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<rfc xmlns:xi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XInclude" submissionType="IRTF" category="info" consensus="true" docName="draft-irtf-pearg-numeric-ids-generation-12" number="9415" ipr="trust200902" submissionType="IRTF"> obsoletes="" updates="" xml:lang="en" tocInclude="true" tocDepth="2" symRefs="true" sortRefs="true" version="3">

  <!-- xml2rfc v2v3 conversion 3.15.3 -->
    <title abbrev="Generation of Transient Numeric IDs">On the Generation of Transient Numeric Identifiers</title>
    <seriesInfo name="RFC" value="9415"/>
    <author fullname="Fernando Gont" initials="F." surname="Gont">
      <organization abbrev="SI6 Networks">SI6 Networks</organization>
          <street>Segurola y Habana 4310 7mo piso</street>
          <city>Ciudad Autonoma de Buenos Aires</city>
          <region>Buenos Aires</region>

<!--        <phone>+54 11 4650 8472</phone>  -->

    <author fullname="Ivan Arce" initials="I." surname="Arce">
      <organization abbrev="Quarkslab">Quarkslab</organization>
          <street>Segurola y Habana 4310 7mo piso</street>
          <city>Ciudad Autonoma de Buenos Aires</city>
          <region>Buenos Aires</region>


<workgroup>Internet Research Task Force (IRTF)</workgroup>

<workgroup>Dynamic Host Configuration (dhc)</workgroup>
<!-- <area/> -->
<!-- <workgroup/> -->
    <date year="2023" month="July"/>
    <workgroup>Privacy Enhancements and Assessments</workgroup>

This document performs an analysis of the security and privacy implications of different types of "transient numeric identifiers" used in IETF protocols, protocols and tries to categorize them based on their interoperability requirements and their associated failure severity when such requirements are not met. Subsequently, it provides advice on possible algorithms that could be employed to satisfy the interoperability requirements of each identifier category, category while minimizing the negative security and privacy implications, thus providing guidance to protocol designers and protocol implementers. Finally, it describes a number of algorithms that have been employed in real implementations to generate transient numeric identifiers, identifiers and analyzes their security and privacy properties. This document is a product of the Privacy Enhancement Enhancements and Assessment Assessments Research Group (PEARG) in the IRTF.
    <section title="Introduction" anchor="intro">
<t>Networking anchor="intro" numbered="true" toc="default">
Networking protocols employ a variety of transient numeric identifiers for different protocol objects, such as IPv4 and IPv6 Fragment Identifiers Identification values <xref target="RFC0791"/> target="RFC0791" format="default"/> <xref target="RFC8200"/>, target="RFC8200" format="default"/>, IPv6 Interface Identifiers (IIDs) <xref target="RFC4291"/>, transport protocol target="RFC4291" format="default"/>, transport-protocol ephemeral port numbers <xref target="RFC6056"/>, target="RFC6056" format="default"/>, TCP Initial Sequence Numbers (ISNs) <xref target="RFC0793"/>, and DNS Query target="RFC9293" format="default"/>, NTP Reference IDs (REFIDs) <xref target="RFC1035"/>.<!--
Network protocols employ a variety of transient numeric identifiers for different protocol entities, ranging from target="RFC5905" format="default"/>, and DNS Transaction IDs (TxIDs) to transport protocol ephemeral ports (e.g. TCP ephemeral ports) or IPv6 Interface Identifiers (IIDs).--> <xref target="RFC1035" format="default"/>. These identifiers usually typically have specific interoperability requirements (e.g. (e.g., uniqueness during a specified period of time) that must be satisfied such that they do not result in negative interoperability implications, implications and an associated failure severity when such requirements are not met, ranging from soft met.</t>
<t>NOTE: Some documents refer to hard failures.
</t> the DNS ID as the DNS "Query ID" or "TxID".</t>

<t>For more than 30 years, a large number of implementations of IETF protocols have been subject to a variety of attacks, with effects ranging from Denial of Service (DoS) or data injection, injection to information leakages that could be exploited for pervasive monitoring <xref target="RFC7258"/>. target="RFC7258" format="default"/>. The root cause of these issues has been, in many cases, the poor selection of transient numeric identifiers in such protocols, usually as a result of insufficient or misleading specifications. While it is generally trivial to identify an algorithm that can satisfy the interoperability requirements of a given transient numeric identifier, empirical evidence exists that doing so without negatively affecting the security and/or privacy properties of the aforementioned protocols is prone to error <xref target="I-D.irtf-pearg-numeric-ids-history"/>.</t> target="RFC9414" format="default"/>.</t>
      <t>For example, implementations have been subject to security and/or privacy issues resulting from:

<list style="symbols">
<t>Predictable from:</t>
      <ul spacing="normal">
        <li>predictable IPv4 or IPv6 Fragment Identifiers (see e.g. Identification values (e.g., see <xref target="Sanfilippo1998a"/>, target="Sanfilippo1998a" format="default"/>, <xref target="RFC6274"/>, target="RFC6274" format="default"/>, and <xref target="RFC7739"/>)</t>
<t>Predictable target="RFC7739" format="default"/>),</li>
        <li>predictable IPv6 IIDs (see e.g. (e.g., see <xref target="RFC7721"/>, target="RFC7217" format="default"/>, <xref target="RFC7707"/>, target="RFC7707" format="default"/>, and <xref target="RFC7217"/>)</t>
<t>Predictable transport protocol target="RFC7721" format="default"/>),</li>
        <li>predictable transport-protocol ephemeral port numbers (see e.g. (e.g., see <xref target="RFC6056"/> target="RFC6056" format="default"/> and <xref target="Silbersack2005"/>)</t>
<t>Predictable target="Silbersack2005" format="default"/>),</li>
        <li>predictable TCP Initial Sequence Numbers (ISNs) (see e.g. (e.g., see <xref target="Morris1985"/>, target="Morris1985" format="default"/>, <xref target="Bellovin1989"/>, target="Bellovin1989" format="default"/>, and <xref target="RFC6528"/>)</t>
<t>Predictable target="RFC6528" format="default"/>),</li>
        <li>predictable initial timestamps in TCP timestamps Options (see e.g. options (e.g., see <xref target="TCPT-uptime"/> target="TCPT-uptime" format="default"/> and <xref target="RFC7323"/>)</t>
<t>Predictable target="RFC7323" format="default"/>), and</li>
        <li>predictable DNS Query IDs (see e.g. (see, e.g., <xref target="Schuba1993"/> target="Schuba1993" format="default"/> and <xref target="Klein2007"/>)</t>
</list> target="Klein2007" format="default"/>).</li>

Recent history indicates that that, when new protocols are standardized or new protocol implementations are produced, the security and privacy properties of the associated transient numeric identifiers tend to be overlooked, and inappropriate algorithms to generate transient numeric such identifiers are either suggested in the specifications or selected by implementers. As a result, it should be evident that advice in this area is warranted.
      <t>We note that the use of cryptographic techniques may readily mitigate some of the issues arising from predictable transient numeric identifiers. For example, cryptographic integrity and authentication can readily mitigate data injection attacks even in the presence of predictable transient numeric identifiers (such as "sequence numbers"). However, use of flawed algorithms (such as global counters) for generating transient numeric identifiers could still result in information leakages even when cryptographic techniques are employed.

      <t>This document contains a non-exhaustive survey of transient numeric identifiers employed in various IETF protocols, protocols and aims to categorize such identifiers based on their interoperability requirements, requirements and the associated failure severity when such requirements are not met. Subsequently, it provides advice on possible algorithms that could be employed to satisfy the interoperability requirements of each category, category while minimizing negative security and privacy implications. Finally, it analyzes several algorithms that have been employed in real implementations to meet such requirements, requirements and analyzes their security and privacy properties.
      <t>This document represents the consensus of the Privacy Enhancement Enhancements and Assessment Assessments Research Group (PEARG).</t>

[fgont] Quite esto, ya que hay mas secciones, y es medio en vano describi que hace cada seccion

<t> <xref target="categorizing"/> categorizes identifiers in terms of their interoperability requirements and failure modes, such that possible algorithms for them can be discussed and analyzed.
  <xref target="timeline"/> provides a non-exhaustive timeline regarding vulnerability disclosures related to predictable identifiers.

    <section title="Terminology" anchor="terminology">

<list style="hanging">
<t hangText="Transient anchor="terminology" numbered="true" toc="default">
      <dl newline="true" spacing="normal">
        <dt>Transient Numeric Identifier:">
<vspace blankLines="0" />A Identifier:</dt>
        <dd>A data object in a protocol specification that can be used to definitely distinguish a protocol object (a datagram, network interface, transport protocol transport-protocol endpoint, session, etc.) from all other objects of the same type, in a given context. Transient numeric identifiers are usually defined as a series of bits, bits and represented using integer values. These identifiers are typically dynamically selected, as opposed to statically-assigned statically assigned numeric identifiers (see e.g. (see, e.g., <xref target="IANA-PROT"/>). target="IANA-PROT" format="default"/>). We note that different transient numeric identifiers may have additional requirements or properties depending on their specific use in a protocol. We use the term "transient numeric identifier" (or simply "numeric identifier" or "identifier" as short forms) as a generic term to refer to any data object in a protocol specification that satisfies the identification property stated above.

<t hangText="Failure Severity:">
<vspace blankLines="0" />The
        <dt>Failure Severity:</dt>
        <dd>The interoperability consequences of a failure to comply with the interoperability requirements of a given identifier. Severity considers the worst potential consequence of a failure, determined by the system damage and/or time lost to repair the failure. In this document document, we define two types of failure severity: "soft failure" and "hard failure".

<t hangText="Soft Failure:">
<vspace blankLines="0" />A soft failure is a
        <dt>Soft Failure:</dt>
        <dd>A recoverable condition in which a protocol does not operate in the prescribed manner but normal operation can be resumed automatically in a short period of time. For example, a simple packet-loss event that is subsequently recovered with a packet-retransmission packet retransmission can be considered a soft failure.

<t hangText="Hard Failure:">
<vspace blankLines="0" />A hard failure is a
        <dt>Hard Failure:</dt>
        <dd>A non-recoverable condition in which a protocol does not operate in the prescribed manner or it operates with excessive degradation of service. For example, an established TCP connection that is aborted due to an error condition constitutes, from the point of view of the transport protocol, a hard failure, since it enters a state from which normal operation cannot be resumed.


      "MAY", and "OPTIONAL" in this document are to be interpreted as
      described in BCP 14 <xref target='RFC2119' /> <xref target='RFC8174' /> when, and only when, they
      appear in all capitals, as shown here.

    <section title="Threat Model" anchor="threat-model">
<t>Throughout this document, we assume an attacker does not have physical or logical access to the system(s) being attacked, and cannot necessarily observe all the packets being transferred between the sender and the receiver(s) of the
target protocol, but may be able to observe some of them. However, we assume the attacker can send any traffic to the target device(s), to e.g. sample transient numeric identifiers employed by such device(s).
--> anchor="threat-model" numbered="true" toc="default">
      <name>Threat Model</name>

<t>Throughout this document, we do not consider on-path attacks. That is, we assume an the attacker does not have physical or logical access to the system(s) being attacked, attacked and that the attacker can only observe traffic explicitly directed to the attacker. Similarly, an attacker cannot observe traffic transferred between a the sender and the receiver(s) of a target protocol, protocol but may be able to interact with any of these entities, including by e.g. by, e.g., sending any traffic to them to sample transient numeric identifiers employed by the target systems hosts when communicating with the attacker.

      <t>For example, when analyzing vulnerabilities associated with TCP Initial Sequence Numbers (ISNs), we consider the attacker is unable to capture network traffic corresponding to a TCP connection between two other hosts. However, we consider the attacker is able to communicate with any of these hosts (e.g., establish a TCP connection with any of them), to e.g. them) to, e.g., sample the TCP ISNs employed by these systems hosts when communicating with the attacker.</t>
      <t>Similarly, when considering host-tracking attacks based on IPv6 interface identifiers, Interface Identifiers, we consider an attacker may learn the IPv6 address employed by a victim node if e.g. host if, e.g., the address becomes exposed as a result of the victim node host communicating with an attacker-operated server. Subsequently, an attacker may perform host-tracking by probing a set of target addresses composed by a set of target prefixes and the IPv6 interface identifier Interface Identifier originally learned by the attacker.
      Alternatively, an attacker may perform host tracking if e.g. host-tracking if, e.g., the victim node host communicates with an attacker-operated server as it moves from one location to another, those thereby exposing its configured addresses. We note that none of these scenarios requires require the attacker observe traffic not explicitly directed to the attacker.
    <section title="Issues anchor="issues" numbered="true" toc="default">
      <name>Issues with the Specification of Transient Numeric Identifiers" anchor="issues"> Identifiers</name>
      <t>While assessing IETF protocol specifications regarding the use of transient numeric identifiers, we have found that most of the issues discussed in this document arise as a result of one of the following conditions:

<list style="symbols">

      <ul spacing="normal">
        <li>protocol specifications that under-specify the requirements for under specify their transient numeric identifiers</t>
<t>Protocol identifiers</li>
        <li>protocol specifications that over-specify over specify their transient numeric identifiers</t>
<t>Protocol identifiers</li>
        <li>protocol implementations that simply fail to comply with the specified requirements</t>
</t> requirements</li>
      <t>A number of IETF protocol specifications (too many of them) have simply overlooked the security and privacy implications of under specified their transient numeric identifiers <xref target="I-D.irtf-pearg-numeric-ids-history"/>. identifiers, thus leading to implementations that were vulnerable to numerous off-path
   attacks. Examples of them are the specification of TCP ephemeral local ports in <xref target="RFC0793"/>, the specification of TCP sequence numbers in <xref target="RFC0793"/>, target="RFC0793" format="default"/> or the specification of the DNS Query ID in <xref target="RFC1035"/>.</t> target="RFC1035" format="default"/>.</t>

<aside><t>NOTE: The TCP local port in an active OPEN request is commonly known as the "ephemeral port" of the corresponding TCP connection <xref target="RFC6056" format="default"/>.</t></aside>

      <t>On the other hand, there are a number of IETF protocol specifications that over-specify over specify some of their associated transient numeric identifiers. For example, <xref target="RFC4291"/> target="RFC4291" format="default"/> essentially overloads the semantics of IPv6 Interface Identifiers (IIDs) by embedding link-layer addresses in the IPv6 IIDs, IIDs when the interoperability requirement of uniqueness could be achieved in other ways that do not result in negative security and privacy implications <xref target="RFC7721"/>. target="RFC7721" format="default"/>. Similarly, <xref target="RFC2460"/> suggested target="RFC2460" format="default"/> suggests the use of a global counter for the generation of Fragment Identification values, values when the interoperability properties requirement of uniqueness per {IPv6 Source Address, IPv6 Destination Address} could be achieved with other algorithms that do not result in negative security and privacy implications <xref target="RFC7739"/>.</t> target="RFC7739" format="default"/>.</t>
      <t>Finally, there are protocol implementations that simply fail to comply with existing protocol specifications. For example, some popular operating systems (notably Microsoft Windows) still fail to implement transport protocol transport-protocol ephemeral port randomization, as recommended in <xref target="RFC6056"/>.</t> target="RFC6056" format="default"/>, or TCP Initial Sequence Number randomization, as recommended in <xref target="RFC9293"/>.</t>

    <section title="Protocol anchor="failure-severity" numbered="true" toc="default">
      <name>Protocol Failure Severity" anchor="failure-severity"> Severity</name>
      <t><xref target="terminology"/> target="terminology" format="default"/> defines the concept of "Failure Severity", "failure severity", along with two types of failure severities that we employ throughout this document: soft and hard.</t>
      <t>Our analysis of the severity of a failure is performed from the point of view of the protocol in question. However, the corresponding severity on the upper protocol (or application) might not be the same as that of the protocol in question. For example, a TCP connection that is aborted might or might not result in a hard failure of the upper application: application, i.e., if the upper application can establish a new TCP connection without any impact on the application, a hard failure at the TCP protocol may have no severity at the application level. layer. On the other hand, if a hard failure of a TCP connection results in excessive degradation of service at the application layer, it will also result in a hard failure at the application.
    <section title="Categorizing anchor="categorizing" numbered="true" toc="default">
      <name>Categorizing Transient Numeric Identifiers" anchor="categorizing"> Identifiers</name>
      <t>This section includes a non-exhaustive survey of transient numeric identifiers, which are representative of all the possible combinations of interoperability requirements and failure severities found in popular protocols from of different layers. Additionally, it proposes a number of categories that can accommodate these identifiers based on their interoperability requirements and their associated failure severity (soft or hard).

<list style="hanging">
<t hangText="NOTE:">
<vspace blankLines="0"/>
        <aside><t>NOTE: All other transient numeric identifiers that were analyzed as part of this effort could be accommodated into one of the existing categories from <xref target="survey-table"/>.

<!-- [fgont] Basado en el contenido de la seccion anterior, tal vez esta tabla podria contener una columna adicional que indique si el problema es "under-specification", "over-specification", o "implementation-flaw" ?

No se si aportaria mucho en terminos de categorizar, aunque si tal vez en el sentido de servir de "sample" de cual es el rigen de los problemas.



    <texttable title="Survey target="survey-table" format="default"/>.

    <table anchor="survey-table" align="center">
        <name>Survey of Transient Numeric Identifiers" style="all" anchor="survey-table">
        <ttcol align="center">Identifier</ttcol> <ttcol Identifiers</name>
            <th align="center">Identifier</th>
            <th align="center">Interoperability Requirements</ttcol> <ttcol Requirements</th>
            <th align="center">Failure Severity</ttcol>
        <c>IPv6 Frag ID</c>	<c>Uniqueness Severity</th>
            <td align="center">IPv6 ID</td>
            <td align="center">Uniqueness (for IP IPv6 address pair)</c>					<c>Soft/Hard (1)</c>
        <c>IPv6 IID</c>		<c>Uniqueness pair)</td>
            <td align="center">Soft/Hard (1)</td>
            <td align="center">IPv6 IID</td>
            <td align="center">Uniqueness (and stable within IPv6 prefix) (2)</c>	<c>Soft (3)</c>
        <c>TCP ISN</c>		<c>Monotonically-increasing (4)</c>							<c>Hard (4)</c>
        <c>TCP (2)</td>
            <td align="center">Soft (3)</td>
            <td align="center">TCP ISN</td>
            <td align="center">Monotonically increasing (4)</td>
            <td align="center">Hard (4)</td>
            <td align="center">TCP initial timestamp</c>		<c>Monotonically-increasing (5)</c>							<c>Hard (5)</c>
        <c>TCP eph. port</c><c>Uniqueness timestamp</td>
            <td align="center">Monotonically increasing (5)</td>
            <td align="center">Hard (5)</td>
            <td align="center">TCP ephemeral port</td>
            <td align="center">Uniqueness (for connection ID)</c>					<c>Hard</c>
        <c>IPv6 ID)</td>
            <td align="center">Hard</td>
            <td align="center">IPv6 Flow Label</c>	<c>Uniqueness</c>										<c>None (6)</c>
        <c>DNS Query ID</c>		<c>Uniqueness</c>										<c>None (7)</c>

<list style="hanging">
<t hangText="(1)">
<vspace blankLines="0" />While Label</td>
            <td align="center">Uniqueness</td>
            <td align="center">None (6)</td>
            <td align="center">DNS ID</td>
            <td align="center">Uniqueness</td>
            <td align="center">None (7)</td>
      <ol type="(%d)" spacing="normal">
        <li>While a single collision of Fragment ID IPv6 Identification (ID) values would simply lead to a single packet drop (and hence hence, a "soft" failure), repeated collisions at high data rates might result in self-propagating collisions of Fragment IPv6 IDs, thus possibly leading to a hard failure <xref target="RFC4963"/>.</t>
<t hangText="(2)">
<vspace blankLines="0" />While target="RFC4963" format="default"/>.</li>
        <li>While the interoperability requirements are simply that the Interface ID Identifier results in a unique IPv6 address, for operational reasons reasons, it is typically desirable that the resulting IPv6 address (and hence hence, the corresponding Interface ID) Identifier) be stable within each network <xref target="RFC7217"/> target="RFC7217" format="default"/> <xref target="RFC8064"/>.</t>
<t hangText="(3)">
<vspace blankLines="0" />While target="RFC8064" format="default"/>.</li>
        <li>While IPv6 Interface IDs Identifiers must result in unique IPv6 addresses, IPv6 Duplicate Address Detection (DAD) <xref target="RFC4862"/> target="RFC4862" format="default"/> allows for the detection of duplicate addresses, and hence hence, such Interface ID Identifier collisions can be recovered.</t>
<t hangText="(4)">
<vspace blankLines="0" />In recovered.</li>
        <li>In theory, there are no interoperability requirements for TCP Initial Sequence Numbers (ISNs), since the TIME-WAIT state and TCP's "quiet time" concept take care of old segments from previous incarnations of a connection. However, a widespread optimization allows for a new incarnation of a previous connection to be created if the ISN of the incoming SYN is larger than the last sequence number seen in that direction for the previous incarnation of the connection. Thus, monotonically-increasing monotonically increasing TCP ISNs allow for such optimization to work as expected <xref target="RFC6528"/>, target="RFC6528" format="default"/> and can help avoid connection-establishment failures.</t>

<t hangText="(5)">
<vspace blankLines="0" />Strictly failures.</li>
        <li>Strictly speaking, there are no interoperability requirements for the *initial* <strong>initial</strong> TCP timestamp employed by a TCP instance (i.e., the TS Value (TSval) in a segment with the SYN bit set). However, some TCP implementations allow a new incarnation of a previous connection to be created if the TSval of the incoming SYN is larger than the last TSval seen in that direction for the previous incarnation of the connection (please see <xref target="RFC6191"/>). target="RFC6191" format="default"/>). Thus, monotonically-increasing monotonically increasing TCP initial timestamps (across connections to the same endpoint) allow for such optimization to work as expected <xref target="RFC6191"/>, target="RFC6191" format="default"/> and can help avoid connection-establishment failures.</t>

<t hangText="(6)">
<vspace blankLines="0" />The failures.</li>
        <li>The IPv6 Flow Label <xref target="RFC6437"/>, target="RFC6437" format="default"/>, along with the IPv6 Source Address and Destination the IPv6 addresses, Destination Address, is typically employed for load sharing <xref target="RFC7098"/>. target="RFC7098" format="default"/>.
Reuse of a Flow Label value for the same set {Source Address, Destination Address} would typically cause both flows to be multiplexed onto the same link. However, as long as this does not occur deterministically, it will not result in any negative implications.</t>

<t hangText="(7)">
<vspace blankLines="0" />DNS Query implications.</li>
        <li>DNS IDs are employed, together with the IP Source Address, the IP Destination Address, the transport-protocol Source Port, and the transport-protocol Destination Port, to match DNS requests and responses. However, since an implementation knows which DNS requests were sent for that set of {Source {IP Source Address, IP Destination Address, transport-protocol Source Port, and transport-protocol Destination Port, Query DNS ID}, a collision of Query DNS IDs would result, if anything, in a small performance penalty (the response would nevertheless be discarded when it is found that it does not answer the query sent in the corresponding DNS query).</t>
</t> query).</li>
      <t>Based on the survey above, we can categorize identifiers as follows:</t>

    <texttable title="Identifier Categories" style="all" anchor="cat-table">
      <table anchor="cat-table" align="center">
        <name>Identifier Categories</name>
            <th align="center">Cat #</ttcol><ttcol align="center">Category</ttcol><ttcol #</th>
            <th align="center">Category</th>
            <th align="center">Sample Proto IDs</ttcol>
	<c>1</c><c>Uniqueness Numeric IDs</th>
            <td align="center">1</td>
            <td align="center">Uniqueness (soft failure)</c><c>IPv6 failure)</td>
            <td align="center">IPv6 Flow L., DNS Query ID</c>
	<c>2</c><c>Uniqueness ID</td>
            <td align="center">2</td>
            <td align="center">Uniqueness (hard failure)</c><c>IPv6 Frag failure)</td>
            <td align="center">IPv6 ID, TCP ephemeral port</c>
	<c>3</c><c>Uniqueness, port</td>
            <td align="center">3</td>
            <td align="center">Uniqueness, stable within context (soft failure)</c><c>IPv6 IID</c>
	<c>4</c><c>Uniqueness, failure)</td>
            <td align="center">IPv6 IID</td>
            <td align="center">4</td>
            <td align="center">Uniqueness, monotonically increasing within context (hard failure)</c><c>TCP failure)</td>
            <td align="center">TCP ISN, TCP initial timestamp</c>
    </texttable> timestamp</td>
We note that Category #4 could be considered a generalized case of category Category #3, in which a monotonically increasing element is added to a stable (within context) element, such that the resulting identifiers are monotonically increasing within a specified context. That is, the same algorithm could be employed for both #3 and #4, given appropriate parameters.
    <section title="Common anchor="common-algorithms" numbered="true" toc="default">
      <name>Common Algorithms for Transient Numeric Identifier Generation" anchor="common-algorithms"> Generation</name>
      <t>The following subsections describe some sample algorithms that can be employed for generating transient numeric identifiers for each of the categories above, above while mitigating the vulnerabilities analyzed in <xref target="vulns"/> target="vulns" format="default"/> of this document.</t>
      <t>All of the variables employed in the algorithms of the following subsections are of "unsigned integer" type, except for the "retry" variable, that which is of (signed) &quot;integer&quot; "integer" type.</t>
      <section title="Category anchor="cat-1-alg" numbered="true" toc="default">
        <name>Category #1: Uniqueness (soft failure)" anchor="cat-1-alg"> (Soft Failure)</name>
        <t>The requirement of uniqueness with a soft failure severity can be complied with a Pseudo-Random Pseudorandom Number Generator (PRNG).
<list style="hanging">
<t hangText="NOTE:">
<vspace blankLines="0"/>
          <aside><t>NOTE: Please see <xref target="RFC4086"/> target="RFC4086" format="default"/> regarding randomness requirements for security.</t>
</t> security.</t></aside>
        <t>While most systems provide access to a PRNG, many of such PRNG implementations are not cryptographically secure, secure and therefore might be statistically biased or subject to adversarial influence. For example, ISO C <xref target="C11"/> target="C11" format="default"/> rand(3) implementations are not cryptographically secure.
<list style="hanging">
<t hangText="NOTE:">
<vspace blankLines="0"/>
          <aside><t>NOTE: Section 7.1 ("Uniform Deviates") of <xref target="Press1992"/> target="Press1992" format="default"/> discusses the underlying issues affecting ISO C <xref target="C11"/> target="C11" format="default"/> rand(3) implementations.
          <t>On the other hand, a number of systems provide an interface to a Cryptographically Secure PRNG (CSPRNG) <xref target="RFC8937"/> target="RFC4086" format="default"/> <xref target="RFC4086"/>, target="RFC8937" format="default"/>, which guarantees high entropy, unpredictability, and good statistical distribution of the random values generated.  For example, GNU/Linux's CSPRNG implementation is available via the getentropy(3) interface <xref target="GETENTROPY"/>, target="GETENTROPY" format="default"/>, while OpenBSD's CSPRNG implementation is available via the arc4random(3) and arc4random_uniform(3) interfaces <xref target="ARC4RANDOM"/>. target="ARC4RANDOM" format="default"/>. Where available, these CSPRNGs should be preferred over e.g. over, e.g., POSIX <xref target="POSIX"/> target="POSIX" format="default"/> random(3) or ISO C <xref target="C11"/> target="C11" format="default"/> rand(3) implementations.</t>
        <t>In scenarios where a CSPRNG is not readily available to select transient numeric identifiers of Category #1, a security and privacy assessment of employing a regular PRNG should be performed, supporting the implementation decision.

<list style="hanging">
<t hangText="NOTE:">
<vspace blankLines="0"/>

          <aside><t>NOTE: <xref target="Aumasson2018"/>, target="Aumasson2018" format="default"/>, <xref target="Press1992"/>, target="Press1992" format="default"/>, and <xref target="Knuth1983"/>, target="Knuth1983" format="default"/> discuss theoretical and practical aspects of pseudorandom numbers generation, number generation and provide guidance on how to evaluate PRNGs.</t>
</t> PRNGs.</t></aside>
        <t>We note that that, since the premise is that collisions of transient numeric identifiers of this category only leads lead to soft failures, in many cases, the algorithm might not need to check the suitability of a selected identifier (i.e., the suitable_id() function, described below, could always return "true").</t>
        <t>In scenarios where e.g. where, e.g., simultaneous use of a given numeric ID identifier is undesirable and the an implementation detects such condition, an the implementation may opt to select the next available identifier in the same sequence, sequence or select another random number. <xref target="simple-randomization"/> target="simple-randomization" format="default"/> is an implementation of the former strategy, while <xref target="simple-randomization2"/> target="simple-randomization2" format="default"/> is an implementation of the later. latter. Typically, the algorithm in <xref target="simple-randomization2"/> target="simple-randomization2" format="default"/> results in a more uniform distribution of the generated transient numeric identifiers. However, for transient numeric identifiers where an implementation typically keeps local state about unsuitable/used identifiers, the algorithm in <xref target="simple-randomization2"/> target="simple-randomization2" format="default"/> may require many more iterations than the algorithm in <xref target="simple-randomization"/> target="simple-randomization" format="default"/> to generate a suitable transient numeric identifier. This will usually be affected by the current usage ratio of transient numeric identifiers (i.e., the number of numeric identifiers considered suitable / total number of numeric identifiers) and other parameters. Therefore, in such cases cases, many implementations tend to prefer the algorithm in <xref target="simple-randomization"/> target="simple-randomization" format="default"/> over the algorithm in <xref target="simple-randomization2"/>. target="simple-randomization2" format="default"/>.
        <section title="Simple anchor="simple-randomization" numbered="true" toc="default">
          <name>Simple Randomization Algorithm" anchor="simple-randomization">

    <figure><artwork> Algorithm</name>
	  <sourcecode type="c"><![CDATA[
    /* Transient Numeric ID selection function */

    id_range = max_id - min_id + 1;
    next_id = min_id + (random() % id_range);
    retry = id_range;

    do {
        if (suitable_id(next_id)) {
            return next_id;

        if (next_id == max_id) {
            next_id = min_id;
        } else {


    } while (retry > 0);

    return ERROR;

    <!-- FreeBSD/OpenBSD: in_pcb.c, Linux: tcp_ipv4.c(+grsecurity) -->

<list style="hanging">
	  <t hangText="NOTE:">
<vspace blankLines="0"/>
random() indent="3">random() is a PRNG that returns a pseudo-random pseudorandom unsigned integer number of appropriate size. <!-- Note that the output needs to be unpredictable, and typical implementations of the POSIX random() function do not necessarily meet this requirement. See <xref target="RFC4086"/> for randomness requirements for security. -->Beware Beware that "adapting" the length of the output of random() with a modulo operator (e.g., C-language's C language's "%") may change the distribution of the PRNG. To preserve a uniform distribution, the rejection sampling technique <xref target="Romailler2020"/> target="Romailler2020" format="default"/> can be used.</t>

            <t indent="3">suitable_id() is a function suitable_id() can check, when that checks, if possible and desirable, whether a selected transient candidate numeric identifier is suitable (e.g. (e.g., whether it is not already in use). use or has been recently employed). Depending on how/where the numeric identifier is used, it may or may not be possible (or even desirable) to check whether the numeric identifier is suitable.

            <t indent="3">All the variables (in this algorithm and all the others algorithms discussed in use (or whether it has been recently employed). When this document) are unsigned integers.</t>

            <t>When an identifier is found to be unsuitable, this algorithm selects the next available numeric identifier in sequence.

<t>Even Thus, even when this algorithm selects numeric IDs identifiers randomly, it is biased towards the first available numeric ID identifier after a sequence of unavailable numeric IDs. identifiers. For example, if this algorithm is employed for transport protocol transport-protocol ephemeral port randomization <xref target="RFC6056"/> target="RFC6056" format="default"/> and the local list of unsuitable port numbers (e.g., registered port numbers that should not be used for ephemeral ports) is significant, an attacker may actually have a significantly better chance of guessing a an ephemeral port number.

All the variables (in this and all the algorithms discussed in this document) are unsigned integers.</t>

          <t>Assuming the randomness requirements for the PRNG are met (see <xref target="RFC4086"/>), target="RFC4086" format="default"/>), this algorithm does not suffer from any of the issues discussed in <xref target="vulns"/>.</t> target="vulns" format="default"/>.</t>
        <section title="Another anchor="simple-randomization2" numbered="true" toc="default">
          <name>Another Simple Randomization Algorithm" anchor="simple-randomization2"> Algorithm</name>
          <t>The following pseudo-code pseudocode illustrates another algorithm for selecting a random transient numeric identifier which, where, in the event a selected identifier is found to be unsuitable (e.g., already in use), another identifier is randomly selected:</t>

	  <sourcecode type="c"><![CDATA[
    /* Transient Numeric ID selection function */

    id_range = max_id - min_id + 1;
    retry = id_range;

    do {
        next_id = min_id + (random() % id_range);

        if (suitable_id(next_id)) {
            return next_id;


    } while (retry > 0);

    return ERROR;


	  <t indent="3">random() is a PRNG that returns a pseudorandom unsigned integer number of appropriate size. Beware that "adapting" the length of the output of random() with a modulo operator (e.g., C language's "%") may change the distribution of the PRNG. To preserve a uniform distribution, the rejection sampling technique <xref target="Romailler2020" format="default"/> can be used.</t>
            <t indent="3">suitable_id() is a function that checks, if possible and desirable, whether a candidate numeric identifier is suitable (e.g., if it is not already in use). Depending on how/where the numeric identifier is used, it may or may not be possible (or even desirable) to check whether the numeric identifier is in use (or whether it has been recently employed).


          <t>When an identifier is found to be unsuitable, this algorithm selects another random numeric identifier. Thus, this algorithm might be unable to select a transient numeric identifier (i.e., return "ERROR") "ERROR"), even if there are suitable identifiers available, in cases where a large number of identifiers are found to be unsuitable (e.g. (e.g., "in use").</t>

<t>The same considerations from <xref target="simple-randomization"/> with respect to the properties of random() and the adaptation of its output length apply to this algorithm.</t>

          <t>Assuming the randomness requirements for the PRNG are met (see <xref target="RFC4086"/>), target="RFC4086" format="default"/>), this algorithm does not suffer from any of the issues discussed in <xref target="vulns"/>.</t> target="vulns" format="default"/>.</t>
      <section title="Category anchor="cat-2-alg" numbered="true" toc="default">
        <name>Category #2: Uniqueness (hard failure)" anchor="cat-2-alg"> (Hard Failure)</name>
        <t>One of the most trivial approaches for generating a unique transient numeric identifier (with a hard failure severity) is to reduce the identifier reuse frequency by generating the numeric identifiers with a monotonically-increasing monotonically increasing function (e.g. (e.g., linear). As a result, any of the algorithms described in <xref target="cat-4-alg"/> target="cat-4-alg" format="default"/> ("Category #4: Uniqueness, monotonically increasing Monotonically Increasing within context (hard failure)") Context (Hard Failure)") can be readily employed for complying with the requirements of this transient numeric identifier category.
        <t>In cases where suitability (e.g. (e.g., uniqueness) of the selected identifiers can be definitely assessed by the local system, any of the algorithms described in <xref target="cat-1-alg"/> target="cat-1-alg" format="default"/> ("Category #1: Uniqueness (soft failure)") (Soft Failure)") can be readily employed for complying with the requirements of this numeric identifier category.</t>

<list style="hanging">
<t hangText="NOTE:">
<vspace blankLines="0"/>
        <aside><t>NOTE: In the case of e.g. of, e.g., TCP ephemeral ports or TCP ISNs, a transient numeric identifier that might seem suitable from the perspective of the local system, system might actually be unsuitable from the perspective of the remote system (e.g., because there is state associated with the selected identifier at the remote system). Therefore, in such cases cases, it is not possible to employ the algorithms from <xref target="cat-1-alg"/> target="cat-1-alg" format="default"/> ("Category #1: Uniqueness (soft failure)").
</t> (Soft Failure)").
      <section title="Category anchor="cat-3-alg" numbered="true" toc="default">
        <name>Category #3: Uniqueness, stable Stable within context (soft failure)" anchor="cat-3-alg"> Context (Soft Failure)</name>
        <t>The goal of the following algorithm is to produce identifiers that are stable for a given context (identified by &quot;CONTEXT&quot;), "CONTEXT") but that change when the aforementioned context changes. <!--For example, if the identifiers being generated must be unique for each {src IP, dst IP} set, then each possible combination of {src IP, dst IP} should have a corresponding "next_id" value. -->

<t><!--Keeping one value for each possible "context" may in many cases be considered too onerous in terms of memory requirements. -->In
        <t>In order to avoid storing in memory the transient numeric identifiers computed for each CONTEXT, CONTEXT in memory, the following algorithm employs a calculated technique (as opposed to keeping state in memory) to generate a stable transient numeric identifier for each given context.

<sourcecode type="c"><![CDATA[
    /* Transient Numeric ID selection function  */

    id_range = max_id - min_id + 1;

    retry = 0;

    do {
        offset = F(CONTEXT, retry, secret_key);
        next_id = min_id + (offset % id_range);

        if (suitable_id(next_id)) {
            return next_id;


    } while (retry &lt;= <= MAX_RETRIES);

    return ERROR;


<t>F() must be a cryptographically-secure hash function (e.g. SHA-256 <xref target="FIPS-SHS"/>), that is computed over the concatenation of its arguments.

<t>In this algorithm, the function F() provides a stateless and stable per-CONTEXT offset, where CONTEXT

          <t indent="3">CONTEXT is the concatenation of all the elements that define the a given context.

<list style="hanging">
<t>For example, if this algorithm is expected to produce IPv6 IIDs that are unique per network interface and SLAAC autoconfiguration prefix, the CONTEXT should be the concatenation of e.g. the network interface index and the SLAAC autoconfiguration prefix (please see <xref target="RFC7217"/> for an implementation of this algorithm for generation of stable IPv6 IIDs).

<t>F() context.</t>

        <t indent="3">F() is a pseudorandom function (PRF). It must not be computable from the outside (without knowledge of the secret key). F() must also be difficult to reverse, such that it resists attempts to obtain the secret_key, secret key, even when given samples of the output of F() and knowledge or control of the other input parameters. F() should produce an output of at least as many bits as required for the transient numeric identifier. SipHash-2-4 (128-bit key, 64-bit output) <xref target="SipHash"/> target="SipHash" format="default"/> and BLAKE3 (256-bit key, arbitrary-length output) <xref target="BLAKE3"/> target="BLAKE3" format="default"/> are two possible options for F(). Alternatively, F() could be implemented with a keyed-hash keyed hash message authentication code (HMAC) <xref target="RFC2104"/>. target="RFC2104" format="default"/>. HMAC-SHA-256 <xref target="FIPS-SHS"/> target="FIPS-SHS" format="default"/> would be one possible option for such implementation alternative. Note: Use of HMAC-MD5 <xref target="RFC1321"/> target="RFC1321" format="default"/> or HMAC-SHA1 <xref target="FIPS-SHS"/> target="FIPS-SHS" format="default"/> are not recommended for F() <xref target="RFC6151"/> target="RFC6151" format="default"/> <xref target="RFC6194"/>.</t>

<t>The target="RFC6194" format="default"/>. The result of F() is no more secure than the secret key, and therefore 'secret_key' therefore, "secret_key" must be unknown to the attacker, attacker and must be of a reasonable length. 'secret_key' "secret_key" must remain stable for a given CONTEXT, since otherwise otherwise, the numeric identifiers generated by this algorithm would not have the desired stability properties (i.e., stable for a given CONTEXT). In most cases, 'secret_key' "secret_key" should be selected with a PRNG (see <xref target="RFC4086"/> target="RFC4086" format="default"/> for recommendations on choosing secrets) at an appropriate time, time and stored in stable or volatile storage (as necessary) for future use.

        <t indent="3">suitable_id() checks whether a candidate numeric identifier has suitable uniqueness properties. </t>

<t>In this algorithm, the function F() provides a stateless and stable per-CONTEXT offset, where CONTEXT is the concatenation of all the elements that define the given context.
          <t>For example, if this algorithm is expected to produce IPv6 IIDs that are unique per network interface and Stateless Address Autoconfiguration (SLAAC) prefix, CONTEXT should be the concatenation of, e.g., the network interface index and the SLAAC autoconfiguration prefix (please see <xref target="RFC7217" format="default"/> for an implementation of this algorithm for generation of stable IPv6 addresses).

        <t>The result of F() is stored in the variable 'offset', "offset", which may take any value within the storage type range, since we are restricting the resulting identifier to be in the range [min_id, max_id] in a similar way as in the algorithm described in <xref target="simple-randomization"/>.</t>

<t>suitable_id() target="simple-randomization" format="default"/>.</t>
        <t>As noted above, suitable_id() checks whether the a candidate numeric identifier has suitable uniqueness properties. Collisions (i.e., an identifier that is not unique) are recovered by incrementing the 'retry' "retry" variable and recomputing F(), up to a maximum of MAX_RETRIES times. However, recovering from collisions will usually result in identifiers that fail to remain constant for the specified context. This is normally acceptable when the probability of collisions is small, as in the case of e.g. of, e.g., IPv6 IIDs resulting from SLAAC <xref target="RFC7217"/> target="RFC7217" format="default"/> <xref target="RFC8981"/>.</t> target="RFC8981" format="default"/>.</t>
        <t>For obvious reasons, the transient numeric identifiers generated with this algorithm allow for network activity correlation and fingerprinting within "CONTEXT". However, this is essentially a design goal of this category of transient numeric identifiers.</t>
      <section title="Category anchor="cat-4-alg" numbered="true" toc="default">
        <name>Category #4: Uniqueness, monotonically increasing Monotonically Increasing within context (hard failure)" anchor="cat-4-alg"> Context (Hard Failure)</name>
        <section title="Per-context anchor="per-context-counter" numbered="true" toc="default">
          <name>Per-Context Counter Algorithm" anchor="per-context-counter"> Algorithm</name>
          <t>One possible way of selecting unique monotonically-increasing monotonically increasing identifiers (per context) is to employ a per-context counter. Such an algorithm could be described as follows:</t>

	  <sourcecode type="c"><![CDATA[
    /* Transient Numeric ID selection function */

    id_range = max_id - min_id + 1;
    retry = id_range;
    id_inc = increment() % id_range;

    if( (next_id = lookup_counter(CONTEXT)) == ERROR){
         next_id = min_id + random() % id_range;

    do {
        if ( (max_id - next_id) >= id_inc){
            next_id = next_id + id_inc;
        else {
            next_id = min_id + id_inc - (max_id - next_id);

        if (suitable_id(next_id)){
            store_counter(CONTEXT, next_id);
            return next_id;

        retry = retry - id_inc;

    } while (retry > 0);

    return ERROR;
<list style="hanging">
          <t hangText="NOTES:">
<vspace blankLines="0"/>
increment() indent="3">CONTEXT is the concatenation of all the elements that define a given context.</t>

            <t indent="3">increment() returns a small integer that is employed to increment the current counter value to obtain the next transient numeric identifier. This value must be larger than or equal to 1, and much smaller than the number of possible values for the numeric IDs identifiers (i.e., "id_range"). Most implementations of this algorithm employ a constant increment of 1. Using a value other than 1 can help mitigate some information leakages (please see below), below) at the expense of a possible increase in the numeric ID identifier reuse frequency.</t>
<t>The frequency. The code above makes sure that the increment employed in the algorithm (id_inc) is always smaller than the number of possible values for the numeric IDs identifiers (i.e., "max_id - min_d + 1"). However, as noted above, this value must also be much smaller than the number of possible values for the numeric IDs.</t>
<t>lookup_counter() identifiers.</t>
            <t indent="3">lookup_counter() is a function that returns the current counter for a given context, context or an error condition if that counter does not exist.</t>
	  <t indent="3">random() is a PRNG that returns a pseudorandom unsigned integer number of appropriate size. Beware that "adapting" the length of the output of random() with a modulo operator (e.g., C language's "%") may change the distribution of the PRNG. To preserve a uniform distribution, the rejection sampling technique <xref target="Romailler2020" format="default"/> can be used.</t>

            <t indent="3">store_counter() is a function that saves a counter value for a given context.</t>
<t>suitable_id() is a function that

        <t indent="3">suitable_id() checks whether the resulting a candidate numeric identifier is acceptable (e.g., whether it is not already in use, etc.).
</list> has suitable uniqueness properties. </t>

          <t>Essentially, whenever a new identifier is to be selected, the algorithm checks whether a counter for the corresponding context exists. If it does, the value of such counter is incremented to obtain the new transient numeric identifier, and the counter is updated. If no counter exists for such context, a new counter is created and initialized to a random value, value and used as the selected transient numeric identifier. This algorithm produces a per-context counter, which results in one monotonically-increasing monotonically increasing function for each context. Since each counter is initialized to a random value, the resulting values are unpredictable by an off-path attacker.
          <t>The choice of id_inc has implications on both the security and privacy properties of the resulting identifiers, but identifiers and also on the corresponding interoperability properties. On one hand, minimizing the increments generally minimizes the identifier reuse frequency, albeit at increased predictability. On the other hand, if the increments are randomized, predictability of the resulting identifiers is reduced, and the information leakage produced by global constant increments is mitigated. However, using larger increments than necessary can result in higher numeric ID identifier reuse frequency.
          <t>This algorithm has the following drawbacks:
<list style="symbols">
          <ul spacing="normal">
            <li>It requires an implementation to store each per-CONTEXT per-context counter in memory. If, as a result of resource management, the counter for a given context must be removed, the last transient numeric identifier value used for that context will be lost.  Thus, if subsequently an identifier subsequently needs to be generated for the same context, the corresponding counter will need to be recreated and reinitialized to a random value, thus possibly leading to reuse/collision of numeric identifiers.

Keeping one counter for each possible "context" may in some cases be considered too onerous in terms of memory requirements.

<t>An implementation may map more than one context to the same counter, such the amount of memory required to store counters is reduced, at the expense of a possible unnecessary increase in the numeric identifier reuse frequency. In such cases, if the identifiers are predictable by the destination system (in case the destination host represents the "context"), a vulnerable host might possibly leak to third parties the identifiers used by other hosts to send traffic to it (i.e., a vulnerable Host B could leak to Host C the identifier values that Host A is using to send packets to Host B). Appendix A of <xref target="RFC7739"/> describes one possible scenario for such leakage in detail. Employing small random numbers for the increments (i.e., for increment() function) may help mitigate this kind of information leakage.

          <t>Otherwise, the identifiers produced by this algorithm do not suffer from the other issues discussed in <xref target="vulns"/>.</t> target="vulns" format="default"/>.</t>
        <section title="Simple anchor="simple-hash" numbered="true" toc="default">
          <name>Simple PRF-Based Algorithm" anchor="simple-hash"> Algorithm</name>
          <t>The goal of this algorithm is to produce monotonically-increasing monotonically increasing transient numeric identifiers (for each given context), context) with a randomized initial value. For example, if the identifiers being generated must be monotonically-increasing monotonically increasing for each {IP Source {Source Address, IP Destination Address} set, then each possible combination of {IP Source {Source Address, IP Destination Address} should have a separate monotonically-increasing sequence, monotonically increasing sequence that starts at a different random value.
          <t>Instead of maintaining a per-context counter (as in the algorithm from <xref target="per-context-counter"/>), target="per-context-counter" format="default"/>), the following algorithm employs a calculated technique to maintain a random offset for each possible context.

<sourcecode type="c"><![CDATA[
    /* Initialization code */
    counter = 0;

    /* Transient Numeric ID selection function  */

    id_range = max_id - min_id + 1;
    id_inc = increment() % id_range;
    offset = F(CONTEXT, secret_key);
    retry = id_range;

    do {
        next_id = min_id + (offset + counter) % id_range;
        counter = counter + id_inc;

        if (suitable_id(next_id)) {
            return next_id;

        retry = retry - id_inc;

    } while (retry > 0);

    return ERROR;


    The function F() should be a cryptographically-secure hash function (e.g. SHA-256 <xref target="FIPS-SHS"/>). CONTEXT
          <t indent="3">CONTEXT is the concatenation of all the elements that define a given context. For example, if this algorithm is expected to produce identifiers that are monotonically-increasing monotonically increasing for each set (Source IP {Source Address, Destination IP Address), Address}, CONTEXT should be the concatenation of these two IP addresses.

<!-- Nuevo:

<t>F() is a pseudorandom function (PRF) that must not be computable from the outside (without knowledge of the secret key). F() must also be difficult to reverse, such that it resists attempts to obtain the secret_key, even when given samples of the output of F() Source Address and knowledge or control of Destination Address.</t>

          <t indent="3">increment() has the other input parameters. F() should produce an output of at least as many bits same properties and requirements as required for the transient numeric identifier. F() could be the result of applying a cryptographic hash over an encoded version of the function parameters.  While this document does not recommend a specific mechanism those specified for encoding the function parameters (or a specific cryptographic hash function), increment() in <xref target="per-context-counter" format="default"/>.</t>
          <t indent="3">F() is a cryptographically robust construction will ensure that the mapping from parameters to PRF, with the hash function input is an injective map, same properties as might be attained by using fixed-width encodings and/or length-prefixing variable-length parameters. SHA-256 <xref target="FIPS-SHS"/> is one possible option for F(). Note: MD5 <xref target="RFC1321"/> is considered unacceptable those specified for F() in <xref target="RFC6151"/>.</t>
--> target="cat-3-alg" format="default"/>.</t>

        <t indent="3">suitable_id() checks whether a candidate numeric identifier has suitable uniqueness properties.</t>

    <t>In the algorithm above, the function F() provides a (stateless) stateless, stable, and unpredictable offset for each given context (as identified by 'CONTEXT').

<t>F() is a PRF, with the same properties as those specified for F() in <xref target="cat-3-alg"/>.</t>

<t>CONTEXT is the concatenation of all the elements that define a given context. For example, if this algorithm is expected to produce identifiers that are monotonically-increasing for each set (Source IP Address, Destination IP Address), CONTEXT should be the concatenation of these two IP addresses.</t>

    The function F() provides a &quot;per-CONTEXT&quot; fixed offset within the numeric identifier "space". "CONTEXT"). Both the 'offset' "offset" and 'counter' "counter" variables may take any value within
    the storage type range since we are restricting the resulting identifier to be in the range [min_id, max_id] in a similar way as in the algorithm described in <xref target="simple-randomization"/>. target="simple-randomization" format="default"/>.  This allows us
    to simply increment the 'counter' "counter" variable and rely on the
    unsigned integer to wrap around.

The secret should be chosen to be as random as possible (see <xref target="RFC4086"/> for recommendations on choosing secrets).

The result of F() is no more secure than the secret key, and therefore 'secret_key' therefore, "secret_key" must be unknown to the attacker, attacker and must be of a reasonable length. 'secret_key' "secret_key" must remain stable for a given CONTEXT, since otherwise otherwise, the numeric identifiers generated by this algorithm would not have the desired stability properties (i.e., monotonically-increasing monotonically increasing for a given CONTEXT). In most cases, 'secret_key' "secret_key" should be selected with a PRNG (see <xref target="RFC4086"/> target="RFC4086" format="default"/> for recommendations on choosing secrets) at an appropriate time, time and stored in stable or volatile storage (as necessary) for future use.</t>
          <t>It should be noted that, since this algorithm uses a global counter (&quot;counter&quot;) ("counter") for selecting identifiers (i.e., all counters share the same increments increment space), this algorithm results in an information leakage (as described in <xref target="information-leakage"/>). target="information-leakage" format="default"/>). For example, if this algorithm were was used for selecting TCP ephemeral ports, ports and an attacker could force a client to periodically establish a new TCP connection to an attacker-controlled system (or through an attacker-observable routing path), the attacker could subtract consecutive source port Source Port values to obtain the number of outgoing TCP connections established globally by the victim host within that time period (up to wrap-around issues and five-tuple collisions, of course). This information leakage could be partially mitigated by employing small random values for the increments (i.e., increment() function), instead of having increment() return the constant "1".</t>
          <t>We nevertheless note that an improved mitigation of this information leakage could be more successfully achieved by employing the algorithm from <xref target="double-hash"/>, target="double-hash" format="default"/>, instead.</t>

<t>From a functional perspective, this algorithm results in numeric identifiers with similar properties to those generated with the algorithm specified in <xref target="per-context-counter"/> when multiple

        <section title="Double-PRF Algorithm" anchor="double-hash"> anchor="double-hash" numbered="true" toc="default">
          <name>Double-PRF Algorithm</name>
          <t>A trade-off between maintaining a single global 'counter' "counter" variable and maintaining 2**N 'counter' "counter" variables (where N is the width of the result of F()), F()) could be achieved as follows. The system would keep an array of TABLE_LENGTH values, which would provide a separation of the increment space into multiple buckets. This improvement could be incorporated into the algorithm from <xref target="simple-hash"/> target="simple-hash" format="default"/> as follows:</t>

	  <sourcecode type="c"><![CDATA[
    /* Initialization code */

    for(i = 0; i &lt; < TABLE_LENGTH; i++) {
        table[i] = random();

    /* Transient Numeric ID selection function */

    id_range = max_id - min_id + 1;
    id_inc = increment() % id_range;
    offset = F(CONTEXT, secret_key1);
    index = G(CONTEXT, secret_key2) % TABLE_LENGTH;
    retry = id_range;

    do {
        next_id = min_id + (offset + table[index]) % id_range;
        table[index] = table[index] + id_inc;

        if (suitable_id(next_id)) {
            return next_id;

       retry = retry - id_inc;

    } while (retry > 0);

    return ERROR;


'table[]' could be initialized with random values, as indicated by the initialization code in the pseudo-code above.</t>

<t>Both F() and G() should be cryptographically-secure hash functions (e.g. SHA-256 <xref target="FIPS-SHS"/>) computed over the concatenation of each of their respective arguments. Both F() and G() would employ

          <t indent="3">increment() has the same CONTEXT (the concatenation of all the elements that define a given context), and would use separate secret keys (secret_key1, properties and secret_key2, respectively).

<t>Both requirements as those specified for increment() in <xref target="per-context-counter" format="default"/>.</t>
<t indent="3">Both F() and G() are PRFs, with the same properties as those required for F() in <xref target="cat-3-alg"/>.</t>

<t> target="cat-3-alg" format="default"/>. The results of F() and G() are no more secure than their respective secret keys ('secret_key1' ("secret_key1" and 'secret_key2', "secret_key2", respectively), and therefore therefore, both secret keys must be unknown to the attacker, attacker and must be of a reasonable length. Both secret keys must remain stable for the given CONTEXT, since otherwise otherwise, the transient numeric identifiers generated by this algorithm would not have the desired stability properties (i.e., monotonically-increasing monotonically increasing for a given CONTEXT). In most cases, both secret keys should be selected with a PRNG (see <xref target="RFC4086"/> target="RFC4086" format="default"/> for recommendations on choosing secrets) at an appropriate time, time and stored in stable or volatile storage (as necessary) for future use.

The function G() should
          <t indent="3">
"table[]" could be a cryptographic hash function.  It should use the same CONTEXT initialized with random values, as F(), and a secret key value to compute a value between 0 and (TABLE_LENGTH-1).
--> indicated by the initialization code in the pseudocode above.</t>

<t>The 'table[]' "table[]" array assures that successive transient numeric identifiers for a given context will be monotonically-increasing. monotonically increasing. Since the increments increment space is separated into TABLE_LENGTH different spaces, the identifier reuse frequency will be (probabilistically) lower than that of the algorithm in <xref target="simple-hash"/>. target="simple-hash" format="default"/>. That is, the generation of an identifier for one given context will not necessarily result in increments in the identifier sequence of other contexts. It is interesting to note that the size of 'table[]' "table[]" does not limit the number of different identifier sequences, sequences but rather separates the *increment space* <strong>increment space</strong> into TABLE_LENGTH different spaces. The selected transient numeric identifier sequence will be obtained by adding the corresponding entry from 'table[]' "table[]" to the value in the 'offset' "offset" variable, which selects the actual identifier sequence space (as in the algorithm from <xref target="simple-hash"/>). target="simple-hash" format="default"/>). </t>
          <t>An attacker can perform traffic analysis for any &quot;increment
  space&quot; "increment
  space"  (i.e., context) into which the attacker has &quot;visibility&quot; "visibility" -- namely, the attacker can force a system to generate identifiers for G(CONTEXT, secret_key2), where the result of G() identifies the target &quot;increment space&quot;. "increment space". However, the attacker's ability to perform traffic analysis is very reduced when compared to the simple PRF-based identifiers (described in <xref target="simple-hash"/>) target="simple-hash" format="default"/>) and the predictable linear identifiers (described in <xref target="trad_selection"/>). target="trad_selection" format="default"/>). Additionally, an implementation can further limit the attacker's ability to perform traffic analysis by further separating the increment space (that is, using a larger value for TABLE_LENGTH) and/or by randomizing the increments (i.e., increment() returning a small random number as opposed to the constant "1").</t>
          <t>Otherwise, this algorithm does not suffer from the issues discussed in <xref target="vulns"/>.</t> target="vulns" format="default"/>.</t>
    <section title="Common anchor="vulns" numbered="true" toc="default">
      <name>Common Vulnerabilities Associated with Transient Numeric Identifiers" anchor="vulns"> Identifiers</name>
      <section title="Network anchor="activity-correlation" numbered="true" toc="default">
        <name>Network Activity Correlation" anchor="activity-correlation"> Correlation</name>
        <t>An identifier that is predictable within a given context allows for network activity correlation within that context.</t>
        <t>For example, a stable IPv6 Interface Identifier allows for network activity to be correlated within the context in which the Interface Identifier is stable <xref target="RFC7721"/>. target="RFC7721" format="default"/>. A stable-per-network stable per-network IPv6 Interface Identifier (as in <xref target="RFC7217"/>) target="RFC7217" format="default"/>) allows for network activity correlation within a network, whereas a constant IPv6 Interface Identifier (that (which remains constant across networks) allows not only network activity correlation within the same network, network but also across networks ("host tracking"). ("host-tracking").
        <t>Similarly, an implementation that generates TCP ISNs with a global counter could allow for fingerprinting and network activity correlation across networks, since an attacker could passively infer the identity of the victim based on the TCP ISNs employed for subsequent communication instances. Similarly, an implementation that generates predictable IPv6 Fragment Identification values could be subject to fingerprinting attacks (see e.g. (see, e.g., <xref target="Bellovin2002"/>). target="Bellovin2002" format="default"/>).
      <section title="Information Leakage" anchor="information-leakage"> anchor="information-leakage" numbered="true" toc="default">
        <name>Information Leakage</name>
        <t>Transient numeric identifiers that result in specific patterns can produce an information leakage to other communicating entities. For example, it is common to generate transient numeric identifiers with an algorithm such as:

<figure align="center">
<artwork align="center"><![CDATA[
<sourcecode type="c"><![CDATA[
           ID = offset(CONTEXT) + mono(CONTEXT);

This generic expression generates identifiers by adding a monotonically-increasing monotonically increasing function (e.g. (e.g., linear) to a randomized offset. offset() is constant within a given context, whereas mono() produces a monotonically-increasing monotonically increasing sequence for the given context. Identifiers generated with this expression will generally be predictable within CONTEXT. <!--Additionally, information associated with the increments will be "leaked" within CONTEXT_2. When both CONTEXT_1 and CONTEXT_2 are constant values, then the corresponding transient numeric identifiers become predictable in all contexts.-->

<list style="hanging">

      NOTE: If CONTEXT_1 is constant, and an attacker can sample ID values, the resulting identifiers may leak even more information. For example, if Fragment Identification values are generated
      with the generic function above, CONTEXT_1 is constant, and mono() is a linear function, then the corresponding identifiers will leak the number of fragmented datagrams sent for CONTEXT_2.  If both CONTEXT_1 and CONTEXT_2 are constant, and mono() is a linear function, then Fragment Identification values will be generated with a global counter (initialized to offset()), and thus each generated Fragment Identification value will leak the number of fragmented datagrams transmitted by the node since it has been bootstrapped.

--> </t>
        <t keepWithPrevious="true"/>

        <t>The predictability of mono(), irrespective of the predictability of offset(), can leak information that may be of use to attackers. For example, a node that selects transport-protocol ephemeral port numbers numbers, as in:

<figure align="center">
<artwork align="center"><![CDATA[ in:</t>
<sourcecode type="c"><![CDATA[
           ephemeral_port = offset(Dest_IP) offset(IP_Dst_Addr) + mono()
that is, with a per-destination offset, offset but a global mono() function (e.g., a global counter), will leak information about the total number of outgoing connections that have been issued by the vulnerable implementation.</t>
        <t keepWithPrevious="true"/>
        <t>Similarly, a node that generates Fragment IPv6 Identification values as in:

<figure align="center">
<artwork align="center"><![CDATA[
<sourcecode type="c"><![CDATA[
           ID = offset(IP_src_addr, IP_dst_addr) offset(IP_Src_Addr, IP_Dst_Addr) + mono()
will leak out information about the total number of fragmented packets that have been transmitted by the vulnerable implementation. The vulnerabilities described in <xref target="Sanfilippo1998a"/>, target="Sanfilippo1998a" format="default"/>, <xref target="Sanfilippo1998b"/>, target="Sanfilippo1998b" format="default"/>, and <xref target="Sanfilippo1999"/> target="Sanfilippo1999" format="default"/> are all associated with the use of a global mono() function (i.e., with a global and constant "context") "CONTEXT") -- particularly when it is a linear function (constant increments of 1).
        <t>Predicting transient numeric identifiers can be of help for other types of attacks. For example, predictable TCP ISNs can open the door to trivial connection-reset and data injection attacks (see <xref target="injection-attacks"/>). target="injection-attacks" format="default"/>).
      <section title="Fingerprinting" anchor="fingerprinting"> anchor="fingerprinting" numbered="true" toc="default">
        <t>Fingerprinting is the capability of an attacker to identify or re-identify reidentify a visiting user, user agent agent, or device via configuration settings or other observable characteristics. Observable protocol objects and characteristics can be employed to identify/re-identify
a variety of entities, ranging identify/reidentify
various entities. These entities can range from the underlying hardware or Operating
System operating
system (OS) (vendor, type type, and version), version) to the user itself (i.e. his/her
identity). user. <xref target="EFF"/> target="EFF" format="default"/> illustrates web browser-based web-browser-based fingerprinting, but
similar techniques can be applied at other layers and protocols, whether
alternatively or in conjunction with it.</t>
Transient numeric identifiers are one of the observable protocol components that could be leveraged for fingerprinting purposes. That is, an attacker could sample transient numeric identifiers to infer the algorithm (and its associated parameters, if any) for generating such identifiers, possibly revealing the underlying Operating System (OS) OS vendor, type, and version. This information could possibly be further leveraged in conjunction with other fingerprinting techniques and sources.
Evasion of protocol-stack fingerprinting can prove to be a very difficult task: task, i.e., most systems make use of a wide variety of protocols, each of which have a large number of parameters that can be set to arbitrary values or generated with a variety of algorithms with multiple parameters.

<list style="hanging">
<t hangText="NOTE:">
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          <aside><t>NOTE: General protocol-based fingerprinting is discussed in <xref target="RFC6973"/>, target="RFC6973" format="default"/>,
   along with guidelines to mitigate the associated  vulnerability.
   <xref target="Fyodor1998"/> target="Fyodor1998" format="default"/> and <xref target="Fyodor2006"/> target="Fyodor2006" format="default"/> are classic references
   on Operating System OS detection via TCP/IP stack fingerprinting.
   Network Mapper <xref target="nmap"/> target="nmap" format="default"/> is probably the most popular tool for remote OS
   identification via active TCP/IP stack fingerprinting. p0f <xref target="Zalewski2012"/>, target="Zalewski2012" format="default"/>,
   on the other hand, is a tool for performing remote OS detection via
   passive TCP/IP stack fingerprinting. Finally, <xref target="TBIT"/> target="TBIT" format="default"/> is a TCP
   fingerprinting tool that aims at characterizing the behaviour behavior of a
   remote TCP peer based on active probes, and which has been widely
   used in the research community.
Algorithms that, from the perspective of an observer (e.g., the legitimate communicating peer), result in specific values or patterns, patterns will allow for at least some level of fingerprinting. For example,
the algorithm from <xref target="cat-3-alg"/> target="cat-3-alg" format="default"/> will typically allow fingerprinting within the context where the resulting identifiers are stable. Similarly, the algorithms from <xref target="cat-4-alg"/> target="cat-4-alg" format="default"/> will result in a monotonically-increasing monotonically increasing sequences within a given context, thus allowing for at least some level of fingerprinting (when the other communicating entity can correlate different sampled identifiers as belonging to the same monotonically-increasing monotonically increasing sequence).
Thus, where possible, algorithms from <xref target="cat-1-alg"/> target="cat-1-alg" format="default"/> should be preferred over algorithms that result in specific values or patterns.
      <section title="Exploitation anchor="id-semantics" numbered="true" toc="default">
        <name>Exploitation of the Semantics of Transient Numeric Identifiers" anchor="id-semantics"> Identifiers</name>
        <t>Identifiers that are not semantically opaque tend to be more predictable than semantically-opaque semantically opaque identifiers. For example, a MAC Media Access Control (MAC) address contains an OUI (Organizationally-Unique Identifier)  Organizationally Unique Identifier (OUI), which may identify the vendor that manufactured the corresponding network interface card. This can be leveraged by an attacker trying to "guess" MAC addresses, who has some knowledge about the possible Network Interface Card (NIC) vendor.</t>
        <t><xref target="RFC7707"/> target="RFC7707" format="default"/> discusses a number of techniques to reduce the search space when performing IPv6 address-scanning attacks by leveraging the semantics of the IIDs produced by traditional SLAAC algorithms (eventually replaced by <xref target="RFC7217"/>) that embed MAC addresses in the IID of IPv6 addresses. IIDs.
      <section title="Exploitation anchor="id-collisions" numbered="true" toc="default">
        <name>Exploitation of Collisions of Transient Numeric Identifiers" anchor="id-collisions"> Identifiers</name>
        <t>In many cases, the collision of transient network identifiers can have a hard failure severity (or result in a hard failure severity if an attacker can cause multiple collisions deterministically, one after another). For example, predictable Fragment IP Identification values open the door to Denial of Service (DoS) attacks (see e.g. (see, e.g., <xref target="RFC5722"/>.). target="RFC5722" format="default"/>.).
      <section title="Exploitation anchor="injection-attacks" numbered="true" toc="default">
        <name>Exploitation of Predictable Transient Numeric Identifiers for Injection Attacks" anchor="injection-attacks"> Attacks</name>
        <t>Some protocols rely on "sequence numbers" for the validation of incoming packets. For example, TCP employs sequence numbers for reassembling TCP segments, while IPv4 and IPv6 employ Fragment Identification values for reassembling IPv4 and IPv6 fragments (respectively). Lacking built-in cryptographic mechanisms for validating packets, these protocols are therefore vulnerable to on-path data (see e.g. (see, e.g., <xref target="Joncheray1995"/>) target="Joncheray1995" format="default"/>)  and/or control-information (see e.g. (see, e.g., <xref target="RFC4953"/> target="RFC4953" format="default"/> and <xref target="RFC5927"/>) target="RFC5927" format="default"/>) injection attacks. The extent to which these protocols may resist off-path (i.e. (i.e., "blind") injection attacks depends on whether the associated "sequence numbers" are predictable, predictable and the effort required to successfully predict a valid "sequence number" (see e.g. (see, e.g., <xref target="RFC4953"/> target="RFC4953" format="default"/> and <xref target="RFC5927"/>). target="RFC5927" format="default"/>).
<t>We note that the use of unpredictable "sequence numbers" is a completely-ineffective completely ineffective mitigation for on-path injection attacks, attacks and also a mostly-ineffective mostly ineffective mitigation for off-path (i.e. (i.e., "blind") injection attacks.
However, many legacy protocols (such as TCP) do not natively incorporate cryptographic mitigations, mitigations as part of the core protocol but rather only as optional features (see e.g. (see, e.g., <xref target="RFC5925"/>), target="RFC5925" format="default"/>), if available at all available. all.
Additionally, ad-hoc ad hoc use of cryptographic mitigations might not be sufficient to relieve a protocol implementation of generating appropriate transient numeric identifiers. For example, use of the Transport Layer Security (TLS) protocol <xref target="RFC8446"/> target="RFC8446" format="default"/> with TCP will protect the application protocol, protocol but will not help to mitigate e.g. mitigate, e.g., TCP-based connection-reset attacks (see e.g. (see, e.g., <xref target="RFC4953"/>). target="RFC4953" format="default"/>). Similarly, use of SEcure Neighbor Discovery (SEND) <xref target="RFC3971"/> target="RFC3971" format="default"/> will still imply reliance on the successful reassembly of IPv6 fragments in those cases where SEND packets do not fit into the link Maximum Transmission Unit (MTU) (see <xref target="RFC6980"/>).</t> target="RFC6980" format="default"/>).</t>
      <section title="Cryptanalysis" anchor="crypto-analisis"> anchor="crypto-analisis" numbered="true" toc="default">
        <t>A number of algorithms discussed in this document (such as those described in Sections <xref target="simple-hash"/> target="simple-hash" format="counter"/> and <xref target="double-hash"/>) target="double-hash" format="counter"/>) rely on PRFs. Implementations that employ weak PRFs or keys of inappropriate size can be subject to cryptanalysis, where an attacker can obtain the secret key employed for the PRF, predict numeric identifiers, etc. </t>
        <t>Furthermore, an implementation that overloads the semantics of the secret key can result in more trivial cryptanalysis, possibly resulting in the leakage of the value employed for the secret key.
<list style="hanging">
<t hangText="NOTE:">
<vspace blankLines="0"/>
          <aside><t>NOTE: <xref target="IPID-DEV"/> target="IPID-DEV" format="default"/> describes two vulnerable transient numeric ID identifier generators that employ cryptographically-weak cryptographically weak hash functions. Additionally, one of such implementations employs 32-bits 32 bits of a kernel address as the secret key for a hash function, and therefore therefore, successful cryptanalysis leaks the aforementioned kernel address, allowing for Kernel Address Space Layout Randomization (KASLR) <xref target="KASLR"/> bypass.

</t> target="KASLR" format="default"/> bypass.</t></aside>
    <section title="Vulnerability anchor="vuln-cats" numbered="true" toc="default">
      <name>Vulnerability Assessment of Transient Numeric Identifiers" anchor="vuln-cats"> Identifiers</name>
The following subsections analyze possible vulnerabilities associated with the algorithms described in <xref target="common-algorithms"/>. target="common-algorithms" format="default"/>.
      <section title="Category anchor="cat-1-vuln" numbered="true" toc="default">
        <name>Category #1: Uniqueness (soft failure)" anchor="cat-1-vuln"> (Soft Failure)</name>
        <t>Possible vulnerabilities associated with the algorithms from <xref target="cat-1-alg"/> include:
<list style="symbols">
<t>Use target="cat-1-alg" format="default"/> include the following:
        <ul spacing="normal">
          <li>use of flawed PRNGs (please see e.g. see, e.g., <xref target="Zalewski2001"/>, target="Zalewski2001" format="default"/>, <xref target="Zalewski2002"/>, target="Zalewski2002" format="default"/>, <xref target="Klein2007"/> target="Klein2007" format="default"/>, and <xref target="CVEs"/>).</t>
<t>Inadvertently target="CVEs" format="default"/>)</li>
          <li>inadvertently affecting the distribution of an otherwise suitable PRNG (please see e.g. see, e.g., <xref target="Romailler2020"/>).</t>
</t> target="Romailler2020" format="default"/>)</li>
        <t>Where available, CSPRNGs should be preferred over regular PRNGs PRNGs, such as e.g. as, e.g., POSIX random(3) implementations. In scenarios where a CSPRNG is not readily available, a security and privacy assessment of employing a regular PRNG should be performed, supporting the implementation decision.

<list style="hanging">
<t hangText="NOTE:">
<vspace blankLines="0"/>

          <aside><t>NOTE: Please see <xref target="RFC4086"/> target="RFC4086" format="default"/> regarding randomness requirements for security. <xref target="Aumasson2018"/>, target="Aumasson2018" format="default"/>, <xref target="Press1992"/>, target="Press1992" format="default"/>, and <xref target="Knuth1983"/>, target="Knuth1983" format="default"/> discuss theoretical and practical aspects of random numbers generation, number generation and provide guidance on how to evaluate PRNGs.</t>
</t> PRNGs.</t></aside>
        <t>When employing a PRNG, many implementations "adapt" the length of its output with a modulo operator (e.g., C language's "%"), possibly changing the distribution of the output of the PRNG.</t>
For example, consider an implementation that employs the following code:

<figure align="center">
<artwork align="center"><![CDATA[

<sourcecode type="c"><![CDATA[
           id = random() % 50000;
This example implementation means to obtain a transient numeric identifier in the range 0-49999. If random() produces e.g. produces, e.g., a pseudorandom number of 16 bits (with uniform distribution), the selected transient numeric identifier will have a non-uniform nonuniform distribution with the numbers in the range 0-15535 having double-frequency double frequency than the numbers in the range 15536-49999.

<list style="hanging">
        <t hangText="NOTE:">
<vspace blankLines="0"/> keepWithPrevious="true"/>
          <aside><t>NOTE: For example, in our sample code code, both an output of 10 and output of 50010 from the random() function will result in an 'id' "id" value of 10.

This effect is reduced if the PRNG produces an output that is much longer than the length implied by the modulo operation. We note that to preserve a uniform distribution, the rejection sampling technique <xref target="Romailler2020"/> target="Romailler2020" format="default"/> can be used.
Use of algorithms other than PRNGs for generating identifiers of this category is discouraged.
      <section title="Category anchor="cat-2-vuln" numbered="true" toc="default">
        <name>Category #2: Uniqueness (hard failure)" anchor="cat-2-vuln"> (Hard Failure)</name>
        <t>As noted in <xref target="cat-2-alg"/>, target="cat-2-alg" format="default"/>, this category can employ the same algorithms as Category #4, since a monotonically-increasing monotonically increasing sequence tends to minimize the transient numeric identifier reuse frequency. Therefore, the vulnerability analysis in <xref target="cat-4-vuln"/> target="cat-4-vuln" format="default"/> also applies to this category.
        <t>Additionally, as noted in <xref target="cat-2-alg"/>, target="cat-2-alg" format="default"/>, some transient numeric identifiers of this category might be able to use the algorithms from  <xref target="cat-1-alg"/>, target="cat-1-alg" format="default"/>, in which case the same considerations as in <xref target="cat-1-vuln"/> target="cat-1-vuln" format="default"/> would apply.
      <section title="Category anchor="cat-3-vuln" numbered="true" toc="default">
        <name>Category #3: Uniqueness, stable Stable within context (soft failure)" anchor="cat-3-vuln">
<t>There are three main vulnerabilities that may be associated with identifiers of this category:
<list style="numbers">
<t>Use algorithms or sources that result in predictable identifiers</t>
<t>Use cryptographically-weak hash functions, or inappropriate secret key sizes that allow for cryptanalysis</t>
<t>Employing the same identifier across contexts in which stability is not required (overloading the numeric identifier)</t>
--> Context (Soft Failure)</name>

<t>Possible vulnerabilities associated with the algorithms from <xref target="cat-3-alg"/> are:
<list style="numbers">
<t>Use target="cat-3-alg" format="default"/> are the following:
        <ul spacing="normal"><li>Use of weak PRFs, PRFs or inappropriate secret keys (whether inappropriate selection or inappropriate size) could allow for cryptanalysis, which could eventually be exploited by an attacker to predict future transient numeric identifiers.</t>
<t>Since identifiers.</li>
          <li>Since the algorithm generates a unique and stable identifier within a specified context, it may allow for network activity correlation and fingerprinting within the specified context.</t>
</t> context.</li>
      <section title="Category anchor="cat-4-vuln" numbered="true" toc="default">
        <name>Category #4: Uniqueness, monotonically increasing Monotonically Increasing within context (hard failure)" anchor="cat-4-vuln"> Context (Hard Failure)</name>
        <t>The algorithm described in <xref target="per-context-counter"/> target="per-context-counter" format="default"/> for generating identifiers of Category #4 will result in an identifiable pattern (i.e. (i.e., a monotonically-increasing monotonically increasing sequence) for the transient numeric identifiers generated for each CONTEXT, and thus will allow for fingerprinting and network activity correlation within each CONTEXT.
        <t>On the other hand, a simple way to generalize and analyze the algorithms described in Sections <xref target="simple-hash"/> target="simple-hash" format="counter"/> and <xref target="double-hash"/> target="double-hash" format="counter"/> for generating identifiers of Category #4, #4 is as follows:
	<sourcecode type="c"><![CDATA[
    /* Transient Numeric ID selection function */

    id_range = max_id - min_id + 1;
    retry = id_range;
    id_inc = increment() % id_range;

    do {
        update_mono(CONTEXT, id_inc);
        next_id = min_id + (offset(CONTEXT) + \
                            mono(CONTEXT)) % id_range;

        if (suitable_id(next_id)) {
            return next_id;

        retry = retry - id_inc;

    } while (retry > 0);

    return ERROR;


<list style="hanging">
          <t hangText="NOTE:">
<vspace blankLines="0"/>
increment() indent="3">increment() returns a small integer that is employed to generate a monotonically-increasing monotonically increasing function. Most implementations employ a constant value for "increment()" (usually 1). The value returned by increment() must be much smaller than the value computed for "id_range".
<t indent="3">update_mono(CONTEXT, id_inc) increments the counter corresponding to CONTEXT by "id_inc".
<t indent="3">mono(CONTEXT) reads the counter corresponding to CONTEXT.
        <t>Essentially, an identifier (next_id) is generated by adding a monotonically-increasing monotonically increasing function (mono()) to an offset value, which is unknown to the attacker and stable for given context (CONTEXT).</t>
        <t>The following aspects of the algorithm should be considered:

<list style="symbols">

        <ul spacing="normal">
          <li>For the most part, it is the offset() function that results in identifiers that are unpredictable by an off-patch attacker. While the resulting sequence is known to be monotonically-increasing, monotonically increasing, the use of a randomized offset value makes the resulting values unknown to the attacker.</t>
<t>The attacker.</li>
          <li>The most straightforward "stateless" implementation of offset() is with a PRF that takes the values that identify the context and a "secret_key" secret key (not shown in the figure above) as arguments.

One possible implementation of mono() would be to have mono() internally employ a single counter (as in the algorithm from <xref target="simple-hash"/>), target="simple-hash" format="default"/>) or map the increments for different contexts into a number of counters/buckets, such that the number of counters that need to be maintained in memory is reduced (as in the algorithm from algorithm in <xref target="double-hash"/>).
One possible implementation approach for mono() is to maintain per-context counters, initialized to random values (as the algorithm from <xref target="per-context-counter"/>). When a new identifier is to be selected, the corresponding counter is looked-up (based on the context) and incremented, to obtain a new transient numeric identifier. For example, the algorithm in <xref target="per-context-counter"/> could be such an implementation of mono().  Another possible implementation of mono() would be to have mono() internally employ a single counter (as in the algorithm from <xref target="simple-hash"/>), or map the increments for different contexts into a number of counters/buckets, such that the number of counters that need to be maintained in memory is reduced (as in the algorithm "Double-PRF Algorithm" from algorithm in <xref target="double-hash"/>).
<t>In target="double-hash" format="default"/>).

<li>In all cases, a monotonically increasing function is implemented by incrementing the previous value of a counter by increment() units. In the most trivial case, increment() could return the constant "1". But increment() could also be implemented to return small random integers such that the increments are unpredictable (see Appendix A of <xref target="RFC7739"/>). target="random-increments"/> of this document). This represents a trade-off between the unpredictability of the resulting transient numeric IDs identifiers and the transient numeric ID identifier reuse frequency.
        <t>Considering the generic algorithm illustrated above, we can identify the following possible vulnerabilities:
<list style="symbols">
        <ul spacing="normal">
          <li>Since the algorithms for this category are similar to those of <xref target="cat-3-vuln"/>, target="cat-3-vuln" format="default"/>, with the addition of a monotonically-increasing monotonically increasing function, all the issues discussed in <xref target="cat-3-vuln"/> target="cat-3-vuln" format="default"/> ("Category #3: Uniqueness, stable Stable within context (soft failure)") Context (Soft Failure)") also apply to this case.

<li>mono() can be correlated to the number of identifiers generated for a given context (CONTEXT). Thus, if mono() spans more than the necessary context, the "increments" could be leaked to other parties, thus disclosing information about the number of identifiers that have been generated by the algorithm for all contexts. This is information disclosure becomes more evident when an implementation employs a constant increment of 1.

For example, an implementation where mono() is actually a single global counter, counter will unnecessarily leak information about the number of identifiers that have been generated by the algorithm (globally, for all contexts). <xref target="Fyodor2003"/> is target="Fyodor2003" format="default"/> describes one example of how such information leakages can be exploited. We note that limiting the span of the increments increment space will require a larger number of counters to be stored in memory (i.e., a larger value for the TABLE_LENGTH parameter of the algorithm in <xref target="double-hash"/>).

<t>Transient target="double-hash" format="default"/>).
          <li>Transient numeric identifiers generated with the algorithms described in Sections <xref target="simple-hash"/> target="simple-hash" format="counter"/> and <xref target="double-hash"/> target="double-hash" format="counter"/> will normally allow for fingerprinting within CONTEXT since, for such context, the resulting identifiers will have an identifiable pattern (i.e. (i.e., a monotonically-increasing monotonically increasing sequence).

    <section title="IANA Considerations" anchor="iana-considerations"> anchor="iana-considerations" numbered="true" toc="default">
      <name>IANA Considerations</name>
      <t>This document has no IANA actions.</t>
    <section title="Security Considerations">

	<t>The numbered="true" toc="default">
      <name>Security Considerations</name>
      <t>This entire document is about the security and privacy implications of transient numeric identifiers. <xref target="I-D.gont-numeric-ids-sec-considerations"/> target="RFC9416" format="default"/> recommends that protocol specifications specify the interoperability requirements of their transient numeric identifiers, perform a vulnerability assessment of their transient numeric identifiers, and suggest recommend an algorithm for generating each of their transient numeric identifiers. This document analyzes possible algorithms (and their implications) that could be employed to comply with the interoperability properties requirements of the most common categories of transient numeric identifiers, identifiers while minimizing the associated negative security and privacy implications.</t>

    <section title="Acknowledgements">

<t>The authors would like to thank (in alphabetical order) Bernard Aboba, Jean-Philippe Aumasson, Steven Bellovin, Luis Leon Cardenas Graide, Spencer Dawkins, Theo de Raadt, Guillermo Gont, Joseph Lorenzo Hall, Gre Norcie, Colin Perkins, Vincent Roca, Shivan Sahib, Rich Salz, Martin Thomson, and Michael Tuexen, for providing valuable comments on earlier versions of this document.</t>

<t>The authors would like to thank Shivan Sahib and Christopher Wood, for their guidance during the publication process of this document.</t>

<t>The authors would like to thank Jean-Philippe Aumasson and Mathew D. Green (John Hopkins University) for kindly answering a number of questions.</t>

 <t>The authors would like to thank Diego Armando Maradona for his magic and inspiration.</t>
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	<?rfc include="reference.RFC.2119" ?>
	<?rfc include="reference.RFC.8174" ?>

<!-- TCP sequence numbers -->
	<?rfc include="reference.RFC.0793" ?>
	<?rfc include="reference.RFC.6528" ?> <!-- TCP SEQ randomization -->

<!-- Port Randomization -->
	<?rfc include="reference.RFC.6056" ?>

<!-- TCP-AO -->
	<?rfc include="reference.RFC.5925" ?>

<!-- IPv4 -->
	<?rfc include="reference.RFC.0791" ?>

<!-- IPv6 -->
	<?rfc include="reference.RFC.2460" ?>
	<?rfc include="reference.RFC.8200" ?>
	<?rfc include="reference.RFC.4086" ?>
	<?rfc include="reference.RFC.4291" ?>
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	<?rfc include="reference.RFC.5722" ?>
	<?rfc include="reference.RFC.7217" ?>
	<?rfc include="reference.RFC.8064" ?>

<!-- IPv6 Flow Label -->
	<?rfc include="reference.RFC.6437" ?>

<!-- TCP timestamps -->
	<?rfc include="reference.RFC.6191" ?>
	<?rfc include="reference.RFC.7323" ?>

<!-- MD5 -->

	<?rfc include="reference.RFC.1321" ?>
	<?rfc include="reference.RFC.6151" ?>

<!-- DNS -->

	<?rfc include="reference.RFC.1035" ?>

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<!-- HMAC -->
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<!-- md5 -->
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<!-- flow label -->
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<!-- MD5
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<!-- Pervasive Monitoring -->
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<!-- TCP ISNs -->
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<!-- ICMP attacks -->

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<!-- TCP based attacks -->
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<!-- TLS -->
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<!-- SEND -->
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<!-- Frag con ND -->
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<!-- IPv6 Flow Label -->
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<!-- Fragment ID -->
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<seriesInfo name="DOI" value="10.17487/RFC9416"/>

<!-- IPv6 addresses -->

	<?rfc include="reference.I-D.irtf-pearg-numeric-ids-history" ?>
	<?rfc include="reference.I-D.gont-numeric-ids-sec-considerations" ?>

	<?rfc include="reference.I-D.ietf-6man-default-iids" ?>

	<?rfc include="reference.RFC.7721" ?>
	<?rfc include="reference.RFC.7707" ?>

<!-- CSPRNG -->
	<?rfc include="reference.RFC.8937" ?>

	<xi:include href="https://bib.ietf.org/public/rfc/bibxml/reference.RFC.7721.xml"/>
        <xi:include href="https://bib.ietf.org/public/rfc/bibxml/reference.RFC.7707.xml"/>
	<xi:include href="https://bib.ietf.org/public/rfc/bibxml/reference.RFC.8937.xml"/>

        <reference anchor="TCPT-uptime" target="https://securiteam.com/securitynews/5np0c153pi/"> target="https://seclists.org/bugtraq/2001/Mar/182">
            <title>TCP Timestamping - Obtaining System Uptime Remotely</title>
            <author initials="B." surname="McDanel" fullname="B. fullname="Bret McDanel">
            <date month="March" day="14" year="2001"/>
          <refcontent>message to the Bugtraq mailing list</refcontent>

<!-- SipHash OLD
	<reference anchor="SipHash" target="https://www.aumasson.jp/siphash/siphash.pdf">
			<title>SipHash: a fast short-input PRF</title>
			<author initials="J. P." surname="Aumasson" fullname="Jean-Philippe Aumasson">
			<author initials="D. J." surname="Bernstein" fullname="Daniel J. Bernstein">
				<organization>University of Illinois at Chicago</organization>
			<date year="2012"/>
		<seriesInfo name="" value="Indocrypt 2012. 13th International Conference on Cryptology. December 9-12, 2012"/>

	<reference anchor="SipHash" target="https://github.com/veorq/SipHash">
            <title>SipHash: a fast short-input PRF</title>
			<author initials="J. P." surname="Aumasson" fullname="Jean-Philippe Aumasson">
			<author initials="D. J." surname="Bernstein" fullname="Daniel J. Bernstein">
				<organization>University of Illinois at Chicago</organization>
            <date year="2012"/> year="2023" month="February"/>

        <reference anchor="BLAKE3" target="https://blake3.io/">
            <title>BLAKE3: one function, fast everywhere</title>
			<author initials="J." surname="O'Connor" fullname="Jack O'Connor">

			<author initials="J. P." surname="Aumasson" fullname="Jean-Philippe Aumasson">

			<author initials="S." surname="Neves" fullname="Samuel Neves">

			<author initials="Z." surname="Wilcox-O'Hearn" fullname="Zooko Wilcox-O'Hearn">
            <date year="2020"/> year="2022" month="September"/>

        <reference anchor="FIPS-SHS" target="https://nvlpubs.nist.gov/nistpubs/FIPS/NIST.FIPS.180-4.pdf">
            <title>Secure Hash Standard (SHS)</title>
            <date month="August" year="2015"/>
          <seriesInfo name="" value="Federal Information Processing Standards Publication 180-4"/>

<!-- Deprecate SHA-1 -->

	<?rfc include="reference.RFC.6194" ?>

	<reference anchor="FIPS-HMAC" target="https://nvlpubs.nist.gov/nistpubs/FIPS/NIST.FIPS.198-1.pdf">
			<title>The Keyed-Hash Message Authentication Code (HMAC))</title>

			<date month="July" year="2008"/>
		</front> name="FIPS PUB" value="180-4"/>
	  <seriesInfo name="" value="Federal Information Processing Standards Publication 198-1"/> name="DOI" value="10.6028/NIST.FIPS.180-4"/>

	<xi:include href="https://bib.ietf.org/public/rfc/bibxml/reference.RFC.6194.xml"/>

    <section title="Algorithms anchor="fawed-algorithms" numbered="true" toc="default">
      <name>Algorithms and Techniques with Known Issues" anchor="fawed-algorithms"> Issues</name>
      <t>The following subsections discuss algorithms and techniques with known negative security and privacy implications.

<list style="hanging">
<t hangText="NOTE:">
<vspace blankLines="0"/>

        <aside><t>NOTE: As discussed in <xref target="intro"/>, target="intro" format="default"/>, the use of cryptographic techniques might allow for the safe use of some of these algorithms and techniques. However, this should be evaluated on a case by case case-by-case basis.
      <section title="Predictable anchor="trad_selection" numbered="true" toc="default">
        <name>Predictable Linear Identifiers Algorithm" anchor="trad_selection"> Algorithm</name>
        <t>One of the most trivial ways to achieve uniqueness with a low identifier reuse frequency is to produce a linear sequence. This type of algorithm has been employed in the past to generate identifiers of Categories #1, #2, and #4 (please see <xref target="categorizing"/> target="categorizing" format="default"/> for an analysis of these categories). <!-- This obviously assumes that each identifier will be used for a similar period of time.--></t>
For example, the following algorithm has been employed (see e.g. (see, e.g., <xref target="Morris1985"/>, target="Morris1985" format="default"/>, <xref target="Shimomura1995"/>, target="Shimomura1995" format="default"/>, <xref target="Silbersack2005"/> target="Silbersack2005" format="default"/>, and <xref target="CPNI-TCP"/>) target="CPNI-TCP" format="default"/>) in a number of operating systems for selecting IP fragment IDs, TCP ephemeral ports, port numbers, etc.:</t>

<sourcecode type="c"><![CDATA[
    /* Initialization code */

    next_id = min_id;
    id_inc= 1;

    /* Transient Numeric ID selection function */

    id_range = max_id - min_id + 1;
    retry = id_range;

    do {
        if (next_id == max_id) {
            next_id = min_id;
        else {
            next_id = next_id + id_inc;

        if (suitable_id(next_id)) {
            return next_id;


    } while (retry > 0);

    return ERROR;

<list style="hanging">

<t hangText="NOTE:">
<vspace blankLines="0"/>
suitable_id() is a function that indent="3">suitable_id() checks whether the resulting a candidate numeric identifier is acceptable suitable (e.g., whether it's in use, etc.).
</list> it is unique or not).
        <t>For obvious reasons, this algorithm results in predictable sequences. Since a global counter is used to generate the transient numeric identifiers ("next_id" in the example above), an entity that learns one numeric identifier can infer past numeric identifiers and predict future values to be generated by the same algorithm. Since the value employed for the increments is known (such as "1" in this case), an attacker can sample two values, values and learn the number of identifiers that have been were generated in-between in between the two sampled values. Furthermore, if the counter is initialized e.g. when the system its bootstrapped initialized, to some known value, value (e.g., when the system is bootstrapped), the algorithm will leak additional information, such as the number of transmitted fragmented datagrams in the case of an IP ID generator <xref target="Sanfilippo1998a"/>, target="Sanfilippo1998a" format="default"/> or the system uptime in the case of TCP timestamps <xref target="TCPT-uptime"/>. target="TCPT-uptime" format="default"/>.
      <section title="Random-Increments Algorithm" anchor="random-increments"> anchor="random-increments" numbered="true" toc="default">
        <name>Random-Increments Algorithm</name>
        <t>This algorithm offers a middle ground between the algorithms that
  generate randomized transient numeric identifiers (such as those described in Sections <xref target="simple-randomization"/> target="simple-randomization" format="counter"/> and <xref target="simple-randomization2"/>), target="simple-randomization2" format="counter"/>) and those that generate identifiers with a predictable monotonically-increasing monotonically increasing function (see <xref target="trad_selection"/>). target="trad_selection" format="default"/>).
<sourcecode type="c"><![CDATA[
    /* Initialization code */

    next_id = random();        /* Initialization value */
    id_rinc = 500;             /* Determines the trade-off */

    /* Transient Numeric ID selection function */

    id_range = max_id - min_id + 1;
    retry = id_range;

    do {
        /* Random increment */
        id_inc = (random() % id_rinc) + 1;

        if ( (max_id - next_id) >= id_inc){
            next_id = next_id + id_inc;
        else {
            next_id = min_id + id_inc - (max_id - next_id);

        if (suitable_id(next_id)) {
           return next_id;

        retry = retry - id_inc;

    } while (retry > 0);

    return ERROR;


	  <t indent="3">random() is a PRNG that returns a pseudorandom unsigned integer number of appropriate size. Beware that "adapting" the length of the output of random() with a modulo operator (e.g., C language's "%") may change the distribution of the PRNG. To preserve a uniform distribution, the rejection sampling technique <xref target="Romailler2020" format="default"/> can be used.</t>

  <t indent="3">suitable_id() is a function that checks whether a candidate identifier is suitable (e.g., whether it is unique or not).

This algorithm aims at producing a global monotonically-increasing monotonically increasing sequence of transient numeric identifiers, identifiers while avoiding the
use of fixed increments, which would lead to trivially predictable sequences.  The value "id_inc" "id_rinc" allows for direct control of the trade-off between unpredictability and identifier reuse frequency. The smaller the value of &quot;id_inc&quot;, "id_rinc", the more similar this algorithm is to a predicable, global linear ID identifier generation algorithm (as the one in <xref target="trad_selection"/>). target="trad_selection" format="default"/>). The larger the value of "id_inc", "id_rinc", the more similar this algorithm is to the algorithm described in <xref target="simple-randomization"/> target="simple-randomization" format="default"/> of this document.</t>
When the identifiers wrap, there is a risk of collisions of transient numeric identifiers (i.e., identifier reuse). Therefore, "id_inc" "id_rinc" should be selected according to the following criteria:

    <list style="symbols">
        <ul spacing="normal">
          <li>It should maximize the wrapping time of the identifier space.</t>
<t>It space.</li>
          <li>It should minimize identifier reuse frequency.</t>
<t>It frequency.</li>
          <li>It should maximize unpredictability.</t>
    </t> unpredictability.</li>
Clearly, these are competing goals, and the decision of which value of "id_inc" "id_rinc" to use is a trade-off. Therefore, the value of "id_inc" "id_rinc" is at times a configurable parameter so that system administrators can make the trade-off for themselves. We note that the alternative algorithms discussed throughout this document offer better interoperability, security security, and privacy properties than this algorithm, and hence hence, implementation of this algorithm is discouraged.
      <section title="Re-using anchor="reuse-across-context" numbered="true" toc="default">
        <name>Reusing Identifiers Across Different Contexts" anchor="reuse-across-context"> Contexts</name>
        <t>Employing the same identifier across contexts in which stability is not required (i.e. (i.e., overloading the semantics of transient numeric identifier) identifiers) usually has negative security and privacy implications.</t>
        <t>For example, in order to generate transient numeric identifiers of Category #2 or Category #3, an implementation or specification might be tempted to employ a source for the numeric identifiers which that is known to provide unique values, values but that may also be predictable or leak information related to the entity generating the identifier. This technique has been employed in the past for e.g. for, e.g., generating IPv6 IIDs by re-using reusing the MAC address of the underlying network interface. interface card. However, as noted in <xref target="RFC7721"/> target="RFC7721" format="default"/> and <xref target="RFC7707"/>, target="RFC7707" format="default"/>, embedding link-layer addresses in IPv6 IIDs not only results in predictable values, values but also leaks information about the manufacturer of the underlying network interface card, allows for network activity correlation, and makes address-based scanning attacks feasible.
    <section numbered="false" toc="default">
      <t>The authors would like to thank (in alphabetical order) <contact fullname="Bernard Aboba"/>, <contact fullname="Jean-Philippe Aumasson"/>, <contact fullname="Steven Bellovin"/>, <contact fullname="Luis León Cárdenas Graide"/>, <contact fullname="Spencer Dawkins"/>, <contact fullname="Theo de Raadt"/>, <contact fullname="Guillermo Gont"/>, <contact fullname="Joseph Lorenzo Hall"/>, <contact fullname="Gre Norcie"/>, <contact fullname="Colin Perkins"/>, <contact fullname="Vincent Roca"/>, <contact fullname="Shivan Sahib"/>, <contact fullname="Rich Salz"/>, <contact fullname="Martin Thomson"/>, and <contact fullname="Michael Tüxen"/> for providing valuable comments on earlier draft versions of this document.</t>
      <t>The authors would like to thank <contact fullname="Shivan Sahib"/> and <contact fullname="Christopher Wood"/> for their guidance during the publication process of this document.</t>
      <t>The authors would like to thank <contact fullname="Jean-Philippe Aumasson"/> and <contact fullname="Mathew D. Green"/> (John Hopkins University) for kindly answering a number of questions.</t>
      <t>The authors would like to thank <contact fullname="Diego Armando Maradona"/> for his magic and inspiration.</t>
