Letter R

rubygem-ffi - Ruby-FFI is a ruby extension for programmatically loading dynamic libraries, binding functions within them, and calling those functions from Ruby code

Website: http://wiki.github.com/ffi/ffi
License: GPLv2+ or Ruby
Ruby-FFI is a ruby extension for programmatically loading dynamic
libraries, binding functions within them, and calling those functions
from Ruby code. Moreover, a Ruby-FFI extension works without changes
on Ruby and JRuby. Discover why should you write your next extension
using Ruby-FFI here[http://wiki.github.com/ffi/ffi/why-use-ffi].


rubygem-ffi-1.0.11-1m.mo8.x86_64 [922 KiB] Changelog by Yohsuke Ooi (2011-12-23):
- (1.0.11-1m)
- update 1.0.11

Listing created by Repoview-0.6.6-1m.mo8