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<rfc xmlns:xi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XInclude" xml:lang="en" ipr="trust200902" docName="draft-ietf-tcpm-rfc8312bis-15" number="9438" submissionType="IETF" category="std" consensus="true" submissionType="IETF" obsoletes="8312" updates="5681" tocInclude="true" sortRefs="true" symRefs="true" version="3">

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    <title abbrev="TCP CUBIC">CUBIC for Fast and Long-Distance Networks</title>
    <seriesInfo name="Internet-Draft" value="draft-ietf-tcpm-rfc8312bis-15"/> name="RFC" value="9438"/>
    <author initials="L." surname="Xu" fullname="Lisong Xu">
      <organization abbrev="UNL">University of Nebraska-Lincoln</organization>
          <street>Department of Computer Science and Engineering</street>
          <country>United States of America</country>
    <author initials="S." surname="Ha" fullname="Sangtae Ha">
      <organization abbrev="Colorado">University of Colorado at Boulder</organization>
          <street>Department of Computer Science</street>
          <country>United States of America</country>
    <author initials="I." surname="Rhee" fullname="Injong Rhee">
      <organization abbrev="Bowery">Bowery Farming</organization>
          <street>151 W 26TH 26th Street, 12TH 12th Floor</street>
          <city>New York</city>
          <country>United States of America</country>
    <author initials="V." surname="Goel" fullname="Vidhi Goel">
      <organization>Apple Inc.</organization>
          <street>One Apple Park Way</street>
          <country>United States of America</country>
    <author initials="L." surname="Eggert" fullname="Lars Eggert" role="editor">
          <street>Stenbergintie 12 B</street>
    <date year="2023" month="August"/>

<keyword>Congestion control</keyword>
<keyword>large BDP</keyword>
<keyword>window scalability</keyword>
<keyword>RTT fairness</keyword>

      <t>CUBIC is a standard TCP congestion control algorithm that uses a cubic
function instead of a linear congestion window increase function
to improve scalability and stability over fast and long-distance
networks. CUBIC has been adopted as the default TCP congestion control
algorithm by the Linux, Windows, and Apple stacks.</t>
      <t>This document updates the specification of CUBIC to include
algorithmic improvements based on these implementations and recent
academic work. Based on the extensive deployment experience with
CUBIC, it this document also moves the specification to the Standards Track,
obsoleting Track and obsoletes RFC 8312. This document also requires updating updates RFC 5681, to allow
for CUBIC's occasionally more aggressive sending behavior.</t>
    <note removeInRFC="true">
      <name>About This Document</name>
        Status information for this document may be found at <eref target="https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/draft-ietf-tcpm-rfc8312bis/"/>.
        Discussion of this document takes place on the
        TCPM Working Group mailing list (<eref target="mailto:tcpm@ietf.org"/>),
        which is archived at <eref target="https://mailarchive.ietf.org/arch/browse/tcpm/"/>.
        Subscribe at <eref target="https://www.ietf.org/mailman/listinfo/tcpm/"/>.
      <t>Source for this draft and an issue tracker can be found at
        <eref target="https://github.com/NTAP/rfc8312bis"/>.</t>
      <name>Note to the RFC Editor</name>
      <t>xml2rfc currently renders <tt>&lt;em&gt;&lt;/em&gt;</tt> in the XML by surrounding the
corresponding text with underscores. This is highly distracting;
please manually remove the underscores when doing the final edits to
the text version of this document.</t>
      <t>(There is an issue open against xml2rfc to stop doing this in the
future: https://github.com/ietf-tools/xml2rfc/issues/596)</t>
      <t>Also, please manually change "Figure" to "Equation" for all artwork
with anchors beginning with "eq" - xml2rfc doesn't seem to be able to
do this.</t>
    <section anchor="introduction">
      <t>CUBIC has been adopted as the default TCP congestion control algorithm
in the Linux, Windows, and Apple stacks, and has been used and
deployed globally. Extensive, decade-long deployment experience in
vastly different Internet scenarios has convincingly demonstrated
that CUBIC is safe for deployment on the global Internet and delivers
substantial benefits over classical Reno congestion control <xref target="RFC5681"/>. It is
therefore to be regarded as the currently most widely deployed
standard for TCP congestion control. CUBIC can also be used for other
transport protocols such as QUIC <xref target="RFC9000"/> and SCTP the Stream Control Transmission Protocol (SCTP) <xref target="RFC9260"/>
as a default congestion controller.</t>
      <t>The design of CUBIC was motivated by the well-documented problem
classical Reno TCP has with low utilization over fast and long-distance
networks <xref target="K03"/><xref target="K03"/> <xref target="RFC3649"/>. This problem arises from a slow increase
of the congestion window (cwnd) following a congestion event in a network with
a large bandwidth-delay product (BDP). <xref target="HLRX07"/> indicates that this
problem is frequently observed even in the range of congestion window
sizes over several hundreds of packets. This problem is equally
applicable to all Reno-style standards and their variants, including
TCP-Reno <xref target="RFC5681"/>, TCP-NewReno <xref target="RFC6582"/><xref target="RFC6582"/> <xref target="RFC6675"/>, SCTP
<xref target="RFC9260"/>, TFRC TCP Friendly Rate Control (TFRC) <xref target="RFC5348"/>, and QUIC congestion control
<xref target="RFC9002"/>, which use the same linear increase function for window
growth.  All Reno-style standards and their variants are
collectively referred to as "Reno" in this document.</t>
      <t>CUBIC, originally proposed in <xref target="HRX08"/>, is a modification to the
congestion control algorithm of classical Reno to remedy this
problem. Specifically, CUBIC uses a cubic function instead of the linear
window increase function of Reno to improve scalability and
stability under fast and long-distance networks.</t>
      <t>This document updates the specification of CUBIC to include algorithmic
improvements based on the Linux, Windows, and Apple implementations and
recent academic work. Based on the extensive deployment experience with
CUBIC, it also moves the specification to the Standards Track,
obsoleting <xref target="RFC8312"/>. This requires an update to <xref section="3" sectionFormat="of" target="RFC5681"/>, which
limits the aggressiveness of Reno TCP implementations.
Since CUBIC is occasionally more aggressive than the algorithms defined in <xref target="RFC5681"/>
algorithms, target="RFC5681"/>,
this document updates the first paragraph of <xref section="3" sectionFormat="of" target="RFC5681"/>, replacing it with a normative reference to guideline (1)
in <xref section="3" sectionFormat="of" target="RFC5033"/>, which allows for CUBIC's behavior as defined
in this document.</t>
      <t>Specifically, CUBIC may increase the congestion window more aggressively than
Reno during the congestion avoidance phase. According to <xref target="RFC5681"/>,
during congestion avoidance, the sender must not increment cwnd by more than
Sender Maximum Segment Size (SMSS) bytes once per RTT, round-trip time (RTT), whereas CUBIC may increase cwnd much more
aggressively. Additionally, CUBIC recommends the HyStart++
algorithm <xref target="I-D.ietf-tcpm-hystartplusplus"/> target="RFC9406"/> for slow start, which allows for
cwnd increases of more than SMSS bytes for incoming acknowledgments during
slow start, while this behavior is not allowed as part of
the standard behavior prescribed by <xref target="RFC5681"/>
standard.</t> target="RFC5681"/>.</t>
      <t>Binary Increase Congestion Control (BIC-TCP) <xref target="XHR04"/>, a predecessor
of CUBIC, was selected as the default TCP congestion control algorithm
by Linux in the year 2005 and had been used for several years by the
Internet community at large.</t>
      <t>CUBIC uses a similar window increase function as similar to BIC-TCP and is
designed to be less aggressive and fairer to Reno in bandwidth
usage than BIC-TCP while maintaining the strengths of BIC-TCP such as
stability, window scalability, and round-trip time (RTT) fairness.</t> RTT-fairness.</t>
      <t><xref target="RFC5033"/> documents the IETF's best current practices for
specifying new congestion control algorithms, specifically, ones specifically those that
differ from the general congestion control principles outlined in
<xref target="RFC2914"/>. It describes what type of evaluation is expected by the
IETF to understand the suitability of a new congestion control
algorithm and the process to enable of enabling a specification to be approved
for widespread deployment in the global Internet.</t>
      <t>There are areas in which CUBIC differs from the congestion control
algorithms previously published in standards-track Standards Track RFCs; those
changes are specified in this document. However, it is not obvious
that these changes go beyond the general congestion control
principles outlined in <xref target="RFC2914"/>, so the process documented in
<xref target="RFC5033"/> may not apply.</t>
      <t>Also, the wide deployment of CUBIC on the Internet was driven by
direct adoption in most of the popular operating systems, systems and did not
follow the practices documented in <xref target="RFC5033"/>. However, due to the
resulting Internet-scale deployment experience over a long
period of time, the IETF has determined that CUBIC may could be published
as a standards-track Standards Track specification. This decision by the IETF does
not alter the general guidance provided in <xref target="RFC2914"/>.</t>
      <t>The following sections first briefly sections</t>
       <li>briefly explain the design principles of CUBIC, provide CUBIC,</li>
       <li>provide the exact specification of CUBIC,
and finally discuss and</li>
       <li>discuss the safety features of CUBIC CUBIC, following the
guidelines specified in <xref target="RFC5033"/>.</t> target="RFC5033"/>.</li>
    <section anchor="conventions">
       <t>The key words "<bcp14>MUST</bcp14>", "<bcp14>MUST NOT</bcp14>",
       "<bcp14>REQUIRED</bcp14>", "<bcp14>SHALL</bcp14>",
       "<bcp14>SHALL NOT</bcp14>", "<bcp14>SHOULD</bcp14>",
       "<bcp14>SHOULD NOT</bcp14>",
       "<bcp14>RECOMMENDED</bcp14>", "<bcp14>NOT RECOMMENDED</bcp14>",
       "<bcp14>MAY</bcp14>", and "<bcp14>OPTIONAL</bcp14>" in this document
       are to be interpreted as described in BCP 14 BCP&nbsp;14
       <xref target="RFC2119"/> <xref target="RFC8174"/> when, and only
       when, they appear in all capitals, as shown here.</t>
    <section anchor="design-principles-of-cubic">
      <name>Design Principles of CUBIC</name>
      <t>CUBIC is designed according to the following design principles:</t>
        <dt>Principle 1:</dt>
          <t>For better network utilization and stability, CUBIC
uses both the concave and convex profiles of a cubic function to
increase the congestion window size, instead of using just a
convex function.</t>
        <dt>Principle 2:</dt>
          <t>To be Reno-friendly, CUBIC is designed to behave like Reno in
networks with short RTTs and small bandwidth where Reno
performs well.</t>
        <dt>Principle 3:</dt>
          <t>For RTT-fairness, CUBIC is designed to achieve linear bandwidth
sharing among flows with different RTTs.</t>
        <dt>Principle 4:</dt>
          <t>CUBIC appropriately sets its multiplicative window decrease factor
in order to achieve a balance between the scalability and convergence speed.</t>
      <section anchor="cubic-inc">
        <name>Principle 1 for the CUBIC Increase Function</name>
        <t>For better network utilization and stability, CUBIC <xref target="HRX08"/> uses a
cubic window increase function in terms of the elapsed time from the
last congestion event. While most alternative congestion control
algorithms that provide alternatives to Reno increase the congestion window using convex
functions, CUBIC uses both the concave and convex profiles of a cubic
function for window growth.</t>
        <t>After a window reduction in response to a congestion event detected by
duplicate ACKs, acknowledgments (ACKs), Explicit Congestion Notification-Echo (ECN-Echo, ECE) (ECN-Echo (ECE))
ACKs <xref target="RFC3168"/>, RACK-TLP for TCP RACK <xref target="RFC8985"/> target="RFC8985"/>, or QUIC loss detection
<xref target="RFC9002"/>, CUBIC remembers the congestion window size at which it
received the congestion event and performs a multiplicative decrease of
the congestion window. When CUBIC enters into congestion avoidance, it
starts to increase the congestion window using the concave profile of
the cubic function. The cubic function is set to have its plateau at
the remembered congestion window size, so that the concave window
increase continues until then. After that, the cubic function turns
into a convex profile and the convex window increase begins.</t>
        <t>This style of window adjustment (concave and then convex) improves the
algorithm stability while maintaining high network utilization
<xref target="CEHRX09"/>. This is because the window size remains almost constant,
forming a plateau around the remembered congestion window size of the
last congestion event, where network utilization is deemed highest.
Under steady state, most window size samples of CUBIC are close to
that remembered congestion window size, thus promoting high network
utilization and stability.</t>
        <t>Note that congestion control algorithms that only use convex functions
to increase the congestion window size have their maximum increments
around the remembered congestion window size of the last congestion
event and thus introduce many packet bursts around the
saturation point of the network, likely causing frequent global loss
      <section anchor="principle-2-for-reno-friendliness">
        <name>Principle 2 for Reno-Friendliness</name>
        <t>CUBIC promotes per-flow fairness to Reno. Note that Reno
performs well over paths with small bandwidth-delay products, BDPs and only
experiences problems when attempting to increase bandwidth utilization
on paths with large bandwidth-delay products.</t> BDPs.</t>
        <t>A congestion control algorithm designed to be friendly to Reno on
a per-flow basis must increase its congestion window less aggressively
in small-BDP networks than in large-BDP networks.</t>
        <t>The aggressiveness of CUBIC mainly depends on the maximum window size
before a window reduction, which is smaller in small-BDP networks than
in large-BDP networks. Thus, CUBIC increases its congestion window
less aggressively in small-BDP networks than in large-BDP networks.</t>
        <t>Furthermore, in cases when the cubic function of CUBIC would increase
the congestion window less aggressively than Reno, CUBIC simply
follows the window size of Reno to ensure that CUBIC achieves at
least the same throughput as Reno in small-BDP networks. The region
where CUBIC behaves like Reno is called the "Reno-friendly
      <section anchor="principle-3-for-rtt-fairness">
        <name>Principle 3 for RTT Fairness</name> RTT-Fairness</name>
        <t>Two CUBIC flows with different RTTs have a throughput ratio that is
linearly proportional to the inverse of their RTT ratio, where the
throughput of a flow is approximately the size of its congestion
window divided by its RTT.</t>
        <t>Specifically, CUBIC maintains a window increase rate that is independent of RTTs outside the Reno-friendly region, and thus flows with
different RTTs have similar congestion window sizes under steady state
when they operate outside the Reno-friendly region.</t>
        <t>This notion of a linear throughput ratio is similar to that of Reno
under an asynchronous loss model, where flows with different RTTs
have the same packet loss rate but experience loss events at different
times. However, under a synchronous loss model, where flows with different
RTTs experience loss events at the same time but have different packet loss
rates, the throughput ratio of Reno flows with different RTTs is quadratically
proportional to the inverse of their RTT ratio <xref target="XHR04"/>.</t>
        <t>CUBIC always ensures a linear throughput ratio that is independent of the loss environment. This is an improvement over Reno.
While there is no consensus on the optimal throughput ratio for
different RTT flows, over wired Internet paths, use of
a linear throughput ratio seems more reasonable than equal throughputs
(i.e., the same throughput for flows with different RTTs) or a
higher-order throughput ratio (e.g., a quadratical quadratic throughput ratio of
Reno in synchronous loss environments).</t>
      <section anchor="prin-beta">
        <name>Principle 4 for the CUBIC Decrease Factor</name>
        <t>To achieve a balance between scalability and convergence speed, CUBIC sets the
multiplicative window decrease factor to 0.7, whereas Reno uses
        <t>While this improves the scalability of CUBIC, a side effect of this
decision is slower convergence, especially under low statistical
multiplexing. This design choice is following the observation that
HighSpeed TCP (HSTCP) <xref target="RFC3649"/> and other approaches (e.g.,
<xref target="GV02"/>) made: the current Internet becomes more asynchronous with
less frequent loss synchronizations under high statistical
        <t>In such environments, even strict Multiplicative-Increase
Multiplicative-Decrease (MIMD) can converge. CUBIC flows with the same
RTT always converge to the same throughput independent independently of statistical
multiplexing, thus achieving intra-algorithm fairness.
In environments with sufficient statistical multiplexing, the
convergence speed of CUBIC is reasonable.</t>
    <section anchor="cubic-congestion-control">
      <name>CUBIC Congestion Control</name>
      <t>This section discusses how the congestion window is updated
during the different stages of the CUBIC congestion controller.</t>
      <section anchor="definitions">
        <t>The unit of all window sizes in this document is segments of the
maximum segment size (MSS),
SMSS, and the unit of all times is seconds.
Implementations can use bytes to express window sizes, which would
require factoring in the maximum segment size SMSS wherever necessary
and replacing <em>segments_acked</em> (<xref target="eq4"/>) with the number of bytes acknowledged in <xref target="eq4"/>.</t> bytes.</t>
        <section anchor="constants-of-interest">
          <name>Constants of Interest</name>
          <t><contact fullname="β" asciiFullname=""/><em><sub>cubic</sub></em>:
CUBIC multiplicative decrease factor as described in <xref target="mult-dec"/>.</t>
          <t><contact fullname="α" asciiFullname=""/><em><sub>cubic</sub></em>: target="mult-dec"/>.</t></li>
CUBIC additive increase factor used in the Reno-friendly region
as described in <xref target="Reno-friendly"/>.</t>
constant target="Reno-friendly"/>.</t></li>
Constant that determines the aggressiveness of CUBIC in competing with
other congestion control algorithms in high-BDP networks. Please see
<xref target="discussion"/> for more explanation on how it is set. The unit for <em>C</em>
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            <artwork type="ascii-art" align="center"><![CDATA[segment
        <section anchor="variables-of-interest">
          <name>Variables of Interest</name>
          <t>This section defines the variables required to implement CUBIC:</t>
Smoothed round-trip time in seconds, calculated as described in
<xref target="RFC6298"/>.</t>
          <t><em>cwnd</em>: target="RFC6298"/>.</li>
Current congestion window in segments.</t>
          <t><em>ssthresh</em>: segments.</li>
Current slow start threshold in segments.</t>
          <t><em>cwnd<sub>prior</sub></em>: segments.</li>
Size of <em>cwnd</em> in segments at the time of setting <em>ssthresh</em>
most recently, either upon exiting the first slow start, start or
just before <em>cwnd</em> was reduced in the last congestion event.</t>
          <t><em>W<sub>max</sub></em>: event.</li>
Size of <em>cwnd</em> in segments just before <em>cwnd</em> was reduced in the last
congestion event when fast convergence is disabled (same as
<em>cwnd<sub>prior</sub></em> on a congestion event). However, if fast
convergence is enabled, <em>W<sub>max</sub></em> may be further reduced
based on the current saturation point.</t>
          <t><em>K</em>: point.</li>
The time period in seconds it takes to increase the congestion window
size at the beginning of the current congestion avoidance stage to
Current time of the system in seconds.</t>
          <t><em>t<sub>epoch</sub></em>: seconds.</li>
The time in seconds at which the current congestion avoidance stage
The <em>cwnd</em> at the beginning of the current congestion avoidance stage,
i.e., at time <em>t<sub>epoch</sub></em>.</t>
          <t>W<sub>cubic</sub>(<em>t</em>): <em>t<sub>epoch</sub></em>.</li>
The congestion window in segments at time <em>t</em> in seconds
based on the cubic increase function, as described in <xref target="win-inc"/>.</t>
          <t><em>target</em>: target="win-inc"/>.</li>
Target value of the congestion window in segments after the next RTT, RTT --
that is, W<sub>cubic</sub>(<em>t</em> + <em>RTT</em>), as described in <xref target="win-inc"/>.</t>
          <t><em>W<sub>est</sub></em>: target="win-inc"/>.</li>
An estimate for the congestion window in segments in the Reno-friendly
region -- that is, an estimate for the congestion window of Reno.</t>
          <t><em>segments_acked</em>: Reno.</li>
Number of MSS-sized SMSS-sized segments acked when a "new ACK" is received, i.e., an
ACK that cumulatively acknowledges the delivery of new previously unacknowledged data. This
number will be a decimal value when a new ACK acknowledges an amount of
data that is not MSS-sized. SMSS-sized. Specifically, it can be less than 1 when a
new ACK acknowledges a segment smaller than the MSS.</t> SMSS.</li>
      <section anchor="win-inc">
        <name>Window Increase Function</name>
        <t>CUBIC maintains the acknowledgment (ACK) ACK clocking of Reno by
increasing the congestion window only at the reception of a new ACK. It
does not make any changes to the TCP Fast Recovery and Fast Retransmit
algorithms <xref target="RFC6582"/><xref target="RFC6582"/> <xref target="RFC6675"/>.</t>
        <t>During congestion avoidance, after a congestion event is detected
by mechanisms
as described in <xref target="cubic-inc"/>, CUBIC uses a window
increase function different from Reno.</t>
        <t>CUBIC uses the following window increase function:</t>
        <figure anchor="eq1">
            <artwork type="svg" align="center"><svg xmlns:xlink="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" height="3.009ex" role="img" viewBox="0 -1006.6 13239.1 1295.7" width="30.749ex">
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W     (t) = C * (t - K)  + W
 cubic                      max
        <t>where <em>t</em> is the elapsed time in seconds from the beginning of the
current congestion avoidance stage, stage -- that is,</t>
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          <artwork type="ascii-art" align="center"><![CDATA[t = t        - t
     current    epoch
        <t>and where <em>t<sub>epoch</sub></em> is the time at which the current
congestion avoidance stage starts. <em>K</em> &nbsp;<em>K</em> is the time period that the
above function takes to increase the congestion window size at the
beginning of the current congestion avoidance stage to
<em>W<sub>max</sub></em> if there are no further congestion events and events. &nbsp;<em>K</em> is
calculated using the following equation:</t>
        <figure anchor="eq2">
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            <artwork type="ascii-art" align="center"><![CDATA[       ┌────────────────┐
    3  │W    - cwnd
    ╲  │ max       epoch
K =  ╲ │────────────────
      ╲│       C
        <t>where <em>cwnd<sub>epoch</sub></em> is the congestion window at the beginning
of the current congestion avoidance stage.</t>
        <t>Upon receiving a new ACK during congestion avoidance, CUBIC computes the
<em>target</em> congestion window size after the next <em>RTT</em> using <xref target="eq1"/> as
follows, where <em>RTT</em> is the smoothed round-trip time. The lower and
upper bounds below ensure that CUBIC's congestion window increase rate
is non-decreasing and is less than the increase rate of slow start <xref target="SXEZ19"/>.</t>
          <artwork type="svg" align="center"><svg xmlns:xlink="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" height="9.176ex" role="img" viewBox="0 -2226.5 25764.2 3950.7" width="59.84ex">
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          <artwork type="ascii-art" align="center"><![CDATA[         ⎧
         ⎪cwnd            if  W     (t + RTT) < cwnd
         ⎪                     cubic
         ⎨1.5 * cwnd      if  W     (t + RTT) > 1.5 * cwnd
target = ⎪                     cubic
         ⎪W     (t + RTT) otherwise
         ⎩ cubic
        <t>The elapsed time <em>t</em> in <xref target="eq1"/> <bcp14>MUST NOT</bcp14> include periods during
which <em>cwnd</em> has not been updated due to application-limited behavior
(see <xref target="app-limited"/>).</t>
        <t>Depending on the value of the current congestion window size <em>cwnd</em>,
CUBIC runs in three different regions:</t>
        <ol spacing="normal" type="1"><li>The Reno-friendly region, which ensures that CUBIC achieves at
least the same throughput as Reno.</li>
          <li>The concave region, if CUBIC is not in the Reno-friendly region
and <em>cwnd</em> is less than <em>W<sub>max</sub></em>.</li>
          <li>The convex region, if CUBIC is not in the Reno-friendly region and
<em>cwnd</em> is greater than <em>W<sub>max</sub></em>.</li>
        <t>To summarize, CUBIC computes both W<sub>cubic</sub>(<em>t</em>) and
<em>W<sub>est</sub></em> (see <xref target="Reno-friendly"/>) on receiving a new ACK
in congestion avoidance and chooses the larger of the two values.</t>
        <t>The next sections describe the exact actions taken by CUBIC in each region.</t>
      <section anchor="Reno-friendly">
        <name>Reno-Friendly Region</name>
        <t>Reno performs well in certain types of networks, networks -- for example,
under short RTTs and small bandwidths (or small BDPs). In these
networks, CUBIC remains in the Reno-friendly region to achieve at
least the same throughput as Reno.</t>
        <t>The Reno-friendly region is designed according to the analysis discussed in
<xref target="FHP00"/>, which studies the performance of an AIMD algorithm with an
additive factor of <contact fullname="α" asciiFullname=""/> α (segments per <em>RTT</em>) and
a multiplicative factor of <contact fullname="β" asciiFullname=""/>, β, denoted by
AIMD(<contact fullname="α" asciiFullname=""/>, <contact fullname="β" asciiFullname=""/>). <em>p</em>
AIMD(α, β). &nbsp;<em>p</em> is the packet loss rate.
Specifically, the average congestion window size of
AIMD(<contact fullname="α" asciiFullname=""/>, <contact fullname="β" asciiFullname=""/>)
AIMD(α, β) can be
calculated using <xref target="eq3"/>.</t>
        <figure anchor="eq3">
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            <artwork type="ascii-art" align="center"><![CDATA[                   ┌───────────────┐
                   │  α * (1 + β)
AVG_AIMD(α, β) = ╲ │───────────────
                  ╲│2 * (1 - β) * p
        <t>By the same analysis, to achieve a similar an average window size as similar to Reno
that uses AIMD(1, 0.5), <contact fullname="α" asciiFullname=""/> α must be equal to,</t> to</t>
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          <artwork type="ascii-art" align="center"><![CDATA[    1 - β
3 * ─────
    1 + β
        <t>Thus, CUBIC uses <xref target="eq4"/> to estimate the window
size <em>W<sub>est</sub></em> in the Reno-friendly region with</t>
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                <path d="M363 111l12 -13c-51 -60 -113 -109 -198 -109c-97 0 -137 78 -137 155c0 140 121 297 263 297c50 0 97 -27 97 -76c0 -38 -16 -70 -54 -70c-26 0 -38 21 -38 38c0 24 29 36 29 58c0 12 -10 21 -34 21c-119 0 -176 -179 -176 -259c0 -87 49 -109 94 -109 c61 0 107 33 142 67Z" id="E1-STIXWEBNORMALI-1D450" id="E1-STIXWEBNORMALI-1D450-gensym008" stroke-width="1"/>
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          <artwork type="ascii-art" align="center"><![CDATA[             1 - β
α      = 3 * ──────────
 cubic       1 + β
        <t>which achieves approximately the same average window size as Reno in
many cases. The model used to calculate <contact fullname="α" asciiFullname=""/><em><sub>cubic</sub></em> α<em><sub>cubic</sub></em> is not
absolutely precise, but analysis and simulation as discussed in <xref target="AIMD-friendliness"/>,
as well as over a decade of experience with CUBIC in the public
Internet, show that this approach produces acceptable levels of
rate fairness between CUBIC and Reno flows. Also, no significant
drawbacks of the model have been reported. However, it would be
beneficial to see continued detailed
analysis on it. of this approach would be beneficial. When
receiving a new ACK in congestion avoidance (where <em>cwnd</em> could be
greater than or less than <em>W<sub>max</sub></em>), CUBIC checks whether
W<sub>cubic</sub>(<em>t</em>) is less than <em>W<sub>est</sub></em>. If &nbsp;If so, CUBIC is
in the Reno-friendly region and <em>cwnd</em> <bcp14>SHOULD</bcp14> be set to
<em>W<sub>est</sub></em> at each reception of a new ACK.</t>
        <t><em>W<sub>est</sub></em> is set equal to <em>cwnd<sub>epoch</sub></em> at the start
of the congestion avoidance stage. After that, on every new ACK,
<em>W<sub>est</sub></em> is updated using <xref target="eq4"/>. Note that this equation
uses <em>segments_acked</em> and <em>cwnd</em> is measured in segments. An implementation
that measures <em>cwnd</em> in bytes should adjust the equation accordingly using
the number of acknowledged bytes and MSS. the SMSS. Also note that this equation works for
connections with enabled or disabled Delayed delayed ACKs <xref target="RFC5681"/>, as
<em>segments_acked</em> will be different based on the segments actually
acknowledged by a new ACK.</t>
        <figure anchor="eq4">
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            <artwork type="ascii-art" align="center"><![CDATA[                       segments_acked
W    = W    + α      * ──────────────
 est    est    cubic        cwnd
        <t>Once <em>W<sub>est</sub></em> has grown to reach the <em>cwnd</em> at the time of
most recently setting <em>ssthresh</em>, <em>ssthresh</em> -- that is, <em>W<sub>est</sub></em> &gt;= <em>cwnd<sub>prior</sub></em>, <em>cwnd<sub>prior</sub></em> --
the sender <bcp14>SHOULD</bcp14> set <contact fullname="α" asciiFullname=""/><em><sub>cubic</sub></em> α<em><sub>cubic</sub></em> to 1 to ensure that
it can achieve the same congestion window increment rate as Reno,
which uses AIMD(1, 0.5).</t>
        <t>The next two sections assume that CUBIC is not in the Reno-friendly region and
uses the window increase function described in <xref target="win-inc"/>. Although
<em>cwnd</em> is incremented in the same way for both concave and convex regions,
they are discussed separately to analyze and understand the difference
between the two regions.</t>
      <section anchor="concave-region">
        <name>Concave Region</name>
        <t>When receiving a new ACK in congestion avoidance, if CUBIC is not in the
Reno-friendly region and <em>cwnd</em> is less than <em>W<sub>max</sub></em>, then
CUBIC is in the concave region. In this region, <em>cwnd</em> <bcp14>MUST</bcp14> be
incremented by</t>
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          <artwork type="ascii-art" align="center"><![CDATA[target - cwnd
        <t>for each received new ACK, where <em>target</em> is calculated as described in
<xref target="win-inc"/>.</t>
      <section anchor="convex-region">
        <name>Convex Region</name>
        <t>When receiving a new ACK in congestion avoidance, if CUBIC is not in the
Reno-friendly region and <em>cwnd</em> is larger than or equal to
<em>W<sub>max</sub></em>, then CUBIC is in the convex region.</t>
        <t>The convex region indicates that the network conditions might have
changed since the last congestion event, possibly implying more
available bandwidth after some flow departures. Since the Internet is
highly asynchronous, some amount of perturbation is always possible
without causing a major change in available bandwidth.</t>
        <t>Unless it the cwnd is overridden by the AIMD window increase,
CUBIC is very
careful will behave cautiously when operating in this region. The convex profile aims to
increase the window very slowly at the beginning when <em>cwnd</em> is
around <em>W<sub>max</sub></em> and then gradually increases its rate of increase.
This region is also called the "maximum probing phase", since CUBIC is
searching for a new <em>W<sub>max</sub></em>. In &nbsp;In this region, <em>cwnd</em> <bcp14>MUST</bcp14> be
incremented by</t>
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        <t>for each received new ACK, where <em>target</em> is calculated as described in
<xref target="win-inc"/>.</t>
      <section anchor="mult-dec">
        <name>Multiplicative Decrease</name>
        <t>When a congestion event is detected by the mechanisms described in
<xref target="cubic-inc"/>, CUBIC updates <em>W<sub>max</sub></em> and reduces <em>cwnd</em>
and <em>ssthresh</em> immediately immediately, as described below.
In the case of packet loss, the sender <bcp14>MUST</bcp14> reduce <em>cwnd</em>
and <em>ssthresh</em> immediately upon entering loss recovery, similar to
<xref target="RFC5681"/> (and <xref target="RFC6675"/>). Note that other mechanisms,
such as Proportional Rate Reduction <xref target="RFC6937"/>, can be used
to reduce the sending rate during loss recovery more gradually.
The parameter <contact fullname="β" asciiFullname=""/><em><sub>cubic</sub></em> β<em><sub>cubic</sub></em> <bcp14>SHOULD</bcp14> be set to 0.7, which
is different from the multiplicative decrease factor used in <xref target="RFC5681"/>
(and <xref target="RFC6675"/>) during fast recovery.</t>
        <t>In <xref target="eqssthresh"/>, <em>flight_size</em> is the amount of outstanding
(unacknowledged) data in the network, as defined in
<xref target="RFC5681"/>. Note that a rate-limited application with idle periods
or periods when unable to send at the full rate permitted by <em>cwnd</em>
could easily encounter notable variations in the volume of data sent
from one RTT to another, resulting in <em>flight_size</em> that is
significantly less than <em>cwnd</em> when there is a congestion event. The
congestion response would therefore decrease <em>cwnd</em> to a much lower
value than necessary. To avoid such suboptimal performance, the
mechanisms described in <xref target="RFC7661"/> can be used. These describe <xref target="RFC7661"/> describes how to manage and use <em>cwnd</em> and <em>ssthresh</em> during a rate-limited Interval, interval,
and how to update <em>cwnd</em> and <em>ssthresh</em> after congestion has been detected. The
mechanisms defined in <xref target="RFC7661"/> is are safe to use even when <em>cwnd</em> is
greater than the receive window, because it validates they validate <em>cwnd</em> based on
the amount of data acknowledged by the network in an RTT, which
implicitly accounts for the allowed receive window.</t>
        <t>Some implementations of CUBIC currently use <em>cwnd</em> instead of
<em>flight_size</em> when calculating a new <em>ssthresh</em>. Implementations &nbsp;Implementations that
use <em>cwnd</em> <bcp14>MUST</bcp14> use other measures to prevent <em>cwnd</em> from growing when
the volume of bytes in flight is smaller than <em>cwnd</em>. This &nbsp;This also
effectively avoids prevents <em>cwnd</em> from growing beyond the receive window. Such
measures are important to prevent for preventing a CUBIC sender from using an
arbitrarily high cwnd <em>value</em> when calculating new values for
<em>ssthresh</em> and <em>cwnd</em> when congestion is detected. This might not be as
robust as the mechanisms described in <xref target="RFC7661"/>.</t>
        <t>A QUIC sender that uses a <em>cwnd</em> <em>value</em> to calculate new values for <em>cwnd</em> and
<em>ssthresh</em> after detecting a congestion event is <bcp14>REQUIRED</bcp14> to apply
similar mechanisms <xref target="RFC9002"/>.</t>
        <figure anchor="eqssthresh">
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            <artwork type="ascii-art" align="center"><![CDATA[ssthresh =  flight_size * β      new  ssthresh
cwnd      = cwnd                 save  cwnd
            ⎧max(ssthresh, 2)    reduction on loss, cwnd is at least >= 2 MSS SMSS
cwnd =      ⎩max(ssthresh,      ⎨max(ssthresh, 1)    reduction on ECE, cwnd is at least >= 1 MSS SMSS
ssthresh =  max(ssthresh, 2)     ssthresh is at least >= 2 MSS SMSS
        <t>A side effect of setting <contact fullname="β" asciiFullname=""/><em><sub>cubic</sub></em> β<em><sub>cubic</sub></em> to a value bigger
than 0.5 is that packet loss can happen for more than one round-trip RTT in certain
cases, but it can work efficiently in other cases, cases -- for example, when HyStart++ <xref target="RFC9406"/>
is used along with CUBIC or when the sending rate is limited by the application.
While a more adaptive setting of <contact fullname="β" asciiFullname=""/><em><sub>cubic</sub></em> β<em><sub>cubic</sub></em>
could help limit packet loss to a single round, it would require detailed
analyses and large-scale evaluations to validate such algorithms.</t>
        <t>Note that CUBIC <bcp14>MUST</bcp14> continue to reduce <em>cwnd</em> in response to congestion
events due to detected by ECN-Echo ACKs until it reaches a value of 1 MSS. SMSS.
If congestion events indicated by ECN-Echo ACKs persist, a sender with a
<em>cwnd</em> of 1 MSS SMSS <bcp14>MUST</bcp14> reduce its sending rate even further. It This can achieve
that be achieved
by using a retransmission timer with exponential backoff, as
described in <xref target="RFC3168"/>.</t>
      <section anchor="fast-convergence">
        <name>Fast Convergence</name>
        <t>To improve convergence speed, CUBIC uses a heuristic. When a new flow
joins the network, existing flows need to give up some of their
bandwidth to allow the new flow some room for growth, growth if the existing
flows have been using all the network bandwidth. To speed up this
bandwidth release by existing flows, the following "Fast Convergence" fast convergence
mechanism <bcp14>SHOULD</bcp14> be implemented.</t>
        <t>With Fast Convergence, fast convergence, when a congestion event occurs, <em>W<sub>max</sub></em>
is updated as follows, before the window reduction described
in <xref target="mult-dec"/>.</t>
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          <artwork type="ascii-art" align="center"><![CDATA[       ⎧       1 + β
       ⎪            cubic
       ⎪cwnd * ────────── if  cwnd < W     and fast convergence enabled,
W    = ⎨           2                  max
 max   ⎪                  further reduce  W
       ⎪                                   max
       ⎩cwnd             otherwise, remember cwnd before reduction
        <t>During a congestion event, if the current <em>cwnd</em> is less than
<em>W<sub>max</sub></em>, this indicates that the saturation point
experienced by this flow is getting reduced because of a change in
available bandwidth. This flow can then release more bandwidth
by reducing <em>W<sub>max</sub></em> further. This action effectively
lengthens the time for this flow to increase its congestion window,
because the reduced <em>W<sub>max</sub></em> forces the flow to plateau
earlier. This allows more time for the new flow to catch up to its
congestion window size.</t>
        <t>Fast Convergence convergence is designed for network environments with multiple
CUBIC flows. In network environments with only a single CUBIC flow and
without any other traffic, Fast Convergence fast convergence <bcp14>SHOULD</bcp14> be disabled.</t>
      <section anchor="timeout">
        <t>In the case of a timeout, CUBIC follows Reno to reduce <em>cwnd</em>
          <xref target="RFC5681"/>, target="RFC5681"/> but sets <em>ssthresh</em> using <contact fullname="β" asciiFullname=""/><em><sub>cubic</sub></em> β<em><sub>cubic</sub></em>
(same as in <xref target="mult-dec"/>) in a way that is different from Reno TCP
<xref target="RFC5681"/>.</t>
        <t>During the first congestion avoidance stage after a timeout, CUBIC
increases its congestion window size using <xref target="eq1"/>, where <em>t</em> is the
elapsed time since the beginning of the current congestion avoidance, avoidance stage,
<em>K</em> is set to 0, and <em>W<sub>max</sub></em> is set to the congestion window
size at the beginning of the current congestion avoidance stage. In
addition, for the Reno-friendly region, <em>W<sub>est</sub></em> <bcp14>SHOULD</bcp14> be
set to the congestion window size at the beginning of the current
congestion avoidance.</t> avoidance stage.</t>
      <section anchor="spurious-congestion-events">
        <name>Spurious Congestion Events</name>
        <t>In cases where CUBIC reduces its congestion window in response to
having detected packet loss via duplicate ACKs or timeouts, there it is a
possible that the missing ACK would could arrive after the congestion
window reduction and a corresponding packet retransmission. For
example, packet reordering could trigger this behavior. A high degree
of packet reordering could cause multiple congestion window reduction
events, where spurious losses are incorrectly interpreted as
congestion signals, thus degrading CUBIC's performance significantly.</t>
        <t>For TCP, there are two types of spurious events - events: spurious timeouts
and spurious fast retransmits. In the case of QUIC, there are no spurious
timeouts, as the loss is only detected after receiving an ACK.</t>
        <section anchor="spurious-timeout">
          <name>Spurious timeout</name> Timeouts</name>
          <t>An implementation <bcp14>MAY</bcp14> detect spurious timeouts based on the mechanisms
described in Forward RTO-Recovery <xref target="RFC5682"/>. Experimental alternatives
include the Eifel detection algorithm <xref target="RFC3522"/>. When a spurious timeout is detected,
a TCP implementation <bcp14>MAY</bcp14> follow the response algorithm described in
<xref target="RFC4015"/> to restore the congestion control state and adapt
the retransmission timer to avoid further spurious timeouts.</t>
        <section anchor="spurious-loss-detected-by-acknowledgments">
          <name>Spurious loss detected by acknowledgments</name> Fast Retransmits</name>
          <t>Upon receiving an ACK, a TCP implementation <bcp14>MAY</bcp14> detect spurious losses fast retransmits
either using TCP Timestamps or via D-SACK<xref D-SACK <xref target="RFC2883"/>. Experimental As noted above, experimental
alternatives include the Eifel detection algorithm <xref target="RFC3522"/> target="RFC3522"/>, which uses
TCP Timestamps Timestamps; and DSACK based DSACK-based detection <xref target="RFC3708"/> target="RFC3708"/>, which uses
DSACK information. A QUIC implementation can easily determine a
spurious loss fast retransmit if a QUIC packet is acknowledged after it has been
marked as lost and the original data has been retransmitted with
a new QUIC packet.</t>
          <t>This section specifies a simple response algorithm when a spurious
fast retransmit is detected by acknowledgments. Implementations would need to carefully
evaluate the impact of using this algorithm in different environments
that may experience a sudden change in available capacity (e.g., due to variable
radio capacity, a routing change, or a mobility event).</t>
          <t>When a packet loss is detected via acknowledgments, a CUBIC
implementation <bcp14>MAY</bcp14> save the current value of the following
variables before the congestion window is reduced.</t>
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CUBIC <bcp14>MAY</bcp14> restore the original values of the above-mentioned variables
as follows if the current <em>cwnd</em> is lower than <em>cwnd<sub>prior</sub></em>.
Restoring &nbsp;Restoring the original values ensures that CUBIC's
performance is similar to what it would be without spurious losses.</t>
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            <artwork type="ascii-art" align="center"><![CDATA[cwnd =      undo_cwnd      ⎫
cwnd      = undo_cwnd      ⎮
    prior            prior ⎮
ssthresh =  undo_ssthresh  ⎮
W    =      undo_W         ⎮
 max              max      ⎬if cwnd < cwnd
K =         undo_K         ⎮              prior
t      =    undo_t         ⎮
 epoch            epoch    ⎮
W    =      undo_W         ⎮
 est              est      ⎭
          <t>In rare cases, when the detection happens long after a spurious loss fast retransmit event and the current <em>cwnd</em> is already higher than <em>cwnd<sub>prior</sub></em>,
CUBIC <bcp14>SHOULD</bcp14> continue to use the current and the most recent values of
these variables.</t>
      <section anchor="slow-start">
        <name>Slow Start</name>
        <t>CUBIC <bcp14>MUST</bcp14> employ a slow-start algorithm, when
        <t>When <em>cwnd</em> is no more than
<em>ssthresh</em>. <em>ssthresh</em>, CUBIC <bcp14>MUST</bcp14> employ a slow start algorithm. In general, CUBIC <bcp14>SHOULD</bcp14> use the HyStart++ slow start
algorithm <xref target="I-D.ietf-tcpm-hystartplusplus"/>, target="RFC9406"/> or <bcp14>MAY</bcp14> use the Reno TCP
slow start algorithm <xref target="RFC5681"/> in the rare cases when
HyStart++ is not suitable. Experimental alternatives include
hybrid slow start <xref target="HR11"/>, a predecessor to HyStart++ that some CUBIC
implementations have used as the default for the last decade, and
limited slow start <xref target="RFC3742"/>. Whichever start-up startup algorithm is used,
work might be needed to ensure that the end of slow start and the first
multiplicative decrease of congestion avoidance work well together.</t>
        <t>When CUBIC uses HyStart++ <xref target="I-D.ietf-tcpm-hystartplusplus"/>, target="RFC9406"/>, it may
exit the first slow start without incurring any packet loss and
thus <em>W<sub>max</sub></em> is undefined. In this special case, CUBIC
sets <em>cwnd<sub>prior</sub> = cwnd</em> and switches to congestion avoidance.
It then increases its congestion window
size using <xref target="eq1"/>, where <em>t</em> is the elapsed time since the beginning
of the current congestion avoidance, avoidance stage, <em>K</em> is set to 0,
and <em>W<sub>max</sub></em> is set to the congestion window size at the
beginning of the current congestion avoidance stage.</t>
    <section anchor="discussion">
      <t>This section further discusses the safety features of CUBIC CUBIC,
following the guidelines specified in <xref target="RFC5033"/>.</t>
      <t>With a deterministic loss model where the number of packets between
two successive packet losses is always <em>1/p</em>, CUBIC always operates
with the concave window profile, which greatly simplifies the
performance analysis of CUBIC. The average window size of CUBIC (see <xref target="proof-avg-window"/>)
can be obtained by via the following function:</t>
      <figure anchor="eq5">
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          <artwork type="ascii-art" align="center"><![CDATA[                ┌────────────────┐   4 ┌────┐
                │C * (3 + β     )    ╲ │   3
             4  │          cubic      ╲│RTT
AVG_W      = ╲  │────────────────  * ────────
     cubic    ╲ │4 * (1 - β     )     4 ┌──┐
               ╲│          cubic      ╲ │ 3
      <t>With <contact fullname="β" asciiFullname=""/><em><sub>cubic</sub></em> β<em><sub>cubic</sub></em> set to 0.7, the above formula reduces
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          <artwork type="ascii-art" align="center"><![CDATA[                           4 ┌────┐
               ┌───────┐   ╲ │   3
             4 │C * 3.7     ╲│RTT
AVG_W      = ╲ │───────  * ────────
     cubic    ╲│  1.2       4 ┌──┐
                            ╲ │ 3
      <t>The following subsection will determine the value of <em>C</em> using <xref target="eq6"/>.</t>
      <section anchor="fairness-to-reno">
        <name>Fairness to Reno</name>
        <t>In environments where Reno is able to make reasonable use of the
available bandwidth, CUBIC does not significantly change this state.</t>
        <t>Reno performs well in the following two types of networks:</t>
        <ol spacing="normal" type="1"><li>networks with a small bandwidth-delay product (BDP)</li>
          <li>networks with a short RTTs, but not necessarily a small BDP</li>
        <t>CUBIC is designed to behave very similarly to Reno in the above
two types of networks. The following two tables show the average
window sizes of Reno TCP, HSTCP, and CUBIC TCP. The average window sizes
of Reno TCP and HSTCP are from <xref target="RFC3649"/>. The average window size
of CUBIC is calculated using <xref target="eq6"/> and the CUBIC Reno-friendly
region for three different values of <em>C</em>.</t>
        <table anchor="tab1">
          <name>Reno TCP, HSTCP, and CUBIC with RTT = 0.1 seconds</name> Seconds</name>
              <th align="right">Loss Rate P</th>
              <th align="right">Reno</th>
              <th align="right">HSTCP</th>
              <th align="right">CUBIC (C=0.04)</th>
              <th align="right">CUBIC (C=0.4)</th>
              <th align="right">CUBIC (C=4)</th>
              <td align="right">1.0e-02</td>
              <td align="right">12</td>
              <td align="right">12</td>
              <td align="right">12</td>
              <td align="right">12</td>
              <td align="right">12</td>
              <td align="right">1.0e-03</td>
              <td align="right">38</td>
              <td align="right">38</td>
              <td align="right">38</td>
              <td align="right">38</td>
              <td align="right">59</td>
              <td align="right">1.0e-04</td>
              <td align="right">120</td>
              <td align="right">263</td>
              <td align="right">120</td>
              <td align="right">187</td>
              <td align="right">333</td>
              <td align="right">1.0e-05</td>
              <td align="right">379</td>
              <td align="right">1795</td>
              <td align="right">593</td>
              <td align="right">1054</td>
              <td align="right">1874</td>
              <td align="right">1.0e-06</td>
              <td align="right">1200</td>
              <td align="right">12280</td>
              <td align="right">3332</td>
              <td align="right">5926</td>
              <td align="right">10538</td>
              <td align="right">1.0e-07</td>
              <td align="right">3795</td>
              <td align="right">83981</td>
              <td align="right">18740</td>
              <td align="right">33325</td>
              <td align="right">59261</td>
              <td align="right">1.0e-08</td>
              <td align="right">12000</td>
              <td align="right">574356</td>
              <td align="right">105383</td>
              <td align="right">187400</td>
              <td align="right">333250</td>
        <t><xref target="tab1"/> describes the response function of Reno TCP, HSTCP, and CUBIC
in networks with <em>RTT</em> = 0.1 seconds. The average window size is in
SMSS-sized segments.</t>
        <table anchor="tab2">
          <name>Reno TCP, HSTCP, and CUBIC with RTT = 0.01 seconds</name> Seconds</name>
              <th align="right">Loss Rate P</th>
              <th align="right">Reno</th>
              <th align="right">HSTCP</th>
              <th align="right">CUBIC (C=0.04)</th>
              <th align="right">CUBIC (C=0.4)</th>
              <th align="right">CUBIC (C=4)</th>
              <td align="right">1.0e-02</td>
              <td align="right">12</td>
              <td align="right">12</td>
              <td align="right">12</td>
              <td align="right">12</td>
              <td align="right">12</td>
              <td align="right">1.0e-03</td>
              <td align="right">38</td>
              <td align="right">38</td>
              <td align="right">38</td>
              <td align="right">38</td>
              <td align="right">38</td>
              <td align="right">1.0e-04</td>
              <td align="right">120</td>
              <td align="right">263</td>
              <td align="right">120</td>
              <td align="right">120</td>
              <td align="right">120</td>
              <td align="right">1.0e-05</td>
              <td align="right">379</td>
              <td align="right">1795</td>
              <td align="right">379</td>
              <td align="right">379</td>
              <td align="right">379</td>
              <td align="right">1.0e-06</td>
              <td align="right">1200</td>
              <td align="right">12280</td>
              <td align="right">1200</td>
              <td align="right">1200</td>
              <td align="right">1874</td>
              <td align="right">1.0e-07</td>
              <td align="right">3795</td>
              <td align="right">83981</td>
              <td align="right">3795</td>
              <td align="right">5926</td>
              <td align="right">10538</td>
              <td align="right">1.0e-08</td>
              <td align="right">12000</td>
              <td align="right">574356</td>
              <td align="right">18740</td>
              <td align="right">33325</td>
              <td align="right">59261</td>
        <t><xref target="tab2"/> describes the response function of Reno TCP, HSTCP, and CUBIC
in networks with <em>RTT</em> = 0.01 seconds. The average window size is in
SMSS-sized segments.</t>
        <t>Both tables show that CUBIC with any of these three <em>C</em> values is more
friendly to Reno TCP than HSTCP, especially in networks with a short
<em>RTT</em> where Reno TCP performs reasonably well. For example, in a
network with <em>RTT</em> = 0.01 seconds and p=10^-6, p=10<sup>-6</sup>, Reno TCP has an average
window of 1200 packets. If the packet size is 1500 bytes, then Reno
TCP can achieve an average rate of 1.44 Gbps. In this case, CUBIC with
<em>C</em>=0.04 or <em>C</em>=0.4 achieves exactly the same rate as Reno TCP,
whereas HSTCP is about ten times more aggressive than Reno TCP.</t>
        <t><em>C</em> determines the aggressiveness of CUBIC in
competing with other congestion control algorithms for bandwidth.
CUBIC is more friendly to Reno TCP, TCP if the value of <em>C</em> is lower.
However, it is <bcp14>NOT RECOMMENDED</bcp14> to set <em>C</em> to a very low value like
0.04, since CUBIC with a low <em>C</em> cannot efficiently use the bandwidth
in fast and long-distance networks. Based on these observations and
extensive deployment experience, <em>C</em>=0.4 seems to give provide a good balance
between Reno-friendliness and aggressiveness of window increase.
Therefore, <em>C</em> <bcp14>SHOULD</bcp14> be set to 0.4. With <em>C</em> set to 0.4, <xref target="eq6"/> is
reduced to:</t> to</t>
        <figure anchor="eq7">
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            <artwork type="ascii-art" align="center"><![CDATA[                     4 ┌────┐
                     ╲ │   3
AVG_W      = 1.054 * ────────
     cubic            4 ┌──┐
                      ╲ │ 3
        <t><xref target="eq7"/> is then used in the next subsection to show the scalability of
      <section anchor="using-spare-capacity">
        <name>Using Spare Capacity</name>
        <t>CUBIC uses a more aggressive window increase function than Reno
for fast and long-distance networks.</t>
        <t>The following table
        <t><xref target="tab3"/> shows that to achieve the 10 Gbps rate, Reno TCP
requires a packet loss rate of 2.0e-10, while CUBIC TCP requires a packet
loss rate of 2.9e-8.</t>
        <table anchor="tab3">
          <name>Required packet loss rate Packet Loss Rate for Reno TCP, HSTCP, and CUBIC to achieve Achieve a certain throughput</name> Certain Throughput</name>
              <th align="right">Throughput (Mbps)</th>
              <th align="right">Average W</th>
              <th align="right">Reno P</th>
              <th align="right">HSTCP P</th>
              <th align="right">CUBIC P</th>
              <td align="right">1</td>
              <td align="right">8.3</td>
              <td align="right">2.0e-2</td>
              <td align="right">2.0e-2</td>
              <td align="right">2.0e-2</td>
              <td align="right">10</td>
              <td align="right">83.3</td>
              <td align="right">2.0e-4</td>
              <td align="right">3.9e-4</td>
              <td align="right">2.9e-4</td>
              <td align="right">100</td>
              <td align="right">833.3</td>
              <td align="right">2.0e-6</td>
              <td align="right">2.5e-5</td>
              <td align="right">1.4e-5</td>
              <td align="right">1000</td>
              <td align="right">8333.3</td>
              <td align="right">2.0e-8</td>
              <td align="right">1.5e-6</td>
              <td align="right">6.3e-7</td>
              <td align="right">10000</td>
              <td align="right">83333.3</td>
              <td align="right">2.0e-10</td>
              <td align="right">1.0e-7</td>
              <td align="right">2.9e-8</td>
        <t><xref target="tab3"/> describes the required packet loss rate for Reno TCP, HSTCP,
and CUBIC to achieve a certain throughput, with 1500-byte packets
and an <em>RTT</em> of 0.1 seconds.</t>
        <t>The test results provided in <xref target="HLRX07"/> indicate that, in typical cases with a
degree of background traffic, CUBIC uses the spare
bandwidth left unused by existing Reno TCP flows in the same
bottleneck link without taking away much bandwidth from the existing
      <section anchor="difficult-environments">
        <name>Difficult Environments</name>
        <t>CUBIC is designed to remedy the poor performance of Reno in fast
and long-distance networks.</t>
      <section anchor="investigating-a-range-of-environments">
        <name>Investigating a Range of Environments</name>
        <t>CUBIC has been extensively studied using simulations,
testbed emulations, Internet experiments, and Internet
measurements, covering a wide range of network environments
<xref target="HLRX07"/><xref target="H16"/><xref target="CEHRX09"/><xref target="HR11"/><xref target="BSCLU13"/><xref target="HLRX07"/> <xref target="H16"/> <xref target="CEHRX09"/> <xref target="HR11"/> <xref target="BSCLU13"/> <xref target="LBEWK16"/>.
They have convincingly demonstrated
that CUBIC delivers substantial benefits over
classical Reno congestion control <xref target="RFC5681"/>.</t>
        <t>Same as Reno, CUBIC is a loss-based congestion control algorithm.
Because CUBIC is designed to be more aggressive (due to a faster
window increase function and bigger multiplicative decrease factor)
than Reno in fast and long-distance networks, it can fill large
drop-tail buffers more quickly than Reno and increases the risk of a
standing queue <xref target="RFC8511"/>. In this case, proper queue sizing and
management <xref target="RFC7567"/> could be used to mitigate the risk to some
extent and reduce the packet queuing delay. Also, in large-BDP
networks after a congestion event, CUBIC, due to its cubic window
increase function, recovers quickly to the highest link utilization
point. This means that link utilization is less sensitive to an active
queue management (AQM) target that is lower than the amplitude of the
whole sawtooth.</t>
        <t>Similar to Reno, the performance of CUBIC as a loss-based congestion
control algorithm suffers in networks where a packet loss is not a
good indication of bandwidth utilization, such as wireless or mobile
networks <xref target="LIU16"/>.</t>
      <section anchor="protection-against-congestion-collapse">
        <name>Protection against Congestion Collapse</name>
        <t>With regard to the potential of causing congestion collapse, CUBIC
behaves like Reno, since CUBIC modifies only the window adjustment
algorithm of Reno. Thus, it does not modify the ACK clocking and
timeout behaviors of Reno.</t>
        <t>CUBIC also satisfies the "full backoff" requirement as described in
<xref target="RFC5033"/>. After reducing the sending rate to one packet per
RTT in response to congestion events due to detected by ECN-Echo ACKs, CUBIC
then exponentially increases the transmission
timer for each packet retransmission while congestion persists.</t>
      <section anchor="fairness-within-the-alternative-congestion-control-algorithm">
        <name>Fairness within the Alternative Congestion Control Algorithm</name>
        <t>CUBIC ensures convergence of competing CUBIC flows with the same RTT
in the same bottleneck links to an equal throughput. When competing
flows have different RTT values, their throughput ratio is linearly
proportional to the inverse of their RTT ratios. This is true
independently and is
independent of the level of statistical multiplexing on the link.
The convergence time depends on the network environments
(e.g., bandwidth, RTT) and the level of statistical multiplexing,
as mentioned in <xref target="prin-beta"/>.</t>
      <section anchor="performance-with-misbehaving-nodes-and-outside-attackers">
        <name>Performance with Misbehaving Nodes and Outside Attackers</name>
        <t>CUBIC does not introduce new entities or signals, so its vulnerability to
misbehaving nodes or attackers is unchanged from Reno.</t>
      <section anchor="app-limited">
        <name>Behavior for Application-Limited Flows</name>
        <t>A flow is application-limited application limited if it is currently sending
less than what is allowed by the congestion window.
This can happen if the flow is limited by either the
sender application or the receiver application (via the receiver receiver's
advertised window) and thus sends less data than what is allowed by
the sender's congestion window.</t>
        <t>CUBIC does not increase its congestion window if a flow is application-limited. application limited.
Per <xref target="win-inc"/> requires target="win-inc"/>, it is required that <em>t</em> in <xref target="eq1"/> does not include
application-limited periods, such as idle periods, otherwise periods; otherwise,
W<sub>cubic</sub>(<em>t</em>) might be very high after restarting from these
      <section anchor="responses-to-sudden-or-transient-events">
        <name>Responses to Sudden or Transient Events</name>
        <t>If there is a sudden increase in capacity, e.g., due to variable radio
capacity, a routing change, or a mobility event, CUBIC is designed to
utilize the newly available capacity faster more quickly than Reno.</t>
        <t>On the other hand, if there is a sudden decrease in capacity, CUBIC
reduces more slowly than Reno. This remains true regardless of whether CUBIC
is in Reno-friendly mode and regardless of whether fast convergence is
      <section anchor="incremental-deployment">
        <name>Incremental Deployment</name>
        <t>CUBIC requires only changes to the congestion control at the sender, and it does
not require any changes at receivers. That is, a CUBIC sender works correctly
with Reno receivers. In addition, CUBIC does not require any
changes to routers and does not require any assistance from routers.</t>
    <section anchor="security-considerations">
      <name>Security Considerations</name>
      <t>CUBIC makes no changes to the underlying security of a transport protocol
and inherits the general security concerns described in <xref target="RFC5681"/>.
Specifically, changing the window computation on the sender may
allow an attacker, through dropping or injecting ACKs (as described in
<xref target="RFC5681"/>), to either force the CUBIC implementation to reduce its bandwidth, bandwidth
or to convince it that there is no congestion when congestion does exist, and to use
the CUBIC implementation as an attack vector against other hosts. These attacks
are not new to CUBIC and are inherently part of any transport protocol like TCP.</t>
    <section anchor="iana-considerations">
      <name>IANA Considerations</name>
      <t>This document does not require any IANA actions.</t>
        <name>Normative References</name>
        <reference anchor="RFC5681">
            <title>TCP Congestion Control</title>
            <author fullname="M. Allman" initials="M." surname="Allman">
            <author fullname="V. Paxson" initials="V." surname="Paxson">
            <author fullname="E. Blanton" initials="E." surname="Blanton">
            <date month="September" year="2009"/>
              <t>This document defines TCP's four intertwined congestion control algorithms: slow start, congestion avoidance, fast retransmit, and fast recovery.  In addition, the document specifies how TCP should begin transmission after a relatively long idle period, as well as discussing various acknowledgment generation methods.  This document obsoletes RFC 2581.  [STANDARDS-TRACK]</t>
          <seriesInfo name="RFC" value="5681"/>
          <seriesInfo name="DOI" value="10.17487/RFC5681"/>
        <reference anchor="RFC6582">
            <title>The NewReno Modification to TCP's Fast Recovery Algorithm</title>
            <author fullname="T. Henderson" initials="T." surname="Henderson">
            <author fullname="S. Floyd" initials="S." surname="Floyd">
            <author fullname="A. Gurtov" initials="A." surname="Gurtov">
            <author fullname="Y. Nishida" initials="Y." surname="Nishida">
            <date month="April" year="2012"/>
              <t>RFC 5681 documents the following four intertwined TCP congestion control algorithms: slow start, congestion avoidance, fast retransmit, and fast recovery.  RFC 5681 explicitly allows certain modifications of these algorithms, including modifications that use the TCP Selective Acknowledgment (SACK) option (RFC 2883), and modifications that respond to "partial acknowledgments" (ACKs that cover new data, but not all the data outstanding when loss was detected) in the absence of SACK.  This document describes a specific algorithm for responding to partial acknowledgments, referred to as "NewReno".  This response to partial acknowledgments was first proposed by Janey Hoe.  This document obsoletes RFC 3782.  [STANDARDS-TRACK]</t>
          <seriesInfo name="RFC" value="6582"/>
          <seriesInfo name="DOI" value="10.17487/RFC6582"/>
        <reference anchor="RFC6675">
            <title>A Conservative Loss Recovery Algorithm Based on Selective Acknowledgment (SACK) for TCP</title>
            <author fullname="E. Blanton" initials="E." surname="Blanton">
            <author fullname="M. Allman" initials="M." surname="Allman">
            <author fullname="L. Wang" initials="L." surname="Wang">
            <author fullname="I. Jarvinen" initials="I." surname="Jarvinen">
            <author fullname="M. Kojo" initials="M." surname="Kojo">
            <author fullname="Y. Nishida" initials="Y." surname="Nishida">
            <date month="August" year="2012"/>
              <t>This document presents a conservative loss recovery algorithm for TCP that is based on the use of the selective acknowledgment (SACK) TCP option.  The algorithm presented in this document conforms to the spirit of the current congestion control specification (RFC 5681), but allows TCP senders to recover more effectively when multiple segments are lost from a single flight of data. This document obsoletes RFC 3517 and describes changes from it.   [STANDARDS-TRACK]</t>
          <seriesInfo name="RFC" value="6675"/>
          <seriesInfo name="DOI" value="10.17487/RFC6675"/>
        <reference anchor="RFC5348">
            <title>TCP Friendly Rate Control (TFRC): Protocol Specification</title>
            <author fullname="S. Floyd" initials="S." surname="Floyd">
            <author fullname="M. Handley" initials="M." surname="Handley">
            <author fullname="J. Padhye" initials="J." surname="Padhye">
            <author fullname="J. Widmer" initials="J." surname="Widmer">
            <date month="September" year="2008"/>
              <t>This document specifies TCP Friendly Rate Control (TFRC).  TFRC is a congestion control mechanism for unicast flows operating in a best-effort Internet environment.  It is reasonably fair when competing for bandwidth with TCP flows, but has a much lower variation of throughput over time compared with TCP, making it more suitable for applications such as streaming media where a relatively smooth sending rate is of importance.</t>
              <t>This document obsoletes RFC 3448 and updates RFC 4342.  [STANDARDS-TRACK]</t>
          <seriesInfo name="RFC" value="5348"/>
          <seriesInfo name="DOI" value="10.17487/RFC5348"/>
        <reference anchor="RFC9002">
            <title>QUIC Loss Detection and Congestion Control</title>
            <author fullname="J. Iyengar" initials="J." role="editor" surname="Iyengar">
            <author fullname="I. Swett" initials="I." role="editor" surname="Swett">
            <date month="May" year="2021"/>
              <t>This document describes loss detection and congestion control mechanisms for QUIC.</t>
          <seriesInfo name="RFC" value="9002"/>
          <seriesInfo name="DOI" value="10.17487/RFC9002"/>
        <reference anchor="RFC5033">
            <title>Specifying New Congestion Control Algorithms</title>
            <author fullname="S. Floyd" initials="S." surname="Floyd">
            <author fullname="M. Allman" initials="M." surname="Allman">
            <date month="August" year="2007"/>
              <t>The IETF's standard congestion control schemes have been widely shown to be inadequate for various environments (e.g., high-speed networks).  Recent research has yielded many alternate congestion control schemes that significantly differ from the IETF's congestion control principles.  Using these new congestion control schemes in the global Internet has possible ramifications to both the traffic using the new congestion control and to traffic using the currently standardized congestion control.  Therefore, the IETF must proceed with caution when dealing with alternate congestion control proposals.  The goal of this document is to provide guidance for considering alternate congestion control algorithms within the IETF.  This document specifies an Internet Best Current Practices for the Internet Community, and requests discussion and suggestions for improvements.</t>
          <seriesInfo name="BCP" value="133"/>
          <seriesInfo name="RFC" value="5033"/>
          <seriesInfo name="DOI" value="10.17487/RFC5033"/>
        <reference anchor="I-D.ietf-tcpm-hystartplusplus">
            <title>HyStart++: Modified Slow Start for TCP</title>
            <author fullname="Praveen Balasubramanian" initials="P." surname="Balasubramanian">
            <author fullname="Yi Huang" initials="Y." surname="Huang">
            <author fullname="Matt Olson" initials="M." surname="Olson">
            <date day="30" month="January" year="2023"/>
              <t>   This document describes HyStart++, a simple modification to the slow
   start phase of congestion control algorithms.  Traditional slow start
   can overshoot the ideal send rate in many cases, causing high packet
   loss and poor performance.  HyStart++ uses a delay increase heuristic
   to find an exit point before possible overshoot.  It also adds a
   mitigation to prevent jitter from causing premature slow start exit.

          <seriesInfo name="Internet-Draft" value="draft-ietf-tcpm-hystartplusplus-13"/>
        <reference anchor="RFC2914">
            <title>Congestion Control Principles</title>
            <author fullname="S. Floyd" initials="S." surname="Floyd">
            <date month="September" year="2000"/>
              <t>The goal of this document is to explain the need for congestion control in the Internet, and to discuss what constitutes correct congestion control.  This document specifies an Internet Best Current Practices for the Internet Community, and requests discussion and suggestions for improvements.</t>
          <seriesInfo name="BCP" value="41"/>
          <seriesInfo name="RFC" value="2914"/>
          <seriesInfo name="DOI" value="10.17487/RFC2914"/>
        <reference anchor="RFC2119">
            <title>Key words for use in RFCs to Indicate Requirement Levels</title>
            <author fullname="S. Bradner" initials="S." surname="Bradner">
            <date month="March" year="1997"/>
              <t>In many standards track documents several words are used to signify the requirements in the specification.  These words are often capitalized. This document defines these words as they should be interpreted in IETF documents.  This document specifies an Internet Best Current Practices for the Internet Community, and requests discussion and suggestions for improvements.</t>
          <seriesInfo name="BCP" value="14"/>
          <seriesInfo name="RFC" value="2119"/>
          <seriesInfo name="DOI" value="10.17487/RFC2119"/>
        <reference anchor="RFC8174">
            <title>Ambiguity of Uppercase vs Lowercase in RFC 2119 Key Words</title>
            <author fullname="B. Leiba" initials="B." surname="Leiba">
            <date month="May" year="2017"/>
              <t>RFC 2119 specifies common key words that may be used in protocol  specifications.  This document aims to reduce the ambiguity by clarifying that only UPPERCASE usage of the key words have the  defined special meanings.</t>
          <seriesInfo name="BCP" value="14"/>
          <seriesInfo name="RFC" value="8174"/>
          <seriesInfo name="DOI" value="10.17487/RFC8174"/>
        <reference anchor="RFC3168">
            <title>The Addition of Explicit Congestion Notification (ECN) to IP</title>
            <author fullname="K. Ramakrishnan" initials="K." surname="Ramakrishnan">
            <author fullname="S. Floyd" initials="S." surname="Floyd">
            <author fullname="D. Black" initials="D." surname="Black">
            <date month="September" year="2001"/>
              <t>This memo specifies the incorporation of ECN (Explicit Congestion Notification) to TCP and IP, including ECN's use of two bits in the IP header.  [STANDARDS-TRACK]</t>
          <seriesInfo name="RFC" value="3168"/>
          <seriesInfo name="DOI" value="10.17487/RFC3168"/>
        <reference anchor="RFC8985">
            <title>The RACK-TLP Loss Detection Algorithm for TCP</title>
            <author fullname="Y. Cheng" initials="Y." surname="Cheng">
            <author fullname="N. Cardwell" initials="N." surname="Cardwell">
            <author fullname="N. Dukkipati" initials="N." surname="Dukkipati">
            <author fullname="P. Jha" initials="P." surname="Jha">
            <date month="February" year="2021"/>
              <t>This document presents the RACK-TLP loss detection algorithm for TCP. RACK-TLP uses per-segment transmit timestamps and selective acknowledgments (SACKs) and has two parts. Recent Acknowledgment (RACK) starts fast recovery quickly using time-based inferences derived from acknowledgment (ACK) feedback, and Tail Loss Probe (TLP) leverages RACK and sends a probe packet to trigger ACK feedback to avoid retransmission timeout (RTO) events. Compared to the widely used duplicate acknowledgment (DupAck) threshold approach, RACK-TLP detects losses more efficiently when there are application-limited flights of data, lost retransmissions, or data packet reordering events. It is intended to be an alternative to the DupAck threshold approach.</t>
          <seriesInfo name="RFC" value="8985"/>
          <seriesInfo name="DOI" value="10.17487/RFC8985"/>
        <reference anchor="RFC6298">
            <title>Computing TCP's Retransmission Timer</title>
            <author fullname="V. Paxson" initials="V." surname="Paxson">
            <author fullname="M. Allman" initials="M." surname="Allman">
            <author fullname="J. Chu" initials="J." surname="Chu">
            <author fullname="M. Sargent" initials="M." surname="Sargent">
            <date month="June" year="2011"/>
              <t>This document defines the standard algorithm that Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) senders are required to use to compute and manage their retransmission timer.  It expands on the discussion in Section of RFC 1122 and upgrades the requirement of supporting the algorithm from a SHOULD to a MUST.  This document obsoletes RFC 2988.   [STANDARDS-TRACK]</t>
          <seriesInfo name="RFC" value="6298"/>
          <seriesInfo name="DOI" value="10.17487/RFC6298"/>
        <reference anchor="RFC5682">
            <title>Forward RTO-Recovery (F-RTO): An Algorithm for Detecting Spurious Retransmission Timeouts with TCP</title>
            <author fullname="P. Sarolahti" initials="P." surname="Sarolahti">
            <author fullname="M. Kojo" initials="M." surname="Kojo">
            <author fullname="K. Yamamoto" initials="K." surname="Yamamoto">
            <author fullname="M. Hata" initials="M." surname="Hata">
            <date month="September" year="2009"/>
              <t>The purpose of this document is to move the F-RTO (Forward RTO-Recovery) functionality for TCP in RFC 4138 from Experimental to Standards Track status.  The F-RTO support for Stream Control Transmission Protocol (SCTP) in RFC 4138 remains with Experimental status.  See Appendix B for the differences between this document and RFC 4138.</t>
              <t>Spurious retransmission timeouts cause suboptimal TCP performance because they often result in unnecessary retransmission of the last window of data.  This document describes the F-RTO detection algorithm for detecting spurious TCP retransmission timeouts.  F-RTO is a TCP sender-only algorithm that does not require any TCP options to operate.  After retransmitting the first unacknowledged segment triggered by a timeout, the F-RTO algorithm of the TCP sender monitors the incoming acknowledgments to determine whether the timeout was spurious.  It then decides whether to send new segments or retransmit unacknowledged segments.  The algorithm effectively helps to avoid additional unnecessary retransmissions and thereby improves TCP performance in the case of a spurious timeout.  [STANDARDS-TRACK]</t>
          <seriesInfo name="RFC" value="5682"/>
          <seriesInfo name="DOI" value="10.17487/RFC5682"/>
        <reference anchor="RFC4015">
            <title>The Eifel Response Algorithm for TCP</title>
            <author fullname="R. Ludwig" initials="R." surname="Ludwig">
            <author fullname="A. Gurtov" initials="A." surname="Gurtov">
            <date month="February" year="2005"/>
              <t>Based on an appropriate detection algorithm, the Eifel response algorithm provides a way for a TCP sender to respond to a detected spurious timeout.  It adapts the retransmission timer to avoid further spurious timeouts and (depending on the detection algorithm) can avoid the often unnecessary go-back-N retransmits that would otherwise be sent.  In addition, the Eifel response algorithm restores the congestion control state in such a way that packet bursts are avoided.  [STANDARDS-TRACK]</t>
          <seriesInfo name="RFC" value="4015"/>
          <seriesInfo name="DOI" value="10.17487/RFC4015"/>
        <reference anchor="RFC2883">
            <title>An Extension to the Selective Acknowledgement (SACK) Option for TCP</title>
            <author fullname="S. Floyd" initials="S." surname="Floyd">
            <author fullname="J. Mahdavi" initials="J." surname="Mahdavi">
            <author fullname="M. Mathis" initials="M." surname="Mathis">
            <author fullname="M. Podolsky" initials="M." surname="Podolsky">
            <date month="July" year="2000"/>
              <t>This note defines an extension of the Selective Acknowledgement (SACK) Option for TCP.  [STANDARDS-TRACK]</t>
          <seriesInfo name="RFC" value="2883"/>
          <seriesInfo name="DOI" value="10.17487/RFC2883"/>
        <reference anchor="RFC7567">
            <title>IETF Recommendations Regarding Active Queue Management</title>
            <author fullname="F. Baker" initials="F." role="editor" surname="Baker">
            <author fullname="G. Fairhurst" initials="G." role="editor" surname="Fairhurst">
            <date month="July" year="2015"/>
              <t>This memo presents recommendations to the Internet community concerning measures to improve and preserve Internet performance.  It presents a strong recommendation for testing, standardization, and widespread deployment of active queue management (AQM) in network devices to improve the performance of today's Internet.  It also urges a concerted effort of research, measurement, and ultimate deployment of AQM mechanisms to protect the Internet from flows that are not sufficiently responsive to congestion notification.</t>
              <t>Based on 15 years of experience and new research, this document replaces the recommendations of RFC 2309.</t>
          <seriesInfo name="BCP" value="197"/>
          <seriesInfo name="RFC" value="7567"/>
          <seriesInfo name="DOI" value="10.17487/RFC7567"/>

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        <name>Informative References</name>

        <reference anchor="FHP00" target="https://www.icir.org/tfrc/aimd.pdf">
            <title>A Comparison of Equation-Based and AIMD Congestion Control</title>
            <author initials="S." surname="Floyd">
            <author initials="M." surname="Handley">
            <author initials="J." surname="Padhye">
            <date year="2000" month="May"/>

        <reference anchor="GV02" target="https://www.cs.utexas.edu/ftp/techreports/tr02-39.ps.gz"> target="https://citeseerx.ist.psu.edu/document?repid=rep1&amp;type=pdf&amp;doi=1828bdcef118b02d3996b8e00b8aaa92b50abb0f">
            <title>Extended Analysis of Binary Adjustment Algorithms</title>
            <author initials="S." surname="Gorinsky">
            <author initials="H." surname="Vin">
            <date year="2002" month="August" day="11"/> month="August"/>
          <seriesInfo name="Technical Report" value="TR2002-29"/>
          <seriesInfo name="Department of" value="Computer Sciences"/>
          <seriesInfo name="The
          <refcontent>Technical Report TR2002-39, Department of Computer Sciences, The University of Texas" value="at Austin"/> Texas at Austin</refcontent>
        <reference anchor="H16" target="https://web.archive.org/web/20161118125842/http://netsrv.csc.ncsu.edu/wiki/index.php/TCP_Testing">
            <title>Deployment, Testbed, and Deployment Testing Simulation Results of for CUBIC</title>
            <author initials="S." surname="Ha">
            <date year="2016" month="November" day="03"/> day="3"/>
          <refcontent>Wayback Machine archive</refcontent>

        <reference anchor="AIMD-friendliness" target="https://raw.githubusercontent.com/bbriscoe/cubic-reno/main/creno_tr.pdf"> target="https://arxiv.org/abs/2305.10581">
            <title>Friendliness between AIMD Algorithms</title>
            <author initials="B." surname="Briscoe">
            <author initials="O." surname="Albisser">
            <date year="2022" month="August" day="08"/> year="2023" month="May"/>
          <seriesInfo name="RFC Editor, please replace this URL with the permanent arXiv one" value=""/> name="DOI" value="10.48550/arXiv.2305.10581"/>

        <reference anchor="SXEZ19">
            <title>Model-Agnostic and Efficient Exploration of Numerical Congestion Control State Space of Real-World TCP Implementations</title>
            <author fullname="Wei Sun" initials="W." surname="Sun">
            <author fullname="Lisong Xu" initials="L." surname="Xu">
            <author fullname="Sebastian Elbaum" initials="S." surname="Elbaum">
            <author fullname="Di Zhao" initials="D." surname="Zhao">
            <date month="October" year="2021"/>
          <seriesInfo name="IEEE/ACM
          <refcontent>IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking" value="vol. Networking, vol. 29, no. 5, pp. 1990-2004"/> 1990-2004</refcontent>
          <seriesInfo name="DOI" value="10.1109/tnet.2021.3078161"/>

        <reference anchor="XHR04">
            <title>Binary increase congestion control (BIC) for fast long-distance networks</title>
            <author fullname="Lisong Xu" initials="L." surname="Xu">
            <author fullname="K. Harfoush" initials="K." surname="Harfoush">
            <author fullname="Injong Rhee" initials="I." surname="Rhee">
            <date month="February" year="2005"/> month="March" year="2004"/>
          <seriesInfo name="IEEE INFOCOM" value="2004"/>
          <refcontent>IEEE INFOCOM 2004</refcontent>
          <seriesInfo name="DOI" value="10.1109/infcom.2004.1354672"/>

        <reference anchor="HLRX07">
            <title>Impact of background traffic on performance of high-speed TCP variant protocols</title>
            <author fullname="Sangtae Ha" initials="S." surname="Ha">
            <author fullname="Long Le" initials="L." surname="Le">
            <author fullname="Injong Rhee" initials="I." surname="Rhee">
            <author fullname="Lisong Xu" initials="L." surname="Xu">
            <date month="May" year="2007"/>
          <seriesInfo name="Computer Networks" value="vol.
          <refcontent>Computer Networks, vol. 51, no. 7, pp. 1748-1762"/> 1748-1762</refcontent>
          <seriesInfo name="DOI" value="10.1016/j.comnet.2006.11.005"/>

        <reference anchor="CEHRX09">
            <title>Stochastic convex ordering for multiplicative decrease internet congestion control</title>
            <author fullname="Han Cai" initials="H." surname="Cai">
            <author fullname="Do Young Eun" initials="D." surname="Eun">
            <author fullname="Sangtae Ha" initials="S." surname="Ha">
            <author fullname="Injong Rhee" initials="I." surname="Rhee">
            <author fullname="Lisong Xu" initials="L." surname="Xu">
            <date month="February" year="2009"/>
          <seriesInfo name="Computer Networks" value="vol.
          <refcontent>Computer Networks, vol. 53, no. 3, pp. 365-381"/> 365-381</refcontent>
          <seriesInfo name="DOI" value="10.1016/j.comnet.2008.10.012"/>

        <reference anchor="HR11">
            <title>Taming the elephants: New TCP slow start</title>
            <author fullname="Sangtae Ha" initials="S." surname="Ha">
            <author fullname="Injong Rhee" initials="I." surname="Rhee">
            <date month="June" year="2011"/>
          <seriesInfo name="Computer Networks" value="vol.
          <refcontent>Computer Networks, vol. 55, no. 9, pp. 2092-2110"/> 2092-2110</refcontent>
          <seriesInfo name="DOI" value="10.1016/j.comnet.2011.01.014"/>

        <reference anchor="BSCLU13">
            <title>Understanding TCP cubic performance in the cloud: A mean-field approach</title>
            <author fullname="Sonia Belhareth" initials="S." surname="Belhareth">
            <author fullname="Lucile Sassatelli" initials="L." surname="Sassatelli">
            <author fullname="Denis Collange" initials="D." surname="Collange">
            <author fullname="Dino Lopez-Pacheco" initials="D." surname="Lopez-Pacheco">
            <author fullname="Guillaume Urvoy-Keller" initials="G." surname="Urvoy-Keller">
            <date month="November" year="2013"/>
          <seriesInfo name="2013
          <refcontent>2013 IEEE 2nd International Conference on Cloud Networking" value="(CloudNet)"/> Networking (CloudNet)</refcontent>
          <seriesInfo name="DOI" value="10.1109/cloudnet.2013.6710576"/>

        <reference anchor="LBEWK16">
            <title>A Comparison of TCP Congestion Control Algorithms in 10G Networks</title>
            <author fullname="Thomas Lukaseder" initials="T." surname="Lukaseder">
            <author fullname="Leonard Bradatsch" initials="L." surname="Bradatsch">
            <author fullname="Benjamin Erb" initials="B." surname="Erb">
            <author fullname="Rens W. Van Der Heijden" initials="R." surname="Van Der Heijden">
            <author fullname="Frank Kargl" initials="F." surname="Kargl">
            <date month="November" year="2016"/>
          <seriesInfo name="2016
          <refcontent>2016 IEEE 41st Conference on Local Computer Networks" value="(LCN)"/> Networks (LCN)</refcontent>
          <seriesInfo name="DOI" value="10.1109/lcn.2016.121"/>

        <reference anchor="HRX08">
            <title>CUBIC: a new TCP-friendly high-speed TCP variant</title>
            <author fullname="Sangtae Ha" initials="S." surname="Ha">
              <organization>North Carolina State University, Raleigh, NC</organization>
            <author fullname="Injong Rhee" initials="I." surname="Rhee">
              <organization>North Carolina State University, Raleigh, NC</organization>
            <author fullname="Lisong Xu" initials="L." surname="Xu">
              <organization>University of Nebraska, Lincoln, Nebraska</organization>
            <date month="July" year="2008"/>
          <seriesInfo name="ACM
          <refcontent>ACM SIGOPS Operating Systems Review" value="vol. Review, vol. 42, no. 5, pp. 64-74"/> 64-74</refcontent>
          <seriesInfo name="DOI" value="10.1145/1400097.1400105"/>

        <reference anchor="K03">
            <title>Scalable TCP: improving performance in highspeed wide area networks</title>
            <author fullname="Tom Kelly" initials="T." surname="Kelly">
              <organization>CERN-IT Division, Geneva, Switzerland</organization>
            <date month="April" year="2003"/>
          <seriesInfo name="ACM
          <refcontent>ACM SIGCOMM Computer Communication Review" value="vol. Review, vol. 33, no. 2, pp. 83-91"/> 83-91</refcontent>
          <seriesInfo name="DOI" value="10.1145/956981.956989"/>

        <reference anchor="LIU16">
            <title>On Improving TCP Performance over Mobile Data Networks</title>
            <author fullname="Ke Liu" initials="K." surname="Liu">
            <author fullname="Jack Y.B. Lee" initials="J." surname="Lee">
            <date month="October" year="2016"/>
          <seriesInfo name="IEEE
          <refcontent>IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing" value="vol. Computing, vol. 15, no. 10, pp. 2522-2536"/> 2522-2536</refcontent>
          <seriesInfo name="DOI" value="10.1109/tmc.2015.2500227"/>
        <reference anchor="RFC9000">
            <title>QUIC: A UDP-Based Multiplexed and Secure Transport</title>
            <author fullname="J. Iyengar" initials="J." role="editor" surname="Iyengar">
            <author fullname="M. Thomson" initials="M." role="editor" surname="Thomson">
            <date month="May" year="2021"/>
              <t>This document defines the core of the QUIC transport protocol.  QUIC provides applications with flow-controlled streams for structured communication, low-latency connection establishment, and network path migration. QUIC includes security measures that ensure confidentiality, integrity, and availability in a range of deployment circumstances.  Accompanying documents describe the integration of TLS for key negotiation, loss detection, and an exemplary congestion control algorithm.</t>
          <seriesInfo name="RFC" value="9000"/>
          <seriesInfo name="DOI" value="10.17487/RFC9000"/>
        <reference anchor="RFC9260">
            <title>Stream Control Transmission Protocol</title>
            <author fullname="R. Stewart" initials="R." surname="Stewart">
            <author fullname="M. Tüxen" initials="M." surname="Tüxen">
            <author fullname="K. Nielsen" initials="K." surname="Nielsen">
            <date month="June" year="2022"/>
              <t>This document describes the Stream Control Transmission Protocol (SCTP) and obsoletes RFC 4960.  It incorporates the specification of the chunk flags registry from RFC 6096 and the specification of the I bit of DATA chunks from RFC 7053. Therefore, RFCs 6096 and 7053 are also obsoleted by this document. In addition, RFCs 4460 and 8540, which describe errata for SCTP, are obsoleted by this document. </t>
              <t>SCTP was originally designed to transport Public Switched Telephone Network (PSTN) signaling messages over IP networks. It is also suited to be used for other applications, for example, WebRTC.</t>
              <t>SCTP is a reliable transport protocol operating on top of a connectionless packet network, such as IP. It offers the following services to its users:</t>
              <t>The design of SCTP includes appropriate congestion avoidance behavior and resistance to flooding and masquerade attacks.</t>
          <seriesInfo name="RFC" value="9260"/>
          <seriesInfo name="DOI" value="10.17487/RFC9260"/>
        <reference anchor="RFC3649">
            <title>HighSpeed TCP for Large Congestion Windows</title>
            <author fullname="S. Floyd" initials="S." surname="Floyd">
            <date month="December" year="2003"/>
              <t>The proposals in this document are experimental.  While they may be deployed in the current Internet, they do not represent a consensus that this is the best method for high-speed congestion control.  In particular, we note that alternative experimental proposals are likely to be forthcoming, and it is not well understood how the proposals in this document will interact with such alternative proposals.  This document proposes HighSpeed TCP, a modification to TCP's congestion control mechanism for use with TCP connections with large congestion windows.  The congestion control mechanisms of the current Standard TCP constrains the congestion windows that can be achieved by TCP in realistic environments.  For example, for a Standard TCP connection with 1500-byte packets and a 100 ms round-trip time, achieving a steady-state throughput of 10 Gbps would require an average congestion window of 83,333 segments, and a packet drop rate of at most one congestion event every 5,000,000,000 packets (or equivalently, at most one congestion event every 1 2/3 hours).  This is widely acknowledged as an unrealistic constraint.  To address his limitation of TCP, this document proposes HighSpeed TCP, and solicits experimentation and feedback from the wider community.</t>
          <seriesInfo name="RFC" value="3649"/>
          <seriesInfo name="DOI" value="10.17487/RFC3649"/>
        <reference anchor="RFC8312">
            <title>CUBIC for Fast Long-Distance Networks</title>
            <author fullname="I. Rhee" initials="I." surname="Rhee">
            <author fullname="L. Xu" initials="L." surname="Xu">
            <author fullname="S. Ha" initials="S." surname="Ha">
            <author fullname="A. Zimmermann" initials="A." surname="Zimmermann">
            <author fullname="L. Eggert" initials="L." surname="Eggert">
            <author fullname="R. Scheffenegger" initials="R." surname="Scheffenegger">
            <date month="February" year="2018"/>
              <t>CUBIC is an extension to the current TCP standards.  It differs from the current TCP standards only in the congestion control algorithm on the sender side.  In particular, it uses a cubic function instead of a linear window increase function of the current TCP standards to improve scalability and stability under fast and long-distance networks.  CUBIC and its predecessor algorithm have been adopted as defaults by Linux and have been used for many years.  This document provides a specification of CUBIC to enable third-party implementations and to solicit community feedback through experimentation on the performance of CUBIC.</t>
          <seriesInfo name="RFC" value="8312"/>
          <seriesInfo name="DOI" value="10.17487/RFC8312"/>
        <reference anchor="RFC6937">
            <title>Proportional Rate Reduction for TCP</title>
            <author fullname="M. Mathis" initials="M." surname="Mathis">
            <author fullname="N. Dukkipati" initials="N." surname="Dukkipati">
            <author fullname="Y. Cheng" initials="Y." surname="Cheng">
            <date month="May" year="2013"/>
              <t>This document describes an experimental Proportional Rate Reduction (PRR) algorithm as an alternative to the widely deployed Fast Recovery and Rate-Halving algorithms.  These algorithms determine the amount of data sent by TCP during loss recovery.  PRR minimizes excess window adjustments, and the actual window size at the end of recovery will be as close as possible to the ssthresh, as determined by the congestion control algorithm.</t>
          <seriesInfo name="RFC" value="6937"/>
          <seriesInfo name="DOI" value="10.17487/RFC6937"/>
        <reference anchor="RFC7661">
            <title>Updating TCP to Support Rate-Limited Traffic</title>
            <author fullname="G. Fairhurst" initials="G." surname="Fairhurst">
            <author fullname="A. Sathiaseelan" initials="A." surname="Sathiaseelan">
            <author fullname="R. Secchi" initials="R." surname="Secchi">
            <date month="October" year="2015"/>
              <t>This document provides a mechanism to address issues that arise when TCP is used for traffic that exhibits periods where the sending rate is limited by the application rather than the congestion window.  It provides an experimental update to TCP that allows a TCP sender to restart quickly following a rate-limited interval.  This method is expected to benefit applications that send rate-limited traffic using TCP while also providing an appropriate response if congestion is experienced.</t>
              <t>This document also evaluates the Experimental specification of TCP Congestion Window Validation (CWV) defined in RFC 2861 and concludes that RFC 2861 sought to address important issues but failed to deliver a widely used solution.  This document therefore reclassifies the status of RFC 2861 from Experimental to Historic.  This document obsoletes RFC 2861.</t>
          <seriesInfo name="RFC" value="7661"/>
          <seriesInfo name="DOI" value="10.17487/RFC7661"/>
        <reference anchor="RFC3522">
            <title>The Eifel Detection Algorithm for TCP</title>
            <author fullname="R. Ludwig" initials="R." surname="Ludwig">
            <author fullname="M. Meyer" initials="M." surname="Meyer">
            <date month="April" year="2003"/>
              <t>The Eifel detection algorithm allows a TCP sender to detect a posteriori whether it has entered loss recovery unnecessarily.  It requires that the TCP Timestamps option defined in RFC 1323 be enabled for a connection.  The Eifel detection algorithm makes use of the fact that the TCP Timestamps option eliminates the retransmission ambiguity in TCP.  Based on the timestamp of the first acceptable ACK that arrives during loss recovery, it decides whether loss recovery was entered unnecessarily.  The Eifel detection algorithm provides a basis for future TCP enhancements.  This includes response algorithms to back out of loss recovery by restoring a TCP sender's congestion control state. This memo defines an Experimental Protocol for the Internet community.</t>
          <seriesInfo name="RFC" value="3522"/>
          <seriesInfo name="DOI" value="10.17487/RFC3522"/>
        <reference anchor="RFC3708">
            <title>Using TCP Duplicate Selective Acknowledgement (DSACKs) and Stream Control Transmission Protocol (SCTP) Duplicate Transmission Sequence Numbers (TSNs) to Detect Spurious Retransmissions</title>
            <author fullname="E. Blanton" initials="E." surname="Blanton">
            <author fullname="M. Allman" initials="M." surname="Allman">
            <date month="February" year="2004"/>
              <t>TCP and Stream Control Transmission Protocol (SCTP) provide notification of duplicate segment receipt through Duplicate Selective Acknowledgement (DSACKs) and Duplicate Transmission Sequence Number (TSN) notification, respectively.  This document presents conservative methods of using this information to identify unnecessary retransmissions for various applications.  This memo defines an Experimental Protocol for the Internet community.</t>
          <seriesInfo name="RFC" value="3708"/>
          <seriesInfo name="DOI" value="10.17487/RFC3708"/>
        <reference anchor="RFC3742">
            <title>Limited Slow-Start for TCP with Large Congestion Windows</title>
            <author fullname="S. Floyd" initials="S." surname="Floyd">
            <date month="March" year="2004"/>
              <t>This document describes an optional modification for TCP's slow-start for use with TCP connections with large congestion windows.  For TCP connections that are able to use congestion windows of thousands (or tens of thousands) of MSS-sized segments (for MSS the sender's MAXIMUM SEGMENT SIZE), the current slow-start procedure can result in increasing the congestion window by thousands of segments in a single round-trip time.  Such an increase can easily result in thousands of packets being dropped in one round-trip time.  This is often counter-productive for the TCP flow itself, and is also hard on the rest of the traffic sharing the congested link.  This note describes Limited Slow-Start as an optional mechanism for limiting the number of segments by which the congestion window is increased for one window of data during slow-start, in order to improve performance for TCP connections with large congestion windows.  This memo defines an Experimental Protocol for the Internet community.</t>
          <seriesInfo name="RFC" value="3742"/>
          <seriesInfo name="DOI" value="10.17487/RFC3742"/>
        <reference anchor="RFC8511">
            <title>TCP Alternative Backoff with ECN (ABE)</title>
            <author fullname="N. Khademi" initials="N." surname="Khademi">
            <author fullname="M. Welzl" initials="M." surname="Welzl">
            <author fullname="G. Armitage" initials="G." surname="Armitage">
            <author fullname="G. Fairhurst" initials="G." surname="Fairhurst">
            <date month="December" year="2018"/>
              <t>Active Queue Management (AQM) mechanisms allow for burst tolerance while enforcing short queues to minimise the time that packets spend enqueued at a bottleneck.  This can cause noticeable performance degradation for TCP connections traversing such a bottleneck, especially if there are only a few flows or their bandwidth-delay product (BDP) is large.  The reception of a Congestion Experienced (CE) Explicit Congestion Notification (ECN) mark indicates that an AQM mechanism is used at the bottleneck, and the bottleneck network queue is therefore likely to be short.  Feedback of this signal allows the TCP sender-side ECN reaction in congestion avoidance to reduce the Congestion Window (cwnd) by a smaller amount than the congestion control algorithm's reaction to inferred packet loss. Therefore, this specification defines an experimental change to the TCP reaction specified in RFC 3168, as permitted by RFC 8311.</t>
          <seriesInfo name="RFC" value="8511"/>
          <seriesInfo name="DOI" value="10.17487/RFC8511"/>

<xi:include href="https://bib.ietf.org/public/rfc/bibxml/reference.RFC.9000.xml"/>
<xi:include href="https://bib.ietf.org/public/rfc/bibxml/reference.RFC.9260.xml"/>
<xi:include href="https://bib.ietf.org/public/rfc/bibxml/reference.RFC.3649.xml"/>
<xi:include href="https://bib.ietf.org/public/rfc/bibxml/reference.RFC.8312.xml"/>
<xi:include href="https://bib.ietf.org/public/rfc/bibxml/reference.RFC.6937.xml"/>
<xi:include href="https://bib.ietf.org/public/rfc/bibxml/reference.RFC.7661.xml"/>
<xi:include href="https://bib.ietf.org/public/rfc/bibxml/reference.RFC.3522.xml"/>
<xi:include href="https://bib.ietf.org/public/rfc/bibxml/reference.RFC.3708.xml"/>
<xi:include href="https://bib.ietf.org/public/rfc/bibxml/reference.RFC.3742.xml"/>
<xi:include href="https://bib.ietf.org/public/rfc/bibxml/reference.RFC.8511.xml"/>

      <section anchor="acknowledgments">
      <t>Richard Scheffenegger and Alexander Zimmermann originally co-authored
<xref target="RFC8312"/>.</t>
      <t>These individuals suggested improvements to this document:</t>
      <ul spacing="compact">
          <t>      <contact fullname="Bob Briscoe"/>
          <t>      <contact fullname="Christian Huitema"/>
          <t>      <contact fullname="Gorry Fairhurst"/>
          <t>      <contact fullname="Jonathan Morton"/>
          <t>      <contact fullname="Juhamatti Kuusisaari"/>
          <t>      <contact fullname="Junho Choi"/>
          <t>      <contact fullname="Markku Kojo"/>
          <t>      <contact fullname="Martin Duke"/>
          <t>      <contact fullname="Martin Thomson"/>
          <t>      <contact fullname="Matt Mathis"/>
          <t>      <contact fullname="Matt Olson"/>
          <t>      <contact fullname="Michael Welzl"/>
          <t>      <contact fullname="Mirja Kühlewind"/>
          <t>      <contact fullname="Mohit P. Tahiliani"/>
          <t>      <contact fullname="Neal Cardwell"/>
          <t>      <contact fullname="Praveen Balasubramanian"/>
          <t>      <contact fullname="Randall Stewart"/>
          <t>      <contact fullname="Richard Scheffenegger"/>
          <t>      <contact fullname="Rod Grimes"/>
          <t>      <contact fullname="Spencer Dawkins"/>
          <t>      <contact fullname="Tom Henderson"/>
          <t>      <contact fullname="Tom Petch"/>
          <t>      <contact fullname="Wesley Rosenblum"/>
          <t>      <contact fullname="Yoav Nir"/>
          <t>      <contact fullname="Yoshifumi Nishida"/>
          <t>      <contact fullname="Yuchung Cheng"/>
      <!-- Anyone else to acknowledge? -->

    <section anchor="evolution-of-cubic"> anchor="since-the-original-paper">
        <name>Evolution of CUBIC</name>
      <!-- For future PRs, please include a bullet below that summarizes the change
     and link the issue number to the GitHub issue page. -->

<section anchor="since-draft-ietf-tcpm-rfc8312bis-14">
        <name>Since draft-ietf-tcpm-rfc8312bis-14</name>
        <ul spacing="normal">
          <li>Specify how security considerations of TCP applies to CUBIC.</li>
          <li>Elaborate differences between RFC 5681 and Cubic.</li>
          <li>Tweak math for better plaintext rendering.
(<eref target="https://github.com/NTAP/rfc8312bis/pull/164">#164</eref>)</li>
      <section anchor="since-draft-ietf-tcpm-rfc8312bis-13">
        <name>Since draft-ietf-tcpm-rfc8312bis-13</name>
        <ul spacing="normal">
          <li>Add contents of <eref target="https://cse.unl.edu/~xu/avg_cubic_cwnd.pdf"/> to
<xref target="proof-avg-window"/>.</li>
          <li>Multiple comments from Martin, define synchronized/asynchronized
loss model, clean up 3465 reference, clarficiation for when Cubic
is not in Reno-friendly region, referring to proof of avg Cubic window,
better text for misbehaving nodes and fix typo in <em>cwnd<sub>epoch</sub></em>.
(<eref target="https://github.com/NTAP/rfc8312bis/pull/158">#158</eref>)</li>
      <section anchor="since-draft-ietf-tcpm-rfc8312bis-12">
        <name>Since draft-ietf-tcpm-rfc8312bis-12</name>
        <ul spacing="normal">
          <li>Fix plaintext version of <xref target="eqssthresh"/>.</li>
      <section anchor="since-draft-ietf-tcpm-rfc8312bis-11">
        <name>Since draft-ietf-tcpm-rfc8312bis-11</name>
        <ul spacing="normal">
          <li>Fix various nits.
(<eref target="https://github.com/NTAP/rfc8312bis/pull/157">#157</eref>)</li>
      <section anchor="since-draft-ietf-tcpm-rfc8312bis-10">
        <name>Since draft-ietf-tcpm-rfc8312bis-10</name>
        <ul spacing="normal">
          <li>Improve text related to <xref target="RFC7661"/>.
(<eref target="https://github.com/NTAP/rfc8312bis/issues/149">#149</eref>)</li>
          <li>Made variable naming a bit more consistent.
(<eref target="https://github.com/NTAP/rfc8312bis/pull/156">#156</eref>)</li>
      <section anchor="since-draft-ietf-tcpm-rfc8312bis-09">
        <name>Since draft-ietf-tcpm-rfc8312bis-09</name>
        <ul spacing="normal">
          <li>Improve text for Reno friendliness, multiplicative decrease and
reference to HLRX07.
(<eref target="https://github.com/NTAP/rfc8312bis/pull/152">#152</eref>)</li>
      <section anchor="since-draft-ietf-tcpm-rfc8312bis-08">
        <name>Since draft-ietf-tcpm-rfc8312bis-08</name>
        <ul spacing="normal">
          <li>Fix the text specifying when alpha_cubic <bcp14>SHOULD</bcp14> be set to 1 to
indicate this should happen when cwnd &gt;= cwnd<sub>prior</sub> rather
than cwnd &gt;= W_max, since these are different in the
fast convergence case
(<eref target="https://github.com/NTAP/rfc8312bis/pull/146">#146</eref>)</li>
          <li>Restrict use of <em>cwnd</em> directly on a congestion event
(<eref target="https://github.com/NTAP/rfc8312bis/pull/148">#148</eref>)</li>
      <section anchor="since-draft-ietf-tcpm-rfc8312bis-07">
        <name>Since draft-ietf-tcpm-rfc8312bis-07</name>
        <ul spacing="normal">
          <li>Document the WG discussion and decision around <xref target="RFC5033"/> and
<xref target="RFC2914"/> (<eref target="https://github.com/NTAP/rfc8312bis/pull/145">#145</eref>)</li>
      <section anchor="since-draft-ietf-tcpm-rfc8312bis-06">
        <name>Since draft-ietf-tcpm-rfc8312bis-06</name>
        <ul spacing="normal">
          <li>RFC7661 is safe even when cwnd grows beyond rwnd
(<eref target="https://github.com/NTAP/rfc8312bis/issues/143">#143</eref>)</li>
      <section anchor="since-draft-ietf-tcpm-rfc8312bis-05">
        <name>Since draft-ietf-tcpm-rfc8312bis-05</name>
        <ul spacing="normal">
          <li>Clarify meaning of "application-limited" in Section 5.8
(<eref target="https://github.com/NTAP/rfc8312bis/issues/137">#137</eref>)</li>
          <li>Create new subsections for spurious timeouts and spurious loss via ACK
(<eref target="https://github.com/NTAP/rfc8312bis/issues/90">#90</eref>)</li>
          <li>Brief discussion of convergence in Section 5.6
(<eref target="https://github.com/NTAP/rfc8312bis/issues/96">#96</eref>)</li>
          <li>Add more test results to Section 5 and update some references
(<eref target="https://github.com/NTAP/rfc8312bis/issues/91">#91</eref>)</li>
          <li>Change wording around setting ssthresh
(<eref target="https://github.com/NTAP/rfc8312bis/issues/131">#131</eref>)</li>
      <section anchor="since-draft-ietf-tcpm-rfc8312bis-04">
        <name>Since draft-ietf-tcpm-rfc8312bis-04</name>
        <ul spacing="normal">
          <li>Fix incorrect math
(<eref target="https://github.com/NTAP/rfc8312bis/issues/106">#106</eref>)</li>
          <li>Update RFC5681
(<eref target="https://github.com/NTAP/rfc8312bis/issues/99">#99</eref>)</li>
          <li>Rephrase text around algorithmic alternatives, add HyStart++
(<eref target="https://github.com/NTAP/rfc8312bis/issues/85">#85</eref>,
<eref target="https://github.com/NTAP/rfc8312bis/issues/86">#86</eref>,
<eref target="https://github.com/NTAP/rfc8312bis/issues/90">#90</eref>)</li>
          <li>Clarify what we mean by "new ACK" and use it in the text in more places.
(<eref target="https://github.com/NTAP/rfc8312bis/issues/101">#101</eref>)</li>
          <li>Rewrite the Responses to Sudden or Transient Events section
(<eref target="https://github.com/NTAP/rfc8312bis/issues/98">#98</eref>)</li>
          <li>Remove confusing text about <em>cwnd<sub>epoch</sub></em> in Section 4.2
(<eref target="https://github.com/NTAP/rfc8312bis/issues/100">#100</eref>)</li>
          <li>Change terminology from "AIMD" to "Reno"
(<eref target="https://github.com/NTAP/rfc8312bis/issues/108">#108</eref>)</li>
          <li>Moved <bcp14>MUST NOT</bcp14> from app-limited section to main cubic AI section
(<eref target="https://github.com/NTAP/rfc8312bis/issues/97">#97</eref>)</li>
          <li>Clarify cwnd decrease during multiplicative decrease
(<eref target="https://github.com/NTAP/rfc8312bis/issues/102">#102</eref>)</li>
          <li>Clarify text around queuing and slow adaptation of CUBIC in wireless environments
(<eref target="https://github.com/NTAP/rfc8312bis/issues/94">#94</eref>)</li>
          <li>Set lower bound of cwnd to 1 MSS and use retransmit timer thereafter
(<eref target="https://github.com/NTAP/rfc8312bis/issues/83">#83</eref>)</li>
          <li>Use FlightSize instead of cwnd to update ssthresh
(<eref target="https://github.com/NTAP/rfc8312bis/issues/114">#114</eref>)</li>
      <section anchor="since-draft-ietf-tcpm-rfc8312bis-03">
        <name>Since draft-ietf-tcpm-rfc8312bis-03</name>
        <ul spacing="normal">
          <li>Remove reference from abstract
(<eref target="https://github.com/NTAP/rfc8312bis/pull/82">#82</eref>)</li>
      <section anchor="since-draft-ietf-tcpm-rfc8312bis-02">
        <name>Since draft-ietf-tcpm-rfc8312bis-02</name>
        <ul spacing="normal">
          <li>Description of packet loss rate <em>p</em>
(<eref target="https://github.com/NTAP/rfc8312bis/issues/65">#65</eref>)</li>
          <li>Clarification of TCP Friendly Equation for ABC and Delayed ACK
(<eref target="https://github.com/NTAP/rfc8312bis/issues/66">#66</eref>)</li>
          <li>add applicability to QUIC and SCTP
(<eref target="https://github.com/NTAP/rfc8312bis/issues/61">#61</eref>)</li>
          <li>clarity on setting <!--{{{&#945;}{}}}-->alpha<em><sub>aimd</sub></em> to 1
(<eref target="https://github.com/NTAP/rfc8312bis/issues/68">#68</eref>)</li>
          <li>introduce <!--{{{&#945;}{}}}-->alpha<em><sub>cubic</sub></em>
(<eref target="https://github.com/NTAP/rfc8312bis/issues/64">#64</eref>)</li>
          <li>clarify <em>cwnd</em> growth in convex region
(<eref target="https://github.com/NTAP/rfc8312bis/issues/69">#69</eref>)</li>
          <li>add guidance for using bytes and mention that segments count is decimal
(<eref target="https://github.com/NTAP/rfc8312bis/issues/67">#67</eref>)</li>
          <li>add loss events detected by RACK and QUIC loss detection
(<eref target="https://github.com/NTAP/rfc8312bis/issues/62">#62</eref>)</li>
      <section anchor="since-draft-ietf-tcpm-rfc8312bis-01">
        <name>Since draft-ietf-tcpm-rfc8312bis-01</name>
        <ul spacing="normal">
          <li>address Michael Scharf's editorial suggestions.
(<eref target="https://github.com/NTAP/rfc8312bis/issues/59">#59</eref>)</li>
          <li>add "Note to the RFC Editor" about removing underscores</li>
      <section anchor="since-draft-ietf-tcpm-rfc8312bis-00">
        <name>Since draft-ietf-tcpm-rfc8312bis-00</name>
        <ul spacing="normal">
          <li>use updated xml2rfc with better text rendering of subscripts</li>
      <section anchor="since-draft-eggert-tcpm-rfc8312bis-03">
        <name>Since draft-eggert-tcpm-rfc8312bis-03</name>
        <ul spacing="normal">
          <li>fix spelling nits</li>
          <li>rename to draft-ietf</li>
          <li>define <em>W<sub>max</sub></em> more clearly</li>
      <section anchor="since-draft-eggert-tcpm-rfc8312bis-02">
        <name>Since draft-eggert-tcpm-rfc8312bis-02</name>
        <ul spacing="normal">
          <li>add definition for segments_acked and <!--{{{&#945;}{}}}-->alpha<em><sub>aimd</sub></em>.
(<eref target="https://github.com/NTAP/rfc8312bis/issues/47">#47</eref>)</li>
          <li>fix a mistake in <em>W<sub>max</sub></em> calculation in the fast convergence section.
(<eref target="https://github.com/NTAP/rfc8312bis/issues/51">#51</eref>)</li>
          <li>clarity on setting <em>ssthresh</em> and <em>cwnd<sub>epoch</sub></em> during
multiplicative decrease.
(<eref target="https://github.com/NTAP/rfc8312bis/issues/53">#53</eref>)</li>
      <section anchor="since-draft-eggert-tcpm-rfc8312bis-01">
        <name>Since draft-eggert-tcpm-rfc8312bis-01</name>
        <ul spacing="normal">
          <li>rename TCP-Friendly to AIMD-Friendly and rename Standard TCP to AIMD
TCP to avoid confusion as CUBIC has been widely used on the Internet.
(<eref target="https://github.com/NTAP/rfc8312bis/issues/38">#38</eref>)</li>
          <li>change introductory text to reflect the significant broader
deployment of CUBIC on the Internet.
(<eref target="https://github.com/NTAP/rfc8312bis/issues/39">#39</eref>)</li>
          <li>rephrase introduction to avoid referring to variables that have not
been defined yet.</li>
      <section anchor="since-draft-eggert-tcpm-rfc8312bis-00">
        <name>Since draft-eggert-tcpm-rfc8312bis-00</name>
        <ul spacing="normal">
          <li>acknowledge former co-authors
(<eref target="https://github.com/NTAP/rfc8312bis/issues/15">#15</eref>)</li>
          <li>prevent <em>cwnd</em> from becoming less than two
(<eref target="https://github.com/NTAP/rfc8312bis/issues/7">#7</eref>)</li>
          <li>add list of variables and constants
(<eref target="https://github.com/NTAP/rfc8312bis/issues/5">#5</eref>,
<eref target="https://github.com/NTAP/rfc8312bis/issues/6">#6</eref>)</li>
          <li>update <em>K</em>'s definition and add bounds for CUBIC <em>target</em> <em>cwnd</em>
            <xref target="SXEZ19"/> (<eref target="https://github.com/NTAP/rfc8312bis/issues/1">#1</eref>,
<eref target="https://github.com/NTAP/rfc8312bis/issues/14">#14</eref>)</li>
          <li>update <em>W<sub>est</sub></em> to use AIMD approach
(<eref target="https://github.com/NTAP/rfc8312bis/issues/20">#20</eref>)</li>
        <!-- xml2rfc currently doesn't allow the &#945; Unicode symbol in bullet lists -->
<ul spacing="normal">
          <li>set <!--{{{&#945;}{}}}-->alpha<em><sub>aimd</sub></em> to 1 once
<em>W<sub>est</sub></em> reaches <em>W<sub>max</sub></em>
(<eref target="https://github.com/NTAP/rfc8312bis/issues/2">#2</eref>)</li>
          <li>add Vidhi as co-author
(<eref target="https://github.com/NTAP/rfc8312bis/issues/17">#17</eref>)</li>
          <li>note for Fast Recovery during <em>cwnd</em> decrease due to congestion
event (<eref target="https://github.com/NTAP/rfc8312bis/issues/11">#11</eref>)</li>
          <li>add section for spurious congestion events
(<eref target="https://github.com/NTAP/rfc8312bis/issues/23">#23</eref>)</li>
          <li>initialize <em>W<sub>est</sub></em> after timeout and remove variable
(<eref target="https://github.com/NTAP/rfc8312bis/issues/28">#28</eref>)</li>
      <section anchor="since-rfc8312">
        <name>Since RFC8312</name>
        <ul spacing="normal">
          <li>converted to Markdown and xml2rfc v3</li>
          <li>updated references (as part of the conversion)</li>
          <li>updated author information</li>
          <li>various formatting changes</li>
          <li>move to Standards Track</li>
      <section anchor="since-the-original-paper">
        <name>Since since the Original Paper</name>
        <t>CUBIC has gone through a few changes since the initial release
<xref target="HRX08"/> of its algorithm and implementation. This section appendix highlights the
differences between the original paper and <xref target="RFC8312"/>.</t>
        <ul spacing="normal">
          <li>The original paper <xref target="HRX08"/> includes the pseudocode of CUBIC
implementation using Linux's pluggable congestion control framework,
which excludes system-specific optimizations. The simplified
pseudocode might be a good source to start with and understand starting point for learning about CUBIC.</li>
            <xref target="HRX08"/> also includes experimental results showing its performance
and fairness.</li>
        <!-- xml2rfc currently doesn't allow the &#946; Unicode symbol in bullet lists -->
<ul spacing="normal">
          <li><t>The definition of <!--{{{&#946;}{}}}-->beta<em><sub>cubic</sub></em> the β<em><sub>cubic</sub></em> constant
was changed in <xref target="RFC8312"/>. For example,
β<em><sub>cubic</sub></em> in the original paper was referred to as the
window decrease constant constant, while <xref target="RFC8312"/> changed it to CUBIC
multiplication "CUBIC multiplicative decrease factor. factor". With this change, the current
congestion window size after a congestion event as listed in <xref target="RFC8312"/> was
β<em><sub>cubic</sub></em> * <em>W<sub>max</sub></em> <em>W<sub>max</sub></em>, while it was
(1-β<em><sub>cubic</sub></em>) * <em>W<sub>max</sub></em> in the
original paper.</li>
          <li>Its paper.</t></li>
          <li><t>Its pseudocode used <em>W<sub>last_max</sub></em> <em>W<sub>last_max</sub></em>, while <xref target="RFC8312"/> used
          <li><t>Its AIMD-friendly window was <em>W<sub>tcp</sub></em> <em>W<sub>tcp</sub></em>, while <xref target="RFC8312"/> used
    <section anchor="proof-avg-window">
      <name>Proof of the Average CUBIC Window Size</name>
      <t>This appendix contains a proof for the average CUBIC window
size <em>AVG_W<sub>cubic</sub></em> in <xref target="eq5"/>.</t>
      <t>We find <em>AVG_W<sub>cubic</sub></em> under a deterministic loss model, where the
number of packets between two successive packet losses is 1/<em>p</em>. With &nbsp;With this
model, CUBIC always operates with the concave window profile and the time period
between two successive packet losses is <em>K</em>.</t>
      <t>The average window size <em>AVG_W<sub>cubic</sub></em> is defined as follows, where the
numerator 1/<em>p</em> is the total number of packets between two successive packet
losses and the denominator <em>K</em>/<em>RTT</em> is the total number of RTTs between two
successive packet losses.</t>
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          <artwork type="ascii-art" align="center"><![CDATA[              1
AVG_W      = ───
     cubic    K
      <t>Below, we find <em>K</em> as a function of CUBIC parameters <contact fullname="β" asciiFullname=""/><em><sub>cubic</sub></em> β<em><sub>cubic</sub></em>
and <em>C</em>, and network parameters <em>p</em> and <em>RTT</em>. According &nbsp;According to the definition of
<em>K</em> in <xref target="eq2"/>, we have</t>
      <figure anchor="peq2">
          <artwork type="svg" align="center"><svg xmlns:xlink="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" height="6.343ex" role="img" viewBox="0 -1724.2 12225.5 2730.8" width="28.395ex">
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    3  │W    - W    * β
    ╲  │ max    max    cubic
K =  ╲ │────────────────────
      ╲│         C
      <t>The total number of packets between two successive packet losses can also be
obtained as follows follows, using the window increase function in <xref target="eq1"/>. Specifically,
the window size in the first RTT (i.e., <em>n</em>=1 <em>n</em>=1, or equivalently equivalently, <em>t</em>=0) is
<em>C</em>(-<em>K</em>)<sup>3</sup>+<em>W<sub>max</sub></em> and the window size in the last RTT
(i.e., <em>n</em>=<em>K</em>/<em>RTT</em> <em>n</em>=<em>K</em>/<em>RTT</em>, or equivalently equivalently, <em>t</em>=<em>K</em>-<em>RTT</em>) is
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1   ╲  ⎛                3       ⎞
─ = ╱  ⎜C((n-1) * RTT-K)  + W   ⎟
p   ⎺⎺ ⎝                     max⎠
    ╲  ⎛       3    3       ⎞
  = ╱  ⎜C * RTT (-n)  + W   ⎟
    ⎺⎺ ⎝                 max⎠
            3   ╲    3           K
  = -C * RTT  * ╱   n  + W    * ───
                ⎺⎺        max   RTT
            3   1  ⎛ K ⎞            K
  ≈ -C * RTT  * ─ *⎜───⎟  + W    * ───
                4  ⎝RTT⎠     max   RTT
         1    K            K
  = -C * ─ * ─── + W    * ───
         4   RTT    max   RTT
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AVG_W      = ─── = ╲  │──────────────── * ────
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    <section anchor="acknowledgments" numbered="false">
      <t><contact fullname="Richard Scheffenegger"/> and <contact fullname="Alexander Zimmermann"/> originally coauthored
<xref target="RFC8312"/>.</t>
      <t>These individuals suggested improvements to this document:</t>
      <ul spacing="compact">
          <t>      <contact fullname="Bob Briscoe"/>
          <t>      <contact fullname="Christian Huitema"/>
          <t>      <contact fullname="Gorry Fairhurst"/>
          <t>      <contact fullname="Jonathan Morton"/>
          <t>      <contact fullname="Juhamatti Kuusisaari"/>
          <t>      <contact fullname="Junho Choi"/>
          <t>      <contact fullname="Markku Kojo"/>
          <t>      <contact fullname="Martin Duke"/>
          <t>      <contact fullname="Martin Thomson"/>
          <t>      <contact fullname="Matt Mathis"/>
          <t>      <contact fullname="Matt Olson"/>
          <t>      <contact fullname="Michael Welzl"/>
          <t>      <contact fullname="Mirja Kühlewind"/>
          <t>      <contact fullname="Mohit P. Tahiliani"/>
          <t>      <contact fullname="Neal Cardwell"/>
          <t>      <contact fullname="Praveen Balasubramanian"/>
          <t>      <contact fullname="Randall Stewart"/>
          <t>      <contact fullname="Richard Scheffenegger"/>
          <t>      <contact fullname="Rod Grimes"/>
          <t>      <contact fullname="Spencer Dawkins"/>
          <t>      <contact fullname="Tom Henderson"/>
          <t>      <contact fullname="Tom Petch"/>
          <t>      <contact fullname="Wesley Rosenblum"/>
          <t>      <contact fullname="Yoav Nir"/>
          <t>      <contact fullname="Yoshifumi Nishida"/>
          <t>      <contact fullname="Yuchung Cheng"/>
  <!-- ##markdown-source:
