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<!DOCTYPE rfc SYSTEM "rfc2629.dtd" [
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<rfc xmlns:xi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XInclude" submissionType="independent" docName="draft-dashevskyi-dnsrr-antipatterns-06" category="info" ipr="trust200902">
docName="draft-dashevskyi-dnsrr-antipatterns-06" number="9267" ipr="trust200902" obsoletes=""
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    <title abbrev="Common implementation anti-patterns rela">Common implementation anti-patterns related abbrev="Vulnerabilities in DNS RR Processing">Common Implementation Anti-Patterns Related to Domain Name System (DNS) resource record Resource Record (RR) processing</title> Processing</title>

    <seriesInfo name="RFC" value="9267"/>
    <author initials="S." surname="Dashevskyi" fullname="Stanislav Dashevskyi">
      <organization>Forescout Technologies</organization>
          <street>John F. Kennedylaan, 2</street>
	  <country>The Netherlands</country>
    <author initials="D." surname="dos Santos" fullname="Daniel dos Santos">
      <organization>Forescout Technologies</organization>
          <street>John F. Kennedylaan, 2</street>
	  <country>The Netherlands</country>
    <author initials="J." surname="Wetzels" fullname="Jos Wetzels">
      <organization>Forescout Technologies</organization>
          <street>John F. Kennedylaan, 2</street>
	  <country>The Netherlands</country>
    <author initials="A." surname="Amri" fullname="Amine Amri">
      <organization>Forescout Technologies</organization>
          <street>John F. Kennedylaan, 2</street>
	  <country>The Netherlands</country>
    <date year="2022" month="May"/>

<!-- [rfced] Please insert any keywords (beyond those that appear in the title) for use on https://www.rfc-editor.org/search. -->


	<abstract><t> month="July"/>


   This memo describes common vulnerabilities related to Domain Name
   System (DNS) response resource record (RR) processing as seen in several DNS
   client implementations. These vulnerabilities may lead to successful
   Denial-of-Service and Remote Code Execution attacks against the
   affected software. Where applicable, violations of RFC 1035 are
    <section title="Introduction" anchor="sect-1"><t>
   Recently, there have been major anchor="sect-1" numbered="true" toc="default">
   Major vulnerabilities on in DNS implementations that recently became evident and raised attention to this protocol as an important attack vector, such as discussed in <xref target="SIGRED"/>, target="SIGRED" format="default"/>, <xref target="SADDNS"/>, target="SADDNS" format="default"/>, and
   <xref target="DNSPOOQ"/> - target="DNSPOOQ" format="default"/>, the latter being a set of 7 critical issues affecting the DNS
   forwarder "dnsmasq".</t>
   The authors of this memo have analyzed the DNS client implementations
   of several major TCP/IP protocol stacks and found a set of
   vulnerabilities that share common implementation flaws
   (anti-patterns). These flaws are related to processing DNS RRs resource records (RRs)
   (discussed in <xref target="RFC1035"/>) target="RFC1035" format="default"/>) and may lead to critical security
   While implementation flaws may differ from one software project to
   another, these anti-patterns are highly likely to span across
   multiple implementations. In fact, one of the first CVEs "Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures" (CVE) documents related to
   one of the anti-patterns <xref target="CVE-2000-0333"/> target="CVE-2000-0333" format="default"/> dates back to the year 2000.
   The observations are not limited to DNS client implementations.
   Any software that processes DNS RRs may be affected, such as
   firewalls, intrusion detection systems, or general purpose general-purpose DNS packet
   dissectors (e.g., <xref target="CVE-2017-9345"/> the DNS dissector in Wireshark). Wireshark; see <xref target="CVE-2017-9345" format="default"/>). Similar issues may
   also occur in DNS-over-HTTPS <xref target="RFC8484"/> target="RFC8484" format="default"/> and DNS-over-TLS <xref target="RFC7858"/> target="RFC7858" format="default"/>
   implementations. However, any implementation that deals with the DNS
   wire format is subject to the considerations discussed in this draft.</t> document.</t>
   <xref target="I-D.ietf-dnsind-local-compression"/> target="I-D.ietf-dnsind-local-compression" format="default"/> and <xref target="RFC5625"/> target="RFC5625" format="default"/> briefly mention some of these
   anti-patterns, but the main purpose of this memo is to provide
   technical details behind these anti-patterns, so that the common
   mistakes can be eradicated.</t>
   We provide general recommendations on mitigating the anti-patterns.
   We also suggest that all implementations should drop
   malicious/malformed DNS replies and (optionally) log them (optionally).</t> them.</t>
    <section title="Compression anchor="sect-2" numbered="true" toc="default">
      <name>Compression Pointer and Offset Validation" anchor="sect-2"><t> Validation</name>
   <xref target="RFC1035"/> target="RFC1035" format="default"/> defines the DNS message compression scheme that can be used
   to reduce the size of messages. When it is used, an entire domain
   name or several name labels are replaced with a (compression) pointer
   to a prior occurrence of the same name.</t>
   The compression pointer is a combination of two octets: the two most
   significant bits are set to 1, and the remaining 14 bits are the
   OFFSET field. This field specifies the offset from the beginning of
   the DNS header, at which another domain name or label is located:</t>

      <artwork name="" type="" align="left" alt=""><![CDATA[
| 1  1|                OFFSET                   |
   The message compression scheme explicitly allows a domain name to be
   represented as: as one of the following: (1) a sequence of unpacked labels ending with a zero
   octet, (2) a pointer; pointer, or (3) a sequence of labels ending with a pointer.</t>
   However, <xref target="RFC1035"/> target="RFC1035" format="default"/> does not explicitly state that blindly following
   compression pointers of any kind can be harmful <xref target="I-D.ietf-dnsind-local-compression"/>, target="I-D.ietf-dnsind-local-compression" format="default"/>, as we
   could not have had any assumptions about various implementations
   that would follow.</t>
   Yet, any DNS packet parser that attempts to decompress domain names
   without validating the value of OFFSET is likely susceptible to
   memory corruption bugs and buffer overruns. These bugs allow for easy make it easier to perform
   Denial-of-Service attacks, attacks and may result in successful Remote Code
   Execution attacks.</t>
   Pseudocode that illustrates a typical example of a broken domain name
   parsing implementation is shown below (Snippet 1):</t>

 1:decompress_domain_name(*name, (<xref target="snippet_1"/>):</t>

     <figure anchor="snippet_1">
<name>A Broken Implementation of a Function That Is Used for Decompressing DNS Domain Names (Pseudocode)</name>
<sourcecode name="" type="pseudocode"><![CDATA[
 1: decompress_domain_name(*name, *dns_payload) {
 3:   name_buffer[255];
 4:   copy_offset = 0;
 6:   label_len_octet = name;
 7:   dest_octet = name_buffer;
 9:   while (*label_len_octet != 0x00) {
11:      if (is_compression_pointer(*label_len_octet)) {
12:          ptr_offset = get_offset(label_len_octet,
13:          label_len_octet = dns_payload + ptr_offset + 1;
14:      }
16:      else {
17:          length = *label_len_octet;
18:          copy(dest_octet + copy_offset,
                        label_len_octet+1, *length);
20:         copy_offset += length;
21:          label_len_octet += length + 1;
22:      }
24:   }
 Snippet 1 - A broken implementation of a function that is used for
            decompressing DNS domain names (pseudocode)
25: }
   Such implementations typically have a dedicated function for
   decompressing domain names (for example, see <xref target="CVE-2020-24338"/> target="CVE-2020-24338" format="default"/> and
   <xref target="CVE-2020-27738"/>). target="CVE-2020-27738" format="default"/>). Among other parameters, these functions may
   accept a pointer to the beginning of the first name label within a an
   RR ("name") and a pointer to the beginning of the DNS payload to be
   used as a starting point for the compression pointer
   ("dns_payload"). The destination buffer for the domain name
   ("name_buffer") is typically limited to 255 bytes as per
   <xref target="RFC1035"/> target="RFC1035" format="default"/> and can be allocated either in the stack or in the heap
   memory region.</t>
   The code of the function at Snippet 1 in <xref target="snippet_1"/> reads the domain name
   label by label from a an RR until it reaches the NUL octet ("0x00") that
   signifies the end of a domain name. If the current label length octet
   ("label_len_octet") is a compression pointer, the code extracts the
   value of the compression offset and uses it to "jump" to another
   label length octet. If the current label length octet is not a
   compression pointer, the label bytes will be copied into the name
   buffer, and the number of bytes copied will correspond to the value
   of the current label length octet. After the copy operation, the code
   will move on to the next label length octet.</t>
   The first issue with this implementation is due to unchecked
   compression offset values. The second issue is due to the absence of
   checks that ensure that a pointer will eventually arrive at an a
   decompressed domain label. We describe these issues in more detail
<!-- DNE; fixed -->
   <xref target="RFC1035"/> target="RFC1035" format="default"/> states that "... [compression pointer is] a compression pointer is "a pointer to a prior occurrence occurance [sic] of the same name". name." Also, according to <xref target="RFC1035"/>, target="RFC1035" format="default"/>,
   the maximum size of DNS packets that can be sent over the UDP
   is limited to 512 octets.</t>
   The pseudocode at Snippet 1 in <xref target="snippet_1"/>  violates these constraints, as it will
   accept a compression pointer that forces the code to read out of outside the
   bounds of a DNS packet. For instance, the a compression pointer of set to
   "0xffff" will produce the an offset of 16383 octets, which is most
   definitely pointing to a label length octet somewhere past the bounds of the
   original DNS packet.  Supplying such offset values will most likely
   cause memory corruption issues and may lead to Denial-of-Service
   conditions (e.g., a Null pointer dereference after "label_len_octet"
   is set to an invalid address in memory). As an For additional example, examples,
   see <xref target="CVE-2020-25767"/>, target="CVE-2020-25767" format="default"/>, <xref target="CVE-2020-24339"/>, target="CVE-2020-24339" format="default"/>, and <xref target="CVE-2020-24335"/>.</t> target="CVE-2020-24335" format="default"/>.</t>
   The pseudocode at Snippet 1 in <xref target="snippet_1"/> allows for jumping from a compression
   pointer to another compression pointer and it does not restrict the
   number of such jumps. That is, if a label length octet which that is
   currently being parsed is a compression pointer, the code will
   perform a jump to another label, and if that other label is a
   compression pointer as well, the code will perform another jump, and
   so forth until it reaches an a decompressed label. This may lead to
   unforeseen side-effects side effects that result in security issues.</t>
      <t>Consider the excerpt from a DNS packet excerpt illustrated below:</t>

      <artwork name="" type="" align="left" alt=""><![CDATA[
->+0x0c |0xc0|0x0c|   TYPE  |  CLASS  |0x04| t  | e  | s  | t  |0x03|
|       +----+--|-+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+
| +0x18 | c  | o| | m  |0x00|  TYPE   |  CLASS  | ................  |
|       +----+--|-+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+
|               |
   The packet begins with a DNS header at the offset +0x00, and its DNS
   payload contains several RRs. The first RR begins at the an offset of
   12 octets (+0xc0) and (+0x0c); its first label length octet is set to the
   value "0xc0", which indicates that it is a compression pointer. The
   compression pointer offset is computed from the two octets "0xc00c"
   and it is equal to 12. Since the broken implementation at Snippet 1 in <xref target="snippet_1"/>
   follows this offset value blindly, the pointer will jump back to
   the first octet of the first RR (+0xc0) (+0x0c) over and over again.  The
   code at Snippet 1 in <xref target="snippet_1"/> will enter an infinite loop infinite-loop state, since it will
   never leave the "TRUE" branch of the "while" loop.</t>
   Apart from achieving infinite loops, the implementation flaws at
   Snippet 1 in
   <xref target="snippet_1"/> make it possible to achieve various pointer loops that have
   other undesirable effects. For instance, consider the DNS packet excerpt shown

      <artwork name="" type="" align="left" alt=""><![CDATA[
->+0x0c |0x04| t  | e  | s  | t  |0xc0|0x0c| ...................... |
|       +----+----+----+----+----+----+--|-+----+----+----+----+----+
|                                        |
   With such a domain name, the implementation at Snippet 1 in <xref target="snippet_1"/> will first
   copy the domain label at the offset "0xc0" ("test"), then ("test"); it will then
   fetch the next label length octet, which is happens to be a compression pointer
   ("0xc0"). The compression pointer offset is computed from the two
   octets "0xc00c" and is equal to 12 octets. The code will jump back
   at the
   to offset "0xc0" where the first label "test" is located. The
   code will again copy the "test" label, label and then jump back to it,
   following the compression pointer, over and over again.</t>
   Snippet 1
   <xref target="snippet_1"/> does not contain any logic that restricts multiple jumps
   from the same compression pointer and does not ensure that no more
   than 255 octets are copied into the name buffer ("name_buffer"). In
   fact, the

   <ul spacing="normal">
   <li>the code will continue to write the label "test" into it,
   overwriting the name buffer and the stack of the heap metadata. In
   fact, attackers metadata.</li>
   <li>attackers would have a significant degree of freedom in
   constructing shell-code, shell code, since they can create arbitrary copy chains
   with various combinations of labels and compression pointers.</t>


   Therefore, pointers.</li>

   <t>Therefore, blindly following compression pointers may lead not only lead to
   Denial-of-Service conditions, as pointed out by <xref
   target="I-D.ietf-dnsind-local-compression"/>, target="I-D.ietf-dnsind-local-compression" format="default"/>, but also to successful Remote
   Code Execution attacks, as there may be other implementation issues present
   within the corresponding code.</t>
   Some implementations may not follow <xref target="RFC1035"/>, target="RFC1035" format="default"/>, which states: "the
<!-- DNE; fixed -->
<blockquote>The first two bits [of a compression pointer octet] are ones; this ones.  This allows a pointer to be distinguished
from a label, since the label must begin with two zero bits because
labels are restricted to 63 octets or less (the less.  (The 10 and 01 combinations
are reserved for future use)". Snippets 2 use.)</blockquote>
Figures&nbsp;<xref target="snippet_2" format="counter"/> and 3 <xref target="snippet_3" format="counter"/> show pseudocode that implements two functions that check whether a given octet is a compression pointer: pointer; <xref target="snippet_2"/> shows a correct implementation, and <xref target="snippet_3"/> shows an incorrect
   implementations respectively.</t>

	<figure><artwork><![CDATA[ (broken) implementation.</t>

<figure anchor="snippet_2">
  <name>Correct Compression Pointer Check</name>
  <sourcecode name="" type="pseudocode" ><![CDATA[
1: unsigned char is_compression_pointer(*octet) {
2:     if ((*octet & 0xc0) == 0xc0)
3:         return true;
4:     } else {
5:         return false;
6:     }
7: }
       Snippet 2 - Correct compression pointer check

<figure anchor="snippet_3">
  <name>Broken Compression Pointer Check</name>
  <sourcecode name="" type="pseudocode"><![CDATA[
1: unsigned char is_compression_pointer(*octet) {
2:     if (*octet & 0xc0) {
3:         return true;
4:     } else {
5:         return false;
6:     }
7: }

       Snippet 3 - Broken compression pointer check
The correct implementation (Snippet 2) (<xref target="snippet_2"/>) ensures that the two most
significant bits of an octet are both set, while the broken
implementation (Snippet 3) (<xref target="snippet_3"/>) would consider an octet with only one of
the two bits set as to be a compression pointer. This is likely an
implementation mistake rather than an intended violation of
<xref target="RFC1035" format="default"/>, because there are no benefits in supporting such
compression pointer values. The implementations related to
<xref target="CVE-2020-24338" format="default"/> and [CVE-2020-24335] <xref target="CVE-2020-24335" format="default"/> had a broken
compression pointer check illustrated on Snippet 3.</t> check, similar to the code shown in <xref target="snippet_3"/>.</t>
   While incorrect implementations alone do not lead to vulnerabilities,
   they may have unforeseen side-effects side effects when combined with other
   vulnerabilities. For instance, the first octet of the value "0x4130"
   may be incorrectly interpreted as a label length by a broken
   implementation. Such a label length (65) is invalid, invalid and is larger
   than 63 (as per <xref target="RFC1035"/>), and target="RFC1035" format="default"/>); a packet that has this value should
   be discarded. However, the function shown on Snippet 3 in <xref target="snippet_3"/> will
   consider "0x41" to be a valid compression pointer, and the packet
   may pass the validation steps.</t>
   This might give an attackers additional leverage for attackers in constructing
   payloads and circumventing the existing DNS packet validation
   The first occurrence of a compression pointer in a an RR (an octet with
   the 2 two highest bits set to 1) must resolve to an octet within a DNS
   record with the a value that is greater than 0 (i.e., it must not be a
   Null-terminator) and less than 64. The offset at which this octet is
   located must be smaller than the offset at which the compression
   pointer is located - located; once an implementation makes sure of that,
   compression pointer loops can never occur.</t>
   In small DNS implementations (e.g., embedded TCP/IP stacks) the stacks),
   support for nested compression pointers (pointers that point to a
   compressed name) should be discouraged: there is very little to be
   gained in terms of performance versus the high possibility probability of
   introducing errors, errors such as the ones those discussed above.</t>
   The code that implements domain name parsing should check the offset
   not only
   with respect to not only the bounds of a packet, packet but also its
   position with respect to the compression pointer in question. A
   compression pointer must not be "followed" more than once. We have
   seen several implementations using a check that ensures that
   a compression pointer is not followed more than several times. A
   better alternative may be to ensure that the target of a compression
   pointer is always located before the location of the pointer in the
    <section title="Label anchor="sect-3" numbered="true" toc="default">
      <name>Label and Name Length Validation" anchor="sect-3"><t> Validation</name>
   <xref target="RFC1035"/> target="RFC1035" format="default"/> restricts the length of name labels to 63 octets, octets and
   lengths of domain names to 255 octets (i.e., label octets and label
   length octets). Some implementations do not explicitly enforce these
   Consider the function "copy_domain_name()" shown on Snippet 4 in <xref target="snippet_4"/> below.
   The function is a variant of the "decompress_domain_name()" function
   (Snippet 1),
   (<xref target="snippet_1"/>), with the difference that it does not support compressed
   labels and copies only copies decompressed labels into the name buffer.</t>

   <figure anchor="snippet_4">
     <name>A Broken Implementation of a Function That Is Used for Copying Non-&wj;compressed Domain Names</name>
     <sourcecode name="" type="pseudocode" ><![CDATA[
 1: copy_domain_name(*name, *dns_payload) {
 3:   name_buffer[255];
 4:   copy_offset = 0;
 6:   label_len_octet = name;
 7:   dest_octet = name_buffer;
 9:   while (*label_len_octet != 0x00) {
11:      if (is_compression_pointer(*label_len_octet)) {
12:          length = 2;
13:          label_len_octet += length + 1;
14:      }
16:      else {
17:          length = *label_len_octet;
18:          copy(dest_octet + copy_offset,
                             label_len_octet+1, *length);
20:         copy_offset += length;
21:          label_len_octet += length + 1;
22:      }
24:  }
        Snippet 4 - A broken implementation of a function
      that is used for copying non-compressed domain names
25: }
   This implementation does not explicitly check for the value of the
   label length octet: this value can be up to 255 octets, and a single
   label can fill the name buffer. Depending on the memory layout of the
   target, how the name buffer is allocated, and the size of the
   malformed packet, it is possible to trigger various memory corruption
   Both Snippets 1 Figures&nbsp;<xref target="snippet_1" format="counter"/> and 4 <xref target="snippet_4"
format="counter"/> restrict the size of the name buffer to 255
   octets, however
   octets; however, there are no restrictions on the actual number of
   octets that will be copied into this buffer. In this particular case,
   a subsequent copy operation (if another label is present in the
   packet) will write past the name buffer, allowing to overwrite heap
   or stack metadata to be overwritten in a controlled manner.</t>
   Similar examples of vulnerable implementations can be found in the
   code relevant to <xref target="CVE-2020-25110"/>, target="CVE-2020-25110" format="default"/>, <xref target="CVE-2020-15795"/>, target="CVE-2020-15795" format="default"/>, and
   <xref target="CVE-2020-27009"/>.</t> target="CVE-2020-27009" format="default"/>.</t>
   As a general recommendation, a domain label length octet must have the a
   value of more than 0 and less than 64 (<xref target="RFC1035"/>). <xref target="RFC1035" format="default"/>. If this is not the case,
   an invalid value has been provided within the packet, or a value at an
   invalid position might be interpreted as a domain name length due to other
   errors in the packet (e.g., misplaced Null-terminator or invalid
   compression pointer).</t>
   The number of domain label characters must correspond to the value of
   the domain label octet. To avoid possible errors when interpreting
   the characters of a domain label, developers may consider
   recommendations for the preferred domain name syntax outlined in
   <xref target="RFC1035"/>.</t> target="RFC1035" format="default"/>.</t>
   The domain name length must not be more than 255 octets, including
   the size of decompressed domain names. The NUL octet ("0x00") must
   be present at the end of the domain name, name and must be within the maximum name
   length (255 octets).</t>
    <section title="Null-terminator anchor="sect-4" numbered="true" toc="default">
      <name>Null-Terminator Placement Validation" anchor="sect-4"><t> Validation</name>
   A domain name must end with a NUL ("0x00") octet, as per <xref target="RFC1035"/>. target="RFC1035" format="default"/>.
   The implementations shown at Snippets 1 in Figures&nbsp;<xref target="snippet_1" format="counter"/> and 4 <xref
target="snippet_4" format="counter"/> assume that this is the
   case for the RRs that they process, however process; however, names that do not have a
   NUL octet placed at the proper position within a an RR are not
   This issue is closely related to the absence of label and name length
   checks. For example, the logic behind Snippets 1 Figures&nbsp;<xref target="snippet_1" format="counter"/> and 4 <xref target="snippet_4"
format="counter"/> will continue
   to copy octets into the name buffer, buffer until a NUL octet is
   encountered. This octet can be placed at an arbitrary position
   within a RR, an RR or not placed at all.</t>
   Consider a the pseudocode function shown on Snippet 5. in <xref target="snippet_5"/>. The function
   returns the length of a domain name ("name") in octets to be used
   elsewhere (e.g., to allocate a name buffer of a certain size): for
   compressed domain names names, the function returns 2, 2; for decompressed
   names, it returns their true length using the "strlen(3)" function.</t>

   <figure anchor="snippet_5">
     <name>A Broken Implementation of a Function That Returns the Length of a Domain Name</name>
     <sourcecode name="" type="pseudocode"><![CDATA[
1: get_name_length(*name) {
3:     if (is_compression_pointer(name))
4:         return 2;
6:     name_len = strlen(name) + 1;
7:     return name_len;
8: }
    Snippet 5 - A broken implementation of a function that
           returns the length of a domain name
   "strlen(3)" is a standard C library function that returns the length
   of a given sequence of characters terminated by the NUL ("0x00")
   octet. Since this function also expects names to be explicitly
   Null-terminated, the return value "strlen(3)" may be also be controlled
   by attackers. Through the value of "name_len" "name_len", attackers may control
   the allocation of internal buffers, buffers or specify the number by octets
   copied into these buffers, or they may perform other operations operations, depending on the
   implementation specifics.</t>
   The absence of explicit checks for placement of the NUL octet placement may also
   facilitate controlled memory reads and writes. An example of
   vulnerable implementations can be found in the code relevant to
   <xref target="CVE-2020-25107"/>, target="CVE-2020-25107" format="default"/>, <xref target="CVE-2020-17440"/>, target="CVE-2020-17440" format="default"/>, <xref target="CVE-2020-24383"/>, target="CVE-2020-24383" format="default"/>, and
   <xref target="CVE-2020-27736"/>.</t> target="CVE-2020-27736" format="default"/>.</t>
   As a general recommendation for mitigating such issues, developers
   should never trust user data to be Null-terminated. For example, to
   fix/mitigate the issue shown in the code Snippet 5, in <xref target="snippet_5"/>, developers should use
   the function "strnlen(3)" that "strnlen(3)", which reads at most X characters(the characters (the second
   argument of the function), and ensure that X is not larger than the
   buffer allocated for the name.</t>
    <section title="Response anchor="sect-5" numbered="true" toc="default">
      <name>Response Data Length Validation" anchor="sect-5"><t> Validation</name>
   As stated in <xref target="RFC1035"/>, target="RFC1035" format="default"/>, every RR contains a variable length variable-length string of
   octets that contains the retrieved resource data (RDATA) (e.g., an IP
   address that corresponds to a domain name in question). The length of
   the RDATA field is regulated by the resource data length field
   (RDLENGTH), that which is also present in an RR.</t>
   Implementations that process RRs may not check for the validity of
   the RDLENGTH field value, value when retrieving RDATA. Failing to do so may
   lead to out-of-bound read issues (similarly to the label and name
   length validation issues discussed in <xref target="sect-3"/>), issues, whose impact may
   vary significantly significantly, depending on the implementation specifics. We have
   observed instances of Denial-of-Service conditions and information
   Therefore, the value of the data length byte in response DNS records
   (RDLENGTH) must reflect the number of bytes available in the field
   that describes the resource (RDATA). The format of RDATA must
   conform to the TYPE and CLASS fields of the RR.</t>
   Examples of vulnerable implementations can be found in the code
   relevant to <xref target="CVE-2020-25108"/>, target="CVE-2020-25108" format="default"/>, <xref target="CVE-2020-24336"/>, target="CVE-2020-24336" format="default"/>, and <xref target="CVE-2020-27009"/>.</t> target="CVE-2020-27009" format="default"/>.</t>
    <section title="Record anchor="sect-6" numbered="true" toc="default">
      <name>Record Count Validation" anchor="sect-6"><t> Validation</name>
   According to <xref target="RFC1035"/>, target="RFC1035" format="default"/>, the DNS header contains four two-octet
   fields that specify the amount of question records (QDCOUNT), answer
   records (ANCOUNT), authority records (NSCOUNT), and additional
   records (ARCOUNT).</t>

 1: process_dns_records(dns_header, ...) {
        // ...
 2:     num_answers = dns_header->ancount
 3:     data_ptr = dns_header->data
 5:     while (num_answers > 0) {
 6:         name_length = get_name_length(data_ptr);
 7:         data_ptr += name_length + 1;
 9:         answer = (struct dns_answer_record *)data_ptr;
11:         // process the answer record
13:         --num_answers;
14:     }
        // ...
15: }

     Snippet 6 - A broken implementation of a RR processing function
   Snippet 6
   <xref target="snippet_6"/> illustrates a recurring implementation anti-pattern for a
   function that processes DNS RRs. The function "process_dns_records()"
   extracts the value of ANCOUNT ("num_answers") and the pointer to the
   DNS data payload ("data_ptr"). The function processes answer records
   in a loop loop, decrementing the "num_answers" value after processing each
   record until the value of "num_answers" becomes zero. For
   simplicity, we assume that there is only one domain name per answer.
   Inside the loop, the code calculates the domain name length
   ("name_length") and adjusts the data payload pointer "data_ptr" ("data_ptr") by the
   offset that corresponds to "name_length + 1", so that the pointer
   lands on the first answer record. Next, the answer record is
   retrieved and processed, and the "num_answers" value is decremented.</t>

   <figure anchor="snippet_6">
     <name>A Broken Implementation of a Function That Processes RRs</name>
     <sourcecode name="" type="pseudocode" ><![CDATA[
 1: process_dns_records(dns_header, ...) {
        // ...
 2:     num_answers = dns_header->ancount
 3:     data_ptr = dns_header->data
 5:     while (num_answers > 0) {
 6:         name_length = get_name_length(data_ptr);
 7:         data_ptr += name_length + 1;
 9:         answer = (struct dns_answer_record *)data_ptr;
11:         // process the answer record
13:         --num_answers;
14:     }
        // ...
15: }
   If the ANCOUNT number retrieved from the header
   ("dns_header-&gt;ancount") is not checked against the amount of data
   available in the packet and it is, e.g., for example, larger than the number of
   answer records available, the data pointer "data_ptr" ("data_ptr") will read out
   of outside
   the bounds of the packet.  This may result in Denial-of-Service
   In this section, we used an example of processing answer records.
   However, the same logic is often reused for implementing the
   processing of other types of records: records, e.g., the number of Question
   (QCOUNT), Authority question
   (QDCOUNT), authority (NSCOUNT), and Additional additional (ARCOUNT) records. The
   specified numbers of these records specified must correspond to the actual data
   present within the packet. Therefore, all record count fields must
   be checked before fully parsing the contents of a packet.
   Specifically, Section 6.3 of<xref target="RFC5625"/> <xref target="RFC5625" sectionFormat="of" section="6.3"/> recommends that such malformed
   DNS packets should be dropped, dropped and (optionally) logged.</t>
   Examples of vulnerable implementations can be found in the code
   relevant to <xref target="CVE-2020-25109"/>, target="CVE-2020-25109" format="default"/>, <xref target="CVE-2020-24340" format="default"/>, <xref target="CVE-2020-24340"/>,<xref target="CVE-2020-24334"/>, target="CVE-2020-24334" format="default"/>, and
   <xref target="CVE-2020-27737"/>.</t> target="CVE-2020-27737" format="default"/>.</t>
    <section title="Security Considerations" anchor="sect-7"><t> anchor="sect-7" numbered="true" toc="default">
      <name>Security Considerations</name>
   Security issues are discussed throughout this memo. The document memo; it
   discusses implementation flaws (anti-patterns) that affect the
   functionality of processing DNS RRs. The presence of such
   anti-patterns leads to bugs causing that cause buffer overflows,
   read-out-of-bounds, and infinite loop infinite-loop issues. These issues have the
   following security impact: Information Leak, Denial-of-Service, impacts: information leaks, Denial-of-Service attacks, and
   Remote Code Execution.</t> Execution attacks.</t>
   This document lists general recommendation recommendations for the developers of DNS
   record parsing functionality that allow those developers to prevent such
   implementation flaws, e.g., by rigorously checking the data received
   over the wire before processing it.</t>
    <section title="IANA Considerations" anchor="sect-8"><t> anchor="sect-8" numbered="true" toc="default">
      <name>IANA Considerations</name>
   This document introduces has no new IANA considerations. actions. Please see
   <xref target="RFC6895"/> target="RFC6895" format="default"/> for a complete review of the IANA considerations
   introduced by DNS.</t>
	<references title="Normative References">

<displayreference target="I-D.ietf-dnsind-local-compression" to="DNS-COMPRESSION"/>

        <name>Normative References</name>
        <xi:include href="https://xml2rfc.ietf.org/public/rfc/bibxml/reference.RFC.1035.xml"/>
        <xi:include href="https://xml2rfc.ietf.org/public/rfc/bibxml/reference.RFC.5625.xml"/>
	<references title="Informative References">

        <name>Informative References</name>
        <reference anchor="SIGRED" target="https://cve.mitre.org/cgi-bin/cvename.cgi?name=CVE-2020-1350"><front> target="https://cve.mitre.org/cgi-bin/cvename.cgi?name=CVE-2020-1350">
            <title>CVE-2020-1350: A remote code execution vulnerability in Windows Domain Name System servers</title>
              <organization>Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures</organization>
            <date month="July" year="2020"/>

        <reference anchor="SADDNS" target="https://dl.acm.org/doi/pdf/10.1145/3372297.3417280">
            <title>DNS Cache Poisoning Attack Reloaded: Revolutions with Side Channels</title>
            <author initials="K." surname="Man" fullname="Keyu Man">
            <author initials="Z." surname="Qian" fullname="Zhiyun Qian">
            <author initials="Z." surname="Wang" fullname="Zhongjie Wang">
            <author initials="X." surname="Zheng" fullname="Xiaofeng Zheng">
            <author initials="Y." surname="Huang" fullname="Youjun Huang">
            <author initials="H." surname="Duan" fullname="Haixin Duan">
            <date month="November" year="2020"/>
        <seriesInfo name="Proc. of
          <refcontent>Proc. 2020 ACM CCS'20" value=""/> SIGSAC Conference on Computer and Communications Security, CCS '20</refcontent>
        <seriesInfo name="DOI" value="10.1145/3372297.3417280"/>

        <reference anchor="DNSPOOQ" target="https://www.jsof-tech.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/01/DNSpooq-Technical-WP.pdf">
            <title>DNSpooq: Cache Poisoning and RCE in popular Popular DNS Forwarder dnsmasq</title>
            <author initials="M." surname="Kol" fullname="Moshe Kol">
            <author initials="S." surname="Oberma" surname="Oberman" fullname="Shlomi Oberma"> Oberman">
            <date month="January" year="2021"/>
        <seriesInfo name="technical report" value=""/>
          <refcontent>JSOF Technical Report</refcontent>

        <reference anchor="CVE-2000-0333" target="https://cve.mitre.org/cgi-bin/cvename.cgi?name=CVE-2000-0333"><front> target="https://cve.mitre.org/cgi-bin/cvename.cgi?name=CVE-2000-0333">
            <title>CVE-2000-0333: A denial-of-service vulnerability in tcpdump, Ethereal, and other sniffer packages via malformed DNS packets</title>
              <organization>Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures</organization>
            <date year="2000"/>

        <reference anchor="CVE-2020-24338" target="https://cve.mitre.org/cgi-bin/cvename.cgi?name=CVE-2020-24338"><front> target="https://cve.mitre.org/cgi-bin/cvename.cgi?name=CVE-2020-24338">
            <title>CVE-2020-24338: A denial-of-service and remote code execution vulnerability in the DNS domain name record decompression functionality of picoTCP</title>
              <organization>Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures</organization>
            <date month="December" year="2020"/>

        <reference anchor="CVE-2020-27738" target="https://cve.mitre.org/cgi-bin/cvename.cgi?name=CVE-2020-27738"><front> target="https://cve.mitre.org/cgi-bin/cvename.cgi?name=CVE-2020-27738">
            <title>CVE-2020-27738: A denial-of-service and remote code execution vulnerability DNS domain name record decompression functionality of Nucleus NET</title>
              <organization>Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures</organization>
            <date month="April" year="2021"/>

        <reference anchor="CVE-2020-25767" target="https://cve.mitre.org/cgi-bin/cvename.cgi?name=CVE-2020-25767"><front> target="https://cve.mitre.org/cgi-bin/cvename.cgi?name=CVE-2020-25767">
            <title>CVE-2020-25767: An out-of-bounds read and denial-of-service vulnerability in the DNS name parsing routine of HCC Embedded NicheStack</title>
              <organization>Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures</organization>
            <date month="August" year="2021"/>

        <reference anchor="CVE-2020-24339" target="https://cve.mitre.org/cgi-bin/cvename.cgi?name=CVE-2020-24339"><front> target="https://cve.mitre.org/cgi-bin/cvename.cgi?name=CVE-2020-24339">
            <title>CVE-2020-24339: An out-of-bounds read and denial-of-service vulnerability in the DNS domain name record decompression functionality of picoTCP</title>
              <organization>Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures</organization>
            <date month="December" year="2020"/>

        <reference anchor="CVE-2020-24335" target="https://cve.mitre.org/cgi-bin/cvename.cgi?name=CVE-2020-24335"><front> target="https://cve.mitre.org/cgi-bin/cvename.cgi?name=CVE-2020-24335">
            <title>CVE-2020-24335: A memory corruption vulnerability in domain name parsing routines of uIP</title>
              <organization>Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures</organization>
            <date month="December" year="2020"/>

        <reference anchor="CVE-2020-25110" target="https://cve.mitre.org/cgi-bin/cvename.cgi?name=CVE-2020-25110"><front> target="https://cve.mitre.org/cgi-bin/cvename.cgi?name=CVE-2020-25110">
            <title>CVE-2020-25110: A denial-of-service and remote code execution vulnerability in the DNS implementation of Ethernut Nut/OS</title>
              <organization>Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures</organization>
            <date month="December" year="2020"/>

        <reference anchor="CVE-2020-15795" target="https://cve.mitre.org/cgi-bin/cvename.cgi?name=CVE-2020-15795"><front> target="https://cve.mitre.org/cgi-bin/cvename.cgi?name=CVE-2020-15795">
            <title>CVE-2020-15795: A denial-of-service and remote code execution vulnerability DNS domain name label parsing functionality of Nucleus NET</title>
              <organization>Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures</organization>
            <date month="April" year="2021"/>

        <reference anchor="CVE-2020-27009" target="https://cve.mitre.org/cgi-bin/cvename.cgi?name=CVE-2020-27009"><front> target="https://cve.mitre.org/cgi-bin/cvename.cgi?name=CVE-2020-27009">
            <title>CVE-2020-27009: A denial-of-service and remote code execution vulnerability DNS domain name record decompression functionality of Nucleus NET</title>
              <organization>Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures</organization>
            <date month="April" year="2021"/>

        <reference anchor="CVE-2020-25107" target="https://cve.mitre.org/cgi-bin/cvename.cgi?name=CVE-2020-25107"><front> target="https://cve.mitre.org/cgi-bin/cvename.cgi?name=CVE-2020-25107">
            <title>CVE-2020-25107: A denial-of-service and remote code execution vulnerability in the DNS implementation of Ethernut Nut/OS</title>
              <organization>Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures</organization>
            <date month="December" year="2020"/>

        <reference anchor="CVE-2020-17440" target="https://cve.mitre.org/cgi-bin/cvename.cgi?name=CVE-2020-17440"><front> target="https://cve.mitre.org/cgi-bin/cvename.cgi?name=CVE-2020-17440">
            <title>CVE-2020-17440 A denial-of-service vulnerability in the DNS name parsing implementation of uIP</title>
              <organization>Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures</organization>
            <date month="December" year="2020"/>

        <reference anchor="CVE-2020-24383" target="https://cve.mitre.org/cgi-bin/cvename.cgi?name=CVE-2020-24383"><front> target="https://cve.mitre.org/cgi-bin/cvename.cgi?name=CVE-2020-24383">
            <title>CVE-2020-24383: An information leak and denial-of-service vulnerability while parsing mDNS resource records in FNET</title>
              <organization>Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures</organization>
            <date month="December" year="2020"/>

        <reference anchor="CVE-2020-27736" target="https://cve.mitre.org/cgi-bin/cvename.cgi?name=CVE-2020-27736"><front> target="https://cve.mitre.org/cgi-bin/cvename.cgi?name=CVE-2020-27736">
            <title>CVE-2020-27736: An information leak and denial-of-service vulnerability in the DNS name parsing functionality of Nucleus NET</title>
              <organization>Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures</organization>
            <date month="April" year="2021"/>

        <reference anchor="CVE-2020-25108" target="https://cve.mitre.org/cgi-bin/cvename.cgi?name=CVE-2020-25108"><front> target="https://cve.mitre.org/cgi-bin/cvename.cgi?name=CVE-2020-25108">
            <title>CVE-2020-25108: A denial-of-service and remote code execution vulnerability in the DNS implementation of Ethernut Nut/OS</title>
              <organization>Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures</organization>
            <date month="December" year="2020"/>

        <reference anchor="CVE-2020-24336" target="https://cve.mitre.org/cgi-bin/cvename.cgi?name=CVE-2020-24336"><front> target="https://cve.mitre.org/cgi-bin/cvename.cgi?name=CVE-2020-24336">
            <title>CVE-2020-24336: A buffer overflow vulnerability in the DNS implementation of Contiki and Contiki-NG</title>
              <organization>Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures</organization>
            <date month="December" year="2020"/>

        <reference anchor="CVE-2020-25109" target="https://cve.mitre.org/cgi-bin/cvename.cgi?name=CVE-2020-25109"><front> target="https://cve.mitre.org/cgi-bin/cvename.cgi?name=CVE-2020-25109">
            <title>CVE-2020-25109: A denial-of-service and remote code execution vulnerability in the DNS implementation of Ethernut Nut/OS</title>
              <organization>Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures</organization>
            <date month="December" year="2020"/>

        <reference anchor="CVE-2020-24340" target="https://cve.mitre.org/cgi-bin/cvename.cgi?name=CVE-2020-24340"><front> target="https://cve.mitre.org/cgi-bin/cvename.cgi?name=CVE-2020-24340">
            <title>CVE-2020-24340: An out-of-bounds read and denial-of-service vulnerability in the DNS response parsing functionality of picoTCP</title>
              <organization>Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures</organization>
            <date month="December" year="2020"/>

        <reference anchor="CVE-2020-24334" target="https://cve.mitre.org/cgi-bin/cvename.cgi?name=CVE-2020-24334"><front> target="https://cve.mitre.org/cgi-bin/cvename.cgi?name=CVE-2020-24334">
            <title>CVE-2020-24334: An out-of-bounds read and denial-of-service vulnerability in the DNS response parsing functionality of uIP</title>
              <organization>Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures</organization>
            <date month="December" year="2020"/>

        <reference anchor="CVE-2020-27737" target="https://cve.mitre.org/cgi-bin/cvename.cgi?name=CVE-2020-27737"><front> target="https://cve.mitre.org/cgi-bin/cvename.cgi?name=CVE-2020-27737">
            <title>CVE-2020-27737: An information leak and denial-of-service vulnerability in the DNS response parsing functionality of Nucleus NET</title>
              <organization>Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures</organization>
            <date month="April" year="2021"/>

        <reference anchor="CVE-2017-9345" target="https://cve.mitre.org/cgi-bin/cvename.cgi?name=CVE-2017-9345"><front> target="https://cve.mitre.org/cgi-bin/cvename.cgi?name=CVE-2017-9345">
            <title>CVE-2017-9345: An infinite loop in the DNS dissector of Wireshark</title>
              <organization>Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures</organization>
            <date year="2017"/>

<!-- draft-ietf-dnsind-local-compression (Expired) -->
        <xi:include href="https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/bibxml3/reference.I-D.ietf-dnsind-local-compression.xml"/>

        <xi:include href="https://xml2rfc.ietf.org/public/rfc/bibxml/reference.RFC.6895.xml"/>
        <xi:include href="https://xml2rfc.ietf.org/public/rfc/bibxml/reference.RFC.8484.xml"/>
        <xi:include href="https://xml2rfc.ietf.org/public/rfc/bibxml/reference.RFC.7858.xml"/>
    <section title="Acknowledgements" numbered="no" anchor="acknowledgements"><t> numbered="false" anchor="acknowledgements" toc="default">
   We would like to thank Shlomi Oberman, <contact fullname="Shlomi Oberman"/>, who has greatly contributed to
   the research that led to the creation of this document.</t>