NDN"></xref> and CCN <xref target="CCN"></xref> are hierarchical and may be similar to URLs. Each name component can be anything, including a dotted human-readable string or a hash value. NDN/CCN adopts the name based routing. The NDN router forwards the request by doing the longest-match lookup in the Forwarding Information Base (FIB) based on the content namename, and the request is stored in the Pending Interest Table (PIT). </t><t>In MobilityFirst <xref target="MF"></xref>, every network entity, content has a Global Unique Identifier (GUID). GUIDs are flat 160-bit strings with no semantic structure. Name Resolution in MobilityFirst is carried out via a Global Name Resolution Service (GNRS). </t> </list> </t> <t>Although the existing naming schemes are different, they all need to provide basic functions for identifying a content, supporting trust provenance, content lookup and routing. The NRS may combine the advantages of different mechanisms. The NRS should be able to support a generic naming schema to resolve any type of content name, either it is flat or hierarchical. </t> --></section> <sectiontitle="Support producer mobility">numbered="true" toc="default"> <name>Support Producer Mobility</name> <t> ICNnativelyinherently supports mobilitymanagement.by consumers. Namely, consumer or client mobility is handled by re-requesting the content in case the mobility event (say, handover) occurred before receiving the corresponding content from the network. Since ICN can ensure that content reception continues without any disruption in ICN applications, seamless mobility from the consumer's point of view can be easily supported. </t> <t> However, producer mobility does not emerge naturally from the ICN forwarding model as does consumer mobility. If a producer moves into a different network location or a different name domain, which is assigned by another authoritative publisher, it would be difficult for the mobility management to updateRIBRouting Information Base (RIB) and FIB entries in ICN routers with the new forwarding path in a very short time. Therefore, various ICN architectures in the literature have proposedto adoptadopting an NRS to achieve the producer or publisher mobility, where the NRS can be implemented in different ways such as rendezvous points and/or overlay mapping systems. </t> <t> In NDN <xreftarget="Zhang2"></xref>,target="Zhang2" format="default"/>, for producer mobility support, rendezvous mechanisms have been proposed to buildinterestsinterest rendezvous (RV) with data generated by a mobile producer (MP). This can be classified into two approaches: chase mobileproducer;producer and rendezvous data. Regarding MP chasing, rendezvous acts as a mapping service that provides the mapping from the name of the data produced by the MP to the name of the MP's current point of attachment (PoA). Alternatively, the RV serves as a home agent as in IP mobility support, so the RV enables the consumer'sinterestInterest message to tunnel towards the MP at the PoA. Regarding rendezvous data, the solution involves moving the data produced by the MP to a data depot instead of forwardinginterestInterest messages. Thus, a consumer'sinterestInterest message can be forwarded to stationary placeascalleddata rendezvous,a "data rendezvous", so it would either return the data or fetch it using another mapping solution. Therefore, RV or other mapping functions are in the role of an NRS in NDN. </t> <t> In <xreftarget="Ravindran"></xref>, forwarding-labeltarget="I-D.ravi-icnrg-ccn-forwarding-label" format="default"/>, the forwarding label (FL) object isreferredused to enable identifier (ID) and locator (LID) namespaces to be split in ICN. Generally, IDs are managed by applications, while locators are managed by a networkadministrator,administrator so that IDs aremappingmapped to heterogeneous name schemes and LIDs aremappingmapped to the network domains or to specific network elements. Thus, the proposed FL object acts as a locator (LID) and provides the flexibility to forward Interest messages through a mapping service between IDs and LIDs. Therefore, the mapping service in control plane infrastructure can be considered as an NRS in this draft. </t> <t> In MobilityFirst <xreftarget="MF"></xref>,target="MF" format="default"/>, both consumer and publisher mobility can be primarily handled by the global name resolution service(GNRS)(GNRS), which resolves GUIDs to network addresses. Thus, the GNRS must be updated for mobility support when anetwork attachednetwork-attached object changes its point of attachment, which differs from NDN/CCNx. </t> <t> In NetInf <xreftarget="Dannewitz"></xref>,target="Dannewitz" format="default"/>, mobility is handled by an NRS in a very similar way to MobilityFirst. </t> <t> Besides the consumer and producer mobility, ICN alsohas to facefaces challenges to support the other dynamic features such as multi-homing, migration, and replication of named resources such as content, devices, and services. Therefore, an NRS can help to support these dynamic features. </t><!-- <t>In ICN literature, it is said that mobility can be achieved in fundamental feature of ICN. Especially, consumer or client mobility can be achieved by requesting information again according to the basic procedure from different interfaces or through attachment point of the new network. Moreover, seamless mobility service in ICN ensures that content reception continues without any disruption in ICN application, so in consumer point of view, seamless mobility can be easily supported. </t> <t>However, producer or publisher mobility in ICN is more complicated to be supported. If a producer moves into different authority domain or network location, then the request for a content published by the moving puroducer with origin name would be hardly forwarded to the moving producer since the routing tables related in broad area should be updated according to the producer movement. Therefore, various ICN literatures would adopt NRS to achieve the producer or publisher mobility, where NRS can be implemented in different ways such as rendezvous mechanism, mapping, etc. </t> <t>Besides mobility, ICN has challenge to support the dynamism features like multi-homing, migration, and replication of named resources such as content, devices, services, etc. and NRS may help to support the dynamism features. </t> --></section> <sectiontitle="Support scalable routing system">numbered="true" toc="default"> <name>Support Scalable Routing System</name> <t> In ICN, the name of data objects is used for routing by either a name resolution step or a routing table lookup. Thus, routing information for each data object should be maintained in the routing base, such asRouting Information Base (RIB)RIB andForwarding Information Base (FIB).FIB. Since the number of data objects would be very large, the size of information bases would be significantly larger as well <xreftarget="RFC7927"></xref>.target="RFC7927" format="default"/>. </t> <t> The hierarchical namespace used in CCNx <xreftarget="CCNx"></xref>target="CCNx" format="default"/> and NDN <xreftarget="NDN"></xref>target="NDN" format="default"/> architectures reduces the size of these tables through name aggregation and improves the scalability of the routing system. A flat naming scheme, on the other hand, would aggravate the scalability problem of the routing system. The non-aggregated name prefixes injectedtointo the Default Route Free Zone (DFZ) of ICN would create a more serious scalability problem when compared to the scalability issues of the IP routing system. Thus, an NRS may play an important role in the reduction of the routing scalability problem regardless of the types of namespaces. </t> <t> In <xreftarget="Afanasyev"></xref>,target="Afanasyev" format="default"/>, in order to address the routing scalability problem in NDN's DFZ, a well-known conceptof Map-and-Encapcalled "map-and-encap" is applied to provide a simple and secure namespace mapping solution. In the proposed map-and-encap design, data whose name prefixes do not exist in the DFZ forwarding table can be retrieved by a distributed mapping system called NDNS, which maintains andlookupslooks up the mapping information from a name to its globally routed prefixes, where NDNS is a kind of an NRS. </t><!-- <t>In ICN, data objects must be identified by names regardless their location or container <xref target="RFC7927"></xref> and the names are divided into two types of schemes: hierarchical and flat namespaces. A hierarchical scheme used in CCN and NDN architectures has a structure similar to current URIs, where the hierarchy improves scalability of routing system. It is because the hierarchy enables aggregation of the name resulting in reducing the size of RIB or FIB as similar to IP routing system. In a flat scheme, on the other hand, name routing is not easy since names in a flat namespace cannot be aggregated anymore, which would cause more the scalability problem in routing system. In order to address such problem, a flat name can be resolved to some information which is routable through NRS. </t> <t>In ICN, application names identifying contents are used directly for packet delivery, so ICN routers run a name-based routing protocol to build name-based routing and forwarding tables. Regardless of name scheme, if non-aggregated name prefixes are injected to the Default Route Free Zone (DFZ) of ICN, then they would be driving the growth of the DFZ routing table size, which is the same as the scalability issue of IP routing. Thus a solution to keep the routing table size under control is needed, which can be done by defining indirection layer. </t> --></section> <sectiontitle="Support off-path caching">numbered="true" toc="default"> <name>Support Off-Path Caching</name> <t> Caching in-network is considered to be a basic architectural component of an ICN architecture. It may be used to provide a level ofQuality-of-Servicequality-of-service (QoS) experience tousers,users to reduce the overall network traffic, to prevent network congestion andDenial-of-Servicedenial-of-service (DoS)attacksattacks, and to increase availability. Caching approaches can be categorized into off-path caching and on-path caching based on the location of caches in relation to the forwarding path from the original server to the consumer. Off-path caching, also referred to ascontent replication"content replication" orcontent storing,"content storing", aims to replicate content within a network in order to increase availability, regardless of the relationship of the location to the forwarding path. Thus, finding off-path cached objects is not trivial in name-based routing of ICN. In order to support off-path caches, replicas are usually advertised into a name-based routing system or into an NRS. </t> <t> In <xreftarget="Bayhan"></xref>,target="Bayhan" format="default"/>, an NRS is used to find off-path copies in the network, which may not be accessible via name-based routing mechanisms. Such a capability can be helpful for an Autonomous System (AS) to avoid the costly inter-AS traffic for external content more, to yield higher bandwidth efficiency for intra-AS traffic, and to decrease the data access latency for a pleasant user experience. </t> </section> <sectiontitle="Support nameless object">numbered="true" toc="default"> <name>Support Nameless Object</name> <t> In CCNx 1.0 <xreftarget="Mosko2"></xref>,target="Mosko2" format="default"/>, the concept of a "NamelessObjects" that areObject", which is a Content Object without aNamename, is introduced to provide a means to moveContentcontent between storage replicas without having to rename or re-sign thecontent objectsContent Objects for the new name. Nameless Objects can be addressed by theContentObjectHash thatContentObjectHash, which is to restrict Content Object matching by using a SHA-256 hash. </t> <t> An Interest message would still carry aNamename and a ContentObjectHash, where aNamename is used for routing, while a ContentObjectHash is used for matching. However, on the reverse path, if the Content Object's name is missing, it is a "Nameless Object" and only matches against the ContentObjectHash. Therefore, a consumer needs to resolve the proper name and hashes through an outside system, which can be considered as an NRS. </t> </section> <sectiontitle="Support manifest">numbered="true" toc="default"> <name>Support Manifest</name> <t> For collections of data objectswhichthat are organized as large andfile likefile-like contents <xreftarget="FLIC"></xref>,target="I-D.irtf-icnrg-flic" format="default"/>, manifests are used as data structures to transport this information. Thus, manifests may contain hash digests of signedcontent objectsContent Objects or othermanifests,manifests so that largecontent objects whichContent Objects that represent a large piece of application data can be collected by using such a manifest. </t> <t> In order to requestcontent objects,Content Objects, a consumer needs to know a manifest root name to acquire the manifest. In the case ofFLIC,File-Like ICN Collections (FLIC), a manifest name can be represented by a nameless rootmanifest,manifest so that an outside system such as an NRS may be involved to give this information to the consumer. </t> </section> <sectiontitle="Support metadata">numbered="true" toc="default"> <name>Support Metadata</name> <t> When resolving the name of acontent object,Content Object, NRS could return a rich set of metadata in addition to returning a locator. The metadata could include alternative object locations, supported object transfer protocol(s), caching policy, security parameters, data format, hash of object data, etc. The consumer could use this metadata for the selection of object transfer protocol, security mechanism, egress interface, etc. An example of how metadata can be used in this way is provided by theNEONetworked Object (NEO) ICN architecture <xreftarget="NEO"></xref>.target="NEO" format="default"/>. </t> </section> </section> <sectiontitle="Design considerationsnumbered="true" toc="default"> <name>Design Considerations for NRS inICN">ICN</name> <t> This section presents the design considerations for NRS in ICN. </t> <sectiontitle="Resolution response time">numbered="true" toc="default" anchor="res-response"> <name>Resolution Response Time</name> <t> The name resolution process should provide a response within a reasonable amount of time. The response should be either a proper mapping of the name to a copy of thecontent,content or an error message stating that no such object exists. If the name resolution does not map to a location, the system may not issue any response, and the client should set a timer when sending arequest,request so as to consider the resolution incomplete when the timer expires. </t> <t> The acceptable response delay could be of the order of around tripround-trip time between the client issuing the request and the NRS servers thatprovidesprovide the response. While this RTT may vary greatly depending on the proximity between the two end points, some upper boundneedneeds to be used.Especially,Especially in some delay-sensitive scenarios such as industrial Internet and telemedicine, the upper bound of the response delay must be guaranteed. </t><!-- <t> The response time should be within the same order of magnitude for most pairs of a client issuing a request, and the NRS server responding to this request. </t> --><t> The response time includes all the steps of the resolution, including potentially a hop-by-hop resolution or a hierarchical forwarding of the resolution request. </t><!-- <t>The name resolution process provided by the NRS must be completed within a minimum delay. If the name resolution takes too long, then the content request packet may get dropped or it will yield the high content retrieval time for content requestor. Thus, the content retrieval time has to be content requestor-tolerant.</t> --> </section> <!-- must not introduce significant latencies. With more number of name record replications, the number of nodes involved in the name resolution may be reduced. For example, in the explicit name resolution approach, with the name record being replicated to higher hierarchy or the peer NRS server in the overlay, the name resolution can be responded more promptly. In the name based routing approach, with the content based routing table being broadcast within the larger scope in the network, the name resolution and request routing can have higher probability to successfully reach the nearer copy of the requested content. The NRS deployment should balance the number of nodes involved in the name resolution and the overhead/cost for the name record replication. To ensure the low latency, the NRS should be able to route a content request to the closest copy. Message forwarding and processing should be efficient and computation complexity should be reasonable low and affordable by the current processor technologies. <section title="Time transiency"> <t>The NRS should support time-transient content, which is frequently created in and disappearing from the network. This kind of content only stays in the network for a short time, which requires the NRS to be able to promptly reflect the records of them in the system. For example, some video clip only exists in the network for a very short time, which requires the NRS to promptly update their name records. </t></section>--><sectiontitle="Response accuracy">numbered="true" toc="default"> <name>Response Accuracy</name> <t> An NRS must provide an accurateresponse, namelyresponse -- namely, a proper binding of the requested name (or prefix) with a location. The response can be either a (prefix, location)pair,pair or the actual forwarding of a request to a node holding the content, which is then transmitted in return. </t> <t> An NRS must provide an up-to-dateresponse, namelyresponse -- namely, an NRS should be updated within a reasonable time when new copies of the content are being stored in the network. While every transient cache addition/eviction should not trigger an NRS update, some origin servers may move and require the NRS to be updated. </t> <t> An NRS must provide mechanisms to update the mapping of the content with its location. Namely, an NRS must provide a mechanism for a content provider to add new content, revoke old/dated/obsolete content, and modify existing content. Any content update should then be propagated through the NRS system within reasonable delay. </t> <t> Content that is highly mobile may requireto specifyspecifying some type of anchor that is kept at theNRS,NRS instead of the content location. </t><!-- <t>The NRS must provide accurate and up-to-date information on how to discover the requested content with minimum overhead in propagating the update information. For example, a content can be moved from one domain to another domain due to the mobility of the producer, then the old name record should be deleted from the NRS system and a new name record should be added and updated with minimum delay.</t> Content mobility and expiration must be reflected in the corresponding records in the NRS system with minimum delay to guarantee the accurate resolution. --></section> <sectiontitle="Resolution guarantee">numbered="true" toc="default"> <name>Resolution Guarantee</name> <t> An NRS must ensure that the name resolution is successful with high probability if thename matchingname-matching content exists in the network, regardless of its popularity and the number of cached copies existing in the network.As per Section 4.1,Per <xref target="res-response"/>, someresolutionresolutions may not occur in a timely manner. However, the probability of such an event should be minimized. The NRS system may provide a probability(say, five 9s,(five 9s or fivesigmassigmas, for instance) that a resolution will be satisfied. </t><!-- <t>The NRS must ensure the name resolution success if the matching content exists in the network, regardless of its popularity, number of cached copies. </t> --></section> <sectiontitle="Resolution fairness">numbered="true" toc="default"> <name>Resolution Fairness</name> <t> An NRS could provide this service for all content in a fair manner, independently of the specific content properties (content producer, content popularity, availability of copies, content format, etc.). Fairness may be defined as aper requestper-request delay to complete the NRS steps that isnotagnostic to the properties of the content itself. Fairness may be defined as well as the number of requests answered per unit of time. </t> <t> However, it is notable that content (or their associated producer) may request a different level of QoS from the network (see <xreftarget="RFC9064"></xref>target="RFC9064" format="default"/>, for instance), and this may include the NRS as well, in which case considerations of fairness may be restricted to content within the same class of service. </t> </section> <sectiontitle="Scalability">numbered="true" toc="default"> <name>Scalability</name> <t> The NRS system must scale up to support a very large user population (including human users as well as machine-to-machine communications). As an idea of the scale, it is expected that 50 billion devices will be connected in 2025 (per ITU projections). The system must be able to respond to a very large number of requests per unit of time. Message forwarding and processing, routing tablebuilding-upbuildup, and namerecordsrecord propagation must be efficient and scalable. </t> <t> The NRS system must scale up with the number of pieces of content (content names) and should be able to support a content catalog that is extremely large. Internet traffic is of the order ofthezettabytes per year(10^21(10<sup>21</sup> bytes). Since NRS is associated with actual traffic, the number of pieces of content should scale with the amount of traffic. Content size may vary from a few bytes to several GB, so the NRS should be expected scale up to a catalog of the size of10^2110<sup>21</sup> in the near future, and larger beyond. </t> <t> The NRS system must be able to scaleup, namelyup -- namely, to add NRS servers to the NRSsystem,system in a way that is transparent to the users.AdditionThe addition of a new server should have a limited negative impact on the other NRS servers (or should have a negative impact on only a small subset of the NRS servers). The impact of adding new servers may induce some overhead at the other servers to rebuild a hierarchy or to exchange messages to include the new server within the service. Further, data may be shared among the newservers,servers for load balancing or tolerance to failure. These steps should not disrupt the service provided by the NRS and shouldin the long runimprove the quality of theservice.service in the long run. </t> <t> The NRS system may support access from a heterogeneity of connection methods and devices. In particular, the NRS system may support access from constraineddevicesdevices, and interactions with the NRS system would not be too costly. An IoTnodenode, forinstanceinstance, should be able to access the NRS system as well as a more powerful node. </t> <t> The NRS system should scale up in its responsiveness to the increased request rate that is expected from applications such as IoT orM2M,machine-to-machine (M2M), where data is being frequently generated and/orfrequentlyrequested. </t> </section> <sectiontitle="Manageability">numbered="true" toc="default"> <name>Manageability</name> <t> The NRS system must be manageable since some parts of the system may grow or shrink dynamically and an NRS system node may be added or deleted frequently. </t> <t> The NRS system may support an NRS management layer that allows for adding or subtracting NRS nodes. In order to infer the circumstance, the management layer can measure the network status. </t><!-- <t>The NRS system must be manageable since some parts of the system may grow or shrink dynamically and a NRS system node may be added or deleted. </t> --></section> <sectiontitle="Deployed system">numbered="true" toc="default"> <name>Deployed System</name> <t> The NRS system must be deployable since deployability is important for a real-world system. The NRS system must be deployable in network edges and cores so that the consumers as well as ICN routers can perform name resolution in a very low latency. </t><!-- <t>The NRS system must be deployable since deployability is important for a real world system. If the NRS system can be deployed from the edges, then the deployment can be simplified. </t> --></section> <sectiontitle="Fault tolerance">numbered="true" toc="default"> <name>Fault Tolerance</name> <t> The NRS system must ensure resiliency in the event of NRS server failures. The failure of a small subset of nodes should not impact the NRS performance significantly. </t> <t> After an NRS server fails, the NRS system must be able to recover and/or restore the name records stored in the NRS server. </t><!-- <t>The NRS system must ensure resilience to node failures. After a NRS node fails, the NRS system must be able to restore the name records stored in the NRS node. </t> The NRS must also ensure resolution failure at one NRS node would be resolved and corrected by other NRS nodes. <t>For example, in the explicit name resolution approach, when a NRS overlay server fails, the name records should be able to transferred and recovered in its peer server or its replacement. In the name based approach, the failure of one ICN router does not cause much trouble in the name resolution, because the other alternative paths can be established that bypass the failed ICN router. However, it requires that the ICN router has propagated its name based routing information in the network. </t> --></section> <sectiontitle="Securitynumbered="true" toc="default" anchor="sec-priv"> <name>Security andprivacy">Privacy</name> <t> On utilizing an NRS in ICN, there are some security considerations for the NRS servers/nodes and name mapping records stored in the NRS system. This subsection describes them. </t> <sectiontitle="Confidentiality">numbered="true" toc="default"> <name>Confidentiality</name> <t> The name mapping records in the NRS system must be assigned with proper access rights such that the information contained in the name mapping records would not be revealed to unauthorized users. </t> <t> The NRS system may support access control for certain name mapping records. Access control can be implemented with a reference monitor that uses client authentication, so only users with appropriate credentials can access these records, and they are not shared with unauthorized users. Access control can also be implemented by encryption-based techniques using control of keys to control the propagations of the mappings. </t> <t> The NRS system may support obfuscation and/or encryption mechanisms so that the content of a resolution request may not be accessible by third parties outside of the NRS system. </t> <t> The NRS system must keep confidentiality to prevent sensitive name mapping records from being reached by unauthorized data requesters. This is more required in IoT environments where a lot of sensitive data is produced. </t> <t> The NRS system must also keep confidentiality ofmeta-datametadata as well as NRS usage to protect the privacy of the users. For instance, a specific user's NRS requests should not be shared outside the NRS system (with the exception of legal intercept). </t> </section> <sectiontitle="Authentication"> <t> <list style="symbols"> <t>numbered="true" toc="default"> <name>Authentication</name> <ul spacing="normal"> <li> NRS server authentication: Authentication of the new NRS servers/nodes that want to be registered with the NRS system must be required so that only authenticated entities can store and update name mapping records. The NRS system should detect an attacker attempting to act as a fake NRS server to cause service disruption or manipulate name mapping records.</t> <t></li> <li> Producer authentication: The NRS system must support authentication of the content producers to ensure that update/addition/removal of name mapping records requested by content producers are actually valid and that content producers are authorized to modify (or revoke) these records or add new records.</t> <t></li> <li> Mapping record authentication: The NRS should verify new mapping records that are being registered so that it cannot be polluted with falsified information or invalid records.</t> </list> </t></li> </ul> </section> <sectiontitle="Integrity">numbered="true" toc="default"> <name>Integrity</name> <t> The NRS system must bepreventedprotected from malicious users attempting to hijack or corrupt the name mapping records. </t> </section> <sectiontitle="Resiliencynumbered="true" toc="default"> <name>Resiliency andavailability">Availability</name> <t> The NRS system should be resilient againstdenial of servicedenial-of-service attacks and other common attacks to isolate the impact of the attacks and prevent collateral damage to the entire system. Therefore, if a part of the NRS system fails, the failure should only affect a local domain. And fast recovery mechanisms need to be in place to bring the service back to normal. </t> </section> </section> </section> <sectiontitle="Conclusion">numbered="true" toc="default"> <name>Conclusion</name> <t> ICN routing may comprise three steps: name resolution, content request routing, and content delivery. This document investigates the name resolution step, which is the first and most important to be achieved for ICN routing to be successful. A Name Resolution Service (NRS) in ICN is defined as the service that provides such a function of name resolution for translating an object name into some other information such as a locator, another name, metadata,next hopnext-hop info, etc. that is used for forwarding the object request. </t> <t> This document classifies and analyzes the NRS approaches according to whether the name resolution step is separated from the content request routing as an explicit process or not. This document also explains the NRS functions used to support heterogeneous name types, producer mobility, scalable routing system, off-path caching, nameless object, manifest, and metadata. Finally, this document presents design considerations for NRS in ICN, which include resolution response time and accuracy, resolution guarantee, resolution fairness, scalability, manageability, deployed system, and fault tolerance. </t> </section> <section anchor="IANA"title="IANA Considerations"> <t>There arenumbered="true" toc="default"> <name>IANA Considerations</name> <t>This document has no IANAconsiderations related to this document.</t>actions.</t> </section> <sectiontitle="Security Considerations">numbered="true" toc="default"> <name>Security Considerations</name> <t> A discussion of security guidelineswasis provided insection 4.9.<xref target="sec-priv"/>. </t> </section> </middle><!-- *****BACK MATTER ***** --><back><!-- References split into informative and normative --> <!-- There are 2 ways to insert reference entries from the citation libraries: 1. define an ENTITY at the top, and use "ampersand character"RFC2629; here (as shown) 2. simply use a PI "less than character"?rfc include="reference.RFC.2119.xml"?> here (for I-Ds: include="reference.I-D.narten-iana-considerations-rfc2434bis.xml") Both are cited textually in the same manner: by using xref elements. If you use the PI option, xml2rfc will, by default, try to find included files in the same directory as the including file. You can also define the XML_LIBRARY environment variable with a value containing a set of directories to search. These can be either in the local filing system or remote ones accessed by http (http://domain/dir/... ).--> <references title="Normative References"> &rfc7927;<displayreference target="I-D.irtf-icnrg-icniot" to="ID.Zhang2"/> <displayreference target="I-D.ravi-icnrg-ccn-forwarding-label" to="Ravindran"/> <displayreference target="I-D.irtf-icnrg-flic" to="FLIC"/> <displayreference target="I-D.irtf-icnrg-nrsarch-considerations" to="NRSarch"/> <references> <name>References</name> <references> <name>Normative References</name> <xi:include href="https://xml2rfc.ietf.org/public/rfc/bibxml/reference.RFC.7927.xml"/> </references><references title="Informative References"><references> <name>Informative References</name> <xi:include href="https://xml2rfc.ietf.org/public/rfc/bibxml/reference.RFC.8569.xml"/> <referenceanchor='Ahlgren'>anchor="Ahlgren"> <front> <title>A Survey of Information-Centric Networking</title> <authorinitials='B.' surname='Ahlgren' fullname='B. 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