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   <!-- The abbreviated title is used in the page header - it is only necessary if the
        full title is longer than 39 characters -->
   <title abbrev="Principles for a Quantum Internet">Architectural Principles
   for a Quantum Internet</title>

   <!-- add 'role="editor"' below for the editors if appropriate -->

   <!-- Another author who claims to be an editor -->
   <seriesInfo name="RFC" value="9340"/>
   <author fullname="Wojciech Kozlowski" initials="W" surname="Kozlowski">
         <street>Building 22</street>
	  <extaddr>Building 22</extaddr>
          <street>Lorentzweg 1</street>

         <!-- Reorder these if your country does things differently -->
         <code>2628 CJ</code>

       <!-- uri and facsimile elements may also be added -->
    <author fullname="Stephanie Wehner" initials="S" surname="Wehner">
         <street>Building 22</street>
	  <extaddr>Building 22</extaddr>
          <street>Lorentzweg 1</street>

         <!-- Reorder these if your country does things differently -->
         <code>2628 CJ</code>

       <!-- uri and facsimile elements may also be added -->
    <author fullname="Rodney Van Meter" initials="R" surname="Van Meter">
      <organization>Keio University</organization>
          <street>5322 Endo</street>

         <!-- Reorder these if your country does things differently -->
         <city>Fujisawa</city> Endo, Fujisawa</street>

       <!-- uri and facsimile elements may also be added -->
    <author fullname="Bruno Rijsman" initials="B" surname="Rijsman">
    <author fullname="Angela Sara Cacciapuoti" initials="A" surname="S. Cacciapuoti">
      <organization>University of Naples Federico II</organization>
	  <extaddr>Department of Electrical Engineering and Information Technologies</street> Technologies</extaddr>
          <street>Claudio 21</street>

         <!-- Reorder these if your country does things differently -->

       <!-- uri and facsimile elements may also be added -->
    <author fullname="Marcello Caleffi" initials="M" surname="Caleffi">
      <organization>University of Naples Federico II</organization>
	  <extaddr>Department of Electrical Engineering and Information Technologies</street> Technologies</extaddr>
          <street>Claudio 21</street>

         <!-- Reorder these if your country does things differently -->

       <!-- uri and facsimile elements may also be added -->
    <author fullname="Shota Nagayama" initials="S" surname="Nagayama">
      <organization>Mercari, Inc.</organization>
	  <extaddr>Roppongi Hills Mori Tower 18F</street> 18F</extaddr>
          <street>6-10-1 Roppongi, Minato-ku</street>

         <!-- Reorder these if your country does things differently -->

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    <date year="2022" year="2023" month="February" />

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   <!-- Meta-data Declarations -->

    <workgroup>Quantum Internet Research Group</workgroup>

   <!-- WG name at the upperleft corner of the doc,
        IETF is fine for individual submissions.
         If this element is not present, the default is "Network Working Group",
        which is used by the RFC Editor as a nod to the history of the IETF. --> Internet</workgroup>

    <keyword>Quantum Internet</keyword>
    <keyword>Bell Pair</keyword>
    <keyword>EPR Pair</keyword>

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      <t>The vision of a quantum internet is to enhance existing Internet
     technology by enabling quantum communication between any two points on
     Earth. To achieve this goal, a quantum network stack should be built from
     the ground up to account for the fundamentally new properties of quantum
     entanglement. The first quantum entanglement networks have been realised
     <xref target="Pompili21.1" />, realised,
     but there is no practical proposal for how to
     organise, utilise, and manage such networks. In this draft, document, we attempt to
     lay down the framework and introduce some basic architectural principles
     for a quantum internet. This is intended for general guidance and general
     interest, but
     interest.  It is also intended to provide a foundation for discussion between
     physicists and network specialists. This document is a product of the
     Quantum Internet Research Group (QIRG).</t>
    <section title="Introduction"> numbered="true" toc="default">
      <t>Quantum networks are distributed systems of quantum devices that
     utilise fundamental quantum mechanical phenomena such as superposition,
     entanglement, and quantum measurement to achieve capabilities beyond what
     is possible with non-quantum (classical) networks <xref target="Kimble08"
     />. format="default"/>. Depending on the stage of a quantum network <xref target="Wehner18" /> format="default"/>,
     such devices may range from simple photonic devices capable of preparing
     and measuring only one quantum bit (qubit) at a time all the way to
     large-scale quantum computers of the future. A quantum network is not
     meant to replace classical networks, networks but rather to form an overall hybrid
     classical-quantum network supporting new capabilities which that are otherwise
     impossible to realise <xref target="VanMeterBook" />. format="default"/>. For example, the
     most well-known application of quantum communication, quantum key
     distribution (QKD), Quantum Key
     Distribution (QKD) <xref target="QKD" format="default"/>, can create and distribute a pair of symmetric
     encryption keys in such a way that the security of the entire process
     relies on the laws of physics (and thus can be mathematically proven to be
     unbreakable) rather than the intractability of certain mathematical
     problems <xref target="Bennett14" /> format="default"/> <xref target="Ekert91" />. format="default"/>. Small
     networks capable of QKD have even already been deployed at short (roughly
     100-kilometre) distances <xref target="Elliott03" /> format="default"/> <xref target="Peev09" /> format="default"/>
        <xref target="Aguado19" /> format="default"/> <xref target="Joshi20" />.</t> format="default"/>.</t>
      <t>The quantum networking paradigm also offers promise for a range of new
     applications beyond quantum cryptography, such as distributed quantum
     computation <xref target="Cirac99" /> format="default"/> <xref target="Crepeau02" />, format="default"/>; secure
     quantum computing in the cloud <xref target="Fitzsimons17" />, format="default"/>;
     quantum-enhanced measurement networks <xref target="Giovanetti04" />, target="Giovannetti04" format="default"/>; or
     higher-precision, long-baseline telescopes <xref target="Gottesman12" />. format="default"/>.
     These applications are much more demanding than QKD QKD, and networks capable
     of executing them are in their infancy. The first fully quantum, multinode
     network capable of sending, receiving, and manipulating distributed
     quantum information has only recently been realized realised <xref target="Pompili21.1" /></t> format="default"/>.</t>
      <t>Whilst a lot of effort has gone into physically realising and
     connecting such devices, and making improvements to their speed and error
     tolerance, there are no worked out proposals for how to run these
     networks. networks have been worked out at the time of this writing. To draw an analogy with a classical network, we are at a stage
     where we can start to physically connect our devices and send data, but
     all sending, receiving, buffer management, connection synchronisation, and
     so on, on must be managed by the application directly by using low-level,
     custom-built, and hardware-specific interfaces, rather than being managed
     by a network stack that exposes a convenient high-level interface, such as
     sockets. Only recently, recently was the first ever first-ever attempt at such a network stack
     experimentally demonstrated in a laboratory setting <xref target="Pompili21.2" />. format="default"/>. Furthermore, whilst physical mechanisms for
     transmitting quantum information exist, there are no robust protocols for
     managing such transmissions.</t>
      <t>This document, produced by the Quantum Internet Research Group (QIRG),
     introduces quantum networks and presents general guidelines for the design
     and construction of such networks. Overall, it is intended as an
     introduction to the subject for network engineers and researchers. It
     should not be considered as a conclusive statement on how quantum network networks
     should or will be implemented. This document was discussed on the QIRG
     mailing list and several IETF meetings and meetings.  It represents the consensus of the
     QIRG members, both of both experts in the subject matter (from the quantum as
     well and
     networking domain) as well as domains) and newcomers who are the target
    <section title="Quantum information"> numbered="true" toc="default">
      <name>Quantum Information</name>
      <t>In order to understand the framework for quantum networking, a basic
     understanding of quantum information theory is necessary. The following
     sections aim to introduce the minimum amount of knowledge necessary to
     understand the principles of operation of a quantum network. This
     exposition was written with a classical networking audience in mind. It is
     assumed that the reader has never before been exposed to any quantum
     physics. We refer the reader to <xref target="SutorBook" /> format="default"/> and <xref
     target="NielsenChuang"/> target="NielsenChuang" format="default"/> for an in-depth introduction to quantum
     information systems.</t>
      <section title="Quantum state"> numbered="true" toc="default">
        <name>Quantum State</name>
        <t>A quantum mechanical system is described by its quantum state. A
       quantum state is an abstract object that provides a complete description
       of the system at that particular moment. When combined with the rules of
       the system's evolution in time, such as a quantum circuit, it also then
       provides a complete description of the system at all times. For the
       purposes of computing and networking, the classical equivalent of a
       quantum state would be a string or stream of logical bit values. These
       bits provide a complete description of what values we can read out from
       that string at that particular moment moment, and when combined with its rules
       for evolution in time, such as a logical circuit, we will also know its
       value at any other time.</t>
        <t>Just like a single classical bit, a quantum mechanical system can be
       simple and consist of a single particle, e.g. e.g., an atom or a photon of
       light. In this case, the quantum state provides the complete description
       of that one particle. Similarly, just like a string of bits consists of
       multiple bits, a single quantum state can be used to also describe an
       ensemble of many particles. However, because quantum states are governed
       by the laws of quantum mechanics mechanics, their behaviour is significantly
       different to that of a string of bits. In this section section, we will summarise
       the key concepts to understand these differences and the we differences.  We will then explain
       their consequences for networking in the rest of the draft.</t> this document.</t>
      <section title="Qubit"> numbered="true" toc="default">
        <t>The differences between quantum computation and classical computation
       begin at the bit-level. bit level. A classical computer operates on the binary
       alphabet { 0, 1 }. A &nbsp;A quantum bit, called a qubit, exists over the same
       binary space, but unlike the classical bit, its state can exist in a
       superposition of the two possibilities:</t>

        <t>|qubit⟩ = a |0> |0⟩ + b |1>,</t> |1⟩,</t>
        <t>where |X> |X⟩ is Dirac's ket notation for a quantum state (the value that
       a qubit holds), here holds) -- here, the binary 0 and 1, 1 -- and the coefficients a and b
       are complex numbers called probability amplitudes. Physically, such a
       state can be realised using a variety of different technologies such as
       electron spin, photon polarisation, atomic energy levels, and so on.</t>
        <t>Upon measurement, the qubit loses its superposition and irreversibly
       collapses into one of the two basis states, either |0> |0⟩ or |1>. |1⟩. Which of
       the two states it ends up in may not be deterministic, deterministic but can be
       determined from the readout of the measurement. The measurement result
       is a classical bit, 0 or 1, corresponding to |0> |0⟩ and |1> |1⟩, respectively.
       The probability of measuring the state in the |0> |0⟩ state is |a|^2 and
       similarly |a|<sup>2</sup>;
       similarly, the probability of measuring the state in the |1> |1⟩ state is
       |&wj;b&wj;|&wj;<sup>2</sup>, where |a|^2 |a|<sup>2</sup> + |b|^2 |b|<sup>2</sup> = 1. This randomness is not due to our
       ignorance of the underlying mechanisms, mechanisms but rather is a fundamental
       feature of a quantum mechanical system <xref target="Aspect81" />.</t> format="default"/>.</t>
        <t>The superposition property plays an important role in fundamental
       gate operations on qubits. Since a qubit can exist in a superposition of
       its basis states, the elementary quantum gates are able to act on all
       states of the superposition at the same time. For example, consider the
       NOT gate:</t>
        <t>NOT (a |0> |0⟩ + b |1>) -> |1⟩) ➔ a |1> |1⟩ + b |0>.</t> |0⟩.</t>
        <t>It is important to note that "qubit" can have two meanings. In the
       first meaning, "qubit" refers to a physical quantum *system* <strong>system</strong> whose
       quantum state can be expressed as a superposition of two basis states,
       which we often label |0> |0⟩ and |1>. |1⟩. Here, "qubit" refers to a physical
       implementation akin to what a flip-flop, switch, voltage, or current
       would be for a classical bit. In the second meaning, "qubit" refers to
       the abstract quantum *state* <strong>state</strong> of a quantum system with such two basis
       states. In this case, the meaning of "qubit" is akin to the logical
       value of a bit, from classical computing, i.e. i.e., "logical 0" or "logical
       1". The two concepts are related, because a physical "qubit" (first
       meaning) can be used to store the abstract "qubit" (second meaning).
       Both meanings are used interchangeably in literature literature, and the meaning is
       generally clear from the context.</t>
      <section title="Multiple qubits"> numbered="true" toc="default">
        <name>Multiple Qubits</name>
        <t>When multiple qubits are combined in a single quantum state state, the space
       of possible states grows exponentially and all these states can coexist
       in a superposition. For example, the general form of a two-qubit
       register is</t>
        <t>a |00> |00⟩ + b |01> |01⟩ + c |10> |10⟩ + d |11></t> |11⟩,</t>
        <t>where the coefficients have the same probability amplitude
       interpretation as for the single qubit single-qubit state. Each state represents a
       possible outcome of a measurement of the two-qubit register. For
       example, |01> |01⟩ denotes a state in which the first qubit is in the state
       |0⟩ and the second is in the state |1>.</t> |1⟩.</t>
        <t>Performing single qubit single-qubit gates affects the relevant qubit in each of
       the superposition states. Similarly, two-qubit gates also act on all the
       relevant superposition states, but their outcome is far more
        <t>Consider a two-qubit register where the first qubit is in the
       superposed state (|0> (|0⟩ + |1>)/sqrt(2) |1⟩)/sqrt(2) and the other is in the state |0>. |0⟩.
       This combined state can be written as:</t>

       <t>(|0> as</t>
        <t>(|0⟩ + |1>)/sqrt(2) |1⟩)/sqrt(2) x |0> |0⟩ = (|00> (|00⟩ + |10>)/sqrt(2),</t> |10⟩)/sqrt(2),</t>
        <t>where x denotes a tensor product (the mathematical mechanism for
       combining quantum states together).</t>
        <t>The constant 1/sqrt(2) is called the normalisation factor and
       reflects the fact that the probabilities of measuring either a |0> |0⟩ or a
       |1⟩ for the first qubit add up to one.</t>
        <t>Let us now consider the two-qubit controlled-NOT, Controlled NOT, or CNOT, gate. The
       CNOT gate takes as input two qubits, qubits -- a control and target, a target -- and applies
       the NOT gate to the target if the control qubit is set. The truth table
       looks like</t>

         <ttcol align="center">IN</ttcol>
         <ttcol align="center">OUT</ttcol>
        <table align="center">
         <name>CNOT Truth Table</name>
              <th align="center">IN</th>
              <th align="center">OUT</th>
              <td align="center">00</td>
              <td align="center">00</td>
              <td align="center">01</td>
              <td align="center">01</td>
              <td align="center">10</td>
              <td align="center">11</td>
              <td align="center">11</td>
              <td align="center">10</td>

        <t>Now, consider performing a CNOT gate on the state with the first
       qubit being the control. We apply a two-qubit gate on all the
       superposition states:</t>
        <t>CNOT (|00> (|00⟩ + |10>)/sqrt(2) -> (|00> |10⟩)/sqrt(2) ➔ (|00⟩ + |11>)/sqrt(2).</t> |11⟩)/sqrt(2).</t>
        <t>What is so interesting about this two-qubit gate operation? The final
       state is *entangled*. There <strong>entangled</strong>. &nbsp;There is no possible way of representing that
       quantum state as a product of two individual qubits; they are no longer
       independent. That is, it is not possible to describe the quantum state
       of either of the individual qubits in a way that is independent of the
       other qubit. Only the quantum state of the system that consists of both
       qubits provides a physically complete description of the two-qubit
       system. The states of the two individual qubits are now correlated
       beyond what is possible to achieve classically. Neither qubit is in a
       definite |0> |0⟩ or |1> |1⟩ state, but if we perform a measurement on either
       one, the outcome of the partner qubit will *always* <strong>always</strong> yield the exact same
       outcome. The final state, whether it's |00> |00⟩ or |11>, |11⟩, is fundamentally
       random as before, but the states of the two qubits following a
       measurement will always be identical. One can think of this as flipping
       two coins, but the both coins always both land on "heads" or both land on
       "tails" together. Something together -- something that we know is impossible classically.</t>
        <t>Once a measurement is performed, the two qubits are once again
       independent. The final state is either |00> |00⟩ or |11> |11⟩, and both of these
       states can be trivially decomposed into a product of two individual
       qubits. The entanglement has been consumed consumed, and the entangled state must
       be prepared again.</t>
    <section anchor="entanglement" title="Entanglement numbered="true" toc="default">
      <name>Entanglement as the fundamental resource"> Fundamental Resource</name>
      <t>Entanglement is the fundamental building block of quantum networks.
     Consider the state from the previous section:</t>

      <t>(|00⟩ + |11>)/sqrt(2).</t> |11⟩)/sqrt(2).</t>
      <t>Neither of the two qubits is in a definite |0> |0⟩ or |1> state |1⟩ state, and we need
     to know the state of the entire register to be able to fully describe the
     behaviour of the two qubits.</t>
      <t>Entangled qubits have interesting non-local properties. Consider
     sending one of the qubits to another device. This device could in
     principle be anywhere: on the other side of the room, in a different
     country, or even on a different planet. Provided negligible noise has been
     introduced, the two qubits will forever remain in the entangled state
     until a measurement is performed. The physical distance does not matter at
     all for entanglement.</t>
      <t>This lies at the heart of quantum networking, because it is possible to
     leverage the non-classical correlations provided by entanglement in order
     to design completely new types of application protocols that are not
     possible to achieve with just classical communication. Examples of such
     applications are quantum cryptography <xref target="Bennett14" /> format="default"/> <xref target="Ekert91" />, format="default"/>, blind quantum computation <xref target="Fitzsimons17"
     />, format="default"/>, or distributed quantum computation <xref target="Crepeau02" />.</t> format="default"/>.</t>
      <t>Entanglement has two very special features from which one can derive
     some intuition about the types of applications enabled by a quantum
      <t>The first stems from the fact that entanglement enables stronger than
     stronger-than-classical correlations, leading to opportunities for tasks that require
     coordination. As a trivial example, consider the problem of consensus
     between two nodes who want to agree on the value of a single bit. They can
     use the quantum network to prepare the state (|00> (|00⟩ + |11>)/sqrt(2) |11⟩)/sqrt(2) with
     each node holding one of the two qubits. Once either of the two nodes
     performs a measurement, the state of the two qubits collapses to either
     |00⟩ or |11>, |11⟩, so whilst the outcome is random and does not exist before
     measurement, the two nodes will always measure the same value. We can also
     build the more general multi-qubit state (|00...> (|00...⟩ + |11...>)/sqrt(2) |11...⟩)/sqrt(2) and
     perform the same algorithm between an arbitrary number of nodes. These
     stronger than classical
     stronger-than-classical correlations generalise to more complicated measurement schemes that are more complicated as well.</t>
      <t>The second feature of entanglement is that it cannot be shared, in the
     sense that if two qubits are maximally entangled with each other, then it
     is physically impossible for these two qubits to also be entangled with a
     third qubit <xref target="Terhal04" />. format="default"/>. Hence, entanglement forms a sort
     of private and inherently untappable connection between two nodes once
      <t>Entanglement is created through local interactions between two qubits
     or as a product of the way the qubits were created (e.g. (e.g., entangled photon
     pairs). To create a distributed entangled state, one can then physically
     send one of the qubits to a remote node. It is also possible to directly
     entangle qubits that are physically separated, but this still requires
     local interactions between some other qubits that the separated qubits are
     initially entangled with. Therefore, it is the transmission of qubits that
     draws the line between a genuine quantum network and a collection of
     quantum computers connected over a classical network.</t>
      <t>A quantum network is defined as a collection of nodes that is able to
     exchange qubits and distribute entangled states amongst themselves. A
     quantum node that is able only to communicate classically with another
     quantum node is not a member of a quantum network.</t>

     <t>More complex services
      <t>Services and applications that are more complex can be built on top of entangled
     states distributed by the network, network; for example, see e.g. <xref target="ZOO" /></t> format="default"/>.</t>
    <section title="Achieving quantum connectivity"> numbered="true" toc="default">
      <name>Achieving Quantum Connectivity</name>
      <t>This section explains the meaning of quantum connectivity and the
     necessary physical processes at an abstract level.</t>
      <section title="Challenges"> numbered="true" toc="default">
        <t>A quantum network cannot be built by simply extrapolating all the
       classical models to their quantum analogues. Sending qubits over a wire
       like we send classical bits is simply not as easy to do. There are
       several technological as well as fundamental challenges that make
       classical approaches unsuitable in a quantum context.</t>
        <section title="The measurement problem"> numbered="true" toc="default">
          <name>The Measurement Problem</name>
          <t>In classical computers and networks networks, we can read out the bits stored
         in memory at any time. This is helpful for a variety of purposes such
         as copying, error detection and correction, and so on. This is not
         possible with qubits.</t>
          <t>A measurement of a qubit's state will destroy its superposition and
         with it any entanglement it may have been part of. Once a qubit is
         being processed, it cannot be read out until a suitable point in the
         computation, determined by the protocol handling the qubit, has been
         reached. Therefore, we cannot use the same methods known from
         classical computing for the purposes of error detection and
         correction. Nevertheless, quantum error detection and correction
         schemes exist that take this problem into account account, and how a network
         chooses to manage errors will have an impact on its architecture.</t>
        <section title="No-cloning theorem"> numbered="true" toc="default">
          <name>No-Cloning Theorem</name>
          <t>Since directly reading the state of a qubit is not possible, one
         could ask if we can simply copy a qubit without looking at it.
         Unfortunately, this is fundamentally not possible in quantum mechanics
         <xref target="Park70" /> format="default"/> <xref target="Wootters82" />.</t> format="default"/>.</t>
          <t>The no-cloning theorem states that it is impossible to create an
         identical copy of an arbitrary, unknown quantum state. Therefore, it
         is also impossible to use the same mechanisms that worked for
         classical networks for signal amplification, retransmission, and so on on,
         as they all rely on the ability to copy the underlying data. Since any
         physical channel will always be lossy, connecting nodes within a
         quantum network is a challenging endeavour endeavour, and its architecture must
         at its core address this very issue.</t>
        <section anchor="fidelity" title="Fidelity"> numbered="true" toc="default">
          <t>In general, it is expected that a classical packet arrives at its
         destination without any errors introduced by hardware noise along the
         way. This is verified at various levels through a variety of error
         detection and correction mechanisms. Since we cannot read or copy a
         quantum state, error detection and correction is are more involved.</t>
          <t>To describe the quality of a quantum state, a physical quantity
         called fidelity is used <xref target="NielsenChuang" />. format="default"/>. Fidelity
         takes a value between 0 and 1 -- higher is better, and less than 0.5
         means the state is unusable. It measures how close a quantum state is
         to the state we have tried to create. It expresses the probability
         that the state will behave exactly the same as our desired state.
         Fidelity is an important property of a quantum system that allows us
         to quantify how much a particular state has been affected by noise
         from various sources (gate errors, channel losses, environment
          <t>Interestingly, quantum applications do not need perfect fidelity to
         be able to execute -- as long as the fidelity is above some
         application-specific threshold, they will simply operate at lower
         rates. Therefore, rather than trying to ensure that we always deliver
         perfect states (a technologically challenging task) task), applications will
         specify a minimum threshold for the fidelity fidelity, and the network will try
         its best to deliver it. A higher fidelity can be achieved by either
         having hardware produce states of better fidelity (sometimes one can
         sacrifice rate for higher fidelity) or by employing quantum error
         detection and correction mechanisms (see <xref target="Mural16" /> format="default"/> and Chapter 11 of
         <xref target="VanMeterBook" /> chapter 11).</t> format="default"/>).</t>
        <section anchor="dt" title="Inadequacy numbered="true" toc="default">
          <name>Inadequacy of direct transmission"> Direct Transmission</name>
          <t>Conceptually, the most straightforward way to distribute an
         entangled state is to simply transmit one of the qubits directly to
         the other end across a series of nodes while performing sufficient
         forward quantum error correction Quantum Error Correction (QEC) (<xref target="qec" />) format="default"/>) to bring
         losses down to an acceptable level. Despite the no-cloning theorem and
         the inability to directly measure a quantum state, error-correcting
         mechanisms for quantum communication exist <xref target="Jiang09" /> format="default"/>
            <xref target="Fowler10" /> format="default"/> <xref target="Devitt13" /> format="default"/> <xref target="Mural16" />. format="default"/>. However, quantum error correction QEC makes very high
         demands on both resources (physical qubits needed) and their initial
         fidelity. Implementation is very challenging challenging, and quantum error
         correction QEC
         is not expected to be used until later generations of
         quantum networks are possible (see Figure 2 of <xref target="Mural16" /> figure 2 format="default"/>
         and <xref target="generations" />). format="default"/> of this document). Until then, quantum networks rely
         on entanglement swapping (<xref target="es" />) format="default"/>) and teleportation
         (<xref target="teleportation" />). format="default"/>). This alternative relies on the
         observation that we do not need to be able to distribute any arbitrary
         entangled quantum state. We only need to be able to distribute any one
         of what are known as the Bell pair states <xref target="Briegel98"
         />.</t> format="default"/>.</t>
      <section title="Bell pairs"> numbered="true" toc="default">
        <name>Bell Pairs</name>
        <t>Bell pair states are the entangled two-qubit states:</t>

        <artwork align="left" name="" type="" alt=""><![CDATA[
         |00⟩ + |11>,
         |00> |11⟩,
         |00⟩ - |11>,
         |01> |11⟩,
         |01⟩ + |10>,
         |01> |10⟩,
         |01⟩ - |10>,
       </t> |10⟩,

        <t>where the constant 1/sqrt(2) normalisation factor has been ignored
       for clarity. Any of the four Bell pair states above will do, as it is
       possible to transform any Bell pair into another Bell pair with local
       operations performed on only one of the qubits. When each qubit in a
       Bell pair is held by a separate node, either node can apply a series of
       single qubit
       single-qubit gates to their qubit alone in order to transform the state
       between the different variants.</t>
        <t>Distributing a Bell pair between two nodes is much easier than
       transmitting an arbitrary quantum state over a network. Since the state
       is known, handling errors becomes easier easier, and small-scale
       error correction (such as entanglement distillation distillation, as discussed in a later
       section) <xref target="ent-dis"/>), combined with reattempts reattempts, becomes a valid strategy.</t>
        <t>The reason for using Bell pairs specifically as opposed to any other
       two-qubit state is that they are the maximally entangled two-qubit set
       of basis states. Maximal entanglement means that these states have the
       strongest non-classical correlations of all possible two-qubit states.
       Furthermore, since single-qubit local operations can never increase
       entanglement, states that are less entangled states would impose some constraints on
       distributed quantum algorithms. This makes Bell pairs particularly
       useful as a generic building block for distributed quantum
      <section anchor="teleportation" title="Teleportation"> numbered="true" toc="default">
        <t>The observation that we only need to be able to distribute Bell pairs
       relies on the fact that this enables the distribution of any other
       arbitrary entangled state. This can be achieved via quantum state
       teleportation <xref target="Bennett93" />. format="default"/>. Quantum state teleportation
       consumes an unknown qubit state that we want to transmit and recreates
       it at the desired destination. This does not violate the no-cloning
       theorem, as the original state is destroyed in the process.</t>
        <t>To achieve this, an entangled pair needs to be distributed between
       the source and destination before teleportation commences. The source
       then entangles the transmission qubit with its end of the pair and
       performs a read out readout of the two qubits (the sum of these operations is
       called a Bell state measurement). This consumes the Bell pair's
       entanglement, turning the source and destination qubits into independent
       states. The measurements measurement yields two classical bits bits, which the source
       sends to the destination over a classical channel. Based on the value of
       the received two classical bits, the destination performs one of four
       possible corrections (called the Pauli corrections) on its end of the
       pair, which turns it into the unknown qubit state that we wanted to
       transmit. This requirement to communicate the measurement read out readout over
       a classical channel unfortunately means that entanglement cannot be used
       to transmit information faster than the speed of light.</t>
        <t>The unknown quantum state that was transmitted was never fed into the
       network itself. Therefore, the network needs to only be able to reliably
       produce Bell pairs between any two nodes in the network. Thus, a key
       difference between a classical data plane and a quantum data planes plane is that a
       classical one data plane carries user data, data but a quantum data plane provides the
       resources for the user to transmit user data themselves without further
       involvement of the network.</t>
      <section title="The life cycle numbered="true" toc="default">
        <name>The Life Cycle of entanglement"> Entanglement</name>
        <t>Reducing the problem of quantum connectivity to one of generating a
       Bell pair has facilitated reduced the problem, problem to a simpler, more fundamental case, but it has not solved it. In this
       section, we discuss how these entangled pairs are generated in the first
       place and how their two qubits are delivered to the end-points.</t>
        <section anchor="elg" title="Elementary link generation"> numbered="true" toc="default">
          <name>Elementary Link Generation</name>
          <t>In a quantum network, entanglement is always first generated
         locally (at a node or an auxiliary element) element), followed by a movement of
         one or both of the entangled qubits across the link through quantum
         channels. In this context, photons (particles of light) are the
         natural candidate for entanglement carriers, called carriers. Because these photons carry quantum states from place to place at high speed, we call them flying qubits. The
         rationale for this choice is related to the advantages provided by
         photons, such as moderate interaction with the environment leading to
         moderate decoherence, decoherence; convenient control with standard optical
         components; and high-speed, low-loss transmissions. However, since
         photons are hard to store, a transducer must transfer the flying
         qubit's state to a qubit suitable for information processing and/or
         storage (often referred to as a matter qubit).</t>
          <t>Since this process may fail, in order to generate and store
         entanglement efficiently, we must be able to distinguish successful
         attempts from failures. Entanglement generation schemes that are able
         to announce successful generation are called heralded entanglement
         generation schemes.</t>
          <t>There exist three basic schemes for heralded entanglement
         generation on a link through coordinated action of the two nodes at
         the two ends of the link <xref target="Cacciapuoti19" />:</t>

           <list style="symbols">

             <t>"At mid-point": in format="default"/>:</t>
          <dl spacing="normal">
            <dt>"At mid-point":</dt><dd>In this scheme scheme, an entangled photon pair source
             sitting midway between the two nodes with matter qubits sends an
             entangled photon through a quantum channel to each of the nodes.
             There, transducers are invoked to transfer the entanglement from
             the flying qubits to the matter qubits. In this scheme, the
             transducers know if the transfers succeeded and are able to herald
             successful entanglement generation via a message exchange over the
             classical channel.</t>

             <t>"At source": in channel.</dd>
            <dt>"At source":</dt><dd>In this scheme scheme, one of the two nodes sends a flying
             qubit that is entangled with one of its matter qubits. A
             transducer at the other end of the link will transfer the
             entanglement from the flying qubit to one of its matter qubits.
             Just like in the previous scheme, the transducer knows if its
             transfer succeeded and is able to herald successful entanglement
             generation with a classical message sent to the other node.</t>

             <t>"At node.</dd>
            <dt>"At both end-points": in end-points":</dt><dd>In this scheme scheme, both nodes send a flying
             qubit that is entangled with one of their matter qubits. A
             detector somewhere in between the nodes performs a joint
             measurement on the two flying qubits, which stochastically projects the
             remote matter qubits into an entangled quantum state. The detector
             knows if the entanglement succeeded and is able to herald
             successful entanglement generation by sending a message to each
             node over the classical channel.</t>

         </t> channel.</dd>
          <t>The "mid-point source" scheme is more robust to photon loss, but in
         the other schemes schemes, the nodes retain greater control over the entangled
         pair generation.</t>
          <t> Note that whilst photons travel in a particular direction through
         the quantum channel the resulting entangled pair of qubits does not
         have a direction associated with it. Physically, there is no upstream
         or downstream end of the pair.</t>
        <section anchor="es" title="Entanglement swapping"> numbered="true" toc="default">
          <name>Entanglement Swapping</name>
          <t>The problem with generating entangled pairs directly across a link
         is that efficiency decreases with channel length. Beyond a few 10s tens of
         kilometres in optical fibre or 1000 kilometres in free space (via
         satellite), the rate is effectively zero zero, and due to the no-cloning
         theorem we cannot simply amplify the signal. The solution is
         entanglement swapping <xref target="Briegel98" />.</t> format="default"/>.</t>
          <t>A Bell pair between any two nodes in the network can be constructed
         by combining the pairs generated along each individual link on a path
         between the two end-points. Each node along the path can consume the
         two pairs on the two links that to which it is connected to connected, in order to produce
         a new entangled pair between the two remote ends. This process is
         known as entanglement swapping. Pictorially it It can be represented pictorially as

         <figure align="center">
          <artwork align="left"><![CDATA[ align="left" name="" type="" alt=""><![CDATA[
+---------+      +---------+      +---------+
|    A    |      |    B    |      |    C    |
|         |------|         |------|         |
|      X1~~~~~~~~~~X2   Y1~~~~~~~~~~Y2      |
+---------+      +---------+      +---------+
          <t>where X1 and X2 are the qubits of the entangled pair X and Y1 and
         Y2 are the qubits of entangled pair Y. The entanglement is denoted
         with ~~. In &nbsp;In the diagram above, nodes A and B share the pair X and
         nodes B and C share the pair Y, but we want entanglement between A and
          <t>To achieve this goal, we simply teleport the qubit X2 using the
         pair Y. This requires node B to perform a Bell state measurement on
         the qubits X2 and Y1 which result that results in the destruction of the
         entanglement between Y1 and Y2. However, X2 is recreated in Y2's
         place, carrying with it its entanglement with X1. The end-result end result is
         shown below:</t>

         <figure align="center">
          <artwork align="left"><![CDATA[ align="left" name="" type="" alt=""><![CDATA[
+---------+      +---------+      +---------+
|    A    |      |    B    |      |    C    |
|         |------|         |------|         |
|      X1~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~X2      |
+---------+      +---------+      +---------+
          <t>Depending on the needs of the network and/or application, a final
         Pauli correction at the recipient node may not be necessary necessary, since the
         result of this operation is also a Bell pair. However, the two
         classical bits that form the read out readout from the measurement at node B
         must still be communicated, because they carry information about which
         of the four Bell pairs was actually produced. If a correction is not
         performed, the recipient must be informed which Bell pair was
          <t>This process of teleporting Bell pairs using other entangled pairs
         is called entanglement swapping. Quantum nodes that create
         long-distance entangled pairs via entanglement swapping are called
         quantum repeaters in academic literature <xref target="Briegel98" />
         and we format="default"/>.  We will use the same terminology in this draft.</t> document.</t>
        <section title="Error Management"> numbered="true" toc="default">
          <name>Error Management</name>
          <section anchor="ent-dis" title="Distillation"> numbered="true" toc="default">
            <t>Neither the generation of Bell pairs nor the swapping operations
           are noiseless operations. Therefore, with each link and each swap swap,
           the fidelity of the state degrades. However, it is possible to
           create higher fidelity higher-fidelity Bell pair states from two or more lower
           lower-fidelity pairs through a process called distillation (sometimes also
           referred to as purification) <xref target="Dur07" />.</t> format="default"/>.</t>
            <t>To distil a quantum state, a second (and sometimes third) quantum
           state is used as a "test tool" to test a proposition about the first
           state, e.g., "the parity of the two qubits in the first state is
           even." When the test succeeds, confidence in the state is improved,
           and thus the fidelity is improved. The test tool states are
           destroyed in the process, so resource demands increase substantially
           when distillation is used. When the test fails, the tested state
           must also be discarded. Distillation makes low demands on fidelity
           and resources compared to quantum error correction, QEC, but distributed
           protocols incur round-trip delays due to classical communication
           <xref target="Bennett96" />.</t> format="default"/>.</t>
          <section anchor="qec" title="Quantum numbered="true" toc="default">
            <name>Quantum Error Correction"> Correction (QEC)</name>
            <t>Just like classical error correction, quantum error correction
           (QEC) QEC
           encodes logical qubits using several physical (raw) qubits to
           protect them from the errors described in <xref target="fidelity" /> format="default"/>
              <xref target="Jiang09" /> format="default"/> <xref target="Fowler10" /> format="default"/> <xref target="Devitt13" /> format="default"/> <xref target="Mural16" />. format="default"/>. Furthermore,
           similarly to its classical counterpart, QEC can not only correct
           state errors but also account for lost qubits. Additionally, if all
           physical qubits which that encode a logical qubit are located at the same
           node, the correction procedure can be executed locally, even if the
           logical qubit is entangled with remote qubits.</t>
            <t>Although QEC was originally a scheme proposed to protect a qubit
           from noise, QEC can also be applied to entanglement distillation.
           Such QEC-applied distillation is cost-effective cost effective but requires a
           higher base fidelity.</t>
          <section anchor="generations" title="Error management schemes"> numbered="true" toc="default">
            <name>Error Management Schemes</name>
            <t>Quantum networks have been categorized categorised into three "generations"
           based on the error management scheme they employ <xref target="Mural16" />. format="default"/>. Note that these "generations" are more like
           categories; they do not necessarily imply a time progression and do
           not obsolete each other, though the later generations do require
           technologies that are more advanced technologies. advanced. Which generation is used depends on the
           hardware platform and network design choices.</t>
            <t><xref target="gens" /> format="default"/> summarises the generations.</t>
            <table anchor="gens" title="Classical signaling align="center">
              <name>Classical Signalling and  generations">
             <ttcol align="center"></ttcol>
             <ttcol Generations</name>
                  <th align="center"/>
                  <th align="center">First generation</ttcol>
             <ttcol generation</th>
                  <th align="center">Second generation</ttcol>
             <ttcol generation</th>
                  <th align="center">Third generation</ttcol>

             <c>Loss tolerance</c>
             <c>Heralded generation</th>
                  <td align="center">Loss tolerance</td>
                  <td align="center">Heralded entanglement generation (bi-directional (bidirectional classical signaling)</c>
             <c>Heralded signalling)</td>
                  <td align="center">Heralded entanglement generation (bi-directional (bidirectional classical signaling)</c>
             <c>Quantum Error Correction signalling)</td>
                  <td align="center">QEC (no classical signaling)</c>


             <c>Error tolerance</c>
             <c>Entanglement signalling)</td>
                  <td align="center"/>
                  <td align="center"/>
                  <td align="center"/>
                  <td align="center"/>
                  <td align="center">Error tolerance</td>
                  <td align="center">Entanglement distillation (bi-directional (bidirectional classical signaling)</c>
             <c>Entanglement signalling)</td>
                  <td align="center">Entanglement distillation (uni-directional (unidirectional classical signaling) signalling) or
             Quantum Error Correction
             QEC (no classical signaling) </c>
             <c>Quantum Error Correction signalling) </td>
                  <td align="center">QEC (no classical signaling)</c>
           </texttable> signalling)</td>
            <t>Generations are defined by the directions of classical signalling
           required in their distributed protocols for loss tolerance and error
           tolerance. Classical signalling carries the classical bits and
           incurs bits,
           incurring round-trip delays delays. As described in <xref target="ent-dis" />,
           hence they format="default"/>,
           these delays affect the performance of quantum networks, especially as
           the distance between the communicating nodes increases.</t>
            <t>Loss tolerance is about tolerating qubit transmission losses
           between nodes. Heralded entanglement generation, as described in
           <xref target="elg" />, format="default"/>, confirms the receipt of an entangled qubit
           using a heralding signal. A pair of directly connected quantum nodes
           repeatedly attempt to generate an entangled pair until the a
           heralding signal is received. As described in <xref target="qec" />, format="default"/>,
           QEC can be applied to complement lost qubits qubits, eliminating the need
           for re-attempts. reattempts. Furthermore, since the correction procedure is
           composed of local operations, it does not require a heralding
           signal. However, it is possible only when the photon loss rate from
           transmission to measurement is less than 50%.</t>
            <t>Error tolerance is about tolerating quantum state errors.
           Entanglement distillation is the easiest mechanism to implement for improved
           error tolerance to implement, tolerance, but it incurs round-trip delays due to
           the requirement for bi-directional bidirectional classical signalling. The
           alternative, QEC, is able to correct state errors locally so that it
           does not need any classical signalling between the quantum nodes. In
           between these two extremes, there is also QEC-applied distillation,
           which requires uni-directional unidirectional classical signalling.</t>
            <t>The three "generations" summarised:</t>

             <list style="numbers">

               <t>First generation
            <ol spacing="normal" type="1"><li>First-generation quantum networks use heralding for loss
               tolerance and entanglement distillation for error tolerance.
               These networks can be implemented even with a limited set of
               available quantum gates.</t>

               <t>Second generation gates.</li>
              <li>Second-generation quantum networks improve upon the first
               generation with QEC codes for error tolerance (but not loss
               tolerance). At first, QEC will be applied to entanglement
               distillation only only, which requires uni-directional unidirectional classical
               signalling. Later, QEC codes will be used to create logical Bell
               pairs which that no longer require any classical signalling for the
               purposes of error tolerance. Heralding is still used to
               compensate for transmission losses.</t>

               <t>Third generation losses.</li>
              <li>Third-generation quantum networks directly transmit QEC
               encoded QEC-encoded qubits to adjacent nodes, as discussed in <xref target="dt" />. format="default"/>. Elementary link Bell pairs can now be created
               without heralding or any other classical signalling.
               Furthermore, this also enables direct transmission architectures
               in which qubits are forwarded end-to-end end to end like classical packets
               rather than relying on Bell pairs and entanglement swapping.</t>

           </t> swapping.</li>
            <t>Despite the fact that there are important distinctions in how
           errors will be managed in the different generations generations, it is unlikely
           that all quantum networks will consistently use the same method.
           This is due to different hardware requirements of the different
           generations and the practical reality of network upgrades.
           Therefore, it is unavoidable that eventually boundaries between
           different error management schemes start forming. This will affect
           the content and semantics of messages that must cross those
           boundaries -- both for both connection setup and real-time operation
           <xref target="Nagayama16" />.</t> format="default"/>.</t>
        <section title="Delivery"> numbered="true" toc="default">
          <t>Eventually, the Bell pairs must be delivered to an application (or
         higher layer
         higher-layer protocol) at the two end-nodes. end nodes. A detailed list of such
         requirements is beyond the scope of this draft. document. At minimum, the
         end nodes require information to map a particular Bell pair to the
         qubit in their local memory that is part of this entangled pair.</t>
    <section title="Architecture numbered="true" toc="default">
      <name>Architecture of a quantum internet"> Quantum Internet</name>
      <t>It is evident from the previous sections that the fundamental service
     provided by a quantum network significantly differs from that of a
     classical network. Therefore, it is not surprising that the architecture
     of a quantum internet will itself be very different from that of the
     classical Internet.</t>
      <section title="Challenges"> numbered="true" toc="default">
        <t>This subsection covers the major fundamental challenges involved in building
       quantum networks. Here, we only describe the fundamental differences.
       Technological limitations are described later.</t>

         <list style="numbers"> in <xref target="phys-constraints"/>.</t>
        <ol spacing="normal" type="1"><li>
            <t>Bell pairs are not equivalent to payload carrying packets.
           <vspace blankLines="1" /> packets that carry payload.

           In most classical networks, including Ethernet, Internet Protocol
           (IP), and Multi-Protocol Label Switching (MPLS) networks, user data
           is grouped into packets. In addition to the user data, each packet
           also contains a series of headers which that contain the control
           information that lets routers and switches forward it towards its
           destination. Packets are the fundamental unit in a classical
           <vspace blankLines="1" />

           In a quantum network, the entangled pairs of qubits are the basic
           unit of networking. These qubits themselves do not carry any
           headers. Therefore, quantum networks will have to send all control
           information via separate classical channels channels, which the repeaters will
           have to correlate with the qubits stored in their memory.
           Furthermore, unlike a classical packet, which is located at a single
           node, a Bell pair consists of two qubits distributed across two nodes which is unlike a classical packet which is located at a
           single node.
           nodes. This has a fundamental impact on how quantum networks
           will be managed and how protocols need to be designed. To make
           long-distance Bell pairs, the nodes may have to keep their qubits in
           their quantum memories and wait until control information is
           exchanged before proceeding with the next operation. This signalling
           will result in additional latency latency, which will depend on the distance
           between the nodes holding the two ends of the Bell pair. Error
           management, such as entanglement distillation, is a typical example
           of such control information exchange <xref target="Nagayama21" /> format="default"/>
           (see also <xref target="generations" />).</t> format="default"/>).</t>
            <t>"Store and forward" vs and "store and swap" quantum networks.
           <vspace blankLines="1" /> networks require different state management techniques.

           As described in <xref target="elg" />, format="default"/>, quantum links provide Bell
           pairs that are undirected network resources, in contrast to directed
           frames of classical networks. This phenomenological distinction
           leads to architectural differences between quantum networks and
           classical networks. Quantum networks combine multiple elementary
           link Bell pairs together to create one end-to-end Bell pair, whereas
           classical networks deliver messages from one end to the other end
           hop by hop.
           <vspace blankLines="1" />

           Classical networks receive data on one interface, store it in local
           buffers, and then forward the data to another appropriate interface.
           Quantum networks store Bell pairs and then execute entanglement
           swapping instead of forwarding in the data plane. Such quantum
           networks are "store and swap" networks. In "store and swap"
           networks, we do not need to care about the order in which the Bell
           pairs were generated generated, since they are undirected. However, whilst the
           ordering does not matter, it is very important that the right
           entangled pairs get swapped, and that the intermediate measurement
           outcomes (see <xref target="es" />) format="default"/>) are signalled to and correlated
           with the correct qubits at the other nodes. Otherwise, the final
           end-to-end entangled pair will not be created between the expected
           end-points or will be in a different quantum state than expected.
           For example, rather than Alice receiving a qubit that is entangled
           with Bob's qubit, her qubit is entangled with Charlie's qubit. This
           distinction makes control algorithms and optimisation of quantum
           networks different from those for classical ones, networks, in the sense that swapping
           is stateful in contrast to stateless packet-by-packet forwarding.
           Note that third generation quantum networks, that, as described in <xref
           target="elg" />, target="generations"/>, third-generation quantum networks will be able to support a "store and forward"
           architecture in addition to "store and swap".</t>
            <t>An entangled pair is only useful if the locations of both qubits
           are known.
           <vspace blankLines="1" />

           A classical network packet logically exists only at one location at
           any point in time. If a packet is modified in some way, whether
           headers or payload, this information does not need to be conveyed to
           anybody else in the network. The packet can be simply forwarded as
           before. <vspace blankLines="1" /> </t>

           In contrast, entanglement is a phenomenon in which two or more
           qubits exist in a physically distributed state. Operations on one of
           the qubits change the mutual state of the pair. Since the owner of a
           particular qubit cannot just read out its state, it must coordinate
           all its actions with the owner of the pair's other qubit. Therefore,
           the owner of any qubit that is part of an entangled pair must know
           the location of its counterpart. Location, in this context, need not
           be the explicit spatial location. A relevant pair identifier, a
           means of communication between the pair owners, and an association
           between the pair ID and the individual qubits is will be sufficient.</t>
            <t>Generating entanglement requires temporary state.
           <vspace blankLines="1" />

           Packet forwarding in a classical network is largely a stateless
           operation. When a packet is received, the router does a lookup in
           its forwarding table and sends the packet out of the appropriate
           output. There is no need to keep any memory of the packet any more.
           <vspace blankLines="1" />

           A quantum node must be able to make decisions about qubits that it
           receives and is holding in its memory. Since qubits do not carry
           headers, the receipt of an entangled pair conveys no control
           information based on which the repeater can make a decision. The
           relevant control information will arrive separately over a classical
           channel. This implies that a repeater must store temporary state state, as
           the control information and the qubit it pertains to will, in
           general, not arrive at the same time.</t>

      <section title="Classical communication"> numbered="true" toc="default">
        <name>Classical Communication</name>
        <t>In this draft document, we have already covered two different roles that
       classical communication must perform:</t>

         <list style="symbols">

           <t>communicate perform the following:</t>
        <ul spacing="normal">
          <li>Communicate classical bits of information as part of distributed
           protocols such as entanglement swapping and teleportation,</t>

           <t>communicate teleportation.</li>
          <li>Communicate control information within a network, including both
           background protocols such as routing routing, as well as signalling protocols
           to set up end-to-end entanglement generation.</t>

       </t> generation.</li>
        <t>Classical communication is a crucial building block of any quantum
       network. All nodes in a quantum network are assumed to have classical
       connectivity with each other (within typical administrative domain
       limits). Therefore, quantum nodes will need to manage two data planes in
       parallel: a classical one data plane and a quantum one. data plane. Additionally, a node must
       be able to correlate information between the two planes so that the
       control information received on a classical channel can be applied to
       the qubits managed by the quantum data plane.</t>
      <section title="Abstract model numbered="true" toc="default">
        <name>Abstract Model of the network">

       <section title="The control Network</name>
        <section numbered="true" toc="default">
          <name>The Control Plane and data planes"> the Data Plane</name>
          <t>Control plane protocols for quantum networks will have many
         responsibilities similar to their classical counterparts, namely
         discovering the network topology, resource management, populating data
         plane tables, etc. Most of these protocols do not require the
         manipulation of quantum data and can operate simply by exchanging
         classical messages only. There may also be some control plane
         functionality that does require the handling of quantum data, e.g. a
         quantum ping data
         <xref target="I-D.irtf-qirg-quantum-internet-use-cases"
         />. format="default"/>. As it is not clear if there is much benefit in defining a separate
         quantum control plane given the significant overlap in
         responsibilities with its classical counterpart, the question of
         whether there should be a separate quantum control plane is beyond the
         scope of this document.</t>
          <t>However, the data plane separation is much more distinct distinct, and there
         will be two data planes: a classical data plane and a quantum data
         plane. The classical data plane processes and forwards classical
         packets. The quantum data plane processes and swaps entangled pairs.
         Third generation
         Third-generation quantum networks may also forward qubits in addition
         to swapping Bell pairs.</t>
          <t>In addition to control plane messages, there will also be control
         information messages that operate at the granularity of individual
         entangled pairs, such as heralding messages used for elementary link
         generation (<xref target="elg" />). format="default"/>). In terms of functionality, these
         messages are closer to classical packet headers than control plane
         messages, and thus we consider them to be part of the quantum data
         plane. Therefore, a quantum data plane also includes the exchange of
         classical control information at the granularity of individual qubits
         and entangled pairs.</t>
        <section title="Elements numbered="true" toc="default">
          <name>Elements of a quantum network"> Quantum Network</name>
          <t>We have identified quantum repeaters as the core building block of
         a quantum network. However, a quantum repeater will have to do more
         than just entanglement swapping in a functional quantum network. Its
         key responsibilities will include:</t>

           <list style="numbers">

             <t>Creating include the following:</t>
          <ol spacing="normal" type="1"><li>Creating link-local entanglement between neighbouring

            <li>Extending entanglement from link-local pairs to long-range
             pairs through entanglement swapping.</t>

             <t>Performing swapping.</li>
            <li>Performing distillation to manage the fidelity of the produced

            <li>Participating in the management of the network (routing,

          <t>Not all quantum repeaters in the network will be the same; here here, we
         break them down further:</t>

           <list style="symbols">

          <dl spacing="normal">
            <dt>Quantum routers (controllable quantum nodes) - A nodes):</dt><dd>A quantum router
             is a quantum repeater with a control plane that participates in
             the management of the network and will make decisions about which
             qubits to swap to generate the requested end-to-end pairs.</t>

             <t>Automated pairs.</dd>
            <dt>Automated quantum nodes - An nodes:</dt><dd>An automated quantum node is a data
             plane only
             data-plane-only quantum repeater that does not participate in the
             network control plane. Since the no-cloning theorem precludes the
             use of amplification, long-range links will be established by
             chaining multiple such automated nodes together.</t>

             <t>End-nodes - End-nodes together.</dd>
            <dt>End nodes:</dt><dd>End nodes in a quantum network must be able to
             receive and handle an entangled pair, but they do not need to be
             able to perform an entanglement swap (and thus are not necessarily
             quantum repeaters). End-nodes End nodes are also not required to have any
             quantum memory memory, as certain quantum applications can be realised by
             having the end-node end node measure its qubit as soon as it is

             <t>Non-quantum nodes - Not
            <dt>Non-quantum nodes:</dt><dd>Not all nodes in a quantum network need to
             have a quantum data plane. A non-quantum node is any device that
             can handle classical network traffic.</t>

         </t> traffic.</dd>
          <t>Additionally, we need to identify two kinds of links that will be
         used in a quantum network:</t>

           <list style="symbols">

             <t>Quantum links - A
          <dl spacing="normal">
            <dt>Quantum links:</dt><dd>A quantum link is a link which that can be used to
             generate an entangled pair between two directly connected quantum
             repeaters. This may include additional mid-point elements as
             described in <xref target="elg" />. format="default"/>. It may also include a
             dedicated classical channel that is to be used solely for the
             purpose of coordinating the entanglement generation on this
             quantum link.</t>

             <t>Classical links - A link.</dd>
            <dt>Classical links:</dt><dd>A classical link is a link between any node
             in the network that is capable of carrying classical network

          <t>Note that passive elements, such as optical switches, do not
         destroy the quantum state. Therefore, it is possible to connect
         multiple quantum nodes with each other over an optical network and
         perform optical switching rather than routing via entanglement
         swapping at quantum routers. This does require coordination with the
         elementary link entanglement generation process process, and it still requires
         repeaters to overcome the short-distance limitations. However, this is
         a potentially feasible architecture for local area networks.</t>
        <section title="Putting it all together"> numbered="true" toc="default">
          <name>Putting It All Together</name>
          <t>A two-hop path in a generic quantum network can be represented

         <figure align="center">
         as follows:</t>
          <artwork align="left"><![CDATA[ align="left" name="" type="" alt=""><![CDATA[
+-----+                                        +-----+
| App |- - - - - - - - - -CC- - - - - - - - - -| App |
+-----+                +------+                +-----+
| EN  |------ CL ------|  QR  |------ CL ------| EN  |
|     |------ QL ------|      |------ QL ------|     |
+-----+                +------+                +-----+

App - user-level application
EN - end-node End Node
QL - quantum link Quantum Link
CL - classical link Classical Link
CC - classical channel Classical Channel (traverses one or more CLs)
QR - quantum repeater Quantum Repeater
          <t>An application (App) running on two end-nodes End Nodes (ENs) attached to a
         network will at some point need the network to generate entangled
         pairs for its use. This may require negotiation between the end-nodes ENs
         (possibly ahead of time), because they must both open a communication
         end-point which that the network can use to identify the two ends of the
         connection. The two end-nodes ENs use a classical channel Classical Channel (CC) available
         in the network to achieve this goal.</t>
          <t>When the network receives a request to generate end-to-end
         entangled pairs pairs, it uses the classical communication links Classical Links (CLs) to
         coordinate and claim the resources necessary to fulfill this request.
         This may be some combination of prior control information (e.g. (e.g.,
         routing tables) and signalling protocols, but the details of how this
         is achieved are an active research question. A thought experiment on
         what this might look like be can be found later in this draft in <xref target="gedankenexperiment" />.</t> format="default"/>.</t>
          <t>During or after the distribution of control information, the
         network performs the necessary quantum operations operations, such as generating
         entanglement over individual quantum links Quantum Links (QLs), performing
         entanglement swaps at quantum repeaters Quantum Repeaters (QRs), and further signalling
         to transmit the swap outcomes and other control information. Since
         Bell pairs do not carry any user data, some of these operations can be
         performed before the request is received received, in anticipation of the
          <t>Note that here, "signalling" is used in a very broad sense and
         covers many different types of messaging necessary for entanglement
         generation control. For example, heralded entanglement generation
         requires very precise timing synchronisation between the neighbouring
         nodes, and thus the triggering of entanglement generation and heralding
         may happen over its own, perhaps physically separate separate, CL, as was the
         case in the network stack demonstration described in <xref target="Pompili21.2" />.
         Higher level format="default"/>.
         Higher-level signalling with less stringent timing requirements (e.g. that are less stringent (e.g.,
         control plane signalling) may then happen over its own CL.</t>
          <t>The entangled pair is delivered to the application once it is
         ready, together with the relevant pair identifier. However, being
         ready does not necessarily mean that all link pairs and entanglement
         swaps are complete, as some applications can start executing on an
         incomplete pair. In this case case, the remaining entanglement swaps will
         propagate the actions across the network to the other end, sometimes
         necessitating fixup operations at the end node.</t> EN.</t>
      <section title="Physical constraints"> anchor="phys-constraints" numbered="true" toc="default">
        <name>Physical Constraints</name>
        <t>The model above has effectively abstracted away the particulars of
       the hardware implementation. However, certain physical constraints need
       to be considered in order to build a practical network. Some of these
       are fundamental constraints constraints, and no matter how much the technology
       improves, they will always need to be addressed. Others are artifacts of
       the early stages of a new technology. Here, we consider a highly
       abstract scenario and refer to <xref target="Wehner18"/> target="Wehner18" format="default"/> for pointers to
       the physics literature.</t>
        <section title="Memory lifetimes"> numbered="true" toc="default">
          <name>Memory Lifetimes</name>
          <t>In addition to discrete operations being imperfect, storing a qubit
         in memory is also highly non-trivial. The main difficulty in achieving
         persistent storage is that it is extremely challenging to isolate a
         quantum system from the environment. The environment introduces an
         uncontrollable source of noise into the system system, which affects the
         fidelity of the state. This process is known as decoherence.
         Eventually, the state has to be discarded once its fidelity degrades
         too much.</t>
          <t>The memory lifetime depends on the particular physical setup, but
         the highest achievable values in quantum network hardware currently
         are, as of 2020, on the order of seconds <xref target="Abobeih18" /> format="default"/>, although a
         lifetime of a minute has also been demonstrated for qubits not
         connected to a quantum network <xref target="Bradley19" /> (as of
         2020). format="default"/>. These values have increased tremendously over the lifetime of
         the different technologies and are bound to keep increasing. However,
         if quantum networks are to be realised in the near future, they need
         to be able to handle short memory lifetimes, lifetimes -- for example example, by reducing
         latency on critical paths.</t>
        <section title="Rates"> numbered="true" toc="default">
          <t>Entanglement generation on a link between two connected nodes is
         not a very efficient process process, and it requires many attempts to succeed
         <xref target="Hensen15" /> format="default"/> <xref target="Dahlberg19" />. format="default"/>. For example,
         the highest achievable rates of success between nitrogen-vacancy
         center nodes, which nodes -- which, in addition to entanglement generation are also
         capable of storing and processing the resulting qubits, qubits -- are on the
         order of 10 Hz. Combined with short memory lifetimes lifetimes, this leads to
         very tight timing windows to build up network-wide connectivity.</t>
          <t>Other platforms have shown higher entanglement rates, but this
         usually comes at the cost of other hardware capabilities, such as no
         quantum memory and/or limited processing capabilities <xref target="Wei22" />. format="default"/>. Nevertheless, the current rates are not sufficient
         for practical applications beyond simple experimental proofs of
         concept. However, they are expected to improve over time as quantum
         network technology evolves <xref target="Wei22" />.</t> format="default"/>.</t>
        <section title="Communication qubits"> numbered="true" toc="default">
          <name>Communication Qubits</name>
          <t>Most physical architectures capable of storing qubits are only able
         to generate entanglement using only a subset of available qubits
         called communication qubits <xref target="Dahlberg19" />. format="default"/>. Once a Bell
         pair has been generated using a communication qubit, its state can be
         transferred into memory. This may impose additional limitations on the
         network. In particular, if a given node has only one communication
         qubit, it cannot simultaneously generate Bell pairs over two links. It
         must generate entanglement over the links one at a time.</t>
        <section title="Homogeneity">

         <t>Currently numbered="true" toc="default">
          <t>At present, all existing quantum network implementations are
         homogeneous, and they do not interface with each other. In general, it
         is very challenging to combine different quantum information
         processing technologies.</t>
          <t>There are many different physical hardware platforms for
         implementing quantum networking hardware. The different technologies
         differ in how they store and manipulate qubits in memory and how they
         generate entanglement across a link with their neighbours. For
         example, hardware based on optical elements and atomic ensembles <xref target="Sangouard11" /> format="default"/> is very efficient at generating entanglement
         at high rates, rates but provides limited processing capabilities once the
         entanglement is generated. On the other hand, nitrogen-vacancy based nitrogen-vacancy-based
         platforms <xref target="Hensen15" /> format="default"/> or trapped ion platforms <xref target="Moehring07" />
         platforms format="default"/>
         offer a much greater degree of control over the qubits, qubits but
         have a harder time generating entanglement at high rates.</t>
          <t>In order to overcome the weaknesses of the different platforms,
         coupling the different technologies will help to build fully
         functional networks. For example, end-nodes end nodes may be implemented using
         technology with good qubit processing capabilities to enable complex
         applications, but automated quantum nodes that that serve only to
         "repeat" along a linear chain, where the processing logic is much
         simpler, can be implemented with technologies that sacrifice
         processing capabilities for higher entanglement rates at long
         distances <xref target="Askarani21" />.</t> format="default"/>.</t>
          <t>This point is further exacerbated by the fact that quantum
         computers (i.e. end-nodes (i.e., end nodes in a quantum network) are often based on
         different hardware platforms than quantum repeaters repeaters, thus requiring a
         coupling (transduction) between the two. This is especially true for
         quantum computers based on superconducting technology technology, which are
         challenging to connect to optical networks. However, even trapped ion
         quantum computers, which is make up a platform that has shown promise for
         quantum networking, will still need to connect to other platforms that
         are better at creating entanglement at high rates over long distances
         (hundreds of kms).</t> kilometres).</t>
    <section title="Architectural principles"> numbered="true" toc="default">
      <name>Architectural Principles</name>
      <t>Given that the most practical way of realising quantum network
     connectivity is using Bell pair and entanglement swapping entanglement-swapping repeater
     technology, what sort of principles should guide us in assembling such
     networks such that they are functional, robust, efficient, and and, most
     importantly, do they will work? Furthermore, how do we design networks so that
     they work under the constraints imposed by the hardware available today, today
     but do not impose unnecessary burdens on future technology?</t>
      <t>As quantum networking is a completely new technology that is likely to
     see many iterations over its lifetime, this draft document must not serve as a
     definitive set of rules, rules but merely as a general set of recommended
     guidelines for the first generations of quantum networks based on
     principles and observations made by the community. The benefit of having a
     community built
     community-built document at this early stage is that expertise in both
     quantum information and network architecture is needed in order to
     successfully build a quantum internet.</t>
      <section title="Goals anchor="goals" numbered="true" toc="default">
        <name>Goals of a quantum internet"> Quantum Internet</name>
        <t>When outlining any set of principles principles, we must ask ourselves what goals
       we want to achieve achieve, as inevitably trade-offs must be made. So So, what
       sort of goals should drive a quantum network architecture? The following
       list has been inspired by the history of computer networking networking, and thus it
       is inevitably very similar to one that could be produced for the
       classical Internet <xref target="Clark88" />. format="default"/>. However, whilst the goals
       may be similar similar, the challenges involved are often fundamentally
       different. The list will also most likely evolve with time and the needs
       of its users.</t>

         <list style="numbers">
        <ol spacing="normal" type="1"><li>
            <t>Support distributed quantum applications
           <vspace blankLines="1" /> applications.

           This goal seems trivially obvious, but it makes a subtle, but important important,
           point which that highlights a key difference between quantum and
           classical networks. Ultimately, quantum data transmission is not the
           goal of a quantum network - -- it is only one possible component of
           more advanced
           quantum application protocols that are more advanced <xref target="Wehner18"
           />. format="default"/>. Whilst transmission certainly could be used as a building block
           for all quantum applications, it is not the most basic one possible.
           For example, entanglement-based QKD, the most well known well-known quantum
           application protocol, only relies on the stronger-than-classical
           correlations and inherent secrecy of entangled Bell pairs and does
           not have to transmit arbitrary quantum states <xref target="Ekert91"
           <vspace blankLines="1" /> format="default"/>.

           The primary purpose of a quantum internet is to support distributed
           quantum application protocols protocols, and it is of utmost importance that
           they can run well and efficiently. Thus, it is important to develop
           performance metrics meaningful to application applications to drive the
           development of quantum network protocols. For example, the Bell pair
           generation rate is meaningless if one does not also consider their
           fidelity. It is generally much easier to generate pairs of lower
           fidelity, but quantum applications may have to make multiple
           reattempts or even abort if the fidelity is too low. A review of
           the requirements for different known quantum applications can be
           found in <xref target="Wehner18" /> format="default"/>, and an overview of use-cases use cases can
           be found in <xref target="I-D.irtf-qirg-quantum-internet-use-cases"
           />.</t> format="default"/>.</t>
            <t>Support tomorrow's distributed quantum applications
           <vspace blankLines="1" /> applications.

           The only principle of the Internet that should survive indefinitely
           is the principle of constant change <xref target="RFC1958" />. format="default"/>.
           Technical change is continuous continuous, and the size and capabilities of the
           quantum internet will change by orders of magnitude. Therefore, it
           is an explicit goal that a quantum internet architecture be able to
           embrace this change. We have the benefit of having been witness to
           the evolution of the classical Internet over several decades decades, and we have
           seen what worked and what did not. It is vital for a quantum
           internet to avoid the need for flag days (e.g. (e.g., NCP to TCP/IP) or
           upgrades that take decades to roll out (e.g. (e.g., IPv4 to IPv6).
           <vspace blankLines="1" />

           Therefore, it is important that any proposed architecture for
           general purpose
           general-purpose quantum repeater networks can integrate new devices
           and solutions as they become available. The architecture should not
           be constrained due to considerations for early-stage hardware and
           applications. For example, it is already possible to run QKD
           efficiently on metropolitan scales metropolitan-scale networks, and such networks are already
           commercially available. However, they are not based on quantum
           repeaters and thus will not be able to easily transition to
           applications that are more
           sophisticated applications.</t> sophisticated.</t>
            <t>Support heterogeneity
           <vspace blankLines="1" /> heterogeneity.

           There are multiple proposals for realising practical quantum
           repeater hardware hardware, and they all have their advantages and
           disadvantages. Some may offer higher Bell pair generation rates on
           individual links at the cost of more difficult entanglement swap
           operations that are more difficult. Other platforms may be good all around, around but are more
           difficult to build.
           <vspace blankLines="1" />

           In addition to physical boundaries, there may be distinctions in how
           errors are managed (<xref target="generations" />). format="default"/>). These difference differences
           will affect the content and semantics of messages that cross these
           boundaries -- both for both connection setup and real-time operation.
           <vspace blankLines="1" />

           The optimal network configuration will likely leverage the
           advantages of multiple platforms to optimise the provided service.
           Therefore, it is an explicit goal to incorporate varied hardware and
           technology support from the beginning.</t>
            <t>Ensure security at the network level
           <vspace blankLines="1" /> level.

           The question of security in quantum networks is just as critical as
           it is in the classical Internet, especially since enhanced security
           offered by quantum entanglement is one of the key driving factors.
           <vspace blankLines="1" />

           Fortunately, from an application's point of view, as long as the
           underlying implementation corresponds to (or sufficiently
           approximates) theoretical models of quantum cryptography, quantum
           cryptographic protocols do not need the network to provide any
           guarantees about the confidentiality or integrity of the transmitted
           qubits or the generated entanglement (though they may impose
           requirements on the classical channel, e.g e.g., to be authenticated <xref target="Wang21" />). format="default"/>). Instead, applications will leverage the
           classical networks to establish the end-to-end security of the
           results obtained from the processing of entangled qubits. However,
           it is important to note that whilst classical networks are necessary
           to establish these end-to-end guarantees, the security relies on the
           properties of quantum entanglement. For example, QKD uses classical
           information reconciliation <xref target= "Tang19" /> target="Tang19" format="default"/> for error
           correction and privacy amplification <xref target= "Elkouss11" /> target="Elkouss11" format="default"/>
           for generating the final secure key, but the raw bits that are fed
           into these protocols must come from measuring entangled qubits <xref target="Ekert91" />. format="default"/>. In another application, secure delegated
           quantum computing, the client hides its computation from the server
           by sending qubits to the server and then requesting it (in a
           classical message) to that the server measure them in an encoded basis. The client
           then decodes the results it receives from the server to obtain the
           result of the computation <xref target= "Broadbent10" />. target="Broadbent10" format="default"/>.
           again, whilst a classical network is used to achieve the goal of
           secure computation, the remote computation is strictly quantum.
           <vspace blankLines="1" />

           Nevertheless, whilst applications can ensure their own end-to-end
           security, network protocols themselves should be security aware in
           order to protect the network itself and limit disruption. Whilst the
           applications remain secure secure, they are not necessarily operational or
           as efficient in the presence of an attacker. For example, if an
           attacker can measure every qubit between two parties trying to
           establish a key using QKD, no secret key can be generated. Security
           concerns in quantum networks are described in more detail in <xref target="Satoh17" /> format="default"/> and <xref target="Satoh20" />.</t> format="default"/>.</t>
            <t>Make them easy to monitor
           <vspace blankLines="1" /> monitor.

           In order to manage, evaluate the performance of, or debug a network network,
           it is necessary to have the ability to monitor the network while
           ensuring that there will be mechanisms in place to protect the
           confidentiality and integrity of the devices connected to it.
           Quantum networks bring new challenges in this area area, so it should be a
           goal of a quantum network architecture to make this task easy.
           <vspace blankLines="1" />

           The fundamental unit of quantum information, the qubit, cannot be
           actively monitored monitored, as any readout irreversibly destroys its
           contents. One of the implications of this fact is that measuring an
           individual pair's fidelity is impossible. Fidelity is meaningful
           only as a statistical quantity which that requires the constant
           monitoring and the sacrifice of generated Bell pairs, achieved by sacrificing some Bell pairs for use in tomography
           or other methods.
           <vspace blankLines="1" />

           Furthermore, given one end of an entangled pair, it is impossible to
           tell where the other qubit is without any additional classical
           metadata. It is impossible to extract this information from the
           qubits themselves. This implies that tracking entangled pairs
           necessitates some exchange of classical information. This
           information might include (i) a reference to the entangled pair that
           allows distributed applications to coordinate actions on qubits of
           the same pair, pair and (ii) the two bits from each entanglement swap
           necessary to identify the final state of the Bell pair (<xref target="es" />).</t> format="default"/>).</t>
            <t>Ensure availability and resilience
           <vspace blankLines="1" /> resilience.

           Any practical and usable network, classical or quantum, must be able
           to continue to operate despite losses and failures, failures and be robust to
           malicious actors trying to disable connectivity. What differs in A difference between
           quantum networks as compared to and classical networks in this regard is that we now have quantum networks are composed of
           two types of data planes (quantum and classical) and two types of
           channels to worry
           about: a quantum (quantum and a classical one. classical) that must be considered.
           Therefore, availability and
           resilience will most likely require a more advanced treatment than
           they do in classical networks.</t>

        <t>Note that privacy, whilst related to security, is not listed as an
       explicit goal, because the privacy benefits will depend on the use case.
       For example, QKD only provides increased security for the distribution
       of symmetric keys <xref target="Bennett14" /> format="default"/> <xref target="Ekert91" />. format="default"/>.
       The handling, manipulation, sharing, encryption, and decryption of data
       will remain entirely classical classical, limiting the benefits to privacy that can
       be gained from using a quantum network. On the other hand, there are
       applications like blind quantum computation computation, which provides the user with
       the ability to execute a quantum computation on a remote server without
       the server knowing what the computation was or its input and output
       <xref target="Fitzsimons17" />. format="default"/>. Therefore, privacy must be considered on
       a per-application basis. An overview of quantum network use cases can be
       found in <xref target="I-D.irtf-qirg-quantum-internet-use-cases" />.</t> format="default"/>.</t>
      <section title="The principles numbered="true" toc="default">
        <name>The Principles of a quantum internet"> Quantum Internet</name>
        <t>The principles support the goals, goals but are not goals themselves. The
       goals define what we want to build build, and the principles provide a
       guideline in for how we might achieve this. The goals will also be the
       foundation for defining any metric of success for a network
       architecture, whereas the principles in themselves do not distinguish
       between success and failure. For more information about design
       considerations for quantum networks networks, see <xref target="VanMeter13.1" /> format="default"/> and
          <xref target="Dahlberg19" />.</t>

         <list style="numbers"> format="default"/>.</t>
        <ol spacing="normal" type="1"><li>
            <t>Entanglement is the fundamental service
           <vspace blankLines="1" /> service.

           The key service that a quantum network provides is the distribution
           of entanglement between the nodes in a network. All distributed
           quantum applications are built on top of this key resource.
           Applications such as clustered quantum computing, distributed
           quantum computing, distributed quantum sensing networks, and certain
           kinds of quantum secure networks all consume quantum entanglement as
           a resource. Some applications (e.g. quantum key distribution) (e.g., QKD) simply
           measure the entangled qubits to obtain a shared secret key <xref target="QKD" />. format="default"/>. Other applications (e.g. (e.g., distributed quantum
           computing) build more complex abstractions and operations that are
           more complex on the entangled qubits, e.g., distributed CNOT gates <xref target="DistCNOT" /> format="default"/> or teleportation of arbitrary qubit states
           <xref target="Teleportation" />.
           <vspace blankLines="1" /> format="default"/>.

           A quantum network may also distribute multipartite entangled states
           (entangled states of three or more qubits) <xref target="Meignant19"
           /> format="default"/>, which are useful for applications such as conference key
           agreement <xref target="Murta20" />, format="default"/>, distributed quantum computing
           <xref target="Cirac99" />, format="default"/>, secret sharing <xref target="Qin17" />, format="default"/>,
           and clock synchronisation <xref target="Komar14" />. Though format="default"/>, though it was is
           worth noting that multipartite entangled states can also be
           constructed from multiple entangled pairs distributed between the
           end nodes.</t>
            <t>Bell Pairs pairs are indistinguishable
           <vspace blankLines="1" /> indistinguishable.

           Any two Bell Pairs pairs between the same two nodes are indistinguishable
           for the purposes of an application application, provided they both satisfy its
           required fidelity threshold. This observation is likely to be key in
           enabling a more optimal allocation of resources in a network, e.g. e.g.,
           for the purposes of provisioning resources to meet application
           demand. However, the qubits that make up the pair themselves are not
           indistinguishable, and the two nodes operating on a pair must
           coordinate to make sure they are operating on qubits that belong to
           the same Bell pair.</t>
            <t>Fidelity is part of the service
           <vspace blankLines="1" /> service.

           In addition to being able to deliver Bell pairs to the communication
           end-points, the Bell Pairs pairs must be of sufficient fidelity. Unlike in
           classical networks networks, where most errors are effectively eliminated
           before reaching the application, many quantum applications only need
           imperfect entanglement to function. However, quantum applications
           will generally have a threshold for Bell pair fidelity below which
           they are no longer able to operate. Different applications will have
           different requirements for what fidelity they can work with. It is
           the network's responsibility to balance the resource usage with
           respect to the applications' requirements. It may be that it is
           cheaper for the network to provide lower fidelity lower-fidelity pairs that are
           just above the threshold required by the application than it is to
           guarantee high fidelity high-fidelity pairs to all applications regardless of
           their requirements.</t>
            <t>Time is an expensive resource
           <vspace blankLines="1" /> resource.

           Time is not the only resource that is in short supply (memory, and
           communication (communication qubits and memory are as well), but ultimately it is the lifetime
           of quantum memories that imposes some of the most difficult
           conditions for operating an extended network of quantum nodes.
           Current hardware has low rates of Bell pair generation, short memory
           lifetimes, and access to a limited number of communication qubits.
           All these factors combined mean that even a short waiting queue at
           some node could be enough for a Bell pair to decohere or result in
           an end-to-end pair below an application's fidelity threshold.
           Therefore, managing the idle time of qubits holding live quantum
           states should be done carefully. Ideally carefully -- ideally by minimising the idle
           time, but potentially also by moving the quantum state for temporary
           storage to a quantum memory with a longer lifetime.</t>
            <t>Be flexible with regards to capabilities and limitations
           <vspace blankLines="1" /> limitations.

           This goal encompasses two important points. First, points:</t>

           <ul spacing="normal">
           <li>First, the architecture
           should be able to function under the physical constraints imposed by
           the current generation current-generation hardware. Near-future hardware will have low
           entanglement generation rates, quantum memories able to hold a
           handful of qubits at best, and decoherence rates that will render
           many generated pairs unusable.
           <vspace blankLines="1" />

           Second, unusable.</li>

           <li>Second, the architecture should not make it difficult to run the
           network over any hardware that may come along in the future. The
           physical capabilities of repeaters will improve improve, and redeploying a
           technology is extremely challenging.</t>

       </t> challenging.</li>
    <section title="A thought experiment inspired anchor="gedankenexperiment" numbered="true" toc="default">
      <name>A Thought Experiment Inspired by classical networks" anchor="gedankenexperiment"> Classical Networks</name>
      <t>To conclude, we discuss a plausible quantum network architecture
     inspired by MPLS. This is not an architecture proposal, proposal but rather a
     thought experiment to give the reader an idea of what components are
     necessary for a functional quantum network. We use classical MPLS as a
     basis, as it is well known and understood in the networking community.</t>
      <t>Creating end-to-end Bell pairs between remote end-points is a stateful
     distributed task that requires a lot of a-priori a priori coordination. Therefore,
     a connection-oriented approach seems the most natural for quantum
     networks. In connection-oriented quantum networks, when two quantum
     application end-points wish to start creating end-to-end Bell pairs, they
     must first create a quantum virtual circuit Quantum Virtual Circuit (QVC). As an analogy, in MPLS
     networks, end-points must establish a label switched path Label Switched Path (LSP) before
     exchanging traffic. Connection-oriented quantum networks may also support
     virtual circuits with multiple end-points for creating multipartite
     entanglement. As an analogy, MPLS networks have the concept of multi-point multipoint
     LSPs for multicast.</t>
      <t>When a quantum application creates a quantum virtual circuit, QVC, it can
     indicate quality Quality of service Service (QoS) parameters such as the required capacity
     in end-to-end Bell pairs per second Pairs Per Second (BPPS) and the required fidelity of
     the Bell pairs. As an analogy, in MPLS networks networks, applications specify the
     required bandwidth in bits per second Bits Per Second (BPS) and other constraints when
     they create a new LSP.</t>
      <t>Different applications will have different QoS requirements. For
     example, applications such as QKD, QKD that don't need to process the
     entangled qubits qubits, and only need measure them and store the resulting
     outcome, may require a large volume of entanglement, entanglement but will be tolerant
     of delay and jitter for individual pairs. On the other hand,
     distributed/cloud quantum computing applications may need fewer entangled
     pairs but instead, instead may need all of them to be generated in one go so that
     they can all be processed all together before any of them decohere.</t>
      <t>Quantum networks need a routing function to compute the optimal path
     (i.e., the best sequence of routers and links) for each new quantum virtual
     circuit. QVC. The routing function may be centralized centralised or distributed. In the
     latter case, the quantum network needs a distributed routing protocol. As
     an analogy, classical networks use routing protocols such as open shortest
     path first Open Shortest
     Path First (OSPF) and intermediate-system Intermediate System to intermediate system Intermediate System (IS-IS).
     However, note that the definition of "shortest-path"/"least-cost" "shortest path" / "least cost" may be
     different in a quantum network to account for its non-classical features,
     such as fidelity <xref target="VanMeter13.2" />.</t> format="default"/>.</t>
      <t>Given the very scarce availability of resources in early quantum
     networks, a traffic engineering Traffic Engineering (TE) function is likely to be beneficial.
     Without traffic engineering, quantum virtual circuits TE, QVCs always use the
     shortest path. In this case, the quantum network cannot guarantee that
     each quantum end-point will get its Bell pairs at the required rate or
     fidelity. This is analogous to "best effort" service in classical
      <t>With traffic engineering, quantum virtual circuits TE, QVCs choose a path that
     is guaranteed to have the requested resources (e.g. (e.g., bandwidth in BPPS)
     available, taking into account the capacity of the routers and links and
     also taking into account the resources already consumed by other virtual
     circuits. As an analogy, both OSPF and IS-IS have traffic engineering (TE) TE
     extensions to keep track of used and available resources, resources and can use
     constrained shortest path first
     Constrained Shortest Path First (CSPF) to take resource availability and
     other constraints into account when computing the optimal path.</t>
      <t>The use of traffic engineering TE implies the use of call admission
     control Call Admission
     Control (CAC): the network denies any virtual circuits for which it cannot
     guarantee the requested quality of service a-priori. Or alternatively, a priori. Alternatively, the
     network pre-empts lower priority preempts lower-priority circuits to make room for the a new
      <t>Quantum networks need a signaling signalling function: once the path for a quantum
     virtual circuit
     QVC has been computed, signaling signalling is used to install the
     "forwarding rules" into the data plane of each quantum router on the path.
     The signaling signalling may be distributed, analogous to the resource reservation
     protocol Resource Reservation
     Protocol (RSVP) in MPLS. Or Or, the signaling signalling may be centralized, centralised, similar to
      <t>Quantum networks need an abstraction of the hardware for specifying the
     forwarding rules. This allows us to de-couple decouple the control plane (routing
     and signaling) signalling) from the data plane (actual creation of Bell pairs). The
     forwarding rules are specified using abstract building blocks such as
     "creating local Bell pairs", "swapping Bell pairs", or "distillation of Bell
     pairs". As an analogy, classical networks use abstractions that are based
     on match conditions (e.g. (e.g., looking up header fields in tables) and actions
     (e.g., modifying fields or forwarding a packet to a specific interface).
     The data-plane data plane abstractions in quantum networks will be very different
     from those in classical networks due to the fundamental differences in
     technology and the stateful nature of quantum networks. In fact, choosing
     the right abstractions will be one of the biggest challenges when
     designing interoperable quantum network protocols.</t>
      <t>In quantum networks, control plane traffic (routing and signaling signalling
     messages) is exchanged over a classical channel, whereas data plane
     traffic (the actual Bell pair qubits) is exchanged over a separate quantum
     channel. This is in contrast to most classical networks, where control
     plane traffic and data plane traffic share the same channel and where a
     single packet contains both user fields and header fields. There is,
     however, a classical analogy to the way quantum networks work. Generalized work: generalised
     MPLS (GMPLS) networks use separate channels for control plane traffic and
     data plane traffic. Furthermore, GMPLS networks support data planes where
     there is no such thing as data plane headers (e.g. DWDM or TDM (e.g., Dense Wavelength Division Multiplexing (DWDM) or Time-Division Multiplexing (TDM)
    <section anchor="Security" title="Security Considerations"> numbered="true" toc="default">
      <name>Security Considerations</name>
      <t>Security is listed as an explicit goal for the architecture and architecture; this
     issue is addressed in the section on goals. <xref target="goals"/>. However, as this is an
     informational draft
     Informational document, it does not propose any concrete mechanisms to achieve
     these goals.</t>
    <section anchor="IANA" title="IANA Considerations"> numbered="true" toc="default">
      <name>IANA Considerations</name>
      <t>This draft includes document has no request to IANA.</t>

   <!-- Possibly a 'Contributors' section ... -->

   <section anchor="Acknowledgements" title="Acknowledgements">

     <t>The authors want to thank Carlo Delle Donne, Matthew Skrzypczyk, Axel
     Dahlberg, Mathias van den Bossche, Patrick Gelard, Chonggang Wang, Scott
     Fluhrer, Joey Salazar, Joseph Touch, and the rest of the QIRG community as
     a whole for their very useful reviews and comments to the document.</t>

     <!-- TODO: fill out acks appropriately to IETF rules --> IANA actions.</t>

 <!--  *****BACK MATTER ***** -->
   <!-- References split into informative and normative

<displayreference target="I-D.irtf-qirg-quantum-internet-use-cases" to="QI-Scenarios"/>

      <name>Informative References</name>

<xi:include href="https://www.rfc-editor.org/refs/bibxml/reference.RFC.1958.xml"/>

<!-- draft-irtf-qirg-quantum-internet-use-cases (I-D Exists) -->

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       (for I-Ds: include="reference.I-D.narten-iana-considerations-rfc2434bis.xml")

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   <section anchor="Acknowledgements" numbered="false" toc="default">
      <t>The authors want to thank <contact fullname="Carlo Delle Donne"/>, <contact fullname="Matthew Skrzypczyk"/>, <contact fullname="Axel Dahlberg"/>,
<contact fullname="Mathias van den Bossche"/>, <contact fullname="Patrick Gelard"/>, <contact fullname="Chonggang Wang"/>, <contact fullname="Scott Fluhrer"/>, <contact fullname="Joey Salazar"/>, <contact fullname="Joseph Touch"/>, and the rest of the QIRG community as
     a whole for their very useful reviews and comments on this document.</t>

     <t>WK and SW acknowledge funding received from the EU Flagship on Quantum Technologies, Quantum
     Internet Alliance (No. 820445).</t>

     <t>rdv acknowledges support by the Air Force Office of Scientific Research
     under award number FA2386-19-1-4038.</t>