Letter B
Packages beginning with letter "B".
- b43-fwcutter - Firmware extraction tool for Broadcom wireless driver
- babl - pixel format conversion library
- baekmuk-bdf-fonts - Korean bitmap fonts
- baekmuk-ttf-batang-fonts - Korean Baekmuk TrueType Batang typeface
- baekmuk-ttf-dotum-fonts - Korean Baekmuk TrueType Dotum typeface
- baekmuk-ttf-fonts-common - Common files for Korean Baekmuk TrueType fonts
- baekmuk-ttf-gulim-fonts - Korean Baekmuk TrueType Gulim typeface
- baekmuk-ttf-hline-fonts - Korean Baekmuk TrueType Headline typeface
- basesystem - The skeleton package which defines a simple Red Hat Linux system.
- bash - The GNU Bourne Again shell
- bash-completion - Programmable completion for Bash
- basket - Notes taker for KDE
- battfink - Energy saving and battery status utility.
- bc - GNU's bc (a numeric processing language) and dc (a calculator).
- bcel - Byte Code Engineering Library
- bcm43xx-fwcutter - Firmware extraction tool for Broadcom wireless driver
- beagle - The Beagle Search Infrastructure
- bes - Back-end server software framework for OPeNDAP
- bind - The Berkeley Internet Name Domain (BIND) DNS (Domain Name System) server
- bind-chroot - A chroot runtime environment for the ISC BIND DNS server, named(8)
- bind-libs - Libraries used by the BIND DNS packages
- bind-utils - Utilities for querying DNS name servers
- binutils - A GNU collection of binary utilities.
- bison - A GNU general-purpose parser generator.
- bitmap-fonts - Selected set of bitmap fonts
- bitstream-vera-fonts-common - Common files of the Bitstream Vera font set
- bitstream-vera-fonts-compat - Bitstream Vera, compatibility
- bitstream-vera-sans-fonts - Variable-width sans-serif Bitstream Vera fonts
- bitstream-vera-sans-mono-fonts - Monospace sans-serif Bitstream Vera fonts
- bitstream-vera-serif-fonts - Variable-width serif Bitstream Vera fonts
- bittorrent - BitTorrent swarming network file transfer tool
- bluecurve-icon-theme - Bluecurve icon theme
- bluez - Bluetooth libraries
- bluez-alsa - ALSA support for Bluetooth audio devices
- bluez-cups - CUPS printer backend for Bluetooth printers
- bluez-gnome - Bluetooth pairing and control applet
- bluez-libs - Libraries for use in Bluetooth applications
- boa - Single-tasking HTTP server
- bochs-bios - Bochs bios
- bogofilter - Fast anti-spam filtering by Bayesian statistical analysis
- bonnie++ - A program for benchmarking hard drives and filesystems
- boost-program-options - Runtime component of boost program_options library
- boost-python - Runtime component of boost python library
- bpg-chveulebrivi-fonts - Chveulebrivi family of BPG Georgian fonts
- bpg-courier-fonts - Courier family of BPG Georgian fonts
- bpg-fonts-common - Common files for BPG Georgian fonts (documentation...)
- bpg-glaho-fonts - Glaho family of BPG Georgian fonts
- brasero - brasero
- bridge-utils - Utilities for configuring the linux ethernet bridge
- brlapi - Appliation Programming Interface for BRLTTY
- bsf - Bean Scripting Framework
- btrfs-progs - Utilities for btrfs filesystems
- bug-buddy - Utility to ease the reporting of bugs within the GNOME Desktop Environment.
- byacc - Berkeley Yacc, a parser generator
- bzip2 - A file compression utility.