Hi, Welcome to Slamd64 12.0, the latest result of nearly two and a half years of improvement :). If you're upgrading, please pay close attention to UPGRADE.TXT. Here's a short list of highlights: - General: - Linux - GCC 4.1.2 - Support for booting the installer by USB or PXE (netboot). - 32-bit compatability: - FHS-compliant multilib system - Reworked 32-bit compatability libraries - Support for building 32-bit binaries (gcc -m32) - Seamless support for most 32-bit applications, including Cedega and OpenOffice.org - nspluginwrapper allows the usage of 32-bit browser plugins, including Flash Player. - Desktop: - HAL automounting - KDE 3.5.7 - XFCE 4.4.1 - X11R7 - Mozilla Firefox - Mozilla Thunderbird - Mozilla Seamonkey 1.1.4 - Pidgin 2.2.1 - Server: - The Apache Project's httpd version 2.2.4 - PHP 5.2.4 - Perl 5.8.8 - mysql 5.0.37 Slamd64 12 will be supported with security updates for at least the next two releases, and Slamd64 11 will be supported with security updates at least until the next release. I'd like to take this opportunity to remind people of the support channels for Slamd64: - Bug reporting: - http://bugs.slamd64.com for most issues - Email me if it is a sensitive issue (eg security problem in openssh) - General support: - http://forums.slamd64.com - #slamd64 on irc.freenode.net - Contacting me (if you want a paid support agreement) I'll also take this opportunity to shamelessly plug myself ;) I am in my final year of a computer science undergraduate course at the University of Warwick, and I am looking for full time employment starting in July 2008. If you or your company has an interest, please look at my website, or email me. Thanks to: - The Centre for Scientific Computing, University of Warwick, for the primary mirror, anorien.warwick.ac.uk - Carlos Corbacho - Eric Hameleers - Everyone else who's posted a bug report on http://bugs.slamd64.com - The various distributions that have patches I've needed to use - in particular, Linux From Scratch. - The residents of #slamd64 on irc.freenode.net - The residents of ##slackware on irc.freenode.net - The residents of #slackware on irc.oftc.net - The residents of various other channels on irc.freenode.net (you know who you are ;) - Michael Urban (large donation) - Peter Christy (large donation) - Steven Mitchell (large donation) - Daniel Franke (large donation) - Manufacturers of caffeinated drinks :) If I've missed out anyone who feels they should be in the above list, please let me know :). Best wishes (and have fun ;), -- Frederick Emmott mail@fredemmott.co.uk http://www.fredemmott.co.uk