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<rfc category="std" xmlns:xi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XInclude"
     docName="draft-ietf-ippm-route-10" number="9198" ipr="trust200902"
     updates="2330" obsoletes="" submissionType="IETF" category="std"
     consensus="true" xml:lang="en" tocInclude="true" tocDepth="3"
     symRefs="true" sortRefs="true" version="3">

  <!-- xml2rfc v2v3 conversion 3.1.1 -->
    <title abbrev="AURA Metrics &amp; Methods">Advanced Unidirectional Route
    Assessment (AURA)</title>
    <seriesInfo name="RFC" value="9198"/>
    <author fullname="J. Ignacio Alvarez-Hamelin" initials="J.I." initials="J" surname="Alvarez-Hamelin">
      <organization>Universidad de Buenos Aires</organization>
          <street>Av. Paseo Col&oacute;n Colón 850</street>
          <city>Buenos Aires</city>
        <phone>+54 11 5285-0716</phone>
    <author fullname="Al Morton" initials="A." surname="Morton">
      <organization>AT&amp;T Labs</organization>
          <street>200 Laurel Avenue South</street>

          <country>United States of America</country>
        <phone>+1 732 420 1571</phone>

        <facsimile>+1 732 368 1192</facsimile>
    <author fullname="Joachim Fabini" initials="J." surname="Fabini">
      <organization>TU Wien</organization>
          <street>Gusshausstrasse 25/E389</street>
        <phone>+43 1 58801 38813</phone>

        <facsimile>+43 1 58801 38898</facsimile>
    <author fullname="Carlos Pignataro" initials="C." surname="Pignataro">
      <organization>Cisco Systems, Inc.</organization>
          <street>7200-11 Kit Creek Road</street>
          <city>Research Triangle Park</city>

          <country>United States of America</country>

    <author fullname="Ruediger Geib" initials="R." surname="Geib">
      <organization>Deutsche Telekom</organization>
          <street>Heinrich Hertz Str. 3-7</street>
        <phone>+49 6151 5812747</phone>

    <date day="13" month="August" year="2020"/> month="May" year="2022"/>
    <keyword>parallel paths</keyword>

      <t>This memo introduces an advanced unidirectional route assessment
      (AURA) metric and associated measurement methodology, methodology based on the IP
      Performance Metrics (IPPM) Framework RFC 2330. framework (RFC 2330). This memo updates RFC
      2330 in the areas of path-related terminology and path description,
      primarily to include the possibility of parallel subpaths between a
      given Source and Destination pair, owing to the presence of multi-path multipath
    <section title="Introduction"> numbered="true" toc="default">
      <t>The IETF IP Performance Metrics (IPPM) working group Working Group first created a
      framework for metric development in <xref target="RFC2330"/>. target="RFC2330" format="default"/>. This
      framework has stood the test of time and enabled development of many
      fundamental metrics. It has been updated in the area of metric
      composition <xref target="RFC5835"/>, target="RFC5835" format="default"/> and in several areas related to
      active stream measurement of modern networks with reactive properties
      <xref target="RFC7312"/>.</t> target="RFC7312" format="default"/>.</t>
      <t>The <xref target="RFC2330"/> framework in <xref target="RFC2330" format="default"/> motivated the development of
      "performance and reliability metrics for paths through the Internet,"
      and Section 5 of Internet";
      <xref target="RFC2330"/> target="RFC2330" section="5" sectionFormat="of"/> defines terms that support
      description of a path under test. However, metrics for assessment of
      paths and related performance aspects had not been attempted in IPPM
      when the <xref target="RFC2330"/> framework in <xref target="RFC2330" format="default"/> was written.</t>
      <t>This memo takes up the route Route measurement challenge and specifies a
      new route Route metric, two practical frameworks for methods of measurement
      (using either active or hybrid active-passive methods <xref
      target="RFC7799" format="default"/>), and Round-Trip Delay and link
      information discovery
      using the results of measurements. All route Route measurements are limited by
      the willingness of hosts Hosts along the path to be discovered, to cooperate
      with the methods used, or to recognize that the measurement operation is
      taking place (such as when tunnels are present).</t>
      <section title="Issues numbered="true" toc="default">
        <name>Issues with Earlier Work to Define a Route Metric">
        <t>Section 7 of <xref target="RFC2330"/> presented Metric</name>
        <t><xref target="RFC2330" section="7" sectionFormat="of"/> presents a simple example of
        a "route" "Route" metric along with several other examples. The example is
        reproduced below (where the reference is to Section 5 of <xref

        <t>"route: The
	target="RFC2330" section="5" sectionFormat="of"/>):</t>
	<dl newline="false" spacing="normal">
	<dd>The path, as defined in Section 5, <xref target="RFC2330" section="5"
	sectionFormat="bare"/>, from A to B at a given
        time."</t> time.</dd>
        <t>This example provides a starting point to develop a more complete
        definition of route. Route. Areas needing clarification include:</t>

        <t><list style="hanging">
            <t hangText="Time:">In
        <dl newline="false" spacing="normal">
          <dd>In practice, the route Route will be assessed over a
            time interval, interval because active path detection methods like Paris
            Traceroute Paris-traceroute <xref target="PT"/> target="PT" format="default"/> rely on hop limits Hop Limits for their
            operation and cannot accomplish discovery of all hosts Hosts using a
            single packet.</t>

            <t hangText="Type-P:">The packet.</dd>
          <dd>The legacy route Route definition lacks the option
            to cater for packet-dependent routing. In this memo, we assess the
            Route for a specific packet of Type-P, Type-P and reflect this in the
            metric definition. The methods of measurement determine the
            specific Type-P used.</t>

            <t hangText="Parallel Paths:">Parallel used.</dd>
          <dt>Parallel Paths:</dt>
          <dd>Parallel paths are a reality of the
            Internet and a strength of advanced route Route assessment methods, so
            the metric must acknowledge this possibility. Use of Equal Cost
            Multi-Path Equal-Cost
            Multipath (ECMP) and Unequal Cost Multi-Path Unequal-Cost Multipath (UCMP) technologies
            are common sources of parallel subpaths.</t>

            <t hangText="Cloud Subpath:">May subpaths.</dd>
          <dt>Cloud Subpath:</dt>
          <dd>Cloud subpaths may contain hosts Hosts that do not
            decrement hop limit, the Hop Limit but may have two or more exchange links
            connecting "discoverable" hosts Hosts or routers. Parallel subpaths
            contained within clouds cannot be discovered. The assessment
            methods only discover hosts Hosts or routers on the path that decrement
            hop limit,
            Hop Limit or cooperate with interrogation protocols. The presence
            of tunnels and nested tunnels further complicate assessment by
            hiding hops.</t>

            <t hangText="Hop:">Although the <xref target="RFC2330"/> Hops.</dd>
          <dd>The definition of a hop Hop in <xref target="RFC2330"
	  format="default"/> was a link-host pair, link-Host pair. However, only hosts Hosts
	  that are were discoverable or have the capability to cooperate and cooperated with
            interrogation protocols where (where link information may be exposed.</t>
          </list>The refined definition of Route metrics begins in the
        sections exposed) provided both link and Host information.</dd>
        <t>Note that follow.</t> the actual definitions appear in <xref target="terms"/>.</t>
      <section title="Requirements Language"> numbered="true" toc="default">
        <name>Requirements Language</name>
        <t>The key words "MUST", "MUST NOT", "REQUIRED", "SHALL", "SHALL NOT",
        "SHOULD", "SHOULD NOT", "RECOMMENDED", "NOT RECOMMENDED", "MAY", "<bcp14>MUST</bcp14>", "<bcp14>MUST NOT</bcp14>",
	"<bcp14>REQUIRED</bcp14>", "<bcp14>SHALL</bcp14>", "<bcp14>SHALL
        "<bcp14>SHOULD</bcp14>", "<bcp14>SHOULD NOT</bcp14>",
	"<bcp14>RECOMMENDED</bcp14>", "<bcp14>NOT RECOMMENDED</bcp14>",
	"<bcp14>MAY</bcp14>", and
        "<bcp14>OPTIONAL</bcp14>" in this document are to be interpreted as described in BCP
        14<xref target="RFC2119"/>
        14 <xref target="RFC8174"/> target="RFC2119" format="default"/> <xref target="RFC8174"
	format="default"/> when, and only
        when, they appear in all capitals, as shown here.</t>
    <section anchor="Scope" title="Scope"> numbered="true" toc="default">
      <t>The purpose of this memo is to add new route Route metrics and methods of
      measurement to the existing set of IPPM metrics.</t>
      <t>The scope is to define route Route metrics that can identify the path taken
      by a packet or a flow traversing the Internet between two hosts. Hosts.
      Although primarily intended for hosts Hosts communicating on the Internet, the
      definitions and metrics are constructed to be applicable to other
      network domains, if desired. The methods of measurement to assess the
      path may not be able to discover all hosts Hosts comprising the path, but such
      omissions are often deterministic and explainable sources of error.</t>
      <t>This memo also specifies a framework for active methods of
      measurement which that uses the techniques described in <xref target="PT"/>, target="PT" format="default"/>
      as well as a framework for hybrid active-passive methods of measurement measurement,
      such as the Hybrid Type I method <xref target="RFC7799"/> target="RFC7799" format="default"/> described in
      <xref target="I-D.ietf-ippm-ioam-data"/>. target="RFC9197" format="default"/>. Methods using <xref
      target="I-D.ietf-ippm-ioam-data"/> target="RFC9197" format="default"/> are intended only for single
      administrative domains that provide a protocol for explicit
      interrogation of nodes Nodes on a path. Combinations of active methods and
      hybrid active-passive methods are also in-scope.</t> in scope.</t>
      <t>Further, this memo provides additional analysis of the round-trip
      delay Round-Trip
      Delay measurements made possible by the methods, methods in an effort to
      discover more details about the path, such as the link technology in
      <t>This memo updates Section 5 of <xref target="RFC2330"/> target="RFC2330" section="5" sectionFormat="of"/> in the areas
      of path-related terminology and path description, primarily to include
      the possibility of parallel subpaths between a given Source and
      Destination address pair (possibly resulting from Equal Cost Multi-Path
      (ECMP) ECMP and Unequal Cost Multi-Path (UCMP) UCMP technologies).</t>
      <t>There are several simple non-goals of this memo. There is no attempt
      to assess the reverse path from any host Host on the path to the host Host
      attempting the path measurement. The reverse path contribution to delay
      will be that experienced by ICMP packets (in active methods), methods) and may be
      different from delays experienced by UDP or TCP packets. Also, the round
      trip delay
      Round-Trip Delay will include an unknown contribution of processing time
      the host Host that generates the ICMP response. Therefore, the ICMP-based
      active methods are not supposed to yield accurate, reproducible
      estimations of the Round-Trip Delay that UDP or TCP packets will
    <section title="Route numbered="true" toc="default">
      <name>Route Metric Specifications"> Specifications</name>
      <t>This section sets requirements for the components of the Route
      Metric.</t> route
      <section title="Terms numbered="true" toc="default" anchor="terms">
        <name>Terms and Definitions"> Definitions</name>

        <t><list style="hanging">
            <t hangText="Host">A
        <dl newline="true" spacing="normal">

          <dd>A Host as (as defined in <xref target="RFC2330"/>
            (a target="RFC2330" format="default"/>) is
            a computer capable of IP communication, includes routers), a.k.a. including routers (aka an
            RFC 2330 Host.</t>

            <t hangText="Node ">A Host).</dd>
          <dt>Node </dt>
          <dd>A Node is any network function on the path
            capable of IP-layer Communication, includes including RFC 2330 Hosts.</t>

            <t hangText="Node Identity">The Hosts.</dd>
          <dt>Node Identity</dt>
          <dd>The Node identity is the unique address for Nodes
            communicating within the network domain. For Nodes communicating
            on the Internet with IP, it is the globally routable IP address
            that the Node uses when communicating with other Nodes under
            normal or error conditions. The Node Identity identity revealed (and its
            connection to a Node Name name through reverse DNS) determines whether
            interfaces to parallel links can be associated with a single Node, Node
            or appear to identify unique Nodes.</t>

            <t hangText="Discoverable Node">Nodes Nodes.</dd>
          <dt>Discoverable Node</dt>
          <dd>Discoverable Nodes are Nodes that convey their Node
            identity according to the requirements of their network domain,
            such as when error conditions are detected by that Node. For Nodes
            communicating with IP packets, compliance with Section of
            <xref target="RFC1122"/> target="RFC1122" section="" sectionFormat="of"/>, when
	    discarding a packet due to TTL or
            Hop Limit Exceeded condition, MUST <bcp14>MUST</bcp14> result in sending the
            corresponding Time Exceeded message (containing a form of Node
            identity) to the source. This requirement is also consistent with
            section 5.3.1 of
            <xref target="RFC1812"/> for routers.</t>

            <t hangText="Cooperating Node">Nodes target="RFC1812" sectionFormat="of" section="5.3.1"/> for routers.</dd>
          <dt>Cooperating Node</dt>
          <dd>Cooperating Nodes are Nodes that respond to direct
            queries for their Node identity as part of a previously agreed and established and
            agreed upon interrogation protocol. Nodes SHOULD <bcp14>SHOULD</bcp14> also provide
            information such as arrival/departure interface identification,
            arrival timestamp, and any relevant information about the Node or
            specific link which that delivered the query to the Node.</t>

            <t hangText="Hop specification">A Node.</dd>
          <dt>Hop specification</dt>
          <dd>A Hop specification MUST <bcp14>MUST</bcp14> contain a
            Node Identity, identity and MAY <bcp14>MAY</bcp14> contain arrival and/or departure interface
            identification, round trip delay, Round-Trip Delay, and an arrival timestamp.</t>

            <t hangText="Routing Class">A route timestamp.</dd>
          <dt>Routing Class</dt>
          <dd>Routing Class is a Route that treats equally a class of
            different types of packets, designated "C" (unrelated to address
            classes of the past) equally (<xref target="RFC2330" format="default"/> <xref target="RFC2330"/> <xref
            target="RFC8468"/>. target="RFC8468" format="default"/>). Knowledge of such a class allows any one of
            the types of packets within that class to be used for subsequent
            measurement of the route. Route. The designator "class C" is used for
            historical reasons, reasons; see <xref target="RFC2330"/>.</t>
          </list></t> target="RFC2330" format="default"/>.</dd>
      <section title="Formal Name"> numbered="true" toc="default">
        <name>Formal Name</name>
        <t>The formal name of the metric is:</t>
        <t> Type-P-Route-Ensemble-Method-Variant </t>
        <t>abbreviated as Route Ensemble.</t>
        <t>Note that Type-P depends heavily on the chosen method and
      <section title="Parameters"> numbered="true" toc="default">
        <t>This section lists the REQUIRED <bcp14>REQUIRED</bcp14> input factors to define and measure
        a Route metric, as specified in this memo.<list style="symbols">
            <t>Src, memo.</t>
        <dl spacing="normal">
	  <dd> the address of a Node (such as the globally routable IP

	  <dd> the address of a Node (such as the globally routable IP

	  <dd> the limit on the number of Hops a specific packet may visit
            as it traverses from the Node at Src to the Node at Dst (such as
            the TTL or Hop Limit).</t>

            <t>MaxHops, Limit).</dd>
	  <dd> the maximum value of i used, (i=1,2,3,...MaxHops).</t>

            <t>T0, a used (i=1,2,3,...MaxHops).</dd>
	  <dd>a time (start of measurement interval)</t>

            <t>Tf, a interval).</dd>
	  <dd>a time (end of measurement interval)</t>

            <t>MP(address), interval).</dd>
	  <dd>the Measurement Point at address, such as Src or Dst,
            usually at the same node Node stack layer as "address".</t>

            <t>T, "address".</dd>
	  <dd> the Node time of a packet as measured at MP(Src), meaning
            Measurement Point at the Source.</t>

            <t>Ta, Source.</dd>
	  <dd> the Node time of a reply packet's *arrival* <strong>arrival</strong> as measured at
            MP(Src), assigned to packets that arrive within a "reasonable"
            time (see parameter below).</t>

            <t>Tmax, below).</dd>
	  <dd> a maximum waiting time for reply packets to return to the
            source, set sufficiently long to disambiguate packets with long
            delays from packets that are discarded (lost), such that the
            distribution of Round-Trip Delay is not truncated.</t>

            <t>F, truncated.</dd>
	  <dd> the number of different flows simulated by the method and

	  <dd> the stream of packets with the same n-tuple of designated
            header fields that (when held constant) result in identical
            treatment in a multi-path multipath decision (such as the decision taken in
            load balancing). Note: The IPv6 flow label MAY <bcp14>MAY</bcp14> be included in the
            flow definition if the MP(Src) is a Tunnel End Point Endpoint (TEP)
            complying with the guidelines in <xref target="RFC6438"/> guidelines.</t>

            <t>Type-P, target="RFC6438" format="default"/>.</dd>
	  <dd> the complete description of the packets for which this
            assessment applies (including the flow-defining fields).</t>
          </list></t> fields).</dd>
      <section title="Metric Definitions"> numbered="true" toc="default" anchor="Metric">
        <name>Metric Definitions</name>
        <t>This section defines the REQUIRED <bcp14>REQUIRED</bcp14> measurement components of the
        Route metrics (unless otherwise indicated):</t>

	<dl spacing="normal">
	<dd> the total number of packets sent between T0 and Tf.</t>

        <t>N, Tf.</dd>
	<dd> the smallest value of i needed for a packet to be received at
        Dst (sent between T0 and Tf).</t>

        <t>Nmax, Tf).</dd>
	<dd> the largest value of i needed for a packet to be received at
        Dst (sent between T0 and Tf). Nmax may be equal to N.</t>

        <t>Next N.</dd>
        <t>Next, define a *singleton* definition <strong>singleton</strong> for a Node on the path, path with
        sufficient indexes to identify all Nodes identified in a measurement
        interval (where *singleton* <strong>singleton</strong> is part of the IPPM Framework <xref

	target="RFC2330" format="default"/>).</t>
        <dl spacing="normal">
	<dd>A Hop Specification, specification, designated h(i,j), the IP address and/or
        identity of Discoverable Nodes (or Cooperating Nodes) that are i hops Hops
        away from the Node with address = Src and part of Route j during the
        measurement interval, interval T0 to Tf. As defined here, a Hop singleton
        measurement MUST <bcp14>MUST</bcp14> contain a Node Identity, identity, hid(i,j), and MAY <bcp14>MAY</bcp14> contain
        one or more of the following attributes:<list style="symbols">
            <t>a(i,j) attributes:</dd>
        <ul spacing="normal">
          <li>a(i,j) Arrival Interface ID (e.g., when <xref
            target="RFC5837"/> target="RFC5837"
	  format="default"/> is supported)</t>

            <t>d(i,j) supported)</li>
          <li>d(i,j) Departure Interface ID (e.g., when <xref
            target="RFC5837"/> target="RFC5837"
	  format="default"/> is supported)</t>

            <t>t(i,j) Arrival Timestamp, supported)</li>
          <li>t(i,j) arrival timestamp, where t(i,j) is ideally supplied by
            the Hop. (Note Hop (note that t(i,j) might be approximated from the sending
            time of the packet that revealed the Hop, e.g., when the round
	  round-trip response time is available and divided by 2.)</t>

            <t>Measurements 2)</li>
          <li>Measurements of Round-Trip Delay (for each packet that reveals
            the same Node Identity identity and flow attributes, then this attribute is
            computed; see next section)</t>
          </list></t> section)</li>
        <t>Node Identities identities and related information can be ordered by their
        distance from the Node with address Src in Hops h(i,j). Based on this,
        two forms of Routes are distinguished:</t>
        <t>A Route Ensemble is defined as the combination of all routes Routes
        traversed by different flows from the Node at Src address to the Node
        at Dst address. A single Route traversed by a single flow (determined
        by an unambiguous tuple of addresses Src and Dst, Dst and other identical
        flow criteria) is a member of the Route Ensemble and called a Member
        <t>Using h(i,j) and components and parameters, parameters further define:</t>
        <t>When considering the set of Hops in the context of a single flow, a
        Member Route j is an ordered list {h(1,j), ... h(Nj, j)} where h(i-1,
        j) and h(i, j) are 1 hop one Hop away from each other and Nj satisfying
        h(Nj,j)=Dst is the minimum count of Hops needed by the packet on
        member Route j to reach Dst. Member Routes must be unique. The
        uniqueness property requires that any two Member routes Routes, j and k k, that
        are part of the same Route Ensemble differ either in terms of minimum
        Hop count Nj and Nk to reach the destination Dst, Dst or, in the case of
        identical hop Hop count Nj=Nk, they have at least one distinct Hop: h(i,j)
        != h(i,k) for at least one i (i=1..Nj).</t>
        <t>All the optional information collected to describe a Member Route,
        such as the arrival interface, departure interface, and Round Trip Round-Trip
        Delay at each Hop, turns each list item into a rich structure. There
        may be information on the links between Hops, possibly possible information on
        the routing (arrival interface and departure interface), an estimate
        of distance between Hops based on Round-Trip Delay measurements and
        calculations, and a time stamp timestamp indicating when all these additional
        details were valid.</t> measured.</t>
        <t>The Route Ensemble from Src to Dst, during the measurement interval
        T0 to Tf, is the aggregate of all m distinct Member Routes discovered
        between the two Nodes with Src and Dst addresses. More formally, with
        the Node having address Src omitted:</t>

        <sourcecode name=""><![CDATA[
Route Ensemble = {
{h(1,1), h(2,1), h(3,1), ... h(N1,1)=Dst},
{h(1,2), h(2,2), h(3,2),..., h(N2,2)=Dst},
{h(1,m), h(2,m), h(3,m), ....h(Nm,m)=Dst}

        <t>where the following conditions apply: i &lt;= Nj &lt;= Nmax
        <t>Note that some h(i,j) may be empty (null) in the case that systems
        do not reply (not discoverable, discoverable or not cooperating).</t>
        <t>h(i-1,j) and h(i,j) are the Hops on the same Member Route one hop Hop
        away from each other.</t>
        <t>Hop h(i,j) may be identical with h(k,l) for i!=k and j!=l ; j!=l, which
        means there may be portions shared among different Member Routes
        (parts of Member Routes may overlap).</t>
      <section title="Related numbered="true" toc="default">
        <name>Related Round-Trip Delay and Loss Definitions"> Definitions</name>
        <t>RTD(i,j,T) is defined as a singleton of the <xref
        target="RFC2681"/> target="RFC2681"
	format="default"/> Round-Trip Delay between the Node with address =
        Src and the Node at Hop h(i,j) at time T.</t>
        <t>RTL(i,j,T) is defined as a singleton of the <xref
        target="RFC6673"/> Round-trip target="RFC6673"
	format="default"/> Round-Trip Loss between the Node with address = Src
        and the Node at Hop h(i,j) at time T.</t>
      <section title="Discussion"> numbered="true" toc="default">
        <t>Depending on the way that the Node Identity identity is revealed, it may be
        difficult to determine parallel subpaths between the same pair of
        Nodes (i.e. (i.e., multiple parallel links). It is easier to detect parallel
        subpaths involving different Nodes.<list style="symbols">
            <t>If Nodes.</t>
        <ul spacing="normal">
          <li>If a pair of discovered Nodes identify two different addresses
            (IP or not), then they will appear to be different Nodes. See item

          <li>If a pair of discovered Nodes identify two different IP
            addresses and the IP addresses resolve to the same Node name (in
            the DNS), then they will appear to be the same Nodes.</t>

            <t>If Node.</li>
          <li>If a discovered Node always replies using the same network
            address, regardless of the interface a packet arrives on, then
            multiple parallel links cannot be detected in that network domain.
            This condition may apply to traceroute-style methods, methods but may not
            apply to other hybrid methods based on In-situ In situ Operations,
            Administration, and Maintenance (IOAM). For example, if the <xref
            target="RFC5837"/> ICMP extension mechanism described in <xref
	    target="RFC5837" format="default"/> is
	    implemented, then
            parallel links can be detected with the discovery traceroute-style
            methods. </t>

            <t>If </li>
          <li>If parallel links between routers are aggregated below the IP
            layer, then then, from Node the Node's point of view, all these links share the
            same pair of IP addresses. The existence of these parallel links
            can't be detected at the IP layer. This applies to other network
            domains with layers below them, them as well. This condition may apply
            to traceroute-style methods, methods but may not apply to other hybrid
            methods based on IOAM.</t>
          </list></t> IOAM.</li>
        <t>When a route Route assessment employs IP packets (for example), the
        reality of flow assignment to parallel subpaths involves layers above
        IP. Thus, the measured Route Ensemble is applicable to IP and higher
        layers (as described in the methodology's packet of Type-P and flow
      <section title="Reporting numbered="true" toc="default">
        <name>Reporting the Metric"> Metric</name>
        <t>An Information Model and an XML Data Model for Storing Traceroute
        Measurements is available in <xref target="RFC5388"/>. target="RFC5388" format="default"/>. The measured
        information at each hop Hop includes four pieces of information: a
        one-dimensional hop Hop index, Node symbolic address, Node IP address, and
        RTD for each response.</t>
        <t>The description of Hop information that may be collected according
        to this memo covers more dimensions, as defined in Section 3.4 above. <xref target="Metric"/>.
        For example, the Hop index is two-dimensional to capture the
        complexity of a Route Ensemble, and it contains corresponding Node
        identities at a minimum. The models need to be expanded to include
        these features, features as well as Arrival Interface ID, Departure Interface
        ID, and Arrival Timestamp, arrival timestamp, when available. The original sending
        Timestamp from the Src Node anchors a particular measurement in
    <section anchor="Methodologies" title="Route numbered="true" toc="default">
      <name>Route Assessment Methodologies"> Methodologies</name>
      <t>There are two classes of methods described in this section, active
      methods relying on the reaction to TTL or Hop Limit Exceeded condition
      to discover Nodes on a path, path and Hybrid hybrid active-passive methods that
      involve direct interrogation of cooperating Cooperating Nodes (usually within a
      single domain). Description of these methods follow.</t>
      <section title="Active Methodologies"> numbered="true" toc="default">
        <name>Active Methodologies</name>
        <t>This section describes the method employed by current open source open-source
        tools, thereby providing a practical framework for further advanced
        techniques to be included as method variants. This method is
        applicable for use across multiple administrative domains.</t>
        <t>Internet routing is complex because it depends on the policies of
        thousands of Autonomous Systems (AS). (ASes). Most routers perform load
        balancing on flows using a form of Equal Cost Multiple Path (ECMP). ECMP.
        <xref target="RFC2991"/> target="RFC2991" format="default"/> describes a number of flow-based or hashed
        approaches (e.g., Modulo-N Hash, Hash-Threshold, and Highest Random Weight
        (HRW)) and makes some good suggestions. Flow-based ECMP avoids
        increased packet delay variation Delay Variation and possibly overwhelming levels of
        packet reordering in flows.</t>
        <t>A few routers still divide the workload through packet-based
        techniques, such as a round-robin scheme to distribute every new
        outgoing packet to multiple links, as explained in <xref
	target="RFC2991" format="default"/>. The methods described in this
	section assume flow-based ECMP.</t>
        <t>Taking into account that Internet protocol was designed under the
        "end-to-end" principle, the IP payload and its header do
        not provide any information about the routes Routes or path necessary to
        reach some destination. For this reason, the popular tool traceroute tool, traceroute,
        was developed to gather the IP addresses of each hop Hop along a path
        using the ICMP protocol <xref target="RFC0792"/>. target="RFC0792" format="default"/>. Traceroute also
        measures RTD from each hop. Hop. However, the growing complexity of the
        Internet makes it more challenging to develop an accurate traceroute
        implementation. For instance, the early traceroute tools would be
        inaccurate in the current network, mainly because they were not
        designed to retain a flow state. However, evolved traceroute tools,
        such as Paris-traceroute (<xref target="PT" format="default"/> <xref target="PT"/> <xref target="MLB"/>
	target="MLB" format="default"/>) and
        Scamper <xref target="SCAMPER"/>, (<xref target="SCAMPER" format="default"/>), expect to encounter ECMP and achieve
        more accurate results when they do, where Scamper ensures traceroute
        packets will follow the same path in 98% of cases<xref
        target="SCAMPER"/>.</t> cases (<xref target="SCAMPER" format="default"/>).</t>
        <t>Today's traceroute tools send Type-P of packets, which are either ICMP, UDP,
        or TCP. UDP and TCP are used when a particular characteristic needs to
        be verified, such as filtering or traffic shaping on specific ports
        (i.e., services). UDP and TCP traceroute are also used when ICMP
        responses are not received. <xref target="SCAMPER"/> target="SCAMPER" format="default"/> supports IPv6
        traceroute measurements, keeping the FlowLabel Flow Label constant in all
        <t>Paris-traceroute allows its users to measure the RTD to every Node
        of the path for a particular flow. Furthermore, either
        Paris-traceroute or Scamper is capable of unveiling the many available
        paths between a source and destination (which are visible to active
        methods). This task is accomplished by repeating complete traceroute
        measurements with different flow parameters for each measurement;
        Paris-traceroute provides &ldquo;exhaustive&rdquo; mode an "exhaustive" mode, while scamper Scamper
        provides &ldquo;tracelb&rdquo; (stands "tracelb" (which stands for traceroute "traceroute load balance).
        The Framework balance").
	target="RFC2330" format="default">"Framework for IP Performance Metrics (IPPM) (<xref
        target="RFC2330"/> Metrics"</xref>, updated by<xref target="RFC7312"> </xref>) by <xref target="RFC7312"
	format="default"> </xref>, has the
        flexibility to require that the Round-Trip Delay measurement <xref
	target="RFC2681" format="default"/> uses packets with the constraints
	to assure that
        all packets in a single measurement appear as the same flow. This
        flexibility covers ICMP, UDP, and TCP. The accompanying methodology of
        <xref target="RFC2681"/> target="RFC2681" format="default"/> needs to be expanded to report the sequential
        Hop identifiers along with RTD measurements, but no new metric
        definition is needed.</t>
        <t>The advanced route Route assessment methods used in Paris-traceroute
        <xref target="PT"/> target="PT" format="default"/> keep the critical fields constant for every packet
        to maintain the appearance of the same flow. When considering IPv6
        headers, it is necessary to ensure that the IP source Source and destination Destination
        addresses and the FlowLabel Flow Label are constant (but note that many routers
        ignore the FlowLabel Flow Label field at this time), time); see <xref
        target="RFC6437"/>. target="RFC6437"
	format="default"/>. Use of IPv6 Extension Headers may add critical
        fields and SHOULD <bcp14>SHOULD</bcp14> be avoided. In IPv4, certain fields of the IP
        header and the first four 4 bytes of the IP payload should remain
        constant in a flow. In the IPv4 header, the IP source Source and destination Destination
        addresses, protocol number, and Diffserv fields identify flows. The
        first four 4 payload bytes include the UDP and TCP ports, ports and the ICMP
        type, code, and checksum fields.</t>
        <t>Maintaining a constant ICMP checksum in IPv4 is most challenging,
        as the ICMP sequence number or identifier fields will usually change
        for different probes of the same path. Probes should use arbitrary
        bytes in the ICMP data field to offset changes to the sequence number and
        identifier, thus keeping the checksum constant.</t>
        <t>Finally, it is also essential to route Route the resulting ICMP Time
        Exceeded messages along a consistent path. In IPv6, the fields above
        are sufficient.
	In IPv4, the ICMP Time Exceeded message will contain
        the IP header and the first eight 8 bytes of the IP payload, both of which
        affect its ICMP checksum. checksum calculation. The TCP sequence number, UDP Length, length, and
        UDP checksum will affect this value, value and should remain constant.</t>
        <t>Formally, to maintain the same flow in the measurements to a
        particular hop, Hop, the Type-P-Route-Ensemble-Method-Variant packets
        should be<xref target="PT"/>:</t>

        <t><list style="symbols">
            <t>TCP case: have the following attributes (see <xref target="PT" format="default"/>):</t>

        <dl spacing="normal">
          <dt>TCP case:</dt>
	  <dd> For IPv4, the fields Src, Dst, port-Src, port_Dst,
            sequence number, and Diffserv Field SHOULD <bcp14>SHOULD</bcp14> be the same. For IPv6,
            the field FlowLabel, Src fields Flow Label, Src, and Dst SHOULD <bcp14>SHOULD</bcp14> be the same.</t>

            <t>UDP case: same.</dd>
          <dt>UDP case:</dt>
	  <dd> For IPv4, the fields Src, Dst, port-Src, port-Dst, and
            Diffserv should be the same, and the UDP-checksum SHOULD UDP checksum <bcp14>SHOULD</bcp14> change to
            keep the IP checksum of the ICMP time exceeded Time Exceeded reply constant.
            Then, the data length should be fixed, and the data field is used
            to make it so (consider that ICMP checksum uses its data field,
            which contains the original IP header plus 8 bytes of UDP, where
            TTL, IP identification, IP checksum, and UDP checksum changes).
            For IPv6, the field FlowLabel, Flow Label and Source and Destination
            addresses SHOULD <bcp14>SHOULD</bcp14> be the same.</t>

            <t>ICMP case: same.</dd>
          <dt>ICMP case:</dt>
	  <dd> For IPv4, the Data data field SHOULD <bcp14>SHOULD</bcp14> compensate
            variations on TTL or Hop Limit, IP identification, and IP checksum
            for every packet. There is no need to consider ICMPv6 because only
            Flow Label of IPv6 and Source and Destination addresses are used,
            and all of them SHOULD <bcp14>SHOULD</bcp14> be constant.</t>
          </list></t> constant.</dd>
        <t>Then, the way to identify different hops Hops and attempts of the same
        IPv4 flow is:</t>

        <t><list style="symbols">
            <t>TCP case:
        <dl spacing="normal">
          <dt>TCP case:</dt>
	  <dd> The IP identification field.</t>

            <t>UDP case: field.</dd>
          <dt>UDP case:</dt>
	  <dd> The IP identification field.</t>

            <t>ICMP case: field.</dd>
          <dt>ICMP case:</dt>
	  <dd> The IP identification field, field and ICMP Sequence
          </list></t> sequence

        <section title="Temporal numbered="true" toc="default">
          <name>Temporal Composition for Route Metrics"> Metrics</name>
          <t>The Active active Route Assessment Methods assessment methods described above have the
          ability to discover portions of a path where ECMP load balancing is
          present, observed as two or more unique Member Routes having one or
          more distinct Hops which that are part of the Route Ensemble. Likewise,
          attempts to deliberately vary the flow characteristics to discover
          all Member Routes will reveal portions of the path which that are

          <t>Section 9.2 of <xref target="RFC2330"/>
          flow invariant.</t>
          <t><xref target="RFC2330" section="9.2" sectionFormat="of"/> describes the Temporal
          Composition of metrics, metrics and introduces the possibility of a
          relationship between earlier measurement results and the results for
          measurement at the current time (for a given metric). There is value
          in establishing a Temporal Composition relationship for Route
          Metrics. However,
          metrics; however, this relationship does not represent a forecast of
          future route Route conditions in any way.</t>
          <t>For Route Metric Route-metric measurements, the value of Temporal Composition
          is to reduce the measurement iterations required with repeated
          measurements. Reduced iterations are possible by inferring that
          current measurements using fixed and previously measured flow
          characteristics:<list style="symbols">
          <ul spacing="normal">
            <li>will have many common hops Hops with previous measurements.</t>

              <t>will measurements.</li>
            <li>will have relatively time-stable results at the ingress and
              egress portions of the path when measured from user locations,
              as opposed to measurements of backbone networks and across
              inter-domain gateways.</t>

              <t>may gateways.</li>
            <li>may have greater potential for time-variation time variation in path
              portions where ECMP load balancing is observed (because
              increasing or decreasing the pool of links changes the hash
          <t>Optionally, measurement systems may take advantage of the
          inferences above when seeking to reduce measurement iterations, iterations
          after exhaustive measurements indicate that the time-stable
          properties are present. Repetitive Active active Route measurement
          systems:<list style="numbers">
          <ol spacing="normal" type="1">
	    <li><bcp14>SHOULD</bcp14> occasionally check path portions which that have exhibited
              stable results over time, particularly ingress and egress
              portions of the path (e.g., daily checks if measuring many times
              during a day).</t>

              <t>SHOULD day).</li>
            <li><bcp14>SHOULD</bcp14> continue testing portions of the path that have
              previously exhibited ECMP load balancing.</t>

              <t>SHALL balancing.</li>
            <li><bcp14>SHALL</bcp14> trigger re-assessment reassessment of the complete path and Route
              Ensemble if any change in hops Hops is observed for a specific (and
              previously tested) flow.</t>
            </list></t> flow.</li>
        <section title="Routing numbered="true" toc="default">
          <name>Routing Class Identification"> Identification</name>
          <t>There is an opportunity to apply the <xref target="RFC2330"/> notion from <xref target="RFC2330" format="default"/>
          of equal treatment for a class of packets, "...very useful to
          know if a given Internet component treats equally a class C of
          different types of packets", as it applies to Route measurements.
          The notion of class C was examined further in <xref
          target="RFC8468"/> target="RFC8468"
	  format="default"/> as it applied to load-balancing flows over
          parallel paths, which is the case we develop here. Knowledge of
          class C parameters (unrelated to address classes of the past) on a
          path potentially reduces the number of flows required for a given
          method to assess a Route Ensemble over time.</t>
          <t>First, recognize that each Member Route of a Route Ensemble will
          have a corresponding class C. Class C can be discovered by testing
          with multiple flows, all of which traverse the unique set of hops Hops
          that comprise a specific Member Route.</t>
          <t>Second, recognize that the different classes depend primarily on
          the hash functions used at each instance of ECMP load balancing on
          the path.</t>
          <t>Third, recognize the synergy with Temporal Composition methods
          (described above), where evaluation intends to discover time-stable
          portions of each Member Route, Route so that more emphasis can be placed
          on ECMP portions that also determine class C.</t>
          <t>The methods to assess the various class C characteristics benefit
          from the following measurement capabilities:<list style="symbols">
              <t>flows capabilities:</t>
          <ul spacing="normal">
            <li>flows designed to determine which n-tuple header fields are
              considered by a given hash function and ECMP hop Hop on the path, path
              and which are not. This operation immediately narrows the search
              space, where possible, and partially defines a class C.</t>

              <t>a C.</li>
            <li>a priori knowledge of the possible types of hash functions in
              use also helps to design the flows for testing (major router
              vendors publish information about these hash functions, functions; examples
              are here in <xref target="LOAD_BALANCE"/>.</t>

              <t>ability target="LOAD_BALANCE" format="default"/>).</li>
            <li>ability to direct the emphasis of current measurements on
              ECMP portions of the path, based on recent past measurement
              results (the Routing Class of some portions of the path is
              essentially "all packets").</t>
            </list></t> packets").</li>
        <section title="Intermediate numbered="true" toc="default">
          <name>Intermediate Observation Point Route Measurement"> Measurement</name>
          <t>There are many examples where passive monitoring of a flow at an
          Observation Point within the network can detect unexpected Round
	  Round-Trip Delay or Delay Variation. But how can the cause of the
          anomalous delay be investigated further *from <strong>from the Observation Point* Point</strong>
          possibly located at an intermediate point on the path?</t>
          <t>In this case, knowledge that the flow of interest belongs to a
          specific Routing Class C will enable measurement of the route Route where
          anomalous delay has been observed. Specifically, Round-Trip Delay
          assessment to each Hop on the path between the Observation Point and
          the Destination for the flow of interest may discover high or
          variable delay on a specific link and Hop combination.</t>
          <t>The determination of a Routing Class C which that includes the flow of
          interest is as described in the section above, aided by computation
          of the relevant hash function output as the target.</t>
      <section title="Hybrid Methodologies"> numbered="true" toc="default">
        <name>Hybrid Methodologies</name>
        <t>The Hybrid Type I methods provide an alternative method for Route
        assessment. As mentioned in the Scope section,
	The "Scope, Applicability, and Assumptions" section of <xref
	target="RFC9197" format="default"/> provides a one possible set of data
        fields that would support route Route identification.</t>
        <t>In general, nodes Nodes in the measured domain would be equipped with
        specific abilities:<list style="symbols">
            <t>Store abilities:</t>
        <ul spacing="normal">
          <li>Store the identity of nodes Nodes that a packet has visited in header
            data fields, fields in the order the packet visited the nodes.</t>

            <t>Support Nodes.</li>
          <li>Support of a "Loopback" capability, capability where a copy of the packet
            is returned to the encapsulating node, Node and the packet is processed
            like any other IOAM packet on the return transfer.</t>
          </list></t> transfer.</li>

        <t>In addition to node Node identity, nodes Nodes may also identify the ingress
        and egress interfaces utilized by the tracing packet, the absolute
        time when the packet was processed, and other generic data (as
        described in section 4 of <xref target="I-D.ietf-ippm-ioam-data"/>). target="RFC9197" sectionFormat="of" section="3"/>).
        Interface identification isn't necessarily limited to IP, i.e. i.e.,
        different links in a bundle (LACP) (Link Aggregation Control Protocol (LACP))
	could be identified. Equally well,
        links without explicit IP addresses can be identified (like with
        unnumbered interfaces in an IGP deployment).</t>
        <t>Note that the Type-P packet specification for this method will
        likely be a partial specification, specification because most of the packet fields
        are determined by the user traffic. The packet (encapsulation)
        header(s) encapsulation
        header or headers added by the Hybrid hybrid method can certainly be specified in
        Type-P, in unpopulated form.</t>
      <section title="Combining numbered="true" toc="default">
        <name>Combining Different Methods"> Methods</name>
        <t>In principle, there are advantages if the entity conducting Route
        measurements can utilize both forms of advanced methods (active and
        hybrid) and combine the results. For example, if there are Nodes
        involved in the path that qualify as Cooperating Nodes, Nodes but not as
        Discoverable Nodes, then a more complete view of Hops on the path is
        possible when a hybrid method (or interrogation protocol) is applied
        and the results are combined with the active method results collected
        across all other domains.</t>
        <t>In order to combine the results of active and hybrid/interrogation
        methods, the network Nodes that are part of a domain supporting an
        interrogation protocol have the following attributes: <list
            <t>Nodes </t>
        <ol spacing="normal" type="1">
	  <li>Nodes at the ingress to the domain SHOULD <bcp14>SHOULD</bcp14> be both Discoverable
            and Cooperating.</t>

            <t>Any Cooperating.</li>
          <li>Any Nodes within the domain that are both Discoverable and
            Cooperating SHOULD <bcp14>SHOULD</bcp14> reveal the same Node Identity identity in response to
            both active and hybrid methods.</t>

            <t>Nodes methods.</li>
          <li>Nodes at the egress to the domain SHOULD <bcp14>SHOULD</bcp14> be both Discoverable
            and Cooperating, Cooperating and SHOULD <bcp14>SHOULD</bcp14> reveal the same Node Identity identity in
            response to both active and hybrid methods.</t>
          </list></t> methods.</li>
        <t>When Nodes follow these requirements, it becomes a simple matter to
        match single domain single-domain measurements with the overlapping results from a
        multidomain measurement.</t>
        <t>In practice, Internet users do not typically have the ability to
        utilize the OAM Operations, Administrations, and Maintenance (OAM)
	capabilities of networks that their packets traverse,
        so the results from a remote domain supporting an interrogation
        protocol would not normally be accessible. However, a network operator
        could combine interrogation results from their access domain with
        other measurements revealing the path outside their domain.</t>
    <section anchor="Cases"
             title="Background numbered="true" toc="default">
      <name>Background on Round-Trip Delay Measurement Goals"> Goals</name>
      <t>The aim of this method is to use packet probes to unveil the paths
      between any two end-Nodes End-Nodes of the network. Moreover, information derived
      from RTD measurements might be meaningful to identify:</t>

      <t><list style="numbers">
      <ol spacing="normal" type="1">
	<li>Intercontinental submarine links</t>

          <t>Satellite communications</t>


          <t>Inter-domain paths</t>
        </list></t> links</li>
        <li>Satellite communications</li>
        <li>Inter-domain paths</li>
      <t>This categorization is widely accepted in the literature and among
      operators alike, and it can be trusted with empirical data and several
      sources as ground of truth (e.g., <xref target="RTTSub"/> ) target="RTTSub" format="default"/>), but it is an
      inference measurement nonetheless <xref target="bdrmap"/><xref
      target="IDCong"/>.</t> target="bdrmap"
      format="default"/><xref target="IDCong" format="default"/>.</t>
      <t>The first two categories correspond to the physical distance
      dependency on Round-Trip Delay (RTD), RTD, the next one binds RTD with
      queuing delay on routers, and the last one helps to identify different
      ASes using traceroutes. Due to the significant contribution of
      propagation delay in long-distance hops, Hops, RTD will be on the order of
      100 ms on transatlantic hops, Hops, depending on the geolocation of the vantage
      points. Moreover, RTD is typically higher than 480ms 480 ms when two hops Hops are
      connected using geostationary satellite technology (i.e., their orbit is
      at 36000km). 36000 km). Detecting congestion with latency implies deeper
      mathematical understanding understanding, since network traffic load is not stationary.
      Nonetheless, as the first approach, a link seems to be congested if
      observing different/varying statistical results after sending several
      traceroute probes (e.g., see <xref target="IDCong"/>). target="IDCong" format="default"/>). Finally, to
      recognize distinctive ASes in the same traceroute path is challenging, challenging
      because more data is needed, like AS relationships and RIR Regional Internet
      Registry (RIR) delegations
      among other others (for more detail, details, please consult <xref
      target="bdrmap"/>).</t> target="bdrmap" format="default"/>).</t>
    <section anchor="Statistics" title="RTD numbered="true" toc="default">
      <name>RTD Measurements Statistics"> Statistics</name>
      <t>Several articles have shown that network traffic presents a
      self-similar nature <xref target="SSNT"/> target="SSNT" format="default"/> <xref target="MLRM"/> which
      target="MLRM" format="default"/> that is
      accountable for filling the queues of the routers. Moreover, router
      queues are designed to handle traffic bursts, which is one of the most
      remarkable features of self-similarity. Naturally, while queue length
      increases, the delay to traverse the queue increases as well and leads
      to an increase on RTD. Due to traffic bursts generating short-term
      overflow on buffers (spiky patterns), every RTD only depicts the
      queueing status on the instant when that packet probe was in transit.
      For this reason, several RTD measurements during a time window could
      begin to describe the random behavior of latency. Loss must also be
      accounted for in the methodology.</t>
      <t>To understand the ongoing process, examining the quartiles provides a
      nonparametric way of analysis. Quartiles are defined by five values:
      minimum RTD (m), RTD value of the 25% of the Empirical Cumulative
      Distribution Function (ECDF) (Q1), the median value (Q2), the RTD value
      of the 75% of the ECDF (Q3) (Q3), and the maximum RTD (M). Congestion can be
      inferred when RTD measurements are spread apart, and apart; consequently, the
      Interquartile Range (IQR), i.e., the distance between Q3 and Q1, increases
      its value.</t>
      <t>This procedure requires the algorithm presented in <xref
      target="P2"/> target="P2"
      format="default"/> to compute quartile values "on the fly&rdquo;.</t> fly".</t>
      <t>This procedure allows us to update the quartiles value quartile values whenever a new
      measurement arrives, which is radically different from classic methods
      of computing quartiles quartiles, because they need to use the whole dataset to
      compute the values. This way of calculus provides savings in memory and
      computing time.</t>
      <t>To sum up, the proposed measurement procedure consists of performing
      traceroutes several times to obtain samples of the RTD in every hop Hop from
      a path, path during a time window (W), (W) and compute the quartiles for every
      Hop. This procedure could be done for a single Member Route flow, for a
      non-exhaustive search with parameter E (defined below) set as to False, or
      for every detected Route Ensemble flow (E=True).</t>
      <t>The identification of a specific Hop in a traceroute is based on the IP
      origin address of the returned ICMP Time Exceeded packet, packet and on the
      distance identified by the value set in the TTL (or Hop Limit) field
      inserted by traceroute. As this specific Hop can be reached by different
      paths, also the IP source Source and destination Destination addresses of the traceroute
      packet also need to be recorded. Finally, different return paths are
      distinguished by evaluating the ICMP Time Exceeded TTL (or Hop Limit) of
      the reply message: message; if this TTL (or Hop Limit) is constant for different
      paths containing the same Hop, the return paths have the same distance.
      Moreover, this distance can be estimated considering that the TTL (or
      Hop Limit) value is normally initialized with values 64, 128, or 255.
      The 5-tuple (origin IP, destination IP, reply IP, distance, and response TTL
      or Hop Limit) unequivocally identifies every measurement.</t>
      <t>This algorithm below runs in the origin of the traceroute. It returns
      the Qs quartiles for every Hop and Alt (alternative paths because of
      balancing). Notice that the "Alt" parameter condenses the parameters of
      the 5-tuple (origin IP, destination IP, reply IP, distance, and response
      TTL), i.e., one for each possible combination.</t>

      <sourcecode name="" type="pseudocode"><![CDATA[
0  input:   W (window time of the measurement)
1           i_t (time between two measurements, set the i_t time
2                long enough to avoid incomplete results)
3           E (True: exhaustive, False: a single path)
4           Dst (destination IP address)
5  output:  Qs (quartiles for every Hop and Alt)
6  T := start_timer(W)
7  while T is not finished do:
8  |       start_timer(i_t)
9  |       RTD(Hop,Alt) = advanced-traceroute(Dst,E)
10 |       for each Hop and Alt in RTD do:
11 |       |     Qs[Dst,Hop,Alt] := ComputeQs(RTD(Hop,Alt))
12 |       done
13 |       wait until i_t timer is expired
14 done
15  return (Qs)
      <t>During the time W, lines 6 and 7 assure that the measurement loop is
      made. Line
      Lines 8 and 13 set a timer for each cycle of measurements. A cycle
      comprises the traceroutes packets, considering every possible Hop and
      the alternatives paths in the Alt variable (ensured in lines 9-12). In
      line 9, the advance-traceroute advanced-traceroute could be either Paris-traceroute or
      Scamper, which will use the &ldquo;exhaustive&rdquo; "exhaustive" mode or
      "tracelb" option if E is set to True, respectively. The
      procedure returns a list of tuples (m,Q1,Q2,Q3,M) (m, Q1, Q2, Q3, and M) for each intermediate
      Hop, or "Alt" in as a function of the 5-tuple, in the path towards the
      Dst. Finally, lines 10 through 12 stores store each measurement into the
      real-time quartiles computation.</t>
      <t>Notice there are cases where the even having a unique hop Hop at distance
      h from the Src to Dst, the returning path could have several
      possibilities, yielding in different total paths. In this situation, the
      algorithm will return more another "Alt" for this particular hop.</t> Hop.</t>
    <section anchor="Security" title="Security Considerations"> numbered="true" toc="default">
      <name>Security Considerations</name>
      <t>The security considerations that apply to any active measurement of
      live paths are relevant here as well. See <xref target="RFC4656"/> target="RFC4656" format="default"/> and
      <xref target="RFC5357"/>.</t> target="RFC5357" format="default"/>.</t>
      <t>The active measurement process of "changing changing several fields to keep
      the checksum of different packets identical" identical does not require special
      security considerations because it is part of synthetic traffic
      generation and is designed to have minimal to zero impact on network
      processing (to process the packets for ECMP).</t>
      <t>Some of the protocols used (e.g., ICMP) do not provide cryptographic
      protection for the requested/returned data, and there are risks of
      processing untrusted data in general, but these are limitations of the
      existing protocols where we are applying new methods.</t>
      <t>For applicable Hybrid hybrid methods, the security considerations in<xref
      target="I-D.ietf-ippm-ioam-data"/> in <xref
      target="RFC9197" format="default"/> apply.</t>
      <t>When considering the privacy of those involved in measurement or those
      whose traffic is measured, the sensitive information available to
      potential observers is greatly reduced when using active techniques
      that are within this scope of work. Passive observations of user
      traffic for measurement purposes raise many privacy issues. We refer the
      reader to the privacy considerations described in the Large Scale Large-scale
      Measurement of Broadband Performance (LMAP) Framework <xref
      target="RFC7594" format="default"/>, which covers active and passive
    <section anchor="IANA" title="IANA Considerations"> numbered="true" toc="default">
      <name>IANA Considerations</name>
      <t>This memo makes document has no requests of IANA. We thank the good folks at IANA
      for having checked this section anyway.</t>

    <section anchor="Acknowledgements" title="Acknowledgements">
      <t>The original 3 authors (Ignacio, Al, Joachim) acknowledge Ruediger
      Geib, for his penetrating comments on the initial draft, and his initial
      text for the Appendix on MPLS. Carlos Pignataro challenged the authors
      to consider a wider scope, and applied his substantial expertise with
      many technologies and their measurement features in his extensive
      comments. Frank Brockners also shared useful comments, so did Footer
      Foote. We thank them all!</t>

    <section title="Appendix I MPLS Methods for Route Assessment">
      <t>A Node assessing an MPLS path must be part of the MPLS domain where
      the path is implemented. When this condition is met, RFC 8029 provides a
      powerful set of mechanisms to detect &ldquo;correct operation of the
      data plane, as well as a mechanism to verify the data plane against the
      control plane&rdquo; <xref target="RFC8029"/>.</t>

      <t>MPLS routing is based on the presence of a Forwarding Equivalence
      Class (FEC) Stack in all visited Nodes. Selecting one of several Equal
      Cost Multi Path (ECMP) is however based on information hidden deeper in
      the stack. Late deployments may support a so called "Entropy label" for
      this purpose. State of the art deployments base their choice of an ECMP
      member interface on the complete MPLS label stack and on IP addresses up
      to the complete 5 tuple IP header information (see Section 2.4 of <xref
      target="RFC7325"/>). Load Sharing based on IP information decouples this
      function from the actual MPLS routing information. Thus, an MPLS
      traceroute is able to check how packets with a contiguous number of ECMP
      relevant IP addresses (and an identical MPLS label stack) are forwarded
      by a particular router. The minimum number of equivalent MPLS paths
      traceable at a router should be 32. Implementations supporting more
      paths are available.</t>

      <t>The MPLS echo request and reply messages offering this feature must
      support the Downstream Detailed Mapping TLV (was Downstream Mapping
      initially, but the latter has been deprecated). The MPLS echo response
      includes the incoming interface where a router received the MPLS Echo
      request. The MPLS Echo reply further informs which of the n addresses
      relevant for the load sharing decision results in a particular next hop
      interface and contains the next hop&rsquo;s interface address (if
      available). This ensures that the next hop will receive a properly coded
      MPLS Echo request in the next step route of assessment.</t>

      <t><xref target="RFC8403"/> explains how a central Path Monitoring
      System could be used to detect arbitrary MPLS paths between any routers
      within a single MPLS domain. The combination of MPLS forwarding, Segment
      Routing and MPLS traceroute offers a simple architecture and a powerful
      mechanism to detect and validate (segment routed) MPLS paths.</t> actions.</t>
    <references title="Normative References">
      <?rfc include='reference.RFC.0792'?>

      <?rfc include='reference.RFC.1122'?>

      <?rfc include='reference.RFC.1812'?>

      <?rfc include='reference.RFC.2119'?>

      <?rfc include='reference.RFC.2330'?>

      <?rfc include='reference.RFC.2681'?>

      <?rfc ?>

      <?rfc include='reference.RFC.4656'?>

      <?rfc include='reference.RFC.5388'?>

      <?rfc include='reference.RFC.6438'?>

      <?rfc include='reference.RFC.6673'?>

      <?rfc include='reference.RFC.7799'?>

      <?rfc include='reference.RFC.8029'?>

      <?rfc include='reference.RFC.8174'?>

      <?rfc include='reference.RFC.8468'?>

      <?rfc include='reference.I-D.ietf-ippm-ioam-data'?>
        <name>Normative References</name>
        <xi:include href="https://xml2rfc.ietf.org/public/rfc/bibxml/reference.RFC.0792.xml"/>
        <xi:include href="https://xml2rfc.ietf.org/public/rfc/bibxml/reference.RFC.1122.xml"/>
        <xi:include href="https://xml2rfc.ietf.org/public/rfc/bibxml/reference.RFC.1812.xml"/>
        <xi:include href="https://xml2rfc.ietf.org/public/rfc/bibxml/reference.RFC.2119.xml"/>
        <xi:include href="https://xml2rfc.ietf.org/public/rfc/bibxml/reference.RFC.2330.xml"/>
        <xi:include href="https://xml2rfc.ietf.org/public/rfc/bibxml/reference.RFC.2681.xml"/>
        <xi:include href="https://xml2rfc.ietf.org/public/rfc/bibxml/reference.RFC.4656.xml"/>
        <xi:include href="https://xml2rfc.ietf.org/public/rfc/bibxml/reference.RFC.5388.xml"/>
        <xi:include href="https://xml2rfc.ietf.org/public/rfc/bibxml/reference.RFC.6438.xml"/>
        <xi:include href="https://xml2rfc.ietf.org/public/rfc/bibxml/reference.RFC.6673.xml"/>
        <xi:include href="https://xml2rfc.ietf.org/public/rfc/bibxml/reference.RFC.7799.xml"/>
        <xi:include href="https://xml2rfc.ietf.org/public/rfc/bibxml/reference.RFC.8029.xml"/>
        <xi:include href="https://xml2rfc.ietf.org/public/rfc/bibxml/reference.RFC.8174.xml"/>
        <xi:include href="https://xml2rfc.ietf.org/public/rfc/bibxml/reference.RFC.8468.xml"/>

<reference anchor='RFC9197' target='https://www.rfc-editor.org/info/rfc9197'>
<title>Data Fields for In Situ Operations, Administration, and Maintenance (IOAM)</title>
<author initials='F' surname='Brockners' fullname='Frank Brockners' role="editor">
<author initials='S' surname='Bhandari' fullname='Shwetha Bhandari' role="editor">
<author initials='T' surname='Mizrahi' fullname='Tal Mizrahi' role="editor">
<date month='May' year='2022' />
<seriesInfo name="RFC" value="9197"/>
<seriesInfo name="DOI" value="10.17487/RFC9197"/>

    <references title="Informative References">
      <?rfc include='reference.RFC.2991'?>

      <?rfc include='reference.RFC.5357'?>

      <?rfc include='reference.RFC.5835'?>

      <?rfc include='reference.RFC.5837'?>

      <?rfc include='reference.RFC.6437'?>

      <?rfc include='reference.RFC.7312'?>

      <?rfc include='reference.RFC.7325'?>

      <?rfc include='reference.RFC.7594'?>

      <?rfc include='reference.RFC.8403'?>
        <name>Informative References</name>
        <xi:include href="https://xml2rfc.ietf.org/public/rfc/bibxml/reference.RFC.2991.xml"/>
        <xi:include href="https://xml2rfc.ietf.org/public/rfc/bibxml/reference.RFC.5357.xml"/>
        <xi:include href="https://xml2rfc.ietf.org/public/rfc/bibxml/reference.RFC.5835.xml"/>
        <xi:include href="https://xml2rfc.ietf.org/public/rfc/bibxml/reference.RFC.5837.xml"/>
        <xi:include href="https://xml2rfc.ietf.org/public/rfc/bibxml/reference.RFC.6437.xml"/>
        <xi:include href="https://xml2rfc.ietf.org/public/rfc/bibxml/reference.RFC.7312.xml"/>
        <xi:include href="https://xml2rfc.ietf.org/public/rfc/bibxml/reference.RFC.7325.xml"/>
        <xi:include href="https://xml2rfc.ietf.org/public/rfc/bibxml/reference.RFC.7594.xml"/>
        <xi:include href="https://xml2rfc.ietf.org/public/rfc/bibxml/reference.RFC.8403.xml"/>

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    <section numbered="true" toc="default">
      <name>MPLS Methods for Route Assessment</name>
      <t>A Node assessing an MPLS path must be part of the MPLS domain where
      the path is implemented. When this condition is met, <xref
      target="RFC8029" format="default"/> provides a
      powerful set of mechanisms to detect "correct operation of the
      data plane, as well as a mechanism to verify the data plane against the
      control plane".</t>
      <t>MPLS routing is based on the presence of a Forwarding Equivalence
      Class (FEC) Stack in all visited Nodes. Selecting one of several
      Equal-Cost Multipaths (ECMPs) is, however, based on information hidden
      deeper in
      the stack. Late deployments may support a so-called "Entropy label" for
      this purpose. State-of-the-art deployments base their choice of an ECMP
      member interface on the complete MPLS label stack and on IP addresses up
      to the complete 5-tuple IP header information (see <xref
      target="RFC7325" section="2.4" sectionFormat="of"/>). Load sharing based
      on IP information decouples this
      function from the actual MPLS routing information. Thus, an MPLS
      traceroute is able to check how packets with a contiguous number of
      ECMP-relevant IP addresses (and an identical MPLS label stack) are
      by a particular router. The minimum number of equivalent MPLS paths
      traceable at a router should be 32. Implementations supporting more
      paths are available.</t>
      <t>The MPLS echo request and reply messages offering this feature must
      support the Downstream Detailed Mapping TLV (was Downstream Mapping
      initially, but the latter has been deprecated). The MPLS echo response
      includes the incoming interface where a router received the MPLS echo
      request. The MPLS echo reply further informs which of the n addresses
      relevant for the load-sharing decision results in a particular next-hop
      interface and contains the next Hop's interface address (if
      available). This ensures that the next Hop will receive a properly coded
      MPLS echo request in the next step Route of assessment.</t>
      <t><xref target="RFC8403" format="default"/> explains how a central Path Monitoring
      System could be used to detect arbitrary MPLS paths between any routers
      within a single MPLS domain. The combination of MPLS forwarding, Segment
      Routing, and MPLS traceroute offers a simple architecture and a powerful
      mechanism to detect and validate (segment-routed) MPLS paths.</t>
    <section anchor="Acknowledgements" numbered="false" toc="default">
      <t>The original three authors (Ignacio, Al, Joachim) acknowledge <contact fullname="Ruediger
      Geib"/> for his penetrating comments on the initial document and his initial
      text for the appendix on MPLS. <contact fullname="Carlos Pignataro"/> challenged the authors
      to consider a wider scope and applied his substantial expertise with
      many technologies and their measurement features in his extensive
      comments. <contact fullname="Frank Brockners"/> also shared useful
      comments and so did <contact fullname="Footer
      Foote"/>. We thank them all!</t>