## $XTermId: Makefile.in,v 1.260 2022/02/21 18:30:44 tom Exp $ # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # this file is part of xterm # # Copyright 1997-2020,2022 by Thomas E. Dickey # # All Rights Reserved # # Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a # copy of this software and associated documentation files (the # "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including # without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, # distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to # permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to # the following conditions: # # The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included # in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. # # THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS # OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF # MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. # IN NO EVENT SHALL THE ABOVE LISTED COPYRIGHT HOLDER(S) BE LIABLE FOR ANY # CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, # TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE # SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. # # Except as contained in this notice, the name(s) of the above copyright # holders shall not be used in advertising or otherwise to promote the # sale, use or other dealings in this Software without prior written # authorization. # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- SHELL = /bin/sh #### Start of system configuration section. #### srcdir = @srcdir@ VPATH = @srcdir@ x = @EXEEXT@ o = .@OBJEXT@ CC = @CC@ CPP = @CPP@ AWK = @AWK@ LINK = $(CC) $(CFLAGS) CTAGS = @CTAGS@ ETAGS = @ETAGS@ LN_S = @LN_S@ RM = rm -f LINT = @LINT@ LINT_OPTS = @LINT_OPTS@ INSTALL = @INSTALL@ INSTALL_PROGRAM = @INSTALL_PROGRAM@ INSTALL_SCRIPT = @INSTALL_SCRIPT@ INSTALL_DATA = @INSTALL_DATA@ transform = @program_transform_name@ EXTRA_CFLAGS = @EXTRA_CFLAGS@ EXTRA_CPPFLAGS = @EXTRA_CPPFLAGS@ EXTRA_LOADFLAGS = @IMAKE_LOADFLAGS@ PIXMAPDIR_DEF = @no_pixmapdir@-DPIXMAP_ROOTDIR=\"@PIXMAPDIR@/\" CPPFLAGS = -I. -I$(srcdir) -DHAVE_CONFIG_H @CPPFLAGS@ -DDEFCLASS=\"@APP_CLASS@\" $(PIXMAPDIR_DEF) $(EXTRA_CPPFLAGS) CFLAGS = @CFLAGS@ $(EXTRA_CFLAGS) LDFLAGS = @LDFLAGS@ @EXTRA_LDFLAGS@ LIBS = @LIBS@ prefix = @prefix@ exec_prefix = @exec_prefix@ datarootdir = @datarootdir@ datadir = @datadir@ manext = 1 bindir = @bindir@ libdir = @libdir@ mandir = @mandir@/man$(manext) appsdir = @APPSDIR@ icondir = @ICONDIR@ pixmapdir = @PIXMAPDIR@ #### End of system configuration section. #### ICON_NAME = @ICON_NAME@ ICON_SYMLINK = @ICON_SYMLINK@ DESTDIR = BINDIR = $(DESTDIR)$(bindir) LIBDIR = $(DESTDIR)$(libdir) MANDIR = $(DESTDIR)$(mandir) APPSDIR = $(DESTDIR)$(appsdir) @no_icondir@ICONDIR = $(DESTDIR)$(icondir) @no_pixmapdir@PIXMAPDIR = $(DESTDIR)$(pixmapdir) INSTALL_DIRS = $(BINDIR) $(APPSDIR) $(ICONDIR) $(PIXMAPDIR) $(MANDIR) CLASS = @APP_CLASS@ EXTRAHDR = @EXTRAHDRS@ EXTRASRC = @EXTRASRCS@ EXTRAOBJ = @EXTRAOBJS@ AUTO_SOURCE = \ builtin_icons.h \ VTparse.cin \ Tekparse.cin \ VTparse.hin \ Tekparse.hin SRCS1 = button.c cachedGCs.c charproc.c charsets.c cursor.c \ data.c doublechr.c fontutils.c input.c \ linedata.c main.c menu.c misc.c \ print.c ptydata.c scrollback.c \ screen.c scrollbar.c tabs.c util.c version.c xstrings.c \ xtermcap.c VTPrsTbl.c $(EXTRASRC) OBJS1 = button$o cachedGCs$o charproc$o charsets$o cursor$o \ data$o doublechr$o fontutils$o input$o \ linedata$o main$o menu$o misc$o \ print$o ptydata$o scrollback$o \ screen$o scrollbar$o tabs$o util$o version$o xstrings$o \ xtermcap$o VTPrsTbl$o $(EXTRAOBJ) SRCS2 = resize.c version.c xstrings.c OBJS2 = resize$o version$o xstrings$o SRCS = $(SRCS1) $(SRCS2) OBJS = $(OBJS1) $(OBJS2) HDRS = VTparse.h data.h error.h fontutils.h main.h menu.h \ ptyx.h version.h xstrings.h xterm.h xtermcap.h $(EXTRAHDR) PROGRAMS = xterm$x resize$x TEST_PROGRAMS = test_charclass$x test_ptydata$x test_wcwidth$x all : $(PROGRAMS) ################################################################################ .SUFFIXES : .i .def .cin .hin .$(manext) .ms .man .txt @MAN2HTML_NOTE@ .html @GROFF_NOTE@ .ps .pdf .c$o : @RULE_CC@ @ECHO_CC@$(CC) $(CPPFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -c $(srcdir)/$*.c .c.i : @RULE_CC@ @ECHO_CC@$(CPP) -C $(CPPFLAGS) $*.c >$@ .def.cin : @echo "making $@ from $<" @$(AWK) 'BEGIN{printf "/* vile:cmode */\n";}/^CASE_/{printf "{ %d, \"%s\" },\n", n++, $$1; }' < $< >$@ .def.hin : @echo "making $@ from $<" @$(AWK) 'BEGIN{printf "/* vile:cmode */\n";}/^CASE_/{printf "#define %s %d\n", $$1, n++}' < $< >$@ .man.$(manext) : $(SHELL) ./minstall "$(INSTALL_DATA)" $< $@ $(appsdir) $(CLASS) $* $* $(pixmapdir) @NROFF_NOTE@.$(manext).txt : @NROFF_NOTE@ $(SHELL) -c "tbl $*.$(manext) | nroff -man | col -bx" >$@ @NROFF_NOTE@ @NROFF_NOTE@.ms.txt : @NROFF_NOTE@ $(SHELL) -c "tbl $*.$(manext) | nroff -ms | col -bx" >$@ @NROFF_NOTE@ @MAN2HTML_NOTE@.$(manext).html : @MAN2HTML_NOTE@ ./@MAN2HTML_TEMP@ $* $(manext) man >$@ @MAN2HTML_NOTE@ @GROFF_NOTE@.$(manext).ps : @GROFF_NOTE@ $(SHELL) -c "tbl $*.$(manext) | groff -man" >$@ @GROFF_NOTE@ @GROFF_NOTE@.$(manext).txt : @GROFF_NOTE@ GROFF_NO_SGR=stupid $(SHELL) -c "tbl $*.$(manext) | groff -rHY=0 -Tascii -man | col -bx" >$@ @GROFF_NOTE@ @MAN2HTML_NOTE@.ms.html : @MAN2HTML_NOTE@ ./@MAN2HTML_TEMP@ $* ms ms >$@ @MAN2HTML_NOTE@ @GROFF_NOTE@.ms.ps : @GROFF_NOTE@ $(SHELL) -c "tbl $< | groff -ms" >$@ @GROFF_NOTE@ @GROFF_NOTE@.ms.txt : @GROFF_NOTE@ GROFF_NO_SGR=stupid $(SHELL) -c "tbl $< | groff -rHY=0 -Tascii -ms | col -bx" >$@ @GROFF_NOTE@ @GROFF_NOTE@.ps.pdf : @GROFF_NOTE@ ps2pdf $*.ps ################################################################################ VTPARSE_H = VTparse.h VTparse.hin TEKPARSE_H = Tekparse.h Tekparse.hin main$o : main.h misc$o : version.h $(OBJS1) : xterm.h ptyx.h fontutils.h menu.h xtermcfg.h main$o resize$o screen$o : xterm_io.h xterm$x : $(OBJS1) @ECHO_LD@$(SHELL) $(srcdir)/plink.sh $(LINK) $(LDFLAGS) -o $@ $(OBJS1) $(LIBS) $(EXTRA_LOADFLAGS) resize$x : $(OBJS2) @ECHO_LD@$(SHELL) $(srcdir)/plink.sh $(LINK) $(LDFLAGS) -o $@ $(OBJS2) $(LIBS) 256colres.h : -$(RM) $@ perl $(srcdir)/256colres.pl > $@ 88colres.h : -$(RM) $@ perl $(srcdir)/88colres.pl > $@ charproc$o : $(VTPARSE_H) main.h @CHARPROC_DEPS@ graphics_regis$o : $(VTPARSE_H) graphics_sixel$o : $(VTPARSE_H) misc$o : $(VTPARSE_H) VTPrsTbl$o : $(VTPARSE_H) charproc$o \ graphics$o \ graphics_regis$o \ graphics_sixel$o \ main$o \ misc$o \ screen$o \ util$o : graphics.h TekPrsTbl$o : $(TEKPARSE_H) Tekproc$o : $(TEKPARSE_H) misc$o : builtin_icons.h trace$o : VTparse.cin Tekparse.cin # do this to quiet gcc -Wcast-qual warnings builtin_icons.h : @echo "#if OPT_BUILTIN_XPMS" >$@ @echo "#include <icons/mini.xterm.xpms>" >>$@ @echo "#include <icons/filled-xterm.xpms>" >>$@ @echo "#include <icons/xterm.xpms>" >>$@ @echo "#include <icons/xterm-color.xpms>" >>$@ @echo "#else" >>$@ @sed -e 's/static char \* /static const char * /' $(srcdir)/icons/mini.xterm_48x48.xpm >>$@ @echo "#endif" >>$@ @echo "made $@" ################################################################################ test_charclass$x : $(srcdir)/charclass.c @ECHO_LD@$(SHELL) $(srcdir)/plink.sh $(CC) -o $@ $(CFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) -DTEST_DRIVER $(srcdir)/charclass.c $(LDFLAGS) $(LIBS) ################################################################################ test_ptydata$x : $(srcdir)/ptydata.c @ECHO_LD@$(SHELL) $(srcdir)/plink.sh $(CC) -o $@ $(CFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) -DTEST_DRIVER $(srcdir)/ptydata.c $(LDFLAGS) $(LIBS) ################################################################################ test_wcwidth$x : $(srcdir)/wcwidth.c @ECHO_LD@$(SHELL) $(srcdir)/plink.sh $(CC) -o $@ $(CFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) -DTEST_DRIVER $(srcdir)/wcwidth.c $(LDFLAGS) $(LIBS) ################################################################################ actual_xterm = `echo xterm| sed '$(transform)'` actual_resize = `echo resize| sed '$(transform)'` actual_uxterm = `echo uxterm| sed '$(transform)'` actual_k8term = `echo koi8rxterm| sed '$(transform)'` binary_xterm = $(actual_xterm)$x binary_resize = $(actual_resize)$x binary_uxterm = $(actual_uxterm) binary_k8term = $(actual_k8term) install \ install-bin \ install-full :: xterm$x resize$x $(BINDIR) @MAY_SETUID@ $(SHELL) $(srcdir)/sinstall.sh @SINSTALL_OPTS@ "$(INSTALL_PROGRAM)" xterm$x @XTERM_PATH@ $(BINDIR)/$(binary_xterm) @NOT_SETUID@ $(INSTALL_PROGRAM) xterm$x $(BINDIR)/$(binary_xterm) $(INSTALL_PROGRAM) -m 755 resize$x $(BINDIR)/$(binary_resize) EDIT_SCRIPT = sed -e s,=xterm,=\$$name, -e s,XTerm,$(CLASS), InstallLink = \ if test @XTERM_SYMLINK@ != NONE \ && test \$$source != NONE \ && test \$$source != \$$target ; then \ cd \$$TARGET && ( \ $(RM) \$$source ; \ $(LN_S) \$$target \$$source ; \ echo \"... created symbolic link:\" ; \ ls -l \$$target \$$source ) ; \ fi InstallBinLink = TARGET=$(BINDIR); $(InstallLink) InstallManLink = TARGET=$(MANDIR); $(InstallLink) InstallScript = \ echo \"... installing $(BINDIR)/\$$target\"; \ name=$(binary_xterm); \ $(EDIT_SCRIPT) $(srcdir)/\$$source >\$$source.tmp; \ $(INSTALL_SCRIPT) -m 755 \$$source.tmp $(BINDIR)/\$$target; \ $(RM) \$$source.tmp install \ install-bin \ install-scripts \ install-full :: $(BINDIR) @$(SHELL) -c "source=\"@XTERM_SYMLINK@\"; \ target=\"$(binary_xterm)\"; \ $(InstallBinLink)" @$(SHELL) -c "source=\"resize\"; \ target=\"$(binary_resize)\"; \ $(InstallBinLink)" @$(SHELL) -c "source=\"uxterm\"; \ target=\"$(binary_uxterm)\"; \ $(InstallScript); \ $(InstallBinLink)" @$(SHELL) -c "source=\"koi8rxterm\"; \ target=\"$(binary_k8term)\"; \ $(InstallScript); \ $(InstallBinLink)" install \ install-man \ install-full :: $(MANDIR) @-$(SHELL) -c "for source in xterm resize uxterm koi8rxterm ; \ do \ target=\`echo \"\$$source\" | sed '@program_transform_name@'\`; \ $(SHELL) ./minstall \"$(INSTALL_DATA)\" \ $(srcdir)/\$$source.man \ $(MANDIR)/\$$target.$(manext) \ $(appsdir) \ $(CLASS) \ \$$source \ \$$target \ $(pixmapdir); \ done" @-$(SHELL) -c "if test @XTERM_SYMLINK@ != NONE ; then \ source=$(actual_xterm).$(manext); \ target=@XTERM_SYMLINK@.$(manext); \ cd $(MANDIR) && ( \ $(RM) \$$target ; \ $(LN_S) \$$source \$$target ; \ echo '... created symbolic link:' ; \ ls -l \$$source \$$target ; \ ) \ fi" APP_NAMES = XTerm UXTerm KOI8RXTerm @no_appsdir@install \ @no_appsdir@install-app \ @no_appsdir@install-full :: $(APPSDIR) @no_appsdir@ @-$(SHELL) -c 'for s in $(APP_NAMES); \ @no_appsdir@ do \ @no_appsdir@ echo "** $$s"; \ @no_appsdir@ d=`echo $$s | sed -e s/XTerm/$(CLASS)/`; \ @no_appsdir@ echo installing $(APPSDIR)/$$d; \ @no_appsdir@ sed -e s/XTerm/$(CLASS)/ $(srcdir)/$$s.ad >XTerm.tmp; \ @no_appsdir@ $(INSTALL_DATA) XTerm.tmp $(APPSDIR)/$$d; \ @no_appsdir@ echo installing $(APPSDIR)/$$d-color; \ @no_appsdir@ sed -e s/XTerm/$$d/ $(srcdir)/XTerm-col.ad >XTerm.tmp; \ @no_appsdir@ $(INSTALL_DATA) XTerm.tmp $(APPSDIR)/$$d-color; \ @no_appsdir@ done' @no_appsdir@ @$(RM) XTerm.tmp @no_icondir@ @echo "... installed app-defaults" @no_icondir@ICON_LIST = @ICON_LIST@ @no_icondir@ICON_THEME = @ICON_THEME@ @no_icondir@install \ @no_icondir@install-icon \ @no_icondir@install-full :: $(ICONDIR) @no_icondir@ @ECHO_CC@ACTUAL_XTERM=$(actual_xterm) $(SHELL) -c '\ @no_icondir@ h=$(ICONDIR)/$(ICON_THEME); \ @no_icondir@ for n in $(ICON_LIST); \ @no_icondir@ do \ @no_icondir@ x=$$ACTUAL_XTERM; \ @no_icondir@ l=`echo "$$n" | cut -f1 -d:`; \ @no_icondir@ r=`echo "$$n" | cut -f2 -d: |sed -e "s,xterm,$$ACTUAL_XTERM,"`; \ @no_icondir@ test -z "$$r" && continue; \ @no_icondir@ d=$$h/`echo "$$r" | sed -e "s,/[^/]*$$,,"`; \ @no_icondir@ test -d "$$d" || mkdir -p "$$d"; \ @no_icondir@ echo "installing icon $$h/$$r"; \ @no_icondir@ $(INSTALL_DATA) $$l $$h/$$r; \ @no_icondir@ s=`echo "$$r" | sed -e '"'s,^.*\.,.,'"'`; \ @no_icondir@ t=$(ICON_SYMLINK)$$s; \ @no_icondir@ b=`basename $$n $$s | sed -e "s,_[1-9][0-9]*x.*,,"`; \ @no_icondir@ if test "$(ICON_SYMLINK)" != NONE ; then \ @no_icondir@ if test "$$r" != "$$t" ; then \ @no_icondir@ if test "x$$b" = "x$(ICON_NAME)" ; then \ @no_icondir@ echo "linking $$r -> $$t"; \ @no_icondir@ ( cd $$h; $(RM) $$t; $(LN_S) $$r $$t; ) \ @no_icondir@ fi \ @no_icondir@ fi \ @no_icondir@ fi \ @no_icondir@ done' @no_icondir@ @echo "... installed icons" @no_pixmapdir@install \ @no_pixmapdir@install-icon \ @no_pixmapdir@install-full :: $(PIXMAPDIR) @no_pixmapdir@ @ECHO_CC@ACTUAL_XTERM=$(actual_xterm) $(SHELL) -c '\ @no_pixmapdir@ h=$(PIXMAPDIR); \ @no_pixmapdir@ for n in $(srcdir)/icons/*xterm*_32x32.xpm $(srcdir)/icons/*xterm*_48x48.xpm; \ @no_pixmapdir@ do \ @no_pixmapdir@ l=`basename $$n`; \ @no_pixmapdir@ r=`echo "$$l" | sed -e "s,xterm,$$ACTUAL_XTERM,"`; \ @no_pixmapdir@ echo "installing pixmap $$h/$$r"; \ @no_pixmapdir@ $(INSTALL_DATA) $(srcdir)/icons/$$l $$h/$$r; \ @no_pixmapdir@ s=`echo "$$r" | sed -e '"'s,^.*\.,.,'"'`; \ @no_pixmapdir@ t=$(ICON_SYMLINK)$$s; \ @no_pixmapdir@ b=`basename $$n $$s | sed -e "s,_[1-9][0-9]*x.*,,"`; \ @no_pixmapdir@ if test "$(ICON_SYMLINK)" != NONE ; then \ @no_pixmapdir@ if test "x$$r" != "$$t" ; then \ @no_pixmapdir@ if test "x$$b" = "x$(ICON_NAME)" ; then \ @no_pixmapdir@ echo "linking $$r -> $$t"; \ @no_pixmapdir@ ( cd $$h; $(RM) $$t; $(LN_S) $$r $$t; ) \ @no_pixmapdir@ fi \ @no_pixmapdir@ fi \ @no_pixmapdir@ fi \ @no_pixmapdir@ done' @no_pixmapdir@ @echo "... installed icons" install :: @echo 'Completed installation of executables and documentation.' @echo 'Use "make install-ti" to install terminfo description.' TERMINFO_DIR = @TERMINFO_DIR@ SET_TERMINFO = @SET_TERMINFO@ @no_ticprog@install-full \ @no_ticprog@install-ti :: $(TERMINFO_DIR) @no_ticprog@ @$(SHELL) -c "$(SET_TERMINFO) $(srcdir)/run-tic.sh $(srcdir)/terminfo" @no_ticprog@ @echo 'Completed installation of terminfo description.' install-full \ install-tc :: @-$(SHELL) -c "if test -f /etc/termcap ; then echo 'You must install the termcap entry manually by editing /etc/termcap'; fi" installdirs : $(INSTALL_DIRS) ################################################################################ UninstallLink = \ if test @XTERM_SYMLINK@ != NONE \ && test \$$source != NONE \ && test \$$source != \$$target \ && test -h \$$TARGET/\$$source ; then \ echo \"... removing \$$TARGET/\$$source\"; \ cd \$$TARGET && \ $(RM) \$$source; \ fi UninstallBinLink = TARGET=$(BINDIR); $(UninstallLink) UninstallManLink = TARGET=$(MANDIR); $(UninstallLink) UninstallBinary = \ echo \"... removing $(BINDIR)/\$$target\"; \ $(RM) $(BINDIR)/\$$target uninstall \ uninstall-bin \ uninstall-full :: @-$(SHELL) -c "source=\"@XTERM_SYMLINK@\"; \ target=\"$(binary_xterm)\"; \ $(UninstallBinLink); \ $(UninstallBinary)" @-$(SHELL) -c "source=\"resize\"; \ target=\"$(binary_resize)\"; \ $(UninstallBinLink); \ $(UninstallBinary)" uninstall \ uninstall-bin \ uninstall-scripts \ uninstall-full :: @-$(SHELL) -c "source=\"uxterm\"; \ target=\"$(binary_uxterm)\"; \ $(UninstallBinLink); \ $(UninstallBinary)" @-$(SHELL) -c "source=\"koi8rxterm\"; \ target=\"$(binary_k8term)\"; \ $(UninstallBinLink); \ $(UninstallBinary)" uninstall \ uninstall-man \ uninstall-full :: @-$(SHELL) -c "\ source=@XTERM_SYMLINK@.$(manext); \ target=$(actual_xterm).$(manext); \ $(UninstallManLink)" @-$(SHELL) -c "for source in \ $(actual_xterm).$(manext) \ $(actual_resize).$(manext) \ $(actual_uxterm).$(manext) \ $(actual_k8term).$(manext); \ do \ echo \"... removing $(MANDIR)/\$$source\"; \ $(RM) $(MANDIR)/\$$source; \ done" @no_appsdir@uninstall \ @no_appsdir@uninstall-app \ @no_appsdir@uninstall-full :: @no_appsdir@ -@ECHO_CC@$(SHELL) -c 'for s in $(APP_NAMES); \ @no_appsdir@ do \ @no_appsdir@ echo "** $$s"; \ @no_appsdir@ d=`echo $$s | sed -e s/XTerm/$(CLASS)/`; \ @no_appsdir@ echo uninstalling $(APPSDIR)/$$d; \ @no_appsdir@ $(RM) $(APPSDIR)/$$d; \ @no_appsdir@ echo uninstalling $(APPSDIR)/$$d-color; \ @no_appsdir@ $(RM) $(APPSDIR)/$$d-color; \ @no_appsdir@ done' @no_icondir@uninstall \ @no_icondir@uninstall-icon \ @no_icondir@uninstall-full :: @no_icondir@ -@ECHO_CC@$(SHELL) -c 'ACTUAL_XTERM=$(actual_xterm) ; \ @no_icondir@ for n in $(ICON_LIST); \ @no_icondir@ do \ @no_icondir@ r=`echo "$$n" | sed -e s,\^.\*:,, -e s,xterm,$$ACTUAL_XTERM,`; \ @no_icondir@ test -z "$$r" && continue; \ @no_icondir@ h=$(ICONDIR)/$(ICON_THEME); \ @no_icondir@ test -f $$h/$$r || continue; \ @no_icondir@ echo removing $$h/$$r; \ @no_icondir@ $(RM) $$h/$$r; \ @no_icondir@ done' @no_icondir@ @echo "... removed icons" @no_pixmapdir@uninstall \ @no_pixmapdir@uninstall-icon \ @no_pixmapdir@uninstall-full :: @no_pixmapdir@ -@$(SHELL) -c 'ACTUAL_XTERM=$(actual_xterm) ; \ @no_pixmapdir@ for n in $(srcdir)/icons/*xterm*_32x32.xpm $(srcdir)/icons/*xterm*_48x48.xpm; \ @no_pixmapdir@ do \ @no_pixmapdir@ l=`basename $$n`; \ @no_pixmapdir@ r=`echo "$$l" | sed -e "s,xterm,$$ACTUAL_XTERM,"`; \ @no_pixmapdir@ echo removing $(PIXMAPDIR)/$$r; \ @no_pixmapdir@ $(RM) $(PIXMAPDIR)/$$r; \ @no_pixmapdir@ done' @no_pixmapdir@ @echo "... removed icons" ################################################################################ # Desktop-utils does not provide an uninstall, and is not uniformly available. @desktop_utils@DESKTOP_FILES = $(srcdir)/xterm.desktop $(srcdir)/uxterm.desktop @desktop_utils@DESKTOP_FLAGS = @DESKTOP_FLAGS@ @desktop_utils@install-desktop \ @desktop_utils@install-full :: @desktop_utils@ ACTUAL_XTERM=$(actual_xterm) \ @desktop_utils@ $(SHELL) -c 'for n in $(DESKTOP_FILES); \ @desktop_utils@ do $(SHELL) df-install $$ACTUAL_XTERM $(ICON_NAME) DESTDIR="$(DESTDIR)" $(DESKTOP_FLAGS) $$n; \ @desktop_utils@ done' ################################################################################ check : $(TEST_PROGRAMS) @ echo "See demos in vttests/* (use vttest for system-level testing)" @ $(SHELL) -c 'echo "** executing test_charclass"; \ ./test_charclass' @ $(SHELL) -c 'echo "** executing test_wcwidth"; \ for range in 32-126 160-0xff00 0x10000-0x11000; \ do echo ".. range $$range"; \ ./test_wcwidth -s $$range; \ ./test_wcwidth -s $$range -w; \ done' @ $(SHELL) -c 'echo "** executing test_ptydata"; \ ./test_ptydata -a' ################################################################################ mostlyclean : -$(RM) *$o *.[is] XTerm[1-9]*.* Xterm.log.* XtermLog.* .pure core *~ *.bak *.BAK *.out *.tmp clean : mostlyclean -$(RM) $(PROGRAMS) $(TEST_PROGRAMS) $(AUTO_SOURCE) sources : $(AUTO_SOURCE) distclean :: clean -$(RM) Makefile config.status config.cache config.log xtermcfg.h -$(RM) df-install minstall distclean \ docs-clean :: -$(RM) *.ps *.pdf *.png -$(SHELL) -c 'for p in xterm resize uxterm koi8rxterm; \ do \ $(RM) $$p.html $$p.$(manext) $$p.txt; \ done' -$(RM) ctlseqs.html ctlseqs.$(manext) distclean :: -$(RM) man2html.tmp realclean : distclean -$(RM) tags TAGS maintainer-clean : realclean -$(RM) 256colres.h 88colres.h ################################################################################ TIC=tic terminfo.out : terminfo ; $(TIC) -a -I -1 terminfo >$@ termcap.out : termcap ; $(TIC) -a -C -U termcap >$@ ################################################################################ docs-ctlseqs \ docs :: $(srcdir)/ctlseqs.txt @MAN2HTML_NOTE@ ctlseqs.html @GROFF_NOTE@ ctlseqs.pdf ctlseqs.ps ctlseqs.html : $(srcdir)/ctlseqs.ms ctlseqs.pdf : ctlseqs.ps ctlseqs.ps : $(srcdir)/ctlseqs.ms ctlseqs.txt : $(srcdir)/ctlseqs.ms ################################################################################ docs-resize \ docs :: resize.txt @MAN2HTML_NOTE@ resize.html @GROFF_NOTE@ resize.pdf resize.ps resize.html : resize.$(manext) resize.pdf : resize.ps resize.ps : resize.$(manext) resize.txt : resize.$(manext) ################################################################################ docs-xterm \ docs :: xterm.txt @MAN2HTML_NOTE@ xterm.html @GROFF_NOTE@ xterm.pdf xterm.ps xterm.html : xterm.$(manext) xterm.pdf : xterm.ps xterm.ps : xterm.$(manext) xterm.txt : xterm.$(manext) ################################################################################ docs-uxterm \ docs :: uxterm.txt @MAN2HTML_NOTE@ uxterm.html @GROFF_NOTE@ uxterm.pdf uxterm.ps uxterm.html : uxterm.$(manext) uxterm.pdf : uxterm.ps uxterm.ps : uxterm.$(manext) uxterm.txt : uxterm.$(manext) ################################################################################ docs-koi8rxterm \ docs :: koi8rxterm.txt @MAN2HTML_NOTE@ koi8rxterm.html @GROFF_NOTE@ koi8rxterm.pdf koi8rxterm.ps koi8rxterm.html : koi8rxterm.$(manext) koi8rxterm.pdf : koi8rxterm.ps koi8rxterm.ps : koi8rxterm.$(manext) koi8rxterm.txt : koi8rxterm.$(manext) ################################################################################ lint : $(LINT) $(LINT_OPTS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(SRCS1) $(LINT) $(LINT_OPTS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(SRCS2) tags : $(CTAGS) $(SRCS) $(HDRS) TAGS : $(ETAGS) $(SRCS) $(HDRS) $(TERMINFO_DIR) $(INSTALL_DIRS) : mkdir -p $@ ALWAYS : depend : $(TABLES) makedepend -- $(CPPFLAGS) -- $(SRCS) # DO NOT DELETE THIS LINE -- make depend depends on it.