<?xml version="1.0"encoding="US-ASCII"?>encoding="UTF-8"?> <!DOCTYPE rfc [ <!ENTITYRFC2119 SYSTEM "http://xml.resource.org/public/rfc/bibxml/reference.RFC.2119.xml">nbsp " "> <!ENTITYRFC3986 SYSTEM "http://xml.resource.org/public/rfc/bibxml/reference.RFC.3986.xml">zwsp "​"> <!ENTITYRFC4791 SYSTEM "http://xml.resource.org/public/rfc/bibxml/reference.RFC.4791.xml">nbhy "‑"> <!ENTITYRFC4918 SYSTEM "http://xml.resource.org/public/rfc/bibxml/reference.RFC.4918.xml"> <!ENTITY RFC5234 SYSTEM "http://xml.resource.org/public/rfc/bibxml/reference.RFC.5234.xml"> <!ENTITY RFC5545 SYSTEM "http://xml.resource.org/public/rfc/bibxml/reference.RFC.5545.xml"> <!ENTITY RFC7986 SYSTEM "http://xml.resource.org/public/rfc/bibxml/reference.RFC.7986.xml"> <!ENTITY RFC8174 SYSTEM "http://xml.resource.org/public/rfc/bibxml/reference.RFC.8174.xml"> <!ENTITY RFC8288 SYSTEM "http://xml.resource.org/public/rfc/bibxml/reference.RFC.8288.xml"> <!ENTITY RFC8607 SYSTEM "http://xml.resource.org/public/rfc/bibxml/reference.RFC.8607.xml"> <!ENTITY W3C.REC-skos-reference-20090818 SYSTEM "https://xml2rfc.tools.ietf.org/public/rfc/bibxml-w3c/reference.W3C.REC-skos-reference-20090818.xml"> <!ENTITY W3C.WD-xptr-xpointer-20021219 SYSTEM "http://xml.resource.org/public/rfc/bibxml4/reference.W3C.WD-xptr-xpointer-20021219.xml"> <!ENTITY W3C.REC-xptr-framework-20030325 SYSTEM "https://xml2rfc.tools.ietf.org/public/rfc/bibxml4/reference.W3C.REC-xptr-framework-20030325.xml">wj "⁠"> ]> <rfccategory="std" updates='5545'xmlns:xi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XInclude" xml:lang="en" docName="draft-ietf-calext-ical-relations-11"ipr="trust200902"> <?rfc strict="yes" ?> <?rfc toc="yes"?> <?rfc tocdepth="5"?> <?rfc symrefs="yes"?> <?rfc sortrefs="yes" ?> <?rfc compact="yes" ?> <?rfc subcompact="no" ?>number="9253" submissionType="IETF" category="std" consensus="true" updates="5545" obsoletes="" ipr="trust200902" tocInclude="true" tocDepth="5" symRefs="true" sortRefs="true" version="3"> <!-- xml2rfc v2v3 conversion 3.12.2 --> <front> <title abbrev="iCalendar Relationships">Support for iCalendar Relationships</title><!-- add 'role="editor"' below for the editors if appropriate --><seriesInfo name="RFC" value="9253"/> <author initials="M." surname="Douglass" fullname="Michael Douglass"> <organization abbrev="Bedework">Bedework</organization> <address> <postal> <street>226 3rd Street</street> <city>Troy</city> <region>NY</region> <code>12180</code><country>USA</country><country>United States of America</country> </postal> <email>mdouglass@bedework.com</email> <uri>https://bedework.com</uri> </address> </author> <dateday='22' month='March' year='2022' /> <area>Applications</area>month="July" year="2022"/> <area>art</area> <workgroup>calext</workgroup> <keyword>iCalendar</keyword> <keyword>link</keyword> <keyword>related-to</keyword> <keyword>relationships</keyword> <abstract> <t> This specification updates the iCalendar RELATED-TO property defined inRFC5545RFC 5545 by adding new relation types and introduces new iCalendar propertiesLINK, CONCEPT(LINK, CONCEPT, andREFIDREFID) to allow better linking and grouping of iCalendar components and related data. </t> </abstract> </front> <middle><section title="Introduction"><section> <name>Introduction</name> <t> iCalendar entities defined in <xreftarget='RFC5545'/>target="RFC5545"/> often need to be related to each other or to associatedmeta-data.metadata. The specifications below support relationships of the following forms:<list style='hanging'> <t hangText="Structured iCalendar:"></t> <dl newline="false" spacing="normal"> <dt>Structured iCalendar:</dt> <dd> iCalendar entities can be related to each other in some structured way, forexampleexample, as parent, sibling, before, or after.</t> <t hangText="Grouped iCalendar:"></dd> <dt>Grouped iCalendar:</dt> <dd> iCalendar entities can be related to each other as a group. CATEGORIES are often used for this purpose but are problematic for application developers due to their lack of consistency and use as a free-form tag.</t> <t hangText="Linked:"></dd> <dt>Linked:</dt> <dd> Entities can be linked to otherentitiesentities, such asvcardsvCards, through a URI and associated REL and FMTTYPE parameters.</t> </list> </t> <section title="Structured</dd> </dl> <section> <name>Structured iCalendarrelationships">Relationships</name> <t> The iCalendar <xreftarget='RFC5545'/>target="RFC5545"/> RELATED-TO property has no support for temporal relationships as used by project management tools. </t> <t> The RELTYPE parameter is extended to take new values defining temporal relationships, a GAP parameter is defined to provide lead and lag values, and RELATED-TO is extended to allow URI values. These changes allow the RELATED-TO property to define a richer set of relationships useful for project management. </t> </section><section title="Grouped<section> <name>Grouped iCalendarrelationships">Relationships</name> <t> This specification defines a new REFIDpropertyproperty, which allows arbitrary groups of entities to be associated with the same key value. </t> <t> REFID is used to identify a key allowing the association of components that are all related to the referring, aggregating component and the retrieval of components based on this key. For example, this may be used to identify the tasks associated with a given project without having to communicate the task structure of the project. A further example is the grouping of all sub-tasks associated with the delivery of a specific package in a package delivery system. </t> <t> As such, the presence of a REFID property imparts no meaning to the component. It is merely a key to allow retrieval. This is distinct fromcategorisationcategorization, which, while allowinggroupinggrouping, also adds meaning to the component to which it is attached. </t> </section><section title="Concept relationships"><section> <name>Concept Relationships</name> <t> The name CONCEPT is used by the Simple Knowledge OrganizationSystemSystem, as defined in <xreftarget='W3C.REC-skos-reference-20090818'/>.target="W3C.REC-skos-reference-20090818"/>. The term "concept" more accurately defines what we often mean by a category. It's not the text string that is important but the meaning attached to it. For example, the term "football" can mean very different sports. </t> <t> The introduction of CONCEPT allows a more structured approach to categorization, with the possibility of namespaced and path-like values. UnlikeREFIDREFID, the CONCEPT property imparts some meaning. It is assumed that the value of this property will reference awell definedwell-defined category. </t> <t> The current<xref target='RFC5545'/> CATEGORYCATEGORIES property defined in <xref target="RFC5545"/> is used as afree formfree-form 'tagging' field. These values have some meaning to those who apply them but not necessarily to any consumer. Assuchsuch, it is difficult to establish formal relationships between components based on their category. </t> <t> Rather than attempt to add semantics to theCATEGORY propertyCATEGORIES property, it seems best to continue its usage as an informal tag and establish a new CONCEPT property with more constraints. </t> </section><section title="Linked relationships"><section> <name>Linked Relationships</name> <t> The currently existing iCalendar standard <xreftarget='RFC5545'/>target="RFC5545"/> lacks a general purpose method for referencing additional, external information relating to calendar components. </t> <t> This document proposes a method for referencing typed external information that can provide additional information about an iCalendar component. This new LINK property is closely aligned to <xreftarget='RFC8288'/>target="RFC8288"/>, which defines the generic concept of WebLinkingLinking, as well as its expression in the HTTP LINK header field. </t> <t> The LINK property defines a typed reference or relation to externalmeta-datametadata or related resources. By providing type and format information as parameters, clients and servers are able to discover interesting references and make use of them, perhaps for indexing or the presentation of interesting links for the user. </t> <t> Calendar components are often grouped into collections to represent a calendar or a series of tasks, forexample <xref target='RFC4791'/>'example, Calendaring Extensions to WebDAV (CalDAV) calendarcollections.collections <xref target="RFC4791"/>. </t> <t> It is also often necessary to reference calendar components in other collections. For example, a VEVENT might refer to a VTODO from which it was derived. The PARENT,SIBLINGSIBLING, and CHILD relationships defined for the RELATED-TO property only allow for aUIDunique identifier (UID), which is inadequate for many purposes. Allowing other value types for those relationships may help but would causebackward compatibilitybackward-compatibility issues. The LINK property can link components in different collections or even on different servers. </t> <t> When publishingeventsevents, it is useful to be able to refer back to the source of that information. The actual event may have been consumed from a feed or an ics file on aweb site.website. A LINK property can provide a reference to the originator of the event. </t> <t> Beyond the need to relate elements temporally, project management tools often need to be able to specify the relationships between the various events and taskswhichthat make up a project. The LINK property provides such a mechanism. </t> <t> The LINK propertyMUST NOT<bcp14>MUST NOT</bcp14> be treated as just another attachment. The ATTACH property defined in <xreftarget='RFC5545'/>target="RFC5545"/> has been extended by <xreftarget='RFC8607'/>target="RFC8607"/> to handle server-side management and stripping of inline data and to provide additional data about the attachment (size,filename etc).filename, etc.). </t> <t>AdditionallyAdditionally, clients may choose to handle attachments differently from the LINKpropertyproperty, as attachments are often an integral part of themessage -message, for example, the agenda. </t> </section> <sectionanchor="caching" title='Cachinganchor="caching"> <name>Caching andoffline use'>Offline Use</name> <t> In general, the calendar entity should be self explanatory without the need to download referencedmeta-datametadata, such as a web page. </t> <t> However, to facilitate offlinedisplaydisplay, the link type may identify important pieces of datawhichthat should be downloaded in advance. </t> </section> <sectionanchor="conventions" title='Conventionsanchor="conventions"> <name>Conventions Used in ThisDocument'>Document</name> <t> The key words"MUST", "MUST NOT", "REQUIRED", "SHALL", "SHALL NOT", "SHOULD", "SHOULD NOT", "RECOMMENDED", "NOT RECOMMENDED", "MAY""<bcp14>MUST</bcp14>", "<bcp14>MUST NOT</bcp14>", "<bcp14>REQUIRED</bcp14>", "<bcp14>SHALL</bcp14>", "<bcp14>SHALL NOT</bcp14>", "<bcp14>SHOULD</bcp14>", "<bcp14>SHOULD NOT</bcp14>", "<bcp14>RECOMMENDED</bcp14>", "<bcp14>NOT RECOMMENDED</bcp14>", "<bcp14>MAY</bcp14>", and"OPTIONAL""<bcp14>OPTIONAL</bcp14>" in this document are to be interpreted as described inBCP 14BCP 14 <xreftarget='RFC2119'/>target="RFC2119"/> <xreftarget='RFC8174'/>target="RFC8174"/> when, and only when, they appear in all capitals, as shown here. </t> <t> The notation used in this memo to (re-)define iCalendar elements is the ABNF notation of <xreftarget='RFC5234'/>target="RFC5234"/>, as used by <xreftarget='RFC5545'/>.target="RFC5545"/>. Any syntax elements shown below that are not explicitly defined in this specification come from iCalendar [RFC5545]. </t> </section> </section> <sectionanchor="link_reference_types" title="LINKanchor="link_reference_types"> <name>LINK Property ReferenceTypes">Types</name> <t> The reference value in the LINK property defined below can take three forms specified by the VALUE parameter:<list style='hanging'> <t hangText="URI:"></t> <dl newline="false" spacing="normal"> <dt>URI:</dt> <dd> This is a URI referring to the target.</t> <t hangText="UID:"></dd> <dt>UID:</dt> <dd> This allows for linking within a single collection of calendarcomponentscomponents, and the valueMUST<bcp14>MUST</bcp14> refer to another component within the same collection.</t> <t hangText="XML-REFERENCE:"></dd> <dt>XML-REFERENCE:</dt> <dd> In an XMLenvironmentenvironment, it may be necessary to refer to a fragment of an external XML artifact. This value is a URI with an XPointer anchor value. The XPointer is defined in <xreftarget='W3C.WD-xptr-xpointer-20021219'/>target="W3C.WD-xptr-xpointer-20021219"/>, and its use as an anchor is defined in <xreftarget="W3C.REC-xptr-framework-20030325"/> </t> </list> </t>target="W3C.REC-xptr-framework-20030325"/>. </dd> </dl> <t> Note that UID references may need updating on import. Anexample,example is data to be imported from a file containing VTODO and VEVENTcomponentscomponents, with a VTODO referring to VEVENT components by UID. When imported into a CalDAV system, the VTODO components are typically placed in a different collection from the VEVENT components. This would require the UID reference to be replaced with a URI. </t> </section> <sectionanchor="link_relation_types" title="Linkanchor="link_relation_types"> <name>Link RelationTypes">Types</name> <t><xref target='RFC8288'/> defines twoTwo forms of relationtype:types are defined in <xref target="RFC8288"/>: registered and extension. Registered relation types are added to theLink Relations registry"Link Relations" registry, as specified inSection 2.1.1 of<xreftarget='RFC8288'/>.target="RFC8288" section="2.1.1" sectionFormat="of" />. Extension relation types, defined inSection 2.1.2 of<xreftarget='RFC8288'/>,target="RFC8288" section="2.1.2" sectionFormat="of" />, are specified as unique URIs that are not registered in the registry. </t> <t> The relation types defined in <xreftarget="linkrel" />target="linkrel"/> will be registered with IANA in accordance with the specifications in <xreftarget='RFC8288'/>.target="RFC8288"/>. </t> </section> <sectionanchor="new_temporal_reltype_values" title="New temporalanchor="new_temporal_reltype_values"> <name>New Temporal RELTYPE Parametervalues">Values</name> <t> This section defines the usual temporal relationships for use with the RELTYPE parameter defined inSection 3.2.15 of<xreftarget='RFC5545'target="RFC5545" section="3.2.15" sectionFormat="of" />: FINISHTOSTART, FINISHTOFINISH,STARTTOFINISHSTARTTOFINISH, or STARTTOSTART. </t> <t> The <xreftarget='RFC5545'/>target="RFC5545"/> RELATED-TO property with one or more of these temporal relationships will be present in the predecessor entity and will refer to the successor entity. </t> <t> The GAP parameter (see <xreftarget='gap'/>)target="gap"/>) specifies the lead (a negative value) or lag (a positive value) time between the predecessor and the successor. </t> <t> In the description of each temporal relationshipbelowbelow, we refer to Task-A, which contains and controls the relationship, andTask-BTask-B, which is the target of the relationship. This is indicated by the direction of thearrowarrows in the diagrams below. </t> <t>AlsoAlso, each relationship may be modified by the addition of a GAP parameter to the relationshipwhichthat applies to the targeted component. </t> <dl newline="false" spacing="normal"> <dt>RELTYPE=FINISHTOSTART:</dt> <dd> <t><list style="hanging"> <t hangText="RELTYPE=FINISHTOSTART:">Task-B cannot start until Task-A finishes. For example, when painting is complete,carpet-layingcarpet laying can begin. </t> <figureanchor='finishtostart' title='Finish to start relationship'>anchor="finishtostart"> <name>Finish-to-Start Relationship</name> <artwork><![CDATA[ ============ | Task-A | ============ | V ============ | Task-B | ============ ]]></artwork> </figure></t> <t hangText="RELTYPE=FINISHTOFINISH:"> Task-B</dd> <dt>RELTYPE=FINISHTOFINISH:</dt> <dd> <t>Task-B can only be completed after Task-A is finished. The related tasks may run in parallel beforecompletion. </t>completion.</t> <t> For example, in the development of two related pieces ofsoftware, e.g.software (e.g., theapiAPI and theimplementation,implementation), the design of the implementation(B)(Task-B) cannot be completed until the design of theapi (A)API (Task-A) has been completed. </t> <figureanchor='finishtofinish' title='Finish to finish relationship'>anchor="finishtofinish"> <name>Finish-to-Finish Relationship</name> <artwork><![CDATA[ ================== | Task-A |--+ ================== | | ============ | | Task-B |<-+ ============ ]]></artwork> </figure></t> <t hangText="RELTYPE=STARTTOFINISH:"></dd> <dt>RELTYPE=STARTTOFINISH:</dt> <dd> <t> The start of Task-A (which occurs after Task-B) controls the finish of Task-B. For example, ticket sales (Task-B) end after the game starts (Task-A). </t> <figureanchor='starttofinish' title='Start to finish relationship'>anchor="starttofinish"> <name>Start-to-Finish Relationship</name> <artwork><![CDATA[ ============ +--| Task-A | | ============ +---------+ ============ | | Task-B |<-+ ============ ]]></artwork> </figure></t> <t hangText="RELTYPE=STARTTOSTART:"></dd> <dt>RELTYPE=STARTTOSTART:</dt> <dd> <t> The start of Task-A triggers the start of Task-B, thatisis, Task-B can start anytime after Task-A starts. </t> <figureanchor='starttostart' title='Start to start relationship'>anchor="starttostart"> <name>Start-to-Start Relationship</name> <artwork><![CDATA[ ============ +--| Task-A | | ============ | | ============ +->| Task-B | ============ ]]></artwork> </figure></t> </list> </t></dd> </dl> </section> <sectionanchor="additional_new_reltype_values" title="Additionalanchor="additional_new_reltype_values"> <name>Additional New RELTYPE ParameterValues">Values</name> <t> This section defines the additional relationships below: </t><t> <list style="hanging"> <t hangText="RELTYPE=FIRST:"> Indicates<dl newline="false" spacing="normal"> <dt>RELTYPE=FIRST:</dt> <dd> This indicates that the referenced calendar component is the first in a series the referencing calendar component is part of.</t> <t hangText="RELTYPE=NEXT:"> Indicates</dd> <dt>RELTYPE=NEXT:</dt> <dd> This indicates that the referenced calendar component is the next in a series the referencing calendar component is part of.</t> <t hangText="RELTYPE=DEPENDS-ON:"> Indicates</dd> <dt>RELTYPE=DEPENDS-ON:</dt> <dd> This indicates that the current calendar component depends on the referenced calendar component in some manner. Forexampleexample, a task may be blocked waiting on the other, referenced, task.</t> <t hangText="RELTYPE=REFID:"> Establishes</dd> <dt>RELTYPE=REFID:</dt> <dd> This establishes a reference from the current component to components with a REFID propertywhichthat matches the value given in the associated RELATED-TO property.</t> <t hangText="RELTYPE=CONCEPT:"> Establishes</dd> <dt>RELTYPE=CONCEPT:</dt> <dd> This establishes a reference from the current component to components with a CONCEPT propertywhichthat matches the value given in the associated RELATED-TO property.</t> </list> </t></dd> </dl> <t> Note that the relationship types of PARENT,CHILDCHILD, and SIBLING establish a hierarchical relationship. The new types of FIRST and NEXT are an ordering relationship. </t> </section> <sectionanchor="new_property_parameters" title="Newanchor="new_property_parameters"> <name>New PropertyParameters">Parameters</name> <sectionanchor="linkrel" title="Link Relation"> <t> <list style='hanging'> <t hangText="Parameter name:">anchor="linkrel"> <name>Link Relation</name> <dl newline="false" spacing="normal"> <dt>Parameter name:</dt> <dd> LINKREL</t> <t hangText="Purpose:"> To specify</dd> <dt>Purpose:</dt> <dd> This property specifies the relationship of data referenced by a LINK property.</t></dd> <dt>Format Definition:</dt> <dd> <thangText="Format Definition:"> <figure> <preamble>keepWithNext="true"> This parameter is defined by the following notation:</preamble> <artwork type="abnf"></t> <sourcecode type="abnf"><![CDATA[ linkrelparam = "LINKREL" "="("SOURCE" ; Link to source of this component / DQUOTE(DQUOTE uri DQUOTE / iana-token) ; Other IANA registered type</artwork> </figure> </t> <t hangText="Description:"> This]]></sourcecode> </dd> <dt>Description:</dt> <dd> <t>This parameterMUST<bcp14>MUST</bcp14> be specified on all LINKproperties,properties anddefinesdefine the type of reference. This allows programs consuming this data to automatically scan for references they support. There is no default relationtype. </t> <t> In addition to the value defined here anytype.</t> <t>Any link relation in the link registry established by <xreftarget='RFC8288'/>,target="RFC8288"/>, or new link relations, may be used.</t> <t>It is expected that link relation types seeing significant usage in calendaring will have the calendaring usage described in anRFC. </t> <t hangText="LINKREL=SOURCE:">RFC.</t> </dd> <dt>LINKREL=latest-version:</dt> <dd> This identifies thesourcelatest version of the event information.</t> <t hangText="Registration:"></dd> <dt>Registration:</dt> <dd> These relation types are registered in <xreftarget='RFC8288'/> </t> </list> </t>target="RFC8288"/>. </dd> </dl> </section> <sectionanchor="gap" title="Gap"> <t> <list style='hanging'> <t hangText="Parameter name:">anchor="gap"> <name>Gap</name> <dl newline="false" spacing="normal"> <dt>Parameter name:</dt> <dd> GAP</t> <t hangText="Purpose:"> To specify</dd> <dt>Purpose:</dt> <dd> This property specifies the length of the gap, positive or negative, between two components with a temporal relationship.</t></dd> <dt>Format Definition:</dt> <dd> <thangText="Format Definition:"> <figure> <preamble>keepWithNext="true"> This parameter is defined by the followingnotationnotation, where dur-value is defined insection 3.3.6 of<xreftarget="RFC5545"/>.target="RFC5545" section="3.3.6" sectionFormat="of" />. :</preamble> <artwork type="abnf"></t> <sourcecode type="abnf"><![CDATA[ gapparam = "GAP" "=" dur-value</artwork> </figure> </t> <t hangText="Description:"> This]]></sourcecode> </dd> <dt>Description:</dt> <dd> <t>This parameterMAY<bcp14>MAY</bcp14> be specified on the RELATED-TOproperty,property and defines the duration of time between the predecessor and successor in an interval. Whenpositivepositive, it defines the lag time between a task and its logical successor. Whennegativenegative, it defines the leadtime. </t>time.</t> <t> An example of lag time might be iftask ATask-A is "paint the room" andtask BTask-B is "lay thecarpets" then task Acarpets". Then, Task-A may be related totask BTask-B with RELTYPE=FINISHTOSTART with a gap of 1 day--- long enough for the paint to dry. </t> <figureanchor='finishtostart-lag' title='Finish to start relationshipanchor="finishtostart-lag"> <name>Finish-to-Start Relationship withlag'>Lag</name> <artwork><![CDATA[ ==================== |Paintpaint the room |--+ ==================== | |(lag of one day) | |================================== +->| lay the carpet |================================== ]]></artwork> </figure></t><t> For an example of lead time, in constructing atwo storey buildingtwo-story building, the electrical work must be done before painting.HoweverHowever, the painter can move in to the first floor as the electricians move upstairs. </t> <figureanchor='finishtostart-lead' title='Finish to start relationshipanchor="finishtostart-lead"> <name>Finish-to-Start Relationship withlead'>Lead</name> <artwork><![CDATA[ ===================== |Electricalelectrical work |--+ ===================== | +-------------+ |(lead of estimated time) | ================== +->|Paintingpainting | ================== ]]></artwork> </figure></t> </list> </t></dd> </dl> </section> </section> <sectionanchor="new_value_data_types" title="Newanchor="new_value_data_types"> <name>New Value DataTypes">Types</name> <t> This specification defines the following new value types to be used with the VALUE property parameter:<list style='hanging'> <t hangText="UID"></t> <dl newline="false" spacing="normal"> <dt>UID:</dt> <dd> VALUE=UID indicates that the associated value is the UID for a component.</t> <t hangText="XML-REFERENCE"></dd> <dt>XML-REFERENCE:</dt> <dd> VALUE=XML-REFERENCE indicates that the associated value references an associated XML artifact and is a URI with an XPointer anchor value. The XPointer is defined in <xreftarget='W3C.WD-xptr-xpointer-20021219'/>target="W3C.WD-xptr-xpointer-20021219"/>, and its use as an anchor is defined in <xref target="W3C.REC-xptr-framework-20030325"/>.</t> </list> </t></dd> </dl> </section> <sectionanchor="new_properties" title="New Properties">anchor="new_properties"> <name>New Properties</name> <sectionanchor="concept" title="Concept"> <t> <list style='hanging'> <t hangText="Property name:">anchor="concept"> <name>Concept</name> <dl newline="false" spacing="normal"> <dt>Property name:</dt> <dd> CONCEPT</t> <t hangText="Purpose:"></dd> <dt>Purpose:</dt> <dd> This property defines the formal categories for a calendar component.</t> <t hangText="Value type:"></dd> <dt>Value type:</dt> <dd> URI</t> <t hangText="Property Parameters:"> IANA,</dd> <dt>Property Parameters:</dt> <dd> IANA and non-standard parameters can be specified on this property.</t> <t hangText="Conformance:"></dd> <dt>Conformance:</dt> <dd> This property can be specified zero or more times in any iCalendar component.</t> <t hangText="Description:"> This</dd> <dt>Description:</dt> <dd> <t>This property is used to specify formal categories or classifications of the calendar component. The values are useful in searching for a calendar component of a particular type andcategory. </t> <t> Thiscategory.</t> <t>This categorization is distinct from the more informal "tagging" of components provided by the existing CATEGORIES property. It is expected that the value of the CONCEPT property will reference an external resourcewhichthat provides information about thecategorization. </t> <t> Incategorization.</t> <t>In addition, a structured URI value allows for hierarchical categorization ofevents. </t> <t> Possibleevents.</t> <t>Possible category resources are the various proprietary systems, forexampleexample, the Library of Congress, or an open source ofcategorisation data. </t>categorization data.</t> </dd> <dt>Format Definition:</dt> <dd> <thangText="Format Definition:"> <figure> <preamble>keepWithNext="true"> This property is defined by the following notation:</preamble> <artwork></t> <sourcecode type="abnf"><![CDATA[ concept = "CONCEPT" conceptparam ":" uri CRLF conceptparam = *(";" other-param)</artwork> </figure> </t>]]></sourcecode> </dd> <dt>Example:</dt> <dd> <thangText="Example:"> <figure> <preamble>keepWithNext="true"> The following is an example of this property. It points to a server acting as the source for the calendar object.</preamble> <artwork> CONCEPT:https://example.com/event-types/arts/music </artwork> </figure> </t> </list></t> <sourcecode><![CDATA[ CONCEPT:https://example.com/event-types/arts/music ]]></sourcecode> </dd> </dl> </section> <sectionanchor="link" title="Link"> <t> <list style='hanging'> <t hangText="Property name:">anchor="link"> <name>Link</name> <dl newline="false" spacing="normal"> <dt>Property name:</dt> <dd> LINK</t> <t hangText="Purpose:"></dd> <dt>Purpose:</dt> <dd> This property provides a reference to external information related to a component.</t> <t hangText="Value type:"></dd> <dt>Value type:</dt> <dd> URI,UIDUID, or XML-REFERENCE</t> <t hangText="Property Parameters:"></dd> <dt>Property Parameters:</dt> <dd> The VALUE parameter is required. Non-standard, link relation type, format type,labellabel, and language parameters can also be specified on this property. The LABEL parameter is defined in <xreftarget='RFC7986'/>. </t> <t hangText="Conformance:">target="RFC7986"/>. </dd> <dt>Conformance:</dt> <dd> This property can be specified zero or more times in any iCalendar component.</t> <t hangText="Description:"></dd> <dt>Description:</dt> <dd> When used in acomponentcomponent, the value of this property points to additional information related to the component. For example, it may reference the originating web server.</t></dd> <dt>Format Definition:</dt> <dd> <thangText="Format Definition:"> <figure> <preamble>keepWithNext="true"> This property is defined by the following notation:</preamble> <artwork></t> <sourcecode type="abnf"><![CDATA[ link = "LINK" linkparam ":" ( uri / ; for VALUE=XML-REFERENCE uri / ; for VALUE=URI text ) ; for VALUE=UID CRLF linkparam =; the elements herein may appear in any order, ; and the order is not significant.(";" "VALUE" "=" ("XML-REFERENCE" / "URI" / "UID")) 1*(";" linkrelparam) 1*(";" fmttypeparam) 1*(";" labelparam) 1*(";" languageparam) *(";" other-param)</artwork> </figure> </t> <t> This; the elements herein may appear in any order, ; and the order is not significant. ]]></sourcecode> <t>This property is aserialisationserialization of the model in <xref target="RFC8288"/>, where the link target is carried in the property value, the link context is the containing calendar entity, and the link relation type and any target attributes are carried in iCalendar propertyparameters. </t>parameters.</t> <t> The LINK property parameters map to <xref target="RFC8288"/> attributes asfollows: <list style='hanging'> <t hangText="LABEL:"> Mapsfollows:</t> <dl newline="false" spacing="normal"> <dt>LABEL:</dt> <dd> This parameter maps to the "title" attribute defined insection 3.4.1 of<xreftarget="RFC8288"/>. </t> <t hangText="LANGUAGE:"> Mapstarget="RFC8288" section="3.4.1" sectionFormat="of" />. </dd> <dt>LANGUAGE:</dt> <dd> This parameter maps to the "hreflang" attribute defined insection 3.4.1 of<xreftarget="RFC8288"/>. </t> <t hangText="LINKREL:"> Mapstarget="RFC8288" section="3.4.1" sectionFormat="of" />. </dd> <dt>LINKREL:</dt> <dd> This parameter maps to the link relation type defined insection 2.1 of<xreftarget="RFC8288"/>. </t> <t hangText="FMTTYPE:"> Mapstarget="RFC8288" section="2.1" sectionFormat="of" />. </dd> <dt>FMTTYPE:</dt> <dd> This parameter maps to the "type" attribute defined insection 3.4.1 of<xreftarget="RFC8288"/>. </t> </list> </t> <t> Theretarget="RFC8288" section="3.4.1" sectionFormat="of" />. </dd> </dl> <t>There is no mapping for<xref target="RFC8288"/>"title*", "anchor","rev""rev", or"media". </t>"media" <xref target="RFC8288"/>.</t> </dd> <dt>Example:</dt> <dd> <thangText="Example:"> <figure> <preamble>keepWithNext="true"> The following is an example of thispropertyproperty, which provides a reference to the source for the calendar object.</preamble> <artwork></t> <sourcecode><![CDATA[ LINK;LINKREL=SOURCE;LABEL=Venue;VALUE=URI: https://example.com/events</artwork> </figure> </t>]]></sourcecode> </dd> <dt>Example:</dt> <dd> <thangText="Example:"> <figure> <preamble>keepWithNext="true"> The following is an example of thispropertyproperty, which provides a reference to an entity from which this one was derived. The link relation is avendor definedvendor-defined value.</preamble> <artwork></t> <sourcecode><![CDATA[ LINK;LINKREL="https://example.com/linkrel/derivedFrom"; VALUE=URI: https://example.com/tasks/01234567-abcd1234.ics</artwork> </figure> </t>]]></sourcecode> </dd> <dt>Example:</dt> <dd> <thangText="Example:"> <figure> <preamble>keepWithNext="true"> The following is an example of thispropertyproperty, which provides a reference to a fragment of an XML document. The link relation is avendor definedvendor-defined value.</preamble> <artwork></t> <sourcecode><![CDATA[ LINK;LINKREL="https://example.com/linkrel/costStructure"; VALUE=XML-REFERENCE: https://example.com/xmlDocs/bidFramework.xml #xpointer(descendant::CostStruc/range-to( following::CostStrucEND[1]))</artwork> </figure> </t> </list> </t>]]></sourcecode> </dd> </dl> </section> <sectionanchor="refid" title="Refid"> <t> <list style='hanging'> <t hangText="Property name:">anchor="refid"> <name>Refid</name> <dl newline="false" spacing="normal"> <dt>Property name:</dt> <dd> REFID</t> <t hangText="Purpose:"></dd> <dt>Purpose:</dt> <dd> This property value acts as a key for associated iCalendar entities.</t> <t hangText="Value type:"></dd> <dt>Value type:</dt> <dd> TEXT</t> <t hangText="Property Parameters:"></dd> <dt>Property Parameters:</dt> <dd> Non-standard parameters can be specified on this property.</t> <t hangText="Conformance:"></dd> <dt>Conformance:</dt> <dd> This property can be specified zero or more times in any iCalendar component.</t> <t hangText="Description:"></dd> <dt>Description:</dt> <dd> The value of this property is free-form text that creates an identifier for associated components. All components that use the same REFID value are associated through that value and can be located or retrieved as a group. For example, all of the events in a travel itinerary would have the same REFID value, so as to be grouped together.</t></dd> <dt>Format Definition:</dt> <dd> <thangText="Format Definition:"> <figure> <preamble>keepWithNext="true"> This property is defined by the following notation:</preamble> <artwork></t> <sourcecode type="abnf"><![CDATA[ refid = "REFID" refidparam ":" text CRLF refidparam = *(";" other-param)</artwork> </figure> </t> <t> The current link registry </t>]]></sourcecode> </dd> <dt>Example:</dt> <dd> <thangText="Example:"> <figure> <preamble>keepWithNext="true"> The following is an example of this property.</preamble> <artwork> REFID:itinerary-2014-11-17 </artwork> </figure> </t> </list></t> <sourcecode><![CDATA[ REFID:itinerary-2014-11-17 ]]></sourcecode> </dd> </dl> </section> </section> <sectionanchor="updates_to_rfc_5545" title="Updatesanchor="updates_to_rfc_5545"> <name>Updates to RFC5545">5545</name> <t> This specification updates the RELATED-TO property defined inSection of<xreftarget='RFC5545'/>.target="RFC5545" section="" sectionFormat="of" />. The contents of <xreftarget="related-to" />target="related-to"/> replace that section. </t> <t> The RELTYPE parameter is extended to take new values defining temporal relationships, a GAP parameter is defined to provide lead and lag values, and RELATED-TO is extended to allow URI values. These changes allow the RELATED-TO property to define a richer set of relationships useful for project management. </t> <sectionanchor="related-to" title="RELATED-TO"> <t> <list style='hanging'> <t hangText="Property Name:">anchor="related-to"> <name>RELATED-TO</name> <dl newline="false" spacing="normal"> <dt>Property name:</dt> <dd> RELATED-TO</t> <t hangText="Purpose:"></dd> <dt>Purpose:</dt> <dd> This property is used to represent a relationship or reference between one calendar component and another. The definition here extends the definition inSection of<xreftarget='RFC5545'/>target="RFC5545" section="" sectionFormat="of" /> by allowing URI or UID values and a GAP parameter.</t> <t hangText="Value Type:"></dd> <dt>Value Type:</dt> <dd> URI,UIDUID, or TEXT</t> <t hangText="Property Parameters:"></dd> <dt>Property Parameters:</dt> <dd> Relationship type,IANAIANA, and non-standard property parameters can be specified on this property.</t> <t hangText="Conformance:"></dd> <dt>Conformance:</dt> <dd> This propertyMAY<bcp14>MAY</bcp14> be specified in any iCalendar component.</t> <t hangText="Description:"> By</dd> <dt>Description:</dt> <dd> <t>By default or when VALUE=UID is specified, the property value consists of the persistent, globally unique identifier of another calendar component. This value would be represented in a calendar component by the"UID" property. </t> <t> ByUID property.</t> <t>By default, the property value points to another calendar component that has a PARENT relationship to the referencing object. The"RELTYPE"RELTYPE property parameter is used to either explicitly state the default PARENT relationship type to the referenced calendar component or to override the default PARENT relationship type and specify either a CHILD or SIBLING relationship or a temporalrelationship. </t> <t> Therelationship.</t> <t>The PARENT relationship indicates that the calendar component is a subordinate of the referenced calendar component. The CHILD relationship indicates that the calendar component is a superior of the referenced calendar component. The SIBLING relationship indicates that the calendar component is a peer of the referenced calendarcomponent. </t> <t> Tocomponent.</t> <t>To preserve backwardscompatibilitycompatibility, the value typeMUST<bcp14>MUST</bcp14> be UID when the PARENT,SIBLINGSIBLING, or CHILD relationships arespecified. </t> <t> Thespecified.</t> <t>The FINISHTOSTART, FINISHTOFINISH,STARTTOFINISHSTARTTOFINISH, or STARTTOSTART relationships define temporalrelationshipsrelationships, as specified in thereltypeRELTYPE parameterdefinition. </t> <t> Thedefinition.</t> <t>The FIRST and NEXT define ordering relationships between calendarcomponents. </t> <t> Thecomponents.</t> <t>The DEPENDS-ON relationship indicates that the current calendar component depends on the referenced calendar component in some manner. Forexampleexample, a task may be blocked waiting on the other, referenced,task. </t> <t> Thetask.</t> <t>The REFID and CONCEPT relationships establish a reference from the current component to the referencedcomponent. </t> <t> Changescomponent.</t> <t>Changes to a calendar component referenced by this property can have an implicit impact on the related calendar component. For example, if a group event changes its start or end date or time, then the related, dependent events will need to have their start and end dates and times changed in a corresponding way. Similarly, if a PARENT calendar component iscancelledcanceled or deleted, then there is an implied impact to the related CHILD calendar components. This property is intended only to provide information on the relationship of calendarcomponents. </t> <t> Deletioncomponents.</t> <t>Deletion of the target component, forexampleexample, the target of a FIRST,NEXTNEXT, or temporalrelationshiprelationship, can result in brokenlinks. </t> <t> Itlinks.</t> <t>It is up to the target calendar system to maintain any property implications of theserelationships. </t>relationships.</t> </dd> <dt>Format Definition:</dt> <dd> <thangText="Format Definition:"> <figure> <preamble>keepWithNext="true"> This property is defined by the following notation:</preamble> <artwork></t> <sourcecode type="abnf"><![CDATA[ related = "RELATED-TO" relparam ":" ( text / ; for VALUE=UID uri / ; for VALUE=URI text ) ; for VALUE=TEXT or default CRLF relparam = ; the elements herein may appear in any order, ; and the order is not significant. [";" "VALUE" "=" ("UID" / "URI" / "TEXT")] [";" reltypeparam] [";" gapparam] *(";" other-param)</artwork> </figure> </t>]]></sourcecode> </dd> <dt>Example:</dt> <dd> <thangText="Example:"> <figure> <preamble>keepWithNext="true"> The following are examples of this property.</preamble> <artwork></t> <sourcecode><![CDATA[ RELATED-TO:jsmith.part7.19960817T083000.xyzMail@example.com RELATED-TO:19960401-080045-4000F192713-0052@example.com RELATED-TO;VALUE=URI;RELTYPE=STARTTOFINISH: https://example.com/caldav/user/jb/cal/ 19960401-080045-4000F192713.ics</artwork> </figure> </t> </list> </t>]]></sourcecode> </dd> </dl> </section> </section><section title='Security Considerations'><section> <name>Security Considerations</name> <t> All of the security considerations ofsection 7 pf<xreftarget='RFC5545'/>target="RFC5545" section="7" sectionFormat="of"/> apply to this specification. </t> <t> Applications using the LINK property need to be aware of the risks entailed in using the URIs provided as values. Seesection 7 of<xreftarget='RFC3986'/>target="RFC3986" section="7" sectionFormat="of" /> for a discussion of the security considerations relating to URIs. </t> <t> Inparticularparticular, notesection 7.1 "ReliabilitySection <xref target="RFC3986" section="7.1" sectionFormat="bare">Reliability andConsistency"Consistency</xref> of <xreftarget='RFC3986'/>target="RFC3986"/>, which points out the lack of a stability guarantee for referenced resources. </t> <t> When the value is an XML-REFERENCEtypetype, the targeted data is an XML document or portion thereof. Consumers need to be aware of the security issues related to XML processing--- inparticularparticular, those related to XML entities. See <xreftarget='RFC4918'/> - Section 20.6. Additionallytarget="RFC4918" sectionFormat="of" section="20.6"/>. Additionally, note that the reference may be invalid or become so over time. </t> <t> The CONCEPT and redefined RELATED-TOpropertyproperties have the same issues in that values may be URIs. </t> <t> Extremely large values for the GAP parameter may lead to unexpected behavior. </t> </section> <sectionanchor="iana_considerations" title='IANA Considerations'>anchor="iana_considerations"> <name>IANA Considerations</name> <sectionanchor="property_registrations" title="iCalendaranchor="property_registrations"> <name>iCalendar PropertyRegistrations" >Registrations</name> <t> The following iCalendar property names have been added to the iCalendarProperties Registry"Properties" registry defined inSection 8.3.2 of<xreftarget='RFC5545'/>.target="RFC5545" section="8.3.2" sectionFormat="of" />. IANA has also added a reference to thisdocumentdocument, where the properties originally defined in <xreftarget='RFC5545'/>target="RFC5545"/> have been updated by this document. </t><texttable> <ttcol align="left">Property</ttcol> <ttcol align="left">Status</ttcol> <ttcol align="left">Reference</ttcol> <c>CONCEPT</c> <c>Current</c> <c><xref target="concept"/></c> <c>LINK</c> <c>Current</c> <c><xref target="link"/></c> <c>REFID</c> <c>Current</c> <c><xref target="refid"/></c> <c>RELATED-TO</c> <c>Current</c> <c><xref target='RFC5545'/>,<table> <thead> <tr> <th align="left">Property</th> <th align="left">Status</th> <th align="left">Reference</th> </tr> </thead> <tbody> <tr> <td align="left">CONCEPT</td> <td align="left">Current</td> <td align="left"> <xref target="concept"/></td> </tr> <tr> <td align="left">LINK</td> <td align="left">Current</td> <td align="left"> <xref target="link"/></td> </tr> <tr> <td align="left">REFID</td> <td align="left">Current</td> <td align="left"> <xref target="refid"/></td> </tr> <tr> <td align="left">RELATED-TO</td> <td align="left">Current</td> <td align="left"> <xref target="RFC5545" section="" sectionFormat="comma"/>; RFC 9253, <xreftarget="related-to"/></c> </texttable>target="related-to"/></td> </tr> </tbody> </table> </section> <sectionanchor="property_parameter_registrations" title="iCalendaranchor="property_parameter_registrations"> <name>iCalendar Property ParameterRegistrations" >Registrations</name> <t> The following iCalendar property parameter names have been added to the iCalendarParameters Registry"Parameters" registry defined inSection 8.3.3 of<xreftarget='RFC5545'/>. </t> <texttable> <ttcol align="left">Parameter</ttcol> <ttcol align="left">Status</ttcol> <ttcol align="left">Reference</ttcol> <c>GAP</c> <c>Current</c> <c><xref target="gap"/></c> <c>LINKREL</c> <c>Current</c> <c><xref target="linkrel"/></c> </texttable>target="RFC5545" section="8.3.3" sectionFormat="of" />. </t> <table> <thead> <tr> <th align="left">Parameter</th> <th align="left">Status</th> <th align="left">Reference</th> </tr> </thead> <tbody> <tr> <td align="left">GAP</td> <td align="left">Current</td> <td align="left"> <xref target="gap"/></td> </tr> <tr> <td align="left">LINKREL</td> <td align="left">Current</td> <td align="left"> <xref target="linkrel"/></td> </tr> </tbody> </table> </section> <sectionanchor="value_data_types_registrations" title="iCalendaranchor="value_data_types_registrations"> <name>iCalendar Value Data TypeRegistrations" >Registrations</name> <t> The following iCalendar property parameter names have been added to the iCalendarValue"Value DataTypes RegistryTypes" registry defined inSection 8.3.4 of<xreftarget='RFC5545'/>. </t> <texttable> <ttcoltarget="RFC5545" section="8.3.4" sectionFormat="of" />. </t> <table> <thead> <tr> <th align="left">Value DataType</ttcol> <ttcol align="left">Status</ttcol> <ttcol align="left">Reference</ttcol> <c>XML-REFERENCE</c> <c>Current</c> <c><xref target="new_value_data_types"/></c> <c>UID</c> <c>Current</c> <c><xref target="new_value_data_types"/></c> </texttable>Type</th> <th align="left">Status</th> <th align="left">Reference</th> </tr> </thead> <tbody> <tr> <td align="left">XML-REFERENCE</td> <td align="left">Current</td> <td align="left"> <xref target="new_value_data_types"/></td> </tr> <tr> <td align="left">UID</td> <td align="left">Current</td> <td align="left"> <xref target="new_value_data_types"/></td> </tr> </tbody> </table> </section> <sectionanchor="reltype_value_registrations" title="iCalendaranchor="reltype_value_registrations"> <name>iCalendar RELTYPE ValueRegistrations" >Registrations</name> <t> The following iCalendar "RELTYPE" values have been added to the iCalendarRelationship Types Registry"Relationship Types" registry defined inSection 8.3.8 of<xreftarget='RFC5545'/>. </t> <texttable> <ttcoltarget="RFC5545" section="8.3.8" sectionFormat="of" />. </t> <table> <thead> <tr> <th align="left">RelationshipType</ttcol> <ttcol align="left">Status</ttcol> <ttcol align="left">Reference</ttcol> <c>CONCEPT</c> <c>Current</c> <c><xref target="additional_new_reltype_values"/></c> <c>DEPENDS-ON</c> <c>Current</c> <c><xref target="additional_new_reltype_values"/></c> <c>FINISHTOFINISH</c> <c>Current</c> <c><xref target="new_temporal_reltype_values"/></c> <c>FINISHTOSTART</c> <c>Current</c> <c><xref target="new_temporal_reltype_values"/></c> <c>FIRST</c> <c>Current</c> <c><xref target="additional_new_reltype_values"/></c> <c>NEXT</c> <c>Current</c> <c><xref target="additional_new_reltype_values"/></c> <c>REFID</c> <c>Current</c> <c><xref target="additional_new_reltype_values"/></c> <c>STARTTOFINISH</c> <c>Current</c> <c><xref target="new_temporal_reltype_values"/></c> <c>STARTTOSTART</c> <c>Current</c> <c><xref target="new_temporal_reltype_values"/></c> </texttable> </section> <section anchor="new_linkrel_registration" title="New Reference Type Registration"> <t> The following link relation values have been added to the Reference Types Registry defined in Section 6.2.2 of <xref target='RFC8288'/>. </t> <texttable> <ttcol align="left">Name</ttcol> <ttcol align="left">Status</ttcol> <ttcol align="left">Reference</ttcol> <c>SOURCE</c> <c>Current</c> <c><xref target="linkrel"/></c> </texttable>Type</th> <th align="left">Status</th> <th align="left">Reference</th> </tr> </thead> <tbody> <tr> <td align="left">CONCEPT</td> <td align="left">Current</td> <td align="left"> <xref target="additional_new_reltype_values"/></td> </tr> <tr> <td align="left">DEPENDS-ON</td> <td align="left">Current</td> <td align="left"> <xref target="additional_new_reltype_values"/></td> </tr> <tr> <td align="left">FINISHTOFINISH</td> <td align="left">Current</td> <td align="left"> <xref target="new_temporal_reltype_values"/></td> </tr> <tr> <td align="left">FINISHTOSTART</td> <td align="left">Current</td> <td align="left"> <xref target="new_temporal_reltype_values"/></td> </tr> <tr> <td align="left">FIRST</td> <td align="left">Current</td> <td align="left"> <xref target="additional_new_reltype_values"/></td> </tr> <tr> <td align="left">NEXT</td> <td align="left">Current</td> <td align="left"> <xref target="additional_new_reltype_values"/></td> </tr> <tr> <td align="left">REFID</td> <td align="left">Current</td> <td align="left"> <xref target="additional_new_reltype_values"/></td> </tr> <tr> <td align="left">STARTTOFINISH</td> <td align="left">Current</td> <td align="left"> <xref target="new_temporal_reltype_values"/></td> </tr> <tr> <td align="left">STARTTOSTART</td> <td align="left">Current</td> <td align="left"> <xref target="new_temporal_reltype_values"/></td> </tr> </tbody> </table> </section> </section> </middle> <back> <references> <name>References</name> <references> <name>Normative References</name> <xi:include href="https://xml2rfc.ietf.org/public/rfc/bibxml/reference.RFC.2119.xml"/> <xi:include href="https://xml2rfc.ietf.org/public/rfc/bibxml/reference.RFC.3986.xml"/> <xi:include href="https://xml2rfc.ietf.org/public/rfc/bibxml/reference.RFC.4918.xml"/> <xi:include href="https://xml2rfc.ietf.org/public/rfc/bibxml/reference.RFC.5234.xml"/> <xi:include href="https://xml2rfc.ietf.org/public/rfc/bibxml/reference.RFC.5545.xml"/> <xi:include href="https://xml2rfc.ietf.org/public/rfc/bibxml/reference.RFC.7986.xml"/> <xi:include href="https://xml2rfc.ietf.org/public/rfc/bibxml/reference.RFC.8174.xml"/> <xi:include href="https://xml2rfc.ietf.org/public/rfc/bibxml/reference.RFC.8288.xml"/> <reference anchor="W3C.WD-xptr-xpointer-20021219" target="http://www.w3.org/TR/2002/WD-xptr-xpointer-20021219"> <front> <title>XPointer xpointer() Scheme</title> <author initials="S." surname="DeRose" fullname="Steven DeRose"> <organization/> </author> <author initials="E." surname="Maler" fullname="Eve Maler"> <organization/> </author> <author initials="R." surname="Daniel" fullname="Ron Daniel Jr."> <organization/> </author> <date month="December" day="19" year="2002"/> </front> <seriesInfo name="W3C WD" value="WD-xptr-xpointer-20021219"/> </reference> <reference anchor="W3C.REC-xptr-framework-20030325" target="https://www.w3.org/TR/2003/REC-xptr-framework-20030325"> <front> <title>XPointer Framework</title> <author initials="P." surname="Grosso" fullname="Paul Grosso"> <organization/> </author> <author initials="E." surname="Maler" fullname="Eve Maler"> <organization/> </author> <author initials="J." surname="Marsh" fullname="Jonathan Marsh"> <organization/> </author> <author initials="N." surname="Walsh" fullname="Norman Walsh"> <organization/> </author> <date month="March" day="25" year="2003"/> </front> <seriesInfo name="W3C Recommendation" value="REC-xptr-framework-20030325"/> </reference> <reference anchor="W3C.REC-skos-reference-20090818" target="https://www.w3.org/TR/2009/REC-skos-reference-20090818"> <front> <title>SKOS Simple Knowledge Organization System Reference</title> <author initials="A." surname="Miles" fullname="Alistair Miles"> <organization/> </author> <author initials="S." surname="Bechhofer" fullname="Sean Bechhofer"> <organization/> </author> <date month="August" day="18" year="2009"/> </front> <seriesInfo name="W3C Recommendation" value="REC-skos-reference-20090818"/> </reference> </references> <references> <name>Informative References</name> <xi:include href="https://xml2rfc.ietf.org/public/rfc/bibxml/reference.RFC.4791.xml"/> <xi:include href="https://xml2rfc.ietf.org/public/rfc/bibxml/reference.RFC.8607.xml"/> </references> </references> <sectiontitle="Acknowledgements">numbered="false"> <name>Acknowledgements</name> <t> The author would like to thank the members of CalConnect, the Calendaring and Scheduling Consortium technicalcommitteescommittees, and the following individuals for contributing their ideas,supportsupport, and comments: </t> <t>Adrian Apthorp, Cyrus Daboo, Marten Gajda, Ken Murchison<contact fullname="Adrian Apthorp"/>, <contact fullname="Cyrus Daboo"/>, <contact fullname="Marten Gajda"/>, and <contact fullname="Ken Murchison"/> </t> <t> The author would also like to thankCalConnect,CalConnect and the Calendaring and Scheduling Consortium for advice with this specification. </t> </section></middle> <!-- *****BACK MATTER ***** --> <back> <!-- References split into informative and normative --> <!-- There are 2 ways to insert reference entries from the citation libraries: 1. define an ENTITY at the top, and use "ampersand character"RFC2629; here (as shown) 2. simply use a PI "less than character"?rfc include="reference.RFC.2119.xml"?> here (for I-Ds: include="reference.I-D.narten-iana-considerations-rfc2434bis.xml") Both are cited textually in the same manner: by using xref elements. If you use the PI option, xml2rfc will, by default, try to find included files in the same directory as the including file. You can also define the XML_LIBRARY environment variable with a value containing a set of directories to search. These can be either in the local filing system or remote ones accessed by http (http://domain/dir/... ).--> <references title="Informative References"> &RFC4791; &RFC8607; </references> <references title="Normative References"> &RFC2119; &RFC3986; &RFC4918; &RFC5234; &RFC5545; &RFC7986; &RFC8174; &RFC8288; &W3C.WD-xptr-xpointer-20021219; &W3C.REC-xptr-framework-20030325; &W3C.REC-skos-reference-20090818; </references></back> </rfc>