Letter S

sdlscav - A classical treasure hunting game for SDL

Website: http://www.xdr.com/dash/scavenger.html
License: GPLv2
Scavenger is like Lode Runner. You've got to run around gathering
treasures while avoiding enemies. You can dig down through some of the
blocks to get at buried objects. After you've collected everything,
you've got to escape through the top of the screen. If an enemy falls
into a dug brick, he is stunned for a while. You can only kill guards
by making them fall in the blocks that are going to fill themselves up
again... but beware! If a guard gets killed, another guard is going to
reappear just around the corner to chase you! And beware! The pit monster
is lurking somewhere waiting for its dinner: treasure hunter with chili!

This package uses the SDL library.


sdlscav-137-30m.mo8.x86_64 [136 KiB] Changelog by Hiromasa YOSHIMOTO (2011-04-11):
- (137-30m)
- rebuild for new GCC 4.6

Listing created by Repoview-0.6.6-1m.mo8