Letter D

dialog - A utility for creating TTY dialog boxes.

Website: http://invisible-island.net/dialog/
License: GPL
Dialog is a utility that allows you to show dialog boxes (containing
questions or messages) in TTY (text mode) interfaces.  Dialog is called
from within a shell script.  The following dialog boxes are implemented:
yes/no, menu, input, message, text, info, checklist, radiolist, and

Install dialog if you would like to create TTY dialog boxes.


dialog-1.1.20111020-1m.mo8.x86_64 [197 KiB] Changelog by Yohsuke Ooi (2011-10-23):
- (1.1.20111020-1m)
- update to 1.1-20111020

Listing created by Repoview-0.6.6-1m.mo8