<?xml version='1.0'encoding='utf-8'?>encoding='UTF-8'?> <!-- draft submitted in xml v3 --> <!DOCTYPE rfc [ <!ENTITY nbsp " "> <!ENTITY zwsp "​"> <!ENTITY nbhy "‑"> <!ENTITY wj "⁠"> ]><?xml-stylesheet type="text/xsl" href="rfc2629.xslt" ?> <!-- generated by https://github.com/cabo/kramdown-rfc version 1.7.17 (Ruby 3.3.3) --><rfc xmlns:xi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XInclude" ipr="trust200902" docName="draft-ietf-cbor-update-8610-grammar-06" number="9682" category="std" consensus="true" submissionType="IETF" updates="8610" obsoletes="" tocInclude="true" sortRefs="true" symRefs="true"version="3"> <!-- xml2rfc v2v3 conversion 3.21.0 -->version="3" xml:lang="en"> <front> <title abbrev="CDDL grammar updates">Updates to theCDDL grammar of RFC 8610</title>Concise Data Definition Language (CDDL) Grammar</title> <seriesInfoname="Internet-Draft" value="draft-ietf-cbor-update-8610-grammar-06"/>name="RFC" value="9682"/> <author initials="C." surname="Bormann" fullname="Carsten Bormann"> <organization>Universität Bremen TZI</organization> <address> <postal> <street>Postfach 330440</street> <city>Bremen</city> <code>D-28359</code> <country>Germany</country> </postal> <phone>+49-421-218-63921</phone> <email>cabo@tzi.org</email> </address> </author> <date year="2024"month="June" day="24"/>month="November"/> <area>ART</area><workgroup>CBOR</workgroup><workgroup>cbor</workgroup> <keyword>Concise Data Definition Language</keyword> <abstract><?line 82?><t>The Concise Data Definition Language (CDDL), as defined inRFC 8610RFCs 8610 andRFC 9165,9165, provides an easy and unambiguous way to express structures for protocol messages and data formats that are represented inCBORConcise Binary Object Representation (CBOR) or JSON.</t><t>The present<t>This document updates RFC 8610 by addressing related errata reports and making other small fixes for the ABNF grammar defined forCDDL there.</t>CDDL.</t> </abstract><note removeInRFC="true"> <name>About This Document</name> <t> The latest revision of this draft can be found at <eref target="https://cbor-wg.github.io/update-8610-grammar/"/>. Status information for this document may be found at <eref target="https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/draft-ietf-cbor-update-8610-grammar/"/>. </t> <t> Discussion of this document takes place on the CBOR Working Group mailing list (<eref target="mailto:cbor@ietf.org"/>), which is archived at <eref target="https://mailarchive.ietf.org/arch/browse/cbor/"/>. Subscribe at <eref target="https://www.ietf.org/mailman/listinfo/cbor/"/>. </t> <t>Source for this draft and an issue tracker can be found at <eref target="https://github.com/cbor-wg/update-8610-grammar"/>.</t> </note></front> <middle><?line 93?><section anchor="introduction"> <name>Introduction</name> <t>The Concise Data Definition Language (CDDL), as defined in <xref target="RFC8610"/> and <xref target="RFC9165"/>, provides an easy and unambiguous way to express structures for protocol messages and data formats that are represented in CBOR or JSON.</t><t>The present<t>This document updates <xref target="RFC8610"/> by addressing errata reports and making other small fixes for the ABNF grammar defined forCDDL there.CDDL. The body of this documentmotivates andexplains and shows motivation for the updates; the updated collected ABNF syntax in <xref target="collected-abnf"/> in <xref target="collected-abnf-appendix"/> replaces the collected ABNF syntax in <xref section="B" sectionFormat="of" target="RFC8610"/>.</t> <section anchor="conventions-and-definitions"> <name>Conventions and Definitions</name> <t>TheTerminologyterminology from <xref target="RFC8610"/> applies. The grammar in <xref target="RFC8610"/> is based on ABNF, which is defined in <xref target="STD68"/> and <xref target="RFC7405"/>.</t> </section> </section> <section anchor="clari"> <name>Clarifications and ChangesbasedBased on Errata Reports</name> <t>A number of errata reports have been madearoundregarding some details of text string and byte string literal syntax: for example, <xref target="Err6527"/> and <xref target="Err6543"/>. These are being addressed in this section, updating details of the ABNF for these literal syntaxes. Also, the changes described in <xref target="Err6526"/>needsneed to be applied (backslashes have been lost during the RFCprocessing in somepublication process of <xref target="RFC8610" sectionFormat="of" section="G.2"/>, garbling the text explaining backslash escaping).</t> <t>These changes are intended to mirror the way existing implementations have dealt with theerrata. Theyerrata reports. This document alsouseuses the opportunity presented by the necessary cleanup of the grammar of string literals for abackward compatiblebackward-compatible addition to the syntax for hexadecimal escapes. The latter change is not automatically forward compatible (i.e., CDDL specifications that make use of this syntax do not necessarily work with existing implementations until these are updated, which is recommended by thisspecification recommends).</t>specification).</t> <section anchor="e6527"> <name>Updates to String Literal Grammar</name> <sectionnumbered="false"numbered="true" anchor="err6527-text-string-literals"><name>Err6527<name>Erratum ID 6527 (Text String Literals)</name> <t>The ABNF used in <xref target="RFC8610"/> for the content of text string literals is rather permissive:</t> <figure anchor="e6527-orig1"> <name>Original ABNF from RFC 8610ABNFforstringsStrings withpermissivePermissive ABNF forSESC, but not allowing hex escapes</name>SESC (Which Did Not Allow Hex Escapes)</name> <sourcecode type="abnf"><![CDATA[ ; ABNF from RFC8610 ABNF:8610: text = %x22 *SCHAR %x22 SCHAR = %x20-21 / %x23-5B / %x5D-7E / %x80-10FFFD / SESC SESC = "\" (%x20-7E / %x80-10FFFD) ]]></sourcecode> </figure> <t>This allows almost any non-C0 character to be escaped by a backslash, but critically misses out on the <tt>\uXXXX</tt> and <tt>\uHHHH\uLLLL</tt> forms that JSON allows to specify characters in hex (which shouldbe applyingapply here according toBulletitem 6 of <xref section="3.1" sectionFormat="of" target="RFC8610"/>). (Note that CDDL imports from JSON the unwieldy <tt>\uHHHH\uLLLL</tt> syntax, which represents Unicode code points beyond U+FFFF by making them look like UTF-16 surrogate pairs; CDDL text stringsaredo notusinguse UTF-16 or surrogates.)</t> <t>Both can be solved by updating the SESC rule. This document uses the opportunity to add a popular form of directly specifying characters in strings using hexadecimal escape sequences of the form <tt>\u{hex}</tt>, where <tt>hex</tt> is the hexadecimal representation of the Unicode scalar value. The result is the new set of rules defining SESC in <xreftarget="e6527-new1"/>:</t>target="e6527-new1"/>.</t> <figure anchor="e6527-new1"> <name>Update tostringString ABNF inAppendix B of RFC 8610: allow hex escapes</name><xref target="RFC8610" sectionFormat="of" section="B"/>: Allow Hex Escapes</name> <sourcecode type="abnf" name="cddl-new-sesc.abnf"><![CDATA[ ; new rules collectively defining SESC: SESC = "\" ( %x22 / "/" / "\" / ; \" \/ \\ %x62 / %x66 / %x6E / %x72 / %x74 / ; \b \f \n \r \t (%x75 hexchar) ) ; \uXXXX hexchar = "{" (1*"0" [ hexscalar ] / hexscalar) "}" / non-surrogate / (high-surrogate "\" %x75 low-surrogate) non-surrogate = ((DIGIT / "A"/"B"/"C" / "E"/"F") 3HEXDIG) / ("D" %x30-37 2HEXDIG ) high-surrogate = "D" ("8"/"9"/"A"/"B") 2HEXDIG low-surrogate = "D" ("C"/"D"/"E"/"F") 2HEXDIG hexscalar = "10" 4HEXDIG / HEXDIG1 4HEXDIG / non-surrogate / 1*3HEXDIG HEXDIG1 = DIGIT1 / "A" / "B" / "C" / "D" / "E" / "F" ]]></sourcecode> </figure><t>(Notes:<aside><t>Notes: In ABNF, strings such as <tt>"A"</tt>,<tt>"B"</tt> etc.<tt>"B"</tt>, etc., arecase-insensitive,case insensitive, as is intended here. The rules abovecould, instead of <tt>%x62</tt>, alsocould have also used<tt>%s"b"</tt><tt>%s"b"</tt>, etc., instead of <tt>%x62</tt>, but didn't, in order to maximize compatibility with ABNFtool compatibility.)</t>tools.</t></aside> <t>Now that SESC is more restrictively formulated,this also requiresan update to the BCHAR rule used in the ABNF syntax for byte stringliterals:</t>literals is also required:</t> <figure anchor="e6527-orig2"><name>Original<name>ABNF from RFC 8610ABNFfor BCHAR</name> <sourcecode type="abnf"><![CDATA[ ; ABNF from RFC8610 ABNF:8610: bytes = [bsqual] %x27 *BCHAR %x27 BCHAR = %x20-26 / %x28-5B / %x5D-10FFFD / SESC / CRLF bsqual = "h" / "b64" ]]></sourcecode> </figure> <t>With the SESC updated as above, <tt>\'</tt> is no longer allowed inBCHAR; thisBCHAR and now needs to be explicitlyincluded;included there; seebelow.</t><xref target="e6527-new2"/>.</t> </section> <sectionnumbered="false"numbered="true" anchor="e6278"><name>Err6278<name>Erratum ID 6278 (Consistent String Literals)</name> <t>Updating BCHAR also provides an opportunity to address <xref target="Err6278"/>, which points to an inconsistency in treating U+007F (DEL) between SCHAR and BCHAR. As U+007F is not printable, including it in a byte string literal is as confusing as for a text stringliteral, andliteral; therefore, it shouldthereforebe excluded from BCHAR as it is from SCHAR. The same reasoning also applies to the C1 control characters, so the updated ABNF actually excludes the entire range from U+007F to U+009F. The same reasoningthenalso applies to text in comments (PCHAR). For completeness, all these rules should also explicitly exclude the code points that have been set aside forUTF-16'sUTF-16 surrogates.</t> <figure anchor="e6527-new2"> <name>Update to ABNF inAppendix B of RFC 8610:<xref target="RFC8610" sectionFormat="of" section="B"/>: BCHAR, SCHAR, and PCHAR</name> <sourcecode type="abnf" name="cddl-new-bchar.abnf"><![CDATA[ ; new rules for SCHAR, BCHAR, and PCHAR: SCHAR = %x20-21 / %x23-5B / %x5D-7E / NONASCII / SESC BCHAR = %x20-26 / %x28-5B / %x5D-7E / NONASCII / SESC / "\'" / CRLF PCHAR = %x20-7E / NONASCII NONASCII = %xA0-D7FF / %xE000-10FFFD ]]></sourcecode> </figure> <t>(Note that, apart from addressing the inconsistencies, there is no attempt to further exclude non-printable characters from the ABNF; doing this properly would draw in complexity from the ongoing evolution of the Unicode standard <xref target="UNICODE"/> that is not needed here.)</t> </section> <sectionnumbered="false"numbered="true" anchor="addressing-err6526-err6543"> <name>AddressingErr6526, Err6543</name>Erratum ID 6526 and Erratum ID 6543</name> <t>The above changes also cover <xref target="Err6543"/> (a proposal to split off qualified byte string literals from UTF-8 byte string literals) and <xref target="Err6526"/> (lost backslashes); see <xref target="Err6543-covered"/> for details.</t> </section> </section> <section anchor="examples-demonstrating-the-updated-string-syntaxes"> <name>Examples Demonstrating the Updated String Syntaxes</name> <t>The CDDL example in <xref target="string-examples"/> demonstrates various escaping techniques now available for (byte and text) strings in CDDL.ObviouslyObviously, in the literals for <tt>a</tt> and <tt>x</tt>, there is no need to escape the second character, an <tt>o</tt>, as <tt>\u{6f}</tt>; this is just for demonstration. Similarly, as shown in <tt>c</tt> and<tt>z</tt><tt>z</tt>, there also is no need to escape the<tt>🁳</tt><u>🁳</u> or<tt>⌘</tt>, but<u>⌘</u>; however, escaping them may be convenient in order to limit the character repertoire of a CDDL file itself to ASCII <xref target="STD80"/>.</t> <figure anchor="string-examples"> <name>ExampletextText andbyte string literalsByte String Literals withvarious escaping techniques</name>Various Escaping Techniques</name> <sourcecode type="cddl"><![CDATA[ start = [a, b, c, x, y, z] ; "🁳", DOMINO TILE VERTICAL-02-02, and ; "⌘", PLACE OF INTEREST SIGN, in a text string: a = "D\u{6f}mino's \u{1F073} + \u{2318}" ; \u{}-escape 3 chars b = "Domino's \uD83C\uDC73 + \u2318" ; escape JSON-like c = "Domino's 🁳 + ⌘" ; unescaped ; in a byte string given as text, the ' needs to be escaped: x = 'D\u{6f}mino\u{27}s \u{1F073} + \u{2318}' ; \u{}-escape 4 chars y = 'Domino\'s \uD83C\uDC73 + \u2318' ; escape JSON-like z = 'Domino\'s 🁳 + ⌘' ; escape ' only ]]></sourcecode> </figure> <t>In this example, the rules a to c and x to z all produce strings with byte-wise identicalcontent, wherecontent: a to c are textstrings,strings and x to z are byte strings. <xref target="string-examples-pretty"/> illustrates this by showing the output generated from the <tt>start</tt> rule in <xref target="string-examples"/>, using pretty-printed hexadecimal.</t> <figure anchor="string-examples-pretty"> <name>Generated CBOR from CDDLexampleExample (Pretty-Printed Hexadecimal)</name> <sourcecode type="cbor-pretty"><![CDATA[ 86 # array(6) 73 # text(19) 446f6d696e6f277320f09f81b3202b20e28c98 # "Domino's 🁳 + ⌘" 73 # text(19) 446f6d696e6f277320f09f81b3202b20e28c98 # "Domino's 🁳 + ⌘" 73 # text(19) 446f6d696e6f277320f09f81b3202b20e28c98 # "Domino's 🁳 + ⌘" 53 # bytes(19) 446f6d696e6f277320f09f81b3202b20e28c98 # "Domino's 🁳 + ⌘" 53 # bytes(19) 446f6d696e6f277320f09f81b3202b20e28c98 # "Domino's 🁳 + ⌘" 53 # bytes(19) 446f6d696e6f277320f09f81b3202b20e28c98 # "Domino's 🁳 + ⌘" ]]></sourcecode> </figure><!-- cddl sourcecode/cddl/no-change-needed-after-addr.cddl g | diag2pretty.rb | diff - sourcecode/cbor-pretty/no-change-needed-after-addr.cbor-pretty --></section> </section> <section anchor="small-enabling-grammar-changes"> <name>Small Enabling Grammar Changes</name><t>The two subsections in this section specify two<t>Each subsection that follows specifies a smallchangeschange to the grammar thatareis intended to enable certain kinds of specifications. These changes are backwardcompatible, i.e.,compatible (i.e., CDDL files that complytowith <xref target="RFC8610"/> continue to match the updatedgrammar,grammar) but not necessarily forwardcompatible, i.e.,compatible (i.e., CDDL specifications that make use of these changes cannot necessarily be processed by existing implementations of <xreftarget="RFC8610"/> implementations.</t>target="RFC8610"/>).</t> <section anchor="empty"> <name>Emptydata models</name>Data Models</name> <t><xref target="RFC8610"/> requires a CDDL file to have at least one rule.</t> <figure anchor="empty-orig"><name>Original<name>ABNF from RFC 8610ABNFfortop-level rule cddl</name>Top-Level Rule <tt>cddl</tt></name> <sourcecode type="abnf"><![CDATA[ ; ABNF from RFC8610 ABNF:8610: cddl = S 1*(rule S) ]]></sourcecode> </figure> <t>This makes sense when the file has to stand alone, as a CDDL data model needs to have at least one rule to provide an entry point(start(i.e., a start rule).</t> <t>With CDDL modules <xref target="I-D.ietf-cbor-cddl-modules"/>, CDDL files can also include directives, and these might be the source of all the rules that ultimately make up the module created by the file. Any other rule content in the file has to be available for directive processing, making the requirement for at least one rule cumbersome.</t> <t>Therefore, the present update extends the grammar as in <xref target="empty-new"/> and turns the existence of at least one rule into a semantic constraint, to be fulfilled after processing of all directives.</t> <figure anchor="empty-new"> <name>Update totop-levelTop-Level ABNF in Appendices B and C of RFC 8610</name> <sourcecode type="abnf" name="cddl-new-cddl.abnf"><![CDATA[ ; new top-level rule: cddl = S *(rule S) ]]></sourcecode> </figure> </section> <section anchor="tagnum"><name>Non-literal<name>Non-Literal TagNumbers,Numbers and Simple Values</name> <t>The existing ABNF syntax for expressing tags in CDDLis:</t>is as follows:</t> <figure anchor="tag-orig"> <name>Original ABNF from RFC 8610ABNFfortag syntax</name>Tag Syntax</name> <sourcecode type="abnf"><![CDATA[ ; extracted from the ABNF in RFC8610 ABNF:8610: type2 =/ "#" "6" ["." uint] "(" S type S ")" ]]></sourcecode> </figure> <t>This means tag numbers can only be given as literal numbers (uints). Some specifications operate on ranges of tagnumbers, e.g.,numbers; for example, <xref target="RFC9277"/> has a range of tag numbers 1668546817 (0x63740101) to 1668612095 (0x6374FFFF) to tag specific content formats. Thiscancannot currentlynotbe expressed in CDDL. Similar considerations apply to simple values (<tt>#7.</tt>xx).</t> <t>This update extends the syntaxto:</t>to the following:</t> <figure anchor="tag-new"> <name>Update totagTag andsimple valueSimple Value ABNF in Appendices B and C of RFC 8610</name> <sourcecode type="abnf" name="cddl-new-tag.abnf"><![CDATA[ ; new rules collectively defining the tagged case: type2 =/ "#" "6" ["." head-number] "(" S type S ")" / "#" "7" ["." head-number] head-number = uint / ("<" type ">") ]]></sourcecode> </figure> <t>For <tt>#6</tt>, the <tt>head-number</tt> stands for the tag number. For <tt>#7</tt>, the <tt>head-number</tt> stands for the simple value if it is in the ranges 0..23 or 32..255 (as per Section <xref target="RFC8949" section="3.3" sectionFormat="bare"/> of RFC 8949 <xreftarget="STD94"/>target="STD94"/>, the simple values 24..31 are not used). For 24..31, the <tt>head-number</tt> stands for the "additional information", e.g., <tt>#7.25</tt> or <tt>#7.<25></tt> is a float16, etc. (All ranges mentioned here are inclusive.)</t> <t>So the above range can be expressed in a CDDL fragment such as:</t> <sourcecode type="cddl"><![CDATA[ ct-tag<content> = #6.<ct-tag-number>(content) ct-tag-number = 1668546817..1668612095 ; or use 0x63740101..0x6374FFFF ]]></sourcecode> <aside> <t>Notes:</t> <ol spacing="normal" type="1"><li> <t>This syntax reuses the angle bracket syntax for generics; this reuse is innocuousasbecause a genericparameter/argumentparameter or argument only ever occurs after a rule name (<tt>id</tt>), while it occurs after<tt>.</tt>the "<tt>.</tt>" (dot) character here. (Whether there is potential for human confusion can be debated; the above example deliberately uses generics as well.)</t> </li> <li> <t>The updated ABNF grammar makes it a bit more explicit that the number given after the optional dot isspecial, not givingtheCBOR "additional information"value of the argument: for tags and simplevaluesvalues, it is not giving the CBOR "additional information”, as it is with other uses of <tt>#</tt> in CDDL. (Adding this observation to <xref section="2.2.3" sectionFormat="of" target="RFC8610"/> is the subject of <xref target="Err6575"/>; it is correctly noted in <xref section="3.6" sectionFormat="of" target="RFC8610"/>.) In hindsight, maybe a different character than the dot should have been chosen for this specialcase, howevercase; however, changing the grammarnowin the current document would have been too disruptive.</t> </li></ol></ol></aside> </section> </section> <section anchor="security-considerations"> <name>Security Considerations</name> <t>The grammar fixes and updates in this document are not believed to create additional security considerations. The security considerations in <xref section="5" sectionFormat="of" target="RFC8610"/>do apply, and specificallyapply. Specifically, the potential for confusion is increased in an environment that uses a combination of CDDLtoolstools, some of which have been updated and some of which havenot been,not, in particular based on <xref target="clari"/>.</t> <t>Attackers may want to exploit such potential confusion by crafting CDDL models that are interpreted differently by different parts of a system. There will be a period of transition from the details that the grammar in <xref target="RFC8610"/>grammarhandled in a less well-defined way, to the updated grammar defined in the present document. This transition might offerone, butone (but not theonly kindonly) type of opportunity for the kind of attack that relies on differences between implementations. Implementations that make use of CDDL models operationally already need to ascertain the provenance (and thus authenticity and integrity) and applicability of models they employ. At the time of writing, it is expected that the models will generally be processed by a software developer, within a software development environment.DevelopersTherefore, developers arethereforeadvised to treat CDDL models with the same care as any other source code.</t> </section> <section anchor="iana-considerations"> <name>IANA Considerations</name> <t>This document has no IANA actions.</t> </section> </middle> <back> <displayreference target="I-D.ietf-cbor-cddl-modules" to="CDDL-MODULES"/> <displayreference target="I-D.ietf-cbor-edn-literals" to="EDN-LITERALS"/> <references> <name>References</name> <references anchor="sec-normative-references"> <name>Normative References</name><reference anchor="RFC8610"> <front> <title>Concise Data Definition Language (CDDL): A Notational Convention to Express Concise Binary Object Representation (CBOR) and JSON Data Structures</title> <author fullname="H. Birkholz" initials="H." surname="Birkholz"/> <author fullname="C. Vigano" initials="C." surname="Vigano"/> <author fullname="C. Bormann" initials="C." surname="Bormann"/> <date month="June" year="2019"/> <abstract> <t>This document proposes a notational convention to express Concise Binary Object Representation (CBOR) data structures (RFC 7049). Its main goal is to provide an easy and unambiguous way to express structures for protocol messages and data formats that use CBOR or JSON.</t> </abstract> </front> <seriesInfo name="RFC" value="8610"/> <seriesInfo name="DOI" value="10.17487/RFC8610"/> </reference> <referencegroup anchor="STD68" target="https://www.rfc-editor.org/info/std68"> <reference anchor="RFC5234" target="https://www.rfc-editor.org/info/rfc5234"> <front> <title>Augmented BNF for Syntax Specifications: ABNF</title> <author fullname="D. Crocker" initials="D." role="editor" surname="Crocker"/> <author fullname="P. Overell" initials="P." surname="Overell"/> <date month="January" year="2008"/> <abstract> <t>Internet technical specifications often need to define a formal syntax. Over the years, a modified version of Backus-Naur Form (BNF), called Augmented BNF (ABNF), has been popular among many Internet specifications. The current specification documents ABNF. It balances compactness and simplicity with reasonable representational power. The differences between standard BNF and ABNF involve naming rules, repetition, alternatives, order-independence, and value ranges. This specification also supplies additional rule definitions and encoding for a core lexical analyzer of the type common to several Internet specifications. [STANDARDS-TRACK]</t> </abstract> </front> <seriesInfo name="STD" value="68"/> <seriesInfo name="RFC" value="5234"/> <seriesInfo name="DOI" value="10.17487/RFC5234"/> </reference> </referencegroup> <referencegroup anchor="STD94" target="https://www.rfc-editor.org/info/std94"> <reference anchor="RFC8949" target="https://www.rfc-editor.org/info/rfc8949"> <front> <title>Concise Binary Object Representation (CBOR)</title> <author fullname="C. Bormann" initials="C." surname="Bormann"/> <author fullname="P. Hoffman" initials="P." surname="Hoffman"/> <date month="December" year="2020"/> <abstract> <t>The Concise Binary Object Representation (CBOR) is a data format whose design goals include the possibility of extremely small code size, fairly small message size, and extensibility without the need for version negotiation. These design goals make it different from earlier binary serializations such as ASN.1 and MessagePack.</t> <t>This document obsoletes RFC 7049, providing editorial improvements, new details, and errata fixes while keeping full compatibility with the interchange format of RFC 7049. It does not create a new version of the format.</t> </abstract> </front> <seriesInfo name="STD" value="94"/> <seriesInfo name="RFC" value="8949"/> <seriesInfo name="DOI" value="10.17487/RFC8949"/> </reference> </referencegroup><xi:include href="https://bib.ietf.org/public/rfc/bibxml/reference.RFC.8610.xml"/> <xi:include href="https://bib.ietf.org/public/rfc/bibxml9/reference.STD.0068.xml" /> <xi:include href="https://bib.ietf.org/public/rfc/bibxml9/reference.STD.0094.xml" /> </references> <references anchor="sec-informative-references"> <name>Informative References</name><referencegroup anchor="STD80" target="https://www.rfc-editor.org/info/std80"> <reference anchor="RFC0020" target="https://www.rfc-editor.org/info/rfc20"> <front> <title>ASCII format for network interchange</title> <author fullname="V.G. Cerf" initials="V.G." surname="Cerf"/> <date month="October" year="1969"/> </front> <seriesInfo name="STD" value="80"/> <seriesInfo name="RFC" value="20"/> <seriesInfo name="DOI" value="10.17487/RFC0020"/> </reference> </referencegroup> <reference anchor="RFC7405"> <front> <title>Case-Sensitive String Support in ABNF</title> <author fullname="P. Kyzivat" initials="P." surname="Kyzivat"/> <date month="December" year="2014"/> <abstract> <t>This document extends the base definition of ABNF (Augmented Backus-Naur Form) to include a way to specify US-ASCII string literals that are matched in a case-sensitive manner.</t> </abstract> </front> <seriesInfo name="RFC" value="7405"/> <seriesInfo name="DOI" value="10.17487/RFC7405"/> </reference> <reference anchor="RFC9165"> <front> <title>Additional Control Operators for the Concise Data Definition Language (CDDL)</title> <author fullname="C. Bormann" initials="C." surname="Bormann"/> <date month="December" year="2021"/> <abstract> <t>The Concise Data Definition Language (CDDL), standardized in RFC 8610, provides "control operators"<xi:include href="https://bib.ietf.org/public/rfc/bibxml9/reference.STD.0080.xml" /> <xi:include href="https://bib.ietf.org/public/rfc/bibxml/reference.RFC.7405.xml"/> <xi:include href="https://bib.ietf.org/public/rfc/bibxml/reference.RFC.9165.xml"/> <!-- [I-D.ietf-cbor-cddl-modules];I-D exists asits main language extension point.</t> <t>The present document defines a number of control operators that were not yet ready at the time RFC 8610 was completed:,, and for the construction of constants; / for including ABNF (RFC 5234 and RFC 7405) in CDDL specifications; and for indicating the useofa non-basic feature in an instance.</t> </abstract> </front> <seriesInfo name="RFC" value="9165"/> <seriesInfo name="DOI" value="10.17487/RFC9165"/> </reference> <reference anchor="I-D.ietf-cbor-cddl-modules"> <front> <title>CDDL Module Structure</title> <author fullname="Carsten Bormann" initials="C." surname="Bormann"> <organization>Universität Bremen TZI</organization> </author> <author fullname="Brendan Moran" initials="B." surname="Moran"> <organization>Arm Limited</organization> </author> <date day="4" month="March" year="2024"/> <abstract> <t> At the time of writing, the Concise Data Definition Language (CDDL) is defined by RFC 8610 and RFC 9165. The latter has used the extension point provided in RFC 8610, the _control operator_. As CDDL is being used in larger projects, the need for features has become known that cannot be easily mapped into this single extension point. The present document defines a backward- and forward-compatible way to add a module structure to CDDL. </t> </abstract> </front> <seriesInfo name="Internet-Draft" value="draft-ietf-cbor-cddl-modules-02"/> </reference> <reference anchor="I-D.ietf-cbor-edn-literals"> <front> <title>CBOR Extended Diagnostic Notation (EDN): Application-Oriented Literals, ABNF, and Media Type</title> <author fullname="Carsten Bormann" initials="C." surname="Bormann"> <organization>Universität Bremen TZI</organization> </author> <date day="18" month="May" year="2024"/> <abstract> <t> The Concise Binary Object Representation, CBOR (STD 94, RFC 8949), defines a "diagnostic notation" in order to be able to converse about CBOR data items without having to resort to binary data. This document specifies how to add application-oriented extensions to the diagnostic notation. It then defines two such extensions9/5/24 --> <xi:include href="https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/bibxml3/draft-ietf-cbor-cddl-modules.xml"/> <!-- [I-D.ietf-cbor-edn-literals];Waiting fortext representations of epoch-based date/times andAD go-ahead as ofIP addresses and prefixes (RFC 9164). A few further additions close some gaps in usability. To facilitate tool interoperation, this document specifies a formal ABNF definition for extended diagnostic notation (EDN) that accommodates application- oriented literals. </t> </abstract> </front> <seriesInfo name="Internet-Draft" value="draft-ietf-cbor-edn-literals-09"/> </reference>9/5/24 --> <xi:include href="https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/bibxml3/draft-ietf-cbor-edn-literals.xml"/> <reference anchor="Err6278"target="https://www.rfc-editor.org/errata/eid6278">target="https://www.rfc-editor.org/errata/eid6278" quote-title="false"> <front><title>Errata Report<title>Erratum ID 6278</title> <author><organization/><organization>RFC Errata</organization> </author><date/></front><seriesInfo name="RFC" value="8610"/><refcontent>RFC 8610</refcontent> </reference> <reference anchor="Err6526"target="https://www.rfc-editor.org/errata/eid6526">target="https://www.rfc-editor.org/errata/eid6526" quote-title="false"> <front><title>Errata Report<title>Erratum ID 6526</title> <author><organization/><organization>RFC Errata</organization> </author><date/></front><seriesInfo name="RFC" value="8610"/><refcontent>RFC 8610</refcontent> </reference> <reference anchor="Err6527"target="https://www.rfc-editor.org/errata/eid6527">target="https://www.rfc-editor.org/errata/eid6527" quote-title="false"> <front><title>Errata Report<title>Erratum ID 6527</title> <author><organization/><organization>RFC Errata</organization> </author> <date/> </front><seriesInfo name="RFC" value="8610"/><refcontent>RFC 8610</refcontent> </reference> <reference anchor="Err6543"target="https://www.rfc-editor.org/errata/eid6543">target="https://www.rfc-editor.org/errata/eid6543" quote-title="false"> <front><title>Errata Report<title>Erratum ID 6543</title> <author><organization/><organization>RFC Errata</organization> </author><date/></front><seriesInfo name="RFC" value="8610"/><refcontent>RFC 8610</refcontent> </reference> <reference anchor="Err6575"target="https://www.rfc-editor.org/errata/eid6575">target="https://www.rfc-editor.org/errata/eid6575" quote-title="false"> <front><title>Errata Report<title>Erratum ID 6575</title> <author><organization/><organization>RFC Errata</organization> </author><date/></front><seriesInfo name="RFC" value="8610"/><refcontent>RFC 8610</refcontent> </reference> <xi:include href="https://bib.ietf.org/public/rfc/bibxml/reference.RFC.9277.xml"/> <referenceanchor="RFC9277">anchor="UNICODE" target="https://www.unicode.org/versions/latest/" quoteTitle="true" derivedAnchor="UNICODE"> <front><title>On Stable Storage for Items in Concise Binary Object Representation (CBOR)</title> <author fullname="M. Richardson" initials="M." surname="Richardson"/> <author fullname="C. Bormann" initials="C." surname="Bormann"/> <date month="August" year="2022"/> <abstract> <t>This document defines a stored ("file") format for Concise Binary Object Representation (CBOR) data items that is friendly to common systems that recognize file types, such as the Unix file(1) command.</t> </abstract><title>The Unicode Standard</title> <author> <organization showOnFrontPage="true">The Unicode Consortium</organization> </author> </front><seriesInfo name="RFC" value="9277"/> <seriesInfo name="DOI" value="10.17487/RFC9277"/></reference> </references> </references><?line 440?><section anchor="collected-abnf-appendix"> <name>Updated Collected ABNF for CDDL</name> <t>This appendix is normative.</t> <t>It provides the full ABNF from <xref target="RFC8610"/>with the updates applied inas updated by the present document.</t> <figure anchor="collected-abnf"> <name>ABNF for CDDL asupdated</name>Updated</name> <sourcecode type="abnf" name="cddl-updated-complete.abnf"><![CDATA[ cddl = S *(rule S) rule = typename [genericparm] S assignt S type / groupname [genericparm] S assigng S grpent typename = id groupname = id assignt = "=" / "/=" assigng = "=" / "//=" genericparm = "<" S id S *("," S id S ) ">" genericarg = "<" S type1 S *("," S type1 S ) ">" type = type1 *(S "/" S type1) type1 = type2 [S (rangeop / ctlop) S type2] ; space may be needed before the operator if type2 ends in a name type2 = value / typename [genericarg] / "(" S type S ")" / "{" S group S "}" / "[" S group S "]" / "~" S typename [genericarg] / "&" S "(" S group S ")" / "&" S groupname [genericarg] / "#" "6" ["." head-number] "(" S type S ")" / "#" "7" ["." head-number] / "#" DIGIT ["." uint] ; major/ai / "#" ; any head-number = uint / ("<" type ">") rangeop = "..." / ".." ctlop = "." id group = grpchoice *(S "//" S grpchoice) grpchoice = *(grpent optcom) grpent = [occur S] [memberkey S] type / [occur S] groupname [genericarg] ; preempted by above / [occur S] "(" S group S ")" memberkey = type1 S ["^" S] "=>" / bareword S ":" / value S ":" bareword = id optcom = S ["," S] occur = [uint] "*" [uint] / "+" / "?" uint = DIGIT1 *DIGIT / "0x" 1*HEXDIG / "0b" 1*BINDIG / "0" value = number / text / bytes int = ["-"] uint ; This is a float if it has fraction or exponent; int otherwise number = hexfloat / (int ["." fraction] ["e" exponent ]) hexfloat = ["-"] "0x" 1*HEXDIG ["." 1*HEXDIG] "p" exponent fraction = 1*DIGIT exponent = ["+"/"-"] 1*DIGIT text = %x22 *SCHAR %x22 SCHAR = %x20-21 / %x23-5B / %x5D-7E / NONASCII / SESC SESC = "\" ( %x22 / "/" / "\" / ; \" \/ \\ %x62 / %x66 / %x6E / %x72 / %x74 / ; \b \f \n \r \t (%x75 hexchar) ) ; \uXXXX hexchar = "{" (1*"0" [ hexscalar ] / hexscalar) "}" / non-surrogate / (high-surrogate "\" %x75 low-surrogate) non-surrogate = ((DIGIT / "A"/"B"/"C" / "E"/"F") 3HEXDIG) / ("D" %x30-37 2HEXDIG ) high-surrogate = "D" ("8"/"9"/"A"/"B") 2HEXDIG low-surrogate = "D" ("C"/"D"/"E"/"F") 2HEXDIG hexscalar = "10" 4HEXDIG / HEXDIG1 4HEXDIG / non-surrogate / 1*3HEXDIG bytes = [bsqual] %x27 *BCHAR %x27 BCHAR = %x20-26 / %x28-5B / %x5D-7E / NONASCII / SESC / "\'" / CRLF bsqual = "h" / "b64" id = EALPHA *(*("-" / ".") (EALPHA / DIGIT)) ALPHA = %x41-5A / %x61-7A EALPHA = ALPHA / "@" / "_" / "$" DIGIT = %x30-39 DIGIT1 = %x31-39 HEXDIG = DIGIT / "A" / "B" / "C" / "D" / "E" / "F" HEXDIG1 = DIGIT1 / "A" / "B" / "C" / "D" / "E" / "F" BINDIG = %x30-31 S = *WS WS = SP / NL SP = %x20 NL = COMMENT / CRLF COMMENT = ";" *PCHAR CRLF PCHAR = %x20-7E / NONASCII NONASCII = %xA0-D7FF / %xE000-10FFFD CRLF = %x0A / %x0D.0A ]]></sourcecode> </figure> </section> <section anchor="Err6543-covered"> <name>Details about CoveringErrata ReportErratum ID 6543</name> <t>This appendix is informative.</t> <t><xref target="Err6543"/>observesnotes that the ABNF used in <xref target="RFC8610"/> for the content of byte string literals lumps together byte strings notated as text with byte strings notated in base16 (hex) or base64 (but see also updated BCHAR rule in <xref target="e6527-new2"/>):</t> <figure anchor="e6527-orig2a"> <name>Original ABNF from RFC 8610ABNFfor BCHAR</name> <sourcecode type="abnf"><![CDATA[ ; ABNF from RFC8610 ABNF:8610: bytes = [bsqual] %x27 *BCHAR %x27 BCHAR = %x20-26 / %x28-5B / %x5D-10FFFD / SESC / CRLF ]]></sourcecode> </figure> <sectionnumbered="false"numbered="true" anchor="change-proposed-by-errata-report-6543"> <name>Change ProposedBy Errata Reportby Erratum ID 6543</name><t>Errata report<t>Erratum ID 6543 proposesto handlehandling the two cases in separate ABNF rules (where, with an updated SESC, BCHAR obviously needs to be updated as above):</t> <figure anchor="e6543-1"><name>Errata Report 8653 Proposal<name>Proposal from Erratum ID 6543 to Split the Byte String Rules</name> <sourcecode type="abnf"><![CDATA[ ;Err6543 proposal:Proposal from Erratum ID 6543: bytes = %x27 *BCHAR %x27 / bsqual %x27 *QCHAR %x27 BCHAR = %x20-26 / %x28-5B / %x5D-10FFFD / SESC / CRLF QCHAR = DIGIT / ALPHA / "+" / "/" / "-" / "_" / "=" / WS ]]></sourcecode> </figure> <t>This potentially causes a subtle change, which is hidden in the WS rule:</t> <figure anchor="e6543-2"> <name>ABNFdefinitionDefinition of WS from RFC 8610</name> <sourcecode type="abnf"><![CDATA[ ; ABNF from RFC8610 ABNF:8610: WS = SP / NL SP = %x20 NL = COMMENT / CRLF COMMENT = ";" *PCHAR CRLF PCHAR = %x20-7E / %x80-10FFFD CRLF = %x0A / %x0D.0A ]]></sourcecode> </figure> <t>This allows any non-C0 character in a comment, so this fragment becomes possible:</t> <sourcecode type="cddl"><![CDATA[ foo = h' 43424F52 ; 'CBOR' 0A ; LF, but don't use CR! ' ]]></sourcecode> <t>The current text is not unambiguously saying whether the three apostrophes need to be escaped with a <tt>\</tt> or not, as in:</t> <sourcecode type="cddl"><![CDATA[ foo = h' 43424F52 ; \'CBOR\' 0A ; LF, but don\'t use CR! ' ]]></sourcecode> <t>... which would be supported by the existing ABNF in <xref target="RFC8610"/>.</t> </section> <sectionnumbered="false"numbered="true" anchor="no-further-change-needed-after-updating-string-literal-grammar-e6527"> <name>No Further Change NeededAfterafter Updating String LiteralGrammar (<xref target="e6527"/>)</name>Grammar</name> <t>This document takes the simpler approach of leaving the processing of the content of the byte string literal to a semantic step after processing the syntax of the<tt>bytes</tt>/<tt>BCHAR</tt><tt>bytes</tt> and <tt>BCHAR</tt> rules, as updated by Figures <xreftarget="e6527-new1"/>target="e6527-new1" format="counter"/> and <xreftarget="e6527-new2"/>target="e6527-new2" format="counter"/> in <xref target="e6527"/> (updates prompted by the combination of <xref target="Err6527"/> and <xref target="Err6278"/>).</t><t>The<t>Therefore, the rules in <xref target="e6543-2"/> (as updated by <xref target="e6527-new2"/>) arethereforeapplied to the result of this processing where <tt>bsqual</tt> is given as <tt>h</tt> or <tt>b64</tt>.</t> <t>Note that this approach also works well with the use of byte strings in <xref section="3" sectionFormat="of" target="RFC9165"/>. It does require some care whencopy-pastingcopying-and-pasting into CDDL models from ABNF that contains single quotes (which may also hide as apostrophes in comments); these need to be escaped or possibly replaced by <tt>%x27</tt>.</t> <t>Finally, the approach taken lends support to extending <tt>bsqual</tt> in CDDL similar to the way this is done for CBOR diagnostic notation in <xref target="I-D.ietf-cbor-edn-literals"/>. (Notethatthat, at the time of writing, the processing of string literalsnowis quite similarbetweenfor both CDDL andEDN,Extended Diagnostic Notation (EDN), except that CDDL has"<tt>;</tt>"-basedend-of-linecomments, whilecomments that are "<tt>;</tt>" based and EDN has two commentsyntaxes,syntaxes: one in-line"<tt>/</tt>"-based"<tt>/</tt>" based and one end-of-line"<tt>#</tt>"-based.)</t>"<tt>#</tt>" based.)</t> </section> </section> <section numbered="false" anchor="acknowledgments"> <name>Acknowledgments</name> <t>Many thanks go to the submitters of the errata reports addressed in this document. In one of the ensuing discussions, <contact fullname="Doug Ewell"/> proposedto definedefining an ABNF ruleNONASCII,"NONASCII", of which we have included the essence. Special thanks to the reviewers <contact fullname="Marco Tiloca"/>, <contact fullname="Christian Amsüss"/>(shepherd review(Shepherd Review and further guidance), <contact fullname="Orie Steele"/> (ADreviewReview and further guidance), andÉric Vyncke<contact fullname="Éric Vyncke"/> (detailed IESG review).</t> </section> </back><!-- ##markdown-source: H4sIAAAAAAAAA+0823IbyXXv/RXtYWwBWgxIgCRIUcv1UrzsMqWlZJHrdUVU gsFMAxhrMAPPhSBW4VblMVX5gLwlD/mDvOYp/pN8QT4h59ZzAUGuVrYrccUs iQSmb6dPn/s5Pa7rqpsDva1UHuaROdDOt/PAy02m80TnU6OPT05e6knqzWZe qpOxfnN2rPcHvS1HeaNRamCs0+hS8HBHqSDxY28GUwapN87d0ORj1x8lqctd XJzFlWFuhINyleWp8WYH+vz06kzJVAe0ntrQ+O1A+V5+oLM8UH4SZybOCuiQ p4VRHgw90EdvrtQiSd9P0qSYH+jjF6/eqPdmCY+CA6VdfZzEfpgZfeLlnj4x 4zAO8zCJ9UsvnhTexKgbExewjNb1GbSeeWF0oBH+L3En3SSdYJ8wnxYjwAFt bDHZXLM3B/rx9g70NM/n2cHmpnTv8vhumKwbuKmUV+TTJEVoXPivNSP02Euz 3MT6RZLOvDimFoDnQH8bhzcmzcL89/+W6xepmUGnq785pw6IWgMgvE6yfOz5 U729vbWzs0VtfpgvD2QAP0gCWOfE7e9v7z6TJ0Wcp9DrK4OLLunhfJrE0O+z 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