Input Methods
Input method packages for the input of international text.
- Canna - Canna KANA KANJI convert system
- gok - GNOME On-screen Keyboard (GOK)
- gtk2-immodule-xim - XIM support for GTK+
- gtk2-immodules - Input methods for GTK+
- ibus - Intelligent Input Bus for Linux OS
- ibus-anthy - The Anthy engine for IBus input platform
- ibus-chewing - The Chewing engine for IBus input platform
- ibus-gtk - IBus im module for gtk2
- ibus-hangul - The Hangul engine for IBus input platform
- ibus-m17n - The M17N engine for IBus platform
- ibus-mozc - Mozc support for IBus
- ibus-pinyin - The PinYin engine for IBus platform
- ibus-pinyin-open-phrase - The open phrase database for ibus Pinyin
- ibus-qt - Qt IBus library and Qt input method plugin
- ibus-rawcode - The Rawcode engine for IBus input platform
- ibus-sayura - The Sinhala engine for IBus input platform
- ibus-skk - The SKK engine for IBus platform
- iok - Indic Onscreen Virtual Keyboard
- kinput2 - kinput2 is an input server for X11 applications that want Japanese text input.
- m17n-contrib - Contributed input methods for m17n library
- m17n-db - The m17n database
- scim - Smart Common Input Method platform
- scim-anthy - Scim-anthy is an SCIM IMEngine module for anthy
- scim-bridge - Scim-bridge is yet another gtk-immodule for SCIM
- scim-canna - scim-canna is an SCIM IMEngine module for canna
- scim-chewing - Chewing Chinese input method for SCIM
- scim-fcitx - FCITX Input Method Engine for SCIM
- scim-hangul - Hangul Input Method Engine for SCIM
- scim-input-pad - An On Screen Input Pad for SCIM
- scim-m17n - M17N Input Method Engine for SCIM
- scim-mozc - Mozc support for SCIM
- scim-pinyin - Smart Pinyin IMEngine for Smart Common Input Method platform
- scim-prime - SCIM IMEngine module for PRIME
- scim-python-chinese - Python chinese IM engines
- scim-python-english - Python english IM engine
- scim-python-pinyin - Two python chinese pinyin IM engines
- scim-python-xingma-cangjie - CangJie table for Python XingMa IM engine
- scim-python-xingma-erbi - ErBi table for Python XingMa IM engine
- scim-python-xingma-wubi - WuBi table for Python XingMa IM engine
- scim-python-xingma-zhengma - ZhengMa table for Python XingMa IM engine
- scim-qtimm - SCIM context plugin for qt-immodule
- scim-qtimm-qt4 - SCIM context plugin for qt4-immodule
- scim-sinhala - Sri Lankan input method for SCIM
- scim-skk - SCIM IMEngine module for SKK
- scim-tables-additional - Other miscellaneous SCIM tables
- scim-tables-chinese - SCIM tables for Chinese
- scim-tables-chinese-extra - Additional SCIM tables for Chinese
- scim-tomoe - Scim-tomoe is an SCIM IMEngine module for tomoe.
- scim-wnn - Scim-wnn is an SCIM IMEngine module for wnn
- skim-scim-canna - skim-scim-canna is a scim-canna settings plugin for SKIM
- skim-scim-hangul - skim-scim-hangul is a scim-hangul settings plugin for SKIM
- skim-scim-pinyin - skim-scim-pinyin is a scim-pinyin settings plugin for SKIM
- skim-scim-prime - skim-scim-prime is a scim-prime settings plugin for SKIM
- skim-scim-skk - skim-scim-skk is a scim-skk settings plugin for SKIM
- skim-scim-tables - skim-scim-tables is a scim-tables settings plugin for SKIM
- uim - UIM is an input method library
- uim-anthy - UIM plugin for Anthy
- uim-anthy-utf8 - UIM plugin for Anthy (UTF-8)
- uim-applet - IM applet for uim using gnome2
- uim-canna - UIM plugin for Canna
- uim-fep - an Input Method for console
- uim-gtk - GNOME helper for uim
- uim-m17nlib - UIM plugin for m17n library
- uim-prime - UIM plugin for PRIME
- uim-qt - KDE helper for uim
- uim-qt4immodule - A plugin for using UIM on qt4-immodule
- uim-qtimmodule - A plugin for using UIM on qt-immodule
- uim-skk - UIM plugin for SKK
- uim-tomoe-gtk - A tool for providing tomoe support to uim
- uim-xim - XIM frontend for UIM