System Tools
This group is a collection of various tools for the system, such as the client for connecting to SMB shares and tools to monitor network traffic.
- BackupPC - High-performance backup system
- NetworkManager-openconnect - NetworkManager VPN integration for openconnect
- NetworkManager-openvpn - NetworkManager VPN integration for OpenVPN
- NetworkManager-vpnc - NetworkManager VPN integration for vpnc
- PackageKit-command-not-found - Ask the user to install command line programs automatically
- amanda-client - The client component of the AMANDA tape backup system
- arj - Archiver for .arj files
- arptables_jf - Userspace control program for the arptables network filter.
- arpwatch - Network monitoring tools for tracking IP addresses on a network
- autofs - A tool for automatically mounting and unmounting filesystems
- avahi-tools - Command line tools for mDNS browsing and publishing
- bash-completion - Programmable completion for Bash
- bochs - Portable x86 PC emulator
- bonnie++ - A program for benchmarking hard drives and filesystems
- cabextract - A program to extract Microsoft Cabinet files
- cfengine - A systems administration tool for networks
- chrpath - Modify rpath of compiled programs
- cifs-utils - Utilities for mounting and managing CIFS mounts
- ckermit - The quintessential all-purpose communications program
- convmv - Converts filenames from one encoding to another
- crash - crash utility for live systems; netdump, diskdump, LKCD or mcore dumpfiles
- createrepo - Creates a common metadata repository
- dar - Disk ARchive
- ddclient - ddclient is a Perl client for updating DynDNS information
- dkms - Dynamic Kernel Module Support Framework
- ebtables - Ethernet Bridge frame table administration tool
- enca - Character set analyzer and detector
- environment-modules - Provides dynamic modification of a user's environment
- fbterm - fast FrameBuffer based TERMinal emulator for linux
- fdupes - Finds duplicate files in a given set of directories
- festival - A free speech synthesis and text-to-speech system
- freeze - freeze/melt/fcat compression utilities
- fuse - File System in Userspace (FUSE) utilities
- fwbuilder - Firewall Builder
- geoclue - A modular geoinformation service
- ghex - GNOME binary editor
- gigolo - GIO/GVFS management application
- gkrellm - Multiple stacked system monitors in one process
- gnokii - Linux/Unix tool suite for various mobile phones
- gnome-nettool - A GNOME interface for various networking tools
- gnutls-utils - Command line tools for TLS protocol
- gssdp - Resource discovery and announcement over SSDP
- gtk-vnc - A GTK widget for VNC clients
- gtk-vnc-python - Python bindings for the gtk-vnc library
- gupnp - A framework for creating UPnP devices & control points
- hfsplus-tools - Tools to create/check Apple HFS+ filesystems
- hfsplusutils - Tools for reading Macintosh HFS+ volumes
- hyperestraier - full-text search system
- iotop - Top like utility for I/O
- ipsec-tools - Tools for configuring and using IPSEC
- iptraf - A console-based network monitoring utility
- jfbterm - Japanese Console for Linux Frame Buffer Device
- jigdo - jigdo - jigsaw download
- kbackup - Back up your data in a simple, user friendly way
- kdirstat - Graphical Directory Statistics for Used Disk Space
- keychain - an OpenSSH key manager
- klamav - Clam Anti-Virus on the KDE Desktop
- kleansweep - Reclaim disk space by finding unneeded files
- krusader - An advanced twin-panel (commander-style) file-manager for KDE
- ksmarttray - KDE tray program for watching updates with Smart Package Manager
- kwakeonlan - Wake On Lan front end for KDE
- lirc - The Linux Infrared Remote Control package
- lzop - LZO fast file compressor
- mc - User-friendly text console file manager and visual shell
- momonga-package-config-smart - Momonga configuration files for the Smart package manager
- mrtg - Multi Router Traffic Grapher
- mtx - SCSI media changer control program
- munin - Network-wide graphing framework (grapher/gatherer)
- net-snmp-utils - Network management utilities using SNMP, from the NET-SNMP project
- nethogs - A tool resembling top for network traffic
- nmap - Network exploration tool and security scanner
- nmap-zenmap - Multi-platform graphical Nmap frontend and results viewer
- nmapsi4 - NmapSI qt4 porting
- nomarch - GPLed Arc de-archiver
- ntfs-3g - Linux NTFS userspace driver
- ntp - The NTP daemon and utilities
- ntp-perl - NTP utilities written in perl
- ntpdate - Utility to set the date and time via NTP
- nx - Proxy system for X11
- obexftp - Tool to access devices via the OBEX protocol
- oddjob - A D-BUS service which runs odd jobs on behalf of client applications
- oddjob-mkhomedir - An oddjob helper which creates and populates home directories
- openconnect - Open client for Cisco AnyConnect VPN
- openldap-clients - LDAP client utilities
- openswan - IPSEC implementation with IKEv1 and IKEv2 keying protocols
- openvpn - A Secure UDP Tunneling Daemon
- p7zip - p7zip is a port of the Windows programs 7z.exe and 7za.exe
- p7zip-plugins - Additional plugins for p7zip
- pbzip2 - Parallel implementation of bzip2
- procinfo - A tool for gathering and displaying system information.
- puppet - A network tool for managing many disparate systems
- qdbm - Quick DataBase Manager
- radeontool - Backlight and video output configuration tool for radeon cards
- rdesktop - Remote Desktop Protocol client
- remmina - Remote Desktop Client
- rsnapshot - Local and remote filesystem snapshot utility
- samba-client - Samba client programs
- screen - A screen manager that supports multiple logins on one terminal.
- smart - Next generation package handling tool
- smart-gui - Graphical user interface for the smart package manager
- snort - Intrusion detection system
- swatch - the Simple WATCHdog
- sysstat - The sar and iostat system monitoring commands
- testdisk - Data recovery tool to recover lost partitions
- tigervnc - A TigerVNC remote display system
- tunctl - Create and remove virtual network interfaces
- unison - File-synchronization tool
- uucp - The uucp utility for copying files between systems.
- vbetool - Run real-mode video BIOS code to alter hardware state
- vpnc - IPSec VPN client compatible with Cisco equipment
- wine - WINE Is Not an Emulators - runs MS Windows programs
- wine-utils - Utilities of Wine
- wireshark-gnome - Gnome desktop integration for wireshark and wireshark-usermode
- xdelta - Tools and APIs for reading and writing compressed deltas
- xsel - Command line clipboard and X selection tool
- yum-utils - Utilities based around the yum package manager
- zisofs-tools - Utilities to create compressed CD-ROM filesystems.
- zsh - A shell similar to ksh, but with improvements.