Letter V
Packages beginning with letter "V".
- valgrind - Tool for finding memory management bugs in programs
- vamp-plugin-sdk - An API for audio analysis and feature extraction plugins
- vbetool - Run real-mode video BIOS code to alter hardware state
- vcdimager - Video CD authoring tool
- vconfig - Linux 802.1q VLAN configuration utility
- vdr - Video Disk Recorder
- vdr-wapd - WAP remote control interface for VDR
- vdradmin-am - Web interface for VDR
- vgabios - LGPL implementation of a vga video bios
- vim-common - The common files needed by any version of the VIM editor
- vim-enhanced - A version of the VIM editor which includes recent enhancements
- vim-macros - The macro files needed by enhanced or X11 version of the VIM editor
- vim-minimal - A minimal version of the VIM editor
- vino - A remote desktop system for GNOME
- virt-manager - Virtual Machine Manager
- virt-top - Utility like top(1) for displaying virtualization stats
- virt-viewer - Virtual Machine Viewer
- vlgothic-fonts - Japanese TrueType font
- vlgothic-fonts-common - Common files for VLGothic Japanese TrueType fonts
- vlgothic-p-fonts - Proportional Japanese TrueType font
- vorbis-tools - Several Ogg Vorbis Tools
- vpnc - IPSec VPN client compatible with Cisco equipment
- vsftpd - Very Secure Ftp Daemon
- vte - An experimental terminal emulator.
- vzctl - Virtual Environments control utility
- vzctl-lib - Virtual Environments control API library
- vzquota - Virtuozzo disk quota control utility