Letter A
Packages beginning with letter "A".
- a2ps - Converts text and other types of files to PostScript(TM)
- a52dec - A library for handling encrypted dvds.
- a52dec-devel - a52dec development package
- aadisplay - aadisplay is print ASCII Art
- abattis-cantarell-fonts - Cantarell, a Humanist sans-serif font family
- abook - Text-based addressbook program
- about-distro - KCM displaying distribution and system information
- accerciser - Python accessibility explorer
- accountsservice - D-Bus interfaces for querying and manipulating user account information
- accountsservice-devel - Development files for accountsservice-libs
- accountsservice-libs - Client-side library to talk to accountsservice
- acl - Access control list utilities
- acpi - Command-line ACPI client
- acpica-tools - ACPICA tools for the development and debug of ACPI tables
- acpid - ACPI Event Daemon
- acpitool - Command line ACPI client
- adaptx - AdaptX XSLT processor and XPath engine
- adaptx-doc - Documentation for adaptx
- adaptx-javadoc - Javadoc for adaptx
- adjtimex - A utility for adjusting kernel time variables
- adobe-source-sans-pro-fonts - A set of OpenType fonts designed for user interfaces
- advancecomp - Recompression utilities for .PNG, .MNG and .ZIP files
- adwaita-gtk2-theme - Adwaita gtk2 theme
- adwaita-icon-theme - Adwaita icon theme
- adwaita-icon-theme-devel - Development files for adwaita-icon-theme
- afio - cpio compatible archiver
- agg - Anti-Grain Geometry graphical rendering engine
- agg-devel - Support files necessary to compile applications with agg
- agrep - Approximate grep utility
- aiksaurus - An English-language thesaurus library
- aiksaurus-devel - Files for developing with aiksaurus
- aiksaurus-gtk - A GTK+ frontend to aiksaurus
- aiksaurus-gtk-devel - Files for developing with aiksaurus-gtk
- aisleriot - Aisleriot
- akonadi - PIM Storage Service
- akonadi-devel - Developer files for akonadi
- alacarte - menu editor for GNOME
- alchemist - A multi-sourced configuration back-end.
- alchemist-devel - Files needed for developing programs which use alchemist.
- alex - A lexer generator for Haskell
- alien - Install Debian, Slackware, and Stampede packages with rpm
- allegro - A game programming library
- allegro-devel - allegro-devel
- allgeyer-fonts-common - Common files for MusiSync and MusiQwik fonts (documentation...)
- allgeyer-musiqwik-fonts - A musical notation font family intended for writing lines of actual music
- allgeyer-musisync-fonts - A musical notation font family that provides general musical decorations
- alsa-firmware - Firmware for several ALSA-supported sound cards
- alsa-lib - Advanced Linux Sound Architecture (ALSA) - Library
- alsa-lib-devel - Static libraries and header files from the ALSA library.
- alsa-plugins-a52 - A52 compressed stream plugin for ALSA
- alsa-plugins-arcamav - Arcam AV amplifier plugin for ALSA
- alsa-plugins-jack - Jack PCM output plugin for ALSA
- alsa-plugins-lavcrate - External rate converter using libavcodec's resampler plugin for ALSA
- alsa-plugins-maemo - Maemo plugin for ALSA
- alsa-plugins-oss - Oss PCM output plugin for ALSA
- alsa-plugins-pulseaudio - Alsa to PulseAudio backend
- alsa-plugins-samplerate - External rate converter using libsamplerate plugin for ALSA
- alsa-plugins-speex - Speex preprocess plugin for ALSA
- alsa-plugins-upmix - Upmixer channel expander plugin for ALSA
- alsa-plugins-usbstream - USB stream plugin for ALSA
- alsa-plugins-vdownmix - Downmixer to stereo plugin for ALSA
- alsa-tools - Specialist tools for ALSA
- alsa-tools-firmware - ALSA tools for uploading firmware to some soundcards
- alsa-utils - Advanced Linux Sound Architecture (ALSA) utilities
- alsaplayer - A advanced, graphical PCM audio player
- alsaplayer-devel - Files needed for building applications with libalsaplayer
- altermime - Alter MIME-encoded mailpacks
- alure - Audio Library Tools REloaded
- alure-devel - Development files for alure
- amanda - A network-capable tape backup solution
- amanda-client - The client component of the AMANDA tape backup system
- amanda-server - The server side of the AMANDA tape backup system
- amarok - A Powerful Media Player For KDE
- amarok-libs - Shared runtime libraries of amarok
- amavisd-new - Email filter with virus scanner and spamassassin support
- amavisd-new-snmp - Exports amavisd SNMP data
- amor - small animation which sits on top of your active window
- anaconda - Graphical system installer
- anaconda-dracut - The anaconda dracut module
- anaconda-widgets - A set of custom GTK+ widgets for use with anaconda
- anaconda-widgets-devel - Development files for anaconda-widgets
- analitza - Library of mathematical features
- analitza-devel - Developer files for analitza
- anjuta - GNOME IDE for various programming languages (including C/C++, Python, Vala and JavaScript)
- anjuta-devel - Development files for anjuta
- anjuta-extras - anjuta-plugins
- anki - Flashcard program for using space repetition learning
- ant - Ant build tool for java
- ant-antlr - Optional antlr tasks for ant
- ant-apache-bcel - Optional apache bcel tasks for ant
- ant-apache-bsf - Optional apache bsf tasks for ant
- ant-apache-log4j - Optional apache log4j tasks for ant
- ant-apache-oro - Optional apache oro tasks for ant
- ant-apache-regexp - Optional apache regexp tasks for ant
- ant-apache-resolver - Optional apache resolver tasks for ant
- ant-commons-logging - Optional commons logging tasks for ant
- ant-commons-net - Optional commons net tasks for ant
- ant-contrib - Collection of tasks for Ant
- ant-contrib-javadoc - Javadoc for ant-contrib
- ant-findbugs - Ant task for findbugs
- ant-javadoc - Javadoc for ant
- ant-javamail - Optional javamail tasks for ant
- ant-jdepend - Optional jdepend tasks for ant
- ant-jmf - Optional jmf tasks for ant
- ant-jsch - Optional jsch tasks for ant
- ant-junit - Optional junit tasks for ant
- ant-manual - Manual for ant
- ant-nodeps - Optional tasks for ant
- ant-scripts - Additional scripts for ant
- ant-swing - Optional swing tasks for ant
- ant-trax - Optional trax tasks for ant
- anthy - A Japanese character input system library (with dictionary)
- anthy-devel - Headers of anthy for development
- antlr-C++ - C++ bindings for antlr2 generated parsers
- antlr-C++-doc - Documentation for C++ bindings for antlr2 generated parsers
- antlr-javadoc - Javadoc for antlr
- antlr-manual - Manual for antlr
- antlr-python - Python runtime support for ANTLR-generated parsers
- antlr-tool - ANother Tool for Language Recognition
- antlr3-C - C run-time support for ANTLR-generated parsers
- antlr3-C-devel - Header files for the C bindings for ANTLR-generated parsers
- antlr3-C-docs - API documentation for the C run-time support for ANTLR-generated parsers
- antlr3-gunit - Gunit is a unit testing framework for ANTLR grammars
- antlr3-java - Java run-time support for ANTLR-generated parsers
- antlr3-javascript - Javascript run-time support for ANTLR-generated parsers
- antlr3-python - Python run-time support for ANTLR-generated parsers
- antlr3-tool - ANother Tool for Language Recognition
- anyremote - Remote control through bluetooth or IR connection
- anyremote-data - Configuration files for anyRemote
- anyremote-doc - Documentation for anyRemote
- apache-ivy - Java-based dependency manager
- apache-ivy-javadoc - API Documentation for ivy
- apache-resource-bundles - Apache Resource Bundles
- apachetop - A top-like display of Apache logs
- apanov-edrip-fonts - A decorative contrast sans-serif font
- apanov-heuristica-fonts - Heuristica font
- apg - Automated Password Generator for random password generation
- aplus-fsf - Advanced APL interpreter with s interface
- aplus-fsf-KAPL-fonts - TrueType fonts for the Advanced APL Interpreter
- aplus-fsf-devel - Header files from the A+ environment
- apmd - Advanced Power Management (APM) BIOS utilities for laptops.
- apmd-sysvinit - SysV initscript for apmd daemon
- appdata-tools - Tools for AppData files
- apper - KDE interface for PackageKit
- appframework - Swing Application Framework
- appframework-javadoc - Javadoc for appframework
- appstream - Utilities to generate, maintain and access the AppStream Xapian database
- appstream-data - Fedora AppStream metadata
- appstream-devel - Development files for appstream
- appstream-qt - Qt bindings for appstream
- appstream-qt-devel - Development files for appstream-qt bindings
- appstream-vala - Vala bindings for appstream
- apr - Apache Portable Runtime library
- apr-devel - APR library development kit
- apr-util - Apache Portable Runtime Utility library
- apr-util-bdb - APR utility library Berkeley DB driver
- apr-util-devel - APR utility library development kit
- apr-util-freetds - APR utility library FreeTDS DBD driver
- apr-util-ldap - APR utility library LDAP support
- apr-util-mysql - APR utility library MySQL DBD driver
- apr-util-nss - APR utility library NSS crytpo support
- apr-util-odbc - APR utility library ODBC DBD driver
- apr-util-openssl - APR utility library OpenSSL crytpo support
- apr-util-pgsql - APR utility library PostgreSQL DBD driver
- apr-util-sqlite - APR utility library SQLite DBD driver
- aqbanking - A library for online banking functions and financial data import/export
- aqbanking-devel - Development headers for Aqbanking
- aqsis - Open source RenderMan-compliant 3D rendering solution
- aqsis-core - Core binaries for Aqsis
- aqsis-data - Example content for Aqsis
- aqsis-devel - Development files for Aqsis
- aqsis-libs - Libraries for aqsis
- aqute-bndlib - BND Library
- aqute-bndlib-javadoc - Javadoc for aqute-bndlib
- ar9170-firmware - Firmware for Atheros AR9170 wireless network adapters
- ardour - Professional multitrack audio recording application
- argyllcms - ICC compatible color management system
- aria2 - High speed download utility with resuming and segmented downloading
- arj - Archiver for .arj files
- ark - Archive manager
- ark-libs - Runtime libraries for ark
- armagetronad - A multiplayer OpenGL 'Tron' racing game clone
- armagetronad-moviepack - Extra graphics and sounds to give armagetron the real 'Tron' look.
- arora - A cross platform web browser
- arpack - Fortran77 subroutines for solving large scale eigenvalue problems
- arpack-devel - Files needed for developing arpack based applications
- arpack-static - Static library for developing arpack based applications
- arpwatch - Network monitoring tools for tracking IP addresses on a network
- artikulate - A language learning application
- arts - aRts (analog realtime synthesizer) - the KDE sound system
- arts-artsc - Client library for the aRts sound server
- arts-artsc-devel - Client library for the aRts sound server
- arts-devel - Development files for the aRts sound server
- arts-gmcop - gmcop library for the aRts sound server
- artwiz-aleczapka-anorexia-fonts - Anorexia font in Artwiz family
- artwiz-aleczapka-aqui-fonts - Aqui font in Artwiz family
- artwiz-aleczapka-cure-fonts - Cure font in Artwiz family
- artwiz-aleczapka-drift-fonts - Drift font in Artwiz family
- artwiz-aleczapka-edges-fonts - Edges font in Artwiz family
- artwiz-aleczapka-fkp-fonts - Fkp font in Artwiz family
- artwiz-aleczapka-fonts - Very small futuristic font family
- artwiz-aleczapka-fonts-common - Common files for Artwiz Aleczapka fonts (documentation...)
- artwiz-aleczapka-gelly-fonts - Gelly font in Artwiz family
- artwiz-aleczapka-glisp-fonts - Glisp fonts in Artwiz family
- artwiz-aleczapka-kates-fonts - Kates font in Artwiz family
- artwiz-aleczapka-lime-fonts - Lime font in Artwiz family
- artwiz-aleczapka-mints-mild-fonts - Mints Mild font in Artwiz family
- artwiz-aleczapka-mints-strong-fonts - Mints Strong font in Artwiz family
- artwiz-aleczapka-nu-fonts - Nu font in Artwiz family
- artwiz-aleczapka-smoothansi-fonts - Smoothansi font in Artwiz family
- artwiz-aleczapka-snap-fonts - Snap font in Artwiz family
- asana-math-fonts - An OpenType font with a MATH table
- asciidoc - Tool to convert AsciiDoc text files to DocBook, HTML or Unix man pages
- asm2 - A code manipulation tool to implement adaptable systems
- asm2-demo - Examples for asm2
- asm2-javadoc - Javadoc for asm2
- asm2-manual - Documents for asm2
- aspell - Spell checker
- aspell-af - Afrikaans dictionaries for Aspell
- aspell-ar - Arabic dictionary for Aspell
- aspell-bg - Bulgarian dictionaries for Aspell
- aspell-bn - GNU Aspell Bengali Dictionary Package
- aspell-br - Breton dictionaries for Aspell
- aspell-ca - Catalan dictionaries for Aspell
- aspell-cs - Czech dictionaries for Aspell
- aspell-cy - Welsh dictionaries for Aspell
- aspell-da - Danish dictionaries for Aspell
- aspell-de - German dictionaries for Aspell
- aspell-devel - Libraries and header files for Aspell development
- aspell-el - Greek dictionaries for Aspell
- aspell-en - English dictionaries for Aspell
- aspell-es - Spanish dictionaries for Aspell
- aspell-fo - Faeroese dictionaries for Aspell
- aspell-fr - French dictionaries for Aspell
- aspell-ga - Irish dictionaries for Aspell
- aspell-gd - Gaelic dictionaries for Aspell
- aspell-gl - Galician dictionaries for Aspell
- aspell-gu - GNU Aspell Gujarati Dictionary Package
- aspell-he - Hebrew dictionary for Aspell
- aspell-hi - GNU Aspell Hindi Dictionary Package
- aspell-hr - Croatian dictionaries for Aspell
- aspell-id - Indonesian dictionaries for Aspell
- aspell-is - Icelandic dictionaries for Aspell
- aspell-it - Italian dictionaries for Aspell
- aspell-ml - GNU Aspell Malayalam Dictionary Package
- aspell-mr - GNU Aspell Marathi Dictionary Package
- aspell-nl - Dutch dictionaries for Aspell
- aspell-no - Norwegian dictionaries for Aspell
- aspell-or - GNU Aspell Oriya Dictionary Package
- aspell-pa - GNU Aspell Punjabi Dictionary Package
- aspell-pl - Polish dictionaries for Aspell
- aspell-pt - Portuguese dictionaries for Aspell
- aspell-ru - Russian dictionaries for Aspell
- aspell-sk - Slovak dictionaries for Aspell
- aspell-sl - Slovenian dictionaries for Aspell
- aspell-sr - Serbian dictionaries for Aspell
- aspell-sv - Swedish dictionaries for Aspell
- aspell-ta - GNU Aspell Tamil Dictionary Package
- aspell-te - GNU Aspell Telugu Dictionary Package
- astyle - Source code formatter for C-like programming languages
- at - Job spooling tools.
- at-spi - Assistive Technology Service Provider Interface
- at-spi-devel - Development libraries and headers for at-spi
- at-spi2-atk - A GTK+ module that bridges ATK to D-Bus at-spi
- at-spi2-atk-devel - A GTK+ module that bridges ATK to D-Bus at-spi
- at-spi2-core - Protocol definitions and daemon for D-Bus at-spi
- at-spi2-core-devel - Development files and headers for at-spi2-core
- at-sysvinit - SysV init script for at
- atk - Interfaces for accessibility support
- atk-devel - Development files for the ATK accessibility toolkit
- atkmm - This is atkmm, a C++ API for Atk.
- atkmm-devel - atkmm-devel
- atlas - Automatically Tuned Linear Algebra Software
- atlas-devel - Development libraries for ATLAS
- atlas-devel-common - Common development headers for ATLAS
- atlas-sse3 - ATLAS libraries for SSE3 extensions
- atlas-sse3-devel - Development libraries for ATLAS with SSE3 extensions
- atmel-firmware - Firmware for Atmel at76c50x wireless network chips
- atril - Document viewer
- atril-caja - Mate-document-viewer extension for caja
- atril-devel - Support for developing back-ends for the mate-document-viewer
- atril-libs - Libraries for the mate-document-viewer
- attica - Open Collaboration Service client library
- attica-devel - Open Collaboration Service client library - development files
- attr - Utilities for managing filesystem extended attributes
- aubio - A library for audio labelling
- aubio-devel - Header files and static libraries from aubio
- audacious - A GTK2 based media player similar to xmms
- audacious-devel - Development files for Audacious
- audacious-libs - Library files for Audacious
- audacious-plugins - Plugins for the Audacious media player
- audacious-plugins-exotic - Optional niche market plugins for Audacious
- audacious-plugins-jack - Audacious output plugin for JACK sound service
- audacity - Audacity is a free audio editor
- audiocd-kio - Audiocd kio slave
- audiocd-kio-devel - Development files for audiocd-kio
- audiocd-kio-libs - Runtime libraries for audiocd-kio
- audiofile - A library for accessing various audio file formats
- audiofile-devel - Libraries, includes and other files to develop audiofile applications.
- audiokonverter - audio file converter for Konqueror
- audispd-plugins - Plugins for the audit event dispatcher
- audit - User space tools for 2.6 kernel auditing
- audit-libs - Dynamic library for libaudit
- audit-libs-devel - Header files and static library for libaudit
- audit-libs-python - Python bindings for libaudit
- audit-libs-python3 - Python3 bindings for libaudit
- augeas - A library for changing configuration files
- augeas-devel - Development files for augeas
- augeas-libs - Libraries for augeas
- aumix - An ncurses-based audio mixer
- authconfig - Command line tool for setting up authentication from network services
- authconfig-gtk - Graphical tool for setting up authentication from network services
- authd - A RFC 1413 ident protocol daemon
- auto-buildrequires - Work out BuildRequires for rpmbuild automatically
- autoconf - A GNU tool for automatically configuring source code
- autoconf-archive - M4 macros for autoconf.
- autoconf213 - A GNU tool for automatically configuring source code.
- autocorr-af - Afrikaans autocorrection rules
- autocorr-bg - Bulgarian autocorrection rules
- autocorr-cs - Czech autocorrection rules
- autocorr-da - Danish autocorrection rules
- autocorr-de - German autocorrection rules
- autocorr-en - English autocorrection rules
- autocorr-es - Spanish autocorrection rules
- autocorr-eu - Basque autocorrection rules
- autocorr-fa - Farsi autocorrection rules
- autocorr-fi - Finnish autocorrection rules
- autocorr-fr - French autocorrection rules
- autocorr-ga - Irish autocorrection rules
- autocorr-hr - Croatian autocorrection rules
- autocorr-hu - Hungarian autocorrection rules
- autocorr-it - Italian autocorrection rules
- autocorr-ja - Japanese autocorrection rules
- autocorr-ko - Korean autocorrection rules
- autocorr-lb - Luxembourgish autocorrection rules
- autocorr-lt - Lithuanian autocorrection rules
- autocorr-mn - Mongolian autocorrection rules
- autocorr-nl - Dutch autocorrection rules
- autocorr-pl - Polish autocorrection rules
- autocorr-pt - Portuguese autocorrection rules
- autocorr-ru - Russian autocorrection rules
- autocorr-sk - Slovak autocorrection rules
- autocorr-sl - Slovenian autocorrection rules
- autocorr-sr - Serbian autocorrection rules
- autocorr-sv - Swedish autocorrection rules
- autocorr-tr - Turkish autocorrection rules
- autocorr-vi - Vietnamese autocorrection rules
- autocorr-zh - Chinese autocorrection rules
- autodir - Autodir creates home, group directories for LDAP/NIS/SQL/local Unix accounts transparently
- autofs - A tool for automatically mounting and unmounting filesystems
- autogen - The Automated Text and Program Generation Tool
- autogen-devel - The Automated Text and Program Generation Tool
- automake - A GNU tool for automatically creating Makefiles.
- automake14 - A GNU tool for automatically creating Makefiles
- automake15 - A GNU tool for automatically creating Makefiles
- automake16 - A GNU tool for automatically creating Makefiles
- automake17 - A GNU tool for automatically creating Makefiles
- automake19 - A GNU tool for automatically creating Makefiles
- automoc - KDE4 automoc
- autossh - automatically restart SSH sessions and tunnels
- autotrace - Program for converting bitmaps to vector graphics
- autotrace-devel - Header filess and static libraries for autotrace development.
- avahi - multicast dns network service discovery library
- avahi-autoipd - Link-local IPv4 address automatic configuration daemon (IPv4LL)
- avahi-compat-howl - Libraries for howl compatibility
- avahi-compat-howl-devel - Header files for development with the howl compatibility libraries
- avahi-compat-libdns_sd - Libraries for Apple Bonjour mDNSResponder compatibility
- avahi-compat-libdns_sd-devel - Header files for the Apple Bonjour mDNSResponder compatibility libraries
- avahi-devel - Libraries and header files for avahi development
- avahi-dnsconfd - Configure local unicast DNS settings based on information published in mDNS
- avahi-glib - Glib libraies for avahi
- avahi-glib-devel - Libraries and header files for avahi-glib development
- avahi-gobject - GObject wrapper library for Avahi
- avahi-gobject-devel - Libraries and header files for Avahi GObject development
- avahi-libs - Libraries for avahi run-time use
- avahi-qt3 - Qt3 libraries for avahi
- avahi-qt3-devel - Libraries and header files for avahi Qt3 development
- avahi-qt4 - Qt4 libraries for avahi
- avahi-qt4-devel - Libraries and header files for avahi Qt4 development
- avahi-sharp - Mono language bindings for avahi mono development
- avahi-tools - Command line tools for mDNS browsing and publishing
- avahi-ui - Gtk user interface library for Avahi (Gtk+ 2 version)
- avahi-ui-devel - Libraries and header files for Avahi UI development
- avahi-ui-gtk3 - Gtk user interface library for Avahi (Gtk+ 3 version)
- avahi-ui-sharp - Mono language bindings for avahi-ui
- avahi-ui-sharp-devel - Mono language bindings for developing with avahi-ui
- avahi-ui-tools - UI tools for mDNS browsing
- avalon-framework - Java components interfaces
- avalon-framework-javadoc - Javadoc for avalon-framework
- avalon-framework-manual - Manual for avalon-framework
- avalon-logkit - Java logging toolkit
- avalon-logkit-javadoc - Javadoc for avalon-logkit
- avidemux - Video processing tool
- avogadro - An advanced molecular editor for chemical purposes
- avogadro-devel - Development files for Avogadro
- avogadro-libs - Shared libraries for Avogadro
- awesome - Highly configurable, framework window manager for X. Fast, light and extensible
- awesome-doc - API doc files
- awstats - Web/Mail/FTP log analyzer written by perl
- axis - A SOAP implementation in Java
- axis-javadoc - Javadoc for axis
- axis-manual - Manual for axis