Letter Q

qzion - a canvas abstraction used by and made for QEdje

Website: http://code.openbossa.org/projects/qedje/pages/Home
License: GPLv3
QZion is a canvas abstraction used by and made for QEdje. As it is an
abstraction, different implementations can exist, making it possible to
optimize QEdje for different platforms/devices.

Currently an implementation, based on KGameCanvas (from libkdegames)
exists, but work is being done on providing an implementation using QT's

The KGameCanvas-based implementation is very lightweight and works relatively
well on embedded devices, where QGraphicsView is currently slow and not
yet optimized for.


qzion-0.4.0-12m.mo8.x86_64 [52 KiB] Changelog by Hiromasa YOSHIMOTO (2012-01-26):
- (0.4.0-12m)
- add BuildRequires

Listing created by Repoview-0.6.6-1m.mo8