Letter D
Packages beginning with letter "D".
- Django - A high-level Python Web framework
- Django-doc - Documentation for Django
- dap-freeform_handler - FreeForm data handler for the OPeNDAP Data server
- dap-hdf4_handler - HDF4 data handler for the OPeNDAP Data server
- dap-netcdf_handler - NetCDF 3 data handler for the OPeNDAP Data server
- dap-server - Basic request handling for OPeNDAP servers
- dar - Disk ARchive
- dar-devel - Header files and libraries for a development with dar
- darcs - David's advanced revision control system
- darcs-doc - David's advanced revision control system Server
- darcs-server - David's advanced revision control system Server
- darkgarden-fonts - Dark Garden is a decorative outline font of unusual shape
- darts - Double ARray Trie System
- dash - Small and fast POSIX-compliant shell
- dasher - Zooming predictive text entry system
- db4 - The Berkeley DB database library (version 4) for C
- db4-cxx - The Berkeley DB database library (version 4) for C++
- db4-devel - C development files for the Berkeley DB (version 4) library
- db4-devel-static - Berkeley DB (version 4) static libraries
- db4-tcl - Development files for using the Berkeley DB (version 4) with tcl
- db4-utils - Command line tools for managing Berkeley DB (version 4) databases
- dbench - Filesystem load benchmarking tool
- dbh - Disk based hash library
- dbh-devel - Header files for disk based hash library
- dblatex - DocBook to LaTeX/ConTeXt Publishing
- dbskkd-cdb - A dictionary server for the SKK Japanese input method system
- dbus - D-BUS message bus
- dbus-broker - Linux D-Bus Message Broker
- dbus-c++ - Native C++ bindings for D-Bus
- dbus-c++-devel - Development files for dbus-c++
- dbus-cxx - C++ bindings for the DBus library
- dbus-cxx-devel - C++ development headers for dbus-cxx
- dbus-cxx-doc - Developer's documentation for the dbus-cxx library
- dbus-cxx-glibmm - Adds support to dbus-cxx (C++ bindings for dbus) for glibmm integration
- dbus-cxx-glibmm-devel - Headers for developing programs that will use dbus-cxx-glibmm
- dbus-cxx-tools - Tools to support dbus-cxx application development
- dbus-devel - Libraries and headers for D-BUS
- dbus-doc - Developer documentation for D-BUS
- dbus-glib - D-BUS message bus glib
- dbus-glib-devel - D-BUS message bus glib devel
- dbus-libs - Libraries for accessing D-BUS
- dbus-python - D-BUS message bus python
- dbus-python-devel - dbus-python devel
- dbus-qt - D-BUS message bus qt
- dbus-qt-devel - D-BUS message bus qt devel
- dbus-qt3 - Qt3 DBus Bindings
- dbus-qt3-devel - Development files for dbus-qt3
- dbus-sharp - C# bindings for D-Bus
- dbus-sharp-devel - Development files for D-Bus Sharp
- dbus-sharp-glib - C# bindings for D-Bus glib main loop integration
- dbus-sharp-glib-devel - Development files for D-Bus Sharp
- dbus-tests - Tests for the dbus package
- dbus-x11 - X11-requiring add-ons for D-BUS
- dbusmenu-glib - Library for applications to pass a menu scructure accross DBus
- dbusmenu-glib-devel - Library headers for libdbusmenu
- dbusmenu-gtk - Library for applications to pass a menu scructure accross DBus
- dbusmenu-gtk-devel - Library headers for dbusmenu
- dbusmenu-gtk3 - Library for applications to pass a menu scructure accross DBus
- dbusmenu-gtk3-devel - Library headers for dbusmenu
- dbusmenu-jsonloader - Library for applications to pass a menu scructure accross DBus
- dbusmenu-jsonloader-devel - Library headers for dbusmenu
- dbusmenu-qt - A Qt implementation of the DBusMenu protocol
- dbusmenu-qt-devel - Development files for dbusmenu-qt
- dconf - A configuration system
- dconf-devel - Header files and libraries for dconf development
- dconf-editor - Configuration editor for dconf
- dcraw - Reads the raw image formats of more than 300 digital cameras
- dcraw-gimp - A GIMP plug-in to load raw files of digital cameras
- ddclient - ddclient is a Perl client for updating DynDNS information
- ddd - A GUI for several command-line debuggers
- debugmode - Scripts for running in debugging mode
- dee - Model to synchronize multiple instances over DBus
- dee-devel - Development files for dee
- deja-dup - Simple backup tool and frontend for duplicity
- dejagnu - A front end for testing other programs.
- dejavu-fonts-common - Common files for the Dejavu font set
- dejavu-lgc-sans-fonts - Variable-width sans-serif font faces, Latin-Greek-Cyrillic subset
- dejavu-lgc-sans-mono-fonts - Monospace sans-serif font faces, Latin-Greek-Cyrillic subset
- dejavu-lgc-serif-fonts - Variable-width serif font faces, Latin-Greek-Cyrillic subset
- dejavu-sans-fonts - Variable-width sans-serif font faces
- dejavu-sans-mono-fonts - Monospace sans-serif font faces
- dejavu-serif-fonts - Variable-width serif font faces
- deltaiso - Create deltas between isos containing rpms
- deltarpm - Create deltas between rpms
- denemo - Graphical music notation program
- denemo-music-fonts - Music notation fonts used in Denemo
- desktop-backgrounds-basic - Desktop backgrounds
- desktop-backgrounds-waves - Desktop backgrounds for the Waves theme
- desktop-effects - Switch GNOME window management and effects
- desktop-file-utils - Utilities for manipulating .desktop files
- desktopcouch - A CouchDB instance on every desktop
- desktopcouch-tools - Tools for desktopcouch
- dev86 - A real mode 80x86 assembler and linker
- devhelp - API document browser
- devhelp-devel - Library to embed Devhelp in other applications.
- device-mapper - Device mapper utility
- device-mapper-devel - Development libraries and headers for device-mapper
- device-mapper-event - Device-mapper event daemon
- device-mapper-event-devel - Development libraries and headers for the device-mapper event daemon
- device-mapper-event-libs - Device-mapper event daemon shared library
- device-mapper-libs - Device-mapper shared library
- device-mapper-multipath - Tools to manage multipath devices using device-mapper
- device-mapper-multipath-libs - The device-mapper-multipath modules and shared library
- device-mapper-multipath-sysvinit - SysV init script for device-mapper-multipath
- devilspie - A window matching tool inspired by the Matched Window options in Sawfish
- dhclient - Provides the ISC DHCP client daemon and dhclient-script
- dhcp - Dynamic host configuration protocol software
- dhcp-common - Common files used by ISC dhcp client and server
- dhcp-devel - Development headers and libraries for interfacing to the DHCP server
- dhcp-devel-doc - Developer's Guide for ISC DHCP
- dhcp-libs - Shared libraries used by ISC dhcp client and server
- dhid - DHIS client daemon
- dia - A gtk+1 based diagram creation program
- dialog - A utility for creating TTY dialog boxes.
- dict - DICT Protocol Client
- dict-wn - WordNet lexical reference system formatted as dictionary for dictd
- dictconv - Dictionary Converter
- dictd - Dictionary database server
- dictfmt - dictfmt utility to convert databases in various formats into dict format
- dictzip - Compress (or expand) files, allowing random access
- dietlibc - Small libc implementation
- dietlibc-devel - dietlibc development files
- dietlibc-header - dietlibc header files
- diffstat - A utility which provides statistics based on the output of diff.
- diffutils - A GNU collection of diff utilities.
- digikam - GPhoto2 KDE4 frontend
- digikam-devel - Header files and development libraries from digikam
- digikam-doc - Documentation for digikam
- digikam-libs - Shared runtime libraries of digikam
- dirac - Dirac is an open source video codec
- dirac-devel - Development files for dirac
- dirac-docs - Documentation for dirac
- dirac-libs - Libraries for dirac
- directory-naming - Apache Directory Naming Component
- dirmngr - X509/LDAP certificate and revocation list client
- disktype - Detect the content format of a disk or disk image
- distcc - a free distributed C/C++ compiler system
- distcc-gnome - distributed C/C++ compiler monitor for gnome
- distcc-server - distributed C/C++ compiler server
- djvulibre - DjVu viewers, encoders and utilities
- djvulibre-devel - Development files for DjVuLibre
- djvulibre-libs - Library files for DjVuLibre
- dkms - Dynamic Kernel Module Support Framework
- dlm - dlm control daemon and tool
- dlm-devel - Development files for dlm
- dlm-lib - Library for dlm
- dmapi - Data Management API runtime environment.
- dmapi-devel - Data Management API static libraries and headers.
- dmidecode - Tool to analyse BIOS DMI data
- dmraid - Device-mapper RAID tool and library
- dmraid-devel - Development libraries and headers for dmraid.
- dmraid-events - dmevent_tool (Device-mapper event tool) and DSO
- dmraid-events-logwatch - dmraid logwatch-based email reporting
- dmz-cursor-themes - X cursors themes
- dnf - Package manager forked from Yum, using libsolv as a dependency resolver
- dnsmasq - A lightweight DHCP/caching DNS server
- dnsperf - Benchmarking authorative and recursing DNS servers
- dnssec-check - A tool to check DNSSEC capabilities of the local DNS resolvers
- dnssec-nodes - DNS Visualization Tool
- dnssec-system-tray - System Tray for monitoring log files for DNSSEC errors
- dnssec-tools - A suite of tools for managing dnssec aware DNS usage
- dnssec-tools-libs - C-based libraries for dnssec aware tools
- dnssec-tools-libs-devel - C-based development libraries for dnssec aware tools
- dnssec-tools-perlmods - Perl modules supporting DNSSEC (needed by the dnssec-tools)
- dnssec-trigger - NetworkManager plugin to update/reconfigure DNSSEC resolving
- dnstracer - Trace a DNS record to its start of authority
- dnswalk - The dnswalk DNS database debugger
- docbook-dtds - SGML and XML document type definitions for DocBook.
- docbook-simple - Simplified DocBook is a small subset of the DocBook XML DTD.
- docbook-slides - DocBook Slides document type and stylesheets
- docbook-style-dsssl - Norman Walsh's modular stylesheets for DocBook.
- docbook-style-xsl - Norman Walsh's XSL stylesheets for DocBook XML
- docbook-utils - Shell scripts for managing DocBook documents.
- docbook-utils-pdf - A script for converting DocBook documents to PDF format.
- docbook2X - Convert docbook into man and Texinfo
- docbook5-style-xsl - Norman Walsh's XSL stylesheets for DocBook 5.X
- dogtail - GUI test tool and automation framework
- dolphin - KDE File Manager
- dolphin-libs - Dolphin runtime libraries
- dolphin-plugins - Dolphin plugins
- dom4j - Open Source XML framework for Java
- dom4j-demo - Samples for dom4j
- dom4j-javadoc - Javadoc for dom4j
- dom4j-manual - Manual for dom4j
- donkey - Donkey is an alternative for S/KEY's "key" command.
- dos2unix - Text file format converter
- dosfstools - Utilities for making and checking MS-DOS FAT filesystems on Linux
- dotconf - Libraries to parse configuration files
- dotconf-devel - Development files for dotconf
- dovecot - Secure imap and pop3 server
- dovecot-devel - Development files for dovecot
- dovecot-mysql - MySQL back end for dovecot
- dovecot-pgsql - Postgres SQL back end for dovecot
- dovecot-pigeonhole - Sieve and managesieve plug-in for dovecot
- doxygen - A documentation system for C and C++.
- doxygen-doxywizard - a GUI front-end for creating and editing configuration files
- dracut - Initramfs generator using udev
- dracut-caps - Dracut modules to build a dracut initramfs which drops capabilities
- dracut-fips - Dracut modules to build a dracut initramfs with an integrity check
- dracut-fips-aesni - Dracut modules to build a dracut initramfs with an integrity check with aesni-intel
- dracut-network - Dracut modules to build a dracut initramfs with network support
- dracut-tools - Dracut tools to build the local initramfs
- dragon - Media player
- drpmsync - Sync a file tree with deltarpms
- drumstick - C++/Qt4 wrapper around the ALSA library sequencer interface
- drumstick-devel - Developer files for drumstick
- drumstick-examples - Example programs for drumstick
- drupal - An open-source content-management platform
- dssi - Disposable Soft Synth Interface
- dssi-calf-plugins - Calf audio plugin pack for DSSI
- dssi-devel - Header file from dssi
- dssi-examples - DSSI plugin examples
- dstat - Versatile resource statistics tool
- dtc - Device Tree Compiler
- dtdparser - A Java DTD Parser
- dtdparser-javadoc - Javadoc for dtdparser
- dumbster - Fake SMTP Server
- dumbster-javadoc - Javadoc for dumbster
- dump - Programs for backing up and restoring ext2/ext3 filesystems
- duplicity - Encrypted bandwidth-efficient backup using rsync algorithm
- dustin-domestic-manners-fonts - Handwriting font by Dustin Norlander
- dustin-dustismo-fonts-common - Common files for dustin-dustismo-fonts
- dustin-dustismo-roman-fonts - General purpose serif font
- dustin-dustismo-sans-fonts - General purpos sans-serif fonts
- dvd+rw-tools - Toolchain for mastering recordable DVD media
- dvdauthor - DVDAuthor package
- dvdbackup - DVD backup tool
- dvdrip - Graphical DVD ripping and encoding tool based on transcode
- dvdstyler - DVD authoring tool
- dvdwizard - a set of bash-scripts for authoring Video-DVDs
- dvgrab - DV grabber through the FireWire interface
- dwm - A dynamic window manager for X
- dyninst - An API for Run-time Code Generation
- dyninst-devel - Header files for the compiling programs with Dyninst
- dyninst-doc - Documentation for using the Dyninst API
- dyninst-static - Static libraries for the compiling programs with Dyninst
- dyninst-testsuite - Programs for testing Dyninst